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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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She also is pro LGBT (sodomy) which is an abomination in the sight of the Lord.
Judge Judy is president of Mexico? When did this happen?
Is there any place on earth that doesn't have their claws on it? Like, once space is colonized, will they have their way in outer space as well? is that what the Dune movies is all about?
She will be assassinated soon....
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theres nothing with being jewish
¿Estas listo para morir por Israel goy pendejo?
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They are installing Jewish presidents and prime ministers in every country. I guess Jews aren't taking over the world.
Wow in so glad that Mexico finally accepted vassalage to Jews, despite offering to help Germany in ww1. It shows a lot of cultural growth and maturity.
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Sheinbaum is Catholic.
Weird creatures

No she isn't. Retard.
I heard the only reason the Jewess won was because the other candidates we're the following:
A. Dead or scared out of running cause of Cartel involvement.
B. We're actually that much worse then the Jew bitch.
it's like a caricature
This lizard person emerged from the depths of the hollow earth. No one quite knows how it got from Antarctica to Mexico but here it is.
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Nah they assassinated everyone in her way. She's the chosen puppet
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Just stay on your side of the line, spic!
is she a comedian?
>Sheinbaum is Catholic
you can tell from the roman nose
absolute idiot, he definitely voted for this
They'll fact check claiming that 'oh no only 37 candidates in Mexico died but none were in that particular race' as if that means the presidential race of all things was unaffected by corruption and threats.
I voted for AMLO's successor, not for Sheinbaum.
Bhutan maybe.
It's not okay to be jewish.
She's "Catholic" the same way they're "White" in the US.
It's a narco state anon, the ruling party is the Sinaloa cartel who also controls the military. She's taking over after AMLO changed the constitution, opening the door and allowing a dictatorship.

We are unironically a legitimate Narco Dictatorship run by a Jewess.

Enjoy what you voted for

That pic has to be edited right
the Mexican government doesn't matter any more
Gulf Cartel makes and enforces the laws now
mexico was going to be conquered, there's no question about that.. but by whom, is what remained to be seen.. most people probably thought it would be the domestic cartels but once again it's just a representative of the foreign states.. this is a type of proxy warfare that's used to threaten the united states from afar.. and it takes place on territory that has only had literacy on a mass scale for a couple hundred years now or so... this weaponization of the movement of large population of stunted peoples, if you can call them that, is perhaps more destructive than the objects otherwise viewed as weapons... they remind me, almost, of wild boar.. to the extent that they are the destroyers of land and property in near uniform fashion.. and no fencing ever stops them.. and thus the proxy seeks to corral and direct the boars.. (lastly, due to the foreign presence attached to the new mexican administration you can expect to see real estate values spike so hard there will be new tv shows from hollywood called flipping mexico, real housewives of guadalajara, property hermanos, etc..)
I think a lot of non whites just accept they are ruled by jews and come to love them.
Pretty much B for the people's optics. In mexico no one knows about the jew and AMLO did a great job in selling his image so everyone voted for morena once again to continue his legacy, unfortunately his party choose the jewess, however if there was a chance for the others to win it was also very unlikely sience the other were also zogged to death, if any of them have won they would have still sucked jew balls by selling the country. /pol/ likes the 35 candidates were assessinated story because it sounds impactful but actually those didn't have to do anything at all with the jewess and the other 2 candidates going for the presidency (xochitl and Maynez)

TL;DR: There was no election in the eyes of the people because the opposition was and is still trash and now we're stuck with Morena as the nuPRI.
this has to be the witch retard
C. The Mexican government is so weak that Jews can infiltrate and take over in one night.
Once Japan has a kike prime minister it's a go for ww3 with China unironically the last bastion against kikery in the world.
>Here's that converso I was telling you about
Lol, sure thing shlomo.
>beaner intellectual
She must be doing something right.
Cope. Mexico is 92% Catholic and they love jews, just like how 90% Orthodox Ukraine elected Zelensky. CRUST IS KANG!
stfu, go dig your lying nose elsewhere
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You beaners are about to get enriched.
So... latinos are.... Goyim, right?
Her first order of business: donate money to Israel
Holy fuck hahaha, they couldn't find a better picture?!?

