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Today 4chan is 20 years old and all we got is this retarded hat.
So 4chan hit the wall.
We have (you)
JK I dislike you jeets.
>4chan is older than 1/3 of nu/pol/
I've been using this website since 2007, and in all that time I graduated highschool and then uhh.. yeah thats it
fuck this site, I hope it shuts down
i was 15 when i started using 4chan in 2004
i feel so old
As long as you get tight wet pussy you are young forever
Anon you are old. I have wasted half my life in this site.
it was an American jew who introduced me to this site in 2005. lol
Boxy was a classic
fuck reminds me back when hitler invaded poland and all the polish posters on /pol/ were having meltdowns
I was 17.9 when I started using 4chan on the 7th of October 2023
>it was an American jew who introduced me to this site
>Today 4chan is 20 years old and all we got is this retarded hat.

It's pretty gay.
I started using 4chan in 2005 when I was 23. my warcraft guild told me about it. I wish we could go back.
>20 years
I remover when this was new :/
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all i ever wanted was a boxxy gf
He was a good man. He also taught me to use proxies. I was a newfag.
6 years ago yeah
her nudes are amazing
What? Was there an announcement?
1929 /pol/ was just different man, way more white posters
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"Day of the rake" era has passed

"Magapede" season has passed.

It is the time of SOL now. This is a SOL enjoying board.
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anyone remember this guy
I started using 4chan in highschool about 15 years ago
Post em
4chan is 21 years old, dumbfucks.
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Here is your order.
Man, that makes me feel old.
Long live 4chan, though.
it's going to outlive a lot of us
is the USA involved?
First time I used 4chan was on /b/ and there was a thread with a chick with huge tits under her shirt and I tried remembering what page and where in the page the thread was on to show my friends the next day...
they're all whores even the nerdy girls

a half black autistic weeb showed me 4chan on the computer in art class in 2006.
thanks goyim
you never heard of screenshot?
why does he have a snicker's dick vein on his forehead
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It's 21 not 20.
Hi my cousin is boxxie, hes a psyop that was written by the CIA to promote a gay as fuck agenda that doesn't benefit you. I will be writing many more. If you're poor and ugly smoke weed and think about dying to get scared lol. Think about working. Lol.
>datamining thread
i was born on 4chan, i fell out of m00t's asshole when wt snacks j-j-jammed his p0n0s in his vag00
These hats are triggering me. I hope we get something cool for Halloween.
Haha... two decades in this hell...
4chan is older than me lol
You're a fag if you don't reply. Boxxie means "box -> e". E is the 4th letter. A box is often a metaphor for the mind. "Think outside the box" is a common term. So box e is saying the box is bad.
What useful data is to be collected here?
What could BIG BROTHER get here that he doesn't already know?
Like how is the man simultaneously all knowing and laughably incompetent in this regard?
i still have my finger box from the 2006 4chan giveaway
We have memes that will change nations. 4chan is the most powerful information center in the world outside of like propaganda.
Thats an Italian fingerbox from the 1800's. I recognize the finishing. Rare. After the market crash, they all got bought up by meme investors. Mines from Japan. Its more functional, but not as interesting.
what the fuck did I miss this?
kys coomer
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>i hope it shuts down
i agree.
i feel like most websites lifespan shouldn't be more than 12-15 years.
the fact that these types of websites (and social media sites) last so long is probably the reason why society (which reflects what happens online) has become so pathological, there's no innovation.

its as if these sites are designed to draw people in and keep them sedated in their sites, stagnating.

