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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Moving to the British countryside. Why shouldn't I do it and claim a cute Bong girl and live out my LOTR: extended version fantasy there?
You can if you want. Just have white children
>live out my LOTR: extended version fantasy
Go ahead, you're won't find a cute Bong girl but you'll find plenty of orcs
Youre from Austria go live in the Alps instead much cooler
fuck off we're full
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Good day bongfrens, I love you all
you osterreichers are alright
castle coombe is a dead village crawling with tourists and film crews btw
there are better (read cheaper and more normal) places to live than the cotswolds
have a watch of the 'turd towns' channel to get a clue
We need more (white) people in the countryside. It's all oldfags here and work from home Londoners moving in. Cities are lost for now... Need to start building parallel communities in the countryside.
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Nice idea. Reality is high rents, rain, cold, niggers and hijabs all over, entitled morons driving range rovers. Insufferable politics, fat women, niggers again, jail for disliking immigration insanity, dog shit, mosques, selfishness, ignorance, overpriced everything, scammers, fraudsters, traffic jams, niggers again, £8 a pint.

Not a hobbit or wizard in sight. But yes, for about a week every summer you find yourself saying “yeah, life is OK”.
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What would it actually be like to live in village like this? In terms of supermarkets, GPs and other health facilities, internet speed, cost of housing? Are these villages mainly populated by aging boomers and only visited by busloads of tourists who take photos, buy some trinkets and leave?
If you have £ 800,000 to spend on a house you could get a tiny place in an idyllic spot, if not, you're getting nothing

Why the fuck are airbnbs outrageously expensive in Scotland year round? How are Norway and Iceland cheaper? I wanted to go for a month for le remote work and experience the Norf but we’re talking 3000 a month for a little shack in a not nice part of town
>live out my LOTR: extended version fantasy there?
Weren't those movies filmed in New Zealand?
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Well the Labour Party is instituting a new policy to ‘redistribute’ all the doctors and lawyers that have entered our country

In other words, punish all the non-Leftist voting regions by filling them full of the usual suspects.

So you can expect all of these quaint villages to turn into slums
Cost of housing is the main issue there. Assuming picrel is cotswolds there won't be a single property in your picture under 500 grand
>No cobblestone pedestrianized street
>Asphalt shitstain
>20 cm sidewalks
Close enough
full of pakis
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why would anyone move from AUSTRIA of all places to the BRITISH c*ntryside
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Its shit. No jobs, the work you can get pays £24k. Villages are a mix of rotting old 'cottages' and grim ex-council houses. The older houses get bought up for huge money by escaping Londoners.
No independent shops like a decent butcher as noone has any cash to support them so you have to drive miles to the nearest big box supermarket.
No facilites like doctor, dentist - you might get lucky and sign up to one in the nearest 'town' but then wait 2 months for an appointment.
Your kids will get a shit education at the local school. Theres fuck all to do so they will spend their weekends smoking weed and drinking cider in the park.
And it pisses down like 8 months of the year.
I stayed in one for several days.
There was nothing to do.
There was one shop. A post office which sold a few items.
One pub.
maybe he's from Wien or or another balcanfilled shithole?
>extremely expensive
>terrible weather
>rest of the country is a dystopian hellscape
>job opportunities are scarce
And so on and so on

He's probably a Balkman himself.

For me, it's Germany (in the borders of 1914)
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>you might get lucky and sign up to one in the nearest 'town'
I don't understand this thing in the UK of having to "sign up to a doctor". Here I can pretty much go to any GP that I want to, of course I try to go to the same one for continuity, but if he's away I can go to someone else without any trouble. Can you not do the same there?
these villages used to be owned by a lord and would have housed mostly the workers for his estate
now they are owned by disparate groups of rich boomers in retirement who airbnb the house when they arent there
if youre lucky theres a village shop and a pub
most do not have either
photos of them never show how every house comes with at least one car
life there is basically impossible without one as there is fuck all in the way of public transport
this village in particular is a tourist trap as it was on some period tv show with surprisingly non-period niggers in it
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>moving to Britain for that
Move to Aosta Valley
The weather and women are better
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You can live out your Rings of Power fantasy!
It's basically austria anyway
I'm a quarter Brit from my grandmother

