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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous: >>483597739

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Israeli soldiers have been killed and dozens injured in a Hezbollah ambush
>Israeli officials told Axios that they will retaliate against Iran soon
>Hundreds of Iranian missiles land in Israel
>Terrorist attack in Tel Aviv (8 killed, 15+ injured)
>Hezbollah and Ansarallah shoots Tel Aviv, with settler injuries
>Ground invasion of Lebanon officially underway, confirmed by IDF







>Guide to the Palestinian genocide by israel
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.


▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 12 (final episode)
>Are military checkpoints in the West Bank suitable targets for carrying out Resistance operations?

Twitter link

Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24
https://youtu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY [Embed] [Embed]

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre of palestinians civilians by israeli terrorists
>1948 Nakba

Geolocations of Iranian strikes on Israeli military bases.
Thank you baker for delicious bread
thank you baker for bread and your time
I've been working long shifts the last few days, QRD on the F-35s? Hearing they lost 20 but haven't seen anything concrete. Big if true
Rockets and drone alerts in the last 5 minutes. Settle in for a comfy night /chip/.
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Hezbollah rockets in Shlomo, Iraqi drones in Golan
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How's the cope going? Can't wait for the Iranian regime to be dismantled soon <3
press lingo seems to be emphasizing multiple drones from Iraq (they normally just send onesies) so this is definitely an escalation on their end.
Faggot jeet made a thread and is fucking angry lol
your stupid pagers killed 37. if thats the best you got you're done
How would they know so quickly? Probably missed it but it was so quick after the missiles hit so I was skeptical. Inside leak?
nice, hopefully they can keep sending them towards tel aviv and take the shills away
>hindu nationalist
>sub 80 IQ
checks out
>buckbroken to the point of making posters
say your goodbyes, you never know when iranian ballistics reach your office in tel aviv
I hope britain sinks into the sea for making english an official language in india
Does Tel Aviv use hybrid buses? Those fires look fucking hot, like lithium fire hot
think israel is going to hit back hard, /chip/bros?
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Shills tongue my ass
That much is certain. But Iran could probably destroy Israel in a night in response.
burning bus video may have been well poisoning.
they just might be dumb enough
they can, but i think they wont because biden doesnt want a war now that he only has a month left in office
>Can't wait for the Iranian regime to be dismantled soon <3
It'll happen. At the very least, no port or oil export usage.
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>I would NUT on this Gazan BBW's face as she screams ALLAH.
Hopefully. I want them to hasten their defeat
This thread dreams of this happening to them
that's the perfect time to start a war. he sees himself as some foreign policy wunderkind, and the sycophants around him either believe it or pretend to. this administration considers the war in ukraine a success. they think attacking iran will somehow fix the middle east.
They're in the same place as the F-22s that the houthis shot down and warships they sunk.
Thanks for the bread baker
God bless the Resistance
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who minds prison after a tkd speedrun
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God I hope she shot the cunts anyway.
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>French Flag
>Je Suis Ma Le Resist0nce

Your country is on fire from Muslim niggers 24/7 worse than mine you dumb Algerian whore.
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>God I hope she shot the cunts anyway.
Probably mean they destroyed the runway. Which might as well be the base.
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and you're laughing and poosting about it
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i would like it more if the bus drifted while on fire
>bruh, i cant upload my bus gif because its too big even though its below 4mb
because the zog censored sattelite on all the airbases that iran hit.
Kek, ranjeet got mad and only made like 3 post
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>no evidence either way therefore my way is true
There is no evidence that allah isn't a homosexual fag cock sucker therefore he is
>bad bait
Guess gasoline will get more expensive.
hey retard: we saw missiles hitting stuff in the videos
so our side has more evidence than your cope side
Ever notice how it's always jeets and never pakis on this website?
You realize airbases are hardened against attacks, right?
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The real question is what an "official confirmation" would look like. Israeli law permits them to censor about the disposition of their armed forces. Hell, they've leaked false "start dates" for invasions to force Hamas and other brigades to respond before they're ready. So they're not above simply lying about their standing, their campaigns, and force others into silence.

Combine this with the fact all the overhead satellite imagery has been censored, and almost certainly it's fucked up their runway. At a minimum. And if the planes WERE destroyed, there's no reason to believe Israel would ever admit it. Telegraphing to Iran and other actors "we don't have 5th gen planes, or enough" is poison to them.

