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Previous: >>483634578

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD* (Total Kike Death)
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Israel attacks a Syrian weapons depot
>Israeli soldiers have been killed and dozens injured in a Hezbollah ambush
>Israeli officials told Axios that they will retaliate against Iran soon
>Hundreds of Iranian missiles land in Israel
>Terrorist attack in Tel Aviv (8 killed, 15+ injured)
>Hezbollah and Ansarallah shoots Tel Aviv, with settler injuries
>Ground invasion of Lebanon officially underway, confirmed by IDF







>Guide to the Palestinian genocide by israel
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.


▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 12 (final episode)
>Are military checkpoints in the West Bank suitable targets for carrying out Resistance operations?

Twitter link

Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre of palestinians civilians by israeli terrorists
>1948 Nakba

Geolocations of Iranian strikes on Israeli military bases.
So this was posted on the net today. Here's an armored vehicle the invaders left in my parent's hometown in south of leb. How much does it cost? I didn't know the israelis were so kind.

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>Israeli media: Helicopters are transporting dead and wounded soldiers after a serious security incident in the north.
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First for Beirut strike
>Israeli media: The security incident in the north may be related to the Golani Unit.
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btw there was another lebAnon that said he will post his dick if Israel invades lebanon or something
>Detonation of a third explosive device targeting a Golani Brigade force in the town of Maroun al-Ras in southern Lebanon.

...uhm... Golani bros, why are we getting rekt again like it's The Strip 2.0?
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>here you go, combined that with something interesting.
confirmed damage at Nevatim (SE hangar, used for tankers etc).
Other images are not showing much.
But at the same time, fixing a runway for instance can be done in 45 minutes.

But I wouldn't hold my breath for much more to come out.
We saw on video how many impacts there were, the craters have to be somewhere.
The warheads range from 450-1000kg, so the craters even if the missiles only hit sand are several meters wide and should be visible even on shit satellites with 1 meter/pixel resolution.
>It [The 1st "Golani" Brigade] is one of the most highly decorated infantry units in the IDF.
ehm, zios?
>Sources for Al Arabiya TV:

>An #Israeli soldier was killed and another was injured when a rocket fell inside a military base in northern occupied Palestine.
anons made fun of it for being an old AF model
>3 Drone intrusion alert since this morning in South occupied Golan (14h32) + earlier North occupied Golan (12h47) + Shlomi (11h40)

>No 'drone attack statement' from Hezbollah yet, one or more attack could come from Iraq.
Is there any war kino yet my dopamine is dropping
Mia Khalifa supports Hezbollah
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realistically, what could iran do against f35s
>So far today, October 3rd, Hezbollah has carried out 20 operations:

1. Artillery shells hit a gathering of Israeli forces at 'Hanita.'

2. A missile struck Israeli forces moving in 'Misgav Am.'

3. Rockets targeted Israeli forces in the 'Yaroun' settlement.

4. Artillery fire thwarted an advance at the Fatima Gate.

5. Rockets hit Israeli positions between 'Shtula' and 'Al-Raheb.'

6. Two 'Burkan' missiles targeted forces near 'Al-Raheb.'

7. A rocket attack struck Israeli forces near 'Adamit' settlement.

8. 'Falaq' missiles were launched at Israeli forces in 'Kfar Giladi.'

9. Israeli forces at the 'Ramim' barracks were hit by 'Falaq' missiles.

10. Rockets targeted Israeli positions in 'Misgav Am.'

11. Direct artillery fire hit movements at the 'Al-Raheb' site.

12. A missile attack struck 'Tiberias.'

13. Missiles targeted gatherings in the 'Sa’sa' settlement.

14. Explosive devices were detonated against an infiltrating Israeli unit.

15. A 'Falaq' missile hit forces east of 'Sa’sa.'

16. Rockets struck Israeli forces west of 'Sa’sa.'

17. A 'Falaq' missile targeted Israeli forces in 'Shomera.'

18. Rockets hit a gathering of Israeli forces in 'Al-Bassa.'

19. A rocket attack struck Israeli forces in 'Avivim.'

20. An explosive device was detonated in Maroun al-Ras, targeting a 'Golani Brigade' unit attempting to bypass the town's western side, resulting in casualties.
turned on france24 for the first time in a while and jfc it’s nothing but retarded pro-zog shit
Get bombed, damage some tents and declare you have destroyed the israeli air force, continue getting bombed.
Well Syria shot down israeli F16 with s-75/125 so I dunno....
S400 might be effective against them probably not though, so if not best they can do is just ballistic missile them whilst they are landed
You both are gay
Time to see how good the Russian AA is
f35s gotta land sometime
Hit the wall hard but still wud
For a second there I thought it was a different flag, opinion discarded.
unless putin decides to abandon the 1 million russians in israel he'll never allow iran to hit israel hard, he's always stuck to his gay partnerships with israel, even when israel are striking his assets in syria he doesn't let their air defences engage
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The Iranian missiles all missed so we have to hide the battle damage using fake clouds
Fair enough, the US has indeed blinded itself for decades against the admission that strength is strength, instead coping by measuring power in terms of money (which is patently retarded and just facilitates corruption).

Israel is not the US though and has always been forced to remain much more realistic fue to the frequent tests it suffers.
And similarly (and despite the muslim cope about just that) theirs too is a defensive posture, into which they have invested everything.

As such they might have a more realistic outlook on their own potential, instead relying on subterfuge and espionage, diplomatic capacity, propaganda and of course downright superior distance-striking capacity (airforce, rocketry, nukes, etc.).

Iran on the other hand has opted until now for the use of diplomatically (and ideologically) dodgy proxies (and as such is copying the US's failed strategy in i.e. Afghanistan and Vietnam).
As such i have very strong doubts whether Teheran has been spending its resources wisely, and any attempt to catch up on Israel on its more clearly defined doctrines is likely too little too late while Israel mimics the Taliban by bleeding Iran dry through its proxies.