we need a new societal revolution, to draw us out of the "electronic age"
bs, last i heard she had two mullatos kids by tyrone and got extremely obese.
Boxxys bf told me about 4chan in 2007 but I think I found it from on a ffxi forum. Ended up dating one of her Gaia online friends
yeah, dissapointing. I was hoping for at least upvotes on each reply and threads and ability to give gold/silver to users and karma points listed next to each userID so I know who is trustworthy and who is not
Just how I imagine all of you look.
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been here pre b.
i was part of the quarantine from /a/ for shitting it up.
i think your wrong cause I think I posted in 2003.
i could be wrong.
i remember when the racist shit /b/ up and were quarantined to pol.
snacks did nothing wrong.
I was also 15 when I ended up here in 2007 by reading comments on liveleak or some other gore site and one user mentioned 4chud. everything went to shit after 2011. I blame glowniggers and their spam.
>roody poo
>candy ass
the filter was probably the oldest meme I recognize
2008 here, I unironically found this shithole while looking for lolicon.
I came here in 2016 after I was banned on Reddit but I knew about 4chan for a long time before that
Happy 20 years you fucking fags
The main theory is that there's tons of censored posts. And, there's also tons of fake versions of websites that are being used per region. So that explains why were never seeing anything interesting get posted. Also, why the front page of everything feels so fake. Very cool. Another thing is it seems to have been done not even by a human lol. And in conclusion, suicide is so scary, even though there's nothing good here. So it was a soul trap to earn money, if you ask me. They needed us to build a world for them. And were coerced to do it because suicide is so awful. Anger is an understatement. I actually can't even believe they're this terrible. It does kinda make sense though. It's just now we don't only blame humans, there's also a god who is directly gaining pleasure based off of the world's GDP. And he's responsible for maintaining the incarnation process. He's kept most of the secrets of the avatar hidden. Were like parts of a machine. He's somehow getting away with doing this. It's gotta be the biggest crime ever commited.
I wanna have a boxy in my life.
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Has anybody triforced in here yet
Is that you, Shoe?
that is me right now
she shouldn't be out in public dressed like a whore when every coomer is literally lurking behind every corner with a tiny portable camera
20? lol, is that it? I posted on message boards way before that. You’re all newfags.
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this you?
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Were the Nazis based?
I'm beginning to fall for the propaganda. It's so alluring.
time is a lie.
i will leave this shit when trump wins.
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al i got was deep personal knowledge of esoteric profane kike buttfuckery
didn't know I'm older than 4chan. does it officially make me an oldfag?
These guys are like babies on the internet lmao no wonder they’re so arrogant
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nope sorry just a fag.
I'm still a virgin at 28
The guy who owns the apartment complex I want to move in to is named after a gargoyle. I'm pretty sure I'm in hell. The thing about hell is even something funny like that is meaningless, so they poison and castrate us to make us take it seriously.
>Today 4chan is 20 years old and all we got is this retarded hat.
Notice the tranny pride flag colors.
A fucking colorblind mutt tries to lecture me. That's fucking unreal.
Billions are dead so women can smile like you.
Men and Countries fucked us.
You got you'r smiles.
4chan is 21 years old, we're old enough to buy alcohol now
you need to get your monitor checked vlad
I'm 29 started using this site in 2014. We are getting older yeah, but so is everyone else. Age does not matter, it does not matter if you are a neet at 30, or a millionaire. The only thing that matters is how you live and think. If you hurt or help other people. Sex, parties, etc is all temporary. Monks were highly esteemed people of society. Now they are looked down upon, why is that? You decide.
Well yea. Glowniggers are inhertly lazy and have no imagination.
post it but clothed before fucking or cover it wth an AI filter or something just to imagine the slut thats good enough
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You are.
I was also 15 when I started coming here, back in 2012. I'm now a 27 year old oldfag
seek help
and by that I mean send 120gr of brass through the roof of your mouth
Wow you're even a bigger oldfag than me. 2005 here.
A whitewashed Mexican weeaboo brought me here.
someone post sinks and get the thread pruned
literally me after I become geriatric and pop a viagra at the local clubhouse pool caseda
I was 8 years old when I learned how to shoopdawoop
Ima fyren mah lazooor
i like party hats
21 i believe
This is a great post and the TRUE spirit of 4chan
Actually it's 21 years old, and in the 20th anniversary, we had an orange and green hat!
That's not all.
Now all posts with the nword in them more than 3 times are deleted instead of showing up.
Finally the PoC are protected here.
Thank you Mods!
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I was 33..there , there ya go young fella
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Shit, you're even older than me.
the internet was great when the only menace was the occasional russian jackass and some huehue nigger, then the floodgates of the unwashed masses arrived and everything became fake and gay real quick

