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Previous: >>483356976

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Ground invasion officially underway, confirmed by IDF
>Artillery preparation taking place in Lebanon ahead of Israel's ground invasion
>Israel is planning a limited ground operation in Lebanon that could start imminently
>Hezbollah attacks Gesher Haziv, Sa'ar & Cabri with rockets
>Yemen shoots down 11th mq9 drone
>Syrian air defence activated, blasts heard in Damascus
>Iranian Foreign Minister: The elimination of Nasrallah will not go without a response.







>Guide to the Palestinian genocide by israel
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
blessed be the bread
You shall all be beneath me
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Kikes, I thought you controlled Gaza.
thank you baker for the bread
Thanks for the bread bro
They only control like 10%
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Sweet muzzie cope thread
>Kikes, I thought you controlled Gaza.
how about they block all the food and aid they let into gaza and do a proper siege well see how long they "hold" gaza
This is a kike. Do not let this kike bake.
I'll be needing sources for that. As far as I know they pop up everywhere.
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When will Russia intervene to achieve TKD?
It's called circlejerking you seething heeb.
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hizbullah status?
Why are the subhuman poo golems trying to speak to me. I can smell the shit through my screen.
kek, wash your hands after replying to them
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Livestream of the Lebanese border, for anyone interested.
>Subhuman brownoid pretends to be from a civilized european country
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i wasn't going to bake. i'm just notifying you that the current baker just got blown up so a new one is needed.... wait FUCK THE NEW ONE JUST GOT BLOWN UP TOO! FUCK! NEW BAKER NEEDED AGAIN!
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It costs around 72 million dollars every day for the current US naval deployment assuming no usage of aircraft or ordnance.
According to this hezbolla did what I thought was most logical and hit kikes first. I still need confirmation.
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Death to pissrael.
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palestine will be free
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paliniggers eternally BTFO
hezbollah niggers next in line
>Waaah our enemies are killing us!
So this… is the power of Islam.
The diaper force just got repelled on the Lebanese border with losses
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/gpg/ bros
This looks fake and gay, and it probably is.
So do we complain about death or love martyrdom? Make up your mind schizo.
>*kike screeching*
yeah right
Sounds like the kikes are having one of those 'media blackouts' again.
fuck zionists
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Not even Israel of the OT was able to remove the Philistines from the coast. According to the Bible, this was due to God's anger at Israel for their moral corruption and blatant crimes against humanity, including their own people.

kikes keep losing, as always.
I was thinking they were in the shelters again. It's going to be a long day for them
they are on full censorship mode of anything bad happening to israel. it's completely obvious
Bro I don’t give a fuck about that I’m just here to laugh at shitskins seething over yet more brave jihadists getting turned into ground beef.
We shall punish these scum bro
you do both, you beat your sunken inbred chests, get the shit beaten out of you, scream warcrime, get droned and then your cousin says you won by dying
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Allah will judge you when the time comes.
if this is true based ansar allah
Reposting this from earlier so the kikes can't ignore it.
>you live in a city where that could happen to you any time any day
no wonder ziocucks are deserting

-1 hamburger has been added to your bank account.
magic isn't real, drone strikes are
Huh that’s actually pretty bad kikesisters, where’s Iron Dome?
multiple reports of dead IOF on my timeline
You included photos from Damascus dumbass
Jews are equally brown as those jihadists kek
The complete filtration of the western internet is such a staggering human rights transgression in itself. I recommend baidu and yandex. On baidu I found a detailed list of a coups the CIA was involved in for the first time. Much of the filtration is to give the impression we live in peace- no. Every fifth hour your government steals your labor and funds wars with it.
Probably because of this>>483368349
Obviously not my twitter, dumbass.
Pretty sure that's Russian being spoken in the left video and I can't find any other mention of it.
Where's the invincible Iron Dome? Not working? Also holy shit those sirens, I wouldnt be able to live in a place like that. Godspeed, kikes
Trips of truth, kikes are just as brown and inbred as their mudslime cousins
Cho Mohammed was false prophet, a liar get it ?
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There shall be drought in Israel.
There shall be fire upon the mountaintop.
The priests of Baal shall be slain and the whore Jezebel, hated by Jesus, will be trampled into the excrement and her remains fed to the dogs.
Amen, amen.
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Probably from getting their asses kicked on the borders of Lebanon.
>invasion starts
>mudslime shills go on overdrive after being laughed at for 3 weeks
>telling others subhuman
fake thats russia, the houthi faggots are to busy crying victim over their "food aid" port and power stations that got fucked yesterday
Djinn are not all knowing, but Allah is.
I can’t vouch for everyone here but I can’t guarantee you that many of us are simply normal white people enjoy semites (kikes in particular) dying
You severely underestimate the world's hatred for Jews mate, step outside of your bubble every once in a while.
Houthis manufacture missiles in Yemen. I was pretty shocked to learn this, too.

