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No banon?
What do you think? It’s a bunch of shit skin muzzies getting yeeted and raped by the IDF LOL. I was considering joining, but they don’t let non Jews enlist. Pretty stupid, i wish I could be a part of the action. Literally every Hindu does. I pray literally everyday for the destruction of Islam and Israel just keeps on delivering. Every Hindu I know at my temple wishes they could go there and kill Muslims. We fucking HATE those goat fuckers. I envy the Jews man
Stfu you shit skin. You muzzies are the apes. You keep making Hindu hate threads because it’s all a projection
Does anyone here (that’s human and not Muslim) know when the idf will post videos? It’ll be fucking kino watching Muslims die screaming
Not even 5km advance, some sources say less than 2km, its a bit early to say though
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Lmfao holy mackerel this Jeet is S E E T H I N G!
You have issues, lol
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Is there a good war map site to keep up with?
jews are getting slapped back time after time, good to see. the end of Israel will be epic.
This is from SYRIA you dumb ass. Holy fuck you mudslimes are inbred
Subhuman khazar shitskins can't stand up to aryan Syrian warriors.
And this sandNIGGER is brown
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Was this Syria as well?
Jews have always been shit at war, that's why they get the Amerigolem to do their dirty work for them.
And you have the greatest issue of all, faggot. Being a shit skin Allah worshipping tranny
Take a look in the mirror Pajeet lol
Are we pretending like we don't already know the jews will obtain victory?
No, it was fucking NOTHING. Literally one palirat dead btw kek
I bet he cried for his whore mother
They think they’re white, their religion even tells them that. It’s fucking weird
I heard the jews have Tay planning the invasion, I can't imagine this turning out well for them jews.
Probably but its not like there is much movement so point of a map is kinda redundant unless you want to look at rocket and missile hit markers, if I had to predict there wont be much movement either, the entire terrain in southern Lebanon is a nightmare for an attacking force
And YOUR religion tells you to fuck goats and livestock
How fucking disgusting
See, this is why the world hates you people and why your tacky little terror state is doomed.
Come on Pajeet, we all (unfortunately) saw that video of the Jeet fucking a maggot-ridden goat corpse.
>Le Banane

