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Go ahead and make another Hindu thread though
I’m starting to think Indians legitimately are retarded
Your approach to problems is basically brute forcing it
NO! You have to side with my side because here is a picture of a kid!
Kill yourself Muhammed # 3,509,550,444. I don't fucking care. You wanna kill me because I wear jeans and eat meat and don't hit a woman for having a face.
The jew wants me dead because I don't agree with him about WW2's actual historical accounts.
I hope you both fucking off each other and all your rat kids die too so you both can just be replaced by the next worst thing in human history.
I hope they both kill each other fuck you sand niggers
Is that a rocket?
That’s a plane dude
The inferior mud peoples should submit to the superior sand people
Haha coping child murderers, killing dozens of kids daily in Gaza, you faggots were traumatized by one Adam Lanza imagine every day Adam Lanza
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that's literally accurate
you've killed 90,000 children (at least).
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If Palestinians cared about their children they would release the Israeli hostages.
Source: Hamas

While there 500k+ israelis from the north who are homeless cause of hezbollah

Arabs are the problem of the world, if they could not trow rockets at israel there would be no gaza bombing nor lebanon invasion
You literally worship a pedophile. There is no Hindu god that does the sick and twisted shit that Allah and Mohamed did
no that's a loli
They're dead Jewboi. Burning in eternal hellfire now. Probably blow up by your own rockets.
Child murderer cant even make sense in his attacks, youre kike and a supporter of kike child killers
Indians out earn literally every demographic in america. My family’s networth is easily 4x yours
Which isn’t saying much. Most Muslims are pretty stupid
What does your ability to earn have to do with murdering defenseless women and children?
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no one likes your kind
Muslims are a plague. You are very contemptible people. I don’t really believe any of you are innocent, regardless of age. I see everyone throwing a pity party for the children of Gaza, but what about the children of India? The ones who get hurt and die to muslim scum? Muslims are the reason why my family moved to America and I will never forgive you for that
You poor bastard, hindu gods are a bunch of demons, the only reason why you dont see mass carnage in the name of hindu gods is because jeets dont take their meme religion seriously enough, the few that do are absolutely deranged
Where are Muslims systematically genociding Indians in India?
It proves that you’re inferior. Built poorly like Gazans. They eat their own dead over there like roaches. It’s sickening
Are you mentally ill? What do you do for work?
Arab children dont deserve to live, they will grow up to be terrorists and kill western cristian people in europe or america
Cool it with the antisemitism
You out earn more by living as a dalit.
Nobody like (you), musa. It really is the truth. That’s why the world, and even your own ummah doesn’t not shed a single tear for dead children in Lebanon and Gaza. We at least have that in common.
Don't target the muslims. The communists want you to target the muslims. The muslims are men of GOD...the feminist-communist-totalitarians are the enemy.
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im white you street shitting nigger get out of my country
What do you do for work that makes you so rich buddy?
Muslims bomb innocents. They commit rape and try to destroy temples. In Bangladesh they were literally genociding Hindus
Stop acting stupid
Are you? That’s a rhetorical question, you’re Muslim!
Hope all muslims get killed, i would love to join the IDF and kill some pedophile worshippers
UMAD doe?
I will, thanks. Then I'll make another anti Muslim thread because fuck both of you
Thats not a systematic genocide.
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>Source: Hamas
kikes have bene ordered to not read memes
that's MEGA funny.
How old are you. Can you at least tell me that?
I live in america. You should be thankful that I’m not over there making you small in every single way. I could out bench you, out run you, and I could easily buy everything you have
Lol so its only genocide when white people do it? Got it dumb ass
Im asking seriously. Are you like 18 years old?
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>You literally worship a pedophile
is there a single holy thing you will not defile kike?
good for you nigger vpn kike, just get out of my country
Nah, your family moved to America because youre all a bunch of human rat alike "people" and didnt want to improve the hellish shithole that bha-rat is, you dont even need an excuse to go around shitting with your existence other peoples lives youre all forever forever ass blasted at muslims because they humble your ridiculous ass people, hindus have such a high ego and they are literally the scum of the Earth, it is quite hilarious
>Regardless of age
Any Gaza child mogs to oblivion jeet, the very fact that they facing the diabolical ziocuck regime puts them ahead of your miserable kind
You really wouldn’t understand. Youre inbred
How many people have been killed?
Try me.
It was, and still is. The Bangladeshi pedophiles were literally throwing Hindu kids off of roofs, you would probably be thrown off of a roof too if the world was juste
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>Child murderer cant even make sense in his attacks, youre kike and a supporter of kike child killers
you're doing black propaganda as a generic jihadi because the board supports the non-Israeli side, and you're doing it in an attempt to drive a wedge between them and us, even though we just support them, and they don't even really use the board.
classic kike D&C
why some brazilians are so eager to suck jewish cock just to 'own the libs'? you're no different from poos kys
aka uncle gupta got him a job after he fired all the americans. go back.
Old enough to understand your evil nature
>systematic genocide
This word is thrown around so often soon no one will care.
kike are trying to deflect racial heat onto jeets.
"According to the gaza health ministry"
Thats literally writen in the beggining of the article
Okay let’s say that Bangladeshis were killing Hindus. What does that have to do with the Muslims of Gaza?
Muslims are pedos, so it makes sense you’re asking
And your kind isn't? You're the plague, filthy people. I can't believe theres 1.4billion losers like you, that fuck like rabbits and act like they're superior to another race, you're not. You're still the same indian whining and bitching, you're no better than an Arab you disgusting pajeet.
Jews mog Muslims in every aspect. That’s why you’re dying in droves. Hindus destroy your mosques by the way. It’s glorious because we replace them with temples. Just like how nature intended
first time in recorded history that kikes do something good. both gotta go either way.
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>"According to the gaza health ministry"
literally does not include that line you retarded kike.
>very fact that they facing the diabolical ziocuck regime
They wouldn't if they released the hostages. The war could be over in minutes by letting the hostages go.
Im asking because you seem incredibly petty and dim witted. I can’t believe you’re trying to impress strangers online with your ability to bench press and outrun people. I mean this is the way a child thinks
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I'm american kike.
You're genuinely proving that you're retarded. "My disgusting shit skin incest family makes more money that you *screeching shitskin noises*"