even npc niggerfaggots who lurk here use "fake and gay" for merchandising now
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i seen some shit yeah
It's 21 years old.
LOL fuck off zoomer. Just how can you mistake her for shoe? Thank God the person in the said Pic quit the internet so no need to simp and search for her or to comment "underrated" under her content like most zoomer do.
How many of you queers learned about 4chan from friends in high school? A lot of people at my school knew about /b/ and it's beastiality porn and goreposts. This was back in '05-07 somewhere around there
I was flaming on some fourm around then and someone told me to go back to 4chan so i ended up here helped do gore raids on tumblr It was the ebst of times.
thats not boxxy kys
when didnt you go to a normal one, what do you expect from a high school, degenerate drug user
u had to be older 15 years ago to be oldfag lol
How is Boxxy doing right now? Anyone hagmaxxing her right now?
The only people in my high school who used 4chan were the weeaboos. I don't remember any emos being memelords.
>think i posted in 2003
i will NEVER believe this shit.
First started (rarely) browsing in 2009 when i was 9 years old. Started regular posting at age 11. I'm not joking. Confirmed it with family computer browsing history. Ultimately, I'm unsure if I regret it.
9 years old, fucking hell. You must be so mentally fucked up.
not everyone who discovered this place early got fucked up by it. Sometimes I am even glad that I did end up on here as I'd otherwise have taken the mystery vaccine and plenty of other crap like any other normie.
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I started coming here in 2011 after browsing encyclopedia dramatica
Am I still a newfag or is everyone that came here after 2006 forever a newfag
In my opinion the new standard should be that you're an oldfag if you came here when moot was still in charge
Here. The oldest pic in my 4chan folder
Damn 4chan is 2 years older than me
I was a literal Fetus 20 years ago
The eclipse is tomorrow. Towers shall fall.
>spending a lot of time here is.. le bad
my only regret from spending so much time here was not taking free bitcoin from /g/, this site was pretty useful and sometimes still has flashes which is why I troll outta habit on here still
forever a newfag
t.08 newfag
>new standard
if this place wasnt used by zoomers as a twitter dumping ground, maybe
So I really am communicating with brat kids ; /
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That guy actually died
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>spending a lot of time here is.. le bad
If I didn't come here I wouldn't have met the german guy that hosted me in his house until I found a job and I would still be stuck in niggertina, nor would I have become autistic about getting my italian citizenship
So in a sense, I owe the life I have now to 4chan
So we can now legally fuck 4chan? nice
Yotsuba chan is not for lewds
based fact checker
welcome original fag
He lived a good life
I miss her so much.
I feel so new here just for not having lived through the boxxy wars, and I've been stuck in this shithole for 13 years
>it was an American jew who introduced me to this site in 2005. lol

For me it was the normie meme websites to 2016 redpill youtube content to blackpoll forums to incel websites to blue boards to /Pol/ pipeline.
For me it was vaccine mandates that drew me to this place as refuge
funny part is that hiroshima nagasaki is nowhere to be seen on this year's artwork, despite being middle and center in the previous artworks
ramen didn't even bother changing his pin from last year's
I was 6 when I stumbled across some UrbanDictionary definition of 4chan that was just a short greentext story of some dude fucking a mudkipz plushie, and I was born in '99