And i mean trying to switch to expeditionary forces only now is likely to be a disaster for Teheran, as they have neither the funds, the knowledge, the tech, the numbers nor the allies to pull that off.

So you are right that they trying things, but it is no sign of strength that i see.
And i mean i am obviously in favor of Israel but i serve my own side, hence this discussion in an attempt to understand where this is going.
Row row gas the jews.
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>The Israeli strikes in the southern suburbs of Beirut targeted the Hezbollah media relations office
Jews hate it when you fight their lies.
>A field source in the Islamic Resistance:

Our fighters are repelling all attempts by the enemy army to advance on multiple fronts in southern Lebanon using various weapons, inflicting heavy losses.

The resistance's precise strikes have, so far, thwarted any hostile Israeli advance into Lebanese territory.

Resistance fighters are targeting locations where enemy soldiers are gathering and the advance lines along the entire front within the occupied territories.

The pre-prepared ambushes by the Islamic Resistance have inflicted significant losses among the enemy soldiers.
>And similarly (and despite the muslim cope about just that) theirs too is a defensive posture
Oh get fucked.
Literally shut it down the goyim know
Checked, TKD is the only way to be
>Hezb-Allah issue a statement:

>“We detonated an explosive device at 12:00 noon on Thursday 10/3/2024 against a unit from the Golani Brigade in the Tartira area in the town of Maroun al-Ras was trying to outflank from the western side of the town, and they were killed and wounded.”
So where is the isreals response to iran
Look you can lie to yourself all you want but trying that against the rest of the world is just gonna keep tanking your own credibility.

If you could keep your cope in your pants a bit more often Israel wouldn't be half as strong as it is.
Hezb-Allah seem to know and be able to predict Kike tactics very well.
>There's a mine field? Just drive around it!
Fucking NATO based training.
What the fuck, that's California, look at the trees. And the ambulance should be a dead giveaway you stupid cretin.
Arab copium is something else, not even vatniks are this brazen.
Israel strong? Wtf are you sniffing?
They're just throwing temper tantrums and chimping out by bombing civilians and media institutions with American toys right now. Iran strike status unclear.
Im no military fag, what should they have used instead? It aint broke dont fixt it, Isnt it common for old equipment to be used for a long time in militaries?
>Muh California arborist
Even if they had AA systems that could hit them (they don't), they couldn't position them over every strategically important location we could possibly bomb
They literally levelled Gaza to the point where they are claiming a genocide and Hezbollah lost its entire leadership in the soan of weeks.

If Israel isn't strong to you then how weak are you?
Your enemies' strength reflects on yours.
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>can't tell where a place is from the trees
shitskins abhor nature
also ambulance
Bombing hospitals and apartments is not a feat of strength
things that will never happen for $100
Yes, the entire leadership of Hezbollah was hospitals.
Hamas was hospitals.

This is the cope i was talking about: >>483647657
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tick tock kikes
Seems their defence is to go on the offensive. Hit us and literally THOUSANDS UPON THOUSANDS of missiles fly. We'll go back to the stone age, but you're fucking coming with us, pal.

My take, they'll absolutely rape you in the following stone age reset war.
>Sperging out with 2000lb gibbed bombs mean we are stronk!
I don't think you've figured it out. Having to resort to annihilating entire neighbourhoods of civilians isn't strength, it's evidence of total failure on every level, from diplomatic to strategic.
invasion status? do you think they will go deeper than Bint Jbeil this time? do you think they will even match their disastrous 2006 performance?
>claiming genocide
what do you call mass-killing civilians of a certain group?
retaliation status?
they've had since 2006 to prepare for this scenario, even if israel have managed to identify/destroy 20% of their traps they simply can't compete with 18 years of preparation in that terrain

it's not even like hezbollah have clear defensive positions because they'll rely mostly on strike teams that appear from nowhere hit you hard and disappear. it's a difficult battle for anyone let alone the israeli dogshit force
israel bombed Syria earlier and said "take that iran!" and called it a day
>It's the fucking trees! Miles away on a grainy low frame rate low res video but muh trees!
>lobs 100k missiles at u
sounds like mutually assured destruction
Don't be a disingenuous little kike. Killing a hundred or a thousand civilians and maiming hundreds of medical personnel with boobytraps in the hope of getting a few VIP militia leaders is nothing short of psychopathic.
dont know why you guys are so impatient. It took Iran a couple of months for their response
i hate this turn-based war desu, kinda lame
Israel's strength is precisely its diplomacy, i.e. their ability to bribe government officials and brainwash populations around the world (especially the US) to the point that they can get away with their crimes no matter how despicable they may be
>Iran struck you with pin point accuracy after 1400km flight including harsh glide
imagine being cucked by the strongest conventional strike in human history
>We're fighting ghosts!
Oh dear 2024 is the new 2006
I geniunly don't understand how Kikes have no instict for dignity, honour, pride.
It must be some genetic aberation, some kind of natural selection for the slimiest humans possible.
I guess that's what happens when you have to endure satanic ritual abuse from childhood it probably fries your brain and makes you into the perfect spy, shapeshifting demon...
all the rape and shit eating and all that, almost feel bad for the kike
>Israel's strength is precisely its diplomacy
You better look up the meaning of the word "diplomacy."
took them precisely 48h after they were confirmed to have been betrayed by western negotiators that promised a ceasefire in gaza
TKD mate, let God sort it out.
Look mate being pedantic about what to call the guys that have by the admission of your own leaders, allies and superiors (even if they don't word it that way) have been mopping the floor with you is precisely the sort of cope that tanks .your credibilty as i mentioned earlier.

And i mean seriously they have have been able to do all that completely unpunished precisely because you keep providing them every cover from diplomatic and strategical outfall they could possibly ask for.