>Hey let's get a side profile Pic! Show that beautiful nose off!
>Hey why don't you rub your hands together too??
>Her first order of business: donate money to Israel

as expected of a jew,

Why are you fucking surprised?
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God damn just look at that decrepit HAG
Always have been
whiter than you, ramirez
I kek so hard everytime I see her, it's litterally the merchant caricature.
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that's Gal Gadot, not Laura Loomer.
i'm not a proud man
Really? When did Jesus say that?
fucking hell, paco
that chick is way too pretty and female looking to be laura loomer.
why do all maga women look like trannies. is that why this place is so obsessed with them?
Circumcisions will indeed be necessary in space
No wonder the jews are so excited about dominating mexico, they beaners are really insensible to the jew.
>jews will ALWAYS migrate the most naive, easy to subvert labor forces
>female jewish president
>while mexican drug cartels and the CIA move billions of $ in illegal drugs.
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Really? I thought she was, at the very least, a secular Jew if now a straight-up practicing Jew. Whatever. It's her policies that actually matter. Her """""climate change""""" will probably screw over the population worse than anything desu
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Why not?
>L A R R Y
What did he mean by this?
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its fucking OVER mexibros
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This place is kiked beyond belief.
>monkey face
>no ass
yep das jude
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What do you think of this one?
based, we are more jewed than the gringos now so we get an upper hand over them
Puta chingadera
But enough about puelto lico
We are talking about México here yandel
Im gonna fuck you so fucking hard.

you're gonna be embarrassed.
Maná literally said what they said against Nicky jam out of irony that they couldn’t call him a nigger.
Based, another christero war
she's ok, what are they in real life?
>he doesnt know about china
both of them suck at making music, so their opinion is irrelevant
>he doesn't know about la mas draga
chill out Ever
Catholicsm means nothing in Latin America, even in Mexico.
I wonder if she will back up Lebanon, Israel or Ukraine, as our Monroe Doctrine forbid us to support internal conflicts from external countries, I bet that doctrine is going down the drain like the turd I took today
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It's head is closer to the ground so it can smell dropped sheckles, foreskin and hiding children.
let the bodies hit the floor
Lol nope Mary worship is semitic Tyrian worship of a goddess in disguise.
In all seriousness you better hope she has your interests as a Beaner instead of nosey merchants.
The parties designated their presidental candidates before any election related violence started and those candidates practically have nothing to do with the presidential race, it's mostly local stuff.

>as if that means the presidential race of all things was unaffected by corruption and threats.
That's in fact the case, goes to show how little you know about mexican politics.
Most mexican don't even know or remember how many candidates were killed because of how minor their positions were, it's basically on the level of small business owners getting killed.
Also funny how retards love bringing this up but always forget to mention that like half of the killed candidates were from the current ruling party.

Not sure why gringos pretend to know about mexican politics if you don't care about them.
B doesnt exist, fool.
JEWS RUN ALL CARTELS, in case you're that new.
Lol at they used the most Jew-y fucking photo that you can imagine, hand wringing and all.

Mexicans are scum and deserve it
She's Jewish who believes in a Jewish religion? Shocked!
god I wanna grab that party paunch
i saw her first bro
>Mexico is 92% Catholic
That percentage is only 78% now. It probably hasn't been over 90% Roman Catholic since the 90s, if not before.
Imagine electing a child eating hag that just walked out of the forest. The old folktales warned you of this stuff

I'm getting my boots ready now. Wait for me Espana Azul Soldaten
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Mexico's had gays and trannies for decades. Pic rel, LGBT pride march in Guadalajara, the bastion of ultra-conservatism and the place where Roman Catholic priests were shooting anti-clerical Mexican government forced back in the days of the Cristero War.
Fun fact: the number 41 was associated with fags in Mexico due to the arrest of 41 crossdressers and homosexual men in a dance party that took place back in 1901, more than a century before it became le funny tranny suicide attempt rate expressed as a percentage.
Espana Azul more like Espanza Azul
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Globohomo installed her to make sure the immigrant invaders in the US stay there, regardless of who's elected.
Also to make sure the white genocide caravans keep coming.
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This is beyond surreal. Are they staging this shit on purpose? Her likeness to the merchant, I mean. Its like they are rubbing our noses in it.
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Doesn't she have connections to one of the major cartels in Mexico? What's the fucking point in electing officials at this point if their all bought by the same criminal organizations?
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It is well documented that every Mexican president in the recent decades have been a puppet of the genocidal white supremacist US regime, even direct part of the institutionalized organized crime of the CIA, except from AMLO and Claudia, but this is the first time it makes you think "Is there any place on earth where Jews don't have their claws on it?" because Claudia's grandparents where Jewish (religion) even when she's an atheist, so her parents, and when Mexicans, unlike US racist ppl, don't use race/religion to define themselves. If that is your case, you are mostly the normie druggy WASP European-American cocowashed by the white supremacist propaganda repeating some of the antisemitic conspiracy theories.

