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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I've been told I have terminal brain cancer and have about a month to live. I'm 25 now and will die right before my 26th birthday.

I've come to accept that I am a man who's purpose in life was is to basically get in and get out meaning work yourself to death and leave nothing behind. No money, no children, no wife, no girlfriend, nothing important...

You do everything right and outperform others when it comes to reaching goals and are forgotten about the next day.

Working hard only means you go home tired to an empty apartment and try to distract yourself from the emptiness that is this existence. Church only bored me as the pastors rambles about nothing important and stupid shit like giving them money. God's plan is a joke and so his he.

You go to school, get the grades and the degree, have the work ethic, and set yourself appart only to have some fucking retard hits the lottery and gets the promotion, the better job, or the chance at a family. My family thinks I failed, I think I failed too. I tried very hard and got nothing.

It didn't matter how hard I try because nothing ever goes my way. This existence is and always was a nightmare...
Stop being a faggot and posting on here and go shoot some politicians if you're gonna die anyway.
Being like this is so cringe.

Women dream of families.
Men dream of being in charge of a family. What the fuck is wojak doing there, being all emotionally dependent on his wife like a fucking faggot. I can't stand chuds its incredible
Once you get to the other side, you will cherish the hardships you had to face here.

Get baptized and repent before the end, retard.
Now that I actually think about it, the woman is even taller than the guy. The guy is more happy than the woman. Fuck I can vomit. These are closeted simps. Future failed fathers
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this is the only based thing i have seen posted on here in a long time
You have no idea what's in the oven.
Baptized, repented, all that shit. None of it helped and none of it matters because once we're dead, we're dead.

There is nothing but a cold dark embrace!
what can you still do?

I don't know if it will help you in particular, but many have reported that psilocybin or dmt helps. You could also squeeze in things people dont have the balls to do.
high score is 77
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That's why humans created religion to cope
All the greatest men to have ever lived in the history of human kind are long dead, so you're joining a cool club. All you're leaving behind is just bunch of psychopaths and plastic garbage, not much loss. put in a good word for us with Satan.
If you believe the afterlife is a good place instead of dark nothingness, you could perhals think to yourself that you are getting the privilege of going home to the party early. The imminence of death might be tolerated better with a change in perspective about what could the things could happen in the afterlife.
You're free to do something meaningful then
Look up colloidal silver and it’s effect on cancer. Probably too late for you but it’s worth a shot
Anon, stop playing as victim and make your last month the best month of your life
i have kids, it sucks, you're not missing much. they're cute but life was better before.
Im sorry for you friend. Go sit in nature and enjoy the beauty of it. There are things you may have already set in motion that are much less meaningless than you may think. Like a butterfly causing a tornado analogy, but over ages.
I don’t get why people make larp posts like this. Maybe I’m superstitious but pretending that you have a terminal illness will probably make it actually happen
This. Get some shrooms or grow them yourself if you have time. DMT is also easy as shit to make and requires no weird chemicals.
>reddit spacing
I’ll play along with your LARP… do you remember anything before you were born? Exactly, that’s how death will be. Accept your fate and be at peace.
Imagine truly having nothing to lose and just dying lmao. What a faggit
I have, it wouldn't do anything. The fact you're trying to help is alot more kindness that I've received ever. Thank you anon.

On the bright side, you won't die in a horrible post-nuclear apocalypse. Try to find the good in things, even when it all seems bad.
You may not leave a legacy or children or any of that stuff, but you won't be subjecting your blood to the horrible misery that is coming.

In this day and age when the world is so crooked and corrupt, sometimes it's best to let sleeping dogs lie. Stroke out a few orgasms, go eat some ecstasy and mushrooms, ponder the great beyond, and soldier on. Life is too short.
he only has a month, no time to grow anything. what would you do with a month left? I'd propose to my ex. still love that lil nigga like you wont believe.
I'd go to a rave first and foremost. Do all the shit I put off. But seriously, if you've not done psychedelics it's like not having had sex. Find it.
also revenge
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Fenbendazole, Chlorine Dioxide, Apricot seeds, Fasting- That's the best chance you're gonna get.
You're really the lucky one, soon the living will envy the dead. I wish you the best.

>During those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them. Revelation 9:6
I'm sorry your life will be cut short brother. I only hope you can find some meaning and joy in enjoying the precious time you have left.
god speed.
you life will have more meaning than most.
Go out with a bang anon. Make sure that history remembers your name.
This world may be cruel and unfair but God is fair. What is taken from you in this world you will be compensated for in the next.
You lose nothing to just have the smallest bit of hope that God will make up for your circumstance. Do not reject even the possibility of this being true. At the very least I do not think thats wise.
I hear eating habanero peppers helps with cancer, don’t know about brain cancer tho
Godspeed, anon. I hope you find peace at the end.
Vax status?
Get a credit card. Max out loans. Go to Asia and impregnate as many South East Asian women as possible. Make them think you're rich. Then die. At least you'll leave something behind.
We'll remember you anon.
Vax tax claims another.
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I would NEVER tell you to commit terrorist acts against the kike elite before you die
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Believing in Jesus is your only bet now, or else what awaits you is Hell.

