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So far they’ve admitted to 8 dying (pic related)

I’ve heard some posters say that the real number is much higher, but is being hidden. I’ve also seen Hezbollah claim that as many as *60* IDF soldiers have been killed.

What do you think?

If you believe otherwise, how exactly would hiding the true number of dead work, when the notified families of the deceased would eventually speak out?
There was suspicions of the IDF lying about the number of casualties in Gaza months ago too. This was based on all the videos that Hamas put out of soldiers getting hit with RPGs
We probably won’t have a good idea of what’s truly going on until both the IDF and Hezbollah post videos
Yeah, a lot of journalists accused the IDF of lying. I really wonder when we’ll see footage of the action
Richard medhurst got arrested at an airport because of that. He’s being threatened with years of jail time, which is why he’s been quiet
I bet as they laid there with bullet holes in them they had the audacity to beg for their lives after all they have done in the past year
Yes because that is fucking nothing compared to what sandniggers have lost and continue to lose this shit has like a 1:100 death ratio if not more in favor of the jews
Also, OP, the claim from Hezbollah is that they killed 80
Not 60
That’s insane. Those poor zoomers man
I wonder if they sent any women there. They sent women to Gaza
100% they are lying. 6 weeks in Haaretz did an investigation and found 10,000 soldiers had been treated in civilian hospitals (and there are military only ones too) with at least 581 deaths. At the time the admitted number of losses was 32. So yeah. Then we have the number of amputations reaching 5k in march. The ratio of amputations to KIA has remained quite constant throughout all modern wars at 1:11, mainly because large important arteries are in those limbs.

100%. What gave it away? The 21 year old major general? The fact a company sized element retreated after suffering a mere 8KIA? The fact their musters sites are provably under fire yet no IDF soldier has been killed by artillery fire? Or the fact that casualty reports and damage reports are actively censored in Israel?
The most certainly did. Then were shot by their own for being traitors.
What do you think the real KIA and WIA in Lebanon is?
They can't flat out hide the death of an Israeli, but they can try to hide the cause, as non said civ hospitals and such
As for current casualties in Lebanon, hard to say as it JUST started and we already have well more than 8 confirmed KIA, this is JUST from an infantry attack
We've seen a MBT completely smoked crew and all
Really? Any pics? I heard like 3 merkava got wrecked
yes I heard 3 also, but there is video of one and it's COMPLETELY fucked
footage on this insta only place I've seen it, sorry to send a zuck link
>Do you think the IDF is forthcoming with their total number of losses in Lebanon?
since when are the IDF ever forthcoming about ANY of their total losses?
>rhetorical, the answer is never
Hezbollah has been trying to hide their casualties since the offensive began a week ago

They were steadily publishing their KIA then magically nothing is published after the giant offensive by Israel

Hezbollah also hides their number of wounded
Try to actually find them disclosing the number of wounded they sustain in combat

It’s nowhere to be found
Keep coping fag. The Jews are doing fine, and we will always be here. Meanwhile, your bloodline will die in obscurity and no one will care.
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>IDF forthcoming with their total number of losses
Hahah damn
Thanks for sharing
Unknown. Especially it gets real tough given IDF soldiers killed in Israel can easily be laundered as deaths elsewhere. Haaretz rule of thumb suggests take admitted casualty counts and multiply by 12-15.

Also we’ve seen artillery strike on muster tents resulting in ambulances and medivac helicopters as well. Further if the stories of hezzbollah infiltration groups having hit soldiers on the border are true, that will add more to the death toll.
Here is proof of 100 dead Hezbollah fatalities since a week ago

The actual number is way higher of course

As far as Israel they’re honest with their number because it whips them into an even greater frenzy

90 percent of Hamas Hezbollah and Iran is smoke and mirrors

Before this war started everyone was swearing Hezbollah would flatten Tel Aviv and Haifa if Beirut was hit

Well Beirut has been carpet bombed and “mighty” Hezbollah can’t even break a window in Tel Aviv

They’re clearly bullshitting about their strength and their pathetic response to Nasrallah getting BTFO proved it

If they were truly that powerful they wouldn’t have to restrain themselves to such an insane degree

The truth is they’re not holding back, they’re just weak

And defending ground invasion is the only way they can inflict casualties which tells you everything

Where the fuck is their offense?
When are Jews honest?
Holy fuck. I bet it’ll get even worse when US troops get sent in there
what's wrong with that person's nose
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Forgot pic
Name faces and rank
Just go to his profile and find it

It’s all there
The group reduced to 300 breeding pairs in the 1400s will always be here? Man you have lots of confidence given how close to extinction they have come multiple times.
Noobdy doubts they are taking massive losses, who are you even arguing with jew

