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The government has arrived to help (take your firearms to stop you from shooting looting negros)
Anon yesterday was saying this is a test like Katrina at how quickly people self organize. Looks like we have our answer.
not like whites would ever hurt poor black people trying to kill them
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but are they gonna stop me from shooting nonlooting glownegros
Don't assume, it may just be a trailer with gear to cut trees.
But uhh... ... Rooster at midnight.
Close, it's half-Katrina-half-Waco
LoL's kikes
yes im sure the guys stacked up around that police cruiser in black tactical gear are going to be cutting trees in the georgia humidity
it's part of the Biden regime. Gay, incompetent, only there to leech tax dollars and offer nothing in return
Or just boldly and bravely welcome them to the community, thank them for being out there to keep things safe, and listen...
So the gun grabbers set up in a city (Greenville) 45 miles away from the real action. Checks out.
They already know people don't self organize. They create warring parties. It's our earliest intelligent thought in history. "That group is going to take my resources which will kill me, I must kill them." They are determining the groups at their most basic form. Who splits where and what do they do? Only somebody with a utopian mindset would imagine people come together to overcome the issue lol. That's absurdity. The top tier of humanity will shine through and be identified. That type of person will be recorded as a threat to future operations. They are profiling the population. People that lead, follow, and sit. This will give them an idea of the resistance they will face when they start.
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This is a gay LARP and I'll tell you why. That sign is the county park system for Greenville South Carolina. Although Greenville County did get some flooding, it's almost all in the Northernmost mountainous area where few people live. This picture is in Pelzer, which is not a disaster zone. Business is going on on normal in Pelzer. Uncle Sam isn't coming to Greenville County because there is nothing to do for the people of Greenville.
read the guys account retard
Better leave them niggers alone.
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Oh no, they're going to be entering an area with extremely limited communication and surveillance apparatuses! Gosh, I hope they're careful!
That's good. Theyll assume everyone is disorganized then when it matters they'll wake up dead.
The hoe is larping for attention (woman moment). All she is dealing with is some down power lines and some fallen trees on the road. I live there too.
Can someone tell me what is ATF?
So you treat us, the people you are paid to serve and protect, like Afghan civilians and potential insurgents? This is why you lost Kabul, this is why the people don't trust you. You serve godless, church bombing zionists without shame. You betray America and Jesus Christ, and the guilt of your conscience brings fear to convict you.
Specialized wing of government that kills loose dogs and babies.
Aquatic Turbo Fags
finally copy pasta worth saving.
no electricity and no roads is not "larping for attention" fuckhead
Just in case you're not trolling. It's the Bureau of alcohol tobacco and firearms. basically they just arbitrarily make laws without a vote then come steal you're shit using whatever flimsy excuse they've come up with this time
Ostensibly they're supposed to be the law enforcement group that regulates alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. In reality they're Tactictool military LARP faggots who drive around in tanks murdering people and pets with impunity because someone a block away sawed the barrel of their shotgun three nanometers too short.
This guy for president, 2024
Its like Ass To Mouth but they take your guns. It's a three-letter agency that's been looking for a reason to exist since they killed a bunch of people at Ruby Ridge and Waco.
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ATF is the only glownigger agency that measures staff numbers by the pound instead of by the person
>basically they just arbitrarily make laws without a vote
Not anymore. EPA vs West Virginia BTFO'd Chevron deference. Based SCOTUS coming through, ATF with even less of a reason to exist than they had previously.
ATF: Always Tasting Food
>Can someone tell me what is ATF?

Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

Not a convenience store, but an actual gubmint agency. Sounds crazy I know.
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Literally shoot them on sight as they are only there to deprive the locals of their rightfully owned firearms.
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Never forget, never forgive
OK princess.
>Woe is me I have no power and have to take a little detour to the vasectomy clinic.
Thanks for the answer
It stands for Ass To Face, which is the preferred reproductive strategy for feds.
OK, kike
You're a dweeb lmao.

Glad ya liked my post. I'm trying to get in contact with some local PD to see what's going on. They're up in an area that wasn't hit particularly hard due to the lay of the land but is known for lots of drug/gang activity, especially over the last few months.
>only have one road
>its blocked

wow its like you can barely function with an IQ this low
It doesn't change the fact she is lying about gun confiscations, looting and pandemonium when none of that is happening where she lives. There are places that are actually destroyed towns and people are trapped in them. She is not one of those people.
Boomer, pig, or kike?
She lives in Pelzer. She is not trapped. She is larping.
Looks very flooded.
Fuck off PK
When they plan federal orgies you can find these guys stationed in the bathroom to save money on toilet paper.
You're a fucking faggot.
>tree crashes on truck
>not trapped
you share blue faggots have no shame
Any news on the jeet station owners overcharging for gasoline? You'd think they'd end up shot
Just walk PK god damn. Go ride a bike. Call a cab. Shit nigger you can figure this out.
A lot of militias formed to stop looters.

