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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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What was it like?

What are your thoughts on the recent developments happening in the Middle East?

Do you think the current cohort of US and Israeli soldiers are ready to tackle it?
One time I ate an entire loaf of french bread from the store and I took a poop so big it hurt.
Fucked your mom back in '89
I haven’t been in combat
I’m just here to bump the thread
Quick reminder. Data mining. Do not reply. Don’t be a fool. Sage
You’re never gonna get custody of me, no matter how many lawyers you send after us!

Saying that word can get you banned, just a heads up. I even got banned for saying “h*rbs”
I participated in the meme wars so I am basically an expert on all things military. My thoughts is that Israel will be absolutely mogged in the end and that it will be a joyous time.
No, I don't think they are ready, but only Amerifats will be used as canon-fodder because Jewish life is clearly more precious and valuable.
The idf’s 98th division is in Lebanon already. Not sure how they’re performing
I hope it will be a repeat of 2006.
It’ll be worse, in a way
Both sides have drones. And we’ll get to see it in HD, since both sides will post videos of their best operations. Kinda like how Hamas did in Gaza with their clips
its starting to be even worse than 2006.
United Slaves of Aipac
The US is likely going to fight in different countries too
they already lost a SF team
I saw that post on Twitter too. Not sure if it’s legit, but big if true
>Do you think the current cohort of US and Israeli soldiers are ready to tackle it?
In some alternate universe sure. When you kikes false flag on us citizens, you will be purged from America along with anyone dumb enough to defend you.
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I have.

Do you wish for it?
>do you wish for it?
No. What’re your thoughts about the stuff going on rn in the Arab countries
the yids are pretty much admitting it, they have medevacs helos and 4+ ambulances
When do you think we’ll see footage? It’ll be hard to gauge what’s happening until then. But then again most videos will only show victories so I guess not
Get ready boys.

Our calling is now and it is our Founding Fathers.

Watch the jews run afraid.

Thanks for your service. Also nah, I’d probably die. Share some stories.
Also what’s your response to my last 2 questions?
It sucked, war is scary. knowing you could be painfully killed at any moment is a heavy thought, and when the adrenaline wears off you are extremely exhausted. it's hard to come back from that, especially if you do it multiple times.
I hope they kill each other and keep american lives out of it
fuck israel, my heart goes out to my fellow military members and their families, losing friends and family to die in israel's war has got to be fucking tragic.
I’d wait maybe a week or two until we see combat footage. But once it starts being uploaded it will be plentiful like how Ukraine was
Thanks for your service and I’m sorry you went through that. Glad you survived bro
Do you think the US will directly fight on Israel’s behalf? There’s like seven fronts to tackle so I’d be shocked if they didn’t try sacrificing American life
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Seems like escalation is inevitable
a lost of a SF team like this in 1 day is catastrophic for kikes. these units are unreplaceable
>going to fight for kikes

Not even once. The only war I'd have partecipated is the armenian-azeri one because armenians are christians who hate jews and azeris are muslims who love jews. Armenians got pretty much abandoned by all goyim countries like Russia, West so they lost, but only the chance to mutilate and torture turk prisoners is to die for
>Thanks for your service.
Service to international Jewry. Why are you thanking him? He should be scolded.
Crossing red lines like this is stupid and suicidal
Why does Israel keep escalating so hard and fast? It makes no sense
Damn, that's a LCpl? sheeeeeesh
I’m not him, but it hits different when you talk to someone who nearly died
I usually thank combat vets for example. Doesn’t mean I agree with what they did, but they still went through some shit
bullshit, you'll believe anything
without a doubt, our politicians are owned by israel. take this massive hurricane for example, no one gives a single fuck about the destroyed and obliterated american towns/infrastructure. but every politiciian threw in their pray for israel tweets- completely ignoring all the crazy shit theyve been doing.
i promise we are gonna send out boys and girls to die for israel, it's what we do, we have always done this.
the silver lining is that the next generation aren't as blind and see this shit for what it is, it also helps that israel took off it's mask and showed the world its ugly face

the whole gaza debacle has exhausted israel's "goodwill" gen z and zoomers see the jews for what they are, unfortunately senate and congress is still very much boomers and cocksuckers all around.