Zoomers like me know to keep certain things quiet and out of mind
Yeah, definitely.
I don't really consider it that way! I appreciate the fact that I am unique, and I'm proud of it. I can recognize and understand so much shit (sometimes bizarre) that others from any age can not, solely because of my exposure to the internet. I like the fact that i like the things i like, haha. The only "fucked up" thing i can think of is an extreme Japanese "porn" video i saw when i was like 10. I'd completely forgotten about it until i, two years ago, saw an unrelated screencap from the vid and upon viewing, had a small scale panic attack. I (surprisingly) do very well socially. Everybody around me wants to see me do well, even if i have known them a short time. I am blessed. Never been tested for autism or any similar retardation, though, lel.
>I'm younger than 4chan
Thats the brazilian tranny right?
I knew about 4chan since 2009 from Lurkmore (russian encyclopedia dramatica), visited /b/ and was shocked by amount of porn and other disgusting things. I was 14 at that time. It started from there.
Its a dude, it so obvious now.
Always wanted to try one of those fancy ones.
I'm 90% sure I shooped the monster can into this.
all of you people just wanted to masterbate to those. just because you've never seen pornagraphy in the internet the first time...I mean it's actually good porn but the point of this comment is that in your reality you've spent 3 generations worshipping a women you've never thought would marry a black dude...I guess your favorite fetish did came true all along... now she gone without those important subscribers...I'm not mad I'm just making sure your viewing the right material
I posted in that thread where the guy posted pics of his gfs dead body.
When I mentioned it in work people were all "OMG are you okay?"
Totally didn't realize I was supposed to be traumatized.
>I don't really consider it that way! I appreciate the fact that I am unique, and I'm proud of it. I can recognize and understand so much shit (sometimes bizarre) that others from any age can not, solely because of my exposure to the internet. I like the fact that i like the things i like, haha. The only "fucked up" thing i can think of is an extreme Japanese "porn" video i saw when i was like 10. I'd completely forgotten about it until i, two years ago, saw an unrelated screencap from the vid and upon viewing, had a small scale panic attack. I (surprisingly) do very well socially. Everybody around me wants to see me do well, even if i have known them a short time. I am blessed. Never been tested for autism or any similar retardation, though, lel.
holy shit
zoomers' brains are completely fried
I've lost my old one, but at times, I still have an incredible urge to do some of the old "magic" with it
4chan is older than me?????
4chan turned 20 years old last year faggot.
me too lmaoooo

watch all the old heads yap about us being newfags or smth
no way 4chan is 3 years older than me bruh I am 18 how is this site so old
Good shit bro.
your posts are corny
you're hitting 40
stop yapping and do some parenting
I'm based and use Chance so I don't see it.
Take your meds
12-16 was the peak of 4chan.
>I was also 15 when I started coming here, back in 2012. I'm now a 27 year old oldfag
27 year old furfag, you mean.
I stopped using 4chan before 2012, maybe back in 2010, my friends and I declared "it's just Facebook now"
i was sad and then eventually glad to see it destroyed, now it's so ruined beyond belief there's literally no point in opening the site, all the good posters left many many years ago
>watch all the old heads yap about us being newfags or smth
literally a fucking retard
>literally a fucking retard
Kill yourself
stay mad unc
g gn t blckd.cm, tmmy
I remember visiting this shithole in 2004. The Internet was based back then, and not the corporate and normie filthy sandbox it is today.
>birthday hat penis guy block
weird that you post boxxy she was 12, 20 years ago
You just lost the game
>been here since 2004
It's been a good time with you fags, and all the fags long since gone. I've seen a lot of good shit here, be it funny, gore, porn, emotional, anything. I didn't appreciate it way back when I was young but having a place where people who like to, and can, discuss ideas, is an amazing and rare thing and is otherwise reviled by the world at large.

