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This is the mossad hq that got nuked yesterday
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Looks like some of the missiles hit. Is it worse than our media is letting on?
Looks like an empty parking lot. Nothing to worry about
Impressive they hit it with that degree of accuracy. I guess the Iranians finally did their homework on ballistic missile tech or at least copied Russia's. Part of me still wonders if this was "allowed" to happen though. Mossad seems to be fairly consistently ahead of the game.
Do Eglin next please.
dude, iran has top tier engineers
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We are fucked
if this was mossad hq they wouldn't let anybody film there. so definitely bullshit.
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you're fine. Did you go into a shelter? I don't see many emergency personnel
That's obviously a sand dune in the middle of the desert. Iron dome stronk!
Is this really Tel Aviv or Lebanon?
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Yes but this is fucked
Pack it up shlomke they're onto you
now that I got all of your attention , this is The city of Da'wah in Lebanon after we bombed them today
The kike is posting images from Beirut.
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Damn. the Iranians are saying it's "concluded" so unless Bibi does something else... yeah it might get difficult.
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Ok? Post some from Israel now I want to know how good the Iranian missiles are now if this escalates. Why are jews like this?
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Come on now, it's not nice to get shitskin muzzies hopes up like that
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We started an invasion on /pol/ a few months ago

Theres an israeli e celeb bringing many israelis to this site
iran did exactly what israel was aksing for.
i can't believe how childish leaders are
>he hit me i hit you back
None of those cars at 26 seconds have license plates on the front of them and Israel has front plates on their vehicles.
Its concluded cause the peace deal between hezbollah and Israel was between Iran and Israel. Iran sold out humus and hasbullah and in return Israel agreed to this so Iran can save face. Big building gets blown up like that and no deaths ? Only 1 dead palestinian.
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Yeah, definitely. I kind of expected a "saving face" kind of gesture and a conclusion that doesn't make the Iranians seem even weaker.
Mossad HQ looks suspiciously like a parking garage
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>Iran sold out humus and hasbullah
I guess now they can do as they please in Lebanon. Hard to see
Jews only tell their “secrets” when in fear and when they know they need to control narrative.

- kike expert
>Looks like some of the missiles hit. Is it worse than our media is letting on?

most of them hit
Why not join up and fight if you guys are into it? What is even the point of larping on 4chan during a potential major historical event
It's beautiful, you filthy kike. How do you like your own medicine?
>Mossad HQ looks suspiciously like a parking garage

this wll be fake footage from something else
AAAAAAAAAAAAAA I can't even we are so fucked bros
Why does it look like some apartment block and not any HQ? Could it possibly be...that the shitskins lie on top of being fucking incompetent? Lmao I knew it was obviously a lie but the sandniggers are so happy ahahjhaha
The next missiles barrage is going to take out your water treatment plants
You’re Jewish. You’re always fucked but you’re gonna make it. Why do you always get so dramatic and pessimistic?
it's all theater they aren't going to let themselves take seriou damage
This is in Lebanon
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>Theres an israeli e celeb bringing many israelis to this site
This is a reversed video, this is in fact the backblast of iron dome before it assembles the ground and 1000 palestinians were in that hole anyways. 0 jews harmed
very very predictable
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His name is shahar
I can’t tell if you’re trolling by posting videos of the Lebanon strikes or if you’re being honest. The city isn’t Gaza, I’m sure of that.
Fuck off tourist
Based Aryans doing what we should've done after 9/11.
>i-it's just theater, goy! kikes are untouchable!
Kys kike
>hmmm I wonder if a jew posting on a jew flag could be trolling when jew troll squads are at full alert
>couldn't possibly be
the mind of a golem
>Mossad HQ is a parking garage in Lebanon
kikes are playing 97D chess again
This is the worst thing to ever happen to us
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picture of Tel Aviv aftermath
the point of the thread is to bring up the "israeli e-celeb" and get the name out there. Geez i'd figure /pol/ would have better radar for this sort of thing. Anyway, good thread unironically.
>jew prides himself killing civilians
Its not the win you think it is. If Iran stooped as low as you did those missiles would have hit the center of the cities instead of your military bases and you'd be crying of another hall of cost.
Israeli disinfo crew has arrived!!!
Just know, you did this to yourselves, all you had to do, was not be a piece of shit.
that's lebanon you arab sandnigger
iran is constantly trying to kill civilians
you dont actually care about civilians
Where is that?
How did we fuck up this badly
It was real in your head just like your tube tits you troon.
>demon writings on the scaffolds
>literally is isreal
Kek. It's the best thing that's happened to the world in many many years.
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Don't forget to wag the dog even more hollywood
In nick furnets bussy
Cute, you're a few hours later on your retaliation, chop chop yids, WW3 isn't going to start itself
Don't show them real footage retard, this was my uncle's home
>or at least copied Russia's
Russia can't hit shit accurately tho.
it's pathetic to see kikes and jeets do damage control on /pol/, it's crazy that you are so interested what this place thinks
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These are all beirut. Jews and their lies.

