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ok /pol/ is this true? or just kiwiniggers bullshitting?
Try it retard
Just test this yourself, you tranny nigger faggot
yea i tried to say N T Fs are the worst twice and it blocked me
thought you couldnt say kike kike kike kike kike also
Faggot nigger tranny?
Can jews really not handle us being able to say whatever we want and having basic freedom? Do they have to really ruin this place? They're definitely planning something soon and they completely plan on removing every right we have
yes it blocks it.
i tried saying three of each
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more than 3 you fucking retard kill yourself
you should kill yourself too
I said each one 4 times and it blocked it.
This is like the 3rd or fourth thread. I've seen in the past 15 minutes. I think it's bullshit
It is true on blue boards or anything besides /pol/ basically
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Faggot nigger tranny
Any jannies that enforce this you deserve to be brutally tortured and murdered.
Onions desu senpai
Uh oh it's true
>beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice beetlejuice
Does it block regular words too?
Still gay and unacceptable
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It's true and I don't think you can post the mouse here because the last thread got nuked shortly after. Bugs was always my bro anyway, fuck that mouse faggot retard.
>2 days
Oh, that's just a widdle baby ban. Good excuse to go do something else.
WTF, I just wrote:
>Nagger Negger Nugger = Triple Nogger>
...but with the I changed to A/E/U/O, and the post was "posted" but it doesn't show at all.
kikes on bikes
kikes on bikes
kikes on bikes
kikes on bikes
kikes on bikes
Yea this is true and totally happening. Post got sent to the shadow realm. Its fucking over.
>welcome lefties and palinigger as allies against kikes
>immediately get censored
aahah,kill yourself,you dumb faggots
The entirety of mankind are allied against The Eternal Jew by default. And we haven't welcomed anyone, it has always been a site where anyone can post, you triple niggerfaggot kike.
Yep, it’s true
yup its true, wanted to post that and it never appears
yeah it's true
fucking nigger faggots
kike kike
kike kike kike kike
kike kike
kike kike
jew kike jew
jew jew
try this 3 times each and lets see
4chan bans the copypasta about round house kicking niggers. Use a screencap to post it. sneed.
kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike
kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike
kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike
kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike
kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike
kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike
kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike
kike kikekike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike kike

>verification not required
it's way worse than that.

I don't normally come here I just talk on /v/.
you used to really need to maliciously derail a thread to get banned.
now I see people get banned just for using bad words.
Or for simply arguing.. about VIDEO GAMES. that's what they've always done.
I saw an entire thread of people get banned the other day except an infamous spammer who was the one person in the thread who wasn't banned.

jannies are abusing "instigating a flame war" and other reasons for shit it was never intended.
What the hell is going on with the moderation on this site? is it a few rogue mods that need to be removed or is it a deeper problem. Site admins need to be transparent about this.
Make an announcement.
the tv tranny mods will ban you for even posting in an off topic thread, they really are a pack of faggot cunt niggers
fuck niggers
fuck trannies
fuck kikes
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4chin just ruined 5 minutes of hard manual labor
yes they filter it
Mods are cockless and spineless fags.
They refuse to officially confirm any of this unwanted bullshit and instead just make posts slip silently into the void.
Thry need to be removed asap.
>inb4 some bitch mod spergs out and bans me
I pray you get v&, you probable child molester.

This site has been run by glowniggers and tranny mods for awhile now. I'm surprised it took this long.
The people getting bans on /v/ are talking about games on topic.