Whenever we get shut down, I hope I get the pleasure of shitposting with you fags again someday.
So 4chan is 6 months younger than me.
Started browsing in 2014
This place is a magical place
So many memories, so many dreams, lost like tears in the rain. I don't even know how to explain how this entire ride was like, it was like one long continuous fever dream where we got away with so much god damn shit and somehow didn't get V&. In all honesty after OPSEC how the fuck this site didn't get unilaterally brought down and everyone V& is a miracle i still don't know how the hell it occurred.
I started browsing 8 months ago and I didn't lurk moar, I started posting immediately. AMA?
She quit esperging for simps when she became a postwall lesbian.
We've spent a little too much time on this site
We are in the same boat bro.
This website sucks ass now.
Respect brother
>So 4chan hit the wall.

Too old. Most of the legacy 4chanfaglords are 50 year old boomers who think they are still top shit. Moot is starting to become moooooot.
2 year rule NEWFAG, stick to it!
I was on 4chan the first year it was made and at the time I was a senior in college
People who follow rules are faggots, did you wear your little face diaper during covid also... "Oh no is my face pussy showing, I'm sorry burger king employee"miss me with that shit nigerinokikerino.
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fuck off newfag.
Six months are enough if you're not dumb
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Ok, you learn fast and seem like a good goy. Welcome aboard.
It's actually 21 years old
but anything older than 8 is too old so who's counting
Even this women has became gay pro faggy probably pronoun Goyim/Goyer , slimy face, shitty hair, shitty make up...

>She is Californian
>What the fuck is wrong with Californian?
>What's in the water?
>Why are they always end up gay?
Seriously, Why the fuck Californians are always must gay??
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Ive been on this website for 18 years...
For me it was 2006.
A guy from an older class in school came to see us regularly and see if we were trollish or had potential for lulz. It's what he told us too.
He mentioned to me that there was this place called 4chan that had fun and I should also look up Fuko, which I did and was thoroughly impressed, so I went to the chan and lurked a tonne and moar, and everything was great.
I played bass in his band later. When the drummer called to let me go he said that I was too good for the band but I don't buy it, I think there was a breakdown of communications and the memes couldn't keep the fun together.

Anyway this site got me through the poorer times in college where everyone was a commie cunt and half your grades are group assignments (fucking atrocious) you're not allowed to do on your own.
It kept me sane through some fraudulent shit involving the unemployment services and one of their "projects", gave me something to focus on in art school where I only went to get out of that fraud, and has served me a lot of redpills and truly helped me grow as a man.

You know what the worst is about getting older? For me it is anyway, maybe others too...
It's when you start dreaming of things from the past, old hobbies or old events, and those dreams are flaccid, dull and boring.
When you wake up from those dreams and the first thing that comes to mind is "man that retro shit fucking sucks". "It's gone, it's not here, it won't come back, leave it, it'll never be as good as when it was fresh."
And then you look at the present, and all you can see is pure shite.
Makes you wonder if anything ever was good, or if you've just been fooled and fooling yourself all along.
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It's a dunce cap. I wonder why you didn't get?.. not.
>20 years old
4chan was founded in 2003, it's 21 years old today.
>Today 4chan is 20 years old and all we got is this retarded hat.
Phew! - thanks for the info, OP.
I first thought 4chan thought it’s New Year’s Eve - then I panicked: “How does an anonymous board know it’s my birthday??”...
When did 4chan get so cucked by kikes?
What was it seriously like 15 years ago?
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originalfag (2003) here
I imagine a lot more loli and blatant faggotry...
I was 29 in 2004 when I first found this place.
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>all we got is this retarded hat
! Oct 1, 2024 https://boards.4chan.org
>This place is a magical place
God! i hate wetbacks.
Hey that's a picture of my wife!!
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it's time for the door, oldfag
I am currently kneeling to this Greek God.
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Doesn't matter, either way it's walled already.
>in art school
You went to artschool to escape unemployment???
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Member that time?
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ive been here (mostly) since 2004
please launch the nukes and end it already
You should, they gave you everything 2000 years ago and you went ahead and gave it all to jews.
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2004 or 2005 ancientfag reporting in.
Don't talk to me.
Have I really wasted 20 years here?
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Oh I'm sorry goy, am I not worthy enough for your sophisticated gay ass?
What is this? National Royalism?
is he going to be ok?
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>Today 4chan is 20 years old and all we got is this retarded hat.
What a time to be alive
He died quite a while ago.
I work today, I have to be extremely cautious if I come here at all of I get a glimpse of time... and make damn sure my volume is off on my phone, media... I can't have any surprises!
Just in case.

