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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Why do Americans talk about the 'power' of their aircraft when a single Russian jet can get the drop on them?

This is an SU-35 getting in between two US F-16s, who didn't even realise he was there. Not only does it show superior skill, it shows that US technology is fucking SHIT. Not only that, the US cuck pilots were scared because they know their faggot country is no match

nafotard warmongers think nato would win in a war, but when Russia tries, it is unbeatable
Russia Strong
That's just bullshit. They were flying an intercept mission and as usual the drunken russian wants to show off like a fag.
Virgin intercept Mission F16 vs Chad SU35 Showoff
>still no webm in OP
wtf is wrong with you people. absolutely ngmi
There is nothing chad about russians. They're poor and gay.
then why do you fear them so much?
imagine being so retarded that you think a political party gives a fuck about citizens.
stupid cunt
why did you even bother to make this shitty thread when you're assuming that anyone who reads it already knows about the event you're referring to?
I dont even think about russians. Why would I? I've only met one and he was the most annoying little shit.
Russia is based and trad. You're a liberal cuck
>highest rates of aids and prison/military rape
>multiethnic society
Real trad
What's NAFO
You fell for ZOG and hohol propaganda

NATO's reddit propaganda arm.
you think about Russians all day, isnt that why you are here?
US has too many safety protocols.
They have no more 'mavericks' because they'd get disciplined.
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> Dedovshchina
Sounds pretty gay to me
Sage all fields
defunded lmao
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And you fell for russian propaganda. You have no point. You have no argument. And you're probably brown. Do you have a license for these opinions? They go against your government after all.
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… …
>coordinated nafo shilling
Every time kek
OP lied. I simply corrected the record.
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>even while drunk a single russian pilot can outmaneuver two american pilots
holy shit... it's over
>This is an SU-35 getting in between two US F-16s, who didn't even realise he was there.
Not what happened retard. It was a routine interception so they knew they were there. It was the russian monkey that decided to act like a nigger with his jet.
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^this guy likes watching jag instead of top gun
What a fag
>says this while repeating US government lines

You can hear the US cuck pilots shitting themselves
Based and funny-pilled
Had that femoid pilot (lol) shitting her G suit
That's how much of a robot you are. Anyone with their own opinion that doesnt agree with me must be a government stooge. I'm literally taking a shit rn. I'll salute Britannia when I flush.
This is true, but OP is a retarded Russia shill.
This is a shit country, I agree. Russia is the only remaining good country in the world.
Top Gun is a movie Ranjeet. Do you also like larping like Naruto while you're in the public space?

Bet you also think it would be funny if a random nigger wheelie his bike while passing next to you
Invading other people airspace. Just like an Amerinigger would do. Go suck some Israel dick.
The russian was in ours. Why do you fags just lie?
>USCG fag wants to larp like he's a real branch of the military
Stfu go wipe down ur boat
The russian cucked us and we need to cuck them back
Tired of our military hiring faggots like you
The Russian just put his plane in front of the opponent, making himself a free kill. What a moron! If I were in that bomber I'd slap the fighter retard when we get back.
>This is an SU-35 getting in between two US F-16s
US sucks but the SU-35 got between his bomber doing reckon and a mutt plane (F-35 ?). Anyone you suck.
>falling for US propaganda
Can't believe you shills still post these vids as if russia's military isn't the laughingstock of the world. Maybe they should use their airforce in Ukraine and win the war instead of using them for photo-ops on the other side of the world.
i'd be more worried about the SU-35 getting an oh shit from your fat pilot, he sneked on his pray... not looking good muttoid, the russianw can take your top of the line aircraft anytime.
We haven't seen Russia use its professional military you idiot. The Ukraine SMO is basically a glorified, long-term training exercise to bait out NATO support, so that Russians can practice against NATO tactics. And it's being proven time and time again that they are inferior to Russia's. The real war hasn't even started, nor have we seen Russia's real military in action
Gypsies know all about taking things that arent theirs
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Don't worry, they'll probably just attach the noncompliance notice to the ATACMS missile that blows up the next Puccya oil refinery.
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U want some Havana syndrome faggot?
>vdv didnt get pulverized
You need an updated script
This seems very UNPROFESSIONAL, I'm not a professional but this looks very UNPROFESSIONAL. UNPROFESSIONAL.
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Nigger, it's write there in the video ... unsuspecting mutt faggot plane get sneaked on by a chad SU-35. and you say "ah man, russia plane got in front of the F-35" like nigger he came from his back.

