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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous: >>483707071

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, bots and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD*
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>New Hezbollah leader targeted in massive Beirut strikes
>Israel strikes Russian airbase and weapons depot in Syria
>Israeli soldiers have been killed and dozens injured in a Hezbollah ambush
>Israeli officials told Axios that they will retaliate against Iran soon
>Hundreds of Iranian missiles land in Israel
>Terrorist attack in Tel Aviv
>Israeli ground invasion of Lebanon underway







>Guide to the Palestinian genocide by israel
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.


▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 12 (final episode)
>Are military checkpoints in the West Bank suitable targets for carrying out Resistance operations?

Twitter link

Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre of palestinians civilians by israeli terrorists
>1948 Nakba

Geolocations of Iranian strikes on Israeli military bases 10/1/24
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thank you baker for tasty bread

we need different banners
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Anyone seen Leboshits brains?
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Love me some Dickless nugget Leboturds.
why are kikes so bad at ground warfare
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Final moments of a Leboshit
fool sappot
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Not Muh whooooole Heckin Terrorist family, Mashallah!
Thanks for the bread baker
God bless the Resistance
There is a real problem when in a thread that is constantly shilled by Jews, in that you really do start to hate them. Hitler was wrong about a lot of things, but he was right about Jews.
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Gazan Eyeball molestation?
Other bakers have more variety, I just stick to the ones I like.
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Cat food status?
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>There is a real problem when in a thread that is constantly shilled by Jews, in that you really do start to hate them. Hitler was wrong about a lot of things, but he was right about Jews.

I fapped to Dresden
fair enough. Thank for the bread fren
kikes are so mad today some one lost their gay lover.
WOW! The shillstorm in the beginning of this bread is insane. 4 organic posts, everything else is hidden
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Slenderman in Gaza, the only underfed Palestinian in history.
>18 posts
>i can only see 8

jesus christ
it's funny how kikes still haven't realized that you win the war by killing combatants. you do NOT win the war by killing civilians. in fact, you actively LOSE the war by killing civilians. i wonder if they'll ever figure it out...
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SHUT HIM DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Looks like Russia isn't going to let the airbase strike slide.
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Getting bored of the muslim cope, desu
Dammit forgot links:>>483719328
The jew shill goreposting is worse even than the nafo shill goreposting.
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Lmfao, that stupid bitch is smoking serious cope rocks.

Think the Russian Jews ESCAPING to Israel are dreaming anytime soon of fucking off back to that Anti-semitic ZIGGERNIGGER SHIT HOLE that is Russia? Hahahaha.... Little Vlad can't even handle Ukraine, 2 years 7 months, fuck are you going to do to Thermonuclear Israel?
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>All those you's

thanks poofter
jews loving killing civilians, they have always used terror tactics since ancient times. its when they face real adversaries they oyvey
Kek. My thoughts exactly. See >>483719662

When i fitst loaded it, i only saw 1 post, and the rest were hidden. By the time that I waited, typed a message, and waited 1 min for countdown. A few more organic posts appeared and even more hidden posts too. Kikr shills love to fill the beginnings of all threads, especially kike shill threads. It started with doing the first 5 replies, then they jumped to doing the first 10 posts. So that lurkers and newfags falsely think that the shill opinions are the opinions of organic anons
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>jews loving killing civilians, they have always used terror tactics since ancient times. its when they face real adversaries they oyvey


No one cares about you and your embarrassing autism anymore filterturd
Like a fart in the wind everyone forgot about you.
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Something interesting in the lower left of the map requiring six ballistic missile hits. No really obvious structures there yet you can see virtually all the other missile hits are right on top of visible targets.
hiro really has let this site go to shit.
i have it fully gone. not even the outline of the posts is displayed
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Muslims fight wars like complete dumbasses.

Thank G-d for their incalculable stupidity and arrogance. Like putting children behind Soviet hardware.