it's going to be painful for america i hope you have options, if not security.
sad kike is sad
I have a soft spot for vets. They don’t really join wanting to serve Israel or whatever. They usually have a misguided sense of patriotism or are poor and need a job with benefits for social mobility purposes
I understand your point of view though
I spent six months in Tel Aviv undergoing some of the most brutal training you can imagine: diaper rash, raping POWs in the ass, child gore photography tips… it was grueling but ultimately made me the patriot I am today.
What’s that? I’m too civilian to get the reference lol
Military men are dumb, stupid animals to be used as pawns for foreign policy. -Henry Kissinger
It is a gut reaction where you have to choose flight or fight. Combat is exhilarating at first but then it wears on you. Some just accept death as a daily possibility, the martyrs do.

No, the zionist forces are not ready to overcome anyone who fights for God and never have been. They serve a godless regime that bombs Christian children in churches as well.

You say those are "US" forces no those are zionist forces that kill Christians for zionists. They betray America and Jesus Christ to serve the godless zionists, and for money.
How do you think US combat forces will perform against the Houthis, Hezbollah, Irgc, etc?
They’re usually like 18 years old. I did all bunch of stupid shit when I was 18
>I have a soft spot for vets.
You are an archetypical amerifat then. They did not defend America, they will never defend America and they deserve no thanks. All they deserve is to get shot when they enter foreign lands like the dogs they are.
What a wicked man, people underestimate the intelligence of military types really. This is used as an advantage. You want to be underestimated when you are strong and overestimated when you are weak.
at least in nam we had more fragging
No, gramps fought the chinks, they never stopped coming at them, you'll never have enough ammo, we're all going to die.
about as good as they did in Iraq/afghanistan
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we all already know. was on this fucking bus for 4 years being lied to. people are starting to realize the truth
AI is scary lol
They cannot get the sense of disgust a non-american feels about a glorified war criminal aka american vet. The more you read the stories of what they did to civilians in middle east the more I would love that Italy had a law banning the entrance to american vets
>people underestimate the intelligence of military types really.

was a controversial 1960s program by the United States Department of Defense (DoD) to recruit soldiers who would previously have been below military mental or medical standards. Project 100,000 was initiated by Defense Secretary Robert McNamara in October 1966 to meet the escalating workforce requirements of the U.S. government's involvement in the Vietnam War. According to Hamilton Gregory, author of the book McNamara's Folly: The Use of Low-IQ Troops in the Vietnam War, inductees of the project died at three times the rate of other Americans serving in Vietnam and following their service had lower incomes and higher rates of divorce than their non-veteran counterparts.
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I just wanna watch everything on fire all the time
That’s a bit harsh
Do you feel the same way about Norwegian soldiers? They fought in the Middle East too
Yeah and the dumbest of the dumb join the military.
So… they’ll win but at great cost? Or lose but at great cost?
They're fighting an unironic race/religious war which if they lose the barbarians at their gates who've been tortured and traumatized by western technology for 50+ years will probably slaughter every Jew in sight shit will go down like Cambodia after 'Nam.
But aren’t most Israelis dual citizens? It’s not like they’re trapped there
most of them are a bunch of guys that came from humble backgrounds looking for a way to build their lives. a few of them i was in with are now doctors and other professionals using their GI benefits and no student loans

where's your PhD, PE or MD?
With chronic joint pain, mental health issues, addictions...
The US military consists half niggers and half rednecks
wat? what are you even talking about? this is the kinda shit that makes me believe the loudest ones here are genuinely under the bell curve
What was it like?
>You didn't even know it was happening until it was already on and it's over much faster than you think. Then there's a period of "what the fuck happened" and "where are all our people" and a combination of "oh my fucking god" and "ooh yeh, I'm a bad mother fucker"

