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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Fellow christian frens , today i would like to start my sermon with the focus on the vile and cowardly agression towards our jewish brethren by the rogue state of Iran. It is our christian duty to support our jewish brothers who have helped to rpeserve and protect our holy places of worship in Jerusalem from the muslim hordes. They truly are the Chosen People. I would like for everyone to pray to our Lord and ask for forgiveness for none of us has done enough to stand with Israel. we are ungratefull sinners and we ask our jewish brother and our Lord for forgiveness. May God protect the divine and superior state of Israel. Amen.

PS : our Lord hates niggers and anyone objecting to this thread has brown hands. i refer to the curse of Ham if yopu wonder why that would be.
>towards our jewish brethren
They hate white people.
u have fallen victim to propaganda my sweet summerchild. it is never too late to repent
bro you know jesus' entire ministry was telling jews they were assholes until they murdered him for it right?
lies and slander. satan begone
They hate Christians, Christianity and Christ more than anything else.
our Lord and Saviour was jewish. repent you heathen dogs
Let's protect Israel and murder all muslims

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