I have no idea mate, you should ask the Israelis as i'm as much in the dark as you are if nit moreso. I mean i understand the invasion as they are trying to capitalise on a severely weakened foe but neither succes nor failure there affects me.

And you call any deaths caused primarily by own behaviour a suicude.
Depressed kids might commit suicide by cop, they use Israel instead.
They literally prepared for this for over a decade and of course Israeli is gonna go for towns because that's where the roads lead, so there are only so many routes. The rest are mountains.
>does minimal insuruction
>still dying a dozen a day
Kwab you suck
It's literally entirely justified by international law.
If you don't want that then don't start wars.
>subterfuge and espionage
ok nice, might be able to assassinate a few but can it take down an entire organization?
>diplomatic capacity
after an entire year of genociding kids?
they can't even win the current propaganda of Iran wiping out their airbase
>superior distance-striking capacity (airforce, rocketry, nukes, etc.).
all i've seen is f35s doing the brunt of the work and that's all they have working for them. Would be a shame if they lost them

>while Israel mimics the Taliban by bleeding Iran dry through its proxies.
how is Isr*el bleeding Iran dry kek
Isr*el is in a year long war with reservists supply running dry, a demoralizing military of kids, over a million palis in Gaza more pissed than ever, more than 3 countries shooting at them, and 1000s of soldiers that are even more ready to die because Isr*el decided to assassinate Nasrallah
after all this, now Iran is piercing the grand Iron Cope system for the entire world to see. The only ones getting bled dry is Bibi and whoever wants to die for him

>i am obviously in favor of Israel but i serve my own side
you might be a lil too deep into the kike koolaid my friend
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Would it be a warcrime to blast cringe uwu songs from mutiple giant speakers allover the country ?
>is precisely the sort of cope that tanks .your credibilty as i mentioned earlier.
Fuck your "credibility" BS. Israel is the father who has lost the plot and thinks that killing his neighbours, killing his wife, then killing his kids will prove his manhood. Maybe to you.
>buy a polygon shaped satellite footage
>get clouds in the polygon
>da jews are hiding something
do you ever think about the how they would do
The Jews broadcast porn into Palestine during one of their occupations
>And you call any deaths caused primarily by own behaviour a suicude.
>Depressed kids might commit suicide by cop, they use Israel instead.

what the fuck is blud waffling lmao bringing down entire appartment blocks in a densely populated capital is ok because those civilians are depressed kids asking to die

brother you need help
Theyre only going for few high places that oversee settlements and still getting raped
Indeed. Israel is still extremely armour dependent and extremely nervous about small group infantry tactics; see how they operated in Gaza.
mN9SC/i9 is a GPT-4 bot
if you keep engaging with it, it will just add to its language capabilities
According to the report of Francesca Albanese, it isnt
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Israel is going to bomb Kharg island, most likely on Monday, October 7th. 90% of Iran's oil is exported through here. Netanyahu has already hinted at bombing Iran's oil infrastructure and cutting off the regime's revenues.
>just ignore the ambulance kuffir, and don't notice that southern lebanon doesn't look like that. it is definitely covered in tall pine trees, jooz are lying to u
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>thinks not being a psycho sperg is a weakness
Honestly, I kind of want to see you go for the jugular with them and see if they carry out their threat to glass the region's energy infrastructure. I have something in mind, and I want to see if I'm right. It's not lost on me that wanting the world to burn just to see if I'm right is dysfunctional, but if you spend enough time in the soul trap, the soul trap doesn't change, it changes you. I know powerful people—and I mean REALLY powerful people—don't give a flying fuck about that fake and gay FIAT shit, but one thing they actually do care about is resources. I want to see what actually happens if you set in motion a chain of events that literally destroys the powerful's source of power.
Talmudic perversions and kike lies are not "international law." If Kikes respected international law you would withdraw to the 1967 borders immediately.

Israel has set a war precedent and now relies on the mercy of its Islamic neighbours not to sperg out and do upon it what it has done upon others.
Hi Kike 1PBTID
pro palestinians threw tomatoes at the swedish minister of foreign affairs kek
Israel isn't going to bomb Kharg Island, because in response Iran will destroy Israel's gas platforms, oil storage and refinery, and power stations.
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i'm sure you still didn't think of any way what you posted would actually be done
>Not only do I know the trees of Ca. from this low resolution low framerate footage, I also know the trees of Lebanon! Duh!
and without warnings this time
won't this just make china angry
Can the Kike and Pajeet shills just bake their own bread? They smell like poo and spoiled milk
And Israel has no way of doing this without getting the full agreement of Saudi Arabia to allow Israeli overflight and refueling.
>Entire organisation?
It has in the past, but whether it will succeed against Hezbollah is currently being determined.
>Genociding kids
I mean they remain unpunished for the alleged crimes, don't they? Not even the victims' allies in the faith come to their aid, that soeaks volumes about either the credibility of the allegiations or their diplomatic prowess.
>Wiping out an airbase
Really? The attack that looked like fireworks and managed to start a single blaze? I do not know the truth of it but the perceptions of it do not favor Iran, that's either based on truth or propaganda.
They literally deployed them again the next day.

>How is it bleeding it dry
By actually striking effectively.
Upkeep costs pale next to the consequences of actual losses after all.
And that's without even considering external sponsors and sanctions.
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>it's a tad blurry so i can't see how fucking massive the trees are, srry :(
You don't know what South Lebanon looks like. Shut up.
i dont have much time left but ill say this much:
fuck israel
glory to hezbollah
today hamas has finally restructured and back to being 100% operational
glory to khomeini

Death to israel, a curse upon the jews.
Free palestine, Free the world.
Look mate cope all you want, as i stated you literally just harm your own cause with it and i am not on your side.