PS: Silence mehmet
>that one day that it doesnt rain and its not shitty cold and cloudy
whats wrong about saying that the only reason to leave austria for bongistan is to escape a balcanized großstadt?
God that’s beautiful but I’d like to go where I’m welcomed and we wouldn’t be welcomed there
You’ll never find a girlfriend in the countryside. I’ve lived in a small town for ten years and it’s impossible to date.
amerigolems are not welcomed anywhere on the planet
Because it's not the reason and all your underlying assumptions reek of seethe and jealousy, shrimple as that really
Maybe you're just too ugly
>Because it's not the reason and all your underlying assumptions reek of seethe and jealousy, shrimple as that really
then you are just retarded, sorry
I went to Dorset this year, same place as always since a wee lad. The town nearby was dying, even the pub and the post office were closed. Very sad, good thing it was still white. Hope you lads cherish the heaven on earth that is rural Britain, honestly I'd love to come live there and start an apple orchard/cider brewery if I could. British cider just hits different.
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Sorry you are turkish, bud, but it's not mine or Britain's fault
Nope, you have to register with a practice where 8 doctors cover 25000 people.Then play the 8:30 phone lottery and hope the receptionist will deem you worthy of a 6 minute phone consultation.

Truly world beating healthcare
I used to. They are swamped with fucking tourists. You cannot live a normal life there.
>Balkan > shitmany
Who tf would escape the balkans
sigh, you are not even native bavarian/austrian like I am and you make such bold assumptions.
You are willing to leave the most developed and arguably the most beautiful region of the world for a foreign village you just romanticize about because your life is miserable.
You are very sad man.
basically everyone if I look at the numbers of the retards that are here and in austria
500k for a fucking stone house? that's a good price. here that gets you some pulp based house with a HOA
no >>483536835 is right
there is usually a huge gap for women in the age bracket of 18 to 35 in these places because the young people leave asap
if they dont then they will be already partnered up and in the process of starting a family
the ones who come back in late 20s early 30s will be starting a family with someone they bring with them
its a fucking dead zone
>t. lives in the country
well yeah the retards
Jesus fuck, do not move to this God-forsaken shithole, anon. Trust me, this place is a floating, open-air prison full of uppity faggots, deranged tossers, dirty subhumans, and a genuinely evil ruling class. I'd recommend that you consider moving to Gaza before you consider moving here.
Makes more sense to learn to build and build your own for a quarter of that.
It's the price of "free" healthcare.
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Good luck, bongs.
>indulging in crime
>Hope you lads cherish the heaven on earth that is rural Britain
its the last bastion of a decent life here
give labour a year and im sure they will do their best to wreck it
You want bombing 50 years into the past?
LOTR was based around his experiences of Birmingham, a post industrial revolution city.
It was a book that basically described his childhood slice of natural heaven (Sarehole mill park) in between buildings and heavy industry, leading to his later years in Oxford, a place far more rural.
His talks of Mordors industry was basically him hating Birmingham kek.
and today it's even filled with orcs
This country sucks for LOTR larping because there are barely any forests. It's 99% boring fucking farmland and super easy hills to climb.
Run far the fuck away from these cursed islands up north, its shit weather, shit food, huge housing crisis, ugly women, too many dumbfuck americans and other tourists+ filthy immigrants the type that dont have elementary school finished, alcoholism is prevalent its a shite state of affairs, this coming from a croatian who moved here for money, DO NOT MOVE HERE it will ruin you mentally. The irish people are very nice tho.
>one pub
>nothing to do
Pick one
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I make $1800 a month and live on 130 acres outside a rural town in a flyover state. Pic is outside my front door.

It is not fancy and for many europeans the wildlife and insects/snakes in the summer would be a deal breaker. But it is ok for me. Feels pretty free. Can shoot guns and have a bonfire whenever i want.
I miss living in norway, but this is home forever now i guess
>99% farmland
Buy a 4 wheeler and have fun.
Enjoy a life with no niggers eyeballing you
I'm pretty sure this is illegal without a loicense, kek
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>stale stereotype that isn't even particularly true
It really is. If the UK ever gets nuked, I want that place nuked second to London. It's for the best.
This looks and sounds like the dream life, youre a lucky man anon
ikr, everyone is fucking rushing to visit UK beaches for vacations
It absolutely fucking is true, i have to take vitamin d supplements otherwise i get depressed
Depression is due to low T. That and browns everywhere
nigger dei hires like your picrel are why i'm taking it upon myself to take care of my health so that i never get sick. if i do get sick i'll probably just die if i can't afford private fees.
It is. If only i had a good wife to share it with
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Truth is you know nothing about either because you live in a ghetto in Marzahn and you can't stop me you ugly brownoid
Come to the falkland islands anon. We need all the men we can get
I earn 1600 Euros and live in a 25m2 cell. Fuck my life.
Most people should take D supplements at this latitude. It's not a specific mark against the British Isles.
Our country is truly overtaken by niggers (orcs). Unless you are in the top 1% wealthiest it's all niggers and even now they're saying the top 1% iz rayciss and we need more black millionaires
stop being a nigger for at least a second
Go to Quora and start posting your beliefs. You'll find a compatible wife. In fact they will approach you. I am not joking.
>Why shouldn't I do it and claim a cute Bong girl and live out my LOTR: extended version fantasy there?
Because young single people (girls) don't live in the countryside. That's part of the appeal for me: no hoes to slut up the place.
If you as an outsider with no ties, no prior relationships, move to the British countryside, you'll just be forever alone.
i grew up in an english village, i only left england a year ago