They've mostly been coming from Asheville.
I guess the ATF is there to kill everybody to protect the nogs and Venezuelans
>just walk or ride a bike or call a cab
>it was just a storm
This is b8 right?
It reminds me of Katrina when they went around taking guns from people defending their property
>Be in Louisiana during Katrina
>Shit is FUCKED fucked
>Government doesn't give two fiddle fucks about any of us.
>End up in Mad Maxx Nigger rape thunder dome
>Government downplaying all the child rape and murder by the niggers.
>Gov. stance on news: "dey are good bois and ain't doing nuffin. News at 11."
>Rape as a past time continues from the groid menace. Entire families starting to disappear.
>Whitey has enough and starts stacking bodies like chord wood in self defense and anger.
>Papa Gov can't have that getting out!
>Massive intentional blackouts to hide the blacks out.
>NatGuard swoops in to take all the guns from YT. Hands out food and supplies to the rape dome.
>Gov covers it all up as a wonderful success where everyone came together holding hands singing songs.
>People still missing today after being raped and murdered or murdered and raped.
>People still don't have their fucking guns back to this day.
>Repeat this same scenario for every tornado or hurricane for ever.

>Helene happens.
>Gov doesn't send help. Punishes people trying to help.
>Media blackout and dead spots where there shouldn't be. Supply lines crashing thanks to the union cucks during a disaster.
>ATF shows up this time cause NatGuard is protecting muh shekels.
>Repeat the rape dome again.
>Media response: "lol, look at all those dead YTs! That's what you get for being dumb poor Republicucks or whatever the narrative is right now!"

>It's all so tiresome.
>people don’t organize, they form parties
Do you even hear yourself
Literally yes. Cabs are indeed running in Pelzer. The roads are not flooded in Pelzer. You can rode a bicycle in Pelzer. You can walk in Pelzer. Hoe is LARPing.
This guy has it right >>483416753
Literally everything they do is effectively unconstitutional. I don't even think they work the US border, nobody needs them to do interstate booze commerce. I think they were just set up to literally troll the Constitution daily for the Rothschild Estate.
>be american
>larp about muh guns
>government can come any time and take them away from you, especially when you truly need them
They’re going to shoot you if you’re white after dark…. And I can’t wait…
Those faggots in the area aren't going to comply, right?
Look up the New Orleans nigger massacre after Katrina.
I’m in Augusta. It’s literally just white guys out with chainsaws cutting up trees toto unblock roads. All the nigger areas are still inaccessible and being looted. Women on Facebook bitching that the govt isn’t helping and utilities aren’t fixing things immediately. It’s really eye opening
I had a friend trapped in that Super Dome. She had stayed behind because she was a doctor. We had to go into NOLA to rescue her. The military eventually escorted us into the police station where she was waiting to be picked up. Then they escorted us out. "Why the escort?" we asked. "Because people are shooting at cars for no reason" they said. Our doctor friend was in shock. Later suffered from PTSD. Rape, rape, and more rape. Beatings, robbings, stabbings, shootings. People huddling together in groups to take trips to the bathroom. Homeless people peeing on all of the cots. Alcohol and drug withdraw making them even more violent. The whites finally had enough and just began shooting on sight. As in, forming hunting parties to shoot looters or people up to no good.

What did the media have to say about it? "Here is a heartwarming story about a person trapped in the Super Dome sharing their insulin" "These people are starving and it's all Bush's fault! Help these poor people!"