We know you're panicked, we know you've been hit and are trying to poison the well with false intel to lower our trust when your waterproofing invariably fails and leaks spring out everywhere.

Despair, kikes, o children of satan - despair and be destroyed along with the arab dogs.
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The "only a few missiles hit" cope we hear in the (((mainstream media))) here is very funny.
Good. In a month or two even those tourist will be ready for 110.
I hope it happens again
Holy kek
post some gored arabs
Jewish fireworks are beautiful
He always calls me a fat smelly german who works in a audi factory
we cant even get jewish qt anons, fuck this world
>one single jew dies and a couple buildings kind of ruined
>this is justification for israel to continue genociding palestine
Sounds like an inside job to me
sloppy job mossad
> today
Looks like it was bombed last night moshe. Nothing is smoking and the dust has settled. But nice cope.
>genociding palestine
how is that bad?
Bullshit. The kind of drones that follow e celebs couldn't figure out how to use this site, use a vpn, or even a memeflag.
They're the only country in the world that doesn't have a jewish government and jewish banks.
They're literally the only free country on earth.
They're fighting for freedom, america is fighting for jewish supremacy and oppression.
This is the reality of the world we live in, america does NOT stand for freedom or liberty.
Americans didn't even protest the covid 19 tyranny, CANADA did.
To be fair, I could go into stores and cough loudly without a mask on when covid hit and no one did shit
journalists get killed by the IDF or fired for antisemitism if they report news so they just report official IDF propaganda.
lol I'm not sure if you're trolling or you're a filthy arab but holy kek, I have to set the record straight for the goyim celebrating: this is beirut after an Israely attack. now cope and seeth.
meh, all fun and games but I prefer to see gored desert rats, only problem is that jews dont post almost anything, they probably want money for this shit
>I'd prefer to see non kikes dead
JIDF numbers are lower, it's not bots today so Iran must be telling the truth
I know 3 people personally who died from their vaccines or booster shots
My bosses wife died after giving birth and then deciding to get a vaccine
My optometrist who had been selling me glasses since I was a child, very nice lady
And the fat bitch who worked at tim hortons who yelled at me and called the cops because I didn't have a mask, I was actually glad she died
Many people commit suicide because of the lockdowns and tyranny, many people were killed
It wasn't a nothingburger like you act as if it was, it was the most serious thing to ever happen in our lifetimes
Possibly the one and only chance you may ever have to stand up for something that matters, and all you did was cough, good on you bud, you really showed those tyrants who's boss
Jews are literally arab they just have pale skin, they're NOT white
It wasn't a nothing burger, but it was for me anon
This "not my problem" attitude is nigger behavior
Only niggers and half niggers like mexicans or cubans let everything turn to dust
Whites built everything, things matter to us, we don't just sit down and watch everything turn to dust, that's not white
You're not white
I literally don't care what you think
Nigger that's Beirut

Stop being a kike please
>it was real in my mind
Crazy how you think lying on the internet means you weren't actually bombed to shit. The tendency towards schizophrenia is very strong in jews and it shows.
Mossad HQ is totally still standing and we can prove it by showing photos from this morning.

