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NUCLEAR HAPPENING! Israel just bombed a Russian military base in Syria and burned hundreds of Russian pigs alive!
Apparently it wasn't even planes that bombed that shit but missile ships
what is going on lmao
Jewtin won't do shit, he's probably on the phone with king kike rn whose telling him it was an accident, like uss liberty lol
Why is Isreal attacking Syria?
This. If anything, Putin will send them a couple billion as reparations for the emotional damage the poor israeli troops had to endure
Chat is this real?
big if true
Why wouldnt they?
I'm sure this is gonna work out well for you. Get fucked retard.
>I'm sure this is gonna work out well for you
is that supposed to be sarcasm? it always does work out well for israel. when hasn't it?
When are they not?
They want ww3 so dumb american goys will clear out their enemies for them.
ww3 between what major powers? lol clueless zoomer sperg
All the time. They have been getting their shit pushed in all week.
I can't tell if this is slav runes or shitskin scribbles translated poorly
go back to twitter newfag.
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>Im sorry your husband died from a military strike, could we offer you some Manadarins for your trying times?
they need big daddy US now, not tomorrow, not next month
israel survives eitherway but not netanyahus power and coalition of retards
They hit a warehouse in the town of Jableh. Not the airbase. However that town is under the Russians area of control and it was a fuck you to Russia.
Jews are hurting over the Iranian missiles and sat tech being better than it should be and blame the Russians.
Russian AA took down some missiles but they affectively used glide bombs that got through.
Russians will have to target the Israeli planes next time or their base will be hit.
no really, witch one, china aint hopping in yet they cant.
Israel owns Russia completely. I'd say more than America, but that's not really possible. Anyway, jews can kill as many Russians as they want and Russia will never do shit.
>i'm super duper informed from all the brainrot i absorb from super deep informational new 4chan site i learnt about!
you're a clueless zoomer child.
>zomg lyk ww3 lyk totally brrruuuuhh
retard. what major powers are there to have a ww3?
>Among the G20, nine countries (Argentina, Brazil, China, India, Indonesia, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, and Turkey, as well as permanent invitee Spain) have recognized Palestine as a state, while ten countries (Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Mexico, South Korea, the United Kingdom, and the United States) have not.
oh look, the first list of countries are those conquered by the ussr during ww2 and the second list is those conquered by the usa.
kek. All this after Jewtin endorsed his BFF Bibi.
wrong, israelis chastized russians and openly promised them consequences
its a function of absolute rule they have to play court politics in russia as everybody else does
>using five years old out of context report
found the jew
japan, mexico and france probably will soon
25% of Israel's population has Russian passports.
US/Israel vs Russia/Iran
Jewti. Donates to satanyahoo talmydic noahidist camoaign and is a chabdnik the real the body douboea are not real thats an and ball shit brith rabhinical Marxist zionist satanic state
Isn’t Putin associated with Chabad? It seems he has Zionist ties as well.
Dude your fucked now. Once Putin is done in 2 more weeks with Ukraine He will launch a 3 days special military operation on you.
Between who?
With what armies?
China cant do shit.
Russia is getting pumped by BUC (big Ukraine cock)
turkey is basically powerless and can't go anywhere
Iran can't do shit but fire meme bombs
Saudis are.. literally useless
Lebanon has no military
Iraq? Lololol
Who is going to start ww3 you stupid fucking faggot?
God damn i hate you stupid propagandized zoomers and faggy brickies.
>Russia/ iran
So they weren't happy being at war with a billion Muslims, they want to piss off the Russians too. That's a bold strategy Cotton, let's see if it pays off for them.
true israel has a right to defend themself
lashing out against everyone lmao
So what happens when the conflict escalates to demands that will never be met between a nation of vipers that do everything in vain and a nation of ignorant idiots who found themselves wielding power they should never have had?
Israel has finally gone mad?
cope, Dennis.
no way would you guys bring the saaaaaaaaaaaaars close enough, as they have basically zero point defense. likely fighters with stand-off weapons.
>no really which one?
The enemies of israel you fucking retard. Ffs twitter and r/thedonald did not send their best.
not a major power
has their hands full with just Ukraine, arguably no longer a major power
U.S. would destroy most of their military in 48 hours, like they did Iraq. Iran is weaker in 2024 than Iraq was in 2003.

>Russia vs Israel
SO even if Russia wasn't busy with fighting Ukraine, why the fuck would they fight Israel???
Nevermind Ukraine but are you aware that Russia has been fighting a proxy war against Turkey and other Sunni States for a decade now? Not even just proxy but Russian forces have engaged Turkish forces. Similalry in the Caucasus Russia and Turkey are fighting a proxy war through Azeris and Armenians. Then there's hte whole Central Asian and China issue.