Wake up, the enemy of the Mexicans and the world is the European-American white supremacist imperial regime serving the Capitalists and there is not serious support for your "Jewish controlling the US" white supremacist conspiracy theory, but serious evidence of the opposite, where Jewish minority naZionist (most naZionists are US white supremacist Christians living in the US regime) are just a very obvious front used by the white supremacists to mask the real enemy.

Do you know what was the very last opposition (proven USAID financed political group called combo McPRIAN) proposal in Congress before AMLO left? To allow the US regime to invade Mexico, literarily.
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The US sadist white supremacist regime did genocide against Mexicans before the existance of naZionism, during the creation of the European-American outpost aka "Israel" and after it. European Jews moved to Palestine by the demographic engineering of the sanguinary white supremacist British empire are corpses offered for an eventual sacrifice. They are the ones exposed by the white supremacist regime provocations to the jaws of the corrupted "middle east" states continuously destroyed and massacred by them until they violently react for their existence and resist the white supremacists and fail, while destroying the region and helping the Rumsfeld/Cebrowski doctrine.

Your only purpose as a cocowashed druggy WASP and beneficiary of the European-American imperialism is to keep consuming trash food and drugs, watch cuck porn and spread the white supremacist propaganda and disregard reality. You are just a very well paid bot, a druggy WASP bot.

Welcome to the new world, where resistance against the European-American imperialism is growing and the white supremacist genocidal regimes are declining.
They've been at the head of colonization for a few thousand years, anon. They settled in each country as refugees and took them over one by one. It's been one long con job.
more like morena backs chapitos based on amlo's visits to badiraguato and mayo's abduction and arrest. it's pretty clear which way this is headed.
another druggy WASP living in wonderland. Wake up

YOU are the enemy
>Morena as the nuPRI
pri -> prd -> morena. all same same.
What happened in Badiraguato, druggy Jhon? What did the white supremacist propaganda fed you with?
>Claudia's grandparents where Jewish (religion) even when she's an atheist
this are the fucking retards that believe in morena, here's a tip for you, the cristero war was caused by another shephardic jew who also claimed to be atheist
Why is PRI and PRD financed by the US trying to allow the sadist US regime to invade Mexico while Morena is preventing it to happen?
Nope. These grabbler kikes won't stop even until people are fed up with their shjt. They will continue to he agressive professional victims until the very last second after goyim are destroying jewish homes and businesses. They will sit there and scratch their head and wonder what they did to deserve it as their world burns.
Nope, it was a KKK and white supremacist financed war, while other ehite supremacists, the Vatican, funded the catholics, so no, it was a war between white European-American supremacists
no, retard, plutarco elias calles wanted to abolish christianity because an atheist country(communist) is easier to control
Isn't Mexico ran by cartels? Being President of Mexico seems less impressive than being class president of some kindergarten class in the middle of Detroit.
In addition to lobbying the American public, the Knights met United States President Calvin Coolidge and pressed him for US intervention on behalf of the rebels.[153][154] According to former Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus, Carl A. Anderson, two-thirds of Mexican Catholic councils were shut down by the Mexican government. In response, the Knights of Columbus published posters and magazines which presented Cristero soldiers in a positive light.[137] In the mid-1920s, the anti-Catholic Ku Klux Klan denounced the Knights of Columbus's Mexican Fund.[155][154][95][156]
It's run by Capitalism. Cartels are created and run by US genocidal regime. Read about the Iran-Contras, you won't get that teached in white supremacist schools
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>president of mexico just happened to be in the neighborhood. thought he'd stop and say hi to joaquín's mom.
nothing to see here. move along. viva mexico.
The second iteration of the Klan probably had some old lingering fascination with meddling with Mexico via some remnenant of ideology from the Knights of the Golden Circle but honestly they had their hands full in the US and never really amounted to a major organization. Even the second iteration which was more organized never really had that kind of reach.
Sure, what else? So you heard Chapos mom from a very small and the poorest town in Mexico approached AMLO and ask him to help minor narco puppet Chapo and that's a proof of what exactly? Did you know AMLO have visited EVERY town in Mexico? You want real evidence of who's running the US cartels in Mexico? Read about the Iran-Contras scandal, and check how it is related to the faggot rifle association today.
nobody is invading mexico, zoomie amigo. we love you just the way you are.
sure druggy WASP, disregard evidence that disregard your white supremacist narrative
What does shit in Nicaragua 40 years ago have to do with the modern cartels?
You know what else is an abomination in the sight of the lord? Using the Internet. Yet here you are.
Look I wouldn't be on this board if I got triggered by some retarded shit like that, especially something that didn't even really sting or wasn't even funny kek.