Just waiting for someone to take photos.
>Crazy how you think lying on the internet means you weren't actually bombed to shit.

its pretty isane. come on Israel, show us what those numerous missiles hit.
They took pictures of a hole in a road, this means Mossad HQ is fine.
I believe it, but only because the quality of the board has risen
I was already asking myself, who let you out of the oven? ..
>The "only a few missiles hit"
they are talking about the iron dome
Obvious to anyone with two brain cells. Just goes to show how fucking stupid this board is and how hard they’ll simp for anything that fits their worldview.
Probably had a whole team graduate from MIT in the ballistic missile targeting major
why so sad? just travel to Auschwitz and remember the old good days
Israel trying an information overload tactic.
They post so much contradicting information that people get lost in the fact findinf and forget the actual results of the attack.
This automatically means they took a beating.
congrats on killing those families!! GO ISRAEL!!
if mosad was involved wouldn't they have 'helped' the iranians a bit by exploding a few empty school buildings and children playgrounds for propaganda photos?
If it's true why haven't they blown it earlier when their top general was killed ? That suleiman guy.
>Chris Chandler was ahead of his time
>israel anon mocks retards on this board by baiting them with images then admitting 3 posts later
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all of them hit.
Of course the human sacrifice tunnels are still there and getting some fresh air for the first time in 50 years.
Ridicule is part of the tactic.
No, no, you are "God's Chosen People©®™", which means your collective suffering can be legally monetized by some greedy Polish rabbi after you die for the "cause".
>they are tactically laughing at us!!!!
>We started an invasion on /pol/ a few months ago
>Theres an israeli e celeb bringing many israelis to this site
im tired of seeing your disgusting shilling flags, every time a see an israeli post i feel the urge to vomit

If Iran was legitimately unable to hit Israel the jews wouldn't obsess over it so bad or consider it a threat going to war over

Israel is incredibly fragile and needs to keep an image of a strong regional power to demoralize enemies even though, objectively, it's less capable of winning regional wars than it was after WW2
>How could this happen to meeeeeeeeeeeee
Just throw a layer of kosher paint on it and a handful of rabbis in there and it will look like any other sandpeople structure.
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Mudslimes and jews are both shitskins kike
>now that I got all of your attention , this is The city of Da'wah in Lebanon after we bombed them today

but this proves nothing
Now it is, kek.
Lol wtf is that webm??
Did kike just got btfo by an unexploded rocket? Iran flattened him.kek
you damn stupid goyim. look at the webm on the OP. see the writing in hebrew in the middle? it says: אבו עלי אקספרס look at the letters and compare. now look at my picrel. this is where OP got the video from, it's a very established 10 Y/O israely telegram account. now the description of the video is what I said, in hebrew, at the bottom. and there are many of these videos, including the other videos by op. it's 1 PM now in Israel. people are out in the streets shopping and sitting in coffee shops, as today is the evening of "rosh hashana" holiday. cope and seeth.
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>you damn stupid goyim

>Why am I hated?

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>[Yackity Sax intensifies]
This is the only exit from Clownworld.

Since your video shows attacks on civilian buildings it was already clear that the people who did this were not reasonable iranians but psychopathic israelis.
Well Hello Shlomo.

Aaron and Zuckerberg started the idea for facebook in a old tobacco barn.

bann! that was a Nazi death camp.

so It was a s-laughter house where they make Jews into ham-berg-ers.

Do you think thats funny do you think I am fucking laughing goyim?
Your dead!

Total S-laughter , Total S-laughter.