Thanks for the bake "FREN"

Total Islamic Shithole Enema
go back to tel aviv, kike
War criminals being exposed
Let's see what the people in the US do.
Hey bro, hru? Been awhile
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>week two of the special limited terrorist incursion into lebanon
>'we will EXTERMINATE these shitskinned invaders like we could have done at any time, and then we'll finish conquering the west!' *goblin laughter*
>still on the border shelling
You have to go in sometime, moshe. Artillary doesn't take territory. You can't keep the webms from us forever. We WILL see you die, it's only a matter of time. Why so hesitant now? Go and win, like in Gaza!
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>War criminals being exposed
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we WILL get the webms
everyone knows america supports israel, but who is israel's second biggest backer?
BREAKING: Tel Aviv is hit by a second ballistic missile originating from Yemen
i dunno, india?
Britain, obviously
I love these guys so much
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>Go and win, like in Gaza!

OK! lmao
Yes saaar phul saport
Source? Not that I doubt them accomplishing this
Kek, paliniggers turned that shit into a mobile kike oven, the Fhürer would be proud
BREAKING: A number of medium-range rockets were fired from Lebanon by Hezbollah towards areas east of Haifa. Impacts documented east of Haifa in "Kiryat Ata" and near Tamra.
Germoney, easily. We have already sent over 100 billion euros in ((reparations)) and the they are still draining us dry with their holohoax meme
Hostage status?
>Hostage status?
hezbollah command status?
This is what happens to the jew whore that pays you. Did you know that she is the only person in the Bible that Jesus says he specifically hates? Every other sinner on the planet earth receives infinite love and mercy from the Lord, but she is to be hated even from beyond the grave.

She also gets trampled by horses and covered by poo. Jesus KEK'd.
82 billion in 2022, so yeah should be around 100 by now
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>Boo hoo, we are still paying!

Yes, you should fucking pay us too desu, cunt.
What does that have to do with the hostages?
we phul support designated people bludi bonch
this is what our hezbollah brothers are capable of, cant wait to see them in action

>believing the holocaust
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>What does that have to do with the hostages?
Mother of kino
Do you have itty bitty little tissues that fit in your tinky winky little manlet hands to dry those peeps? Can't be using big manly Kleenex ones, you'll simply fly away.
Nobody gives a shit kike, we are whites enjoying watching your kind suffer, we don’t care how many mudslimes have to die in order to kill even a single Jew
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I don't get it. Where's all the kikes getting sniped and blown to pieces? Is that even Gaza??

Also ywnba(nglo) israeli shitskin ;3
Based af
We shall shit every where saar when are masters win
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>Nobody gives a shit kike,
she sure did ahahahahahahha
Pajeets spamming and pretending to laugh for 1 bowl of curry a day. You lost, tranny.
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Also something i just noticed
>star of david as target
Buildings can be rebuilt. Foreskins cannot be regrown.
Blowing up pagers and committing the largest terrorist attack since 9/11/2001 is somehow going to bring home the hostages
Do Hezbollah have a good media team like Hamas? Hoping for some top quality vids
allah is either weak or pathetic or wills israel to exist
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what babytalk bullshit did you just reply to me with? get a grasp on the English language, Ranjeet shudra.
"He who laughs last laughs loudest"
Holy Christ somebody please hang this kike and his entire family by their entrails
Violent clashes erupt at the Adaisseh crossing on the Lebanese border after Hezbollah ambushes the Israeli army.