I'm honestly curious if you have some actual evidence of the schizo shit you're saying though.
>some actual evidence
it's probably just some faggot expat sucking mexi-cock in the df or vallarta.
The proven US financed opposition (https://www.sinembargo.mx/12-05-2021/3974514), the combo McPRIAN, just called for the US to invade Mexico last week in congress, by the leader of the fascist party PAN. Most white supremacist politicians in the US have been calling for an invation, including Trum and his inner circle.
Man you are coping big time yikes puto.
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Would you grab this one?
oy vey don't notice, look at the hope of the poor and praise amlo
Everything, you just realized it existed so you are not aware, go and get educated.
Dont worry, she's based
Is it really invading a place if you go in after they have literally been invading you for decades kek?

Honestly if I was a Mexican I'd want it to happen because at this rate the place is going to be a ghost town in a few decades. Also the only reason the people of Mexico don't deal with their criminal narco gang overlords is because millions leave instead of dealing with their own problems. It's like a giant pressure valve that keeps anything from bubbling over.
why would we invade when you already do our bidding? you don't really believe you're an independent country, do you? all we have to do is lock down the border for 24 hours and you'll come crawling on your hands and knees just like you did the last time. it hurts you a lot more than it hurts us.
Everyone here knows about Iran Contra bozo. It's like normie intro to conspiracy 1101 tier stuff honestly.

You want to talk about something interesting like Project Blue Beans let me know.
we still have no niggers like the gringos, so we are still based
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Medio hombre
Lol I hate to break this to you amigo... you basically ARE niggers.
of what, druggy WASP? About the US being a genocidal imperialist regime? Or about not being any evidence to say the kikes are running the show? What do you want to get educated in?
lol almost all the assasinated candidates were from MORENA itself and it was likely over local narco disputes, you guys know nothing about politics here, the last time a presidential candidate was actually assasinated was in the 90's, Colosia, basically our JFK tho he never made it to the presidency, and he was killed by his own party the PRI that ruled Mexico for 70 years as pretty a soft dictatorship with no real coherent ideology until it fell off due too too much infighting and becoming too corrupt.
If the US was THAT imperialist, we wouldn't have given up the Panama Canal for free though.
Iran Contras is not a conspiracy theory, is evidence, unlike your white supremacist conspiracy thories about kikes running the show
>Project Blue Beans
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dang, you guys suck at putting nicknames. I would just call you mayate
naw, your niggers are worst, at least we do it for money and drugs, while your niggers just plainly hate you lol
It is true that Iran Contra is a confirmed conspiracy.

However, so is the the little hats running the show. In fact the irony of you even doubting it, considering the OP topic of this thread, is actually hilarious.
these guys dont know anything about our country and the few mexicans that actually posts here are those retarded actual prianistas from reddit and twitter that said AMLO was both going to be as bad as Trump and also a communist, somehow
Lol yeah they are definitely worse, but that's why I used the word "basically"
>ghost town
Are you even reading what you are writing? US runs cartels, 90% of the narco earnings from Colombia to US remain in white supremacist land. It is a white supremacist business, why would the US regime would ever want to destroy their business?
they cope about whitey not being at fault for anything and actually its the jews that do all the evil stuff, while fantasying about genocide and other edgy 12 year old idea every other post, but remember, not evil and totally innocent.
sure Jhon, that's my point, we are on an ongoing revolutionary process against the evil satanic empire
sure, let's see your "confirmed conspiracy" evidence Forest, I'll wait
I'd honestly have no real problem with Mexicans if not for the immigration. I used to go down there from time to time before it got so bad tbqh.

I went to Cuba a while back and it was unionically not as bad as Mexico kek I never thought I'd see the day that was true.