My webm is the pilot of the f35, rare footage.
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how are /k/tranny spics /k/oping with this?
this "bong" is a russian shill on a vpn, one of the higher up ones too since he speaks fluent english. every single anti russia thread he's deployed to damage to damage control. a tactic russians like to use is project, they are the shills, but they call others for calling out their faggotry the shills. nobody here likes russians, the kremlin pays millions per week shilling here
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3 trillion dollar plane full of rust and crappy misaligned rivets
the amerimutt military industrial complex is so corrupt it's insane
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schizo shitskin
Ok nafo lol
The VDV successfully held Gostomel and withdrew with minimal casualties. We've seen footage from soldiers on the ground, that was published in Russian news, do you think that was because Ukraine killed them all?
the "canadian" is one of the shills working 20 hours per day as well. they always show up doing damage control for russia
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Nobody expects russians to act in a civilized manner. There was no redline crossed.
how did they withdraw when they were instantly surrounded, if russia is winning why do russian faggots like you need to hind behind vpns?
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why is it always brown latinx that shill for the mutt army? it's always brownoids or trannies like planefag
Wow a jet got one over on a fucking drone. How dumb are you? That's a win?
Present footage
oy vey you stepped in some tranny /k/shit
vdv chads vs mutts.
I fucked some girls to that song xd.
whilst they certainly knew the su was around, the lawn dart driver had zero idea it was going for the headbutt.

unironcally, this lawn dart driver should be relegated for a2g, as her situational awareness is zero and she'd be dead if this was real.
Shut up rusky
So anyone that doesn't like or agree with the government or Ukraine is a Russian "shill"? Having a differing opinion is regarded as being a shill? So if I don't like israel does that mean I'm a shitskin?
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and why was the muttoid non white pilot shocked? i thought mutt planes had le superior situational awareness™
>bad guy has fighter jet, good guy has aircraft
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I'll just leave this here.

Dont expect intelligent discourse here. Its memery and taglines.
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Because the black ones shill for Russia
Meanwhile in reality hundreds of ded Russians every day from US weapons.
>when a single Russian jet can get the drop on them?
There is almost zero percent chance he didn't know that Russian fighter was closing on him. When the US intercepts Russian bombers, like we see here, the wingman/wingmen typically sit in a cover position that is behind, outside and higher than the US fighter that is making the intercept. The guy making the intercept focuses on the bomber and the wingman/wingmen focus on the entire airspace. They communicate with the pilot making the intercept to keep him apprised of what is going on. They would told him how many fighters, type of fighter, their altitude, direction, speed, rate of closure.

His reaction was to the retarded move the Russian fighter pilot made. The last time we saw Russians doing this a Russian fighter pilot inadvertently struck a US unmanned aircraft. That moron was lucky he didn't kill himself. On average Russian fighter pilots have far fewer flight hours than American fighter pilots. In general Russian fighter pilots are poorly trained and they act like imbeciles on a fairly regular basis.
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nigger you're an amerimutt i bet you look like handsometruth or gypsycrusader
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Shut up zigger
electronic warfare from russian satellites and jets from the 1980s
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Truly they are based and trad fr
Anon, all gayness comes the jewsa.
Get your shit together.
it's not an opinion, russians are niggers that were always hated on this board. patton pointed out russians were niggers as well as hitler, are you saying hitler was wrong? they're subhumans, they shit this board up with fake bullshit such as this thread, their propaganda sucks, but is relentless. they're very stupid people
how in the fuck is a German defending russians rn