They're getting bans for "racism" just for using a swear word. That's not what racism is.
Something fucked is happening with the mods.
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It's true. The filter doesn't even prevent you from posting, the post just gets shadowbanned.
From this one simple act the word nigfagtroon was born.
Faggot nigger tranny
The new motto
>Something fucked is happening with the mods
mods were always troons. m00t and hirshim00t kept them in check.
Seriously, just think about it: what kind of retarded no-life faggot would volunteer to moderate a site for free?
It's always trannies and commies.
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>Something fucked is happening with the mods.
They're discord faggots. Bullshit like this was bound to happen.
Jannies used to be funny 6-8 years ago
They were more involved
Yup. It pretends to post and then nothing.
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is what jannies are
Correct, but...
>lowercase L
That's fucking gay. This is 4chan, not twitter.
This. whenever I get banned I take 3 days off and go enjoy shit
However the point is we need to flame /pol/ with non stop nigger word posting until they stop this shit
faggot faggot f4ggot fagg0t
sure do this but keep up every instance of baskin posting you fuckin retards
Nigger faggot tranny
An Hiro cucked? Pathetic
Trannies eventually take over moderation on lots of websites because they have nothing better to do. Hence why we can't have nice things. Had hoped Hiro would manage to hold out against it but it seems not
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nigger faggot tranny
troon fag nig
Testing this faggot theory so faggot OP can get his faggot (you)s
Do I win?
No, read the thread anon. It's 4x. Idk if its consecutive or throughout the entire post. I just don't care to try. I'm fine with my usual posting style.
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It's true. Nigger tranny jannies also banned nigger hate threads and banned bgc posting but not bbc posting, I wonder why?
Were you not around yesterday?
No. Check the archives you fucking retard. If you have more than 3 slurs of nigger faggot or tranny, it gets filtered.
Baskin Roberts is based, it calls out Hollywood kike nepotism.
nigger faggots

do faggot x3, nigger x3 and tranny x3
Rent free lmao
Jealous we survived a tranny lynch mob while this shithole got mogged by a Florida sheriff

Suffah chuds
fuck off Keffal the tranny and his groomed club turned to 4chang after they fucked up your shithole
now both places are retarded
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Double nigger nigger

Fag on faget action

Kill all trannies that don't make my pp hard.
Fake tranny internet into dianetics socialism
Jannies are quadruple nigger tranny faggots.
Is that a Serbian flag I see under there?
Cram it, fundie!
Kek, it’s kino!
>we're better than you
Null literally hosts zoosadist archives on kiwifarms (a federal crime since 2018 btw). Onionfarms has the proof if you care.
Desuarchive has CP on it right now
ok? fuck them too. How does that excuse what KF does exactly?
Can the next retard that makes this thread do the "politcal implications of being censored first amendment blah blah" thing so it doesn't get nuked like they havea afucking brain or?
It's a good point to make that reddit trannies take over moderation on the site, and a power tripping jew sheriff starts arresting people for posts here.
So, are the cocksuckers going to start shadowbanning?
just reboot
how is tranny a slur
It makes trannies sad because people aren't bending over backwards to play into their delusions.
nigger nigger nigger
bullshit. why would they do this?
The zoosadist content is not intended to be masturbation material. Plus it helped put that one Cuban dog rapist in jail.
/\/iggers /\/igger nigger faggots and niggers.
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same as kike that literally means circle and jews just prefered to use it over x
its a slur because it says truth about them
do it a 4th time you fucking brainlet
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just tried it and can confirm
says post successful but nothing happens

meh X is the new 4chan anyway
I get more (You)s there and get banned more here since Elon took over
as always it's the mods that ruin platforms
X is still not as good as old 4chan since Elon is afraid of Jews since he knows despite being almost a trillionaire they could still get to him & his family
also everyone is a namefag
but it's getting better by the day
I think Elon is letting enough antisemitism through to wake the goyim up so it's fine
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I'm genuinely seething about faggot being included. Fucking newfag FAGGOT mods.
Faggot fag groomer nigger nigga tranny troon kike tongue my Angus
The faggot tranny nigger kike mods have always censored whatever triggers them. What secrets won't be shared here thanks to their jewish censoring of information, one can wonder. What other measures do they use to control this dead and bot-infested site? Vantablack communist mods with gender dysphoria need to be ovened
I made a poem and everything assuming this was bullshit
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I repeat X is the new 4chan
just don't use your phone since mossad can track you easier there
Nigger Faggot Tranny NFT
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pic rel you idiot or dishonest jew
The ironic thing is it's probably mostly leftists with a massive hard on for Muslims.
Modern leftists are so anti-semitic (out of a complex to support muslims) they make you guys look like moderates.
I've been banned more times in the last few months than from 2006-2020. I got banned for posting in /ck/ that I prefer chick fila over popeyes because brown people don't touch your food. I got banned for arguing in /tg/ that games workshop has always been a leftist company. I got banned multiple times just for calling someone a nigger retard and even had the duration extended one time for "ban history" because I actually wait them out instead of evading. the mods are literally r*ddit now.