The mother fuckers stand no chance against Israel.
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jews still can't /k/ope with what Titus did 2 thousand years later. jews are the true /k/ope race.
>kalibrated zigger
Clouds aren't hits.
Meds, pills, copium, etc.
"Weeeee will curse you oh America.... AAACCCKKKK"
I have a question for you faggots. Answer me. >>483719177
>day 365 of special 3 day military operation to rescue hostages from some dudes in sandals and track pants while securing a tiny strip of besieged land
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what the hell is this shillstorm i just got here and its 40 posts already.
you soap go back to your hiding hole in tel aviv
just filter the bot
Nigger filter list


Now that Russia is involved, lets start cleaning the kike shit out.
hey jews
you suck
>Kikes think that carpet bombing a massive convoy of retreating civilian vehicles is a win
Oh well that's kike thinking for you.
At this point it truly is necessary
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She's fat with a huge gap in her teeth you silly muslim cunt lmfao
Now that theyre banned from here they went to r/lebanon. That sub is infested with hasbara recently.
File deleted.
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>Don't forget about the report feature. Last night a bunch of shills kept getting banned

Im still here because Adonai wills it, turd breathed muslim fuck.
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I love me some Gazan Shawarma
We really need our own site that bans shills just for being shills.
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>We really need our own site that bans shills

Deeeeeeeeeeep sucks on the cope bong little buddy, thats it little guy.
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Not needed if you use your 4chanX functions correctly. Being ignored makes them seethe and post goreshit, which in turn enables you to report them.
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ACK, here's your aid monkeys
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>which in turn enables you to report them.


By default, you have endangered your own freedom and or life by participating in "TK-", hosting these Threads anyway. You're all fucked lmao.
I'll give the bot a simple task. Make one post without an image
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They literally try to flood
>Being ignored makes them seethe
This is true.

We must all learn to see these twats and ignore them but many try to get into conversations with them.

I have come across this twat before - they are a schizo pro-jew . . ..And I think they are actually an American living in Britain.
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> it is believed that
Can safely assume that anything that follows such a statement is bullshit, because the author has written in uncertainty as an out when they're latter proved to be fake and gay.

I wouldn't be believing anything about leadership of Hezbollah or Iran being hit until it's confirmed by the targeted side. They now know for certain that UK/US/Israel intelligence have people in their higher ranks, and will be using the usual strategies to flush them out. Because Israeli's cannot resist opportunities to assassinate people, it will be really quick. Tell suspect 1 that meeting is happening at location A, tell suspect 2 it's location B, and so on. Meeting was never real, but Israel will still launch and they'll have the leak. Repeat as many times as necessary because Israel is always going to launch.

This will be the pattern now for the next few weeks/months until all the moles are dead.
I'm glad that someone else also noticed that, besides me. It's because we discussed reporting the shills for violations & how it was very effective last night. As well as the implications of rangebans for bot farms and shill NGO's.

They're trying to hide those posts so that anons don't see them. Hidden with a flood of shill posts to hide rhem
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What the fuck.

The dude is literally eating his own foot back to front.

Jeet Yoga has fucking NOTHING on them.
>We must all learn to see these twats and ignore them but many try to get into conversations with them.
Filter recursively. That's what we do in /chug/
Any retard replying to shills, isn't worth of being read (their replies to shills at least).
point here is proven

further proof for newfags

Do not engage
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>Filter recursively. That's what we do in /chug/



It's just posting what ever now
read this >>483722027
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Yes, now that Russia is involved, is time to dump trash like you out.

My only reply to you. Enjoy enjoy.

I play "My Heart will go on" whilst enjoying this .webm 1 frame per second, and Cum really hard at the end.
I try not to filter too much but I get what you are saying.

I just don't reply to obvious shills but I am dismayed that many do.

t. oldfag
I dead it, I'll go check out telegram for news
>This will be the pattern now for the next few weeks/months until all the moles are dead.
i think they did this with Nasrallah days before he died and thats what killed him.

However, iran still needs to get their shit together regarding spies. This has been a wayyyyyy overdue issue
I've seen the shill floods in realtime in random threads, when bringing up anything really harmful to shills or kikes. They would suddenly flood the thread, when I posted a few posts on them in threads. So, I'd wait till they finished the super rapid flooding (they called in other shills to the thread via their shill chat groups). Then, I'd post more on the topic and link to the previous posts. Again they would flood with 10-15 consecutive posts. I'd wait, and then repeat 3-4 times until they'd just finally give up, realizing what I was doing strategically
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>90 posts
>85 of them about filtering and their feefees
Holt fucking kek I've never seen such a pathetic bunch of pussies
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>tfw high value target bank is finished but the war just keeps getting more intense instead
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Oh, oh yeah? 2 more weeks?