Also, the hat is fine, what more do we need we get to come and bitch here and troll non stop! lol
how do i remove this tranny hat?
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that fucking camwhore cunt was the downfall of this fucking site, she was the one to open the floodgates of retarded faggot anons, simps, and camwhores. why the fuck am i here after all these years i have no idea, it's shit stacked on shit stacked on shit, and it's only getting worse and worse with each passing day.
I luv FurChanPol.
Me in the blue shorts
You could've made a based ally but you chose to be a faggot. I respect that.
carry on...
Leave now while you still might have a chance.
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>Been here since 2006
>edgy teen
>Now boards are full of edgy teens and pre teens
I really am retarded. I should've known and left a long time ago.
Short version is this.
>drop out of commie college
>unemployment services get in touch
>"We've got a project for you"
>go to the project
>be told by 2 women it's supposed to get me a job within 2 years
>1 of them is gone that same day, the other quit 3 weeks later
>their replacement knew nothing
>there was no grand network of businesses even though that was promised by all involved
>there was no inside connection
>there was no course or training
>after 1,5 year of basically doing nothing while fetching disability money, unemployment services get in touch again for a sit rep
>I mention the aforementioned problems
>say that I wanna stop because it's been a waste of time
>"Oh no you can't, I mean it'd be tragic and a waste if you quit"
>but it's over after 2 years, it's only a couple more months
>"We paid in advance for 4 years"
>cog clicks into gear within the machine and all becomes clear
>the women took the money and ran with it
>I either find a job or go to college, otherwise I have to stay there
>decide to go to art school, ez entry
That's it basically.

Years later the same worker who got me into that project had another project just like it.
More false promises, more failure to deliver on those promises, and that company was so kind to honestly tell me what they did do and why they weren't going to do what the unemployment services wanted them to do.
I didn't do business with them but never heard of it again either.
That made me think the worker was getting cashbacks for this shit, for sending all kinds of people with all forms of diagnosis to these scammy companies.
There's hundreds of thousands of euros in this, per client.
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I hate all of you guys. And I have hated all of you since I started browsing here in 2004. Here's to another 21 more years.