Did you get a mRNA covid-19 vaccine? That's really the only thing that matters
Bad things happen to bad people Anon.

I feel sorry for you. Approaching death must be terrifying experience. Just remember, it's not over. Your mind and conscious much more than simple matter. Something new and fascinating awaits you pretty soon somewhere else. Maybe you will be reborn? Maybe your ancestors will accept you with open arms?

You are here forever, but you're here not alone. Don't be afraid fren.
Anon, I'm not sure if you'll read this. But if you do, stay off of /pol/ it's disturbing as heck. And just try to enjoy life as much as you can, tell your parents how much you love them everyday. You did your best. You'll go to the best place when your suffering is over.
Hopefully this is bait but if not you shouldn’t be wasting time on here
Best thing you can do is try to enjoy the time you got left, take your mind off the expiration date and try to live a little I guess. Easier said than done I know, I'd probably be too obsessed with the clock ticking down to appreciate any time I had left.

Wishing you the best if this isn't just a gay larp though. Maybe there is Heaven on the other side or sweet silent oblivion, or maybe you're on a fast track to your next hopefully better life. In the end we're all headed to the same place so I don't feel too alone, everyone in this thread will be joining you eventually.
Idk what your quality of life is right now but it's not too late to cross some things off that list. I'm sure a very giving woman would have sex with you if you explain your situation. Also the Doctors are never accurate with their predictions. My Dad was given 6 months left to live (throat cancer) and 27 years later the old bastard is still alive. So you could have more time, maybe even a year or so. I wouldn't spend a second on here after this thread. Go live your life kid, visit your favourite places, spend time with family and friends. Success, failure non of these things matter anymore. Godspeed fren.
I'm sorry to read this, my fren. I wish life were happier or had any substance at all to it, that I might earnestly feel deep sorrow for you. But it's a very bleak life. I'm 49 and have no friends or anyone at all to speak to. Granted, my situation is a touch different insofar as Jews singled me out for endless torture and the systematic decomposition of my very being. But, even people who have others to talk to and people in their lives who care about them are miserable too. I hope we're able to totally deconstruct society and zog in your honor. But as it stands, we are living in hell on earth.
I‘d personally try fasting. His channel basically has it all. God is real, if you want and it’s needed I believe you can make it. Love is the key. I‘d clean my body decent water, vitamin c, NAC, organic milk thistle (quality laboratory tested), green clay/bentonite/zeolite, ghee and coconut oil both organic native, ultra long cooked bone broth (high quality bones), magnesium. Enough sunlight, movement and sleep. Start grounding. You don’t fail this is just the beginning.
Good luck anon I‘ll pray. Much love.
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Look up cryogenic preservation.
It's a long shot but it's better than nothing.
Don't, you don't want to know what those groups do. Even if by accident.
Kek, came here to say this
Anon, tell us you didn't...
What if his patents are npcs? You do realize there's like a 95% chance they are?
How many shots did you take?
Doesn't matter.
Anon, if it's not too weird, maybe you can have a cup of tea with my mom in the afterlife.
She's unwell with..... And she's scared. I don't want her to be scared. I hope you're not scared, my friend.
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you could literally go woo and impregnate a fat chick or an ugly chick or a nonwhite chick right now. hell, you can even get married and have a honeymoon in less than a year. she'll be thankful for the rest of her life to have had your child and to have had that short sweet time with you
GO TO >>>/adv/ OR >>>/r9k/
Here is the cure. Go an an adventure. If you die it's your own damn fault!

shouldve been born with a better face. sorry anon
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Any heads up? What's your name/nickname? (Tell us if you're foing to die anyway)
Also, don't kys, turn to Jesus.
/r9k/ is full of nonces, faggots, and low-functioning autistics obsessed with their virginity. Won't get any sense out of them.
I'll even add on mid to late thirties women and/or single moms, basically just lower your standards like if your entire genetic line depended on you spreading your DNA into the first willing womb (it does) and you can live long enough to see the birth of your child. slay some discount pussy and die with no regrets, I believe in you anon
Live as if you will not die.
Try to have a gf and a kid.
Lift and Sprint.
When you finally weaken and die in your final months you wont regret the half year you spent, especially if you fill it with a lifetime of value.
This. Please don't give up anon >>483596397
Hate to see a capable man just throw his life away like that.

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