On balance, it's probably fair to assume the airfields are on limited capacity, if not out of commission. I don't think we're going to get details on their planes until they're forced to cycle ground crews and pilots in and out. And remember: the missiles also struck the pilot academy.
There are a few but very little. Giving poos the internet was a mistake
thats because the pakis are too busy destroying them in cricket
>You realize airbases are hardened against attacks, right?
the shaking disagrees with you
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Even in death,

Pali's suck each others cocks.

Allah frowns on you all.

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>if you apply the exact same logic as me then you're a... kike? no... pajeet? no, thats overplayed, hmm... ah i havent used this one in a while: YOU'RE LE TROLL!
>May he burn in HELL and his memory be CURSED
to the pits of hell
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Hondushit i...

i feel awful seeing your picture.

Because they are all humans.

But for Gazashits, I feel nothing.
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holy shit, this kinda stuff doesnt normally get my rocks off, but that face made my dick twitch
geg. please throw more and make these shills go into their bunkers
Don't bro you'll get aids
>wander into the fucking foothills of Lebanon
>expect to not get murdered
I mean
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Why do Khamas shits all look like their mothers fucked monkeys?
You'd know from monkeys, jeet.
The poo is probably in Bangladesh, so the faggot isn't going away. The best thing to do is ignore it.
Deadzbollahs won't get any attention from /chip/ but israelis will, shows you who they value more. Sad!
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>THIS was the happiest day in my fathers life, and mine.... ACK!!
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Yeah like these kikes
>mother fuck bloody benchod bastard
one day you will do real labor like the brave and proud men of Pakistan
You know nothing, but every dead kike is a reason to celebrate. Every dead civilian is a reason to grieve. I personally say a prayer for each dead warrior and civilian killed by you demon.
i remember that shitty street food videos make them seethe too
Jew shill HQ really did get blown up if this is the best they can do right now xD
I wonder how long before these retards get blown up or stop being payed?
bengalis are pretty based and hate kikes, the poopjeet is definitely posting from his mumbai slum
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>Jew shill HQ really did get blown up if this is the best they can do right now xD
here is the kino
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>No longer must I endure my wife's arab potato body
If it's confirmed the F35s got hit, I doubt it, the jews will have to rely on foreign intervention after that, ground invasion was dead on arrival.
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>muh civilians
I wonder if they are screaming up at Jesus, begging for forgivness or just screaming as they burn in hell?
they can still use the F35's tat didnt get hit and F15's and F16's etc
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What with all the Palestinians begging for money on tick tock? I was told they were bad asses. Turns out they’re just beggars with cell phones.
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but ur dick is cut off and sucked by a rabbi no?
The face of grown jews in pain is worth waaaaay more than a kik killing kids they'd probably have raped anyways.
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>You know nothing, but every dead kike is a reason to celebrate. Every dead civilian is a reason to grieve. I personally say a prayer for each dead warrior and civilian killed by you demon.

You deserve an undignified slow torturous death, like these faggots will surely recieve.
doesnt matter, they are complicit in mass murder. God knows how to punish them properly
>It hit an empty field goy
cope, jew
On channel 4 they reported about it but didn't let them film
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He'll grow up to be a little nigger terrorist anyway.
No amount of spam will remove the fact your sissy ground forces are and will continue getting curb stomped
True enough. I know we shouldnt hate our enemys but I cant help but laugh thinking of it. All they have to do is accept Christ and there will be an end to the horrors.
there are still soapmen with the 99.9% interception meme?
hows the lebanon invasion pussy ass bitch
>People under military siege asking for help
Seems OK to me anon, what's the issue?
But their capabilities are cut in half, and unlike Hamas and Hezbollah Iran does have a little more advanced air defense
Funny you didn't feel the need to use a memeflag 3 days ago like you do now
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>OMG the Mossad HQ is gone

Imagine thinking an intelligence agency is lifebound to brick and mortar.