>Blowing up pagers and committing the largest terrorist attack since 9/11/2001
kek keep seeeething dumb muslim victims, you faggots cant cope that Israel is not giving one fuck anymore and going full total war
They even have a theme tune, they've been uploading videos all year.
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>we don’t care how many mudslimes have to die in order to kill even a single Jew

Spoken like a true piece of muslim shit...
Genuinely looking forward to waking up to grade a kino material of hezbollah exterminating kikes first thing in the morning.
yeah, the people alive laugh at the shitskin cousins yelling martyr
Why are you like this?
What does any of that have to do with the hostages?
He is reserving the wicked for greater punishment and giving them a chance to repent due to his infinite mercy. Samael, however, prevents the children of satan from ever finding redemption. Sad, really.
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allah willed hezbollah to eat shit in under a week and be laughed at by the world
and you still can't win
you're just making your problems worse
Fun fact, the "star of david" is actually a demonic sigil, kikes have been worshiping a baby-eating goat gold nigger god since the very start. There's nothing more satanic and degenerate than judaism.
it definitely feels satanic
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>Why are you like this?
have you spoke to a arab before thats your answer
>What does any of that have to do with the hostages?
calling Israels actions "terrorsit" while asking about hostages KEK you dumb sand monkeys
>and you still can't win
>you're just making your problems worse
F-35 is doing all the winning for me
>Spoken like a true piece of muslim shit...
You need to believe that in order to sleep at night, your little kike mind is terrorized by the thought of white antisemites from the genetic trauma we inflicted upon your cursed kind 80 years ago ahahahah
fuck off caufield cunt
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You have your compensation. This time, there will not be a Son of God to save you from the heat of the great furnace.
pagers killed more than the airforce
>have you spoke to a arab before
No, evidently my country, unlike Australia, isn’t controlled by kikes importing them by the millions

pish patter. try harder for your (you), shudra.
Al-Quds Brigades dedicated their attack on Zionist tanks to Sayyed Hassan

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>the heat of the great furnace.

they only killed like 37, lightly wounding others
For the past few hours, sirens have sounded in several border settlements near Lebanon, indicating that Hezbollah is targeting Israeli army gatherings in these areas. According to Lebanese sources, despite the Israeli army's announcement, there is still no invasion yet.
The world is noooticing that you niggers are just worthless criminals, anyone who is not a boomer or a retarded evangelist wants you to die.
Diaper force sisters…
>all these shill posts
The best indicator that israel is losing
>Why are you like this?
Judaism allows and promotes homosexuality, he's a homo defending his enablers
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>Diaper force sisters…
>no invasion yet
jizzrael is just playing PR games, it's pathetic
>still no invasion
>people are making fun of us, that means were winning
very iranian of you
If you wouldn't mind, saar :)

>Till the last mutt
well that should tell you how bad they are and why im siding with based Bibi
>fuck off caufield cunt
dont you got a arab victim protest in the CBD to join?
>The world is noooticing that you niggers are just worthless criminals,
keep crying you faggots arab shills are so mad today as you all kept coping that Israel was to scared to invade now they did you are all on sucide watch KEK
jizzrael needs the US now, there's no other way to have a chance
Making fun for what? Meanwhile the kike's disgusting behavior has reached the eyes of millions of people worldwide as they are scrambling to reach any of their objectives. Israel will cease to exist even before this decade ends, I promise you that
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mudshits losing (again)