It takes alot of nerve to send a quarter of your country to a place illegally in such a short time and expect then to still like you or not have some natural animosity.
They don't even know anything about their country either kek
mexicans are the people emmigrating the least out of all latin ameericans, cause our shit is okay-ish now, or rather, its just not worth going to the us cause the wages there arent that much better that here and its a pain in the ass. and as to why it happened to begin with, well, maybe you shouldnt have invaded like a third of mexico and then complain that there are mexicans in that land. maybe invade canada instead next time.
>pro LGBT
>pro abortion
>turbo feminist
>banning child marriage (still a thing in rural Mexico and formerly protected by the law as "usos y costumbres")
>a former hippie weed druggie
She won because she's AMLO's chosen one. She either becomes an obedient puppet to the old fart or we go fulll leftist authoritarianism.
Mexicans are americans, idiot. Europen-Americans are priviledged colonizers. Mexicans are just taking over their indigenous lands, Read about the genocides against Mexicans, "Repatriation" op, "Wetback" op, foced sterilizations that happened during all the past century. You are the genocidal colonizar and need to get back to Europe
>or we go fulll leftist authoritarianism
you guys said that last time too and it didnt happen either. and frankly AMLO picked her for two reasons only, one, she is a woman and he knew the opposition would cope by nominating a woman too to make it a gender issue, and two, because Claudia is a borderline AMLO groupie, she does whatever he says, a guy like Ebrad woulda never went through cause he probably wouldnt have gone along with whatever he says.
Still waiting for your "confirmed conspiracy" evidence that "jews are running the show", druggy WASP
He posted a picture of a bloody dog and thinks he isn't worse than niggers.
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>maybe you shouldnt have invaded like a third of mexico and then complain that there are mexicans in that land.
our homelands are europe, you native faġġot. every second the white man gets to spend in the americas is a victory against you jungle monkeys
>>pro LGBT
>>pro abortion
>>turbo feminist
>>banning child marriage (still a thing in rural Mexico and formerly protected by the law as "usos y costumbres")
All based
>>a former hippie weed druggie
did you get a chance to read about the relation it has TODAY with the faggot rifle association?
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Is that actually the photo they decided to go with?
> it didnt happen
Messing with the Judiciary to limit its regulatory role on the Executive is early stage authoritarianism. AMLO may have left the work unfinished but Sheinbaum will sure pick up where he left off.
The fact you believe there is such a thing a 'secular jew' is why we are all in this goddamn mess you absolute mong.
Son please. The Chinese loved Kissinger and the guys surrounding mao were jews.
Holy shit her neck is FUCKED.
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Nice try Chang
They don't get it or are just plainly dishonest because they are brainwashed or outright complicit. People need to realize, up to a critical mass, just how fake the systems they embedded in are from central banking to the electoral process.
Weak b8 be nor
Ameri anons you should honestly just invade us at This point and do a clean sweep of all the ruling class, if México was first world you guys wouldnt be having This much problems, México ITS gonna becomes a narco dictator hellhole in a few years, jews bitch Is just a puppet in place, next elections that Andy fucker (not even named mexican that AMLO fuck) Is gonna be put in power.. Guess as Maduro falls now they need a new Venezuela to keep the drugs going... If América does nothing to their new comunist neighboors in door, im gonna laugh at your pussy ass, as russian missiles Will be put here in ww3
this 100%
You know it sends up redflags for me- in am honest discourse- when people play these stupid midwit semantic games. Tge Unitsed States is a polity, a union of states.

We are distinct from your people and your nation in many many ways. A rock on the ground could see this. Dont play these semantic games that a child would see through. It is either clinical retardation on your part or just low brow sandbagging.

Mexicans, if you look at the last few decades, have definitely immigrated the MOST by far.. even though now they are actively facilitating the flow of south Americans to add insult to injury.

Again, this has been allowed to happen by very nasty political parties as a tool against white Americans. You people have facilitated it and have been their tool. You'd have to be on crack to see it and not think it would make many in the US hate you and have natural animosity towards you. It is sad, because before you did this and were used in this way there was no bad blood I think we always got along and liked each other personally. But never again unfortunately.
I refuse to believe that mexicans elected a fucking jew.
Of what ethnic extract is your president?
kek I remember the time when the european jews tried to fake they were commies by inviting multiple chinesse personalities to Palestine and they were mocked by some chinesse smart guy. The TV video is out there, but well tried, white supremacist beliver of the "jews controll the world" to avoid accepting US sadist regime is behind gringo fiend
The percentage went down not because of atheism but moved faiths.
Elias Calles was a sephardic atheist jew.
great argument. Read the thread to see how none of your gringo druggy WASP frieds was able to articulate a single argument and they all pussied out, so do you
Dios fucking mios
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for fucks sake op now I have to update this image
Look up "Canelo vs Callum Smith"
Let me Guess you stay in the tourists designated área, never went out cause youre a fat fuck.. where 99% of that country aré shanty Town starving, who aré giving Bones to survive thanks to che huevero AND His retarded revolution that enslaved then all.
That is not how indigenous/colonizer works redneck. Indigeneity is a concept that was constructed exclusively under the Imperial context. You are a colonizer or an indigenous person. Mexicans and most latinamerican countries kicked out the european colonizers, while the US and Canada and a few colonial outposts remain European. You are the colonizers, Mexicans are indigenous, even after mixing. We kept our culture, while you have none but the white supremacist european culture of genocide
The "forced sterilizations" of Fujimori, at least here in Peru, were bullshit pushed by leftist globohomo useful idiots, ironically in this case a catholic, namely Carbone, the health minister under president Toledo.
They conflated the voluntary and the involuntary sterilizations, and the involuntary ones were a tiny minority (and mostly due to medical malpractice and labguage barriers) that were of similar magnitude in the subsequent governments (not even 100 if I remember correctly).
Idiot native beaner fell for all the bullshit
>the involuntary ones were a tiny minority (and mostly due to medical malpractice
Imagine writing this cope and still believing what you're saying. You should stop posting and lurk for like 4 years.
Sure, do you have any argument, druggy? Or just bullshit? Anotherone pussied out.