Actual nigger wisdom.
Reminder: Israel is the paradise refuge for US pedos
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anons please, this pajeet is in no way connected to kikes, posting dead kikes does nothing to him, post dead poopjeets instead
why dont you do it chuddy
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you called?
Kind of pathetic and they do it in English. Wouldn’t speaking Arabic be better?
kawaii sissy sama
>Iran does have a little more advanced air defense
we will have to see about that. They do have the S400's but now we need to know if they can operate them.
LOL tech infrastructure, documents and records. That's the lifeblood of an intel service.
you clearly have no humanity
do us a favor and kys
I know Egypt is staying out of things right now but will you guys jump in eventually or?
I drift in and out from reading the happenings so I dont really know what countries are doing other than Iran, Lebanon, Syria and israel.
Your worry is that people suffering under military siege and asking for help in english is "kind of pathetic"? Do I have you right there, anon?
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Two million Palishit tears aren't worth 1 grieving Jewish wife.
How did all of that rubble end up in an empty field? Did Iran send missiles filled with rubble?
The missiles last night were fucking amazing. Kike status= shitting their pants.
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i'm about as white as it gets!
I knew (((You'd))) be obsessed with kids. Imagine how she feels losing her once baby brother. Geez, that face shes making makes me feel so good.
>There are going to be far more grieving Jew wives
All backed up in Google cloud.
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>Imagine thinking an intelligence agency is lifebound to brick and mortar.
>Actual nigger wisdom.
They sent their paratroopers back with rubble
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Hey, atleast their father can't molest them anymore....
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nobody likes jews and im tired of pretending otherwise
>Two million Palishit
holocaust inflation?
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Shit thread

No wonder you pissraelis got your shit pushed in by Iran, you're too busy posting Hasbara on Taiwanese zoetrope forums
Got too excited by making a bunch of versions of this to spread online
see --> >>483610881
holy cope batman
And they clearly have no desire to win. They should put down the phones and pick up a rifle and join the fight.
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>All backed up in Google cloud.
So what you're saying is that we should nuke tel aviv and we'll have killed the equivalent of over 6 gorillion palis?
I hope AMD does a joint strike with Iran on intel hq in tel aviv so their stock plummets
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>>There are going to be far more grieving Jew wives

You're living in a country where the government dreams of lynching you every day. Cheers for the ammunition...
intel Aviv BTFO
knowing intel, their overheating processors will probably burn their hq to the ground before iran does
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geez, i'm getting sloppy. Idk why that face gets me off more than actual dead people. Maybe its knowing her pain will last longer?
See-> >>483610977
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What the hell do you take us for? You really think we have files of dead poopjeets on out computers??? I only have family friendly joyful webm's like this one
Just the facts Bong. Israel is in a death spiral and the kikes are speeding it up.
>guys jump in eventually or?
Why would they jump in? I am curious on why you think they would
That’s right. The Arabic speaking countries are right next door. They would appeal to the local audience and get their gibs quicker.
Why do indians care so much about this conflict XD
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at least not lampshaded into near extinction
why are anti israelis such nasty monsters
local audience would help either way or already at full capacity
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fun fact, i don't care about anyone over there! I feel nothing when i see your photos. But for some reason seeing the deep pain on her face got me off. Americans are increasingly not a (((fan)))
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>why are anti israelis such nasty monsters

Here's a happy jeet, as he loves fresh air and wind in his face
Indians want Jews to do the needful
Everyone in the area hates israel. I figured they would all eventually gang up, especially now that israel is basically deffencless against long range missle strikes..I thought Turkey was supposed to be jumping in because israel invading Lebanon or something?
paid for bot farms unironically
I saw your effort post and found it to expand my knowledge, anon.
I just wanted to say this, because it seems like the only people who effort post these days are seething kikes
>muh holocauste
>muh 1 gorillion soljas in lebanonz
>muh rapes
>muh dick
>Why aren't they releasing the pictures themselves?
Gives away what resolution they're capable of imaging.
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Here's a jeet who loves trains and fresh air blowing through his hair
If this website wasnt ran by bots we'd have the kike mom and dads phone numbers by now
i beg to differ
this is like 0,01% of muslims while you reached 50 baby
dont tell me you're ok with other muslims now
Will there be happenings soon sars? Be honest with me.
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remember when jews said they were winning last week
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Here's a few jeets side by side. All with the common bond of loving trains
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Or they’re not dumb enough to fall for the scam
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You do not speak for the American public you piece of muslim Diaspora shit.
Yes, rajesh got the fresh spices today, he will make some good food today with his armpit sweat. they cannot wait.
>Everyone in the area hates israel.
The people do but the governments don't. In fact Jordan intercepted an Iranian missile which fell on Jordanians instead of allowing the rocket to enter Israel.

