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Previous: >>483473976

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Iranian missiles land in Israel
>Terrorist attack in Tel Aviv
>IDF confirms Iranian plans to strike Israel with missiles imminently
>Hezbollah and Ansarallah shoots Tel Aviv, with settler injuries
>At 11h00, the Hezbollah targeted in Tel Aviv the Glilot base of Military Intelligence Unit 8200 and the Mossad headquarters with Fadi-4 Rockets.
>Yemen attacks another ship
>Ground invasion officially underway, confirmed by IDF
>Iranian Foreign Minister: The elimination of Nasrallah will not go without a response.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Igq3d6XA75Y [Embed]






>Guide to the Palestinian genocide by israel
>1948 Nakba Documentary
https://youtu.be/Bwy-Rf15UIs [Embed]
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
https://youtu.be/nHT-SjIM0tA [Embed]
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
https://youtu.be/OgKVRtUczRg [Embed]
Asking again because you weasels can't answer directly
judes of /chip/,
How have the sudacas and muzzrats here been coping about their failed attack in wake of the pager incident?


▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 11
>The Security Forces of the Palestinian Authority... is it too late to join the Resistance?

Twitter link

Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24
https://youtu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY [Embed]

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre of palestinians civilians by israeli terrorists
>1948 Nakba
Kikes still committing war crimes
"The based Iranians will initiate TKD and free Palest-ACK!"
>Third time this month
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Why are sand niggers only good at killing other sand niggers, even their friends LMAO
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They are actually scared of Israel.. kek
>Iran strikes israel with all their might
>No casualty except for one Arab who got looney tooned
>Mossad office hit, they got insurance
>Claims of 6 gorillion F16 planes destroyed, absolutely no source on that “trust me bro it came to me in a dream!”.
>Israel immediately flies to Iraq to wreck shit up
>raises up a gay purple flag somehows supposed to be a posturing of strength (just a gay show off of their favorite Stash not gay though we promise!!)
>Patrolls their sky’s zealously because they are scared for retaliation
>Somehow this shows the end of Israel.

How do the kikes keep winning?
Kek, from 20 minutes ago
Israel did say they would respond tonight. This makes me think they are actually serious.
First cope emergency jeet , send more units pls
2 Palichads ACKED 8 kikes, plus 25 wounded
show flag indian piss drinker
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mutt bros you losing your best golem badge
>Two more weeks
Just like Iran. If Iran actually had the capacity to destroy Israel they would have done it tonight.
netanyahu quivering like a little rat LOL
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looks like they actually struck mossad kek
Lmfao now I get why Satanyhau was trembling during his cope sesh earlier
BBC units on the way to our best ally
we apologize
Well duh
There isnt a single day in which they dont commit war crimes. Thats how they are trained thats how they do everything
For what? Doing nothing and hiring DEI as your missiles operators
Lmao, this kills the Pissraeli shill
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>wake up
>miss TKD in action
how will iran respond if israel bombs their country? will they raise 2 more flags?
I kneel, Towel-sama
Iran launched 150 ballistic missiles at Israel and the only casualty was this Palestinian Muslim.
>If Iran actually had the capacity to destroy Israel they would have done it tonight.
No, that's not how any of this works.
Imagine being a puffed up faggot after voting for Biden, and then sitting back as that old bastard starts a war with Russia and Iran in the same term.

There's no way you retards don't get drafted and die and start dying for nothing in the middle-east again now.

Bonus, if you vote Indian woman in, you'll get war with China and NK as well--all at the same time.
Thread theme

>If Iran actually had the capacity to destroy Israel they would have done it tonight.

Iran is militarily more powerful than israel is but israel got a guarantee from the US.
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You guys are actually weak and pathetic. No wonder israel keeps winning. Fucking hell literally a nothing burger
Trained? Those faggots are trained. They are shown gun basics and they free wing it. Bro I seen gang bangers that have more discipline than these kikes.
Wondered if he was capable of a strongman appeal but kinda hard when your country's pea sized. Wish our president had even a tenth of this guy's balls.
Iran is now confirmed to have attacked a grade school tonight and made only a tiny crater far away from Mossad HQ. I hate shitskins so much.