Movement of US 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) Special Operations Capable (SOC) from the USS Wasp to Hamat Air Base in northern Lebanon.
based german gets it
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those'r trips
have another for the qualityposting anon
I love how kiketrannies try to force the "Hezbollah is terrorist" narrative, when Hezbollah was created with the one and single purpose of preventing kikes from invading lebanon.
If a thug breaks into your house and you kill him, are you a terrorist? Is this the logic those trannies want to communicate? Kek
I get it, you're a homo, defending your homo-enablers
What a fag
it's what they've been trying to do for years.
more rocket alerts just now all in a straight line. Is israel just lining up what the actual fuck lmao. They're trying their best to lose fast before the election so they get bailed out and its going to work lmao.
What kind of combat footage can we expect from the 3rd Lebanon war?
Can we even expect to see any? There’s a shit ton from Ukraine for example
I know Hamas posts a bunch and the IDF posts some from time to time
>well that should tell you how bad they are and why im siding with based Bibi
>We must side with the Jews who imported the sandniggers into our countries in order to destroy them

I can’t, this level of retardation is unparalleled, hopefully someone will have you euthanized you poor dumb bastard
we still be spoilt for choice
stupid fucking shitskin niggers
Thanks fren, seeing kikes burning is always a pleasure
wahhhhh wahhhhhhhh you must support dirty sand monkeys that hate you
>We must side with the Jews who imported the sandniggers into our countries in order to destroy them
Good accelerate it
>Stand 20 ft in front of a target and magdump an LMG into it, missing most of the shots

literally nig tier
Let’s see
I’m mostly interested in Hezbollahs POV; not because I’m supporting them but because they’re going to have their work cut out for them
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>kill all of hezbollahs commanders
>rockets are still firing daily, hundred thousand displaced israeli in the north, hostages still not rescued
>out of options and desperation, you force an invasion against a milita that is basically hamas on steroids keeping you from stepping foot into lebanon
And the most pathetic part? You are this weak despite being the world's biggest leechers subsisting on US and Germony gibs since the inception of your fake state.
I was watching the border stream earlier today, the sirens went off and then all the incoming were intercepted and life went on as normal.
I'm lebanese and wondered to myself why my home country doesn't have something which can stop planes and rockets etc? I was discussing this with people at my mosque, we were all filled with revelation when asking 'instead of just dying and becoming martyrs, why didn't we have this advanced technology?'. A brother said to me 'If He wanted us to live under this magics and sorcery He would gift it to us' and I understood now why all muslims must accept the gift of death, better than jewish magics and 'science'.

I stand with my brothers and sisters in my motherland, I know you will battle hard and many will die from bombs and starvation. YOU MUST BE STRONG! anyway I go now to enjoy coffee and sweets in this disgusting kafir city of sydney which I hate so much!!
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>Israel relies on its intelligence, air force, and cyber personnel to engage in combat. They avoid sending ground troops in because they don't have a real military, it's all just reservists
>If Hezbollah and Iran can keep up the pressure with missiles, eventually Netanyahu will be ousted and it's unlikely they can sustain a ground occupation of Lebanon

Is he right? Don't bother replying to me if you're a kike btw, I have all jewish flags filtered
Hezbollah has amazing propaganda and footage of their operations and have for the past year. And that’s when they’re kilometers away from the enemy. The footage coming out of this will be pristine.
>And the most pathetic part? You are this weak despite being the world's biggest leechers subsisting on US and Germony gibs since the inception of your fake state.
hey dumb sand monkey let me help your cope you forgot to mention the drone that got shot down and how USA manufactuing will never be able to recover from it and how it was $30m and broke the budget of the USA and aliies in the region
yes that's basically what i think too
>beaner having a meltdown