>I thought Turkey was supposed to be jumping in because israel invading Lebanon or something
Turkey is all talk. Don't expect much.

The only way for happenings is through WW3 or possibly a regional war which could potentially allow for regime changes
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I dont think you understand. THIS photo got me off more than ANY photo from the middle east wars than anything before. This image is peak propaganda material. Only takes (((ONE))) to make a life time of pain.

Like i've seen thousands of gore photos yet for some reason the deeeeeeeeeeeep pain on her face actually made me feel something
This by the way is why claims of "they're hiding their losses" is bullshit. It's a small country, tightly connected networks and it's noticeable when people are gone. At best some families want it not to be announced, but only a handful. You'd be able to tell in other ways.
I feel kind of bad for making fun of "red flag of retribution" shit.
Based Chads waited until 4chan's birthday to wipe out an airbase and mossad hq
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Trains, a jeet's most feared predator xD
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This jeet mastered the loo. He's flushing the poo

Just realized that I was linking to the wrong post.
See: >>483611391
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Im fucking hungry
You're welcome. And not to fear, it's not much effort, just reasoning it out. Israel would never directly confirm getting kicked in the ass, not if it can be avoided. Obscuring the runways tells me they don't have anything that "looks good" on camera for the American press to wave about. So, well, my guess is the runways are fucked, at least.
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>You do not speak for the American public
you wish
Why the memeflag? Scared of something?
The airbase for the F-35s was hit dozens of times for certain. And given at any time half of f-35s are incapable of flight, it is highly likely at least one was BTFO. As for the specific number 20, be very suspicious of nice round numbers like that.
>hitler got to 5,999,999 Jews killed and decide: just one more.
>even six million killed……..
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In fact, it's the apex predator of the jeets.
(I removed the word predator from that filename when uploading)
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again, i'm just a white dude sitting in his own country in his own house enjoying the war in the middle east. Fuck Isreal, Fuck Gaza, Fuck Iran, Fuck Great Britain, Fuck the (((Banks))).

again, i've seen thousands of gore pictures and her pain is probably the best propaganda source material i've seen in awhile.
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>no kike mistress gf who forces you into doing debaucherous things with her at gunpoint
Feels bad, goys.
>>hitler got to 5,999,999 Jews killed and decide: just one more.
The official number so far is 4.8 million thats been "identified" but they estimate 6 million.

He look no different from israelis in the photo of dead israelis i saw today
you're speaking gibberish now. or might be just schizo talk
is it the zoomer commandos?
I just don't care about arabs either, but i'm more indifferent about them. More and more Americans outwardly hate (((Isrealis)))
BTW, I have no clue which jeet you're talking about. uBlock Origin autoblocked xir for me
Thank you sar and good morning
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17 posts by this ID... kek

why seethe like that ? enjoy life... be happy... kek

leave cope gore posting for kekkrenians...
good morning sirs
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The source of Muzzie hatred for dogs is fundamentally rooted in their desire to be pissed on, dehumanized, and loathed the way the Quran fetishised the matter.

Abu Ghraib was literally one big sadomasochists wet dream.
It's a bit harder to get kike info. But it's possible.
>Turkey is all talk. Don't expect much.
I thought the same thing about Iran but they surprised me twice so now im wondering about Turkey. I wont hold my breath but I went from thinking itd never happen to it being a possibility now.
>The only way for happenings is through WW3 or possibly a regional war which could potentially allow for regime changes
I suspect thats closer than we all thought. With the US/NATO stretched thin tossing every dollar and peace of material at the Ukranins, now the US getting stretched even more thinly by their politicians chosen people getting attacked and having to bank roll another war..idk, im waiting for china to finally invade Taiwan..maybe something totally unexpected? It looks like the worlds gone to shit and only so much instability can happen before everything breaks down into all out war.
>As for the specific number 20, be very suspicious of nice round numbers like that.
Ill keep that in mind next time
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based guantanamo tomboy
>be pissed on, dehumanized, and loathed the way
ironic coming from a poo

Wow, everyone is quite mad in this thread. It's ok guys, no one is invading India.
i'm watching Nick J Fuentes live on Cozy.tv right now and drinking a beer. But i hope you at least get paid over time for this.