Is there any gringo with actual arguments in this site?
Will she increase immigration into the US or stem the tide? I was skeptical until just recently.
This retard is using a special flavor of the marxist Postcolonial theory, very popular at universities in Latam. I bet he also believes in the retarded and also marxist "Dependence Theory."
strange reptilian posture
Catholics in Mexico havbe been used by external powers, like the Vatican during the cristiada, it is WELL documented. Los caballeros de colón financiaron a los reveldes mientras que el estado mexicano era una nacion pronazi y aliada del KKK que lo financió. Yo no defiendo ningún régimen supremacista como tu
Cope? It is a fact. Fujimori did not commit genocide. It literally is made up. He was never judged because of that, despite their political enemies (bith national and international) being in power, because it is BLATANTLY FALSE.
lel como siempre el peruano hueleamierda que se quiere apropiar de todo, hasta de las conversaciones. Nadie está hablando de tu país mierdero. Estamos hablando de la esterilización forzada de latinos en Estados Unidos, incluyendo contra puertoriqueñas, mexicanas, peruanas y un largo etcétera llevado a cabo legalmente hasta finales de los 70s donde un juez decidió que era ilegal ahah
>She also is pro LGBT (sodomy) which is an abomination in the sight of the Lord.
welp, we know what's going to happen to mexico (the same as the US)

let it burn!!!!
does aids even exists? those niggas eat human hearts and drink their enemy's blood, how come we never hear they have aids or some other weird diseases like the faggots vaxxed niggas with monkeypox ?
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lmao FUCK u faggots.
It's ironic that you call me fat (I'm not) when Mexicans in the US are probably the single fattest demographic we have, even rivaling black women. But yeah Cuba, even it's poor areas have become better than the supposedly tourist areas in Mexico. Puerto Rico makes you look like Haiti. I'd honestly rather walk around Jamaica these days kek.

Citizenship of a country with a unique language, ways, society, government, borders, etc. Is a very important concept and it's basically takes OD'ing on undergrad tier sociology buzzwords to try and minimize this manifest reality. To anyone who doesnt have a tiny mind, it is impossible to circumlocute this reality away. Just low brow phone-it-in-tier buzzwords honestly kek.

It is very real, and you have created enemies in place of what used to be friends because of it. I don't blame people for what their governments do- or what their criminal gangs do, but your *people* have done this by the millions like rats off of a sinking ship. The correct posture for a Mexican in Mexico to have regarding this is to despise those who fled, but I'm sure they were your friends and family so you won't do that.

And depending on your particular makeup you are the children of colonizers amigo. Your language, your ways, half of everything came from the Spanish. Don't hate yourself don't even hate half of yourself. You should own what you are and stop regurgitating these catch phrases and self hatred that some woman teacher taught you.
Apropiar de todo? Ironico si viene de un marxistoide. No he estudiado el caso que mencionas, pero suspendo mi juicio hasta hacerlo (algo que los imbeciles como tú son incapaces de hacer) justamente porque los izquierdistas de mierda adoran sacarse genocidios del ano mientras que niegan los genocidios de sus asquerosas ideologias.
Answer the question- humor me amigo.

Of what ethnic extract is your president?
That's not a human. You don't need to be a detective to see this shit. Look at how fucked those body proportions are.

Didn't Bhutan recently adopt (((democracy))) or is planning to?
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EL ganador de la casa de los famosos fue Bezares, pinche pericazo que se va a poner con esos 4 melones
Yeah, this fucking cunt looks absolutely horrible compared to even someone like Kamala who just looks silly and dumb. Extremely annoying looking jew cunt and I don't even know anything about here except the physiognomy.
No, actually. All of the opposition were killed off. I may not be a beaner, but it's easy to see that this kikeress piece of shit had no competition, and was practically let in the front door.

At least, the beaners will have a legitimate reason to run from their shithole now, but both sides have had kikes for a who knows how many decades now, and both sides are fucked.