Aren't *

You not there yet, only talk about the present and not futuristic scenarios
>>raises up a gay purple flag somehows supposed to be a posturing of strength
The flag shit is getting really gay.
Like just shut up already.. they sound like a LGBT organization
This is the only TKD you had
total PAKI death


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>Ignores everything else
Kike sis, are you working ot? You've been here almost 24 hours.
We are talking about precision weapons hitting military targets not cavemen level jew barrel bombs dropped at civilians.
The Persians hit 2-3 airbased,destroyed the mossad HQ(no BBC spam) and hit some other infrastructure.
Hello, Ben Shapiro. I love Abbie Khazar milkers
Funny how the zio pedo rapist flags are nowhere to be found kek x100. Gloat now you fucking losers
>looks like they actually struck mossad kek
There's a reporter now at a small hole in the dirt some 5000 feet or so from Mossad HQ showing no damage to the building, just a tiny dirt hole at this point.
Just got here, you think I’m the only Dutch person who fucking hates kikes and Arabs but enjoys you guys coping over every nothingburger? Just got back from my late shift working in IT
And it also looks like they fucked their internet. Besides the diaspora kikes and the poo shills. Not many likes flags
The Iron Cope in action
Amazing cope line jew, heres almost 15 minutes of Iranian strikes pouding Pissrael with iron cope completely powerless to stop it, watch and weep

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Here ya go Fren.
>15 minute supercut of kikes getting their shit pushed in by iranian missiles, with original audio:
how would you end the war peacefully?
hlelo :)
I'm also a reporter and i was at the site 15 minutes ago and i confirm that it got completely destroyed.
Its oyvey.
You guys really get hard on that 15 minute video… why? Is it because it’s the only “evidence” you guys have that the DEI hires in Tehran aren’t 100% incompetent?
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Today's cope from the Jews is even greater than the cope from the hoholss
>I hate shitskins so much.
You would hate Jews, then.
as I said earlier, theyre powerless to stop the next barrage, the child fucker HQ wont be that lucky next time
anon the kikes are doing to Gaza what you could only dream of doing to Ukraine
I yes, I saw you there bro. I reported the same thing. I'm the guy that works at goycattle news
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it literally shows dozens of impacts you coping retard
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Yes. Russia's main problem is that we are not cruel enough. We should have burned Paris and covered it all with salt. And killed ALL the Germans. And the Swedes.
That would have solved a lot of problems.
Russians are above indiscriminately bombing civilians, even if they are hohols.
Don't even try. If strike doesn't result in at least 10,000 civilian deaths, he won't consider it a strike.
>Ukraine, the second largest country in Europe and a strip of land as big as Manhattan are equally easy to bomb

youre a mental retard who should never post again
Intentionally confusing cruelty for impotence isn't helping your case
Brah next time the jooz get hit and we does our journalism at the site we should get a beer together.
anglos are the evil subhumans destroying yurope
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>if Muslims are in total control here in Europe, Israel loses all its fucking support.
>The commie Jews aren't Zionists

What part of this is so terribly hard for you to fucking comprehend properly.

So what, there exists "DARK JEWS", Neo-Communist weirdo fucks, and not long ago in 'Communist occupied Europe'. Jews were forbidden to practice their own religion, like EVERYONE ELSE. Eastern European / Russian Jews and there are a lot, aren't even circumcised, since it was a crime in the Commie fuck days. So the Jews were not only getting smashed by their own supposed 'people' who'd jumped ship under the Marxist dark magic, they also get completely cut off from practicing their own faith.... For like a hundred freakin years. Im telling you, Zionists and these Marxist fucks are NOT the same people. These marxist fucks are super powerful and super dangerous to everyone who gives a shit about identity politics, that ESPECIALLY applies for Israeli's.

Muslims can just fucking swamp in on cities and grid-lock them with half a million people filling the streets with their commie fuck allies, and you're telling me this is good for Israel?