Literally took 5 seconds to find. If they were wiped out, we'd never have seen this footage
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Kys Nigel
>have a bubble canopy with full 360 mk1 eyeball scanning
>doesn't have eyes on the opfor fighter the whole time
>is an interceptor pilot
it's actually embarrassing.
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you're a retard also the amerimutt army has been a laughing stock on /pol/ since forever
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Remove your memeflag Kumar
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amerimutt nigger goblin
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>US military attempting online warfare from the troonchair
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Lol stfu cuck grt pissed on
>get dropped by a Russian plane
>panic as they make their presence known and veer away scared for a moment
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Yup Ruzzians are truly the most advanced military in the world
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planefag and his discord fags seething again
if you can't handle the bants stay in /k/eddit retarded ZOGnigger trannies
fuck shani'quah gonna do?
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This is your USAF
Oh ok
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>if you can't handle the bants stay in /k/eddit retarded ZOGnigger trannies
>hides his Indian flag
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This is the Ruzzian army

Make your choice
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Remember this?
Yea, this is from the initial invasion of Ukrayne, they made it all the way to Kiev.

VDV wasnt wiped out lol, Russian forces retreated because western countries said Ukrayne cant negotiate with gun on head.
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this is surely a redline for the Pentagon. they will start shooting down dem naZis any day now right?
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>amerimutt changed VPN again because he got butthurt /pol/ calls him brown
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Nope but i do remember this
That was the most embarrassing thing I’ve seen militarily. It was based
America is embarrassing now - embarrassing everyone who used to love it.
We’ll work on Trudeau, and you get biden and nigger chick the fuck out of there. deal?
Let’s return to North American glory together.
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>amerimutt got so butthurt he started spamming his webms again
you're brown
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You're not fooling anyone lol
At this point Russia and China deserve to direct the world because American kikes have ruined it
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Putler is an imperialist naZi who wants to put black men in chains
They missed? I dont get it.
Russia is better than you and it’s just embarrassing.
Fuck Ukraine and the kikes that serve the devil.
Imagine seeing footage of SU-57s and J-20s downing American jets Pure kino
>didn't even realise he was there.
LOL is that the line vatniggers are running with now? the USAF pilot was surprised the russian would be so stupid. both sides do these 'intercepts' all the time and normally fly together until they're out of the ADIZ
Dare calling me american again and i'm gonna doxx you shitfucker
american jets absolutely piss all over everything else. been the case since the 80s. theres a reason russia cant even get air superiority over their neighbor after 2.75 years of war and the US gains it overnight.
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USAF is superior because it's woke diverse and gay
diversity is a strength chuds, you white naZi incels will lose
>VDV lost two transport planes filled with hundreds of dudes in the first days of the invasion