Just awful.
That's what it is. The people who actually lost everything aren't even capable of bitching about their lives on Facebook.
When did they drop the E?
Any place to read more on stuff about this? Obviously never really heard about much of this when I was younger minus the typical MSM type reporting when the storms came through
who's doing the looting? white trash meth heads, blacks, or browns?
The jannies of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.
Absolute clowns.
Still officially BATFE
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I have some screencaps talking about it.
The organization dedicated to stopping a coup against ZOG
>rape the atf agents
Now there's an idea.
This is just life with a sufficient % of niggers
>would ever hurt
a lot of people ended up dead in new orleans
looters were killed on sight
remember, in modern america
the police are there to protect the criminals, not citizens
Asheville is only 15% nog. imagine if it were somewhere like Atlanta or Birmingham.
world war z level shit.
If the media doesn't say its all evil white supremacists doing the crimes, it can be assumed to be nogs safely. Its the Colter rule, and its pretty airtight.
>truck squished
>isn't even touched
shut up bitch
Same. Actually my family already had run ins with nigger looters before we got power back on. We lived off the beaten path is a semi-rural area and some of them tried to drive down here to snag a gascan before being filled with birdshot lmfao.
>New Orleans is just under 60% black
Sounds like nigger on nigger crime/nigger antics in some regards here, but none the less doesn't change the fact that the government seems keen on defending them anyways. Any more screenshots though?
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I'll post what I have from anons talking about it
Holy fuck. They're there to assist the looting and murderous shitskins. They're there to arm them and coordinate their activities. The establishment really wants nothing but endless loss and suffering for us.
Hearing about a lot of bad shit
One town erased - its just gone
Looting in nigtowns - nobody bothering to stop them
Busloads of illegals carpet bombed into the area right before the hurricane just left to wander around
Contaminated ground water. No sewage treatment operational.
Fucking federals doing nothing
More like disarm the white populace so we can get a taste of America's future as a white minority nation.
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The behavior doesn't surprise me, but I only remember the media talking about the bad conditions and Kanye West saying "George Bush doesn't care about black people"
based. death to all ZOGgies.
Hide yo kids, hide yo dog
Because they be shootin errybody up in here
ATF is there to stop you hillybilly white trash tornado bait from looting and stealing fuel from Indians, mayo monkey niggers.
>Looting in nigtowns
>but it's da man that be holding us down
>Biden: "They got all the help they're gonna get"
Flood waters have not even receded yet.
They don't even know what's needed.
I-26 is missing whole sections - from GA to SC is reopened to emergency traffic, but north out of Ashville is severely damaged
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While a lot of it was black on black, I don't think the real killings started until they tried going into white enclaves.
26 is out too?
>Pathetic shitskin relies on big daddy government to whipe his ass again
What else is new
That's what I am hearing from an ex-SF guy on the ground in NC.
There is a reason PK isn't tolerated in Patch General on /k/
>What else is new
your prison jumpsuit, clown
I lived there for awhile. It was a hellscape 3 hurricanes ago and that one wasnt even bad. NC isnt much better but they have pockets of decent, civilized whites which organically keeps the rest in check. The ATF knows this.
Lmao, they shot niggers on sight when the police weren't around during katrina
The pigs are the only ones protecting you nogs from divine retribution.
>Busloads of illegals carpet bombed into the area right before the hurricane just left to wander around
Who is doing the bussing?
google Ruby Ridge
google Waco
google Bryan Malinowski (only 22 results from 4plebs)
We are all Randy Weavers and you don't have enough bootlickers for us to shoot so send more.
Women and minorities are useless
While men alone create order and stability in this world
But human beings are very quick to forget universal truths when they are comfortable
And I don't even mean on the scale of generations , within a decade even, people forget things that are obvious
Comfort is the worst possible thing for any sane rational grounded person
Cringe comeback attempt
Don't waste a good opportunity, anons. Stay safe out there.
What a comfy nation we live in, being surrounded by people who'll kill you at the first sign of civilization getting shaky, then your leaders covering up for them, how lovely!
George Bush does not care about Black people.
I have developed countermeasures for cleetus and his posse so I can loot if something happens near me
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you retarded esl jew. lol
Interesting/eye opening. I feel like I do recall some news segments that were framing it as racist attacking attacks against innocent blacks, but feels almost obvious now. I'll dig around the archives later to see if I can more.

Be careful out there anons
it wasn't fucking hunting parties you third hand info faggot, the neighborhoods which weren't fucked and predominantly white formed fortified defensive positions at the entrances to their neighborhoods, blacks would either approach on foot hooting and hollering, then started taking potshots like africans do where they stick the whole gun around the corner and shoot without aiming, then finally they tried full frontal zulu like attacks after realizing the people behind the stacks of pallets, roll off dumpsters, and bags of gravel were not putting up with their shit...they would also attempt drive by shootings (majority of encounters), but with 4-8 rifles at each entrance/street they would get as far as rolling down the window and pointing a weapon before being canoed by a 73 year old man with a .300 weatherby...when it was all over the coast guard came to get the bodies the next day, county took our statements 5 separate times for over a dozen encounters
how about you provide a link that contains a coherent summary of the event to which you refer.
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Share. I live innawoods but hate rednecks and general white trash behavior. I avoid associating with it at all costs, but also blend in well enough with them to go mostly unnoticed. if SHTF I too want the (((privileges))) that come with being white without having to suffer through listening to country music.
>warring parties
Idiot. A group created to destroy others always destroys itself.
Algiers Point?
I have a bigass loader that im making an armored cab with firing ports and engine compartment for once its fixed up. It should be able to withstand anything smaller than a .50 bmg. If shtf ill just crush someones house with their family inside and pick through the rubble to scavenge food and ammo. Im in the south so everyone is armed making such countermeasures necessary for those of us in the raider faction
Isn't it just lovely? And I also love how my nation abuses the affordable housing system to locate majority white counties to dump shittons of section 8 housing into. This way we don't have to travel to New Orleans to be raped or murdered whenever there is a natural disaster!
Since OP sucks cocks non stop
Except it was both what they report and what you report. Don't be quick to judge over this shit. Some places did take up to hunting parties to route out group crime that had taken hold in places, and they had hunting parties go and look for the rape niggers and dish out justice when the Faggotal Guard wouldn't do their damn job and keep the peace and order. In some cases, the guard just up and fucking left or went to do their own looting and galavanting, but you won't hear about that except for the handful of the most pitiful looking black women the news was showing at the time going "they left us all to die".