Another red line?

Nigger you can't even handle Ukraine after 2 and a half years. Fuck's little Vlad gonna do?
>Uses filters
Reddit might be more your speed if you like blocking people lmao.

Sandniggers losing hard again lmao
Nigger filter list

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>when bringing up anything really harmful to shills or kikes. They would suddenly flood the thread

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>now that Russia is involved
kek the zigger is braindamaged
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>im on yo ass boy
>Filters!! Waaaahh!
Go back to r/freepalestine crybaby bitch

Sandniggers will stay losing
>when bringing up anything really harmful to shills or kikes. They would suddenly flood the thread,

The old 4chan would recognise this but there are so many newfags here that just don't get it.
Nigger filter list

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Don't give the pussies a (You)
Soon the thread will hit bump limit with 95% of the posts being them crying about imagined shills and filtering.
>when bringing up anything really harmful to shills or kikes
>shills suddenly ravage the thread again
Kek based and redpilled. Great link and saved
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In effect.
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Can you believe the Moomincel wants to move here, from fucking Canada? So much is the anal raping he recieved on /chip/ from "THE SHILLS". Ahahahahaha...... This shit is just comedy gold, really, muslims are fucking beyond help.
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Heres one from philipino anon. No clue what any of it says though. Just looks cool.
hey pajeet your posts are barely comprehensible, please learn english.
it's not even a jeet

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indian navy might support iran now. fucking kek.
this conflict has so many bizzare twists and turns it always surprises me
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Oh, so you gonna support the saars now, saar?

Would be quite a twist indeed to see the general that yapped about jeets 24/7 suddenly lick their poohole.
Nah mate get it right it's the inhuman NAZI genocidal kikes who are all fucked. TKD.
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Sorry, saar. My friend can translate from "seething muslim nigger retard" into "Commoners English", even without eyes, very good.

if that isn't controlled by kikes, then it's a great place to live. simple as
playing both sides, saar
Nasrallah informed the French and the Americans that he would agree to the 21 day cease fire deal with Israel. Netanyahu killed him the same day.
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>Jews are giving us our due punishment.


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Iran attack shown Israel serious vulnerabilities. They also burned too many cards the last days. This opened the season for anyone willing to join the party and take revenge on them.
Everyone is moving right now pieces. Is impossible to predict the outcome right now.
jeets are like turks, they play everyone
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Yeah go live there, the Ziggers will rape you and mutilate you slowly just for being a foreigner. They'll love every second of it, laugh and piss on you as you plead out "BUT I LOVE RUSSIA AND PUTIN THO". You obese fucking loser lmfao.
I just realised that there is nothing I can post that would prove (even to myself) that I am not a bot.
Sounds like your homeland now faggot.
Free, free Palestine
Ah, so it was just like the Haniyeh killing. He agreed to the ceasefire too.
My personal prediction? The Israelis will launch a massive aerial blitz seemingly aimed at the nuclear sites and oil refineries. Goad Iran into scrambling their air force and putting their whole SAM system online.
But it'll be a feint, from Israeli jamming and on-the-ground infiltration. They'll wipe out the Iranian aircraft and air defenses with a combination of DEAD and drone strikes.
Then, they'll demand a deal that inclues the return of all Israeli hostages (and no palinigger terrorists getting released) in exchange for a ceasefire.
screenshot this.
I denounce the Talmud
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>Sounds like your homeland now faggot.

Except the moment you declare your fat ass to be American in Russia, you'll immediately be talk of the town, and recieve a visit from the local "THIEVES IN LAW" pretty fucking soon. Abducted, driven blindfolded into a bunker in the woods, and tortured in unbelievable inhumane fashion by either hoodlums, or relatives of deceased Zigger hoodlums.

You naive sack of faggy shit.
If Chyna and Russya were real about the end of US hegemony they would arm Iran with the latest and greatest tech just like the US does for Israel
Kek, hopefully they won't trust the poos. They are traitorous scum
Yeah, what was crazy for everyone to see was just how much progress everyone else made and how little progress israel made. Oct 7th revealed the israeli weakness, and oct 1st practically changed middle east forever, and not in israels favor.

