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Russians are fucking retarded holy shit. No safety rail or anything. I’m surprised nobody has died before this
Why are they retarded when it was the terrible infrastructure that caused her death?
Maybe we should bring this technology to Australia so all the NPCs that don't look where they're going will get culled off
>No safety rail
Look again. The safety rail is just about above knee height.
Nobody died before because you have to be really stupid to trip over it.
That's not Russia, Nafotroon.
That's Georgia.
Why spam and lie, it won't make me fight for Ukraine for WW3 anyways
Good. A bit of natural selection.
They build it and decided to not add railing their retarded for not thinking of something as basic as railing retard
>georgia, caucasus
only montain niggers would make something like this.
russia built it, ivan
AI image?
It really is a sign of people who don’t think very far beyond the basics.
>no government mandated protection for retards
>no government mandated protection for drunks.

Whats wrong with that?
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No it was actually Putin himself.
Anyway hohol, here how it underground entrance looks in my town, notice anything
I hope you fall from retarded nigger architecture
why are you such a retard bruce?
So... Is Georgia now part of Russia? TikTok morons die everyday, it's called natural selection, she was 27 for God sake why is she behaving like 10-14 y old
They built the infrastructure you fucking moron
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That's very unsafe. You might think it's not a big deal, but what happens when some top-heavy 400lbs drunkard topples over your barrier? Huh Ivan? You don't care about the innocent people?
Some chick died filming herself. She fell
There is a raised wall, it just blends in at a glance
nicely manipulated image abo cunt. still a retarded design by retarded commies.
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>notice anything
huge fan of the handicap death-ramp you got there, lmao. why is soviet/russian infrastructure always such dogshit?
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based retard
Her blood be upon her.
>something build once cannot be changed
Installing any kind of anti retard protection lies on Georgian's side and its not a big deal to do some drills and install some sort of fence
In Poland we had few cases of women driving their cars into passages like this even though they were secured like>>483639614 related. You can't protect underground passages from women.
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I'm suprised how many retarded hohol shills are from canada but also not surprised at the same time
Russia seems like they let nature control for if you drink too much vodka.
Kek wtf how did this get approved? I guess the memes are true about Russia being fucking insane.
It's only a problem if you're retarded and don't look where you're going. Perfect for filtering niggers and spiritual niggers imo.
Are you retarded or really young? We have these slops around here too. Mostly used by people with strollers. The build elevators but it is necessary to have these slops anyways because retarded niggers fuck with the elevators and they are out of order most of the time. It’s like you faggots never went outside. And don’t get me started on our old cities
Russians are retard animals without any brains.
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We should be importing these designs. We could rid ourselves of narcissistic tik tokers.
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Its from Georgia, it was built AFTER soviet union, by GEORGIANS. But russians taught them how to hold a hammer so we are at fault ofc
makes sense I never seen something like this in my life
yeah Aussies would definitely be fucked. OP is a shitcunt.
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The wall always get them in the end
It's not a handicap ramp, it's for strollers, bicycles and luggage.
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Russia sell Georgia bad design
>no safety rails
people living in nanny states be like
Well it was a drunk russian woman who died so
Bruh.. that looks dangerous as fuck. Put a fucking wall over that subway entrance. Bonus, you also avoid illegal Mexicans.
Ukraine maybe, i could easily find same metro entrance there. I couldnt in russia, worst offenders were twice the height if not more and often had decorative fence ontop. Im sure we have some retarded unsafe metro somewhere tho
Even out shithole does this properly. Why is it so gigantic btw? A car fits in that entrance. Usually they're purposely small so that doesn't happen.
Not to code at all
Cope retard
Lol what a piece of shit
ebin :DDDD
It's on the front page of recent kaotic
You guys should see the pointless airport terminal sized subway stations we have here, take you 10 minutes to even walk from the street to the station. At the very least you have to enter an entire building.
That's still dangerous. Why is the wall so tiny? Someone could easily trip on that tiny wall.
Impossible unless you're 2+ meters tall or something
Normal countries have a fence over the tiny wall. You could do that too.
Are you trolling with stupidity? This is Georgia, western pet state for a long time.
It would at the waist level for average height adult, impossible to trip.
You can't stop retards from trying tho, even if there was an additional fence.
Oh yeah? Why am I finding this shit design with a regular image search?
>Russian thot died while making a vid to the song "the last time"
I give her credit for going all the way with it.
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Ok retard, this is how you do it: hip height. Are you all midgets? Dont know how to make concrete not 3ft wide for some reason? Hear of rebar? Forms?
the soviets were extremely retarded and corrupt. you can find this shit in all the former ussr shitholes. I don't fault the georgians for this, this is 100% russian infrastructure issues
>It would at the waist level for average height adult, impossible to trip.
Bull. Men have their center of mass at their belly button.
It's impossible to protect retards from their own retard actions. Keep it as it is.
I get that you think that's enough but it's not. This is how you do it properly. Small stairs, big wall, with handles in case you're very retarded so you can grab to something. I don't know how others do it but this design appears to be common in Europe and USA.
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there is no unified design but I've never seen something as retarded as georgian one.
You can actually indeed trip over that tiny wall.
That one is ugly but it's okay
>>483642328 see:
Obviously the western version is still barely enough and some nigger could still push you iver this 4ft wall.
Yeah same here desu, there are only a few of the ones I posted in the whole subway system. Most are in buildings.
And then the railway itself doesn’t have any protection so fucking crazy ass nigger can push you onto the tracks
I don't know man, this one looks totally fine to me >>483642133
>some nigger could still push you iver this 4ft wall.
well get rid niggers then
Yeah but it's better than a tiny wall with enough width to fit a car. The stairs thing is usually done because you can't fit a building.