That's part of the 3-days plan right?
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nigger amerimutt
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Wasn’t the SU-35 literally designed and built to best our old technology? That is the whole point of development.
Millions of rubles
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i get the shithole you live in makes you mad
but c'mon remember that sucking a dildo twice a day will make you exempt from draft
And remember: the People's Republic of Kursk is Western propaganda
>Gloves still haven't come off
Ya, ok retard.
Cope and seethe mongrelmerican subhuman.
What you're seeing is the "professional" Russian air force trying to bomb the Free Russia Army in Belgorod
Nobody followa russian media but you, Ivan pizdovich
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the amerimutt paganlarper latinx goblin talking about anal sex again...
Hitler was right about you amerimutts
Kek I love seeing /k/opers /k/ope. /k/ needs to be deleted already and the users sent back to redit
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Cope harder with your shithole
nafotroons ITT coping HARD
You are all trannies
ziggers are really running this into the ground, nobody is impressed by your everyday buzzing.
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/k/eddit is literal 75% neocon larper latinx trannies. they also have a spic mod called Alejandro who bans anyone who makes fun of the mutt army
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>That's just bullshit. They were flying an intercept mission and as usual the drunken russian wants to show off like a fag.
>I'm retarded
Yes, I know
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you are a third world latinx that shills for muttmurica
See >>483394438. Ukraine is a practice run for tactics against NATO. Russia is also working under the metrics of not having absolute air dominance, so best to simulate what would happen in peer conflict. You can't do what NATO does and pretend that fighting against thid world nations without functional armies counts as good experience or training
Lmao the NAFO troons really did not like this one
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He wants to put black men in chains alright. The russian women will do the rest for the motherland
Keep coping nigga
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That's what happened. They do these things all the time without incident. It's always russians feeling like they have to prove something. Then like little girl cheerleaders you bust out your pom-poms and start sucking aids dick.
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Someone tell him Russia flew past a NAFO jet! He's winning!
I hit too close to home
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hail odin
americans are vikangz
we will go to valhalla
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doesn't prove anything except that russia is afraid to show all the footage
If the Russian airforce is so strong why have they been completely incapable of gaining air superiority over a small irrelevant country like Ukraine? Kinda embarrassing.
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you're brown gay and short
go back to /k/eddit tranny muttoid
heavy kremlin activity in this thread

reminder that propagandists hang too
Because they aren't.
Already explained it
Fucking Greece has better air force than Russia
total ukie death lol
Heavy faggot activity in this thread
Reminder. 41%
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The leftist natural habitat is the circle-jerk
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you know what really pisses me off
tens of thousands of these ugly short brown low IQ dysgenic amerimutt animals are stationed in Europe right now stealing raping and oppressing White people
as that historian on Turcker said the collapse of the amerimutt empire is the only chance for the White race to survive
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>we are losing on purpose
Oooh ok. Brilliant strategy, losing most of your airforce "for practice".
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you're literally an amerimutt though
How new are you?
>he sneked on his pray
>it's write there

Holy shit kek. What a fucking literal retard.
Russia isn't losing. Everything that has happened has been measured and accounted for. The real world combat experience puts the average Russian soldier above any of America's "professional" military outside of maybe Tier 1 SOF units, but Russia have equivalents (and better) such as Alpha.
Anyone got the footage of the Su-35 crashing into some commie block? I remember some other footage where Russians would bomb their own people as well. I guess the air defense in Ukraine is too powerful we don't get new kino like that anymore.
>Where is the video game CGI
>russian shill
>while he is a nafo shill

Fuck off we have more than enough of you fags already.
Why are you obsessed with those faggot? I see you spam them, and nothing but them for the past two years.
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i'm sure it's real in your mind muttoid
Im here for the brown mutt cope. I have not been let down.
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Do you have a crush on him? You obsessively post him constantly. I bet you have a whole folder of just him you fucking literal faggot.
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it makes a certain amerimutt paganalarper retard mad also it's funny because they are fat ugly goblins who larp as ancient vikangz
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>muh SU-35 video game crash
>meanwhile in reality
All the billions of dollars wasted on these planes just for the DEI pilots not being able to hear the plane chirping.

Thata funny because you're pretty annoying yourself
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i don't know why they refuse to take the L they gety BTFO by /pol/ every single time
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>F-35 is the most adv-ACK!
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>America in charge of planes
>real world combat experience puts the average Russian soldier above any of America's "professional"
Russians dying does not give them special real world combat experience.
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The military is always 10 years ahead and that includes DEI.
Our only middle-eastern oiler just ran itself aground last week because of it
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>a certain
So, you waste all your time literally stalking these faggots, learning their whole life stories, their families, and saving hundreds of their pics just to piss off one anon? You seem mentally ill, and I'm being 100% serious. Holy fucking shit, you must live a pathetic life.
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you're literally a shitskin too scared to show his flag like all shitskins are
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There are always casualties in military conflicts. That is a fact. It is also a fact that those who successfully complete their objectives bring back a wealth of expeirence to teach others. Russia has the most experience in the world. That is also a fact.