As an anon previously said. Israel isn't weak, everyone else just caught up.
That doesn't make any sense. Hamas will keep hostages and Iran has no input on that what so ever.
you can show your face and your id
free free palestine
Nigger filter list

still looks better than any israeli
amen fren
Kek and checked
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>they would arm Iran with the latest and greatest tech

Stop. Im going to have a fucking heart attack because of you lolcows.
>Iran has no input on that what so ever.

you stupid, stupid motherfucker.
yeah, like America has "no input whatsoever" on what Israel does too, right?
>Ukraine suddenly gets the latest and greatest and a permission to strike inside Russia with long range american missiles and takes over russhitia within a month
Wow you haven't thought this through have you monke
also the white population in the west has dropped dramatically= no more goyim for jewry
iran tech is already very good. they got hypersonic missiles, shit US doesn't have
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>Nigger filter list
all Aussies are paid actors remember? Australia isn't real.
we will realistically just see a repeat of gaza, beirut and dahiyeh. just bomb apartment complexes indiscriminately and hoping iran buckles.
..... which wont work
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so this is the new shill tactic?
You try and make the bakers cheesed at one another saying the other is claiming someone else's work or some shit?
This is your big plan?

Are ya winnin son?
>going extinct to own da j00s
Thinking about this a bit more. Maybe it's because Russia told them something. Poos are kind of close to Russia.
one ATACAM strike away from total zigger death trust me
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>mmmmmm habibi
>show lebanese vagen
>best when u are cry bb, crying for nasrallah deaths
>u moan best dis way bb, mmmmm show boob
>Oct 7th revealed the israeli weakness, and oct 1st practically changed middle east forever, and not in israels favor.
They depend too much in aerial support and superiority. That's why the fuck of their F35s really made them wary, and mad as well.
As long as they get pushed to put the boot in the ground, they show how weak as men they are.

If you want to destroy Israel, you have to deprive them of their jets. Then you can destroy them without fucking the cities or launching a nuke. Any plan to kill them has to include their aerial force whatsoever
hopefully after israels downfall white populations can rise again. im seriously concerned for swedes here desu
a lot of people have drank the koolaid and think hamas works for iran or something
>one kinzhal strike away from total hohol death trust me
Good job fren, keep up the good work. Remember that those lists really help newfags, eapecially lurkers that never even post. As many lurkers use a VPN to hide their chan activity, and don't want to leave a trace.

So, there's WAY more lurkers, many many times more vs actual posters in these threads. Especially for a topic as controversial as this one, let alone how many countries have laws about posting un-woke replies. Like calling a fat bitch a cow or even just simply calling someone "fat" is enough for jail in some of these hellscapes.
apparently its because india has invested heavily in irans gas and oil
not entirely true. you can fuck up the bots if you ask them certain questions sometimes
/pol/ memes aside indians will go for whoever gives them the better deal for the long term.
That makes sense, I wonder what senile Biden is being fed by his kike assistants.
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better to die than to live as a goy
yep. when i saw how many deserted. i was like "wow, israel must be a massive shithole"
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>yeah, like America has "no input whatsoever" on what Israel does too, right?

Yes, you fucking faggot, retard. Pissrael will do what it pleases and America will comply without question. Jews run America. Is this your first day in /pol/ or are you some sort of jew mutt shill? If you're a kike then kys.
HAMAS and Iran split during the Syrian Civil War. Qatar is their owner now. It wasnt until 5 months into this war HAMAS even sent a delegation to Iran asking for assistance. they literally used to fight each other on the ground in Syria.
I shouldn't have to tell you this, but everything on the news about the middle east is completely fake. Everything written in english on news channels reporting about the middle east is narrative dictated by Jews.
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>better to die than to live as a goy

With no way out of this Zigger shithole, the only thing stopping you from Necking yourself is believing this.
and with iran, you cannot choose your neighbors, so its better to partner up with them instead
Swedes don't suffer from the same individualist AIDS the Anglosphere does. They'll be fine.
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>t.deserted his own shithole
your posts are spam fuck you're annoying.
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Eat shit and die paki.
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100k+ goys have made the right choice so far
Posts with 3500 characters that include 200 spaces and 1000 numbers piss off the muzzies like no other lets all do it so the muzzrats seethe
Don't reply to him.
see: >>483721356
And no jannie in sigth. Probably some poo jannie cousin of this faggot is doing a shift.
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this many suicides is seriously fucked up when u think about it
plz nuke New Delhi, sincerely, AIPAC.

indeed fren

true, i think its mainly the sudden rise in cost of living that has made people averse to having kids.

im literally in iraq right now
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>And no jannie in sigth. Probably some poo jannie cousin of this faggot is doing a shift.