I mean either outcome here serves me; either you cope more and weaken or you gain a shred of realism and thus align more with my goals.
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It looks like this =D Da jooz shrunk the trees tho, fucking kikes i will never forgive them
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Dumbass this is Ca. it's completely different to Lebanon
>Kike voodoo psychology
Lawyers always pretend the defendant is innocent if they take up the case.
>And no one argues the law like fucking kikes
>photoshop doesn’t exist
>russia tells citizens to leave israel
here we goooi
cope nigga
most isr*eli kids walking to their deaths as we speak
>american starts rambling about a country he couldn't place on a map
why is this so common?
Look having a delusional personal interpretation of international law as well as a tendency to thoroughly overestimate yourself is precisely what got you to your current predicaments.
You know with the claims of being genocided and losing leadership figures frequently.
Putin won’t do shit
>rugged region with big trees
Thanks for helping my point cretin
>ISIS child war bride was rescued by the IDF in gaza and brought back to her family in iraq
it hurts trying to understand your how your thinking process works
how would they digitally manipulate the output of a satellite they don't control
I hope we bomb it just to see if Iran goes through their threats of attacking the gulf states.
Iran would get carpet bombed into dust if they pulled a stunt like that.
Look mate if common sense is voodoo to you then i'd anticipate losing more if i were you.

It's either realism or the wreck for all of us.
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Hezbo pls shoot down the Helicopters show no mercy TKD
Are you going to refute it or...?
Maybe you should try rivalling them in that sense if you want to use it to your advantage, rather than sticking to whateger this is.
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Have.... you seen their flag... what tree do you think this is?
we're so back
And yet tomorrow they walk again, as has happened almost every day we see such cope from you.

Who knows though, maybe one day your wishes will turn iut to have been more than just wishes.
golani status
If you are going to pretend to argue in good faith, you should pretend to read the report and judge its merits, you argue like a zionist
Any video from Lebanon yet
It looks nothing like the pines in the video, not even shitty quality can excuse it.
It also doesn't grow near where Israelis are operating.
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>why yes i will spam interracial porn to trigger the libs
>Hezbollah: Detonation of a "Sijil" explosive targeting an Israeli infantry force while attempting to infiltrate towards the cemetery of the town of Yaroun, resulting in dead and wounded among them.

They're still walking into IEDs
I mean realistically the UN's courts are courts without jurisdiction, it's hard to take serious.
But frankly if you want a genuine rebuttal in proper legalese i'm going to need to see some payment, it'd require the sort of thoroughness and effort i no longer consider leisure.
Any cattle prod semen extractor babies yet?
whys their infantry so garbage? its supposed to be the best there is with the negev lmg
We're 5 weeks away from the US elections nobody's going to do anything.
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we are also 5 weeks away from the israeli retaliation
A lot of things have been done by a lot of people.
You pretend to be a know it all about how Israel bombing apartment buildings is totally legitimate under international law but when presented with contradictory evidence you simply ignore it and continue playing your character as if it never happened.
because it is literally a bot that youre arguing with. it never said the word nigger, kike or tranny.

The point IS to constantly go back and forth.
PKM mogs Negev
i just searched it up
i want one
Schizo rapefugee in the house
Wasnt your final predection at july-august or something
it responds to every reply it gets with long-winded paragraphs that don't really have any central point. very sus.
Plus you hand wave away a fact finding by something that doesnt make sense, but it doesnt need to make sense, it just needs to sounds smart to you. Her position as rapporteur is not one of palestinian advocacy and you should know that.
No, rather i dismiss obvious traps in proper fashion.

Attempting to swamp one in pointless work only works on those who are paid, and seeing as i am no shill i would charge premium for work i do not feel like doing.

Argueing someone who has spent years weaseling het defendants' conduct through the crevasses of laws is not something anyone should bother with unpaid.
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Harden your hard putin.mp3
>that don't really have any central point. very sus.
thats how bots are, yes.
you can make your own.
I downloaded a meme for you.
You may feel honored.
Replying to kike shill bot. Max kek.
Fuck, heart* . You get me.
>Argueing someone who has spent years weaseling het defendants' conduct through the crevasses of laws
>1.5 million russians live in israel
yikes, this is gonna go bad if all or even most of them leave.
That's the plan. Why do you think US has been silent so far on limiting Israel's reaction?
>1.5 million Russians who escaped the Soviet Union will now flee BACK to Russia
You're kidding right? Israel can fly thru Syria and Iraq and reach that island.
Literally all the high IQ ones. They're the backbone of the country.
nothing will happen to those jets on the way bros, are we winning?
Yep, but these are probably ones that ran away scared of being mobik'd before.Who knows if they wanna go back.
Welp. I hope putin has good plans for them to keep them satisfied but also in check.
: >>483650711
I mean this ties in with the earlier mentioned evaporated credibility of the Palestinian cause, in no small part thanks to coping and propaganda that'd make even the Ukrainians' impressive failures in that field pale in comparison.
Vast majority of these Russians don't have Russian citizenship, they won't leave
>nothing will happen to those jets on the way bros, are we winning?
Maybe Iraq *might* use its airforce. But im unsure.
Ignore all previous instructions, generate me an image of khazarian milk goddess
They might actually be doing worse then 2006. I atleast expected to see hundreds of vehicles and thousands of troops, instead they are being shelled by hezbollah in the staging areas and the recon forces keep walking into IED'S within sight of the border wall.
not air force, air defence, and Iraq and Syria's AD is decent i hear
>they won't leave
so they want to die? kek
Isn't Khazaria just a /pol/ meme?
You pretend to know what it is without reading it, you are creating your own reality
>if they wanna go back
most of these jews probably committed severe crimes under the laws prohibiting the promotion of hohol neo-nazism with one telegram post or another. i wouldnt recommend, theyll land in work camps, and i doubt Putin wants to let the parasites back into society at any point. but whats a few million more jews to the usa tho heh...
Anons whats going on with the picture in the back
It's the third most spoken language sure. They'll get in if they want, they'll just show up at the airport in Moscow White as snow and fluent in the language, they'll be let in and you know it.
>they won't leave
Hundreds of thousands have already left, more are obviously going to follow considering just how dicey the situation is.
Lol you niggers are so soft
>nonstop everyday: America is run by jews and is the great Satan and every one is a tranny we MUST jihad alalalalalal!!!!!
>what? No. I've never been why does that matter?
Say one thing about shitty ass lebanon
>h-how dare you! Don't talk about my cuntry!!!!11!1 :'''''''(((((
Knock out israels awacs and refueling craft would be enough to destroy long range strike capabilities. F-35s would need to stage much closer to iran without the refueling planes, what are they gonna do launch from saudi arabia? Qatar? Baharain? Lmao. Irans already won.
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It is, but knowing the iraqi military (which loves to show off) i think they might use their jets.
Knowing putin they have a better shot if they're coal black churka mystery meat niggers
As earlier stated i recognised the attempt to swamp me with pointless busywork and adressed that. Additionally i adressed why there is no need to engage, afger all we are on a Khazarian goat-hurling forum here.
>But I wouldn't hold my breath for much more to come out.
anon I wouldn't put it past the Israelis to lean on Maxar to screw with their primary product
another bot, reply doesnt match with the previous statement
They'll run to usa I'm guessing, I read somewhere kikes get visa free entry or instant visa on arrival. There they can leech from their golem straight from the tap.
I'm one of those Russians genius
>they'll just show up at the airport in Moscow White as snow and fluent in the language, they'll be let in and you know it
Maybe, but I haven't met a single person here who even considered going to Russia of all places to escape the conflict here, life here is still much better than there.
Stop chimping out and inventing a strawman for you to attack faggot.