Do not try and over simplify the matter with untruths to help your insane lust for anti-semitic violence.
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what iran did was just 200 rockets. thats nothing
imagine getting rained on by missiles like that for a week straight
because thats something iran can do. at any point. keep that in mind kikes
>what iran did was just 200 rockets. thats nothing
This was just a warm up round. To put it in boxing terms, Iran put them on the canvas in round 1
A previous Anon said that kikes would use the recent drama with Lebanon and Iran as a smokescreen to starve out the Palestinians. I hope Hamas has some sort of contingency plan in place if there's any truth to this.
We should, I'll buy the first round.
Gaza is around as big as Kharkov city.
damn there are actually pro-israel posters in this shithole
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>one Arab who got looney tooned

fucking lol
>has to use ai art to portray palestinians as "gay"
meanwhile i can just take a random picture of tel aviv and find this jewish degeneracy.
I dont know what sealioning or whatever means, Im just trying to learn
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>copessian talking about cope
Greatest Pissraeli achievement today btw
Most channel keep reporting on Palestinians and I share all I can. Hezbolla makes sure to mention them in every attack. It's up to us to keep reporting on it.
Putin is a literal cuck. Tens of thousands of Russian civilians have died at the hands of a kike government over the last decade and the gloves still aren't off. The Russians are grinding away and winning via attrition either way, but there's no sense of pride with Putin.
Has there ever been a more cowardly pissant group of people than shitskins?

>@EyesOnSouth1 42m
> Ongoing Israeli air aggression on Beirut’s Dahye in Lebanon for over 3 hours now.

What happened to the destroyed F-35s and other air bases? What do you mean we have to find out after we fucked around? /chip/ sisters? Over a thousand shitskins will die tonight in Gaza and Lebanon alone, thanks to Iran's malignant stupidity and war crime.
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>>has to use ai art to portray palestinians as "gay"
Yeah not really, Palestroon.
Yep. there are suddenly a lot of pro-Israeli commentators on Russian resources too. Lol, they even wrote that Israel is not a Nazi state.
seriously, how the fuck is it that we don't have an edit of this with the Wile E. Coyote "failling rock whistle" and impact sound effect? do I have to do it myself, you lazy niggers?
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Israel can't take the credit for this, we should thank Based Iran for giving this to the world.
damn so Pissrael just took Ls today then
>I'm also a reporter and i was at the site 15 minutes ago
Oh great! Maybe you know this guy who is also on the scene showing the video feed of intact Mossad HQ and the little tiny dickhole Iran made with a laughably not accurate strike:
>5000 feet
The real figure is 200 meters, but it might as well be 6 gorillion as far as your concerned.
>but Ukraine and Russia are bigger than the shitholes in the middle east!!@!@!
Israel: 9,842k population
Palestine: 5,482k population
less than 2:1

Russia: 146,150k
Ukraine: ~44,000k
greater than 4:1

it's worse than I thought WTF
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Fuck yourself nigger retard. Implying I give two shits who takes it up the ass. What IS relevant is the faggot muslims who bring intolerance and hatred wherever land they curse and spew on, whilst also being total cocksucking rapist faggots behind closed doors.
>seriously, how the fuck is it that we don't have an edit of this with the Wile E. Coyote "failling rock whistle" and impact sound effect? do I have to do it myself, you lazy niggers?
first you should force the 4chan administration to attach sound playback in webm and mp4 support
this kek

rip to the dude tho seriously
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>Nothing happened
Ah yes, because without the Iranian attack Israel would be dropping hampers on Beirut and inviting Gazans to the town dance, they'd all hold hands and sing songs. Disingenuous twat.
what's wrong with catbox?
nobody expects israel not to respond. we are quite aware of the awful things jews do
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Like Chickens begging for KFC
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another cope banger by this retarded whore, two airbases razed to the ground, dozens of military installations struck but a couple of Iranians injured themselves while celebrating lmfao
You clearly understood nothing about hubris and chutzpah. The entire planet would be glassed if those psychopaths had any real military power, that's why they only bomb civilian targets while Iran fights with honor.
There was a post last night, I'll try to find it. An idea for fundraising for gaza with the younger generation via parties with entrance fees
>war crime
lmfao cry harder you heeb child fucker
in all seriousness, it seems like Biden is keeping Bibi on a tighter leash as the election approaches. with Trump running behind in the polls, Bibi can't afford to burn his bridges with U.S. democrats.
my prediction is that Israel will hammer the shit out of syria, yemen, and lebanon and rack up a body count of IRGC officers but no significant strikes inside Iran.
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>two airbases razed to the ground
Kike, they were already destroyed in April, how were they still here? Filtered, shill.
it was just 200 rockets
they could fire thousands, sweetie
lol. Russia is rife with jews since the USSR was ruled by jews who used Hebrew as their secret language.