Soviets were multinational, not exclusively Russian. Let alone the government of republics, it was mostly locals. Also
>it's dem ruskies fault we couldn't fix this shit in 32 years
Nigger tier.
it filters out subhumans... kinda based
That isn’t Russia you stupid fucking retard. That’s Georgia.
>it's the ruskies fault
yes. the ruskies are still at the head of the Georgian government, unfortunately for the Georgian citizens. Georgia Dream should have fixed it, but they were too busy using the money to buy dachas in russia
Yes, it was Russians engineering and building everything in USSR, in each republic, in each town. And after finally getting free from Russian yoke, Georgians couldn't fix it and build anything new.
Hey member how zigger shills massively spammed their crap about that mcdonalds box at the funerals of a fallen ukie soldier? Check this out, ziglets, why dont you spam this pringles can? Oh yeah right you dont because youre not paid by your "Кoмaндa И" FSB handlers to do so
yes, handicapped people sit at home and drink vodka
they have no business going out without working legs anyway
Wondering when someone would notice.
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it's almost like you're both the same thing with the same traditions and shit..
God that's tacky as fuck
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Russian metro has either full cover with roof and shiieeet or decorative fences, ukrainian metro is identical to georgian but even ukrainian metro has walls twice the height. You can't blame bloody russians for everything
ah you are one of those retards who think this is russian meddling
She wasnt a zigger, dont insult REAL ziggers like that. she was libtard liberaha who run away to tbilisi, of course she shares same values as ukies
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>getting free from the russian yolk
moskal, nobody believes this
probably glows at night as well kek
Easy, you're stupid.
Yeah they're just getting rid of them here and putting them in the lobby of huge buildings/the basement.
Figures, because it doesn't even remotely resemble metro entrance built in USSR times here. So it's wholly on Georgian monkeys. Not even being able to fix soviet shortcomings, but building straight shit.
A white society wouldn't design this.
>she was libtard liberaha
So a cryptozigger
EVERY "good russian" breaks when it comes to the Ukrainian question. Something as simple as asking "whose Crimea?" makes them show their true zigger colors
>le both sides
Go be a bozgor somewhere else, gypsy, and stop occupying the land from actual Romanians
What the fuck is that transformers shit?
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It matches the station kek
>Yes, it was Russians engineering and building everything in USSR, in each republic, in each town.
Are you saying that the rest of the republics of the USSR were such lazy niggers that only Russians did any of the work? Because that's how it reads.
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>le special nahtsee warriors
Even negative IQ self hating liberaha knows its not yours, funny how that works.
You are a glowie lmao, i was right. You think law about disclosing NGO and banning LGBT is pro russian lmao. Guess what nigger, some countries want to actually be countries.
Its a huge M letter
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georgian liberahas need to step it up
I could have fixed her.
Oh no lol was that inspired by porn in the future? Maybe a video game like Halo or Mass Effect? It looks terrible.
These things exist here and elsewhere too I think
It's also useful for bicycles
If I understand correctly this is more of an emergency thing because people with disabilities usually have elevators to use
But yeah, maybe they reall did mess up the planning in Georgia
But it doesn't seem to absurd to have these narrow ramps for something service related either
maybe this is for some kind of sweeper machine to get down there to clean up the subway station
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It kinda does
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looks very soviety for Poland, I thought they teach you to hate your past
when they put up a rail i hope they dont remove the faded minimalist Nokia tag.
Shh, people who are exactly the same from east of germany short circuit and are incapable of learning this.
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russia stole a fifth of their land and turned them into a puppet state. of course Georgians hate moskals/russia
i would steal that burger and fries in a heartbeat, fuck the sauce tho, its nasty
Like others said they are generally meant for bikes, luggage and other shit that has wheel. Sure you can push a vegetable with them but its going to be hard and you would need 2 people for anything heavy.
>disability elevators
>in russia
nobody tell him kek
If you hate Russia so much why did you dodge the draft and run to Canada, Mykola?
russia does have some seriuosly rundown places but this is clearly an AI image you blind utter retards
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I guess it does somewhat, depends on the photo
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If you hate the West so much, why did you move to the UK, muhammad?
Wasn't that region mostly ethnic Russians? I seem to remember Russia simply issued everyone a Russian passport and said "this is Russia now."
I cant wait for some retard to get their head stuck between the giant M and the top of the wall.
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>Even negative IQ self hating liberaha knows its not yours, funny how that works.
Ah, pidor shows his true colors
Had your mandatory Quran kissing session today yet? Remember, its all by design - your own government owns you and fucks you, imprisons you for naming a war - war, but they smartly created a way for you to canalyse your frustrations by saying "haha we own Crimea, hohol!" on anonymous imageboards. Its kinda like how in China they dont punish people for torturing animals when chinks cook them, thus giving them a way to vent their frustrations. Its just in the case of chinks all this frustration energy goes to waste, whereas with you, russian, your government owns you even in that regard, since you do their shilling bidding for them for free, like some jannie. Dont think about it too much! And remember, the Quran waits.
On the right: a car small enough to fit in the entrance.
The giant pointy M of death just gets worse. You guys seriously live in hell,
Honestly it only needs a higher wall because cars and motorcycles could get launched into there. This would have to have concrete barriers or landscaping boulders in the way here or jeets would be in there every single day.
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fuck off ukraine, we are full
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I don't get it. What is the issue? All our metro stations and underpasses look loke that as well. What is the problem? Did OP got tricked by an illusion that the pavement is level and not raised or something? The part in red is raised a meter or so above the road.
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Gyat zamn kino...
Rest in piece warriors, i kneel to your might...
Nah sorry, i was to busy raping hyhyl femboichik, are you cute btw?
Aren't we talking about some rusnigger bitch that died in a train station in Georgia though?