What are your thoughts on the recent developments happening in the Middle East?
>hilarious and shameful in equal measure

Do you think the current cohort of US and Israeli soldiers are ready to tackle it?
>Not even close.

t. this is, of course, purely a work of fiction. i'm a cat.
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ty for your service
pretty sure the taliban won
but to be specific, american technology is not to be underestimated, i have no doubt even with russian drones american troops would cause a lot of damage, especially with air support/logistics/ and control of the sea. american military might would bulldoze them. only with direct support from china and or russia would it become an actual question. the issue is however, what would be the point? what would be winning? just how the taliban won, we will be running into the exact same situation.
we don't "win" wars anymore. we just trade lives to make israel better and make our military industrial complex richer.

one american life is one life too many to throw away for israel. and even if israel somehow miraculously does some of it's own dirty work in ground combat, i can promise you, it will be americans doing the dying.

this election makes me sick to my stomach, i have never been so demoralized in my life, i fear for the safety and wellbeing of the teenagers, and 20 year olds of today.
>Risking your life for upward mobility
>Using money stolen from actual working people to jump from poor to privileged

It's not smart but opportunistic. And regardless the entire US economy is a giant ponzi scheme which is immoral. Controlled by debt which is theft. Education doesn't equate to intellect regardless. It's pattern recognition and skinner box rewards for memorizing your profession. Where's my college degree? Well i never went. It's a waste of my life. I got to enjoy doing what i want which was not be a wage slave.
only about 7.5% of college grads have military backgrounds
Seems like a lot of vets (so far) don’t seem to think the modern cohort of IDF and US military are ready for this fight

What are the implications then? That the US and Israel will lose to Iran? If so, does that mean the world will drastically change? What happens to Israel?
IDF-totally fucked compared to the 50s and 60s generation
U.S-a lot of vets have left and retired after the COVID testing fiasco. white men no longer want to join

any large scale war will require a draft
that doesnt seem right, since the vast vast majority invest in the ch33 program. wherever that stat came from does not seem right. i havent seen a single guy decline it myself, unless this stat of college grads encompasses a lot more than im thinking of
>I fear for the younger generations
Same man. Same.

Some idf soldier on here told me that the main reason Israel is valued so high is because it allows the US to have a huge influence on the Middle East and Saudi Arabia to be specific. Lots of power and resources. That type of stuff
He was telling me that without Israel, the US would lose all of that to China and Russia
Of course he was biased however
They are all dead
I need to see some combat footage already reeeee
Like I said earlier it’s hard to gauge what’s going on without some sort of visual. Fog or war and all that
risking your life is kind of a stretch, not everyone is a rifleman, SF, or other combat troop. you could just as easily pick something safe, like space force desk tranny. if you wanted to gp kick doors in and murder things, by all means. you prob were gunnin for that to begin with

you have no idea how many fatfuck shaneequas they have in CQs (desk jobs) across the world that cheat their PT tests

funny thing here is the backbone of the force is the poor midwestern rural white man, and they had some letters sent to congress explaining that they do not want to enlist anymore for obvious reasons
fuck israel and fuck the idf, they would say and do anything to justify their existence. never trust them. even when they tell the truth, they can't help but lie. it's crazy
A draft would be fucked up. I’m already older than 26, but seeing younger kids being forced to fight and kill (and die) will be unpleasant
Not to mention, the draft could also include me too. Didn’t stop the Ukrainians
>losing friends and family to die in israel's war has got to be fucking tragic.
This is where my fervent hate for israel comes from. Having people you know getting killed because of kikes and they don't even know it.

It's the utmost disrespect to skirt around conversations and not telling people they're dying for the jews when they talk about wanting to serve/deploy. It has to stop
>Israel is valued so high is because america is run by jews
chxkin it out thanks man
think about all the tech, armor, fighter jets that is given to ukraine and they are still using massed infantry like ww1.
>Do you think the current cohort of US and Israeli soldiers are ready to tackle it?

