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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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MEGA HAPPENING! Putin signs new law BANNING a national census in Russia to hide the losses of over 500,000 Russian invaders in the meat grinder in Ukraine and the millions who escaped the country!
well what a gay faggot nigger he is
That is fucking hilarious
that’s not what it says tho kek
“limited (selective) statistical observations” are not a nationwide census
they are usually conducted 5 years from a nationwide census to give an up-to-date trend projections and aren’t even made public by Rosstat. Rescheduling happened after a Nationwide agrarian census (sic!) was moved from 2026 to 2027, and since LSO are tied to its results, they’ve been moved a year from that, to 2028
why am I even doing this, you’ll post autumn conscription news and call it “draft”
>vatnigger btfo
Imagine doing damage control for this blatant jewry from your president
yawn dont care have fun dying in Iran, jew lover while i find holol whores to rape.
imagine being a white person in your country right now.
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which one is your daughter, Vasya?
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NAFO Troon, you failed to kill the orange man. Pitiful.
Putin will be dead by next Christmas.
Russia has taken in over 2 million Ukrainian refugees since March 2022, retard.
Better chance of Israel dying off then that happening, keep crying Holols. Ukraine is finished and soo are you.
meanwhile in Ukraine
they really do lie as easily as they breathe
Killing off your prolescum so that Comrade-Tsar's inner circle can get more dachas and yachts to fuck kids in is based and redpilled when Russia does it.
You have to understand that the collective IQ of the west keeps on plummeting by 5 points every year.
It's fun listening to countries that couldn't defeat Africans in the 90's. Is that why your homes are now monkey infested?
I just want all hyhyls bombed is that too much to ask for?
ummm chugsisters??? our response??????
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Russia's population increased by 3 millions by Feb 2022

Now the number could be as high as 5 millions

If Russia could take the entire eastern Ukraine, the number could be up to 15 millions

I don't know why Putin would ban census but just want to point out the fact that Russia's population has been increasing due to this war, not the other way around

on the other hand, for Ukraine...
Source: my ass
>2022: Ukraine is finished
>2023: Ukraine is finished
>2024: Ukraine is finished
You keep saying that, over and over again. Meanwhile in actual reality, you haven't even been able to take Donbass after 3 years of trying, ukraine has taken pieces of kursk from you by force, and 600k russian men are either dead or crippled in this war (so far).

Here's a thougt: instead of repeating "ukraine is finished" over and over again like some catatonic mental patient, you could maybe, i don't know, ACTUALLY defeat ukraine? How about it, boris?
why doesnt anyone open their eyes? this is how they will draft all westerners. you can't say no in WW3 when 6 reddit mods van you.
whatever, you still buy 2000 USD Miele washing machines to steal the 2c cheap Chinese chip inside them that you could have mass ordered on Alibaba

and Russia ran out of fuel in February 2022, you just forgot the check the tanks
So when Trudeau got rid of the Census he killed billions?
Umm ok.
>tranny delusions
Covering up how much of the population has been replaced by durka durkas
This coming from a country that still thinks it can take Moscow, adorable. Keep pretending to be white snow chink.
2 more weeks and Comrade-Tsar will officially announce the restoration of the USSR from a recently liberated Kieyev. Then you're next you fascists. TOTAL GLOBAL DENAZIFICATION.

Something something trannies.
>This coming from a country that still thinks it can take Moscow
I have literally never heard an actual finn in real life say anything even remotely close to that, ever. But keep coping with these bizarre fantasies of yours, i don't judge.
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This is Ukraine's poplation in 2022

And according to a latest report, the number of active cellphone sims was 19 million

Considering some people have multiple cellphones/sims, the real population of Ukraine could be below 18 million now (and counting...)
Ethnic replacement is only le cringe and downvotepilled when the decadent west does it, when Russia does it, it's based and trad.
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we all know already that the democrat-memeflag OP is retarded, you don't need to remind us
Two more Christmases, am I right?
Why do we need a public census at all, for whom? The number of people using bigdata can be found out without any census, and it is also possible to find out social details such as income, assets and so on.
getting vanned for ww3 is the most retarded of fears
it would escalate to nukes before any of the jannytrannies get to powertrip while pressganging
>Considering some people have multiple cellphones/sims, the real population of Ukraine could be below 18 million now
I love these absolutely outlandish, completely unrealistic cope fantasies russhits have :D ziggers truly are a special breed of retard
>why am I even doing this
And you shouldn't be. Obviously you're correct and glownigger OP is lying, everyone with basic knowledge of Russian laws and half a brain understands this.
But it's much better when the average ZOG slave remains ignorant. Imagine the screeching, the collective meltdown in /uhg/ and /k/, cries of frustration, when one day Jewkraine finds itself Saigon'd and its new pro-Russian government opens statistics on the KIA ratio (including natonigger KIA of course), nullifying the bulk of Judeo-Western lies.

I expect a lot of stab-in-the-back myths, because for years you consume schizocope about RuAF that ran out of missiles for the 5th time, 1 million Russian losses, NATO not being involved, 1% of Cold War stocks, the Ghost of Kveef, pickle jars destroying drones, Magic-Wunderwaffe-To-End-It-All, chips from the washing machines, etc, etc.
The dissonance between alt reality and actual reality needs to be explained somehow, so of course it's gonna be some Vicious Betrayal, the hand of the Kremlin in the White House.
>we did it leafbros, we got the pajeets
>when one day Jewkraine finds itself Saigon'd
Russia can't even take donbass, after 3 years of trying. And at the same time, Russia can't even stop ukraine from taking pieces of kursk. And yet, the retarded zigger actually keeps coping that one day Russia will conquer Kiev. Truly boggles the mind.
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Time to post some gore hohol, as you always do after loosing an argument. Repeating state approved lines like "3 hours to take Kweef" won't do. Better yet go back and help your countrymen against orks.
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I can't find any actual evidence of this outside of this Twitter post. Anyone managed to find a link to verify, or is OP still just a fag?
Imagine being a democrat.

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