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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Streamers on Twitch can be on our side. Let's take Asmongold and his team OTK (One true king) as an example:
>right wing
>hate trannies
>hate Israel and engage in Free Palestine protest
>hate muslims
>entertainment for young people
>wanting people to self improve
>good content compared to mainstream media
>community activities together and bringing the chats together

So why do you guys still hate streamers if they are on our side?
Why do these guys look like absolute faggots?
they look better than the average/pol/ user. The users here are mostly fat, smelly, unemployed and schizophrenic. So i do not get why you shit on them
Asmongold is legitimately high IQ, would be a philosopher in old times.
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The average streamer doesn't go outside, eats and drinks goyslop daily, doesn't shower and is a narcissist. Fuck off with your bullshit.
Because they aren't a legitimate source of information.
/pol/ only trusts establishment legacy media like CNN
Some wow streamer faggot
i think so as well. He is really smart and a great commentator
people on this board would rather trust twitter posts than a good opinion of a streamer. Legit 0 IQ
So an irrelevant faggot then. Who are the OTK guys? Also faggots playing Wow?
Because some retard playing a game for 14 ours can be based? Memeflag braindead as usual.
Twitch is a shit platform and so they're all censored there. Unfortunately, it has the best discovery for viewers. Kick and the others are more free speech supported, but have dogshit viewerbases. Because of this, these people are held hostage by the trannies and the community who think that hate speech is a real thing (it isn't).
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/pol/ hates them because they are just like /pol/ except they get paid
he thinks gene editting will change genders in the future.
I hate you because you’re a jew, and because you made this thread.
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Remove your meme flag.
Then I'll trust what you have to say. I wanna see your geographical location. Then we can talk. Also, Mike Matei is the only streamer worth watching.
E-celebs are not politics, go away zoomer.
just google the group OTK anon. It is not too hard. Streamers have better opinions than the NPC population outside who do not care about anything
I've never seen any of them in my life except the bottom right one that doesn't bathe.
no it is not censored. They do not do shit there anon
take your meds
like all people from /pol/ seethe when they see streamers. If it is so easy then they should do it as well
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Asmon hates on loli, thinks that fucking 16yo girls is wrong, and hates racism and dudes that trash women.
He's a pussy that tries to act like he's a badass. He never says the word cunt in his videos.
Mike Matei is retarded compared to Asmongold
because most of them legitimately are
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Getting your political views from a Twitch streamer is like getting your political views from a McDonalds fry cook

>b-b-but le patty flipper is based!! He spews the same shit I could read anywhere else!!!
This is what you sound like
Streamers strike me as nerdy faggots who just sit in trash-filled rooms breathing through their mouths and watching trendy bullshit, dropping the occasional “damn bro that’s crazy”. I don’t care about them.
and how is Asmongold wrong with these opinions? Go to your doctor if you think otherwise schizo
here we go again with everyone i disagree with is a jew. I am not even jewish
what are you guys on about? They work really hard for content and not everyone can do it
I'm a streamer, we're 100% censored there. I copped a 7 day ban for calling someone retarded.
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Mike Matei beats actual hard games, then beats them in the hardest ways possible.
He also says CUNT in his yt videos because he dgaf about ad revenue.
If it wasn'y for James and Mike, none of these streamers would be who they are.
Cinemassacre is the OG.
>They work really hard for content
Nigger I just played a video game for 8 hours straight. That's not work.
>and how is Asmongold wrong with these opinions?
Cuz he's a pussy that calls other people pussies.
I like him, but not enough to watch his dumb ass on Twitch. I refuse to watch anything on Twitch, it's a garbage platform with cancerous bitrates.
Absolutely retarded take. They are paid by their sponsors or otherwise they couldn't do shit. Show real flag, Moshe.
Segggxxx with emirus tummy nao
Nigger playing video games and watching videos is not work, let alone hard work. Get your fucking head checked and get a job while you’re at it.
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You could be Indian, but I doubt it.
on Twitch? Did you appeal for ban?
Mike could make way more money if he was not braindead. And many streamers game for 12h which takes a toll on your brain. Working is easier than streaming
Probably just a stupid kid. Or Heaven forbid both
here we go again with the name calling. Like i said i am not from Israel i am from somewhere else. If everyone could stream more people would do it. Why do you guys not do it?
How the fuck does your precious video game e-celeb validating your own beliefs somehow make them worth discussing or holding on a pedestal, you underage shit?