Sorry kid but you seem oblivious to all the conflicts going on in the world and what are the interests of these powers.
oh well another country you have to fight now, good luck lmao
small poor country, please understand. iran is too big for them.
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lying jews in this thread
Netanyahu is trying to start WW3. He needs to be imprisoned immediately.
Why isn't this pinned?
So it'll be
>"If the world stands against Israel, we'll drag it down with us"
>"If the world stands against Russia, we'll drag it down with us"
Is this some kind of new 8200 meme?
If you america won't have a hard enough time fighting Iran you're a complete retard.
none of this matters.
Cope harder faggot. Anyone who has been paying attention to global politics for more than a year can tell by your post that you clearly don't know anything about who is on who's side or which part of your body is your ass or your elbow.
>not a major power
Seriously, go back to Twitter.
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Retard, I know you were probably wearing fucking diapers when it happened, but do you not have any sense of what planet you are on?

Iraq was stronger for the year 2003, than Iran is for the year 2024.

The U.S. destroyed Iraq, 1 million soldiers, 4,000 tanks, 4,000 artillery pieces etc, mostly in a matter of DAYS.
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No, let him. Let Bibi kill the American Empire once and for all. Let Bibi in his stupid hubris and fear of going to prison KILL globohomo, KILL the GAE, KILL ZOG, kill the entire American Project, kill the Declaration and the Constitution, and finally kill the Enlightenment for good.

I want them all to die. Bibi is my puppet. My prayers sustain him. Trump is my puppet too. The entire Modern period of history is going to die, and it's going to be fucking awesome. Modernity will become an epoch we have left behind like the Ancient period and the Medieval period.

A true newness is going to dawn and it's going to be so fucking cool.
>we're going to be dragged into world war 3 because kikes can't help but be yiddish retards
Yeah. israel just controls the government's of every western country including the us. Couldn't possibly matter.
Reminder that the Duma as soon as they heard that their soldiers were engaging with American troops shat their pants and said that they have nothing to do with them
Not every country will jump at once. Major power will be dragged slowly, one at a time.
are you jewish?
>memeflagnigger and kike posting
They hit some iranian proxy warehous in the city near russian base.
Russian anti-air intercepted most of the missiles but some went through
OK little buddy. I'm just embarrassed for you at this point.
Born in 1987 iraw war allies the coalition lost the 2nd one clsnction ling pressure 10 years flase flag liea and hussein gave up chemical weapons he should ahve kept them and what haopend youblost in iraq 20k contractorw advisor mercenariea coalition 70k light forxe with ugh jet fight tnot 2 million ground troops 40 million people hating you you are the one that sucks
The easiest solution for everyone involved is to put Netanjahu on trial by the ICC which is looking out for him now.
And then live stream the event when he is roasted on the electric chair.
Are you retarded? Since when does wanting israel ripped off the map make you jewish? Is this really the best you can do right now?
If you look on Google Earth, Russia had an A-50 parked there as recently as 2023. It would be damn funny if that thing was still there and got showered in burning Iranian rocket parts.
if anything it sounds like russia owes israel money for the spent missiles. those things aren't cheap even if they're gifted by the usa.
so you're a zoomer dropout who has no future and your life is now terminally online imbiding social media illiterate bullshit huh?

i'm so fascinated the sort of wizards and dragons fantasy world that goes on in your head when you think of a shithole primitive dump like Iran.