Kek many such cases.
I know they do, you are the only thing keeping them alive. Yet they look down on you. Just come here and see how those ungrateful rats talk about the US.
During netanyahu's speech in the US congress, he announced that kike related was being promoted to a tank commander. He didn't seem too happy about it. lmao I wonder why.
Fuggin based
Your kiked up brain is too retarded to realize that you are basically agreeing with my point lol
They never been. Fake boomer news keep pushing this narrative. The day of the pillow can't arrive soon enough.
Basically, but it's more like.
>hey stupid mutt goy, hurry up and pay my bills and don't forget to die for me.
they got demolished
Kikes must be in the bunkers. Been really quiet
He said it's over for Hezbollah
If Trump wins, Israel gets a blank cheque
then who's launching all those missiles, jew
Delusional shitskin lmao
Israels are getting btfo'd as we speak, there's a reason the israeli government insisted on complete media blackout
>implying they don't have one now
nobody, which is why there is silence, with the lebanese army retreating north as the IDF mops up under tight opsec
Pure copium
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Resistance operations against Israel | Monday 30/09/2024
Are there any good maps aside from the liveumap?
They don’t just want a check. They want troops. And they’re about to get them. Retard.
Then who’s currently raping the diaper force on the Lebanese border you inbred kike ape?
>Axis of resistance
kino name
>everyone knows america supports israel, but who is israel's second biggest backer?
nobody, that's just you imagining scenarios where shitskins don't lose again, they always lose
>wahhhhh wahhhhhhhh you must support dirty sand monkeys that hate you
Ermmm except that islamic extremists are directly financed by kikes in London via the Muslim Brotherhood? The islamic state was made in israel too.
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>They avoid sending ground troops in because they don't have a real military, it's all just reservists
They got more then most counties for manpower to pull from if need be at a moments notice due to conscription and have they unlimited money glitch unlike any other nation AND the whole west will jump in to defend them, you all act like hezbollah are some super soliders but they cant even into AA
>low-iq brown monkey huffing the copium

Lmfao, read and weep kike tranny>>483370877
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God's chosen people


>Israelis destroy Christian cemeteries in Palestine.
>Where is the Christian outrage?
Hey mutt faggot you are obviously new to the thread lurk for a year and then post you stupid kike golem
notice the hamas triangle in the bio, you're eating up cope propaganda to soothe your sore bottom
>AND the whole west will jump in to defend them
Lmao you’re so delusional
Keep rambling 3rd world nigger lmao
Cope faggot, prove kikes have even managed to cross the Lebanese border
Kek, how cringe can these faggots be.
>please white people save us
>we are the choosen
What? Is this meant to be them winning? Is this all you have?

He's right bro you're desperately clinging to some random twitter who posting air siren warnings as some 'win' as Lebanon is about to get invaded...
Just because you live in an echo chamber of kremlin twitter bots which is posted here, then capped and posted in the next thread as proof, doesn't mean it actually happened. The funniest thing is to have streams open especially the beirut stream and see them getting blown up in real time and then updating this thread to see that israel isn't doing anything, hasn't killed anyone and in fact has lost 50 gorillon tanks.
Muslims are dangerously retarded, I really wonder if islam is the great filter.
Np Ramirez
they didn't even have to cross the border to behead the entirety of Hezbollah's leadership with zero losses
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Gods chosenites


>Israel burned all the churches and purged all Christians from the Golan heights.
>It was 12% Christian under Muslim rule, under Israeli rule there are none left
iron dome failed to intercept missiles
Kikes hate us with a burning passion, if only we had finished the job in ww2…
>rmmm except that islamic extremists are directly financed by kikes in London via the Muslim Brotherhood? The islamic state was made in israel too.
Qatar funds the Muslim Brotherhood dumbass, yeh blame Israel for isis KEK
>Lmao you’re so delusional
They already did when iran attacked Israel and shot down 90% of what the shot, dumb monkey IQ arab
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Iran and Hezbollah are playing the jews like a fiddle, they bet on kikes becoming cocky and walking right into the trap
I can tell you're a stinky shia
Should there be a new general for the 3rd Lebanon war? I mean this current one were one is for Palestine
>Chicken Nuggets Incoming

Good news rare flag fren
Keep avoiding my point kike, the IDF high command announced the beginning of ground operations 5 hours ago, why haven’t they crossed the border yet?
2 more weeks
2 more copes
it's under tight opsec so the shia rats are not warned
This is sad
They have a higher chance of getting them from Trump
Sad that jews couldnt notice something this obvious? agree, but now they are paying the price for their hubris lol
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Try to always include a screen fot frens