Well, maybe less so now that they've fled to Israel.
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>No, that's not how any of this works.

Deeeeeeeeeeep sucks
Dutch are the kikes of Northwestern Europe. It's really no surprise, tulip merchant.

The water rises.
>what's wrong with catbox?

Why do you need a separate site for uploading videos if you can upload to 4chan? On 2ch.hk you can upload videos with sound and 4 files in one message up to 40 MB.
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>Kike, they were already destroyed in April, how were they still here? Filtered, shill.
This time they aren't fighting militias, they're fighting the varsity team. Israel will get its shit kicked in the second Iran decides it wants to annihilate them off the face of the map. Iran proved they can do whatever they want if they wanted to. Unlike Hamas and Hezbollah, Iran will shoot down planes
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>>Kike, they were already destroyed in April, how were they still here? Filtered, shill.
thats a total cuck out tho kek
we'll endlessly mock jizzrael for not attacking iran directly
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Where is she wrong though? She is 100% right
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>Filtered, shill.


Go check the catalog right now and look at how many threads are filtered. It's a record low for many months. Down 30 threads compared to the day prior

checked. Biden probably told him that we wouldn't do offense, and that we wouldn't do the same level of defense as april. In the media articles said biden told him the latter part. Along with saying that we couldn't stay in the pool forever
>Ignore all the bodies, zero casualties goy
Cryyyyyy me a riverrrrrr
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Yeah that guy is a faggot making shit up all the time, i wouldn't trust him.I only saw rubble at the Mossad HQ
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>Where is she wrong though? She is 100% right
So you are accepting that you can't defeat the Palestinians and never will. >Kike poo logic
yeah it's cute when i see jews on reddit say "ok israel has to invade iran now!" kek
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>Killer zero kikes
>Somehow the great Yahood destroyer
>Literal DEI hire
iran bombed israel today though? all you fuckers ran like rats
No one wants to die for kikes and the one that want war don't have the balls to fight
Pics or didn't happen
Those are empty fields goy!
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Terrorist big boy smug grin
>We're winning!
Israel is licking its wounds definitely, shit just got interesting finally something happened
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>No fatalities
>No destroyed Planes
>No destroyed Mossad HQ
>Somehow a win
Nice argument bro, doesn’t change the fact Iran is 100% infiltrated by the Mossad
>eeeempty fields
>bombin eeeemptyyyy fieeeeelds
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lol those are dead hamasians, here's some alive ones
Still standing
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That's me and that's the Mossad HQ behind.
lmao Pissrael got its shit kicked in by this old nigga
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Still no kike like flags since the attack? I wonder if they were all at Mossad HQ or if they're too embarrassed to post.
Not sure why I had a memefag on. Must have accidentally clicked it when phonefagging and trying to add a file while driving today

See: >>483389183
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This Jew doesn't seem to like it when you post this pic
We dont know if those are Hamas, Israel assumes all men over 13 or so are Hamas
It would be nice to send them some kind of financial support, but there's no way to guarantee that it would actually make it to them in the form of food or medicine. I guess we'll just have to pay them in kike tears.
Here it's not that big yet. But silently we are pressing government to be anti kike
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>iran bombed israel today though? all you fuckers ran like rats

Apparently having air raid shelters / bomb shelters equals being a pussy, being a rat that runs.

You're a stupid nigger raghead who is getting a big bad fucking wake up call within the week, maybe even within a few hours, since the Lions are unleashed and carving a fresh asshole from Israel all the way to that terror shithole in Iran, so they can give you guys a real good fucking for your terrible ways. Expect massive fucking casualties, massive humiliation rituals, massive fucking islamist death, mashallah.
So israel isn’t going to respond? Did they actually learn something for once? I don’t believe it.
kek do it
Some telegram channels do it. UNRAW is your safest bet tho. And makes kikes seethe
Two more weeks. Iran was able to safe face while israel can genocide the Arabs. I’m starting to think the Persians and Jews are secretly working together to destroy all the Arabs kek
Why do empty fields have arrow defense systems installed? Israel is truly amazing for protecting the ground.
god thats grim
I hope they do this better not just be like in April where it fizzled out
Entire judestan is a giant bunker on US life support.
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>its ambiguous kuffir, we don't know whether that group of men captured on the day of the massacre were hamas, they could just have been sightseers or looking to help the jews or something.