This image is going into my save folder. Her face is priceless. Going to spread this around online

Does he still think Egypt is on his side when they support Hamas?
>that picrel
disturbing but funny kek
Turkey is part of NATO and has business deals with Israel. They won't do any thing

>china to finally invade Taiwan..
Hopefully that or Russia lobs a nuke
Other anons pointed out that the warheads were relatively small, and I must concur with them on that front.
Small warheads on a runway might put it out for a day or two, but a good engineer team would have it operational in 2 days time or less. I think that Iran might have actually hit something sensitive.

All in all, it makes no sense for the Israelis to give the world info about the efficacy of Iran's attack, but I'm sure Iran already knows.
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>I thought the same thing about Iran
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it's türkiye
>mexishit speaking
Can't you go one day without the cartels sawing some guy?

>Egypt is on his side when they support Hamas?
They do?
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>spam thread
>nearly half the posts are by a jeet/bot
>no news or updates worth covering
>no israeli or lebanese or iranian flags active that are discussing anything worth a shit

what a great use of our collective time
>Hopefully that or Russia lobs a nuke
When the Ukies were attacking Russias nuclear bomb early warning radar stations I thought that was going to be it. I even took a day off work to go visit my parents but sadly they didnt let the nukes fly haha
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>in their desire to be pissed on,
like who even thinks of this shit

They don't do anything openly, but rumour is Turkey is smuggling weapons to the Hamas.
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I signed mine yesterday xD
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you will always be a sandnigger and you will always lose
None of the jew regulars are here, so it means they got their asses smashed into the pavement
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Rumor is Egyptian is allowing weapons to be smuggled freely to Hamas

holy shit
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G*D bless the most based and mighty Mexibros.
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again, the mutilation doesnt really phase me, just blends into the millions of gore photos online.
Her pain tho? It speaks to the viewer on many levels. It only takes (((one))). You're just regurgitating what i'm saying, so it must be headed in the right direction. Imagine how she feels RIGHT NOW. Death is quick, her pain will last a life time.
>All in all, it makes no sense for the Israelis to give the world info about the efficacy of Iran's attack, but I'm sure Iran already knows.
Yep. It's kind of funny Israel's bothering to keep the imagery "secret."

I think to your point they're probably more worried about publicly exposing whatever response was necessary to secure and inspect the structures. Certain HAZMAT means certain materials, etc. And yeah, if that's one of their spookier bases, the more likely it was some cutting-edge shit to worry about revealing.
Jesus this faggot Fuentes is unbearable rn. Fuck the anon that said it would be comfy.

Rumor is Egyptian intelligence don't actully like Bibi and want Hamas to fuck up the IDF
what happened
You anons have a good night, imma dream habbnen dreams and hopefully theres some more missle kino tomorrow.
i was wrong
iron dome is demoralized, please understand
your president is jewish. you already lost

I don't know what is real anymore. Too many conflicting reports. Israel claims Egypt does and Egypt denies it. Iran apparently also gives weapons to Hamas. Maybe through Egypt
Fuentes is a milquetoast gossiper at this point.
Oh no!!!! Did we just lose a 14pbtid??? Shocking. Now we have 14 extra bumps
>I think to your point they're probably more worried about publicly exposing whatever response was necessary to secure and inspect the structures. Certain HAZMAT means certain materials, etc.
Without a doubt, it would be easy to guess casualty numbers in the same way. Also, given the nature of the pager/radio bomb attacks, I wouldn't be surprised if Iran specifically targeted a Mossad HQ as a sort of tit-for-tat
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Is it true that there are many people in Iran, Lebanon, jordan and Saudi Arabia that WANT the Iranian regime to fall? That want terrorist elements like hezbolla gone?
He sounds like a faggot. He says conventions and debates don't matter (objectively false, at least based on past evidence. He sounds like a fruity faggot. He hasn't said anything and it's been awhile now. He sounds like a faggot.
how do you guys deal with all the gore you see and suffering you read about?
Groypers usually don't make it out of Mom's basement for a reason.
Don't click the thumbnail, of course.
No, those are a massive minority that are being pushed hard in the media. The opposite happened in iran where the iranians were protesting their new president for opening up to usa and didnt go even harder on israel when Haniyeh was killed in Tehran
>Rumor is Egyptian intelligence don't actully like Bibi and want Hamas to fuck up the IDF
I don't know about that. Elsisi has good relations with Bibi
Mexico flag is a kike behind a VPN and Portugal flag is a kike behind a VPN.
Its kind of like butchering an animal. The first couple of times it feels weird and wrong, but after awhile you see how its part of the natural process of this world. Ever ask a city kid about where meat comes from? They get all sketched out, but a country kid will just explain it like the normality it is.
Didn’t they send Israel repeated warnings before October 7 that Hamas was panning a big attack?
Nick is a closeted fag. This is well known.
>What with all the Palestinians begging for money on tick tock?
Its a scam anon. Noticed how the ukies begging for money disappeared when this shit started? And how the disabled people needing to feed their pets disappeared when the ukraine war started only to be replaced by ukrainians?