Another fact is the F35 is ACK tier
all radar on their planes has probably been broken for years

people on the ground were probably playing elden ring and didn't notice the russian
Ooh, your Russian jet built last week with 2020s technology was finally able to get between two US jets built in the 60s. Neat.
Now do that with F-22s. Oh, wait, you don't even know where those are.
germans have always been backstabbers
ask any of their neighbors
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>Another fact is the F35 is ACK tier
"Sorry Russia could you attack again in a few hours, we're still loading crypto"
>Now do that with F-22s. Oh, wait, you don't even know where those are.
>muh F-22 meme
Never used in actual combat, more nafoid wunderwaffe. An SU57 would do just the same to it if you actually dared to use it in combat
This guy is fitting in
That zigger was stealing their rf signals.

People think this is to show off, but really they have all their sensors on and are collecting radiant rf data.
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All three of them?
putin seemed pretty upset about the whole, supporting ukraine with fourth generation fighters first put into production some 50 years ago, so idk maybe it's all just cope?
>destroy a decoy
Doesn't matter, you don't understand the Russians are the masters of subterfuge and obfuscation. They show you what they want to show you. The reality is that they've got much larger reserves in wait for nato
Based, burgers are very sentisitive today.
F-16 belongs to a war museum. Nobody outside the umbrella of NATO supremacist propaganda thinks it's a useful weapon.
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The sad fact is missiles and drones have rendered fighter aicracft largely obsolete (except for occasional stand-off missions to drop glide bombs)

Too many hard counters
>they've got much larger reserves in wait for nato
I wouldn't doubt it.
Why would Russia not protect their interests. They have every reason to be pissed off with American imperialism and America vice versa.
You never met one. They are stoic as fuck. No fake chitter chatter like with you faggots
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>F-16 belongs to a war museum. Nobody outside the umbrella of NATO supremacist propaganda thinks it's a useful weapon.

US military is full of multi-generational arms.
There's the old, simple equipment that works, and the new fragile equipment that sometimes works.
Both have their place
That's literally a picture of one of the prototypes.
Lots of happenings that I can't pin it on but the constant is that Trump looks good while Joe and Kamala suck major balls which means foreigner loving faggots won't get what they want (except probably Israel but despite the simping everything Cheeto wants is antithetical to their plans)

Entire East Coast/Gulf port workers are on strike
Teamsters is soon to start striking
Appalachia received flooding not seen for a century
Georgia getting gassed with Chlorine
>A decoy
>The sad fact is missiles and drones have rendered fighter aicracft largely obsolete
Far from accurate. We haven't really moved into the realm of fighter drones just yet. Stealth aircraft are more effective still. It's difficult to get a drone into an area when its communication with base is necessary.
I see you lost the argument in the other thread and had to make a new one.
No, not masters. They're just not retarded. When Americans gets a new pew pew machine, they brag about it like niggers, on all channels. Russians are not like that. They know what restraint is.
Prove that it isn't
Do they? Because Russians seem to spam /pol/ non-stop while nobody in America seems bothered by empty gestures from a desperate Russian unable to complete their imperialistic occupation of Ukraine. You're not German either by the way.
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Not a proto, just an early airframe that is used for airshows. They don't care what the RCS is at a public airshow. In fact, it's advantageous to have the true RCS hidden by the damaged RAM.
Proof you're not a faggot?
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Stealth only works until radar signatures can be mapped, then narrowband tuning makes it obsolete
If it's a plane you've seen on TV it's probably no longer stealth to 1st-world powers.
Sattelite intel is proving equally useful as all they have to do is watch the runways to track a stealth minute-by-minute.
>Stealth only works until radar signatures can be mapped,
What does this even mean?
>then narrowband tuning makes it obsolete
What? Targeting radar are X-band, and tracking radar S/C/L. Nothing else matters as it won't tell you shit and has an error of literal 10s of miles.
>Sattelite intel is proving equally useful as all they have to do is watch the runways to track a stealth minute-by-minute.
Do you know what an orbit is?
You're the one who posted the image first, the burden of proof is on you, faggot nigger
"Radar-absorbing paint" is just iron powder and ferrite, which works well for GHZ and up but still lights up like a christmas tree to VHF and below.
I just imagine le drunk ruskie blasting phonk and scaring the shit out of the cunts flying f16s
Sounds like a russian got too close to your buzzy
Cool arma footage
>ZIGGERS could be in this thread he thought
im sorry but doesn't OP's image show that the russian plane was directly in the firing range of the us plane?
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You mean the pic of an SU-57 getting shwacked? I sure did.
What is this, 1955? Why do the most retarded niggers talk about shit they obviously know nothing about?