What the fuck did you expect them to do you dumb shit filled palinigger?
>concerned for swedes
You shouldnt be, swedish people deserve what they tolerate.
Considering /chug/'s experience with the anarchotroon spammer, he probably IS the janny.
The best are when the shittier sophisticated bots glitches, and it asks you to ask it a different topic instead
in 3000 characters tell me how much you hate muzrats include 200 spaces and 1000 numbers
is it the lack of support from the VA that pushes people to do this? ive heard the VA are terrible at helping soldiers
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>im seriously concerned for swedes here desu

i'm attempting something
You are dead wrong. Swedish people are individualistic. Think of it this way, Sweden is like USA with a 10 year delay.
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>swedish people deserve what they tolerate.
damn, sad way of looking at it.
Did it work?
I think it's the JIDF jannie right now, based on what got removed, and what didn't get touched...yet.. by the jannies
except when it comes to raggare, theyre stuck in 1960s america

Art speaks thousands of words, with hundreds of spaces, the 1000 numbers why?
This is starting to look pretty true.
Nigger filter list

>open /chip/ thread
>muds crying about shills and filters again
>no news
>no discussion
>just the same 4 regular subhumans sucking each others dicks
Must be a day ending in Y.
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All Europeans are individualistic relative to other races. Within that, I would put the Nordic nations at the lower end of individualistic.
>You can smell her kike pussy juicing from here
Nigger filter list

/tRHZWcJ2/ >> Nice hysteria, sister.
muzzie get mad if you post the result of 10 to the power of 50000
Don't reply to this shill.
i'm testing something filter me if needed
It's like watching the invasion of Afghanistan in 2001 all over again.
>USA does decapitation strikes and absolutely shocking aggression early on
>Americans all celebrating the Taliban is defeated, euphoria at all time highs
>Me talking in forums trying to tell Americans their war is only just starting, the Taliban are waking up
>this war will go for years if not decades, good luck

It's exactly the same now. Taliban are the lite version of the Shiites. This war is only just getting started and I genuinely reckon we are close to seeing a shiite holy war beginning if Israel starts to escalate into bombing Iraq and Iran like they are doing in Beirut right now.
yup kek
There really aren't that many sentient humans in the world.
sadly not
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After all that "TK-" shit, and all you have is sobbing into your baby sized Kleenex tissues infront of the world.

We have nothing to fear.

The Lord watches over Jerusalem without sleep nor slumber.
Makes sense
anything interesting going on or is it over
>being this buttblasted that _literally_ every single one of your posts ITT is about filters
Lmao, how sad
I appreciate it bro. Keep up the good work. Been lurking. Been watching meticulously. I'm glued now
Hope the faggot loses his job, imagine getting fired while working for free
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>ive heard the VA are terrible at helping soldiers
its very true, they have the shittiest medical school retards acting as doctors.
When the non-JIDF jannies are on duty, Ive randomly see 5-10 shill posts get deleted & multiple shills banned in a short span of time. Some jannies a megabased. When they're on duty and you see it happening, other anons either catch on, or 1 anon is super prolific in cleaning up the thread
>seeing a shiite holy
my older brother is unironically waiting for a fatwa from khomeini with his ak5 ready whenever.
Not sure why i had a memefag on for a post. Must have hit it while adding a file earlier and phonefagging
>I'm the goodest goy!
its over
Yeah I was here yesterday when the poo got banned
Note that is 2xnc7Jwo
>>483721154 that got banned for announcing a report and is now ban evading via his 5g hotspot and his endless 1pbtids

You may know him as the infamous filtertard and you can easily recognize his autistic writing style.
Be careful with that as some jannies will ban you. For the gore posts they let it slide and won't ban you for reporting it as violating USA law.
they still can't post if they can't attach an image so it's pretty straight forward that it's a spam bot
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>chip cope posters resorted to crying about jannies
everything is going well I see.
nah we're just bored waiting for the next good news to come out
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we don't cry about jannies 'round these parts kikeboy. how about you scurry your ass over towards reddit or twitter. you'll find it much more to your liking, hanging out with the like minded.
Gore does not break US law
>you deserve what you tolerate
At first I used to feel bad for them because swedish people are very nice people that unfortunately got lied to and are still getting fed lies by government after government.
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>American Plainigger still slop ai posting
stick in ass status?
Nigger filter list