I love it!


oh God even his shadow is meaning some how.
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Total S-laughter
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abcedf ace a book.
Ya know something, Shlomo? I've been on the phone with my family in Lebanon. And they've said repeatedly that they don't hate Israelis. They want to live quietly in their village in peace, and they've been praying for peace between Israel and Lebanon since the civil war there. These people have nothing thanks to their own government and even less now thanks to yours - but they don't hate you at all. Ergo, I can't hate you either. I really hope peace is achieved and you and every Israeli/Palestinian gets to live in peace. At the end of the day, don't we deserve a little bit of peace?
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I am the terrorist Jew created.

Do you have any idea how little that narrows it down.
he's such a shit joker lmao
קק, כלכך הרב הנפלו בזה.
צ'ודים מפגרים ב/פול/.

מזל שאלו האוייבים שלנו
היה אחד שכתב שזה בלבנון ממש בהתחלה

אל תיהיה נכה, אגב 37 פצועים יחידת אגוז
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Is it Axis or Ace chemicals That made the Joker?
abcdef ace a book.
shitskin detected
probably a public fake adresss
Please tell me they didn’t have my memes stored there.
lol why does their city look identical to yours like you’re all the same breed of sandnigger?
Find talmud.
wipe ass with talmud.
kek, kalkech harev hanflu beza.
chudim mifgarim be/pol/.

mezel she'elu haoyevim shlanu
Keck, so many fell for it.
Chods are retarded in /pol/.

Luckily, these are our enemies
Time for your daily missile rain.
They finally realized the general theory of relativity is a jewish lie and that's why you can't ever hit any targets using relativistic based calculations.
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>unLuckily, these are your enemies now.
So much misinformation being spread. Why?
I guess because the jews don't want the other jews to all fly off to Europe and America.
The fake jews hitting civilians while Iran and Hezbollah attack army bases and Mossad headquarters. You got so much to be proud of Schlomo. Gas chambers soon and this time for real
they allready said that in the beggining of the thread Smuehl why do israelis lie so much
So this Is a camber made for Jews...
You keep removing Air and gas and take notes about when it dies...
Kike faggotry of the highest kind right here
This looks like IDF footage from Gaza.
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Seems like pretty too empty? Wheres the tables, chairs, computers everything? Nice mossad place tho, do they sit on empty concrete rooms?
how this is different from normal street in Israel?
Noooo! Destroying muzzrat hope is the worst of all crimes.
Whites built everything. Maplespics let their degenerate prime minister import legions of street-shitters who are currently invading the US. Youre the HIV to Jeet AiDS.
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Thats clearly the entrance to the secret mossod base.
Just look at this picture.
Mad because outted. Jews won.
Won what?
Are you at all mad at your government for instigating this entire situation or is it humbling in some way to get missile striked in return?
dude this is beirut old photos. stop trolling heebanon
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Brings average Jew here -They leave shaken, schizo and frantic even irl around people - people see the vile nature of the Jew - Hall of cost commences.

Thank you.
anon, i have never seen heebs keebs. can you show me how your keyboards look like and how to you write in desert runes. or are u on mobile?
>how do you* write in desert runes
that's Beirut, isn't it?
Lol what a faggot
Nobody is gonna point out that there are several levels underground that are now exposed ( and it's not for parking ) in the video? I thought maybe it was an underground parking garage but those decks / columns are not spaced out enough for vehicles
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Here you go
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plz Stop this with Aaron Zuckerberg, Your not cool Your a joke on reddot.

Felix Kjell-berg message for Zuckerberg from Aar Alucard.
That's what happens when Israelis trust kikes.
Cool. Now if only Iran didn't pussy out with their usual "this was just defending ourselves and we won't fire any more unless Israel returns fire" bullshit and we might be getting somewhere.
U = I
I = i
H = I
Can't tell the difference between how these semites live, dirt town commie blocks.
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Based Jews!!!
so its not true that you have some kind of "plus sign" because of the cross and shiet...
interesting. im becoming liberal
U= ו = vee
I= ך= kaph
H= י = yod
Only hasidic school's are like that lol
>anons asking kikes itt how they like the taste of their own medicine
>kikes double down by posting proof of their own past atrocities
He forgot to look up before he crossed the street
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The death threats come by carrier pigeon no less they just fly right into the Vatican.