Its the same chinese scammers with actors. Paypal and gofund me don't even work in palestine.
>ammo depots in the Russian Hmeimim base got bombed - this is an initial assessment
ammo depots in the Russian Hmeimim base got bombed - this is an initial assessment
>ammo depots in the Russian Hmeimim base got bombed - this is an initial assessment
ammo depots in the Russian Hmeimim base got bombed - this is an initial assessment
>ammo depots in the Russian Hmeimim base got bombed - this is an initial assessment
ammo depots in the Russian Hmeimim base got bombed - this is an initial assessment
yeah i know I am fucking (with) them
Kike strategy is so fucking stupid. They just bombed central Beirut. My take is that they are trying to pressure the "oficial" Lebanese government into using the army against hezbolla. It obviously won't work for many reasons. I truly believe the US has lost all credibility on the world stage.
Good to know
Cool, but does that have bearing on Palestine? Was Russia storing something there, like drones?
not clicking on the thumbnail
>suffering you read about
it is what it is.
It just confirms israel to be a genocidal entity and a threat to world peace.
however, the families will always live with the pain in the end. the only ones suffering are palestinians. no changing that fact. i donate and try to do what i can thats within my power (join protests etc)
I thought I was a chinese with a VPN. I can't keep up with my own lore anymore
Wrong thread
I call jews niggers
If the debates he's talking about are the presidential debates, then yeah they don't matter because a retard will always be running the US, but the dumb fuck still wants to enter politics
new vpn dropped
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and you are a sandnigger there is no recovery from that
Seems to me he wants to be the chud Rush Limbaugh.
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lmao stfu you will never be white kys
Test is usually when calibrating their bots actually. To make sure the text is going correctly into each field. Every so often it screws up and exposes the bot coding in the comment field
reminder that iran directly attacking israel was seen as unheard of 5 years ago

israel's position in the world is rapidly degrading
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I just might go to a pro-isreal rally just to fuck some jewish women. Not sure why this photo gets my rocks off so much. Its the pain that cuts right into her soul?
at least you lost the memeflag this time
If you mean here: install 4chanX or get a proper app to filter posts quickly, and also automatically filter based on flag/comment/image etc
It's a base in Syria, could've easily been Israel.
Nah I was b& and wanted to see if it had expired, this was the first thread on the catalogue
it probably was but benny will just apologize and putin will accept it
Bet me then I bet that Iran is gonna lose. But dont be a faggot bet me something real a steam game of my choosing do it or faggot.
Gore isn't based, but this comment was
Ban evading so soon?

Egypt supports Hamas even if they didn't support the oct 7 attack. Egyptian intelligence probably didn't think oct 7 was a good idea.

>I truly believe the US has lost all credibility on the world stage.
I expect a major and direct escalation by the US before the elections, since they painted themselves deep into a corner and just keep painting on.
I hypothesized that Trump was meant to rile up support for war against Iran, and I still feel like that's part of the plan here, but with all the other shit going on like blatantly neglecting their own citizens I can't see that working anymore either.
did jannies ban the gore poster and now he's having a tantrum? kek
Janny from the block
>the memeflag got banned
>the visajeet stopped posting
yeah no shit, after ignoring everyone in north carolina now they're gonna ask them to fight iran looool
Iran just said they can illuminate the skies "unconventionally". So yeah, good luck with that
Not the sharpest tool on the shed, eh mate?
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There is no riling up the public for war, the only part of the public that matters is a demoralized minority. We can't win a direct conflict with anyone.
i think his IP range got banned from posting images and the visajeet bot can't post anymore cause he only posts with images
Fake-moderators have been letting jEWish political spam be on /int/ and other non-political blue boards.