>we don't cry about jannies
Are we reading the same thread?
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man's got six million issues with /chip/
Hamas fighter fighting in Donbass? he says hes a student but idk if i believe it

I can tell it bothers you so I'm gonna keep making em
The shills are getting paranoid now, scared, and seething that we're talking about this aspect about them. Afraid that others will notice. The more that others notice, the more that it harms them. The harder it is for them to shill. The more likely it is for their shill NGO ISP to get rangebanned.

They like being on offense and despise being on defense in arguments. For this it's red flag alert on defense and are going into hyper drive kvetching and head bobbling. It is really funny with some things noticed, but I've said too much and would like to see how this all plays out. Most haven't even caught on yet and are still too distracted by what is this mish mash smokescreen convo going on. Retards.
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>250 posts
>literally 200 of them whining about filters
Good job /chip/

>we don't cry about jannies 'round these parts
>entire thread is crying about jannies
Neck yourself, gypsy poojeet nonhuman.
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we don't forget about these mossad roleplayers either.

>The shills are getting paranoid now, scared, and seething that we're talking about this aspect about them
have you thought for a second ppl just dont like dumb muslims that cry victim 24/7?
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what people really don't like is rat jews stealing people's land
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>yet another classic filterturd meltdown
Epic, just like in the old days
>what people really don't like is rat jews stealing people's land
you want to play that game, Arabs come from Arabia not "palestine" what makes it theirs? lets go back futher in history oh wait you dumb muslims dont like that
>just in
i hate the jews
jew homogays oyveying
Any tunnels left or only sewers free?
Kek, just as I exposed him, he's back with another new ID and 1pbtid writing autistic scrolls
Truly a special speciman
Why are they so deranged?

>Arabs come from Arabia not "palestine" what makes it
Liar. Proven to be false time and time again with DNA tests. Levantines and Canaanites are a distinct genetic group representing the indigenous population here. Stop spouting this lie.
Crying victim 24/7 is Israel's bread and buttter.
Holy shit the missile map is starting to look like the pedo map. TKD
Nigger filter list

You could’ve stopped at rat jews
That explains why the spammer hasn't posted in half an hour.
he entered vertically and left horizontally
Your map doesn't prove shit, retarded nigger. Easily fabricated unlike DNA. May you rot in hell for your lies and deception.
i'll call the post based but i'm too retarded and fuck with them for entertainment.
it's too sweet an apple to ignore.
>Liar. Proven to be false time and time again with DNA tests. Levantines and Canaanites are a distinct genetic group representing the indigenous population here
yeh sure they were all called mohommed and ahmed back then also FUCKING KEK, its not arab or muslim clay cope and seeeeeeth
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How was Beirut lasst night? Had a good night sleep?
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where did these arabs migrate from. you got an excel file somewhere that shows which rape you were born from?

Tea kay Dee
Nigger it's the same people. Morphed culture and religion but it's the same people. You think Europeans and Christians used to be called John in BC? Go seek help for your brain damage.
These sirens are a good way to figure out which ones are jeets, jeets on VPN's including israel VPN. If they remain they're jeets. We saw this during the Iran attack. All jew shilling stopped including the jew shill NGO jeets. As there was no chat group or direction to communicate and provide orders and feedback