What makes your precious Asmongold's opinion more valuable than a dumptruck driver who believes the same things?

You're in a parasocial relationship with a neckbeard who plays video games who occassionally says things you agree with. Asmongold will not fuck you.
Show flag then
kill yourself for shilling these unfunny redditniggers.
fuck off meme flag
do you know how much time you also need for content planning. I am 30 and have like 2 Tier 3 subs (25 bucks a month ) for streamers i enjoy. And they really show apreciation
Mike doesn't want to make a lot of money. He specifically tells people he's cool with just a hundred people watching. That's what makes him cool, he's a retro gamer, beats very hard games, and does it for fun.
Asmon's best thing is Starforge. His company makes great pre-built PCs, and I think he and his frens are doing great work there.
But he is still a wuss when it comes to certain topics. That wouldn't be a problem if he was like Mike and completely non-political.
But once you start talking about political/social topics, you can't take the normie road. You either go balls-deep or STFU about politics/social.

I wanna see Asmon call leftist women CUNTS at least.
no i am not parasocial. I only watch him for 3h after studying from Uni
i am currently in Germany for study
>I am 30
No, you're not. I'd be surprised if you're even 15.
Show flag homo
Yeah got knocked back instantly
Good, now we just need to find which homo in your pic is in Germany.
they are pretty funny with the content
give him some more time and He will do it
None of these people are right wing and all of them promote faggotry on their streams. At best they don't speak out against it for fear of losing sponsors.
30 years old and international student in Germany. I am not saying my nationality
i am not a streamer from the pic. Take your meds now. They do not even know about 4chan
and where is your proof for it?
>Streamers on Twitch can be on our side.
>OUR side
Who's side is that? The leftist jannies and all the leftist shills who own this board? In case you haven't noticed, /pol/ is not a right-wing nazi board.
ultimate fence sitters who provide no real opinions on anything, they just parrot what their viewers want to hear.
Literally who? They are mud skins and Jews so left wing by defacto.
I don’t know any of their names but the two on the left are not even familiar faces.
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>have to censor yourself for the whims of the Big Tech gods
>right wing in any conceivable way
A thread died for this
I’m backtracing, please be patient.
What do you think streaming for a living and hanging out in LA and Austin does to a man?
Asmon is a retard and so are the rest of those faggot freaks.
Seems like a run of the mill California leftist retard
Well, they are very good at killing shitty modern games. By being outspoken about this cancer, they're giving courage to others to be outspoken against the woke trash, shifting the window back to the right.
why should i be in the OP picture? Are you schizo?
they are beautiful cities. What are you on about?
why should they be jews? Most of them are white in my OP pic
I can search much more than a picture.
and why is he a retard? He knows what is going on in this world and informs himself. He does not believe in conspiracy theories as well
can you elaborate? And can you please honestly say why I should post a thread like that and make publicity? The streamers do not Use 4Chan
>The streamer do not Use 4Chan
You are using 4Chan right now. What do you like on your pizzas? What sort of male prostitute do you favor?
Stopped reading after Twitch. Twitch is censorship central. You get banned there for almost everything
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>He does not believe in conspiracy theories as well
Hence his problem. Conspiracies to destroy western White/European peoples and culture are happening from all sides. Jews weakened us all and now the sharks smell blood in the water.
These are FACTS.
Conspiracy means TO CONSPIRE. It doesn't mean "lies" it means people conspiring to commit an action.
>Memeflag is pajeet or kike as usual
Go back to your shithole.
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Here is the truth about the so called streamers. Found that in the archives
The jeet is really quiet somehow kek. Check this as well
That doesn't bother me. Just because there's a company that does promotional deals doesn't imply conspiracy. I mean, Asmon absolutely SHITS of Star Wars Outlaws and people that go to Disney World, so if Disney owned him he wouldn't say stuff like that and keep his head on.
I use Spectrum internet, does that mean Spectrum pays me?
No but you know what I mean. He tells some kind of truth but not all of it.
Like I said he's a pussy about some things.
He took the side of Twitch over Dr.Disrespect until it came out Dr.D was in the right, and he still won't fully admit it.

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