Obviously also Hez has no offensive capability, EVERYONE knew this
Now as we see however, when Israel enters Lebanon the Israeli advantage evaporates very quickly, and their casualties start to mount
T-90M from Ukraine.
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>>483618821 they are only confident because the demons have told them so
Israel doesn’t have a free press. Any investigative journalism into their battlefield loses will probably get you killed so we’ll never know what’s actually going on.
12-15x is pretty ludicrous anons
I would suspect 2-4x at most, and most of that by far is wounded, with severity of wounded being the primary thing covered up

Israel is small, and quite frankly there is no possible way to hide 15x the confirmed casualty rate, not even 10x.
That would actually leave the Israeli army completely crippled by gaza which they were simply not.
Do not delve into delusion just because it sounds nice and its what you want to believe
Yeah, I guess that makes more sense
Anyways regardless of what the real multiplier is, it’ll def go higher whenever US marines and army are there
It’ll suck seeing Americans die tho…
They do post videos for morale, at least Hezbollah did that in Syria. So I’m expecting some to come out at some point with their battles against the idf
No, the IDF is not lying about losses. Israel is a small country with high network coefficient. If there are losses, people know and grieve, and if people go missing, it is obvious. Some casesthe family keeps it private but it's rare.

Hezb has stopped reporting deaths since getting beepered, it's just too high now - IDF reports killing 50 enemy soldiers in confrontations today.
Why did they open a second front when they still haven't fully subdued even the stone-throwers in Gaza?
They've also thrown out the least pretense of a punitive and hostage rescue operation against Hamas, so no one besides the brain-dead simps and low-IQ jeets support them any longer.
All I can feel is impatience and upset.
Are they afraid of a future in which the current American system they rely on will collapse?
Maybe they intend to get rid of their enemies before that happens, but don't they understand that this kind of approach will only make more enemies?
My point is, it’s a pathetic show of strength just like their “achievements” so far

>heh we displaced 60k jews from tiny border towns
Meanwhile they have 1 million displaced, their leadership destroyed and are taking huge losses

This is nothing like the 2006 war, Israel is being extremely methodical and consistent.
And Hezbollah is doing much less damage than 2006

They got fucked honestly
But sure Israel will take some casualties during the ground invasion just like Gaza

But they won in Gaza and nobody can tell me how they didn’t

Hamas has barely attacked the netzarim corridor between north and south Gaza

Their guerrilla campaign is weak as fuck in the past few months

They’ve clearly been severely weakened and didn’t “win” shit
There's a low likelihood of seeing any US direct combat missions for now. Expect more fake and gay small missile attacks
SOF raids in Iraq, maybe syria
Small mortar attacks on US bases in Iraq

Now the shit you need to watch for is what im calling Russia's Revenge
If you will indulge me, Putin is EXTREMELY patient, far more so than I could have ever been
The US started the war in UA and has indirectly killed 10's of thousands of Russians
Putin SHOULD by all means be striking US bases supplying Ukraine and calling the Nuclear bluff
but he knows the current USG is insane and wants this
he is playing slow, and remembers
The entire GWOT, Russia strictly did not supply any islamic groups with real weapons that could hurt the US(think MANPADs etc)
That fucking meta is over, it's open season
expect to see insurgent groups gaining the capability to swat US air assets down soon
I would expect this to happen in Iraq or Syria within the next year
it will end just like 06 you're correct, Israel will be UNABLE to complete their objective
The population of Leb will suffer
The Israeli ground forces will be embarrassed
and Hezbollah will survive and grow stronger
This is the taco kike. Just tell him to fuck off. He shills for kikes in chip
Or Yemen!
Operation prosperity guardian might end up being an invasion, at least I think
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The IDF is actually inflating their casualty numbers to make it seem less one sided. They aim for a 20:1 ratio and have been padding their own numbers with car accidents and cancer, overdoses etc. I heard a lebanese guy on twitter today on spaces almost crying he was so happy that hezbollah killed a few idf. Arab egos are hilarious, they make the best cope bubbles that eventually pop.
Is he an Indian with a vpn? I recognize him from other threads defending India alot
>But they won in Gaza and nobody can tell me how they didn’t
This is correct. Everything Arabs are excited about re: Israeli losses in Lebanon happened with Gaza, and Israelis are unmistakably the ones who control Gaza now. Their force generation alone is higher than their losses.
What is their exit strategy? Invade Gaza, invade Lebanon, invade Syria and Iraq, invade Iran?
The mutts are now so woefully demoralized that they will never be able to do something like launch a landing operation on Iran from the sea side at enormous cost.
That damn Iraq war was in 2003, a replay of it is probably impossible now.
Actually Hezbollah will fail their objective as they already have