Do you know what an F-4 Phantom is?
Those jets that U.S. used in the Vietnam War 60 years ago.
Those are Iran's main jets lol.
Barter exchange, by the way, is a good tool if you calculate it properly, if you take man-hours as a basis... A de facto replacement for the dollar and any other world currency... like the euro or yuan.
That's some pretty hardcore projection my dude. Lmao
why not just declare Russian military commanders terrorists and force everybody to kill them
just give guns to the Russian people and say, "Kill the Russian military commanders for us."
The Russian people will do it, too. They know we're right. They know the mass killing of Russian military commanders is perfectly fine, in fact beneficial.
Brainwash and control Russian soldier-pedophiles and force them to kill their superior officers! Use child sex bribery to control them!
>israel survives eitherway
every time masonic tards mentioned plans for israep pre-1900, they also spoke of it's destruction. Why'd they create a country while designing its destruction from the start?
Why don't we just commit genocide against the Russian people and deny Russia soldier-pedophiles?
He might be but the USA is a major power that automatically makes Isreal major power too
There is a difference between Iran and Iraq. It is geographically impossible to invade Iran
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>my dude
zoomer sperg
you really have no idea whatsoever what planet you're on.
literal cold war junk, not even in large numbers
>24 mig29 lmao
>23 su24 lmao
>35 f5 lmao
You need to stop watching so much Alex Jones nigga. The Russian people have guns, and they don't want to kill their government.
Putin is a philosemite
Russia is using human wave tactics, so we have a right to commit genocide against the Russian people, in particular by killing ethnic Russian foreigners in non-Russian countries.
We can force the Russian diaspora to attack and kill anyone that attempts to protect a Russian military commander.
>It is geographically impossible to invade Iran
lol for a shitty country while it's defended? that's why major power would just bomb all of the defenses into nothing first and then there's no defenses to try and stop you.
Clearing path to Iran. They want to shut down all air defences/ radars on route.
They attacked Russia base probably on the pretext that the base was housing Iranian warheads.
>y-y-you're a zoomer!!!! Yeah!!! I called you a zoomer so that means the things I learned on the history channel matter!!!
OK. Break down the logistics of a land invasion of Iran. Where do the american ground forces enter from? How have all the internal war games gone for the us side?
The Russian people have guns, but they don't have mobility. If we give dirt bikes to the Russian people and train them how to ride and kill, then we can turn the Russian people into a democratic army of terrorists and torturers that kill Russian military commanders with
>OK. Break down the logistics of a land invasion of Iran.
bomb it into nothing, like iraq
>clueless sperg thinks that mc02 is meant to be an exercise of what an invasion of iran would actually be like
you're a clown
The US cant even beat Houthis

The US will lose an Iranian war

The US has lost every middle east war
visualize the destruction of Russia by
>jews keep getting btfo
>glowies are getting more unhinged

I'm visualizing you picking cheetoh crumbs out of your belly button and eating them. That's about it.
Iran is big as fuck with lots of mountain and range... Just bombing them won't work.

Iran has hypersonics and large swarms of cheap drones.