You stupid niggers.
Moot is jew my nig. lole
21 newfag. It can drink now.
hit the gym
things are only getting better for you
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Fun fact: I was a communist when I came here. I was till the end of OWS and arab revolution. Then I turned capitalist. That lasted till 2016. Then turned fascist from 2016-2022. And now I am a communist again. But this one is permanent. Communism is the final redpill.
>already has gay ads from gaysex with gaymen
4chan hasn't been the same since 2012.
you european retards ruined the internet. along with zoomers.
4chan is a communist website. Always has been.
/pol/ is a natsoc board. Always has been.
I know, The only good thing commies ever did is kill other communists. What made you become gay again in 2022?
what did you expect?
moot coming back and giving blowie to everyone?
Yeah same. I thought I would have left this shithole after starting a family. I guess my son will also shitpost here in a decade.
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Before I was a commie as an edgelord post-teenager.
Now after I learned about how hindu jeets converted my country to a shithole with their hindu dindu religion and shits like caste system which were forced to our ancestors' throats during their 400 years of occupation and which still continues to this day. Then I saw the whole world with that lens and found injustice everywhere. Found the oppressors oppressing people for their own selfish gains. But I am not the classical eat the rich communist. I am a scientific communist. You can check 4pleb for the thesis about it. I have talked about it in much detail in past threads.
>More false promises, more failure to deliver on those promises,
Seems to be what most of education is desu.
50 yr olds are gen Xers by now. unless you meant to use boomer ironically as a gay normie would
checks out
Have you spoken to eastern europeans that went through communism? Because when I try to talk to tankies and commies they try to school ME about what MY country went through and it wasn't that bad. They are usually US and Leaf faggots who have the worst education system in the world. They also say it's all western propaganda - they see my flag and still say those things. They are literally braindead.
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I mean look at that shit...
tbf he is not from the US but still...it's the same sentiment.
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When i first heard about this place in 2003, i though it was just some image hosting site. I started lurking when /v/ created in early 2004.
First time I used I was 9 or so and went on /b/ and saw some ginger guy’s dick. Didn’t come back until a few years later.
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Soviet communism was really a fascism in disguise. Same with CCP.
Communism is called progressive for a reason, because it progresses with time and tools and technologies it has.
But the concept is the same, equality and fairness for all.
I am behind that concept and we can achieve it by using current technology. This is the gist of it, but there are lots of aspects of it which can be discussed. Main one being ownership of private property like land and houses. You can have it but only which is needed for you and your kids to grow up nicely without any issue.
Hoarding is the main problem for society and economy. Which is enabled and encouraged by the capitalist system.
But even capitalists cannot hoard air and water, not that they haven't tried it.
Why, because of abundance. And as I said before, resources like food, health care, and other things alike can be produced and delivered for every single person with the technology we have right now.
Anyway, we can get into details in some other thread.
imagine a 4chan irl.
how would that look like?
>im not a gaiafag anymore
Remember in 2020 when we had Q posting from a Trump plane flying to Vietnam and reports about Sushi from Las Vegas? Those were the days.
>Started browsing in 2014
CB radio
do you have a soundproof room for all the nigger yelling?
>Communism is the final redpill.
Face the wall, faggot.
Yes private property is a big issue but for those cunts that's not even up for discussion. Also like you can see in >>483400404
communism always ends up starving their own people, it just can't function without free trade. Also as bad as "democracy" is it's still much more free in terms of speech. Also the commie snitching is another problem - it's ingrained in the ideology. You have also the issue that fucking jew scum don't even let capitalist countries function as capitalism was intended, and it's not an issue of the ideology but their manupulation of markets illegally - if all those kikes were sent to jail for the shananigans they do we were would all be in a better place right now. I know it's getting harder to argue but capitalism is just a better system all things considered.
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shitposting is its own reward
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At least I got the triple crown.
>But the concept is the same, equality and fairness for all.
Are you retarded. The main point of communism is literally the opposite of that. You know... class warfare and all that? It's only "equality for all" after they are through murdering all of the non-retards that resist.
just like one of my animes
Go back zoomer.
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Oh God I've been here forever.
I can't leave.
I always end up coming back.
Fucking hell, I started on this website right after I graduated high school, sometime in winter 03/04.
For people who grew up fucked up, with no family, you guys are the closest thing I have had in my life to stability, something always there. Even though you're retards I love you.