It's been a long time since the US was in a war, and I mean a real war. So Vietnam. The middle eastern turkey shoot peacekeeping bullshits are just that. The guys that survived it didn't learn much that will be applicable on ww3's battlefield, and it turned out that combined arms warfare is a meme.
It's back to the drawing board both in terms of doctrine and the human meat resources that will need to learn to fight from zero actual experience.
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Here’s the post he’s talking about, I was in that thread too
He also revealed in a later post that he was gonna “capture Bint Jbail” which was interesting
jesus holy fucking christ on a cross how many of these non science "degrees" are people getting, and floisting their bill off on the rest of us? theyre basically learning how to weave their pubes and then sliding the bills to the taxpayer saying they cant get a job
Perhaps they want to push the issue before Iran has functional nukes. Once they have those the possibility of wiping Iran off the map becomes a lot more difficult. US was pushing the story that they could start prepping nuclear missiles like a month ago. Iran has mostly been quiet other than tonight and some dumb vague threats here and there too. Kind of like they're drawing this out. Keeping our assets in the ocean out there probably isn't cheap either.
FUCK NO. The veterans from the last 20 years are either gone or have gone to administrative positions (faggots) the warfighting officers and NCO's got out or got purged by the jab.
Unironically yes. They got combat experience and are pumped full of money and equipment, a quick slash focused on destruction of military infrastructure and seeding conflict between the Iranian people vs their government could easily break Iran like the Arab Spring 2.0.
Thie guy has actually seen combat unlike those basement queens that calls air support
Absolutely zero normal people went into combat and were like "that was awesome" it's literally a fight for your life. Those who thrive in combat relish death and are nothing better than bloodthirsty psychopaths.
Yessir, that’s the post
Scary az fuck. But dreamlike and surreal at the same time. But this drone shit is just nightmarish in comparison
I’ve also heard that the Israeli economy is faltering, fast. That would also be a pressure for them to act quickly and retardedly
Saudis are very inclined to back the U.S even without israel, as China is too close to Iran. jews are a huge inconvenience to the Saudis.

you should see the engineering curriculum of West Point and compare it actual engineering schools like Caltech and Purdue. its insane how retarded these officers are.
Nigger, I live in Brazil.
You sound like a pussy.

My time in Iraq and Afghanistan was the best two years of my life.
Exactly Americas generals are walking into a buzz saw look at Ukraine huge failure
In nam we had more conscription. When conscription happens fragging becomes duty.
ive already seen the west point "equity" and other bullshit where they lowered the standards like a Baltimore school for the roodiest of poo niggers

what really, really chaps my ass is that they give different standards for males and females, now theyre applying the DEI make everything easier for the retards and browns to the point it degrades the entire service, not to mention its name and pedigree. i saw these diversity hires going on camera to race bait and spit on whites for good boy points. i hope they all die from ass cancer or lead poisoning
>Fighting for Kike-merica
Spoken like a true Satanist enjoy your time in hell
I am so curious to see how those people are going to be received once they flee Israel. They’ll learn to be afraid to leave their homes, I’d imagine.
You did your Jewish masters so proud!
>satellite military state to maintain balance of power in the middle east
why are we even in the middle east? let egypt and jordan go to the "soviets" whoever that is. Saudis going to china? that's fine, too. they are already ripping us off anyways at least then china will have to work for it instead of getting a free ride.
>control over an entire region and one of the most important trade routes in the world
doesn't seem like much control, and the price is too damn high. not to mention it seems more like the US is a military satelite of israel and not the other way around, as we are more at their beck and call than they are to us, china, russia, and iran can have the middle east and the trade route. it simply isn't worth it.

those resources would unironically be better put to use, turned inward in securing our nation and infrastructure, investing in our own future and comfort AND empowering/bringing up to speed our latin american neighbors and even canadians.