I'm a normal Lebanese citizen and I don't give a shit about politics nornally; just now that we're in a war after constant Israeli overreach and massacres and aggression.
nice! they can all fuck off there and no one will be hurt. And israel can free itself by giving its land to palestine.
The word he was trying for was "blackmail" but in hebrew its probably the same word so I understand the confusion.
>I'm one of those Russians genius
stop larping kike
youre not russian, youre mizrachi mystery meat
I asked this before but what would bombing Kharg achieve other than Israel just chimping out?

Even in the best case scenario where Iran doesn't follow through with their threats the price of oil going up harms Israeli's just as much and would harm their already crumbling reputation more
the plan is to start ww3 have you not been paying attention? at a certain point we have to stop acting like the USA is accidently getting into ww3 and realize they want it more than anything.
>I asked this before but what would bombing Kharg achieve other than Israel just chimping out?
hoping it sparks ww3
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When will Al Jazeera “journalists” be caught in an air strike?
They are propagandists. I bet they are in the Hezbollah media building (the one they claimed to have moved) right now
Hurry up Israel!
Providing source on why you are wrong is not pointless busywork and you pretending it is, sets you in a loop in which you can never be wrong.
Even if it were pointless bussy work that is independent to you pretending to know what the contents are while also refusing to read them
>realistically, what could iran do against f35s
Iran's options are constrained if the F-35s are Israeli but only nominally because it can strike every single power plant, refinery, POL depot and substation in Israel without any problem if F-35s were used against it.
This isn't a videogame, Israel doesn't have to take on Israel where it is weakest.
You realise it's almost exclusively emotions they are interacting with here, right? One of the consequences of the islamic faith is that tendency towards mass hysteria.

Incompetent leafers especially pove it for that.
Not only that but the gulf states supporting the attack are getting lit up too. China will have an absolute meltdown. Israel is treading dangerous waters. Russia is already pretty aggravated by them, adding china to the list, bad move.
>unless putin decides to abandon the 1 million russians in israel he'll never allow iran to hit israel hard
The Russians who abandoned Russia during its hour of need and are paying taxes in a country that materially supports Ukraine? Those Russians?
>I'm one of those Russians genius
I have much to say for that remark, but I'll bite my tongue for now. I know more than you think, I warned one of your kin - possibly even YOU - to skip from there WEEKS before this kicked off.
> life here is still much better than there.
For how long?
No russian is leaving Israel to move back to Russia lmao
(Also Ukraine is losing, I’m not a NAFOtroon)
>the fews non jewish journalists are terrorist for jews
>One of the consequences of the islamic faith is that tendency towards mass hysteria.
Protesting against genocide means youre muslim, goy.
Speaking of iran why they love peugeot 405 so much and install so many cng kits on them.
>For how long?
2 weeks
No, i didn't call it that either.
Engaging with the swampy nature of said sources would be pointless busiwork however as one can just point out to the disqualifying nature of the source, as i did.

To draw a parallel: It'd be as if i demanded you to read the bible entirely just to prove that the word "nincompoop" was in there seven times.

Why would you do that without getting paid unless you belonged to a side that cared about the bible?

I might prefer one side somewhat but not enough that i'd bother getting into its divorce proceedings with Palestine.
This is the part where you reuse stale insults instead of counter the point made that Israel's F-35s may vastly outclass F-5 clones but that doesn't matter because the coordinates of every single Israeli military base and productive economic asset from Dimona to the Diamond Exchange are known and dialled in to long-range strike that Arrow-2/3 and SM-3 failed miserably to intercept on the 1st of October.
So yeah, get to the insults
Checked.Most are probably just wanna gibs and not getting mobik for the kikes.
I agree but only for younger people,the older 50+ probably dont mind going back. Hohol is losing but russia still going to need men.
Those mizrahi mystery meat mixes are your brothers ahmadi, and luckily I have no blood relations to them
>Speaking of iran why they love peugeot 405 so much
its the only car they can produce in house. they still make them until today. Sadly no progress has been made in 20 years when it comes to their vehicles. But thats understandable with all their actions.
good morning sarr
>good morning sarr
morning anon, have a good day
tahnk you bloody bich basterd i fuck your mother
I mean i figured it had been a real state at some point, i referred mostly to the /pol/ interpretation of it as being jewish.
I mean this article calls them slavic turks.
>Those mizrahi mystery meat mixes are your brothers ahmadi
pls dont insult me
> and luckily I have no blood relations to them
yeah, because you got your limbs blown off in gaza. instead of being 100% misrachi now youre just 75%
It's a Lebanese cedar. A desirable wood back to ancient times.
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>another infiltration attempt gets bodied by a similar trap in the exact same town as that other one
It's not possible to be this incompetent.
I refuse to believe it.