Hey shlomo I think you got some unread mail.
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Oh darn. What a totally undeserved fate.
jewish trickery
Why dont you move there?
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this is deff hebrew.
its some https://*somethin*me/newssi (possibly telegram news t.me for telegram channel)
know some arabs and they also have "kaph" letter
lol, stay safe anon. i dont like people getting killed. run to the shelter, and free palestine i wish you peace all
>some arabs and they also have "kaph" letter

Semitic language

And of course bro, just pray that askhnazi women get BBC asap and as much as possible
That's like Israeli 4th of July right? Do you guys have fireworks on rosh banana?
Total kike holocaust
you wont see that on the news
except that's what the shias are doing since yesterday
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>Semitic language
my dumbass was like DUUUH xD
>And of course bro, just pray that askhnazi women get BBC asap and as much as possible
send em to me. they are white enough for me, just make sure they have phat booba and boota :D
Shalom Alaykum
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man you make me curious, i really want to meet with some jews to talk to them. to see their side of the story...
WHAT THE?!?!?!?!?!
We got JEWED!!!!!
all in all, stay safe. im muslim and i know how it is to be hated by everyone (well, was born a muslim but i despise religion...). especially nowadays.
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>just make sure they have phat booba and boota :D
>Shalom Alaykum

They're part nigger bro

I want you to have white kids

Why would you spend your time listening to lies?
That's Gaza.
lol I knew it!
Believed you on the first post cuz I hadn't seen that one before.
basically There God blasphemies and torments towards immortal Shepard whos head they Cut off and keep in the most devoid shrine until it was raided and killed everyone on its way out of imprisonment.
I wish you could go back to your place

But Israel is making it unstable

I'm sorry
yup, there God is basically defilement towards all that is holly.
Have you considered that they wouldn't hate you if your kind weren't overrunning their country and raping children in the streets?
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IKR imagine targeting military facilities and personnel instead of women and children.
What were those silly Iranians thinking?
pro israel post will go down by crazy amounts just watch. but you faggots wont notice it. especially that kike from england who never stops sucking jew cock
>Cyanide and happiness
>but it's funny
Bizarro world
i want to understand ppl and their point of view. yes i browse 4chan, but 4chan today is not the 4chan from 15 years ago when i started browsing it (im a newfagg kinda)
as i was born as a mudslime, i feel the palibros and their aspiration to be free, but when i see your 3000ish year history of being persecuted i kinda want to understand u guys.
well, my place had war in the 90, Yugoslavia, and i Bosnia is stable RN. Just not economically, we have serbniggers that suck pootins dick, and americans wont let us have unitary state because the fear of another hezbollah in Bosnia.
But, after 7th of october i went to Sarajevo for new years eve celebration and saw some jews running with Kippahs, and noone (in a majority mudslime country) was paying attention to it. Kinda made me proud to be bosnian.
Went to visit the synagogue. no armed guards, no controls,checkpoints etc. made me really proud.
Maybe you should visit sometimes if u survive this shitshow. I deff want to visit israel in my lifetime.
You need to mob your government and take care of business. Right now.
>i want to understand ppl and their point of view. yes i browse 4chan, but 4chan today is not the 4chan from 15 years ago when i started browsing it (im a newfagg kinda)
today its full of qanons, conspiracies and rednecks from all around the world (is what i wanted to say)
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>but when i see your 3000ish year history of being persecuted i kinda want to understand u guys.

There are legitimate reasons for that

>you should visit sometimes if u survive this shitshow. I deff want to visit israel in my lifetime.