Just go bro
True, jews were never much of a warrior race, they are much more skilled at sabotage and spying style operations, the pager attack for example was pretty suprising
>that's why they get the Amerigolem to do their dirty work for them
They are definetly going to do their best to make America fight Iran for them, if Trump gets elected I think its likely America will atleast bomb Iran
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Why on earth is the pajeet calling others shitskin?
Anyways, all of you are shit skin faggots. You support literal TERROR groups and rapists, which makes sense since mudslimes are all like that (MAALT)
I pray with my cousins and friends every fucking day for your violent deaths. But you guys are too CHICKENSHIT to go and fight with your brothers in Lebanon. What a bunch of PUSSIES you are. I would kick all of your fucking asses. LOL, my grandma told me all about your faggot kind when I was a kid and everything she said shows
kek poo in the loo, Pajeet
Your grandma sounds like she taught you a lot of hateful shit. It was over for you from the start. I’m sorry
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>How is the Invasion of Lebanon going?
Another one of our soldiers died, an officer. On the other side they killed some Hezbollah fighters, some dudes from the army of Lebanon, more attacks in Beirut..
It's going nice
I want to see what the actual action is looking like. Do you think Hezbollah or IDF will post videos? It would probably look similar to Ukraine with drones, infantry battles, and special forces ops and everything
The IDF is achieving mikitary goals while taking some casualties, the Hezbshits are making propaganda videos and wondering why Iran make pothole.
so you say they sit on the border fence and are using binoculars ?
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Are you guys prepared for all the fronts? Yemen, Syria, Iraq, Iran, etc?
If you talk shit about my grandma again, I will post palirat kids getting btfo
And your grandma would be proud of that??
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-and right on target.
lol, you faggot, you know NOTHING. I literally showed her pics of the PaliShites disgusting crying spawns to her the other day and she LAUGHED. We prayed later for more
It’s one of the 21st century’s greatest blessing to see this destruction. It’s righteous, and well deserved. Fuck, even Shri Shri Ravishankar approves of this, and he’s a fucking liberal HAHAHA
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>Yemen, Iraq, Iran
We don't have a border with Yemen, Iraq and Iran so it's more of a shadow war with these unless shit hits the fan and we'll blow up their oil or nuclear facilities, or pull another stunt like the pager thing.
Syria has trouble of its own so it's not really involved in all of this, they only let Hezbollah use their grounds as the means to mobilize their weapons to Lebanon.
Also, what kind of a monster person do you have to be to actually want to see Assad die? He's my hero I fucking love him.
So the only two remaining sides we actually have borders with are the Palestinians and Lebanon.
Hamas in Gaza is not functioning anymore militarily, they've got some pockets of resistance hiding in the ground with the hostages but they can't launch serious attacks now that their ammunitions supply has been cut through Rafah. As for the West Bank, they don't offer any serious resistance, never have.
Lebanon is the only serious threat right now.
I have nothing to say. You are a truly disgusting race of people. And your grandma and you are going to hell
What kind of involvement do you see the US military having? I suspect they’re going to assume some of these fronts for you, Yemen and Iraq in particular
Yeah they will, /chip/ will be full of those in a couple days, everyone has a camera these days so its inevitable
>It would probably look similar to Ukraine
Not really, Hezbollah doesn't have any heavy equipment and Lebanese army is so cucked that they probably wont even participate at all, its going to be guerillas hiding in the hills and getting bombed constantly but still defending succesfully because they dug in to those hills for 20 years, this same thing happened in 2006 and thats what happened, its pretty reasonable to assume Hezbollah is stronger now than back then, its not going to be a good time for the jews, not going to be good for Hezbollah either though
Yep and then screech sand nigger nonsense on both sides when a missile lands
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>What kind of involvement do you see the US military having?
They will only attack parties that interrupt international policies, for example Yemen blowing up ships that have nothing to do at all with Israel because "muh palestine will be free from the river to the sea", if they get involved directly in our fight then Russia might too.
You sound like that guy who asked me a few months back when will the invasion to Lebanon start. I told him in September and I was right.
Look at this golem lmao
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I heard the Lebanese army was actually assisting Hezbollah now, but maybe that was misinfo
how is 3 day special operation to destroy Hamas in Gaza going?
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Yup, they’re helping Hezbollah now
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Why are you coping with jihadist shit from the Syrian civil war?
Maybe I was that guy? lol I’m surprised you even remembered that far ago
Are you at risk of being deployed?
Its still such a weird country though, Israel has been bombing Lebanon for months but only now does the leb armed forces get involved
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Wtf is wrong with that karen ? --->>483687216
You ok saar ?
Ignore him. He’s a loser who’s trying to provoke a reaction from people
If he does post child gore like he threatened he would, then ignore him especially then