It will likely try to stop the immigration. The spics have to get nice and comfortable for this ride, and the cartels will likely just be made into the kikeress's personal body guards and Bolshevik-type enforcers.
otro peruano lameculos de los gringos. Tienes algún argumento para rebatir lo que escribí o solo hablas mierda como gringo de Miami?
>"America are the evil ones!"
>"Please let me live in your country!"
It's fucking cold here in Orizaba, anybody wants to hug me?
bros what happens when you fuck chicks with hunchbacks like this doggystyle ? Something feels geometrically incompatible right ? I can't put my finger on it
my ass was sweating in Cordoba and now I feel Kalt
>Perú mierdero
Tan mal no debe estar si al igual que Chile recibe millones de inmigrantes.
Al contrario de México, en donde en vez de inmigrar, emigran.
Ahora lánzame insultos a mí, para confirmar que no tienes argumentos, jajaja.
Lots of bulshit. You didn't make a single point to rebate what I wrote, but nice try. I invite you to leave the drugs behind and read what indigenous mean and the colonial context it was created
She is a glow nigger
>Imagine thinking she didn't go to glow school while writing research in Berkeley.
gracias por probar mi punto, metiche. Vete a leer antes de escribir
They have been planning this revenge since World War II lol
Como es que señalar que eres un marxista que opera bajo estupideces como la Teoria Postcolonial (Teoria Critica, esa de los marxistoides) y la Teoria de la Dependencia equivale a lamerle el culo a los gringos? Tambien me cago en todo gringo que apoye la leyenda negra o que sea un socialista de mierda. Por que los simios más estupidos son incapaces de juzgar las cosas y las personas de manera individual? Solo pueden pensar en colectivos. Literalmente tienen una mente de baja resolución. Es moral y esteticamente repugnante.
Probar tu punto? El hablar de lo que se y no de lo que no se es probar tu punto? Eres imbécil?
I'm more curious how the cartels feel about her. They can probably get something from the Jewess, but I don't think they'll like being her slave.
dejemos de pelear, rate my picaditas
>Mexico has one of the worlds lowest male genital mutilation rates
>They start electing Jews
men are so cucked by jews
Cartels are created and controlled by the US, hence by Jews according to the unsupported in evidence white supremacist conspiracy theory

Invita anon
eww no es mala onda amigo pero me da asquito hablar contigo
me avente 12, estan bien chiquitas y a $5 pesos, te gusta el camaron? sin albur
Is that photo real? It looks like la happy merchant.
Tenemos una moneda estable (y eso que no apoyo la banca central), recursos minerales y un sector informal que permite evadir muchas estupideces del gobierno. Además, el maoista de mierda de Castillo fallo en su golpe de estado y ahora esta su vicepresidente, la cual basicamente se ha entregado al WEF y a la agenda 2030 (ahora "proyecto futuro" en la region). Es decir, no estamos bien, pero al menos no es el infierno venezolano, y la prueba de eso son los 2 millones de venezolanos que tenemos (en un pais de poco más de 34 millones aprox.) y el millon de bolivianos que esperamos porque su pais tambien se fue a la mierda (con las medidas que los "centristas (izquierdistas) moderados y razonables" querian imponer aquí).
Of course I put my faith above my nationality. If Mexico makes laws that are non-Catholic, I will protest.
Cabron está chida ya se me antojo
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time to commit sudoku in protest
tremendo maricón de mierda jajaja.
And yes, that's a problem.
If Mexico goes astray, I will remain faithful to God and the Church he founded. I don't worship my country.
Before ww2. Its always been their goal to subvert every nation and bleed them dry.
Le falta chile huichol
>Goyim, I...
Only in matamoros and maybe Reynosa…
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esquite en lenguaje inclusive
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Spic bros, I thought you were based n shit, but it turns out you are just cocacola golems.
Yeah, B basically since this and a Zacatecan chimp were her closest oponents.
Fricking globalist faggots. Hitler was a jew, Bernie is a Jew, Putin is part jew;

Claudia may NOT be a catholic, but she's under AMLO's control and power. Claudia is a mere continuation of AMLO's regime.
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>Al contrario de México, en donde en vez de inmigrar, emigran.
Tenemos un monton de sudacas apestosos como tu, necesitan regresar al sur
Mexicanos criticando Chilenos es como gringos criticando aussies.
Es divertido pero al final fueron gracias a los chilenos que tenemos independencia.
typical yenta reptile shapeshifter
TKD all these abominations
le puse salsa habanera y chipotle ( las bottellitas de plastico verde y roja )
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Sorry I'm shit at images.
besémonos todos entonces
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They are like automatrons, they go through obscure race mixing and some programming activates them after xyz years, I used to think shapeshifting meme is beyond retarded, but I am leaning on lizard theory nowadays.
Brother, order some porcelain plates from AliExpress what is that plastic shit? Are you pig, why do you eat like this hombre?
Yeah, because unofficially jews preside almost every country on the earth
Muerte total para los chilangos y chicanos