You are here forever.
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Щe пpaвя кaквoтo cи иcкaм.
That is what happens when you get defeated in war bitch. Besides you mongoloids didny have any trace of advanced architecture indicative of a higher civilization before the invaders came. Your history, art and architecture only after truly starts after the licchavi period.
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Don't make me tear up, faggot
Came to this shithole at 11 for /d/, moved to arcanine, they kicked me over to /fit/, who sent me here
15 years.... 15 years I can't get rid of you fuckers
Started off commie ended up natsoc
The pipeline is real
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lmao every shitskin tribe apparently believes this cope
>wet tight pussy
>any pussy at all
>Started off commie ended up natsoc
I've been seeing a lot of the opposite actually in recent years, partly because rebuplicans are giga cringe.
Likewise, I still remember the Stadium event.
Freshman year a kid started showing me memes on a laptop.
He did stickam raids in class and would show me wins.
I remember the 2nd habbo hotel raid in 07. Times like these were simpler, where a get mattered, where you could habeeb it. Milhouse wasn't a meme. Way before sneed and puddi puddi. Candlejack was there too. What a wonderful time to be ali
That seems easily explicable
Start off a commie with ideals about helping people and upholding society, find a better way to do it as natsoc
Start off a nazi larper obsessed with weilding power over others and group supremacy, find better company amongst child murdering commies
The latter I've seen happen with jews who only find out they're jews later, they 180 from "white power" to "jew power"
There was no /pol/. /b/ was the most of the hilarious threads were. There were a handful of serious conversations. I remember a lot of “roll” threads. Like the last 2 digits of your post is your zombie apocalypse weapon, the last digit is your partner in said apocalypse, etc. Between about 2012 (or whenever /pol/ was created) and 2015 was the best time for /pol/. There of course was a lot of dumb slide threads, but I remember there were more serious discussion threads than there are today.
Cannot stand the party hat. Wish it could be disabled
she has a social media in a YouTube channel I think she posted a video a couple years ago but yeah man I think she lives in California not quite sure
but overall man yeah you know time really doesn't number on people I'll tell you that that in American food.

She still seems to have some of her personality
I'm not any kind of soc or any kind of ist. I JUST HATE JEWS.
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>just discovered traps and he's confused
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here's to many more sleepless days & nights.
It's crazy but I still have my first IMAC that I used to browse this website way way back in the beginning.
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>I miss her so much.
You know we might do like a 25th anniversary and get her to post on the 4chan boards. Now that would actually be kind of cool I don't know if she's going to still be alive by that time but I'm pretty sure she'll be around.

We're going to have to put her on a severe weight loss program and possibly send her to Africa to run away from raping Indians or something like that who knows but we'll get it to happen!
My schizo theory is that Catie Wayne isn't really boxxy, she made 4 videos or whatever and disappeared, and everything that came after is some boring girl who kind of looks like her trying to capitalize on all the attention she was getting.
something also notice is that that's when YouTube officially died and became irrelevant remember the YouTube yearly wrap-ups question mark I don't think anybody even watches those anymore.
have her play Super Mahiro Kart
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>Whenever we get shut down, I hope I get the pleasure of shitposting with you fags again someday.

I think if we ever get shut down we'll probably steal a cruise ship or something and then transmit the website via satellite link or something really cool like that.
Anon, I wasn't talking about 4chan. Read between the lines.
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>i still don't know how the hell it occurred.
An entire bunch of Angry Men and Troons Vs. The Jews and the CIA?
Its not going to work out well.

/Pol is a no shit containment board for Normies now that broke through the bullshit of life.
All the other rando boards out there on ClearNet and DarkWebz are where the serious oldAnon's go hang out on.

It's kind of crazy, but the oldFagz?
There pretty much on the Clearnet doing their I.T. Joobz and doing their 4chinz on the side every once in a while just browsing the threads in some reader.
A metric shit ton of us are all over the world now happy as happy Pepe.

Life going to be good for us man.
We broke the mold.
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>This website sucks ass now.
Moot said that feature was implemented years ago.
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>the legacy 4chanfaglords are 50 year old boomers who think they are still top shit.

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Will it be around for another 20 years?
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And why have we not seen 2 headed women a.i. porn yet?
I am so disappointed in you lot right now.
human civilization won't be around in another 20 years
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>And then you look at the present, and all you can see is pure shite.
>Makes you wonder if anything ever was good, or if you've just been fooled and fooling yourself all along.

Man, that's deep.
I think as long as you have not hit the grown up switch?
You will be fine.
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>Even though you're retards I love you.
That's not far from the truth really...
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Oh lord...
Should we tell him how too?
c'mon stop being such a negative nancy
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Still one of the greatest A.I. Videos of ALL TIME!

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