also unless something else I posted was shadowbanned I had to type this out twice because the first one got eaten. a few days ago they changed something about the craptcha so it's always the hardest difficulty and if you get it wrong instead of giving you an error so you can try again it just deletes your post.
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as I said
Elon is terrified of them when they got to him despite all his wealth
my guess would be JIDF is immune from botting on X so they can mass report you
but enough is going through
I've seen antisemitic posts there going up to over 100k likes without being hidden.

Elon knows what he's doing
he knows JIDF can't censor everyone enough to stop the great awakening
he knows no one man can do it alone and needs everyone to revolt against the jew

this is his post that got him targetted and got sent on a humiliation ritual in israel



Did I do it right?
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also the absolute weirdest fucking thing is that they shadowbanned the title of this anime a while ago, coinciding with the airing of its 3rd season.
>they make you guys look like moderates
/pol/ isn't PTG
>Modern leftists are so anti-semitic
this is an ignorant exaggeration or blatant well poisoning
nice try though
Mods are very strict about racism nowadays.
"Twitter is the new 4chan" is the exaggeration.
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is it
You gotta rotate your racist slurs. Now I know it's hard 'cause 'nigga' just rolls off the tongue the way sweat rolls off a nigga's forehead, but we cannot let that be a crutch. Especially when there are so many fine substitutes: spade, porch monkey, jiggaboo. I say, next time you gonna call a darkie a nigger, call that coon a jungle bunny instead.
i mean i can still call you all a nigger
but this was probably from b or s4s or bant where it was nigger all the time every time
maybe trash
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4chan is censoring free speech.

who are they to say how I should express myself?
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FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY | FAꓖꓖOT, NIꓖꓖER, TRAꓠꓠY...
Alright, let try it
Biggie Smalls
Biggie Smalls
Biggie Smalls



fuck this place saying what is a meme or not its where meme's come from. I'll go somewhere else then - rebbit wannabes
Testing nigger faggot tranny
desu desu desu desu
>empty post
Too many bots on this website
Bro this is wild it said post success and it isnt here
>candy ass roody-poos whining over nothing.
Btw I can still call kikes kikes for being massive kikes, so I don’t give a fuck what other words these kikes won’t let me say

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you can't post this or it gets eaten just like quadruple faggot now. it also applies to file names so if you took a screenshot with a media player that puts the title into the file name the whole posts disappears. you can look in the /a/ archive and see that the last time a file was uploaded with the show's name in it without punctuation in between the words was february, even though the 3rd season aired in april and got a bunch of discussion.
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whats the point in just censoring an entire idea you just typed out, sending it saying as it was posted successfully, then never posting it. it just disappears?

this place is a shit HOLE

isnt like this place ISN'T a sell-out ground for propoganda. all the posts are like going to bitchute and seeing the frontpage which is all bullshit

your usual stupid conspiracy videos with shit out topics grasping on to some of the wildest not totally but some are, totally out their theories in them

your fucking jim crenshaw, always on top, some silly looks like straight from 4chan type videos with 10's of thousands of views within just a few minutes and never any open comments..

tahts 4chan now. it is propogandized front page topics. jannies are sellouts, this site is shit. i'm going to leave, maybe look around for news posted on occasion but who fucking cares right when all the news is fake

>yea like we really believe this shit, retards

sold yourselves out so much wow we totally believe it becuase its 4chan. fucking retard cianigger glowniggers
tranny tranny tranny
troon troon troon
i am sick of this fucking disgusting putrid shit. the fucking front page until the attacks the other day was pure garbage, just cohencidentally the same time 4chan rolled out this garbage. so tricked me, 4chin ...not. they timed it for this.