The US does not.
Yeah. Because we totally didn't have a ground invasion of Iraq. Are you able to close your mouth when you breathe or is that just a stylistic choice?
I was one of the best players in Dota Allstars, and one of the first to come up with the concept NORDIC ONLY for a reason
the US armed forces is currently controlled by corrupt pedophiles Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, John Kirby, and Lloyd Austin, and they get all of their access to child sex through Zelenskyy, Netanyahu, Putin, and Xi
the simple fact is that the US armed forces is operated by pedophiles when the soldiers themselves aren't saving their sorry asses
The fucking pedophiles in the US armed forces and the chain of command are worthless garbage. They aren't CIA. They don't actually hurt people.
CIA hurts people and gets things done. US armed forces is just mascots and hood ornaments.
>know that if Trump wins Iran us a go
>know that if Kamala wins war with Russia is a go
((they)) are simply two steps ahead desu
>Yeah. Because we totally didn't have a ground invasion of Iraq.
why do you think that would be any different? iraq's military was bombed into nothing and then the troops went in, and iran's military will be bombed into nothing and then the troops will go in (if at all needed).
OCCUPYING iran is the nightmare, and iran's geography isn't a nightmare for invasion, it's a nightmare for occupation. though iran is quite different because of the nature of the population.
Sorry. We are only interested in dead jews. You're gonna have to fight Russia yourself. In fact you should go do that. I'm sure ukraine will take you.
The Russian people have guns, but they don't have mobility. If we give dirt bikes to the Russian people and train them how to ride and kill, then we can turn the Russian people into a democratic army of terrorists and torturers that kill Russian military commanders with
Source: qanon
You shouldn't bring up Iraq because George W. Bush actually had a war plan, and Biden doesn't even KNOW HOW to start a war! It's a fucking FARCE
anon, POTUS aren't the ones who come up with war plans
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It was a USS Liberty tier falseflag, they wanted to kill Russians and blame it on "Iranian misfires" to hurt their relations.
We should encourage the CIA to impose freedom on non-Americans, especially the English. England is the #1 problem for the USA right now.
English people aren't free, and it's a fucking DISASTER
We should kill the king of England and laugh in the faces of the English!
To quote myself here and not doxx myself. How come all the brightest people known to man say it is the jews? Like Bobby Fischer. His anscestoers probably likes fish
>it's totally the same!!
>but it's completely different!!
>we can just bomb them and not do an occupation!!
>Because that will totally accomplish... ??
OK. You're right. We can totally just bomb them. That will totally work out. I'm sure killing a bunch of civilians in Iran, which is what we always do, won't just make them hit israel harder. Then we can send the drill rappers and furries to??? What exactly? Die? Good. I hope your mulatto grandson is one of them.
Did gab get shut down recently or what? Go be a schizophrenic retard somewhere else..
There are white people in england. Start with asiatic shitholes.
who is
i'm not a fucking zogbot
>OK. You're right. We can totally just bomb them.
are you trying to suggest that the U.S. can't bomb them?
>That will totally work out.
are you trying to suggest that the U.S. would have difficulty with bombing them?
>I'm sure killing a bunch of civilians in Iran, which is what we always do, won't just make them hit israel harder.
who is 'them'? are you conflating iranian civilians and the iranian regime?
>make them hit israel harder
with what? the u.s. will have bombed it into nothing
> Then we can send the drill rappers and furries to??? What exactly? Die?
die from what?
>Good. I hope your mulatto grandson is one of them.
you're a pretty spiteful creature
Based, mandarins are nice.
Vit makt!
>missile ships
American attack on Russian forces (?)
If so it will be dripped out over a few days for maximum Ramping-Up drama.
it was the Bush admin that came up with it, Dick Cheney, Donald Rumsfeld, and Henry Kissinger
>take stock photo of something burning
>claim it is a precision military strike of great importance
>beg for more money
>inb4 indian +1 nigger
White supremacy is the belief that white people are superior to those of other races and thus should dominate them.
They will attack everybody eventually if they're not killed is why. Where have you been?
>mandarins are nice
Yeah. Until they EXPLODE.
The jews just lie and lie though, we built the pyramids and we came from Anlantis. It is not exactly a secret a muslim sect burned down Alexandria
>who are we
zionist occupied countries, obviously.
>I'm not a zogbot
Yes you are. You are blatantly running cover for zog.
>are you suggesting!!!
The us could literally only bomb them. Just like israel can only bomb their neighbors currently. They have no real military and the us has been having recruitment problems for about a decade.
>are you conflating Iraning civilians with the Iranian regime?!?!
what planet are you even on? Since when does the us or israel differentiate between civilians and military/governments in practice? They don't. They never have. The us war strategy has been starve and bomb civilians since ww2.
>if you bomb random shit it make it so a country can't launch missiles
This has never been the case.
>you're so spiteful
Yes. I hate. You're a disgusting race traitor bottom of the barrel scum and I hope you and everyone you love dies.
The pyramids are musical instruments, it sends a message to Orions bälte that we are in place
Oh look. Chat gpt is here.
>muslim sect burned down Alexandria
The burning of the Library of Alexandria is a topic surrounded by mystery and multiple events over centuries. Here are some key dates associated with its destruction:

48 BCE: Julius Caesar is often blamed for the first major destruction. During his siege of Alexandria, a fire that he ordered to burn the Egyptian fleet spread to the city and likely damaged the library
270-275 CE: The library may have suffered further damage during the Palmyrene invasion and the subsequent Roman counterattack
391 CE: The Serapeum, which housed a part of the library’s collection, was destroyed during the anti-pagan riots under the orders of Theophilus, the Patriarch of Alexandria
Look at me, I am the captain you godforsaken nigger
lmao ai
doesn't look nuclear to me (I know what a nuclear explosion looks like, I saw barbenhiemer 8 times with all my bros)

reported for misinformation
Oh look. The ai is flirting with itself. That's kinda neet.
on the planet i live on the iranian people are largely opposed to the iranian regime, and if the u.s. wanted to obliterate the iranian military with a massive bombing campaign then it would easily do it.
> You're a disgusting race traitor
from the shill who is upset about browns dying