This specific image is real and apparently based on the place where
Rest in piss, social media shitheel lmao
Ikr RIP to all the 6 meter lads
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>Did OP got tricked
>The part in red is raised a meter or so
not in georgia pic rel, its dangerously low
Leaf, you do realise that the Soviet Union wasn't comprised solely of White Russians?
All kinds of Asiatic mongrels were also part of it.
Miracle no one died earlier.
That one wouldn't fit even if you were very careful. I've know how this entrances look like. A smart maybe would fit with practice but most likely you'd hit the wall.
No it isn't and 1m is less than min barrier height here anyway so it will always look stupid to us.
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>gets cornered in argumentation
>the only thing he could think of as a reply is "r-raaape!!! raaaaaape" like some nigger who was born wrong skin color
Kek, checks out
Say "Chechnya is cool", btw, you are legally oblidged to do so (article 282 of russian criminal code)
>russia stole a fifth of their land
Russians made gogis chant Georgia is for Georgians?
Russians made gogi President to call for cleansing of ethnic minorities, on their national television?
Russians made forced them to start an ethnic wars with their countrymen?
Dumb fucking Taras.
are you really that desperate to win empty argument that you (((reply))) without replying? Kinda cute.
i fucking love raping (((white))) ukrainian boys, girls not so much, they do it willingly, loses all the thrill. Its a rape or be raped world in the east my love
And btw notice the cars are going the opposite way of the stairs. That's not a coincidence.
Probably didn't die from that fall IMO, but broke a lot of shit.
Calming colours are used to prevent rapes from the immigrants
Ours are random
No, but the Russia stole a 5th of their land.
Shouldnt have said the P word
What, Poshel Nahui?
>sing a song in russian
>at night
>in Georgia
>while 20% of its territory is occupied by russia
>immediately die
Explain how is this possible
>Their land
Eeeh, nah.
The land belongs to people who live there, who spilled their blood defending it.
If nobody is going to post the video then i truly don't give a fuck and it makes me question why this shit is constantly spammed. Nice picture, but as far as i'm concerned nobody died because there's no fucking video.
The song was "the last time." She just took it too literally.
this is a travesty. this wall should have been at least 6 feet high. we also need 6 foot high walls on all curbs to prevent tiktockers from walking into traffic and being hit by cars. 6 foot high walls on metro platforms to prevent tiktockers from walking onto to the rails. and 6 foot high walls on all piers to prevent all ticktokers from falling into the river. we must protect our precious ticktockers at all cost.
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god takes the best early
>if you die, you win
No it isn't
source: I say so because I will try anything to make you look bad on a Georgian metro entrance safety critique forum
>Russians made gogis chant Georgia is for Georgians?
>Russians made gogi President to call for cleansing of ethnic minorities, on their national television?