the site is pure garbage. fuck yoru reddit tier censorship
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only a retard or bot would attempt to post that garbage more than 3 times in a single
cope and seethe
Nigger Faggot Tranny
Oh I guess we are doing this again.
Moderators never learn.
WTF! I can't say cracker 4 times either. Jannies are racist!
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spic spic spic spic
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It just disappeared me for writing nigger four times, faggot trannies and jannies. It's real
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Full support saaaaraaar
gook gook gook gook
Just tried it, another confirmed nono phrase. Mods are faggots
there's a very long list of nigger alternatives
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Kiwifags are newfags anyways.
Holy kek, it's actually real.
Test reply number 2, amusing if this appears and the first reply doesn't
lol nice try discord freaks try harder
>jigaboo nigaboo spook porch money
>troon shim shemale cocklopper
>pillow biter poofter shirt lifter uphill gardener

I know them by all their names, this will only lead to an evolution of words
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the post is just rejected
but, it will show successful, because showing accurate success or rejection messages only helps bots a lot and retards a little
Test reply number 4, if this appears and the screenshot doesn't then it's legit real
why do i keep seeing these fucking threads. what the fuck is wrong with you faggots.
Someone make a webm of it Jesus fuck its that easy
because jannies are encroaching on my ability to be racist
I tried typing "s0i nigger" in another post and my post got deleted
Oh fuck it's real, I just made a fairly normal post that wasn't spam with nigger in it 4 times, it said it posted but nothing showed up.
That's fucked. Fucking Roodypoos.
I'm not even racist. I just like saying 'Nigger', 'Kike', 'Faggot'.
What's the harm in calling random anons or companies names? it's what 4chan has always been for. Stupid jannies.
I wake up about quarta to six each morning.
now, thats about 12 hours before most niggas wake up
something about discord turns habitually online people into super trannies
And that's the work around these reddit faggots don't seem to understand. Banning words only makes people stop saying those words, it doesn't make people not want to use those words.
So shit like "roodypoo" and whatnot will just become the norm, and they'll have to play whack a mole with whatever new word is used between dilation sessions.
This isn't reddit where people will obediently follow the rules so that they don't lose their heckin reddit gold.
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>I'm not even racist
There is nothing kikes hate more than the unadulterated truth.
Nig nig niggy nig fag fag faggot.
Tranny trans tranny.
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I tried it on /v/ (NFT for NFTs)and it did in fact say post successful, but nothing went through. Then posted just this and it went through.
I don't typically use any word like that other than faggot, but if this is intentional it needs reverted.
It's become awful recently. Almost anything gets you banned now.
yeah its true. post doesn't go through
I’ll try
Fağgot niğger nigger nigger tranņy traņny fagğot niġger tranńy faggőt niggęr
I knew we were in a recession, but now we need to ration out usage of the N-word? When will this country's wasteful slur usage stop?

There are children who will grow up in a world where they won't have enough N-words to go around.
I can live with this.

Thanks mods. Really effective soi cûcks țbh
Non-phoneposters are gonna hate not easily having the ability to do that.
Fucķ fúck ñigger ņigger ťranny țranny fućk ňîgger niĝger tŕanny fucķ you
They can easily write a script if they’re over the age of 30. Zoomers are fucked
Seems like we need to start using niggerglyphics
what a bunch of nigger faggots
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Tested it and its true. This place has been shit for ages ever since moot became gayer than usual. The boomer retards helped destroy anything worthwile that was left over.
niɡɡer niɡɡer niɡɡer faɡɡot faɡɡot faɡɡot
>Good excuse to go do something else.
Hahaha, yeah, that's totally what I do
What board did you get banned from and what slur did you use?
remember to clear your cookies after resetting the router
Anon it's literally right in this post >>483624790
This was before the new changes. It was /v/ Ive been banned for bants more times than I can count. It was a post about videogame difficulty and how relates to mellenated individuals and their average iq.
oh and the slur was nigger
Certain phrases will incur prefiltering.
We all really enjoy seeing you guys seethe, keep at it, please.
I hope they keep reducing the number of instances that these words can be used each month until they are fully censored.
I can almost cum just from imagining the meltdown.
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Do you get banned if you use "kike"? Looks like offended nigger trannies started going overdrive with censorship in favor of niggers even more now.
im sorry your father raped you tranny. But please act normal your scaring your neice who keeps saying you are touching her private areas
I won't care until you call me tranny 4 times in the same post
What you are underestimating is the amount of work jannies have to do, to completely ban certain phrases.
niggers niggers niggers
nigger nigger nigger
freddie sircurry
You realize posting ANYTHING during election day will risk catching a 2 week ban right?
Cross fire from jannies trying to combat spam.
Avoid /pol/ that day if you like to post on other boards.
>implying you kikes aren't the ones doing the censoring
wtf i cant post nigger x4
Instagram reels comments and X are both better than 4chan nowadays.
I keep trying N,N,N,N.
l instead of I
>where memes come from
not for the last half decade
>Why do nịggers wear wide brimmed hats?
>So birds won't shit on their lips.