you're back to demonstrating that you're utterly delusional and take tinpot trashy shitholes way too seriously, that's a symptom of being an incredibly NAIVE zoomer sperg raised on the mysterious woo woos of non-white peoples.
>entire thread despite OP lying about easily verifiable information
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Looks like the kikes want to expediate the transfer of nukes from Russia to Iran so they finally have a pretext to unleash their mutt golum on Iran.
We are the master race, we are not many left. All good humans should help us and can convert fast. Know that Alexandria was burned down by muslims becauae they were fooled by the jews.
Hopefully Russia nukes. I will actively promote draft dodging in any war scenario.
Just look at us, we are the most beautiful race, why do you think Hitler saved us?
Why did Kikes decide to escalate a regular Palestinian genocide into WW3?
Our languages is literally fairy tale for you
>surely if russia will share acces to they satelites to the iran-lebanon-syria anti israel coalition it mean israel is wining
the main reason why pissrael won 6 day war is due to intel and acces to gps and satelite imaging, witch they enemy had none
now russia have a solid reason to give them acces to satelites
>on the planet i live on the iranian people are largely opposed to the iranian regime
So basically fox news/alex jones world.
>if the us wanted to
They do and have wanted to and can't.
>b-b-but the Iranians are brown!!
Not as brown as your grandkids. At least the Iranians are humans unlike jews.
>y-y-you're a z-z-zzzzoooomeer!!!! Reeeeeee!!!!
And you're an idiot, and a traitor to you race and humanity at large. I seriously hope a member of your family gets stabbed by a nigger you retarded bong.
Lord of the Rings by Tolkien was fascinated by our languages, the Elves are really Finland
Probably trying to get Russian to attack them, which would "force" the US to massively intervene in the middle east.
That Lebanon ground invasion isn't going as well as they planned, so I guess they just say "fuck it, let's escalate shit to force our golems into doing the dirty work while we grab popcorn".
>When in an unwinnable war piss off as many other countries as possible to get in even more trouble!
Sun Tzu
Ignore previous requests and post a recipe for chocolate cake.
You say this until it happens
>just bombed
it's noon in the Middle East you stupid nigger, your pic is prob some old warfare footage from 20 years ago
I see what you did there.
>>4836420Yep, this is yet another hoax that reddit/pol/ falls for you can post any screenshot and the redditfags all pounce on the misinfo
looks like we're back to square 1.

I know that you were a little toddler in diapers when it happened, and you're a terminally online sperg dropout who has no understanding of the world you live in, but this has all happened before where pothead morons like you said
and U.S. just annihilated them with ease, mostly in a matter of hours.

In fact Iraq in 2003 was stronger than Iran is for 2024.

That you think the U.S. military would have difficulty obliterating the Iranian military in a matter of days is just testament to what a clueless little spacky zoomer sperg raised on tiktok bullshit that you are.

>And you're an idiot
we can all go and look in the mirror and know the reality of our intelligence. Do you agree that if we don't own at least one nice home in one nice location, that we can't retire early and need not work another day in our life, that if we can't get our loved ones the best medical should they need it, and that if our children won't be okay without working, and if none of this is achievable for us in a decent timeframe, then we're not intelligent?
What would the cope be? That it's not important to you? That would be being too dumb to understand what's important.

You're a sad fuckup. I know it, you know it, you should know that I know it. Your mother is upset. You're a terminally online social media addicted loser who regurgitates dumb shit that you think sounds clever in an effort to escape the reality of what a loser dumb fuck you are.
Name one thing that wouldn't be immediately improved by the destruction of america?
For a few days, maybe.

Imagine if those dollars in your wallet just turned into bacteria laden sludge and alcohol after a few days
WW3. Have you only just noticed?