imagine how powerful a union of the americas would be? the resources and reach of such an endeavor? we wouldn't need the barbaric middle east.
Shit it could go either way
If they all move to America, they’d have to pick and choose where to be visible. So many people hate Israel now it unreal
Trips don’t lie.
I really never thought I’d live to see it, anon.
All started with Harry Truman and his civil rights, military desegregation. harry truman, who couldn't complete community college, threw Macarthur, west point valedictorian, under the bus.
Yeah, we’d actually be able to help people during natural disasters for one
It’s so despicable how resources and men are being diverted to the Middle East while millions are without power and hundreds are dying
I've read Mein Kampf and know this is true. In the beginning of WW1 the Germans were all singing songs and looking forward to war. Once the actual war started they soon regretted it. Being a solider is sort of like being entrapped in a cult. Once you go you can't really back out for fear of insubordination and then instinct kicks in and you are facing an enemy so it is kill or be killed.
According to telegram and /chip/ the IDF is currently getting its ass repeatedly pounded by Hezbollah in ground battles
Idk if any of that is true tho
I'm in my 40's. If they institute a draft for this shit I will be fighting and dying right here at home. Probably alone.
Drone warfare + urban combat + jews who kill their own allies + government that sends American bodies in front of jews = it's gonna be a bad time.

Combat is fun exactly once. Then you know better. It's a brutal meat grinder that you can't enjoy because it's hot as shit, you haven't slept in 72 hours, you're carrying 80 pounds, your feet are bleeding, you hate your job and you have to sit and stew in your adrenaline for multiple hours before anything happens. It's not like the movies, it's mostly engagements from a distance where you're sitting behind cover waiting for hours on end and nothing really happens until it does, then everything happens too fast to even appreciate.

Whatever is coming well be the most pointless, nauseatingly retarded combat the world has ever seen. If you go, you will die. If you don't die, you will be maimed. It will make Iraq and Afghanistan look like child's play. Iran is a close to near peer as we've been since WW2, and they have chemical weapons. Drones make everything 10x worse. Nobody wants to be there, so nobody is engaged with their jobs. Then there's the fucking jews.

Do whatever the fuck you can to avoid going. If you're in, break your leg and get a medical discharge.
Never served in the military, but I've seen combat as a paramedic. This is the dindu thunderdome kind where Dashawn and his pals spray the hood using tec-9s with a switch. In other words, bullets wind up everywhere: in kids, cops, cars, homes, the SWAT rig, etc. If you haven't experienced mutilated bodies in real life, you'll have a real tough time for a bit. Also, things are different when bullets are flying.
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Some guy took a pic of Hezbollah special forces in one of their many tunnels. Pic was taken before a fight
Wonder if these men are still alive
Damn son. I couldn’t be a paramedic
No surprise there. Israel is the size of New Jersey with all their export industry in a single city. The draft they raised must have gutted their workforce.
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Oh shit
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At least the kikes have a brave and stoic commander-in-chief.
They're dead. See how their faces are blurred? That means their souls are leaving.
lol wtf
>What was it like?
Sitting and waiting without a clue what is going on, then when the shooting starts trying to figure out what the fuck is going on, with little success. Orders to shoot at bla bla, nothing there so you just shoot in the air, then the shooting stops again. Combat over. Some guy in another group died, bad luck, I guess.
That's how it usually went. You could try and puzzle together what's happening from rumors and bold assumptions, but in the end you were not much better informed than the bottom feeders who watch CNN or read Reddit.

>What are your thoughts on the recent developments happening in the Middle East?
The world hopes that this is the war that ends Israel, sends the Jews back home to America and so brings peace and prosperity back to the Middle East.
Do you think the current cohort of US and Israeli soldiers are ready to tackle it?
Both excel only in one field: Arrogance. They keep pretending they're still in the 1960's, when the west had a technological edge and Israel's officers had Red Army training and years of WW2 combat experience. The 1960's are six generations in the past now. The men who fought back then have left the forces long ago, most died of old age by now.
>Sitting and waiting without a clue what is going on, then when the shooting starts trying to figure out what the fuck is going on, with little success. Orders to shoot at bla bla, nothing there so you just shoot in the air, then the shooting stops again. Combat over. Some guy in another group died, bad luck, I guess.