The F-35 is fully composite, with CNT RAM baked into the composite body panels. Along with the Z13 top coat that's more for IR reduction, though, does reduce the RSC further by -10dBs.

>The F-35 also has excellent RAM bonded to the composite panels, making it extremely difficult to detect - if not impossible.
>The composite absorbs radar in a frequency range from about 0.10 Megahertz to about 60 Gigahertz. The CNT-infused fiber material forms a first layer that reduces radar reflectance and a second layer that dissipates the energy of the radar.
>Radar absorbing composite materials of the present invention are particularly effective, for example, in the L- through K-band as described herein further below.

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It's an air show, brainlet.
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The F-16 could've knocked that shitbox out of the sky with an AIM-9X without breaking a sweet.
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vpn zigger shills kek
Isn't it the object of aerial war NOT to get in the crosshairs of the enemy?
why does OP think the image looks good for russia?
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/k/fags never bother to study the physics or materials science, they just suck up wunderwaffe stories like it was a greasy jewish cock.
He was flexing on him. How else would you do it. They were t engaged in combat. Think nigga
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ty for this
that was like a crash course
this is why i come here
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Because that's all they have. They shit the bed in Ukraine and are getting invaded by them, so they do this retarded shit for domestic RUSSIA STRONK propaganda.
>/k/fags never bother to study the physics or materials science,
Says the faggot that thinks RAM is stuck in 1955. Maybe you should study material science more, and post less. Now you're just seething because I BTFO you. It's ok, to be wrong.
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you are 5 time boosted like a barn animal and your neighbours are Indians and Pakistanis and you are afraid to go out at night because arab Muslims zoomers and niggers, enjoy your britania
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>flexing on him
or wasting hard earned tax dollars on both sides
>an endless death spiral of war and destruction squeeezing the last juice out of humanity
It's a Turk
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Kill yourself you fucking retarded glownigger.
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Nigger you're just using dunning-kruger bizzwords like '-10dB' without realizing that remissions are frequency dependant.
Probably can't even tell the difference between odd+even harmonics and how it relates to emission patterns
Nothing here but us trees
>Probably can't even tell the difference between odd+even harmonics and how it relates to emission patterns
can you quickly summarize that for us?
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Start by getting your ARRL license to answer that question. Don't listen to /pol/fags
he summarized the scope of stealth tech well
i do notice you only criticized him on things he didn't even mention
and i often find that when people cannot succinctly and quickly summarize a concept, it is b/c they do not fully understand it themselves
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Here, have some more, then:
Just because you're too retarded to understand doesn't make it wrong.
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Not worth dumping a wall of text to a fag that will refuse to process it.
Odd harmonics represent even multiples while even harmonics represent the halfway point between them.
Attenuation/amplification at one freq will tend to repeat at odd-harmonic intervals with the opposite effect peaking at even-harmonic intervals.