my village turned into a huge town, and i saw this everywhere in recent years, all the development changed the landscape, villages rarely have this old look now because of soulless newbuilds

with this they've pushed the annoying cityniggers from london into the villages now turned towns, and that's added more gentrification

there's no more village culture, crime increased as minorities entered, cityniggers and their filth meant more littering in the countryside, i'd go on daily walks and the fields would be covered in bottles and goyslop wrapping despite there being nothing for miles, not to forget the noise and light pollution with endless cars, music, and LED streetlights

it was no longer safe to go for walks at night, i personally witnessed a half naked psycho running around with a machete during covid's lockdowns

english villages are actively being destroyed
Why are you so desperate for my attention? Scurry already you fucking kebab cunt
The zoomer mind cannot comprehend nature.
Great scott. Was not expecting him to fingerblast the little guys asshole. What a terrible pub
you answer my posts all the time you retarded mongrel, I did not begin this
>What would it actually be like to live in village like this?
Claustrophobic. Unless you're a perma-online NEET.
>In terms of supermarkets
One hour drive away. Otherwise enjoy your local pub/gas station selection
>GPs and other health facilities
LMAO you better not have anything urgent because that shit is an hour or more away in the city
>internet speed
>cost of housing
Very high because no new housing is being built. Existing housing stock is ancient and pretty beat up/shitty unless you are willing to spend an ass-load of money on renovations (and deal with all the bureaucratic Bong-nig bullshit too)
You are a fucking rodent mate - terminally online and terminally mentally ill
>terrible weather
I like our weather, it matches my mood most of the time.
But Quora is just for answering questions? Or do you mean finding questions where you can show your beliefs?

How does this even work?
I was going to ask the same. I am to old to know what quora is all about. It feels very outdated
Lemme guess - serb living in Austria and thinking its still not good for you?
at least I'm not a fucking foreigner like you, heimatloser geselle
Because moving to England is like being a hobbit expecting elves to tolerate you. When the elves are being raped by orcs already. You have to prove that you hate shitskins to be welcomed.
Yeah, literally answer the questions in your own way with your own beliefs. Do it honestly. And filter those who try to make contact with you. Ignore the women who are clearly air heads demanding your vital statistics. But if you're someone with smarts and a bit of depth, others will find you there. Speaking from experience.

I will be marrying the woman who found me there two years ago. A good one. I never went there to find a woman. I just went there to share my knowledge and red pills here an there. Did not compromise myself there and was patient and careful. Never expected to find the one there. If I can, I am sure others can too.
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You know I'm a quarter Brit, right? I'd choose your next words very carefully if I were you. Britain has BAE System. Gaymany has a turkish green rainbow coalition government.
I repeat, (((You))) are a foreigner
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Wizards don’t go to city’s because they’re shitholes full of goblinoids.
Interesting anon.
If you have nothing to do, that’s you, you useless parasite.
There is so much to do in a village, there’s always something useful or productive to help with even if you don’t have your own purpose.
Stay out of the sun for 4 months and let me know how you feel.
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post cute bong gurls then!
Wrong kind of village, fucko.
Travel the country more and look at the dates carved on the facings. You’re looking several centuries out of sync.
kek but its not nice trolling retarded people like that
I'm from bongland myself and due to the amount of tourists in my village back there I never went out except at early morning and night for years. lack of sunlight never bothered me. Doing things to raise T helped massively.
are you teaching english?
A Londoner bought my £1m country estate when my parents fucked everything up and divorced.
They destroyed the entire orchard of 100+ year old fruit trees. The hey evicted the pippistrels.