If people aren't careful with what's going on now, they'll scrub this event like they did with Katrina and even the South African thing that happened a few years ago where all the Mbutu got uppity again and went on another murder spree, except they didn't because whites either holed up and took out the trash or went hunting to finish off the trash. Most of that has been erased, so like everything else you see (anybody) save it all, even if it doesn't make sense or is a lie. Somebody will try to twist things in the future and what you save will be the only proof of what went down.
>gets moltov’d
Or, hear me out, don’t be retarded?
Molotovs in 9 feet of water?
fuck reggie bell
zogbot scum, hope they get ambushed
>nobody could possibly Molotov my giant, slow moving metal box
Where did the 9 feet of water come from?
Its made for looting preppers houses during a hurricane
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>they tried full frontal zulu like attacks after realizing the people behind the stacks of pallets, roll off dumpsters, and bags of gravel were not putting up with their shit..
>they would get as far as rolling down the window and pointing a weapon before being canoed by a 73 year old man with a .300 weatherby...
Absolutely BASED. Heard some similar shit from the old heads I lived around out in Paradis, they said you could flank them easily and most of their "attacks" were trying to hero charge a fortified house/garage while a car full of other scholars waited and poorly laid down cover fire. IF they didnt get dropped near instantly after running towards them, they would either get shot in the back by their homies by accident or try to run off after seeing 3 positions firing at them.

This was either in Metarie or Westwego, if I remember correctly. The one dude I used to work for and lived with told me about 2 months after the storm, he got pulled over heading towards the Huey P and the cop asked if he was armed, he was and the cop nodded and told him to not to stop moving for long as they're swarming people at some intersections.

My boss kinda reminded me of this fella:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gy0zP4pYkSo&ab_channel=WDSUNews
Id just use my armored loader to crush all the rednecks
>not in the bayou
>Coonasses use airboats for a reason
Should pvp them before they set up fob.
I've gotten to where I see all bus drivers as jews
Use yandex or presearch
please, take my guns and children, anything BUT THE DOGGORINOOO
>standing water around my giant metal box will make it impervious to a Molotov
You are actually stupid.
Bad actors being filtered? I'm not a poet, whats that mean?
What are you gonna do when a loader bucket smashes your house at 3am while youre asleep? Youll be flattened before you can grab your shotgun and make it to the door, jethro
Gasoline doesnt even burn very long, it just goes POOF and its gone. It sucks for starting fires since it just explodes instead of burning slowly like diesel or napalm. Neither of which ignite easily in open air
a bunch of fat, diversity hire jewish golems sent there to take guns off of white people while inner city blacks run rampant with illegal firearms and accessories on a daily basis.

Some journoscum went back to do a story on the militia at Algier's Point in 2008 and doxxed them to the feds:

Leading to one guy getting sentenced to 10 years in prison for a hate crime:

...Who also suddenly dies in prison just 5 days later due to "natural causes":

Lesson: NEVER TALK TO JOURNOSCUM. They were 100% off the hook until they blabbed to a journo who was basically working as an unpaid detective.
Redneck inbreeds are the ones who are more dangerous
>retard doesn’t know you add gelling agents to molotovs for it to burn longer and hotter
>doesn’t know this is an anti-armor counter measure since WWII
Dumb, very dumb.
you're brown
fucking retard
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It means people are fucking around and finding out.
Many such cases.
Filter the bad actors.
People in that are a lot more likely to shoot the ATF than shoot looters.
Yeah, everyone just has molotovs lying around
No brown could design and build an armored vehicle
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digits and you niggers keep posting New Orleans screenshots and stories
fat fuck just always has to be eating something
So far it's just been tweakers of all shades.

Thanks for the reminder officer. I'll make sure to never set foot in your mall ever again.
>dear mr president of the USA
>do you really enact violence on people who defend themselves in your country?
>thank you
>concerned European.
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There was actually a BBC docu that was rapidly removed from broadcast about shit like this. Maybe a brit on here has seen it:
>glowies and govt noses go into bunkers
>nukes hit
>send out agents make sure populations above ground stay in chaos
>assassinate upcoming leaders
>kill who they can when they can
>hell on earth
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I live in rural Alabama. I figured the methheads would be causing problems. are the grouping up with their white trash families or are they on their own mostly?
>retard records self attempting murder.

>envisions himself doing violence onto others
>cannot imagine that same violence against him
The materials to make one are in every American household, including the gelling agents. You’re going to get cooked.
Here's hoping.