>How do you stop nıgglets from jumping on your bed?
>Put velcro on the celing.

>Why do níggers smell so bad?
>So blind people can hate them, too.

>Why does Stevie Wonder smile all the time?
>He doesn't know he's a nīgger.

>Why can't Stevie Wonder read?
>He's an nıgger.

>How do you get an nīgger down from a tree?
>Cut the rope.

>How do you stop an nīgger from hanging around in your front yard?
>Hang him in the back.

>What do you do when you see an nıgger with one leg?
>Stop laughing and re-load.

>How many niggers does it take to pave a road?
>Depends on how you slice them.

>What's green, pink, purple, and orange?
>A nïgger dressed for church.

>What's the difference between a dead deer in the road and an nįgger in the road?
>The deer has skid marks in front of it.

>What is wrong with four nıggers going over a cliff in a Cadilac?
>It seats five.

>What do you say when you see your T.V. floating around at night?
>Drop it nīgger.

>Why are nigger so fast?
>All the slow ones are in jail.

>What do you call an nîgger having sex?

>What happened to the nìgger that had an abortion?
>Crime stoppers sent her a check for $500.

>What are 3 things you can't give an nīgger?
>A black eye, a fat lip, and a job.

>How do you stop an nìgger from drowning?
>Take your foot off his head.
One more of those slurs in that post, and it won't get posted.
why did you hide the post number?
all the golden oldies. not heard some of those for 30 years
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You're welcome. PS, this is the faggot nigger tranny kike that's been losing his shit and blocking all us cuz he couldn't get his HRT.
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>tfw it's actually true and not just a thread to goad anons into posting 'nigger' a lot

What is happening to our board
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It's real
All jeets have the ability to communicate with other jeets. No matter where the jeet was born, or the other jeet was. Jeets primarily, the core jeet programming is to communicate with other jeets.
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>Clicks on submit after captcha instead of just pressing enter
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it's true, i guess it's actually over this time
I think that kiwi farms niggers are faggot trannies and deserve death. God damn pit of misery that place.
nigger nigger nigger
>trying to do a real post but you say FAGGOT and NIGGER twice each gets it ate

reaching levels of Mods=Fags that have never been seen before
jannies are trannies
mods are niggerfaggots
poos prune and delete fhey do not redeem
jeets turning red while reading your post
I guess we all know whom they hate the most
It's sort of funny to be like
>"there's no reasonable use case for dropping 3 nigger-bombs within 2000 words. If have to say faggot more than 3 times in 2000 words too, that's also unreasonable. "
Something I'm learning about this is how many people think 3 means over 3. Just an insane amount of retards, like over 3 retards
It is to prevent spamming, retards
Some shartyfags gayoped this yesterday and spent all day derailing the board because they're schizo zoomer groomers obsessed with 4chan and eternally buttblasted their faggy soijak board was closed.
4chan is kill
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>fat pedo kike jewsh is not lying
It's so over.
On /vt/ you get banned for on topic posts while spambots, offtopic and blatant shitposting run free. If you get reported enough, the jannie just sends the post for a mod to ban it without checking if its legit or not. That board probably has the worst moderation.
Same on /vg/.
There are also butthurt vaxxies among the moderation team in /a/.
Then theres this board, where their tactic is move legit threads to /bant/ while keeping obvious sliding ones alive.
Can confirm. TV mods are huge fucking trannies that all need to kill themselves and stop denying their destiny
Shut up uo you dumb double nigger tranny faggot. Rope yourself. Which is going to happen regardless. Stop grooming kids on discord you fucking fedbot.
At least you can type nigger more than 3 times there
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This calls for a very important public service announcement:

>niցցer faցցot jannie traոոy
faցցot niցցer jannie traոոy
>niցցer faցցot jannie traոոy
faցցot niցցer jannie traոոy
>niցցer faցցot jannie traոոy
faցցot niցցer jannie traոոy
>niցցer faցցot jannie traոոy
faցցot niցցer jannie traոոy
fuck fuck fuck fuck
I have to wait a whole 60 second countdown before I post. wtf is this shit.
faggot faggot faggot faggöt
Uh oh, based
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>X is the new 4chan
And Here's Why That's a Good Thing
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Nigger nigger nigger
Ausis are immune i think
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>4chins now censors my micro-aggressions
nigger nigger n igger
4chan has a cord?
Alright, lets settle this why can some anons post it and others can't.
Highest iq takes
What about nigga? Not being able to post the lyrics to Gangsta wrap anymore would be a real tragedy.

Nigga nigga nigga nigga nigga nigaa. I'm 100% nigga.
For me? It's nigger
nigger nigger nigger
>I repeat X is the new 4chan
Xitter is only good for politisperging and animools, try to talk about vidya or anything else and you're talking with politispergs with normalfag tastes or have to deal with pronoun faggots.
To be fair it's a pretty effective way to reduce the most obvious kind of spam without wasting precious janny resources.
It's anno floydus 5, if you cared about spamming you'd just have an AI write dumb arguments for you.
Nigger, a person can't include slurs in a paragraph of substance without getting it removed from uploading. This was never about "spam", it's about censorship. Notice how they never give an error on posting more than 3 slurs in the same post? It's hidden on purpose to not cause the 4chan army to revolt against the trans nig agenda jannies.
>24 hours
all my bans are 3 days
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I tried to warn you about shifty Hiro for years and you called me crazy thinking this was the better option than Moot
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That's why we use memes. This place full of brainlets now?
What's this red triangle thing supposed to signal? Some have it pointing up.
erection sensor
The nigger niggered his way across the street, niggerly.
Holy shit, it's actually true. That's why it's swallowing my glownigger pasta. Niggerfaggots, the lot of them.
Try posting:
Or any compound/variatinons thereof.
onions boy
I think the trooned out nigger faggots doth protest too much.
This is true, i posted 2 tests they dont even show, it looks on my side like it was posted but dont show at all on the board. The jews have effectively fucked this place up.
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this place is just what reddit used to be before the normies came online, then reddit hot ruined, now 4chan is turning into reddit, and reddit turned into facebook, and you move somehere else its simple
theres other chans you dumbass, always stay ahead of the normie masses
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The struggle to stay above water financially is ever increasing for all walks of people on this earth dew to a taxation to keep physical assets.

Totalitarian governments is simply a history of genocide of people demed lesser then the ruling class.

If you want to secure a nation as a homeland from hostile adversaries It is necessary to have oppositional force if met by Siege we will simply be blockaded and starved out.

To ourselves and the future of are posterity we must know what is are rights given by God..

Keeping a guard up as to repel and retard foreign manipulation and coercion is an evolving Battlefield not always readily apparent at first glance.