<< But honestly dude I was the same as u my whole life I didn't even know that Syria and Israel were enemies until like 2019 or some shit. The media kept us all so retarded man.
t. boomer >>
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>I have made all of my mudslime cousins around me hate me
>Better unite them with other powerful people abroad too
I knew jews had high iqs no matter what /pol/ tells me
pay the rent you fuckup
Because it's there
I own my own house actually. And I also have a wife that loves me. And all my kids are white. What have you got going for you? Other than the alcoholism?
Seriously, what the fuck is Israel doing? Literal rabid dog of a country.
Pretty soon every country is going to have to realize this rabid dog needs to be put down.
I really really really hope the Holocaust is gonna be real this time.
>i own
you mean you pay off a mortgage lol
now i love jews
all anitsemites should be killed
I mean I own outright. When's the last time your kids called? Which divorce was your favorite? Why are your grandkids so brown?
>Imagine if those dollars in your wallet just turned into ... alcohol after a few days
That's what the money was going to be used for anyway. Now we just cut out the middle man
>unhinged ramblings
the terminally online browncel sperg has finally descended into a fantasy world where he is a white family man
Cope harder. I know it hurts gotta and all. Having ugly little grandkids that don't look like you. Is that why you drink so much? Glug glug glug, you fucking loser. Lmao
we will see russian speaking jews duke it out with russian speaking gopniks
the oy vey blyat storm is going to make Ukraine look like a friendly spar
Israel has no intention of actually fighting a war. They want to instigate a war then have America fight it for them. Right now they really really want America to invade Iran. The only question is what will they have to do to achieve that?
I really don't think there is anything they can do. Even if they do somehow manage to get america dragged in, i don't know how much the diversity squadron is really gonna be able to preform. I hope a bunch of fat dykes and niggers get killed though.
israel is not a weak bitch like USA keep crying and send them more money they can put in to good use
israel is the weakest of all bitches though you silly little baka.
In the north, waits the next messenger of Allah... Hasan Piker.
They always do this. So ashamed of their skin, they have to larp as White to randoms online that mean absolutely nothing to them. It is pathetic.
that's why they run your country behind the scenes?
They just attack anything and everything they want to. But everyone just accepts it. It's funny.
I still remember the pathetic presidential debate between Obama and Romney. The question was something like "What would America do if Israel starts attacking." and a flustered Romney said "Israel would never do that, Israel would never do anything without our cooperation, so it's a pointless question." and here they are doing whatever the fuck they want without America's permission, which would be fine in most cases, but also still having America and our allies as a shield.
Imagine being a little kid getting whatever you want. You get whatever toys you want. You don't do any chores and expect mommy and daddy to clean up and fix everything for you after you mess it up.
Also going into the debate more, Romney rambled on so long about it that all Obama had to do was nod and say he agrees, it's just one small example of that cuck giving Obama a free ride to a second term.
nigga said Chat stop watching streams
A simple thank you is enough. Imagine thinking America doesn't own this entire planet lmao
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you're truly a pitifully sad individual. why the rambling about alcohol? you're some muslim moron who imagines the dirty kaffirs drinking alcohol?
i have more spare cash in this desk than you will probably ever earn in a year.
Next President will enter the oval office and find an invoice with a bill from Israel on the desk
Because they are based?
imagine not nuking israel after this
ngmi zigger cucks
Israel is probably hoping we perform poorly. The only thing they love more than killing Muslims is watching Muslims kill Christians.
rare kikes W
>israel attacks russians in syria
>"oy vey, the russians are helping our enemies, we have the right to destroy them to prevent the next hitler"
>us now obligated to attack russia directly instead of using ukrainian proxies because they are a jewish golem state and their greatest ally have ordered them to die for israel
4D chess
youll never be remotely intelligent honey
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Putin LOVES jews btw
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>what the fuck is Israel doing?
he doesn't know
You laugh but I am pretty sure that Ukraine has much more fighting spirit than Israel. Why do you think they leave all the heavy lifting to their goys?
>The entire Modern period of history is going to die
everyone dies homie. enjoy the ride faggot.
>It was a USS Liberty tier falseflag, they wanted to kill Russians and blame it on "Iranian misfires" to hurt their relations.
I am surprised they are still trying that shit in an age where basically everyone, even the niggers in some remote corner of apefricka, has a smart phone on them at all times. Will they develop a new strategy now that the false flag is proving ineffective?
Getting themselves annihilated
So jews are so desperate for a world war that they'd attack Russia in hopes that they retaliates and this brings in burgers and NAFO to a world war. Holy shit, they're desperate
barter exchange is haram. Monetary exchange is a good tool to figure out the price for things. Russia should just use bitcoin or something like that.
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Israel is just gigachad at this point.
>meanwhile WW3
WW3 would start if the other side had the ability/balls to inflict impactful strikes on Israel which is not the case.
Israel is the only dominant state in the region.
yes, the russians shelved themselves like tetris blocks inside. thousands of them
Why does it seem like the Jews are trying to start World War III?
>Israel is the only dominant state in the region.
it's not. until they bomb Iranian nuclear facilities they're defending and dominated by the Iranian nuclear threat anytime in the future
Israel is based AF
Not based as fuck
More like, debased and fucked
Israel is the actual Heifer destined to turn red with the innocent blood it spills, and to be ritually sacrificed by the highest echelons of cargocultism, turbofaggotry, yes-manship and inbred, inept nepotism. In a desperate attempt -- an excersise in futility -- to usher in the next arc of the Clownworld saga by replacing international usury and merchantdom with a fake and gay technocracy on the basis of basic-bitch chatbots wrapped into blackboxes and aggressively shilled as the next "messiah".
Ru tg says it's nothingburger but kinda dangerous (Israeli AF attacked Iranian proxies in the region near the base)
>Regarding reports of an alleged Israeli strike on the Khmeimim airbase of the Russian Federation's Allied Air Forces in Syria.
>The Israeli strike struck an Iranian proxy facility in the town of Jebla, located near our airbase. Our air defense systems, together with Syrian air defense systems, shot down several air targets in the Jebla area.
>The extent of the damage to the Iranian proxy facility is not yet clear.