I should see more of the world desu

Never left the country
so is the "MIGA" and "zion don" shill posting going to stop now?
the kike screams out in pain as it attacks you.
Hope every rat inside is dead.
Beware of those that say they're Jews but are the...
>I should see more of the world desu
here, hear out your own kin :D
I wouldn't exclude an (((inside job))) to get rid of evidence or justify war.
That's a watermark, moron.
You motherfucker
wrong link
shiiiiiiiet niggas finna steal all dat rebar naaawhaimsaying
>Does Israel...Le lie?
At least your earned this you rat. Unlike your many victims over the whole world.
You are very naughty.
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Jews believe the have enough inside mossod agents around the world in places of government power to pull the "Sampson" option if needed to ensure mutual destruction to any end scenario.
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That was a palestinian casualty in the west bank...
I see that already

Looks good
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jidf definitly needs some better organisation
if u do, i buy u cevapi with onions :D
I'll buy you falafel then with some grape juice then

you telling me nobody died from this?
heebanon we just cured the world from antisemitism <3
I wouldn't worry. Our tax dollars will fix that up.
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(Aaron Paul)

dont know why I bother hinting at you retards thier next move.
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french msm says that it s a failed attack by iran , that it did nothing to israel and nobody died , everything is fine for the french msm , they even said that people support netanyahoo like their chief ? is that real ? not good not terrible ?
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slipped past censors.
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I thought Germans making Jews climb into trees and crow like roosters during the holocaust was the worst thing to ever happen to Jews.

>All those shitty brutalist concrete apartments
Do Jews really?
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Never trust a jew.
Jews play tricks on Palestine endlessly and even fund communist movements in Palestine to keep them backwards. For a long time Palestine was even within the Cuban sphere of influence
Hope you get bombed tonight you sick fucking kike
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Oh really, I really didn't notice. You just reaffirmed my opinions
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Jews are hated because they are a menace to the world. You were brought to Germany by Jews because you are a subhuman and a bio weapon against the native Germans (who Jews call edomites)
im probably whiter then you, poo
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now explain it in minecraft.
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I’m descended by saxons and highland scot’s (who are themselves displaced scandinavians. When young I looked exactly like tzar Nicholas to the point that when carrying a book about tzar Nicholas on the train one day a guy asked if it was me. I even have the same lazy eye.
top lel
nice to know /pol is still 48 hours before the (((News))))
Jewish aggression towards Europeans is not something that can be summed up in a paragraph but there were many Americans that tried to understand the Jewish issue that I learned from: Eustace Mullins, Henry Ford, Revilo Oliver, William Pierce (PBUH), etc.
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We tried to warn you, despite us hating your guts, but you little clipdicks didn't listen.
The thing you don't get leaf, is that here, lockdowns were based state to state. So were the health rules. Some places like Michigan locked down certain merchandise in stores to disincentive people. Some like NY went with full on squatting in their cuckshacks. Many other states (mostly red) life went on as normal.
For example I'm from ky and literally nothing changed besides masks. There weren't even functional vaccine mandates and testing regimens for anyone outside of certain specific careers like healthcare (and even then they didn't fight toooooo hard for it).
I absolutely believe the story of the person you replied to.
excuse me your highness - didnt recognize you. u should go to russia and claim russian throne
I’m Canadian! I was simply saying that I am whiter than the mohammedan-German.
We can't cure it without destroy it

It's real, brown kikes love bibi

It's pretty gay
i never said i was german lol. neither i consider myself muhamedan/mudslime
>Your Highness
Show a pic of your arm next to a paper bag. That’s the traditional test of shit skinniness.
best cure for antisemitism is to kill the cancer at it root.
Jews are less then 3% of the population its for the greater good you die to get rid of antisemitism..
facts logic reason..
Good job. Iran managed to only kill one civilian while you killed many
It you flee here, it will be worse for you in under 3 years. The Jew shall lose everything, be hunted and reviled everywhere he goes. He will have nowhere to turn and be tormented night and day. You will be put through a living hell of unimaginable tormented. You will have no friends and will be driven over the brink. I will not be satisfied until you all pray for death and curse the day you were born.
So more it be. To hell with you evil pieces of shit.
Why is the power daisy chained from the apartment complex?
Cardboard box in a dimmed room should do, right Your Highness lmao
These people are fighting for there lives destroying weapons on military installations ment to kill them.