>lying around.
You don't? Fuel+container+rag+throw. Dangerous, but easily made.
>can't into construction, period.
Driving through Louisiana decades later can tell you that much.

Ah, no digits. Besides, most of its word of mouth now since they purged the archives to cover up the gov fuck up.
info on the SA thing? first I'm hearing of it.
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There was a story yesterday about dogs left in a flooded shelter that someone saved. The ATF is there to finish the job
They wont be able to react in time. It looks the same as any other loader, you cant easily tell its armored.
Twitter is dangerous for them. Allows people to know their every move
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I'll give you another even though you were three off
If his blood sugar gets below cake he falls asleep.
Why not engage them with guns?
They've got places to be and I don't. They have to disengage if I kill a few of them and I can keep looting
Cant wait to use my loader to breech the roadblocks
You near Florida? How's the weather in a couple of days? I gotta head down there for work at some point and concerned about the damage or any more storms coming through while there.
>people are not going to notice my my homemade autism fighting vehicle and it’s trail of destruction!
I’ll be optimistic and say you’ll hit one or two houses max before you get cooked alive or drug out and lynched for being a retard. Best of luck. You’ll need it.
Killdozer had a pretty good run
We saw what a civil war would look like in Katrina. Piles of dead niggers.
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I'm sure you'll be very successful in your looting endeavors.
My primary target is cleetus and pajeet
Pajeets arent known for fighting back
unless you have a team of supporting infantry
you will die in your steel coffin
and if your intent is to loot and harm innocent people
then you will have deserved it
Operation remove hayseed will be successful since they dont have anything that poses a threat to 3" thick concrete and steel armor
straight to the kino folder
arigatō anon
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There are bodies still floating down the flooding river
You'll find that Cleetus is a much harder target than the pajeets
Unlikely. Much more likely he crushes the house and loots it.
Thats why im building the armored loader. If cleetus wasnt defending jeet owned businesses all id need is a dirt bike and a revolver
It’s trivial to defend against Molotov. Just don’t have air intakes that don’t have shielding. This was figured out in the 40s.
Isn’t faggot on the right now head of that evil organization?
Im replacing all the rubber hoses with metal ones that wont burn. Im still strugging with an air filter design that wont burn easily
You know he got stuck and killed himself, right?
ATF are useless government goons who ruin everything they touch. Never trust these faggots. Katrina veterans know the truth
killdozer had the aura of righteousness protecting him on his holy mission
he had also sealed himself in having already committed himself that he would not survive
and he was only up against paid thugs
he was not a selfish criminal looking for personal gain, while going up against men willing to lay down thier lives to protect their loved ones
I got a troop Carrier. Need shotgunner in passenger seat and 12-14 bros for the back. Bring your own kit. Truck will carry 5 tons of loot.
coonass checking in, I'll see you in the Atchafalaya nigger
both during the 2010 earthquake and the 2019 riots down here, people in my neighbourhood self-organized, we patrolled the perimeter, keep watches 24/7 and generally took care of each other.

you must be either a nigger or a jew.
Alabama has been mostly untouched. fallen trees here and there. some power outages but we get really lucky with hurricanes. tornadoes not so much. but I"m north of B'ham so maybe I don't know about some areas down there that are hit.
Most importantly: Marvin was not intending on exiting his vehicle to loot the buildings he just destroyed
what color are the bodies?
>people don’t organize, rather they organize
Stop posting, faggot.
>Mr. Won't-do-shit brags about all of the shit he's GOING to do, no really guys, this time for sure!
Another wave of their "kill the Boer" bullshit. They killed off the Rhodesians, South Africa partnered with the Zulu and made a White Utopia that is responsible for close to 90% of all food made in Africa, the n!ggergov got mad and wanted gobs so they drove the Whites out years ago after lovely things like crucifying a little girl to a table and raping her to death. The whites fled, all world govs told them to kill themselves for muh racism, so they went back and holed up where they could after the n!ggergov started starving to death and demanded the Whites come back on international news.

This part I'm talking about is round two, where they got uppity again and destroyed entire cities to rubble, and the Whites weren't having any of that shit again and just started blocking roads and killing everyone to stem the tide. It was scrubbed like all the rest, but I've got a shit ton saved because it always happens.
>"muh it's not habbenimg"
>I save everything, the news covers it all up like the cunts they are.
>stumble into a random thread years later
>"Hey, does anyone know about thing? Can't find shit about it."

>I got you.