Now go study for your Technician license.
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saved and ty
i always wondered how that worked
>Russia isn't losing.
Their airforce certainly is. They've been completely dismantled and forced to lob bombs 80km from the front line. Even then they still get shwacked by the occasional partiot ambush.
>show off
>like a fag.
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Part II
>Not worth dumping a wall of text to a fag that will refuse to process it.
you don't know that

that was agood explanation for the harmonics
is knowledge really knowledge if it is being hoarded?
isn't 'proprietary' the root of all problems?
when newly-acquired knowledge is hoarded for profit?
your knowledge-gatekeeping attitude perpetuates a constant lowering of standards
this lowering of standards is evidenced in the fact that we consider ourselves tech savvy, yet use tech mainly to profit, destroy and surveil, rarely used to benefit the citizens
this is the inevitable societal decline on a planet filled with humans that choose competition over cooperation
yeah they are very trad, especially the TRADbortions, TRaids andthe TRivorce
Nigger, you're talking basic fucking radar shit.
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Also, cope;^)
I like how they always whine about "unprofessional" and "unsafe". The US loves to boast about "professionalism". In reality the US is a country that puts a homosexual private in charge of Top Secret communications equipment. A privat. A faggot. At a time when homosex was not accepted in the US military (so a potentially target of blackmail). They outsorced their security clearances to fucking private, for-porfit companies. They have semi-literate brown people in charge who can barely use a computer. The Mutts are sales people and bullshitters who like to give the air of "professionalism" with lots of verbose pep talk. They're a typical colonial country with very little real professionalism to speak of.
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Burger arrogance is amazing, your only claim to fame is having been Britons left to their own devices and you're 50 years past your best and as brown as Syria. Don't shit in the toilet too hard, you'll blow your stick board house down.
So, it's true, then?
why are you so obsessed about homosexuality? if he can be blackmailed about sexuality is because of our shit society, you should only care an individual can do their job well
>9011 levels of cope
Why is it only white countries that can build airplane good? The US should have enough money to do so but for some reason it just can't compete whenever it matters
That Russian's love fucking eachother in the ass with dicks, broom, poles, etc? If course.
That's not the point. When you do a security clearance you make sure to clear up any potential compromising fact about the person. Let's say a husband cheats on his wife. Or in this case the faggotry which was (at that time) grounds for losing his job. No matter how you stand on faggotry or the social circumstances someone like that should not have gotten a clearance. And wouldn't have anywhere else.
what's wrong about being gay?
Don't think so, no. I know for a fact the US army is full of incredibly stupid fags though, and you can never convince anyone otherwise. Funny how that works.
One of God's jokes is to point somewhere and tell us there's sex there. People get nervous about sex at random places. He's actually telling me jokes like that. He's really funny, he makes me laugh so much. Last night he sent me a mind webm of a guy riding a pig off a bridge. He said people are getting creative. I don't really believe this is being read.
That call cope, Ramjeet Diksuk.
>people like me
Holy shit is this an ai image that thing is a literal meme come to life
great, thx again
Lmao, those things are 50 years old.
Try that with a raptor or two
the american pilot sounded like he shit himself kek
>Try that with a raptor or two
The F-22 craptor is wunderwaffe
Poland is getting gay child tranny anal at lightspeed, abortions also. Such is the deal when you ally yourself with fag nations and coalitions like the USA and the EU. Russia actually has lower abortion rates today than most western countries, their old highest abortion rates in the world were back when Russia was still recovering from its massive USSR and Jew oligarchy collapse.
>T-try that in a small town!
Well, no Raptors in the air it seems. Fresh out of hours?
Okay mohammed
It may have been a few days ago. I don't always remember. He talks pretty much non stop 24/7. Like he's reading a book to me. But he replies sometimes. It's annoying actually, I get scared. He's been talking non stop for many years.
What's with this thread? There seem to be an awful lot of butthurt shills here.
nafo got triggered hard by the truth of US inferiority
As a Bong can you explain why you are in such desperate need of Russian semen? What made you this way?
Gays are sadomasochists obsessed with orgasms and vile sexual acts and raping kids and young boys. They will always side with the people who promise them the most gay anal and ability to rape and molest and groom kids the most. This is why they can't be trusted with anything, also they are hyper emotional and effeminate and will side with women into destroying society. Any country that accepts open faggottry is doomed just like Sodom and Gomorra were lol. It literally collapses a nation at hyper speed. All ancient Greek states who practiced open homosexuality got taken over by the more masculine less gay cities and empires. Carthage lost the Punic Wars because they were a fag nation too compared to the Romans, even their own elite citizen troops were homosexuals just like "The Sacred Band of Thebes" which got annihilated by Alexander the Great Heterosexual. Gay anal sex practices are the most vile forms of going against nature and God.
The US military keeps all of its DEI women and niggers on computers patrolling the internet for wrongthink because they're fucking useless in a combat scenario of any sort
they're on par with the most pozzed nations on the planet like usa and france. except of course for aids, in which they are world leaders outside of africa
turks are biggest anti russian posters on this board
few ethnic germans probably want cheap russian energy rather than being cock sleeve for mutt economic sabotage
If they got destroyed we'd see hohol videos non stop, it was another snake island or ghost of keef bs story
Yeah and guess how they got AIDS? Because child prostitution was rampant in the 90s due to the massive collapse, so homosexual faggots and junkies went to Russia to fuck children and get high and spread AIDS among junkies. It is literally a lesson for what happens when you let junkie fags into your country on a rampage.
kike globohomo troonoid nigger lovers from america have long engaged in culture wars under the command of israel, who are all against white men and Russia is the only country that is taking a stand for trad values and the white race.