Called it, didnt expect this cope to come this early.
Nope, try again
Translation: the diaper force got raped on the Lebanese border hours ago and the Pissraeli military is trying to bury the news
>AND the whole west will jump in to defend them
I'm sure they will send jets but you're out to lunch if you think zoomers are going to get drafted to die for Israel
Hostage status?
was getting their leadership wiped out, screaming warcrime and genocide all part of the plan?
if the plan involves you all dying, its a shit plan
Are you even paying attention?

Trump is the most zionist president in US history
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al jazeera a few seconds ago. They're cycling their breaking news headlines
>stop noticing goy
>t. Poo kike
you're going to live in your imagination anyway shiashit
It's funny how the whole world can see it, yet the zios on this board are too stupid to see the obvious
>Called it, didnt expect this cope to come this early.
cut them some slack they have been coping so much this past week they have ran out of things to cope about
>I'm sure they will send jets but you're out to lunch if you think zoomers are going to get drafted to die for Israel
ppl said the same thing about the vaccine and look what happend, use vaxx rates as draft rates
Ermmm except that you kids were born yesterday and don't remember shit. Before ISIS, before jihadists, before anything we see today, there was the Muslim Brotherhood, made in London, financed by kikes, and the historic records are out there. Only trannies refuse to read them.
WW3 gives us a 3nd chance to finish what we failed to do. Do not forget that in WW2, when americans were polled they voted not to attack japan and not to save the jews
Odd operated in 75% of the strip and right now controls roughly 33% of it
For reference
>hmm, lets think of a plan to own the jews, how about we all die, thats the last thing they will expect
>was getting their leadership wiped out, screaming warcrime and genocide all part of the plan?
Of course
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Can you catbox these? I don't want to sink to joining X

Also KEK at all the kikes in here, you've all just started seething posting.
>you're a dumb brown like me!
>you're stuuuuupid!
>you're a muslim!
You're getting bombed lmao, take a look
Russia used this exact same strategy against germans, remind me how it went for them
I knew I can count on you with more cringe
Too bad the Japanese attacked us
dying isn't how you win, no matter how many mullahs cry martyr
Qatar are a bunch of poor, puppet faggots. London is the center of world financial jewry and has extensive ties to ISIS terrorism.
For you
buzzwords dont stop jdam's little queer
So where's all the cool FPV drone videos like in Ukraine?
>no invasion
Come on, invade you diaper-wearing kike vermin. I want my TKD kino.
wahhh its the white mans fault for a bunch of jihadis
Apparently neither does the iron cope
The Hezbollah editors are sipping their morning coffee. 2 more hours.
Israel prohibited people from sharing any stuff, go figure
it stopped iran in its tracks
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I said it was kikes, ya dingbat.
Youre a dumb spic for even making the comparison. Youre retarded and you should never comment again.
Yes that's why it's raining missiles on your fake state it's hilarious how you faggot are so detached from reality. You accuse of coping but it's you.
>every accusation is a confession
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I am currently running this on repeat while I post dead kikes. All I can hear is sirens blaring, bombs going off, and kikes grunting in poorly contained despair. Fuck I'm so hard.
Accuse us *
it isn't, also I'm from the UK, I've never even seen a jew, however I watch wars and israel has a stunning track record, even 6 arab nations at once couldnt take them down
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>Hezbollah is targeting the Meron Air Control Base with rockets. This base plays a crucial role in Israeli Air Force operations in the north, handling air surveillance and electronic jamming.


Unconfirmed: Hezbollah claims it has fired a long-range cruise missile (Noor) at Kfar Giladi.

This missile has not been deployed during the war until now.

Roosevelt was baiting them for over a year. Then when that failed, he blockaded the islands of japan. To prevent food, energy, and other necessities to survive. If they didn't attack, the civilians would havr died off. It was an act of desperation before they died from the blockade by USA.