Do you have a video? C'mon you said it was on TV.

You ain't got shit you russian faggot because it never happened.
he unhooked didn't he?
why they make graffiti with latin alphabet?
Op Jew lawyer drooling at no rails
Putin is 71 and she was like 20. What did you mean by this?
>no safety rail
However we are at the other end of the spectrum with this. Can't have a porch 1m off the ground on your purchase property without a railing. Absurd
Right, fuck cripples, they are weak and its their own fault, its what Jesus I mean Allah would have wanted.
God bless.
>no one has died before this
maybe its a retard filter and she won
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Based, we need this in burgerland to filter out some of the tards
Real Putin died decades ago, the one in power is a clone found in iranian underground sarcophagus
Take a look, meme flaggot.
clearly ai
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there is some orc propagand apicture that looks bit different from reality. putin is literally feeding ukraine wild life
what is this
you dont know that faggot, it could have been built by ukrainians.
stupid shills. Its funny how ukraine ran the USSR too and shills pretend they the victims.
It's the final match of the parkour world championships.
He's right. Real Abkhazians from a few hundred years ago have nothing to do with today's russian "abkhazians".

Google Colchis, google Iberians - Kartvelian language.
Google some coins from Abkhazian kingdom - Kartvelian language.

Your own history is fake and you keep inventing more fake history for you allies.

Also where's the timecode for >cleansing?
Sending them back home isn't cleansing.
Russians have common sense, unlike westoidniggers like yourself
Based, the chinese population would halve in a matter of days.
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thank you for making it clear.. now i can spit into every face of georgian calling them occupants of Russian soil.
You're genuinely retarded even for a spammer, Vanya. You have zero common sense.
batman cave entrance?
oh look a semite pedophile how original
Oh look a Poo thread, as soon as we exterminate Israel India is next. Get ready Ramjeet.
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There is an elevation, you just cropped out the part where it's visible so that it looks like a whole in the ground. Still kinda dangerous since it's not very high
This happened in Georgia but the Metro entrances in Moscow are often similar
Meant for >>483639395
>We Wuz Kangz n Shiet
Every time i post this video Georgians cope with this.
Downsview is an airport, fag
As you can see russian metro wall is significantly higher
There is nothing wrong with natural selection. If w*stoids imported this technology, the world would be a better place.
>That's not Russia, Nafotroon.
>That's Georgia.
>Why spam and lie, it won't make me fight for Ukraine for WW3 anyways
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Are we gonna talk about this for the next fucking month? We've had about 6 of these threads already. There's a low wall. Yes, she should have paid moar attention. Move on ffs
>Are we gonna talk about this for the next fucking month?
I'm sure another woman, brownling or jew will do something utterly retarded soon enough.
I mean it's still possible to trip and fall if you're drunk or not paying attention at all, but yeah it's definitely safer
Wow, cocaine is a hell of a drug.
That's for babushkas to drag their wheeled bags, Russia is full of babushkas everywhere
t. Bald and bankruptcy watcher
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Stalin invented you.