The settlers WILL return to the North and Hezbollah as Netanyahu declared the war goal

Hezbollah utterly failed to protect Gaza or deter Israel
And they utterly failed to protect Lebanon or even themselves

They opened up an offensive front and proceeded to fail hilariously bad in all things offense

Now they’re reduced to defending their own territory instead of attacking Israel
Just sad

Invade the Galilee my ass
Honestly Israel fucked Gaza up, I knew they would but they actually exceeded my expectation in that fight
Hamas got fucked
but Hezbollah has 10x the capabilities of Hummus on the ground, and we're already seeing that
Israel straight up does not have the capability to move in force into hezbollah territory

They can fuck Hez up from the air all day, but this cannot actually silence their missles, and let their population return to N. Israel
Thus they lose face
Israel is a pride based, hubris fueled nation
They are moving in, and they are going to start taking mounting losses in the mountains of leb
>The settlers WILL return to the North and Hezbollah as Netanyahu declared the war goal
Israel failed to silence hez missiles in 06, they have no plan or capability to do so now without direct US ground forces
Hezbollah will repel the ground invasion, the missiles will not be silenced with air power
>kike cope + reddit spacing
Do you feel like you're winning? Two days in a row you've been humiliated in front of the world.

They are hiding everything
>Israelis are unmistakably the ones who control Gaza now.
lol, israel disagrees with you, retard
It’s the consistent ratio Haaretz has found. And it’s held for several wars now too.

Demons are notorious liars…..

It’s the ratio Haaretz has found again and again. The easiest way to explain it to you:
>what’s nothing times 15
>still nothing.
No one honestly believes that 3 combat divisions can be rendered combat ineffective with just 32 KIA. But 10k wounded (so 1-2k KIA) that would do it.
You're retarded if you can't see that even 20:1 is not good enough, assuming it's 10 million vs 500 million.
The Rhodesian army achieved 40:1 and they lost.
When in the world will a fucking moron like you realize how fucked up the Israeli situation is and that the more forceful a their military victory is, the more it will lead to backlash and future decisive defeat?
They are hopelessly unpopular in the Middle East except among their own people and their martial ways have no way out.
Do you guys think Israel will collapse in our lifetimes? Where would all the people go??
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>the more forceful a their military victory is, the more it will lead to backlash and future decisive defeat
if you kill your enemies, they win
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Nothing is as humiliating as the gender pager surgeries Israel performed on Hezbollah + Nasrallah getting killed like a retard in a bunker

Fighting ghosts Kek
Why are ghosts so easy to kill?

Get owned
yes im curious when russia will start being a major player in the region. that could be very interesting
Although the muttoids continued to win overwhelming tactical victories in Vietnam and Afghanistan, they were ultimately defeated strategically.
But mutts are so retarded that they expect a total jewish victory ahead of this petty Israeli glorious tactical victories that goes on and on and on.
they will stay there and be governed by muslims in the new state of Palestine.
Casualty counts get exaggerated or understated always. Throughout history, in the future, it's always going to be the case. If that weren't enough, Jews are fucking liars and love lying.
Stupid low IQ mutt.
There is a good reason why your empire is starting to fall apart and that is your retardedness.
I think one of the reasons they lie is so that jews don’t flee to other countries en masse and also to curb desertion in IDF. They want them to think they really do have this near invincible army protected by their god
>I'm proud of kikes terror bombing people in a foreign country
For me it's Iranians destroying two of your military bases with unstoppable missiles. Everyone in shitsrael is panicked now, and it's only going to get worse.
This, though I wouldn't specify Jews as being the liars here. It's a global function for whatever body to either greatly exaggerate or severely downplay whatever they are dealing with. You have Romans claiming they slayed hundreds of thousands of barbarians in singular battles, you have Greeks claiming the armies of Leonidas were in excess of 1 million soldiers, you have armies claiming to have killed literally tens of thousands of enemies with a unit of several hundred before repeating with no way of gathering that specific amount, you have generals claiming to have lost thousands of troops as cassus belli to invade another country. These numbers are always going to be fudged as long as there is geopolitical benefit to doing so, and should never be taken as raw gospel, but in the case of the kike menace, you should take that grain of salt and pour it into the rest of the shaker, because nothing short of a bucketful of discretion and doubt is sufficient when dealing with the IDF, Mossad, or greater Israel as a whole.
Somebody answer this please. I'm drawing a blank.
my estimate is 15k+ KIA 50k+ wounded
the invasion has been 2 days and they are already doing worse than 2006
die in hell sweet demons

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