USA knew they were going to attack that day. They had cracked the encryptions. It's why they made sure the radar guys came in late that day. Except that 1 came early, saw it, and then spent 2hrs trying to contact roosevelt, military heads, etc... leaving messages each call, but the recipients supposedly didn't get the messages until right after the attack had occurred

Roosevelt wanted justification to enter the war, desperately. He even kept both japan and china fighting each other, despite knowing via intercepted cables and mediation that they both wanted a peace treaty. Roosevelt refused to let them know, since he wanted to weaken japan, since he planned to fight them during the war.

He even sent many telegrams to Generals like patton in Philippines. Not to attack japan at all costs, and simply to wait until japan attacked them first.
>wahhh its the white mans fault for a bunch of jihadis
"White men" don't exist, tranny. There's iberics, celts, normans, etc, and only actual niggers don't understand the ethnic groups between "whites".
Hostage status? Kek and he's calling people dumb
My fucking sides, you are a lying retard
Yeah, when I defeat little trannies like you, your last resort is to come up with those SUPER GAY retorts, lmao.
Lmao iron dome is a pile or garbage
Worse, he's a jeet with no self-awareness
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>I've never even seen a jew
Gonna have to try harder to troll on 4chan
Probably all killed by their brethren kikes
are all the history books lying and israel got destroyed decades ago?
arabs are shit at war
True I said I would refraining from talking to the poos
we don't have them at the same scale as you, go check the demographics
>arabs are shit at war
Iraq status?
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baking, last one for me
Stfu faggot, I'm done talking to single digit iq faggots like yourself
iraq lost twice then got taken over by isis and lost again, they also had a slap fight with iran and neither could win
Israeli warfare be like:
Step 1 Cry to the whole world
Step 2 Fly and bomb civilians
Step 3 Chicken out to invade
Geg. Also note how there's extremely low numbers of filtered out posts right now. Not even from the VPN geoflags. At this time of night they always come out in droves, since it's 7am in USA and they usually start around 5:30am-6am israel time

They're all in bunkers and shelters right now. Kvetching and seething for dear life. Crying uncontrollably, while they simultaneously piss and shid their Pampers.
>>"White men" don't exist, tranny. There's iberics, celts, normans, etc, and only actual niggers don't understand the ethnic groups between "whites".
stop obsessing with the white man, shouldnt you be fighting fellow arabs over sunni or shiaa?
it's in every history book my low IQ thridie friend, also israel still exists, showing you that the arabs are shit at war
BREAD >>483374205
The Iraqis sent you packing homie. I say this as an American. We didn't win shit. That was a pyrrhic victory at best
Hezbollah NEEDS to bomb the places where kikes park their jets
Zionism us a racism and raciall
>also I'm from the UK, I've never even seen a jew
>24 posts guzzling on Jewish semen non-stop

It's funny when you call out the poopjeeta in indian slums for saying that. What she means is that in INDIA she has never seen any jews
>stop obsessing with the white man
Except you're the only tranny here constantly using the term "white men", little tranny
mocking the brainless shias who think they have any hope doesn't make me jewish, it means I know more about war than you
>ww2 germany invasion to the soviet union is comparable to fucking border clashes between 2 tiny states in 2024
Kys so the average iq may rise
BS. If Hezbollah claims something it will come from its official media.
>the term white triggers you?
aahahahahahaahahahahahahaha tell me how i kno
Israeli warfare:
Step 0: Be a Jewish subhuman
Step 1: Declare yourself a master race
Step 2: Actually come across some humans
Step 3: Get your ass handed to you so badly that you call on some humans you've blackmailed to help you.
Step 4: Still get your ass handed to you, and lose.
Step 5: Cry anti-semitism then use genocide, terrorism (pager attacks) and assassinations to cover up the butthurt
Step 6: Continue to get your ass handed to you until you go extinct

Wow, what a bunch of faggots.
Economy status?

It's india, retard. She's a poojeeta
NEW BREAD >>483374848

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the left cant meme

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