(If this thread lasts for a few hours or another one is made, I'll see what I can drum up after work and post a bit. Probably get banned for it, so grab it while you can then. Or if anybody else has shit, post a screencap or two to help a non-n!gger n!gger out)

Fucking nigger mods stopped this post from going through three times now.
>be me
>have super soaker (yes, I have one)
>have gelled fuel (have components at my house)
>have pipes in my garage
>have smokeless powder for reloading
>hear some faggot is terrorizing people with his tractor
>hear it has gunports
>destroy treads with pipe and powder
>place nozzle of super soaker into gun port and pull trigger
You’re dead
Mine doesnt have the design flaws that the killdozer did. Wheeled>>>tracked, lighter armor, more durable hoses and better cooling
I want to take women and valuables
Same, it sucks. Was hoping for some fun
Lol no. He’s going to die. Guaranteed. The question of whether he has some success is a maybe.
Common do-nothing shitter L
It has flaps on the gunports so bullets cant go into them. Im an engineer, cleetus.
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>any kangz floating
They were all wypipo
Will you at any point exit your metal death trap? Is it possible somebody follows you at a distance and waits for you to fall asleep?
There is a correct answer to these questions, by the way. They’re not rhetorical
Have fun storming the castle!
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>Can someone tell me what is ATF?
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Oh you’re definitely going to fucking die. Wheels get shot out or melted, now you’re a disabled metal box.
You missed the part where you get shot
Theyre foam filled non pneumatic.
>They already know people don't self organize. They create warring parties
lmao you don't know shit then
I've been in two floods and each time people immediately started banded together. Last time, my neighbor almost shot a nigger after they caught him looting a nearby bar for booze just a couple hours after the flood water subsided. Our street banded together and helped keep our supplies together till the NG bother to get off their asses a couple days later.
Sorry you just live in a rabid nigger faggot area with zero roots.
Why would you put yourself in harms way to protect some jeets business that you dont even own?
Looks like some pedoshit
Also should have been hunted for being a nigger to someone trying to merge
>or melted
I hope your welds are better than your reading comprehension.
They make tires for my loader that can handle 2000 degree steel mill slag
so you're a supposed white engineer but you're gunna be culling other whites? yeah ok, nigger.
I'm looking forward to the video of your firey death.
He's clearly not white, just another crying shitskin or possibly a butthurt jew
Shred your license please
The ones that have something I want to steal. Tons of boomers on big rural properties with cool toys id love to have. I want the auburn speedster in billy boomers barn so billy boomer needs to go. If the weathers bad enough it wont be obvious a loader smashed the house
>>483442487 yup, nigger confirmed
>can't afford toys
larp better you absolute coon
You have no idea how offensively overpriced classic cars are do you
stfu fagbot
Holy shit go back to v brainlet
I'm sure you think you're the only real person in a world of NPCs that will patiently wait around until it's their turn to die, but in reality, if I see you rampaging at a house at the end of the block I'm immediately grabbing the empty bottles, styrofoam and gas. As a man who lives a fairly messy lifestyle I have more styrofoam and empty bottles lying around than you can possibly imagine, your death will be visible from space
What kind of American are you intensifies
god you're a faggot
Plenty of suitable targets that arent visible from the street, especially at night during a storm. I have a drone i use for surveilance. Theres a LOT of hidden mansions in the country
Ok boomer
>The don't organize
>Dey organ ize
Fucking retard
Like imagine if they took the most pozzed bug catchers from San Francisco and the most nigger loving of boomers and combined them into one person then made an organization of all those gay aids ridden nigger lovers. And for some reason these gay mud sharks have decided they can make up their own laws(they aren't laws but they try to enforce them as such) for alcohol, fire arms, and tobacco. All which are legal things.
>They make tires
So they are not on your autism tank?
I have a set of them, they wear out pretty quick on hard surfaces so theyre not my primary choice unless i know im entering an urban combat situation
>hide in tree line near road
>driver has no visibility
>be me
>have drill
Oh shit, haven't heard that one yet.
But I've seen the zombie niggers marching around in the burned out cities over there.
that's not merging retard, merging is when you get on the highway and your onramp is ending, yes you should let those people in even if they're fucking retarded and dont speed up like 50% of faggots on the road. this guy was just trying to cut him off for no reason, typical truckfaggot
I've never seen a faggot so excited about building his own coffin.
And he's turn into a chubby middle-aged cuckboy.
Don't know if he had soulless eyes back then, but he does now.
Take a tractor (yes, I have one) and drag an old car into the road sideways
Take the wheels off and drop it on the pavement
It's not going anywhere
Use a few and make "V" shapes with them pointing away from your position
String barbed wire (yes, I have some - if you have a tractor, then you have barbed wire) with old cans with a few rocks in them.
Hear a noise? Use the car headlights and batteries to light the area up
Cars are notoriously bad bullet sponges, but if you're behind a few of them? Yeah.. could work
Pay attention to choke points and remember that everything burns, so don't get sniffy and complacent
Old US Army field fortification manuals are interesting reading
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It has cameras since the windows are so small. As i said, ive thought of that
hahahahahaha based
Just fyi anon I am very interested in preserving the truth for posterity as well. Please find when you get home and post. Ty brother
So you’ll be able to pull a gun and have it aimed out of a side port in the 3 seconds it takes for someone to run out of a ditch on the side of a rural road?
Sure bro
Shotguns dont need to be aimed
You sound like a retarded high school kid that's played too many video games.
if you have the time use the tractor to move dirt behind the cars, dirt is an excellent bullet stop. old tires as well if you happen to have several dozen laying around or could get them, stacks of tires filled with dirt and gravel will stop anything
You'll be cooked alive or hunted down and tortured to death by the friends and families of those white trash rednecks.