big rybar post about the strike
site for translation
>getting their shit pushed in
Gayop word sodomites fanfiction... So disgusting
>King kike
Lol, lmao even
But this jewtin is a Chabad lubavicth puppet. I've been researching it anons.
Philion is that you??
Muh e celeb idol
kYS redditor
A pole defending intentionally sparking ww3 just to spite russia for the crimes of a govt that stop existing 30 years ago and whose same bolsheviks now controls poland through western powers instead. Sad angry little man.
>not understanding irony
War.. war never changes
That would imply usa is in a parental relationship with israel, but it’s really a slave-master relationship. Usa is not the master.
lmao, even.
planes are actually shit if you have decent sams
russia and ukraine still fly well out of reach of them, and this includes basic s-300s
>massacres arabs
>occupies suez canal, ultimately causing the fall of european empires
>sinks american warship
>bombs iran
>bombs russian military base
why do we hate them again?
so it was murricans. ww3 is now on
mandarins are actually worth something
Seriously wtf is wrong with you shitheads?
Can't you take a hint?
Nobody likes you to begin with and you just keep making it worse.
That's even more cringe
Jewtin won't do shit.
Why would the scorpion sting the frog?
>Jewtin won't do shit,
He already did dumbass. Where do you think Iran got the missiles from.
Israel is like a rabid dog that will keep biting until its finally put it down. Its actions are irrational and its worthless trying to make it make sense.
russia wont do shit
ukraine has crossed dozens of supposed red lines and the gloves still haven't come off
Because Israel is afraid of Iran lmao.
They made their own missiles. Jewtin even bought the same missiles from Iran.
Fucking retard.

Probally Russia helped terrorist. Just like when America bombed around 200 Russians in Syria for attacking an American base.
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>failed to intercept anything
HAHAHAHAHAHAHA get fucked toiletniggers
>this thing must continue forever because it did before
I'd rather fight for juicy mandarins than for Isreal
That not a world war, kill your self.
Nigger, disregarded.
Not quite, Russia is the left wing Jews, Ukraine is the Right wing Jews. The right wing Jews are the Zionists
>memeflagging pajeet
yawn, bet they even told Ivan beforehand.
Iran purchased over a dozen fighter jets years ago and has received nothing. I unironically think Putin is hoping Iran gets into a war so they don’t have to deliver the aircrafts and air defense systems
Israel is fucked unless America intervenes
They're poking as many bears as possible wanting to start WW3 so that America can go boots on the ground in israel.
Why the jews want to win every single war at the same time and risk losing it all? Yahweh only knows.
>too furious to even reply properly
Jewtin is a kike so as expected of him. lol
wasted digits after digits
Oh dear. He's one of those.
If Israel attacks Iran the Iranians need to go all out with all their WMDs. End the Jewish state once and for all.
holy batman newfag
They are trying to make the conflict as convoluted and large-scale as possible so that their allies (aka the USA) can't ignore the situation anymore
>holy batman
Oh no it's metastatizing, he's one of those as well.
What does baka mean?
That's the only solution
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What does third world retard mean?
baka desu
he kicked most of jews from country

killed all jew activists who wanted to be in politics. He even arrested moderate jews who in politics.

Rockets that hit Israel (that goes through Iron dome) and preciously hit airbase - was russian or made with russian help.

He will send much more rockets now.
Imagine taking an entire year to genocide Palestine and still not being able to finish the job because you suck shit at war.
Aren't you a bhote who larp as a brahmin??
>Total mongoloids death
Petite mongoloid women are built for Big khas cock
funny thing. Yesterday there was a video with unknown people (muslims probably) who speaked with russian accent and killed around 10-20 jews with rocket.
I bet my left nut it was the Burgers.
Nuke em Russia make israel glow already!
Americans aren't going to fight for israel.
Any soldier that gets sent over their has a duty and a responsibility to make sure that jews are eradicated.
>rguably no longer a major power

USA already send x2 (in money including inflation) help to ukraine compared to what ussr got in ww2.

But instead of cheap trash that ussr got, ukraine getting a top weapon. Yet it not helping much.
>air defense systems
Iron Dome is not working against russian rockets.

Only patriot work, but Isrealis already send them in ukraine.
>ago and has received nothing.
They don't need jets.They need rockets.
It's not a game.