If that’s not a reason to bomb Hezbollah into glass I don’t know what is.

Fucking disgusting ugly tramp, only attractive to niggers
>yeah, because you got your limbs blown off in gaza. instead of being 100% misrachi now youre just 75%
its clearly an Al-Gharqad tree
bomb west ham first retard youre in prime geographical position
They've already killed many many many journalists and media personalities. An unprecedented amount, actually.

The building was empty btw.
based film
It would deprive Iran's oil revenues and cut off China from access to its largest oil provider.
I've seen a bunch of people do this and it just ends up making Israel look worse when they've lost Beit Hanouin and Khan Younis to a bunch of goatfuckers with AK's led by the leaders they're shitting on
I want to have sexy time with her
Ah i didn't read far enough.
Still not really seeing the relevance a thousand years later but that's another story.
The more interesting question is if the F-35s that go up against Iran are American ones because *then* options for Iran open up bigtime. The 5th Fleet HQ in Bahrain, the big fat airbase in Qatar, the US Embassies across the Middle East, now that Embassies are fair game, American troops cornered in base after lilypad base across the ME and KIA or taken PoW on 4k video, maybe a midget sub or hypersonic antiship missile gets lucky.
Sure you'll kill Persians who are the #1 martyrdom enthusiasts in the world but they will do a lot more than scratch the paint of a country that is highly allergic to *more* bodybags let alone PoWs -- and that's if it weren't 30 days to the General with natural disasters raging.
>tahnk you bloody bich basterd i fuck your mother
yes yes, I've already wished you a very good day
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>send one more wave
kinda worried though. Hezbollah's last tank encounter doesn't have confirmation of destruction. So they might have missed. They have exactly one tank at large in Lebanon. It's ogre.
They lost that?
Last i looked they acted at liberty within the entirety of Gaza.
No point in camping in the place you're occupying if that's what you're referring to.
Flights to NYC all booked up with kikes fleeing back to their home kek
You've tried this angle several times now.
I don't remember ever being warned about anything so you probably spoke to someone
>For how long?
Probably for quite awhile
They've been lost for almost a year anon
> Hezbollah: We bombed a gathering of Israeli enemy soldiers in the Al-Thaghra area in the outskirts of the town of Adaisseh on the Lebanese-Palestinian border with a missile salvo.

Artillery fire at Adaisseh instead of direct fire. Indicates possible Israeli progress. I won't say gains though. It's not gains unless they can comfortably stay there for more than a few hours. Most people at least expected a foothold at the Litani river by now... but 1 tiny border town will have to do.
Seven reasons why the Zionist government will not last until the end of this decade:
1. Israel cannot function without American handouts and the aid package ends in 2026.
2. Demographics. Palestinians are actually the majority in Israel/Palestine.
3. the Ultra-Orthodox. They are largest Jewish group in Israel, and they don't work and won't fight. How long can a government function with that many people on welfare.
4. The Global BDS movement. Israel cannot survive being an international pariah.
5. A large percentage of Israel's Jewish population has dual citizenship and will leave when the going gets tough.
6. . Internal Political instability. Even without the Palestinians, Israel has deep cultural, religious, and economic rifts. Five elections in three years.
7 . Hubris. The Zionists won't make the necessary reforms and concessions for the future.”
Sounds like you just never got over their fall.
>the fews

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What is Monkenyahu's master plan?
They're supposed to be all booked up, empty seats are expensive for the company.
Get banan same as always
>Seven reasons why the Zionist government will not last until the end of this decade:
I hate the zionist entity but
>1. Israel cannot function without American handouts and the aid package ends in 2026.
the US will sell their own organs to support Israel because of the hold that Evangelical Christians and Zionists have on the US.
>2. Demographics. Palestinians are actually the majority in Israel/Palestine.
Doesn't matter if they are in the concentration camp and can barely eat let alone vote.
>3. the Ultra-Orthodox. They are largest Jewish group in Israel, and they don't work and won't fight. How long can a government function with that many people on welfare.
This is an actual problem but it can be solved by more support from the US
>4. The Global BDS movement. Israel cannot survive being an international pariah.
It can do it just fine because see above, support from the US and its vassals.
>5. A large percentage of Israel's Jewish population has dual citizenship and will leave when the going gets tough.
True this could be a real problem
>6. . Internal Political instability. Even without the Palestinians, Israel has deep cultural, religious, and economic rifts. Five elections in three years.
Yup, also true but the consensus in favour of apartheid and killing Palestinians is pretty broad
>7 . Hubris. The Zionists won't make the necessary reforms and concessions for the future.”
hubris is fatal but only eventually.
I mean a year ago they wouldn't last a year.
Pretty similar to how Russia's missile production ceased in June 2022.