Jews are trying to kill them to bask in the slaughter of the incident.
The opposite is true. Jews are finishing off whitey and will rule America with an iron fist as they do in Cuba. The fantasy of all Jews is a Cuba scenario of impoverished black-brown mulattos ruled by Jews. They legitimize their rule by telling the browns that they are being saved from white supremacy
Those hairs look pretty dark to me.
what gets me is Iran is able to carry out precision strikes without major civilian deaths but israel "just cant ......ok"

>inb4 muh human shields

israeli mossad and military hq are next to hospitals.
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Mossad just flew over my house!

Probably because some "SWEDES" tried to blow up israeli embassy here in Denmark. I wonder when we will make the swedes apply for visa when visiting denmark
Of course it does you brainlet Highness. Im brown hair brown eyed man. In the Summer its almost blond. Fucking brainlets
I find it hilarious when /pol/cels say anyone, anywhere is a schizo
plus im dont have much hair on my body. so it looks black.
Also, people always ask me if im French, Spanish or Italian.
Maybe thats why your "aRyAn" women like the "sea-men from the south"
Your Highness
Rip interracial porn threads
Jewish word tricks are incredible. I saw a video of an Israeli general being asked if carpet bombing civilians should be considered genocide and his answer was “hezbollah hides behind civilizans and uses them as a shield so actually hezbollah killed their own people in Lebanon when Israel did air strikes”.
They have many a book about attacking destroying subverting and enslaving humanity to their ends.
Yea, I am not joking when I say their God is defilement towards all that is holly.
You fail to learn this you will be bound to failure agist them.
I saw this species when I visited Turkey a few years ago.
Pedophile alert!!!
100%. I only truly understood politics once I understood Jewish influence in the world. Understanding politics without understanding Jews is like understanding physics without understanding gravity.
oh, i think i know your kind. Are you maybe a serbian diaspora in Leafland larping as an aryan?
If so, not my fault your women lusted for our circumcised cock.
We had the power for almost 400 years and women are kind of into that soft power...
Out of spite and butthurt u killed some innocent civilians in Srebrenica.
get rekt Your Highness. Now i even see why you were referencing Car Nicholas, because u serbniggers suck puccian cock lol. lmao even
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Now the gloves come off. Prepare for penetration
Good. Rot in hell.
Fax and logic
Serbs have never been powerful. You’re living in a fantasy land. If Jews support you becoming German it means that you are subhuman. Simple as. There’s a reason the Jews have made barriers to real Europeans migrating back to Europe. Jews are allies of all subhumans against civilization.

To remind you jew’s top allies are: blacks, criminals, gypsies, immigrants, refugees, Albanians. If you are not hated by Jews then you are subhuman.
>here’s a reason the Jews have made barriers to real Europeans migrating back to Europe
WHAT - you people in the colonies are literally outsiders who couldnt fit the European stiyle of life.
Thats why u have guns u kill eachother with, dont use metreic system.
God damn AngloSaxons, romans should've genocided you when they had the chance...
Nice try but those are videos of normal russian cities
yup. ADL Center for Antisemitism Research's new study - fielded in Jan. 2024 - reveals 24% of Americans harbor extensive antisemitic prejudice.
killing the 3% is for the greater good.
Saxons are English speaking Germans. Why would they have a hard time living in Germany compared to people that have no ethnic connection to Germany?