Those skidders leave a big trail and if you're driving it around you will be noticed.

Ever hear of "aggro"? It's a term used in MMOs. Basically a character makes himself a target with aggro. NPCs will attack that specific character because they are him as the biggest threat.

You will aggro whole communities onto you.
You need to be 18 to post here little niglet
>shoots his own dick off by accident in cab of his tractor trying to put barrel into gunport
>trying to merge by cutting them off
ask me how i know you own a pick up truck without you actually saying you own a pick up truck
>Shotguns dont need to be aimed
Wingshooters miss an awful awful lot... you never shot clays, have you?
Your post is painfully ignorant
Yes, they DO need to be aimed
They are not a magic wand that you wave in the general direction of your target and they flee
They are a toolbox - with limitations. They are very useful, but they do take skill to use.
For anything in the 200lb class, I use Winchester 3" mags in No. 1 buckshot. An old SF Master Sergeant told me it was the best medicine for anything on 2 legs or 4 almost 25 years ago.
He's not wrong. It is like shooting something 27 times with a 30 cal rifle - because each pellet is .30 cal and there's 27 of them.
Even with a vest on, you won't be getting up - it will break your ribs.
Pellets will stay more or less in a blob, and through a ballistic weirdness that can only be seen in slow-motion, the pellets in the back of the blob when you fire actually hit the target before the ones that left the barrel first.
Has to do with air resistance and the ones in front slowing down faster than the ones in the back of the blob...
all yours, my friend.
You completely ignored my questions, by the way
You will eventually have to exit the death trap unless you yourself intend on dying inside of it. You will eventually have to stop to sleep, eat, and take a shit. You have no way of storing the things you’re intending on looting. You have no way of stopping someone from following you and waiting for an opportunity. How do you plan on protecting yourself in those scenarios?
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Remember when durring Hurricane Katrina Bush had the National Guard and police shooting the survivors?
Oh wait, that never made the news except for the witness accounts and leaked police orders and in American Sniper where Chris Kyle admitted to shooting the Katrina Victims.

Well since I'm sure we can trust the government now.
Oh it actually was him, last I heard on that topic was it was just "hey this looks a lot like him", it was never confirmed.

long tubing so burning materials don't make it all the way, or why not a tank of compressed air as a backup?
>well I have a set of them
>but they wear out
>so they need to be swapped
>meaning I’ll be outside of the metal box
>not paying attention to my surroundings
Like I said, you’ll hit maybe one or two houses before you’re either cooked or lynched for being a retard. If your plan is to drive around in the middle of a hurricane you’ll probably get stuck then drown in the metal box.
>boomer with nice 57 chevy lives on 10 acre wooded rural property
>drive loader there at night during catastrophic weather like a flood or hurricane with lights off and infrared cameras on to avoid being seen
>smash his house with him inside, flatten the rubble with the bucket just to make sure
>go home
>return with truck and trailer, load 57 chevy and return home
>floodwaters cover my tracks
Mission accomplished
The fire would pull air up through the bottom of the vehicle so a downward facing air intake seems like the best solution
I drive it around for fun, im saving them for shtf
The names of the agents are public yet they walk around without any fear whatsoever.
2nd A so called supporters won't do shit.
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>ATF arrives before FEMA
Seems legit.
ATF is gay
>I drive it around for fun
>that means nothing bad will happen to me
>as I drive the autism tank in catastrophic weather
>what do you mean this master plan won’t work?
Lol. Lmao. You’re going to fucking die.
If you have a tractor and wire, then you also have a pile of clean fill dirt and No 9 gravel somewhere
Just in case
And if you don't, then you know a guy with at least one backhoe or a D9 Cat.
If you got some diesel, I'm sure he will be happy to help
worst part about it is those white guys will probably be cucks and go help the blacks and women too... they all deserve death imo - unfit for nature.
>Infrared lights somehow conceal the steady roar emitted by a front end loader. Doesn’t help because the boomer had placed a homemade tire strip and caltrops in the road. Boomer shoots anon with a 1960s 30-06 bolt action hunting rifle while anon was seething over the destroyed tires.
>Lol. Lmao. You’re going to fucking die.
The best part is when he thinks he is going to take his nigger killdozer and drive 20 miles through feet-deep mud to some random's house and back again
In a hurricane and a flood
They'll find his Nig-dozer buried up to the cab in mud
they'll never find him though... he's fish food
My tires are foam filled non pneumatic, puncturing them will do nothing. That would be an issue on any jobsite so heavy equipment tires are designed to tolerate that
Like the other anon said, use the tractor to stack dirt or gravel, also use the barbed wire to funnel attackers more than for an alarm.
>use tposts and barbed wire to set up zig zagging approach
>use that approach to funnel attackers into kill zone
If you can get concertina wire wrap that around the front barbed wire barricades, it’s generally used as a way to stop vehicles because it wraps up into the axles.
So you addressed half the greentext. Looters are niggers, regardless of skin color.
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hope you didnt claim the mental illness of PTSD on them VA forms
You forgot the part where he drives it back home, takes his NORMAL truck out through the same disaster, and expects it to tow another vehicle through floodwaters
>concertina wire
Dude, I remember having to crawl under a HUMMV and cut away that shit from being wound around my wheels.
You can get rolls of that crap from places like GOVPLANET for cheap money
Also, learn to build a cheval de frise
They're old school - bullet transparent and they hold wire really, really well. You can make them out of whatever is to hand.
Gotta scoot.
Be good brother
>A group created to destroy others always destroys itself.