Russia is the only based country in the world and it is the duty of every white man to support it
Mutt wunderwafen air crafts are overpriced junk. Russian vs mutt air battle Russians would kill 5:1 at least.
Also, nato is gay and all its soldiers are zogbots
This but unironically
Mutts are only good at terrorizing civilians by bombing refugee camps and weddings.
At this point the DoD is publishing these to show the politicians that they shouldn't push for a war.
no other reason to post self owns like this.
Chad indeed
Absolutely fucking mogged
Whether you agree with it or not this statement appears to be terribly triggering to the NAFOids
Can’t even go supersonic without losing its wunderwafen “stealth” skin.
Mutt please
Seethe less
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fuck jews, niggers, kikes, chinks, ziggers, holohos, all faggots, retards, and jannies. now that thats out of the way, only a retard would think Russia could do anything but fire off all nukes and hopefully 10% of them go off because they have not had real MX for like 30 or more years. why would Russia, China, Iran, Best Korea, or anyone else not do anything if they were stronger than the US? the cope is crazy.
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kikes seething and mutts coping itt
Chad Russian thrust-vectors all over you, refuses to elaborate. Many such cases.
One of God's methods of torture is to sing the last song we heard in our heads. Like if I leave the store, the song keeps playing. But it's extremely painful. How are you liking these posts about god. I can only get a you when I write something about soccer. God's a faggot
One more nafo is gay cuck shilled nigger loving kike worshiping faggotry for the road
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meme flag cope haha, what a total retard. how about you sing about how your a cuck and you will only get big fag burger scraps and if you ever speak out, everyone in your known area will starve to death? even burgers cope about how strong burgers are and how we need to stop being so strong. even in the state of pure homofag shit, USA is 2nd to none.
Alright but I'm trying to tell you there's literally a god who tortures people. Try to believe that before I get bored again. Like he's a talking non human god with magic spells and he uses his magic for rape and torture to produce more money probably. Isn't that awful lol, and we couldn't provide the basics to so many people. And they have no choice but to suffer for many more years totally alone doing slave labor. And this is a way to maintain the worlds balance lol, we can't even kill these fags like they deserve. I wish I don't wake up. I'm so tired of helping out. I don't even like anyone.

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