Thanks for sharing the love, Fren!
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Based MOSSAD pushing TKD as always
>implying Biden will allow them to respond a month before the elections
Lel brainlet
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Holy shit
Source on when and where were captured?
There is lots of source of IDF rounding up men, torturing them and then letting them go because they found nothing on them
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Khamenei within a week?
Is it true Netanyahu ran away from Israel?
Keep coping fatass. It's fun to read the cope after getting BTFO
right before the attacks his plane was seen taking off and heading towards Egypt.
so mossad launched 400 missiles into tel aviv with 95% impact rate? what is this 4d chess? im just a stupid goyim please explain
>Hey guys, see! Our attack was really hugely successful! We didnt really just blow half our arsenal with zero Jews dead and no significant infrastructure damage achieved.

Lol. Hezbollah was just decapitated. Hamas is in ruins, and we killed your top commander in Iran by bombing him within the borders of your own capital city. Iran has been exposed as the impotent, dumb savages they are, and Israel has shown the world a glimpse of its immense power. The Abraham Accords will be back in full swing once things settle down. Now please stop pretending you won or something. It’s embarrassing.
He was running somewhere, likely to a bunker.
UNRWA? Not a big fan of the antichrist, but if it actually does help Palestinians in need, I could make a compromise.
>makes kikes seethe
Will donate my whole paycheck in that case.
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/chip/ is pathetic excuse of ageneral thread

just paki zone for pakis to moan and groan about Israel dominating pakis
to be perfectly fair that video could be an Iranian psyop
>Literally not a single Israeli flag ITT
>Just pajeet memeflags and Jewyorkers
Yep, definitely nothing happened.
could be but its funny.
show flag jude rat
No, he died when Iran destroyed the 6 gorillion F-35s hidden in the Mossad HQ in downtown Tel Aviv
That is a shed in the woods not Mossad HQ. You are so gullible.

Let's all congratulate Iran on this now geolocated evidence of it bombing a SCHOOL also. https://x.com/evanhill/status/1841241564502241580

But I thought they were just attacking military targets? Nope, it's terrorism. Always was. Shitskins are just lying, cowardly, violent bugmen. Airstrikes continue on Lebanon with even greater intensity now.
>Implying Biden isn't a puppet with dementia
lmao ratanyahu scrambling
You can see some lights going out in this one
No way people are this retard.
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still not showing flag kike rat
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>its just a shed bro
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>jude rat
italians look more like jew rats than jews LOL
How many ballistic missiles do you think Iran has, ballpark number
Oh it's a Palestinan getting crushed now? As missiles are intercepted over Israeli airspace.
Show flag inbred kike
Nothing less inbred than a shitalian

raped by everyone since rome fell
You can't get a wifi or cell connection in the sewers and rape tunnels. Otherwise you'd have to worry about if the rapee would somehow call for help. The problem now is that they can't shill on chan. Lets see how many days this lasts for. I'm guessing till thursday, maybe wednesday night until they get their new shilling agendas
probably an indian construction worker there for a contract
His nerves are burnt to a crisp from micro dosing MDMA for years
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>it's ok when WE do it, goy!
when was the last kike flag post? this is just embarrassing
There is a nice sized crater about 1000 metres down the road from Mossad. Some US journalist did a little skit outside there so it's still standing, or at least was at the time of the report.
lmfao your women got raped by every single ethnicity besides chinks and nigger you inbred child rapist
And they still look less dysgenic then the average jewish mutt, /k/ope more
It's funny how at times like this, Israel is unable to shitpost on 4chan, but they don't need to because amerigolems always will.
israel is too based for /chip/ troon tourists

Yeah it is, at least from what I have gathered from others
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>israel is too based for /chip/ troon tourists