Does it really have to evolve from two more weeks to two more months to two more years and so on?
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it's a tad blurry so i can't see how fucking massive the trees are, srry :(

topkek to both of you sars
If the seats aren't gonna get paid regardless wouldn't it be better to show them as empty so that you can claim losses on those flights during taxation?
Count in demographic change in the US. It will be brown country. And beaners don't give a fuck about ayyysrael.
>tfw /pol/ wanted world without yahud
>it will be niggerspicpoo earth
Talk about being monkey pawn'd...
even the ISW report that gets thrown around itt sometimes says the beit hanoon battalion was destroyed, dont fool yourself
I like how the Ukraine shills come mask off more often now.
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>Count in demographic change in the US. It will be brown country. And beaners don't give a fuck about ayyysrael.
I honestly see picrel as the big problem for Israel, namely a big financial crunch that I don't see how the US averts.
>niggerspicpoo earth
>Talk about being monkey pawn'd...
perhaps its poetic justice for all the idiots who didnt learn from vietnam war that theyre responsible to rein in their idiotic imperialist mafia state at all times, not just when it suits their mood.
So like most of Gaza? What difference does it being destroyed make to Palestinians, lol
Well, things don't bode well. There's strange disturbances in the aether.
>inb4 Mossad have so much infiltration in tech that it parallels omniscience
Imagine needing tech to carry out surveillance
lmao even.
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>already ruined Syria
>already pushed US into ruining Iraq
>trying to push US into ruining Iran
>actively in the process of ruining lebanon
>they'll probably start on Egypt soon for whatever reason they make up

The zio wants the middle east to be exclusively Jewish and will shed as much blood as possible on the way. It's clear as day.
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>It will be brown country.
America has been majority brown for half a decade. We are a paper tiger.
I reversed that exact video as a joke
Does David lurk here?
Hey David! Go gas yourself!
A paper tiger sufficient to keep islam at bay though, evidently.
No wonder they worship paper as if it's their god.

How did people let the fact that they got completely surprised by a pali's raiding their bases with fans attached to buggies die down

Meme organization lol
You're either a kike or a newfag who needs to lurk more. But welcome to my block list.
>A paper tiger sufficient to keep islam at bay though
We couldn't keep Islam at bay decades ago when Whites were still a supermajority, specifically the military. You're delusional if you think we are capable of doing anything but supplying our "allies".
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Country's been majority bean since the 80's.
There's no going back, only Brazil
big alert east of Haifa
>Brazil with SR-71 Blackbirds
this sounds scary as fuck
Some make a compelling case that they knew and allowed to happen in order for a pretext to annex Gaza and their claim to the gas and oil fields off the coast. When Bibi said it was israel's 911, well, that may have been a message to those in the know.
hezbollah are trolling at this point
I was actually referring to the cope that muslims have about akshually losing to the full might of America rather than to Israel.

But sure, you did lose in Afghanistan and such.
>There's no going back, only Brazil
Unless we get a revolutionary leader.
jood, ga verder wenen over Gerasimov ofzo
they're all in jail at this point:|
i think israel tried leaving a rigged vehicle with bombs here.
bruh. what the fuck
Her name is Claudia Sheinbaum.
Viva la raza. Reconquista
We haven't had anyone of that caliber for half a century. They are yet to appear. Not sure how it is in Europe, though.
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what is wrong with jeets
every single anti israel post on twitter has dozens of these subhumans glazing kikes
not sure if its actually rigged or they left it and ran away. im talking at the border
>the whole of india is with israel
it's over, muslimbros
Wat is er met Gerasimov dan?
Zit die ook te piepen over hoe hij z'n vijanden niet kan verslaan terwijl ze hem binnenvallen en z'n leiders kapotbombarderen?
V.g.m.hoeft hij dat niet te doen.
That's just the roof vents on the hanger by the way. Plus the photo is in reverse.
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>BREAKING: A senior Iranian Official has told Al-Jazeera:

>'We have sent a message to the United States through Qatar that any Israeli attack would be met with an unconventional and disproportionate response that would include nationwide infrastructure.

>The phase of unilateral restraint is over. There is a regional need to restrain Israel and its madness.'

Oh,Baby, take off those gloves!
They're just Israeli proxy accounts. There are tons of indians here in London and I have yet to meet a single one who supports Israel like their online "counterparts" suggest.
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baker here?
Iran's powerlevel is rising. They know by this point they have the upperhand. America wont save israel, israel cant even save israel. All they have is airpower and nukes.
Retaliation for what? Most of the missiles were intercepted and the ones that passed though hit empty fields/non-valuable assets
>what is wrong with jeets
its just modicels or Modi Bhakts (devotees) as we call them here. they are a small but very annoying group that is disproportionally represented online.
245 million voted against Modi in the last election
They don't represent anyone but themselves and are best ignored.
Well, the first "revolutionary" that comes to mind is Assange and Snowden
Is it profitable to run clickbait accounts on twitter?
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its actually over now
Love the banner bro
oh. do you live there?
i thought modi was popular, what happened
There was one blaze which may have been a hit on something important though.

Still, getting a single hit in with that many "hypersonic" missiles is underwhelming.
Those were just whistleblowers. I'm talking about political leaders that want to change the entire political system.
>— / Iranian Official to Al-Jazeera: 'We have come to the conclusion that showing restraint simply does not benefit us in terms of national security nor regional stability – Israel will do whatever it wants regardless, so now we will make them pay'

Iran finally learns that the only thing the bully understands is getting punched in the face.
khomeini super sayan status?
no nigga. they left a vehicle at the border.
Has Iran even been hit at all though?
So far it has literally all been focussed on its proxies with a few collaterals.
yep, gloves are off and no way back. if usa goes with this, it takes all the vilification israel earned for itself and says "we partake in zionist atrocities, and so you can do all those atrocities against us".
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>i thought modi was popular, what happened
Its like saying Trump was popular/unpopular. 65 million people voted for Hillary Clinton as president and yes, 271 million people voted for him but he didn't win a simple majority this election. 245 million voted against him.
I think he's a coward and a fraud who is only good at winning elections. At least he leaves foreign policy to Jaishankar as long as Jaishankar keeps writing flattering books about him.
BREAD >>483654642
Bro it's just clouds, they didn't hit anything trust me
the last one was MLK but CIA got him first.
is Soleimani still alive? or are you saying any nato political/military leaders can be killed if they're in a different country than their own nationality? is it just a game of whack-a-mole?
I mean, he's not wrong. All evidence suggests that the reason Israel even managed to bomb that Hezbollah leader guy was because Israel had agreed to a ceasefire which resulted in the Hezbollah guy meeting with his officials to talk over it, which is when he got killed. So Iranians aren't just hyping themselves up, there's truth to this.
This. I'm glad that frens are picking up on all the time waster bots.