what makes shitskin immigrants like you “insiders” in Germany?
shouldn't have been harboring terrorists in those apartment buildings
we neither have nothing against Lebanon people. Hezbollah is the enemy. I wish they didn't use civilian areas to hide their military equipment.
again, YOUR HIGHNESS, when did i say i was German?
I am in germany for a short period of time in germany.
>Saxons are English speaking Germans
thats like me saying im part Hungarian or Russian just because some of my ancestors came back with turks from Budim/Budapest
or my father telling me we are russians just because in 6th century we were not slavs but Rus.
Holy shit you people are ignorant and uneducated....
keep your strawmen, and welcome them poojets and poojetas in your country.
I think Germany is better of, even with me a "mudslime" immigrant here, then you are with poos and spics
Fucking hell the ignorance.
They also hide weapons in the maternity wards and children’s schools which is why you sadly have to bomb them as well.
Why does European identity trigger you so much? WASPS (meaning Protestant saxons) are known as being blondes? Do you ever wonder why that is? Why does that trigger you?
cuz they are a group of genetic filth that thought they could get magic powers from fucking there cousins and just ended up stupid and inbread.
doesnt trigger me at all. You being protestant means only one thing. You either suck jewish dick or a poo dick - there is no 3rd option.
WASPs - then u should read what shiksa is you protestant nigger.
Jews even have the name for your "aryan white protestant women" who seduce circumcised Jewish men.
And you are holding a lecture on morality of "muh protestant supremacy"
rekt nigger
Your post has nothing to do with anything that I said and the Protestant reformation happened in your country — Germany. Germans are the last people that should be crying about protestants since it was your Martin Luther that spread the Protestant reformation around the world.
so what you're saying is that the people ruining the site have names and addresses?
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"muh protestant supremacy"
u a fucking goy, whose women got so much jewish cock that they have a designated noun for being a little bit "free"
which means, your highness - u may as well be a Yiddish dick sucking nigga offspring lmao
>it was your Martin Luther that spread the Protestant reformation around the world.
again, your highness, I AM NOT A GERMAN, i am Slav-Hungarian mix mongrel who happened to be born in bosnia of a Muslim religion.
2nd, i am in germany, and as romans used to say "When in Rome - do what Romans do"
As long as i am here, im going to respect Germans as my hosts.
I even learned their lang - and you dont know it (im taking a wild guess)
So tell me - how connected are u actually to your WASP anglo saxon roots
>Your Highness
im having to much fun here lmao
The Protestant reformation happened in your country and your women are also called shiksas… the fact that you’re pretending that isn’t true makes me think you’re a kike yourself.
You live in Germany and are pretending you don’t live in the heartland of the Protestant reformation. The Protestant reformation didn’t happen in Canada — it happened in your homeland (as in the country where you live)
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tell me son of a shicksa, why do you nort american protestants even make movies about seducing Jevvish bvlls.
I have yet to see some german movie about it
you seem to hate them Joos, but u suck their cocks hard.
and keep sucking it. i dont know what kind of love-hate relationship u people have with joos and their cocks but hey, here we are...
A sphincter is a ("circular muscle")
that normally maintains constriction of a natural body passage or orifice and which relaxes as required by normal physiological functioning. Sphincters are found in many animals.

kikel circle.

Turns out options are a lot like assholes everyone has one.
be quiet shabbos goy
LMAO my captcha was 0JDNA
>kek wills it
It’s very hard to understand Germans of all people making fun of protestants when your country is the original of the Protestant reformation. The Protestant reformation didn’t happen in Canada or America… it was in Germany — which is where YOU LIVE
shut up kike
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The Gay flag of Circular mussel penetration and fucking has been raised.
hey, Germans made it - you perfected it.
Now you suck Jevvish bvlls cock, while your daughter rides mudslime circumcised dicks from mid east and your son works for a poojeet.
Aaaaaaaand your tax dollas keep flowing outside of your protestant paradise.
What a time to be alive amiright (and keep working hard, we all want payments at the start of the month nigger)
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>The mossad HQ gets hit on /pol/'s birthday
It's like a miracle.
They are attacking their own units agien.

4 chan.
also, dont take these Germans in your filthy snout, they are the most hardworking, kind, honest, direct people i have ever met.
its a video from gaza u dumb nigga

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