Georgians were there more than 2k years ago dealing with Rome Emperors. You can only dream of shit like that, which you do.
Lacks lgbt flag plastered all over these circles imo
If nobody died until now doesn't that prove the girl is the one that was retarded?
russniggers didn't have toilets until the 90s
Wasted flag. It should be a BONGPOST
can you come clean my toilet untermensch?
lacks dead rusniggers too
Pshek no one cares about you. Go clean some toilet for 5 zloty
You win the most retarded nigger on pol right now award.
>Russia stole
Abkhazia is historically anti-Russian, if Georgia ever regains sanity Russia would offload the Abkhazians in a heartbeat.
>Why is it so gigantic btw?
It not. It's built for normal sized humasn. Not 1,45m Portuguese.
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seems like the most russian prize possible
>Georgians were there more than 2k years ago dealing with Rome Emperors.
is what Soviet historians said, but modern historians hold the opinion that these were Abkhazians.
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>5 zloty
1.16 euro, seems like an appropriate price for you
bring your own plunger tho
thats actually based you aussie cossack faggot
society for the strong, weak faggots who cant handle their potato juice can drop off
what a fucking shithole jesus christ

This is AI.
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>Soviet historians
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Imagine being so buckbroken by a /pol/ you remake Poolish memes to be about Russia LMAO
>1.16 euro
P*lack iq moment
>be Georgian
>build this sketchy Metro entrance
>no accidents in 30 years whatsoever
>russian queen from moscow arrives
>she probably knows how to build a better entrance and can teach you how to rule you country because she's superior to you
>her ancestors were fucked by mongols for thousand years, their emperors were foreigners, her grandgrandgrand-dad was traded for Borzaya and then in the soviet times her grandpa went into GULAG after the WW2 where he had to storm trenches in a soviet uniform with American buttons

>jumps drunk everywhere like a monkey
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I'm sorry I don't understand your low IQ babble, but here's one of your countrymen in a box
Anon, today's russian "abkhazians" are apsus.

They have different language and they used to live somewhere near, but they have nothing to do with Georgia or its lands.

Just like you have nothing to do with Ukraine or ancient Rus. You're trying to steal other men's history, because your history is non-existent. Sorry.
Seems perfectly fine to me, how do you even fall into that? You have to be at least jogging while staring at your phone screen. This is why we can't have nice simple cars anymore either, because retards like this also require 10 million driving assist systems to even function on the road, and cars themselves need to be built like 2 ton rolling fortresses, if they STILL manage to crash somehow (they will)
uuuuuh that's tbilisi
Now it's Russia tho
Why don't you have roof for your subway entrances?
Wouldn't the whole thing get blocked up by pile of snow over there?
nuh uh it's actually new india with all pooeaters here
>it's actually new india with all pooeaters here
You guys really can't catch a break ;_;
That's only marginally better though, especially considering there's no bright yellow paint clearly marking anything.

To whoever built this, to whoever thought this was a good idea, hear this: You are stupid and I hope a Mexican child with Downs syndrome sneezes in your Fruit Loops.
my zigga we had kangdoms and empires since the times of alexander while your ancestors were living in mudhuts
indians and russians are allies

soon y'all be russian speaking brownies
>Russians are retarded because nobody died without baby proofing the world
Yea, lol

You're the dumbcunt that will jump a curb and crash down a giant hole

In Russia, you do retarded nigger gay jews thing it is your false. Government not give a fuck.
Nice crop job hiding the fact there is a 3 foot tall wall surrounding the hole.
>phone porn addicted coomer can’t believe some people still walk around actually looking where they’re going
GenZ is useless
That's ghetto as fuck.
kavkazians truly are the most oppressed minority
most of the population already speaks russian fluently.
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Nice cope Goga.