It actually preservers itself because violence is the supreme authority from which all other authority is derived and without it you will be destroyed.
Trip wires can be easily created with fishing line, a mousetrap, and any standard cartridge primer.
No, the’ll find him. The’ll just be wondering what the fuck is the smell coming from the cab before it’s cut open and they find the bloated corpse. Then he’ll be fish food.
>30 caliber rifle
>30 caliber pistol
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>Can someone tell me what is ATF?
double check't
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>Just in case you're not trolling. It's the Bureau of alcohol tobacco and firearms. basically they just arbitrarily make laws without a vote then come steal you're shit using whatever flimsy excuse they've come up with this time
>Ostensibly they're supposed to be the law enforcement group that regulates alcohol, tobacco, and firearms. In reality they're Tactictool military LARP faggots who drive around in tanks murdering people and pets with impunity because someone a block away sawed the barrel of their shotgun three nanometers too short.
I thought ATF was essentially disbanded after a recent SCOTUS decision (Chevron I think?)
If anyone were to illegally resurrect the organization, it would be Biden/Harris/Walz
> auto loader
> won't be seen
Does it have a cloaking device, too?
chevron just said they cant make up regulations out of their ass like bump stocks or braces or FRT's
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>That's what it is. The people who actually lost everything aren't even capable of bitching about their lives on Facebook.
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>The jannies of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.
>Absolute clowns.
They’re still around. What Chevron did was make it clear that any fuckery that sounds like it should be a law (and which the bureaucrats treat like one) has to be voted on by Congress before it can be enforced and any existing fuckery can be challenged in court for the same reasons
>what it means
you can shoot the glowniggers in the face when they try to take your guns, claim self defense and the above ruling, and have a pretty good chance of getting acquitted
kewl, wonder how that'll work out in NC
Based Video Saver, I wonder, do you have all the Kyle Rittenhouse footage saved?
Post it if so, and post South Africa stuff too
BATF in Appalachia.

FFS the end times are here.

Laughs in Steve Earle

IDF tactics.
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>people don't self organize.
The storm leveled off right about sunrise.
All 5 highways in/out of my town were blocked.
EVERY road was impassable because of trees. I'm talking about you had to clear trees just to get to the next house.

I pulled out the chainsaw and cleared my driveway.
Then moved down the street.
Then cleared trees on the next street over so traffic could get by.
Everyone with a chainsaw went out and did the same.
People got their tractors and pushed trees out of the road.
We were able to move around town and get to the next town by the afternoon.
Zero government help, just the local community.

Vid is OC from day 1, after a single lane was cut through the debris to get out of town.
Steve Earle ended up being a hippie faggot, like most show business people. It doesn’t matter if they’re a good old southern boy. If they’re in the entertainment business, they’re probably a snake.
>the youngest only six weeks old
I always wondered what it must be like for kids under 5 in tense situations like that. Really at the mercy of everything around you.
You couldn't even muster the strength to pull any triggers you pathetic little fucking internet faggot cock sucker
These fukers are going to find out if they fuck around esp in rural NC.
I was here. They've erased it from history and said it was all exaggeration since NOLA depends on tourists' money. It's a shithole now and I won't dare drive into it anymore. You may as well drive into the Congo. The uptown residents have ther own security and patrols
Having been several times to NOLA, I can't even comprehend being there after Katrina. That had to have been a literal hell on earth.
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It's one of those African mech suits, isn't it?
Not once no
Asheville is basically nothing in/ nothing out so I wonder what all homeless are doing without their state provided heroine
Anybody confiscating firearms will be shot, dumped into the river

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