Japan used to be immune but it's slowly eroding away
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>Our homelands is Yurop
Ok nigger. Just don't OD on copium or fent :)
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onions mexicano y español anon
no me importan los derechos de los indigenas
only a fucking indio could put street corn in a shotglasss and think they are on to something... saved, gotta show my dad. yepa yepa andale arriba!
>Just don't OD on copium or fent :)
im gonnna OD on fent just because you said that

Holy shit! What an ugly fucking kike! Mexico really fucked up with this one! Good job, spics!
You are a nigger lover and a cunt, Jordi.
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tas calado, maistro?
Afortunadamente el español vale pito aquí, muerte total para españa.
Just because we sell it*
Fixed it for you, Cleetus. Be aware of those laced CBD carts too ;^)
pinches jannies; eres mas prieto que nada
i voted for the "jew" cuz i hate fat women.
Why won't they ban sugary drinks, it would fix the issue overnight.
Regardless of the percentage, just because abuela once burned one of these doesn't make the entire family Catholic.
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are you crazy? I love my women fat and brown, go to Europe with your fucking ideals and tipping culture as well
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And that is good! :^)
>pinches jannies; eres mas prieto que nada
lmao, beaner filter is working as intended.
Como que te gustan prietas y gordas anon?
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ya me ensarte solo, sicierto
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apoco si, tilin?
Holy shit, its the same beaner nigger that lurks on Mexico threads, I found you again. And would you look at that, the same boring ass tactic of calling us druggies. You still smoking that Mexico City crack you're so proud of.
Iran but kikes trying hard to remove it
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The jews want world domination and to sink the world into eternal darkness and slavery.
Niggers like you should be gassed.
rest in piss
Hopefuly this will help make people notice who’s behind the vilification of Spain in the Americas
>That pic
Wow it's kinda like they knew exactly what they were doing when making this fine piece of propag... I mean informative news article
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Jews killed the opposition




Mexico is now a Jewish puppet state. They are traitors and enemies of the US and of Mexico. They are working with the Cartel to sow discord and push drugs and refugees into the US. It's nothing more than a weapon against us goy. They are leaders in BLM, La Raza, and the alt right. They are the ones sowing discord. They advice Putin and lead the Ukraine. They are both sides of every conflict just for the purpose of diminishing non Jews.

1 Thessalonians 2:15
They killed both the Lord Jesus and the prophets and drove us out. They don’t please God, and they are hostile to the entire human race

How old were you when you realized it is our Biblical duty not to serve Jews but to oppose them. God chose them to be his instrument. On one hand, if any of them are saved then no other people have an excuse. On the other, they are an evil that will unite all people with God. Because they truly are vile greedy pedophiles. Their nature is evil. They really murder and plot to murder and enslave other races. They sow discord and someday when we all realize it, prophecy says it will become all nations against Israel. When I read that as a child I thought the world hopelessly lost, but now I see, when we all unite it will be a virtuous stand we take. And God will save a remnant of them, but the wicked will be punished. They are destined to throw the world into chaos, and destined to suffer for it.
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>Mexico City
Nigger, that shitlango shithole is like 2000 miles away from were I live. You must be out of meds because you are confusing me with the wrong beaner, Cleetus.
>see woman get kidnapped
>not my problem
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Central and South America was Moor'd by Andalusian Conquistadors.
We're very sorry.
Mexico really did nothing to deserve this. Very sad.
White supremacist. LMAO. America is a mixed country and whites are hated and blamed for everything in America.
Why don’t latinos learn the truth that they were settled by Spaniards?
>White Supremacist
Please give me whatever drugs you're on.
i love jews
You won't do shit
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sure sure, she's also white too am I right?
No, she's a disgusting skin walker.
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Oh, pardon me then. You all smell the same from here.
Hordes of Mexicans to invade America including large amounts of cratel gang members
>secular jew
All (((secular))) jews believe in Moloch while telling the Western world that they should be atheists.
wow, a jew woman being in favor of gay faggot debauchery, what a rare occurrence
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Mexico are you ready to get the argy treatment?! Brace for 200% inflation and insta-firing of public workers!
Most Mexicans don't give a single shit about Spain's "apology".
The kikess wants Spain to apologize for 1492 and is using the Conquista as a proxy.
Being jew is being a humanity hating snake terrorist.

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