Send a message to other admin and thus save lives.
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There's instructions on here to get a shill blocker. In 4plebs you can find the copypasta's to paste into each filter. Like the memeflag filter list
Israel and US attacks on Russian bases in Syria are extremely expected and funny. Because apparently they suck at defending ammo dumps literally everywhere.
here comes the rest of the bot farm
Some guy who replied explained it like butchering an animal. For me it's like taking the rifle butt to the base of their neck. I only worry about the rifle.
Why did they warn Israel beforehand of the Oct 7 attack?
i was right lmfao


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Remember to smile when the red arrow is above your head.
Israel hasn't won a war on its own terms in 50 years and has never defeated the Shia.
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From yesterdays firework it's clear Iran isn't fucking around and know how to use their missiles
>banned again
oh nononono
Do you guys think the IDF is truthful about their losses?
>Do you guys think the IDF is truthful about their losses?
the brave men of Pakistan would never let a janny step all over them like that
Hezbollah claims they eliminated like 60 people
I wonder who’s telling the truth
they claimed 80 casualties
so probably lots of missing IOF limbs going on
unbelievable the israelis were too stupid to coordinate the pager attack with the invasion.
Jannies are based?
A rare event indeed, double their pay!
I have a feeling mossad isn't communicating with the army, and bananyahu doesn't have a clue what either are doing
they claimed 80 between killed and wounded. What is clear is they walked into an ambush. How badly is yet to be fully revealed
I want to see footage of this, it’s the only frame of reference we’ll have
Gaza footage from Hamas gave us a good idea of how hard the idf was underselling their losses for example
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nigga they just won against hezbollah and hamas and about to win aganist Iran you are absolutely retardedly delusional but thats typical sandnigger cope thats how they wired you
bread >>483616132
aside from helicopters escorting the wounded out and journalists' word of mouth we have no footage for now
yup, that could have been a game changer. instead all it looks like they did was terrorism for no purpose lol.
geg. that's hilarious. i guess some random anon must have reported him. both his ID's got deleted. apparently it works doing that. good to know

probably because Egyptian intelligence didn't think Oct 7 was a good idea?

>probably because Egyptian intelligence didn't think Oct 7 was a good idea?

That's not really an excuse
that was the plan all along. 10yrs of planning for this. it was supposed to explode right as they were on their way to invade. but a couple hezbollah saw them explode in the heat on the roof. they ran to go tell hezbollah but isntreal shot one immediately. the other one escaped and on his way to tell them. israel them detonated all beepers since it was use it or lose it at that point. likely why they started the lebanon war shortly after while they're still missing people and possibly don't carry beepers and walkie talkies anymore
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Why are there so many jews now in the west then Moshe ? Shouldn't they come to israel and fight so we can finish them off once and for all ? Filthy kid raping kike
I'm sure Palestinians will treat her better than those savages
Good job speedrunning your extinction.
they didn't warn them. isntreal just has spies everywhere and in every group and organization
They won against every woman and child that's for sure
Failed country that got their teeth pushed back to the corner of the world kek. How long would your country stand on a 1 to 1 against Iran hahahhahhahaha.
You will shiver and call for daddy mutt. You are inferior today as you have been throughout all history.
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Yeah I wonder, the ones who always target the enemy military and never were found to be lying, or the dysgenic orcs that have never posted anything true or accurate and mainly focus on prying on the weak.
nathanyahoo yesterday
"I'm literally shaking rn" kek
By your word, it is then safe to assume every jew as an israeli asset. Correct ?
ex-mossad guy said they had hundreds of thousands of jews spying for them globally. Even MD's to get health info and other details. Hollywood especially is recruited from
he wrote a book about mossad and was giving a talk at a book signing. the webm's are posted in /wsg/ a lot of times. so you'll eventually find it if you don't want to google him.

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