Almost as good as my search for a 16 yo Russian gf
They had a few soldiers get killed by an Israeli drone a few days ago, which may have sparked beef
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do the needful
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Damn, your grandma sounds like an awful old hag. Oh well, luckily lung cancer given your country's air quality won't keep the world waiting much longer for that blemish to get cleaned up. Now please go swap her catheter, it's 40 minutes away from making a giger counter go off.
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>I’m surprised you even remembered that far ago
Well your questions are styled very elegantly kinda like you're reading them directly and without any judgement on the matter from a questionnaire that was given to you, so I wouldn't be surprised to find out you belonged to some intelligence agency, perhaps one of my enemies, trying to find out more about the perception of events of people around the world, especially Israelis.
Or I might be suffering from persecutory delusions.
>Are you at risk of being deployed?
Right now I'm exempted but it really depends on how bad things will get.
Estimated death count on our side is something between 2,000-3,000 on all fronts since the beginning of the war, half of those on the first day, so in the grand scheme of things it's not that high.
Hey, I just wanted to say, I LOVE the work you guys are putting in. Keep it up. All of India supports you. And all of America does too. Every Hindu I know loves the Jewish people and will always have your back
If the Lebanon invasion becomes a pain in the ass, they’ll just pack it up and go invade somebody else.
Nah, lol. I just like asking questions lol. I have been accused of being a fed a bunch while I post by Russians too tho so you’re not the first to think that
I’m actually Muslim myself (Bangladeshi tho, not Arab) but I wish you no ill will. I hope this conflict ends.
Stay safe bro
You should leave.
You should be castrated and killed xD
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you're off by like 10
is the lebanon invasion in the room with us right now?
Wasn’t the total number 8?
Please kill yourself.
I hope not
actually around 80 now.
master general of the universe Moshe Ben Zona, aged 19. Who was the leader of the Lion infatry force was vaporized by hezbollah yesterday.
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Well, now I’m confused
How can Hezbollah claim 80? That’s a huge discrepancy from the 8 that the idf admitted to. I’ve heard of “casualty laundering” but idk how that works
Wtf is wrong with this mentally ill pajeet? Calling all the euro flags shitskins while literally being a hindu brown jeet
Kek sven
Dude just ignore him
They’re all like that. Even irl, I know because I’ve encountered them all throughout my life. They’re a really hateful bunch
>you're off by like 10
I meant in addition to the eight the were killed yesterday. This guy died today.
dont listen to juden inflation fetish
they announced 8 yesterday and today said an unprecedent incident happened that didn't happen for the whole war duration but still not officially disclosed due to holiday
evac helis been running all day
Does Hezbollah not shoot down these helicopters? I guess that’s honorable
Is anyone watching Lookner’s stream rn? Apparently Beirut is getting bombed again
you should arm them bruh for your megido kino
Idk how I’d do that. I’m just some dipshit in america shit posting lol
You’re a fucking shit skin. You can’t and WONT do shit. Kys
your evangelical kino seeking brethren i mean, how would you had multiple fronts invasion with weak enemies
I’m Muslim, so they probably don’t claim me
Just a hunch
>Does Hezbollah not shoot down these helicopters?
Nope, its apparently not allowed to hit a wounded soldier in battlefield in islam
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oh well, its not like their whole sect is built on jewish infiltration since inception
The Lebanese army is the third most powerful army in Lebanon
apparently helis have been flying in all day. people *estimate* that the dead are around 80.

lebanon front is becoming kursk 2 electric boogaloo
Awesome. No more traffic. No more old people and holes driving 20km/h while I'm late for work.
i agree
indians are retarded as fuck very few are high iq majority midwits that take over and invade like no other but muh "diversity"
So life is resuming as usual?
you are subhuman trash
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kataeb remnants
hello, how are you bro? hope you are safe
Bro calm down.
take my YOU, buy some POO!
its a shitjeet bro, be thankful you dont have them
No. Both wifi and 4g have turned to shit, can't game or stream anymore.
people like the persians are racially superior to you, no doubt. You are barely one step above the australian abos
iran must raise the red flag in response to israeli aggression against gamers
I see a bunch of huge bombings in Beirut rn on a stream
Stay safe brothers
Thanks bhai
How’re things over there?
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Fine I guess. How about you?
I’m alright. I just hope that the Middle East can settle down ASAP
Glad Bangladesh and Pakistan don’t have beef anymore
if you wanna die for Israel just go volunteer in Ukraine, they will take you.
Huge amounts of North Syrian VOLUNTEER anarcho paramilitary are in Lebanon
Victory to Lebanon.
a bunch of jews getting slaughtered, which is always a good thing
Lebanon is Ottoman.
>I just hope that the Middle East can settle down ASAP
lol, I don't think that's happening anytime soon...
>Glad Bangladesh and Pakistan don’t have beef anymore
yup, they actually observed Jinnah's death anniversary for the the first time over there recently.
just came here to screenshot this
Cool, I’m a Bangladeshi myself which is why I mentioned it. (I was born here tho) What did the people of Pakistan think of the recent revolution?
Billions of people are currently at war in opposition to possibly less than a million Israel cultists
From what I've seen, most people were supportive of it and want something similar done here in Pakistan with the military regime
have not heard reports of a billion dead innocent whatever iranians are so likely nothing has happened
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>Get disconnected from your online game
The jews are at fault for this!
jeets simping for the jews is also super comical
Isn't that video like 20 years old?
More like 8, but yeah it’s not from Lebanon
>bomb random shit
>kill one palinigger
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>How is the Invasion of Lebanon invasion going?

it's fine
checked and this is true

this is fake

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