I don’t know, but if the last 2 attacks are any indication of their effectiveness, who cares?
Holy shit this one close to hitting that building. Might've been HQ
Only Israel is allowed to bomb schools and hospitals, when will these goys get it through their heads?
The vast majority of Italians are racially pure. 90% of cherrypicked examples of Italians are Sicilian in particular.
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>but if the last 2 attacks are any indication of their effectiveness, who cares?
>half our arsenal
it wasn't even 1% lol
Thanks for sharing this. I share this with women. It's a really easy way to radicalize them against Israel if they aren't already.
Great made up statistic there
>It's a really easy way to radicalize them
Your first time talking to a woman?
Kikes taking their frustration out of innocents. Like always
>Lol. Hezbollah was just decapitated
What a retarded thing to say. It's not like their former leader was a special intellect. There are millions of 80iq replacements for him. You cannot decapitate Hezbollah.
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>Great made up statistic there
On 4chan? No I've seen at least one before, but you'll need to post bobs or vagene with timestamp if you want to be #2
jews always think life is like a video game, you defeat the big boss and the rest of the fighters just give up kek
I know some of the biggest pro-palestine accounts that have war news often post charities in their tweets. I don't trust the ones in the replies, but only the ones that the account tweets out as being legit and trustworthy. Even posting images of them giving the food items with the palestinian kids holding up a printed out sign with the info of the charity, the date, the location, and other info. With warzone behind them and buildings turned to rubble beside them

I don't know how great they are, but a few of my friends donated it. I donated too but I zelle'd money to my friend to add it to his donation. I can't remember the name of the charity he said but it was from those twitter accounts in the last month
Pretty easy to cope with another 1000 shitskins deleted already without even needing an effort while handing Israel casus belli to exorcise Iranian civilization from our planet thanks to it bombing a fucking school.
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I'll give it a shot. I'm in the habit of expressing Christian charity and Palestinians are the closest people to Christ that I've ever encountered, not just due to their history of actually living where Jesus lived for hundreds of years, but their very nature of being crucified wrongly by jews.

When you spill the blood of the lamb, you reserve the seventh seal to be released upon you.
you gotta be careful with those, could be communist scammers
It's purely anecdotal from dealing with Jews like you trying to divide Europeans.
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>shoot at someone while hiding behind your wife
>they pull a gun and shoot back
>spend the last moments of your life morally grandstanding about how you're le evil monster
Hezbollah getting started. 15 minutes after morning prayer. working fast today.
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yes yes, slaughter more innocents in lebanon. that'll make you feel better

good lord, why are we cursed with these people
We really need to accelerate tkd
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Palestinian life is so useless and meaningless it's barely makes the news
One lil strike killed more than 200 shitranian missiles
And it happens on an hourly basis all over Gaza, every day.
Palestinian lives a re truly worthless.
I don't use social media so I don't have the means to filter through all of that. If you remember the name, I could check it out, though.
whites are fucking retarded
Bless you anon and may God multiply your blessings
Can anyone translate?
The eternal poo
Yes, because you know exactly how it went down from inside your child rape tunnels in New York you disgentic kike subhuman
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Plebs dont fight, and they certainly dont fight effectively, without an intact hierarchy and leadership organizing them, propagandizing them, and telling them what to do. Every military commander knows this. The money supply is being cut off as well.
>whites are fucking retarded
Seethe, Jew.
They were accounts that we follow a lot on chip. My friend followed them because they got posted here a lot. I do think you're right to be cautious too. It was only out of desperation of not knowing where to donate to. That that became the only option we knew of. In USA you need to worry about what you purchase. The govt flagged any CC transaction with the word trump on it. Even bibles that had the name trump on the side of the cover were even flagged. Also christian stores and gun purchased got you flagged by the govt
A lot of warnings have actually been along that precipice recently. I think IDF is trying to hide its forces up against the foot of the hills there to keep it difficult to lob artillery at.
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>whites are fucking retarded
>why are we cursed with these people
Have you thought about not performing and celebrating a terrorist attack on civilians at a fucking music festival? It seems this is straightforward FAFO
the numbers of paleshitstainian deaths aren't even that high. lt's less than 1000 in the past month. Hamas is frustrated that the deaths have slowed to a trickle. the media focus shifting to Iran and Hezbollah without any mass deaths in Gaza to grab attention is a disaster for Sinwar (if he's even still alive, lol)
Yep, this is essentially another unwinnable "war on terror". Nothing learned from Afghanistan, nothing learned from Vietnam.
hezbollah fighters aren't "plebs". they are very hard and experienced fighters. i'm sure the IOF will have a lot of fun playing with them :^)
The reports are freely and publicly available. There's no excuse for drowning yourself in palipaganda in the information age.
Yeah it's been really horrible in Gaza today Honduranon, seen some terrible scenes from airstrikes and attacks. Bastards.
Cope and seethe Achmed. Cope and seethe.
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Haha weren't you celebrating when tarrant smoked those muzzies? Guess it isn't cool anymore, huh
the actual lesson that should be taken from both Afghanistan and Vietnam is that we gave up too early. in Vietnam especially, the Vietcong were decimated and on their last legs after the Tet offensive. weak-kneed suburban voters lost their nerve.
>a terrorist attack on civilians at a fucking music festival
ooo booo nigga, theres no such thing as "Israeli civilians"
jews and asians have higher IQ than whites