All that remained were unpaid butthutt jews and jeets. Each with disorganized stories that contradicted all the other unpaid shills. 80-95% of all shilling halted during this time
Not a reply. You know it's a lie.
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>triggered over a map
There were no Arabs in the Levant before 634 CE. only in Arabia.
Ghassanids were the northernmost Arabs used as mercenaries of the Byzantines.
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>the nigga that slept in the bunker's stairwell
>Morphed culture and religion
thats a nice way to say how Islam came and raped and killed everyone that lived there and STOLE their land, dumb muslim hypocrite
lebanon invasion status? LMAO faggot
idc about ancient history. fact is arabs existed in palestine in 1948, and jews had no right to steal their land. simple as.
>Yet another 1pbtid ft deranged post
Its fun pinning kikes and nogs against each other on twitter via sockpuppet accounts. Watching them compete the perpetual victim olympics. Just provide the match and a deop of fuel and watch the fireworks begin
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oh sorry idc much about the dna arab cope, considering your country has like 50bajillion ethnicities should be proof enough that you're being retarded.
Anyway when the house shook down after the massive bombings did you shit your pants?
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>dna cope
>Proof of absence somehow proves of existence at a later point
You need a lesson in basic logic. How am I supposed to take your mspaint maps seriously now if what you're saying is this retarded?
Ground operation status? Any gains yet?
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Fact is Amerindians existed in America in 1830, and Europeans had no right to steal their land. simple as.
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>You are the next leader of Hezbollah
body bag industry is booming
Retard. You just want to repeat your talking points. Zero critical thinking. This doesn't make any of what I said less true and any of what you said less false.
No and you are terrorists btw (what you did just now is glorifying terrorism)
>dna arab cope,
You admit it's a cope used by your deceptive people to lie to westerners. I'm glad we agree on that.
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Palestinian girls with Hindu men
Name a better combination
lol they put digital clouds over the 2 air bases iran hit
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Arabs weren't present in the Middle East before the illegal Islamic conquests.
Original Philistines weren't Arab.
""Palestinians"" are Jordanians and ""Palestine"" is a modern Soviet invention created to annoy the U.S.

Simple as.
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uhhhhhhhh dont be rama rama
Lots of alerts going out. Looks like Hezbollah managed to land a rocket somewhere in some industrial area near Haifa

In terms of settlements in the incursion path they are targeting deeper today. Did the IOF pull back or something?
>Retard. You just want to repeat your talking points. Zero critical thinking.
Dumb inbred muslim cant look into a mirror for some self reflection? NO thats not it you know what i said is true and you just want to deceive and play dumb typical arab
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>No you don't understand, the maronites, druze, kurds, yazidis, armenians, jews, copts, christian and berbers are all arabs.
>wh-what about...
right now we're talking about palestine, sweetie
there is mass panic in jew officers, they underestimated how many losses they would take in a ground war. their only course of action is to get mutts and their goyim involved
>Did the IOF pull back or something?
probably kek
why do you support pic related?
Kind of seems like you're projecting
Did Muslims invent total warfare? Did Muslims kill the aboriginals and native Americans?
Here's what I mean by targeting deeper. They're not going after the settlements right on the border with this round of salvos. Leads me to believe that they've pulled back from the border.
>Still not addressing my point
>Still using the same fallacious thinking
Yup you're literally incapable of argumenting beyond posting talking points. It's okay, I know you're trying to defend the indefensible and I know how many lies you need to do that.
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>i-it's ok when we do it!11! please shift your attention away from our crimes!1!!
Hop on a boat and return home, evil colonist.
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>illegal Islamic conquests
you got any more of those tampons on you?
they were forced to send in their main force today after their recon elements got blown up. and it turned out as expected
just tell them jews started the war in 1948 and now they are "finding out". simple as
>hurr durr muslims are le bad and they killed everyone surely there were no peaceful conversions or culture exchange leaving way for a distinct culture and dialect that takes inspiration from other semetic languages that can still be seen today
You are so dumb.
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who calls them all arabs?

>kikes will always tell you what happened, but never why
Oh yeah they're definitely aiming for the power plant in Haifa
What point? that you share some DNA with the native people of Phoenicia that your ancestors raped? what does that supposed to prove exactly?
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kek finna post more gore if you keep that up
Who are you quoting?
bread >>483728726
Some? You disingenuous nigger? Maybe you should look at actual studies for once?

Dumb fuck.
These tests only show lineage aka genetic continuity.
No amount of cope will change the fact that Arabization happened and changed their blood and culture completely.


Be careful of GPT chatbots.

They were proven today. We have many.

Most anons don't realize how much time is wasted arguing with literal bots

Even I have played with them from time to time.

Plug in enough posts from one 4chan user and it will mimic writing style and even topics if you provide enough threads of posts
cry more amalekite
>ft spawned another 1pbtid
>reedit spacing
>another meltdown
Kek, what an utter embrassment, kys

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