If there’s one thing I hate as much as Surtr it’s Urbs that have heads full of shit and smear it all over the country.

if you like but you'll need a lot of money for one of those cottages
shut the fuck up klaus you don't speak for us. I hereby make austriabro an honourary bong
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These villages are usually about 30 minutes outside a city like Bath. They have company directors, doctors, lawyers who make up the local populace. They will all be getting Ocado delivery services, private healthcare
Scottish highlands
That's how I got here. But I also own a business so I don't have to. Won't be in Japan for long. Moving to burgerland soon, and heading to a flyover state.
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>that shit is an hour or more away in the city
nothing in england is that far away unless you live in deepest rural northumbria or out on a rock in cornwall or something
most places are within a 30 min drive of a town with modern amenities
>British countryside.
Good luck. Growing up my town in the middle of the Dales had a population of 250ish. Now its like 50 residents, the rest are AirB&B. Capitalism has killed the countryside
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>cute Bong girl
Good luck anon, this is what they look like once they hit 25.
>gets banned on quora for saying nigger
are you one of those annoying youtubers?
Poor-brits historically lacked proper calcium and vitamin D so much in their menu thus bad teeth.
Thanks Torys!
why dont you just live in the alps
youre historically ignorant
i live in a house which is still owned by the big family of the area
my whole street is, in fact
it was built in the 19th century
my area of the country is divided up between several large family estates going back to pre-restoration times
The goblin lobby's influence over courtly matters and scroll publishing have been abused to promote orc migration for reasons of labor cost reduction, supposedly. (Questioning this is anti-goblinism because some warlock tried to kill all the goblins or something 80 harvests ago)
Goodluck anon. These states are a good place to be left alone. Just take the weather warnings and wildlife serious and dont be near a city over 30,000 population. People are very friendly and will give you the shirt off their back, especially to you being european
correct. people should flee big cities first and foremost. its the worst place to live in full globhomo
That isn't a pub. It's a rugby clubhouse. That behaviour is... Tame.
Thank you. Godspeed to you and yours. I don't have the kind of mentality that fits well in Europe, perhaps I will find a better place in things in the USA, come what may. But if anywhere has a chance of preserving some modicum of freedom in its society, it would be the USA. Not Europe, and definitely not the UK where you can't own a butterknife.
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This part cannot be overstated enough.
Also a high risk of crazy neighbours who need to know/control what you doing, as their hobby.
But otherwise, enjoy!
So basically it is just like Estonia but with more jeets. We even have same kind of ironic humo(u)r as bongs.
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Stop thinking those meme countries, move to Australia and get over it.
We have free Mandarin Chinese lessons too, so you will be able to roaming around East Asia as well.
Appreciate that this post used its quota of nigger words efficiently
I am literally from Pakistan, and although I live next to a shop, everything else is quite difficult. People in love with the idea of the countryside, but all they've ever known is the convenience of cities. Tourists are ugly, stupid, fat, noisy cunts from the cities and leave litter everywhere. They basically bring the bong cities with them.

I know it's not all poles, but some ratty looking poles moved in near to me, and had the nerve to ask me where I lived, as though I didn't belong there. Always partying loudly in the otherwise quiet night, leaving their beer bottles in the middle of the road - there wasn't any broken glass here before they came. The old white people are terrified of them.
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>cute Bong girl
At least go for an Oyrish girl or something.
Avg home costs 10 million
Hollywood celebrities and billionaires have already bought out all of them
I'm the British now.
But he's paki
Do you mean with orcs eastern europeans
That's easy: scottish (and irish) diaspora to America is like five times the current population of scotland (and ireland), so there's a shitton of Americans that are a third celt who want to go "experience the homeland".