Modern combat sounds so gay, fighting with sword and spear is probably much cooler than whatever there is now.
I pulled a gun on a tweaker in my front yard a few months ago making a mess out of a free pile of children's books. Hope this helps glownigger.
>What was it like?
Combat is intense. Thrilling. Terrifying. You have to be on high alert at all times. Jundies can come from almost any direction, even behind you. It's not just about shooting at things. You need to your plan your moves, you need to weigh up when and if it is safe to engage or whether you're better off hiding in a bush and preserving yourself. At the same time as you are planning you need to either moving or prone and aware of your surroundings. It's like juggling. You have to use every curve of mother nature, every tree, every bit of foliage, every dip, and every last man made brick to your advantage. You MUST communicate frequently and stay updated or you are fucked. Tbh the only thing I hate about being a soldier is the stupid price of dlc.
That’s one patriotic turd. Glad you got it down.
>US would lose all of that to China and Russia

Why would this be such a bad thing? Youre going to lose your empire one way or another because you've completely fucked your demographics. Unless they are actually planning on pressing all the migrants to them front line instead of against us
>The 1960's are six generations in the past now
Not for boomers
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The true mastery of the blade is achieved when you cut through the shadows of time to embrace the light of silence.

>Do you think the current cohort of US and Israeli soldiers are ready to tackle it?
Not until they seek what cannot be sought.
You can be as dumb as me and get caught by police at 19 after finishing high school and then at 21 for drug possession and distribution. Wish I joined the military kek. I am good now tho, have valuable bachelors and masters, quit my old life,did not even smoke a joint for years and have a nice well paid job.
Combat doesnt feel real until a few days after your close buddy gets fragged or you wake up with parts missing in a morphine haze. Nothing can prepare you for the fog and time slide. If you and your brothers get through the first contact you will get soo drunk, you won't remember it till ur balls deep in the second one. After that, your brain will start to process it like going to 7/11 with a hang over. Operators with 10+ engagements will process it like changing a spare tire.
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Slow day at the office?
I spent a year jerking off in my CHU in Afghanistan.
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On his way to give a speech to congress.
Do paintball matches count?

They do give you an good idea of how chaotic and tense it is to fight.
I also learned two things:
1) I'm deadly accurate with a gun
2) My endurance sucks ass.
I haven't but can you glow niggers lift my profile so I can go die in the sand and not between shifts at some wagie job?
I saw as much ground time as waltz
>The idf’s 98th division is in Lebanon already. Not sure how they’re performing
Diaper status: Full
They NEED to exterminate the browns (we all do)
I’ve been in modern warfare like gang combat. Pretty wild shit desu I couldn’t imagine doing an opp where everyone walking is opposed and the enemy is non uniformed and it’s for more than until the target was gotten. Sounds like a nightmare.
newfag here why is it underrated
>Do you think the current cohort of US and Israeli soldiers are ready to tackle it?
That's not the goal, escalating to a corner is to summon the messiahs who promise each one a life of wealth, butterflies and rainbows instead of judgment, a delusion as old as time.
That webm is great.
I did the same in Iraq. Was in a combat unit but saw no combat. Was at the tail end. I jerked to this porn movie so many times to the point I started watching it for the plot and skip the sex scenes.
How will they get an American youth off of their phones? They’d have to fit them with smart glasses and make it seem like a game. Can they bring their moms to war…maybe each battalion will have a house marm
Longing pampers stock rn
Shill team 6 down. Abort! Abort!
>Do you think the current cohort of US
>and Israeli soldiers

The US military is a joke at the moment, but the worthless officers and enlisted will resign or get fragged when a war breaks out, and will be a well oiled killing machine again. The tricky part is convincing Americans to fight for Israel when public consciousness is at an all time high.

i havent and i can say with confidence that i never will even if they try to make me

that sounds humiliating as fuck. leave it to ukro cuck plebs
Tight. I was attached to SOCOM units and they had approximately zero fucking need for me.
How many dicks did you suck/ how many gay rituals did you do/witness

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