whites are midwits who love brown niggers and gay sex
ok boomer
>Not wanting Muslims in White countries means you can't support Muslims against Jews in the Middle East
Jew brainrot.
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Israel was busy bombing lebaniggers instead and killed 1500+ in the past 2 weeks.

Today alone:
>Lebanese Ministry of Health: 55 killed and 156 injured in IDF attacks today in Lebanon

Kek, and /chip/tards hyperventilate over 200 missiles that killed ONE Palestinian Muslim.

Arab lives are _worthless_ and chippies know it

Fucking kek can't make this shit up
it doesn't matter how "hard" they are. in modern warfare, the side with better technology and more firepower kills the other side at a horrific exchange ratio. the only way a worse-armed force can win is poltiically, by maximizing the number of civilian deaths. Hezbollah is much less capable of doing that than Hamas was.
You are seething 70IQ brown mizardi jew.
They are the very definition of pleb. Dumb, illiterate, brainwashed cattle who think they are serving Allah, when in reality they are nothing more than expendable cannon fodder to be used for the geopolitical and economic ambitions of Iran’s ruling class. They are subhuman, easily manipulated tools without agency.
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Holy mother of copium....
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>beaner subhuman calling me an arab
lol, hopefully the cartel will pay a visit to your family soon :)
>the reports
You mean the propaganda put out by the most disgusting liars the world has ever known?
Lemme guess, you're gonna bring out le ole mudslime redirection cope of "who brought them here"? Funny how you're flip flopping on humanitarianism now
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It reeks of jew here.
maybe thanks to iran's retaliation being more of a warning strike (...right?), things won't escalate further.
so r we going to war with lebanon and iran
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May the good shepherd bless all of us, friend.

λέγει αὐτῷ τὸ τρίτον, Σίμων Ἰωάννου, φιλεῖς με; ἐλυπήθη ὁ Πέτρος ὅτι εἶπεν αὐτῷ τὸ τρίτον, Φιλεῖς με; καὶ λέγει αὐτῷ, Κύριε, πάντα σὺ οἶδας, σὺ γινώσκεις ὅτι φιλῶ σε. λέγει αὐτῷ [ὁ Ἰησοῦσ], Βόσκε τὰ πρόβατά μου.
Some of us travel, poorfag.
Sure the rocket videos are interesting but where are the fucked up buildings? I've see like two dumpy looking offices that took some damage that's it.
yes, claiming not a single Pissraeli was killed despite dozens of visually confirmed impacts on the ground is indeed th mother of all copium
>Jewish kvetching on full display
yes, jews measure an attack as good or not based on number of civilian deaths
they are crazy. like, literally insane blood thirsty monsters
>no argument
Thought so.
oh I see,you must be one the kike rats who fled the sinking ship back in October
Is there any combat footage from Lebanon yet
When can we expect footage from the Middle East? I know for a fact both the IDF/US and Hezbollah/IRGC are going to upload shit on telegram
Not to mention the Houthis
Israel has tried to escalate things for months, why would they stop now? They will try to bait Iran again
>Is there any combat footage from Lebanon yet
You really think a pussy country like pissrael is going to go in and fight like men?
Reportedly the white house is telling Israel not to retaliate and that's making baby mad.
So even if the ziomutts decide to err on the side of self preservation I think Israel is actually going to hit Iran. And right now Iran is like that kid who finally took a swing at the bully and realized he's a sissy that can't take a hit. They want a reason to follow up with a proper haymaker.
You ignored my argument by changing the subject, faggot.
baiting Iran into assraping them again?
i'm talking about iran. iran doesn't have to do anything.
They’re invading aren’t they? I figured that would give Hezbollah some chances to film
>when iran bombs tel aviv, jews win
Nah. Im an American. Lots of Israeli friends though who are feeling pretty good this week. I sent them a lot of money after your little attack last year to buy new equipment, so as to more safely and effectively kill your friends. They have put it to very good use since. Im very proud of them.
which event are you referring to? or are you just suggesting iran = hezbollah?
no israeli is feeling good after this attack, i can assure u
Yeah bait Iran into a nuclear holocaust kek. You pissraelis are finished. Today was the cherry on top