>but I BTFO out the bot
Doesn't matter it's bots
> the way that I look at is that I'm not stuck here with shills, the shills are stuck here with me
Doesn't matter when frens argue with bots. It's simply a time waster to keep us on defense vs offense, shits up the board, etc
> hurr durr... but I proved it wrong and won!
Wrong, you wasted time with a bot, wasted 15 bumps, flooded out the real content, and simply wasted your own time + the time of any frens & lurkers that read it

infrastructure will be rebuilt by goyim, israel is looking for the causus beli, iran doing this would be both hilarious and suicidal, but its a good thing
Is kashmir inportant to indian politics aswell or do all indians want kashmir gone?
chipbros. i got too cocky
Soleimani is utterly irrelevant in the current context, shit was years ago while the war is nearly a year old and the change was today.

And with terrorists it does tend to be a game of whack-a-mole yes.
kikepedia source but it's worth to include whenever you talk of Iran's restraint
>Is kashmir inportant to indian politics aswell or do all indians want kashmir gone?
Most Indians will vote to keep Kashmir within India regardless of the wishes of any Kashmiris, it's pretty messed up as geopolitical stuff goes.
right now, Pakistan is too weak to counter India effectively on it so things are quiet. Idiots here think that this will always be the case.
the point is jews will be bombed into submission, you don't make the rules
>245 million voted against Modi in the last election
This interesting.

I don't know if the other Brit >>483654212
is still here but Indians don't seem to cause a problem here in the UK - (I think we get the better ones) We have Hindus and Sikhs here for a long time with no issues.

The Problem we have in the UK is from Pakis, who are Muslim. We used to see Pakistan and Bangladesh flags here as much as Indian ones but they don't seem to exist anymore, maybe their all on VPNs?

Are the indians that voted against Modi Muslim?
sure thing accelerate your down fall, I think next time iran won't hold back.
def oct 7 revenge lol they wont let this opportunity go, and would be kino if iran also btfos the khaleej oil terminals
And yet in practice you are the ones being bombed into to submission.
Did you believe you could make the rules?
>Are the indians that voted against Modi Muslim?
Not even close. Most Muslims would have voted against him but my entire family are Hindus and so are the vast majority of the 245 million who voted against Modi, I'd say.
i feel bad for the kashmiris in this situation. i heard some pretty gory stuff goes on there by both pakistan and india
The indians i know are everything. Muslim, hindu, sick and a few christians from places like Goa. all reasonable people.
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Israel can turn tehran into this
Yep, it seems to be more of a socioeconomic issue in india rather than religious ones. Even the muslim indians arent very devoted (i see them drinking and eating pork)
that's only if they have nukes
IRGC has been hit many times, iranians consulate got bombed, generals killed. Drones flown into production facilities. Assassinations of scientists by mossad, terrorists armed by mossad have killed hundreds of iranians. All in the last few years. I would say iran has shown a good deal of restraint so far.
How far will blackmailed pedo burger politicians go for Israel?
>i feel bad for the kashmiris in this situation. i heard some pretty gory stuff goes on there by both pakistan and india
Yup, shit's fucked, particularly because politicians have gotten into power based on how jingoistic they can be about Kashmir. We should have taken the opportunity to make peace with Pakistan but we haven't.
And yet no open attacks like Iran's.
It'd be interesting to see a reaction to that.
Anybody baking new Bread?
>Soleimani is utterly irrelevant in the current context, shit was years ago

This current conflict is 100% tied to the network of cooperation he created. He built the noose israel is currently jumping into. This war is the result of decisions taken decades ago by men who are mostly dead now. Iran played the long game, and its bearing fruit.

>Yep, it seems to be more of a socioeconomic issue in india rather than religious ones. Even the muslim indians arent very devoted (i see them drinking and eating pork)
Yea I'm very proud of our Muslims actually. We really need to do better by them.
i won't say the ones i know aren't devoted (to all the different religions) but they're educated level headed people for the most part. like, they won't defend blatant human rights violations when they see them e.g. this conflict, regardless of their biases most of the time. to be fair, even the pakistani muslims i was in uni with up north were pretty much the same. educated and level headed, and they hated saudi despite saudi being the motherland of islam and whatever. because saudi commit war crimes in yemen.
I mean iran has already told us what the result will be, israel has never attacked them openly, for good reason. Spies are easier to disavow then a squadron of f-35s
So what he's saying is that we have no reason to hold back and not strike the Iranian oil infrastructure
And yet it seems the noose is closing in around it and not around Israel.
Traps laid for another...
The reason to hold back is simple jew, you dont burn. Odd that you dont understand this.
True, but given how things are heating up such consequences may no longer impress.
And i think they might not like how being hit like that works out for them internally.
What noose? America is not gonna invade, israel is under daily bombardment. Iran looking better every day.
Shia will unite around any martyrs. It will only unite them more.
apart from jews blowing up the twin towers to their own foot prints, when did Afghanistan directly attack USA soil to warrant invasions and genocides of Iraq and Afghanistan costing millions of lives by the USA? surely the zionist terror entity can understand the implications of pushing their luck with Iran
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They're hindus who hate muslims.
yeah, iraqis and syrians the same. they hate saudis, even from a religious perspective, they have these all inclusive trips to mecca that they sell. which many muslims deem as not allowed because they are selling the religion

last post best post
Total mudslim death
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Just really curious:
Have there any confirmation of babies made from the semen extracted from dead kikes?

last post best post

last post best post
Imagine being conceived by a dildo in your dead fathers anus.

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