If lightning strikes in Georgia - it hits a russian.

You're full
This was in Georgia.
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These threads are glowniggers admitting that Georgia is now Russian again.
like running away like a coward?
>get infrastructure built by others
colonized people are always whiny fuckers
Sauce on webm??
You gonna be a Karen about the amount of salt in their potato chips next? You unrepentant faggot.
Per her family's request, she will be buried in a large cardboard tube topped with a stay-fresh plastic lid.
I know that you were kangz, this is not what I'm arguing here, you genuinely were.
Its just it's not the first time i got that response after posting that video of Gamsahurdia being absolute scum.
And i know that shivving thy neighbor is a long standing tradition of entire Caucasus region.
>one pringles can vs the mcdonalds death cult in ukraine
Find us some more pringles cans and we'll stop laughing at you.
>Gamsahurdia being absolute scum
He didn't say anything wrong. He basically said invaders should go home. Are you stupid?
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How can you not put rails or walls around that obvious death hazard????? The sidewalk leads right into it....
>Have you heard about a little jewish man,
>Who lost the war and kissed koran?
truth be told after kang hereclius 2 we've been led by russians and after gaining independence complete fucking braindead retards vying for power like moment we've gained independence country politicians started turning on each other and caused a civil war which led to shevardaze gaining power and under him in the 90s it was complete anarchy with paramilitaries running around and doing whatever the fuck they want it was fucking mess
russia is a third world shithole if this is news to you, youre a retard.
until some drunk degenerate alc maxxer kicks you to your death teeth first
uhhh muh russians are so based. you can migrate to this shithole if you want. stop living in the west you fools. what are you even for fucking retards sitting in the west crying about it.

>subway entrance
>it's just an open pit in high traffic area
>calls russian invasion of 92 a civil war

Vanya stop
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why are people defending railings?
anyone stupid enough to fall in a hole deserves what they get
stop looking at the slop on your phone and look where you're walking
Georgia's IN Florida, Dumbass!!!
looks AI generated, look
Cropped picture for (you)s
Optical illusion, there is a 2 foot stone wall that blends into the sidewalk
Are those demogorgons at the bottom?
it started before zigger involvement in caucasus before, there was a coup lead by shevardnaze
You mean that KGB pidor who came into power after russians killed your first real president?
We literally have this in Porto's metro. No one died yet.
>Russians are fucking retarded holy shit.
>No safety rail or anything.
need your tard helmet too?
If you know anything about the history of eastern europe at all, this is readily evident to you. "Slav" never was a race and never will be.

These "east slavic" retards behind the carpathians are all descendants of the same ruthenian peasant folk (which in turn descends from the kyivan ruthenians). The ruthenian peasant influence really shows throughout their society as a result, this is where the notion of the "white-skinned nigger" comes from. They really are the dumbest whites. Their women are very beautiful gold digger whores also
Note: "ruthenian" and "rusyn" are two ethnic denominations for one and the same thing.

"Rusyn" (a reference, again, to the kyivan rus) specifically is where the "rus" prefix comes from

I loathe having this blood in my veins, it drags me towards nigger-like behaviour sometimes
>stop looking at the slop on your phone and look where you're walking
reminds me, I once saved a zoomie girl from getting run over by the police, lol
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They know how to fucking drive, Kangoroo.
thats georgia though you anglo kike, kys d&c freak
Georgians are going to rape your mother in her sleep
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We’re a safe low crime index country.
People have common sense and I’ve never seen or heard anyone even a drunk Georgian falling into one of these in all my life living here.
>but muh railings
Just don’t be drunk
Don’t be Russian
Don’t be a woman
Simple as
Because ukraine does not exist and Crem not yours. that's all, pork-chan. Deal with reality already.
I don't think it's what he's saying but it has some truth behind it.
It's illegal to be drunk on the streets. Whatever, you ain't gonna get any compensation for falling over 40 cm wide railing but we'll patch your stupid ass for free.

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