Hostage Status?
Netanyahu Status?
Ran scared
Bunker Status?
Hiding in it
Economy Status?
Hamas Eradicated Status?
Hezbollah Invasion Status?
Scared and L
Iron Cope Status?
America Status?
Not our problem

pissrael putting the L in pissrael
You're a spic LOL
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Italian biggest zogmedia outlet already moving the goalpost from zero casualties to "few woundeds"
Mossad spy got captured in Lebanon
>Reportedly the white house is telling Israel not to retaliate and that's making baby mad.

even if Israel doesn't strike inside Iran, this is a win for them, because Iran's messaging didn't mention Hezbollah or Gaza. they're saying they will sit on the sidelines while Israel slaughters their proxies.
It actually doesn't seem like they did. I wonder if it were a ploy to see if Iran would do anything, just something I've been pondering, but last night with their "ground invasion" was very odd. It doesn't seem like they actually did it as of yet.
Sort of, you are ignoring that no matter what Israel does, if Iran retaliates the US will step in and pretend is an unprovoked attack out of nowhere.
you jews are fucking done
better catch the last planes to brooklyn while you can
lol, fake
Kek, the beaner untermensch simply cannot accept the fact that most white people just hate kikes
Some guy on Twitter claimed that the first wave of IDF was repelled, idk if that’s true tho
I hope all your kike friends die and you too while being a good golem
>implying he's not a kike himself
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Israel tried to invade Lebanon yesterday. But let me show you what they're up against. In Syria there are 40,000 Houthi and Taliban fighters just laying in wait for their chance at martyrdom. The only other way to get armor into Lebanon is via Metula where there's a narrow bit of relief in the terrain. But Israel decided to wall and fence its entire border. Hezbollah has a massive terrain advantage. They're basically just staring down at all those little towns there, able to apply direct fire pressure on them anywhere near Metula. So last night IDF concentrated their forces near Metula and began their breach of the wall and Hezbollah spotted them, since they aren't Hamas... They have serious night vision and surveillance drones... So they shelled the shit out of their position, inflicting an unknown amount of casualties and fucking their Lebanon invasion force to high hell. So now their forces at the northern front are in a state of absolute chaos... which Hezbollah capitalized on today, opening up for Iran with the biggest single missile/rocket operation of this war. And now any logistical support is fucked to high hell for the northern front because of the Iranian attack, the war cabinet probably forgot all about the border. So now Hezbollah has been hunting them along the border.
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So we went from TKD to Total Jew Annoyance or something along those lines?
No wonder 53tranny left this loser general lmao
it was described as "within walking distance"
le epic invasion kek
They will have to do something when Israel provokes them again
So when can we expect the footage?
Would you want to wear a go-pro after your buddies pager exploded due to mossad fuckery?
NEW >>483498185
Huh? pol is not one person you beaner turist retard, I never even saw that post
Drone footage?
muslims live in an alternate reality.
24 hours from now you'll be posting on this same board, and your cope will be "yes the kikes completely bulldozed Hezbollah out of their forward positions but they'll return as soon as kikes leave, just like in Gaza!"
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Israelis are sharing videos with each other on group chats, telegram, etc. When they publish articles like this, it only enforces the perception that they're being deceived.
Big panic soon.
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kek yeah that doesn't sound too fun for the lil IOFies :^)
basic statistics say jews are hiding casualties from the attack. simple as
Nah that's kike. I think it's the taco kike from the begging

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