Governments claim the right to act in our best interest while doing nothing of the sort you means of exploitation and slavery to the system the profits them making the rules in the government our destruction is inevitable if we do not forcibly tyrannicide them as true history has shown......
That's right you demonicrat shills I've been challenging just to see how far you willing to be bothered to inforce the your rules on no pay when someone makes the fundamental argument that you don't have an oppositional stance to in your trumperies referendum of threats.
tranny tranny tranny

fucking onions
wtf it actually does wtf????? we have been compromised lads
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lord gay wad meme flag get troon sexual jungle cricket spear chucking spooky niglet.
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(N/T)igger (N/T)igger (N/T)igger (N/T)igger (N/T)igger (N/T)igger
(N/T)igger (N/T)igger (N/T)igger (N/T)igger (N/T)igger (N/T)igger
(N/T)igger (N/T)igger (N/T)igger (N/T)igger (N/T)igger (N/T)igger
(N/T)igger (N/T)igger (N/T)igger (N/T)igger (N/T)igger (N/T)igger
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Billions must dye eggs.
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thats what a five year old would print out in mommies basement. fuck you angloids are toddlers.
no wonder you need all kinds of jewish babysitters to change your pampers. youd still be sitting in mudhuts without them. fucking retards.
Nigger kike jew faggot
Fucking nigger tranny kike.
Works for me. Maybe it's the nigger tranny faggot kikes in New Zealand.
If they banned kike they would basically be anouncing this board is controlled to the public, the last time that happened it spawned infinity.
Other boards already exist but one of them becoming popular again like 8 is a nightmare for them.
8 leaked the finders connection to the feds.
All jannies, mods and admins must be tortured to death.
faggot nigger tranny
Goes well with sage.
Discord first.
niggerfaggot troons are always wrong
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U say so...
Yes if you go over the top slurring it kicks it out.
on Shrooms?
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rule 1 always feel free to shit bricks.
rule 1 never threaten a admin.
A computer is considered "bricked" when it becomes non-functional and unresponsive, making it difficult or impossible to repair. The term comes from the idea that the device is as useless as a brick.
mohher mohher mohher
nigger nigger nigger
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I remember when mods could use the low orbit turd cannon with the animated world gps targeting of busting a turd through roof of hour house with all that talk of being unreproachable to consequence.
Like I shit on you hoes directly on your area code.
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Seethe harder nigger faggot tranny jannies. It doesn't matter how tedious you make posting my autism is more powerful. I was born here.
Like I can already request the area code from your IP proxy.
Would you like to continue this game cuz it's not going to be Cat and Mouse game where I draw it out for an entertainment or a self-satisfaction.
ozzy ozzy ozzy
oi oi oi
ozzy ozzy ozzy
oi oi oi
>automatically make third and forth nigger faggot words use roach speak
4chan x pull request, someone do it im busy. Chop chop
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what I hate most about a tranny Janine is that he claims to have even more power then moot himself well he's nothing but a janitor and he gets no pay ever is LARPing as someone who has Law Enforcement Authority while he sucks the Cheeto dust off of his fingers before spamming on his keys nothing that has ever been original.
Some of the hurt lockers the number one rule as you were never allowed to threaten admin because an admin has certain powers that normal players don't have to import items or materials that would otherwise be very expensive to choir in the game which is a form of extortion.
You harassing little maggots that were born yesterday the buzz around like flies and pester and harass and annoy people with responsibility have no idea what is about to begin when common sense and Clarity finally makes a call for sanity and The Guiding rules of fair play.
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You sub IQ level the temperature of a refrigerator morons thank you hug the guys of control when you've never accomplished anything on your own means besides snitching and trying to agitate a situation which you think you will prevail with your nonsense and bullshit as if this stink from your defecation was beyond moral reproach for being a reprehensible faggot.
Shot through the heart and you're too blame darling You Give Love a Bad Name.
nigger nigger nigger ոigger
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Satire take two.

You sub IQ level number of temperature of a refrigerator morons think you can operate the guides of control when you've never accomplished anything on your own means besides snitching with false staments and trying to agitate a situation which you think you will prevail with your nonsense and bullshit by Global homo ghouls as if the stink from your defecation was beyond moral reproach for being a reprehensible faggot.

join us in team speak.
I make $50 a word for my voice.
total janny deatg
Just pill him already whatever end of the spectrum we think we can get a strategical Advantage it doesn't matter.

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