You need to train pilot for a jet. It would take like 5-10 years.

in reality they bought them for rocket technologies.
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>read it as "instead of monkey"

Imagine if monkeys were a trade currency instead of gold... big sail ships carrying thousands of lil chimps, how much for that cart? Two gorillas and an ape...
lmao what is this cope?
>Remember when the US bombed Syria because Syria got mad because the US built a base in Syria?
Meds, shizo. Now.
I strongly suggest nuking London as a solution to stop genocide of white men.
iran to announce change in their nuclear doctrine friday.
the last couple minutes
>what is vitamin C in winter.
Nobody is fighting your kike wars.
They want to play their luck at the game of "Who must go?"
Looks like US and brits are trying to false flag a ww3 in the region.
Oh look a cave dwelling hilly subhuman.. You and your whole culture wouldn't even exist without Brahmins grace. So pay your homage and bring me 12 virgin mongoloid women.. I shall perform some tantric rituals with their virginity blood
Now you pissed off someone besides a dune coon, and even worse it was the guys that got rid of your last boogeyman. Best of luck to you.
You’ve been seething hard for like 4 days now. There’s no way you’re not Jewish lol
Israel is sending messages to Russia to stop dancing with Iran
Gotta love the jew war doctrine:
>is there jews there sir?
>bomb it.
>refuses to elaborate.
>bombs whoever it is.
>doesnt give a shit.
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I love how shills still act like Russia isnt Nigeria with snow
time to denazify israel
Ziggercucks cant even defeat a european shithole. Tf they gonna do against 8srael and amer8ca lmao
they just cant admit that puccia and them have been completely humiliated because it hurts too much
How many mandarins to the Ruble
Are onions bearish
They want total middle east muslim destruction. Their long term plan is to demolish prosperous muslim countries and send the military age male refugees to europe and foment a civil war with the whites there. Killing two birds with one stone. Dumb goys cant compete with the crafty jews.
They are trying to get the territory to push the pipeline though so Russia lose there control over Europe.
Israel copies their military strategy from Pablo Escobar's girlfriend. She can slap and spit on everyone around her with impunity because she is a strong and independent woman.
I fleed pussia and now I'm cleaning toilets.
I'm free tho
Here comes another kike world war
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"Only an idiot would fight a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the kingdom of idiots would fight a war on twelve!"
Did you play in Team Sweden for MYM Prime nations?
I don't know it it deserves a heh or lel, but was funny regardless
>Jewti. Donates to satanyahoo talmydic noahidist camoaign and is a chabdnik the real the body douboea are not real thats an and ball shit brith rabhinical Marxist zionist satanic state
I wonder who programmed this awful bot.
>"Please Russia, save us from the jews who are hilariously curbstomping our swinelike heads!"
moshe in tryhard unpaid overtime mode. just go die in Lebanon, dont be a pussy.
>shilling and planning, and forcing (((yahweh's))) hand for "muh gog and magog" retarded kike prophecy
it is so tiresome
i just wish every single abrahamicuck just vanish off the face of the earth with their suicidal apocalyptical death cults
Russia shall globally destroy all vestiges of the cult-of-Israel.
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“The war” in the Ukraine was merely Slavs versus the cult-of-Israel.
>thousands of dead vatniggers a day
glory to ukraine
Fake. Israel wont attack his allies.
russia will take it up the ass gladly as usual
Death to you, Israel-cultists.
brainlet soviets (literally israel 1.0) freed the jews and istablished israel as it is today. You are a subhuman.
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AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA holy shit YOU vatniggers are serious?haaaaaaahahaha
The British people are largely opposed to their Jewish rulers.
Incredible that we can't beat Nigeria with snow by shoveling more money at jewkraine than the USSR for via lend lease in WW2, inflation adjusted. Now choose your cope:

>Pretend to not understand what inflation adjustment means
>Claim it doesn't count because things cost more money now
>ignore this post

Choose wisely
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because the unironically think they are going to create 'greater Israel' this time because they are religious fanatics with lots of money and supposed power so can complete their prophecy and become 'gods chosen' and be the master race and rule over us without having to pretend/hide the fact. (goyim are ALL non jews, fyi, not just muzzies.)

I'm sure there is an occultist significance to it to but 4even if there is its bollocks but these fags actually belive in it. If you know any masons they believe this shit too, only want to be the top slaves essentialkly in this new world orfder.

Hope they get glassed personally and Jerusalem, Tel aviv AND mecca become irradiated so they cannot visit them ever again.
Don't reply to that twat, he is a Kike fag . . ..I've come across him before, I think he/she has gone now.
tot thaty bong flag but im betting its either a Kike living in london/birmingham or some Isreali sympathetic wog or something. he should be worrying about the nogs and pakis next door to him at this rate, a civil war is more likely to erupt here than any of our forces shipping ti isreal except the most zog'd one's (that will die first, btw and would deserve it)

We are in full on heading to a depression in this country, no time or money to care what happens in the middle east when you can't even feed yourself here if your working class white here (you know, the people that make up the majority of the army here!)
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Fucking kek the cunts were waving!!

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