BTW you don't need an entire month to experience the north. Do just a week and it's plenty. I recommend the summer because it's still chilly even in August and you don't want to deal with snow on vacation. Be warned that August is also Edinburgh's festival month so prices will spike, but it's also a fun atmosphere.
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Don't move here. Picrel is from the garden of my holiday home in Snowdonia national park.
Villages are the last bastions it’s like stepping into another world when you go to the cities. I get everything delivered so I don’t have to leave my comfy village of ~2k people. We literally have one token non white and she’s cool
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Get a decent southern woman.
It’s wonderful ngl we have a go, pharmacy, primary school, church, butchers, a barber and women’s hairdresser, sports hall, a small library, a corner shop and a ton of self employed small businesses and tradesmen. I have 1gbit internet too no joke
I grew up in a village like this. It sucked as a teenager. There is nothing to do except stay on your computer and is probably why I didn’t develop social skills and still post on 4chan
Not completely true. Mine was ~200k and it’s a nice village near the coast
If he's white and will breed a white woman he can come.
None of that applies to my village at all we have a good school, GP, butchers etc
You’re right about the weather though the recent downpour caused some water to enter my house
Watch This Country for an accurate depiction of British rural living
Scotland is a poorly run place. It's not like a third world country where everything is shit but cheap though. There's not much more to say about it.
>In terms of supermarkets, GPs and other health facilities, internet speed, cost of housing?
Terrible. For a working person who didn't buy one of these houses a long time ago, you are completely and utterly fucked financially and in terms of standard of living. You won't even have the luxury of a large garden in an actual village. For that you need to be at the side of a road right next to farms.
the bongistani countryside is rarely more than an hour from downtown wog central
the cute bong girls are pregnant by 15 and on benefits
and its nothing like LotR knives are illegal here nevermind swords and gleefully slaughtering orcs with your gay bestie
You can't buy land in scenic areas of the England. Places you can cost millions. You will live in a flat or council estate type building tho and pay a lot for it and have Pakistani neighbours.
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I used to sit on pol and dream of the idyllic countryside while feeling horrible about the state of the world
Then I got into Neitzche and accepted life and have enjoyed it more immensely
The entire country is filled with shit skins.
Eastern European women are the most beautiful by a really really large margin, there is a reason why many westoids come here just to get a good looking wiffe with their kike'd money.UK women are a monstrosity and everybody knows that. Keep coping. Gerrman women are trash as well, blue haired lib brainwashed pigs with tattoos and piercings. Westerners pray on dating sites to marry a qtp an Eastern European girl or an Asian, first ones, because of they try to find a girl that is poor,asians,because of their weird anime fetishes.
We all know that ,don't worry.
Anglo-Saxon women are the ugliest and most degenerate creatures on the world and their men running away from them is a prove of it.
Meanwhile Eastern European/Ballkan men get prime whitte pussy without giving a fuuk,money or any effort. Stay mad retards.
You want a deal?
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Come home white man
The envy of the world.
Germans leaving their homeland for anglo milkers is a staple of American history. I approve.
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why hast thou forsaken the richness of thine language
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ye olde tymes were lit. For me it's bangs.
I found the women 5x better looking in austria, not to mention thinner.
Nobody goes to Eastern Europe as a first choice you delusional coper. Fuck me.
If you are in western europe, an opportunity for a lower cost of living and a country full of honorary whites sounds pretty good
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Is it possible as a jerry to get a bong/irish gf?
Because Scotland is a colony of England and they're all desperate to deport the locals and set up a desert estate along with the Scottish governments economic activities involving selling everything to the Jews
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My grandma came from the Cotswolds, she hated it, said "everyone was a nosy bastard that couldn't mind their own business". Funnily enough, she didnt stay there after she got married, moved up to the highlands of Scotland.
Bong bros these are eastern euro whores from poland and not bong queens right?
Why? You're aware the niggers, muslims, pajeets and other filth are going to be climbing right up your ass, in a year or two? Might as well stay where you are and watch the collapse.
>stupid americans are fat and obe- ACK
>They destroyed the entire orchard of 100+ year old fruit trees.
Fuck me, how did they get that past the planning service or building control? Did they? If not you could fuck them by reporting it. Cunts.
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You might find a diamond in the rough
the one in purple is mine
Doesnt the UK already have enough immigration (specifically browns) as is? Birmingham is a prime example.
I know this vid is ironic but why would they to this to themselves
We have these lowlife whites here also
Do you have bipolar disorder old boy?
i'm not sure but i can fix her
Low iq
Stay the fuck out of the South West
This. Britain is just too damn crowded. Even the countryside
I live in a kind of similar village, but in Germany

>In terms of supermarkets,
usually nearby, these old settlements are typical within or near newer towns
I have to walk ~5min to Aldi and ~10min for Lidl / DM
>GPs and other health facilities,
again depends if you are embedded within a larger town
typical good though
and long wait times are only a meme for old people who don't know how to use the internet and properly search for free spots
>internet speed,
cable is fast (for home use) and everywhere
but most likely there's fiber
>cost of housing?
location, location, location
unless near a big city it'll be quite affordable to buy, rent not so much
you pay much more for utilities / maintenance though
heating is ~250€/month for me
and just remaking my windows last year was 40k€
>Are these villages mainly populated by aging boomers
like anywhere that's not a metropolis, university city or newly build suburb
>and only visited by busloads of tourists who take photos
unless super famous, tourist aren't really bothersome
on the contrary, tourists mean a lot of culture, restaurants / cafes / bars and events that otherwise wouldn't be profitable / possible in towns of this size
You do know those houses cost like 900k right?
>cute Bong girl
only cute ones are visiting the family home
needing a break from their london cosmopolitan lifestyle

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