Nobody cares, pajeet. Gtfo. You're lower than dirt to us no matter how many shekels you accrue.
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it's not good
you're a kike.
Muslims are disgusting, you make everything about yourself when the real victims of your actions are right in front of you. You should choke on a pigs dick
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yeah that's why you invaded Lebanon
the hostages
And you’re no better than the dirt beneath my fingernails.
Ranjesh, your IQ is <70
You are mentally retarded
Don't try and think (you're not good at it)
youre retarded and mentally filtered, filthy pajeet nigger
Well im catholic and muslims exterminate every non muslim population in their countries
Look up the history of islam, muhammad himself waged many wars againts infidels
You’re fixated on children. You disgust me.
The indian on his hands and knees for his jew master, slobbering all over his dick. Jesus, your kind is an embarassment. Nice ragebait though, you can do better.
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Im Lebanese. You realize no matter how much you make (and I promise you I make more but lets assume you are a billionaire) i will be higher status than you. Im much taller than you also. These are actual facts based on human psychology.
Everyone with a nose and eyes dislikes you Ranjesh
Spoken like a true poorfag. I’m really not a materialistic person, my faith teaches me not to be unlike Islam, but it really can’t be helped in this case. You make it extremely noticeable
>im not materialistic
Trump would double the amount of aid sent to them, once he frees it up from Ukraine.
I will do better. In every single way conceivable. Have you ever conceived a child? I have, multiple times. Incel isn’t the right word to describe you, I’d say you’re a truecel
Fuck that shit VISA jeet, you just want to suck ziodick forever
The war wont end with hostages released, the West Bank is ruled by an almost secular party (Fatah) and kikes have done nothing but driving them out of their homes, settlers with the help of the IDF, this is what kikes wanted stupid fuck, they wanted October 7th way before October 7th
I dont expect a subhuman cockroach to understand this as the only thing your subhumanoid kind knows is to bow down to kikes, miserable rats
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I have an Indian neighbor. His little son is double my son’s age and my son is already bigger and taller than him.
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The article uses the base number of deaths provided by Hamas how many other deaths occurred based on other wars
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Average Lebanese faces vs average Indian faces.
You’re a shit skin, big deal. You’re basically a Bangladeshi, a genocidal freak. I hate your kind, and would deign to see your end. You remind me of this one Bangladeshi FAGGOT who convinced all the shit skins here that he’s “based”. That’s how lowly you are, being on HIS level
I’d kick your fucking ass
And what do your lying eyes tell you? That you’re human? Don’t make me laugh
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This is the average Indian face. Thoughts?
i can just imagine you talking in that retarded ass accent, gives me a good chuckle yasss sar i can do bettar have you conceived child?! bloody banchod!!! A true poopcel ladies and gentlemen.
Hahahah knew it. Muslims are all simply embarrassing
The only thing this dumb article does is multiple the number provided by Hamas

You americans are really an idiot people
The average Indian is 5 foot 4. Do you understand how weight and height advantages work in combat sports?
In fact, I’m starting to think you are that Bangladeshi anon. You think you’re clever? You think you “owned” me multiple times huh, but you descend from low caste fish eating inbred gypsies. Take a boat to the Ganges once, as a Hindu I invite you to do so, so you can really see what damage you’ve done to our holy River
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Which one of these is a shitskin kerpal? Relatively speaking. Those are average Lebanese and average Indian faces.
I’m American. I was born here. You know what sounds funny? Whenever Muslims stutter around me. Whenever I remind them of how shit they are, how imbecilic they are
You're no American, now thats hilarious. i am americannn sarrrr sarrrr i am americaaaan plsss sarrr
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Kerpal. Look at this chart.
kikela are an existential threat to humanity (gentiles) on par with the demons that worship lucifer (semites)
the rest of the muzzoids are as dangerous as a chimp with a machinegun
My prompt would go slmething lime
> a thousand mile long caravan horde of welfare leeching genetic sludge being led by a Jew dressed as circus ring leader into homogenous European nations.
They are sugar coating it, jews are far far worse.
>war wont end with hostages released
There is no solution except for Palestinians to leave. But they're retards.
>the West Bank is ruled by an almost secular party (Fatah)
Palestinians are retards.
>kikes have done nothing but driving them out of their homes
Palestinians are retards.
>settlers with the help of the IDF
Palestinians are retards.
>this is what kikes wanted stupid fuck
Jews are winning. Palestinians are retards.
>they wanted October 7th
Jews tried everything else. But Palestinians are retards that can't fight or make peace. Palestinians are becoming irrelevant over time. Because Palestinians are retards.
bots are gonna come hard on this one anon. Sad but true good post. Fuck nigger kikes
I’m Bangladeshi. Are you talking about me lol? I literally have no idea who you are, I must’ve done some significant damage tho if I’m living rent free in your head. What’s up?
This guy is deranged. I had the pleasure of speaking with him a few days ago also and he mentioned you also.
Every Gazan death statistic is from Hamas. You can't be this dumb.
Were they all roller skating down the streets of Gaza lmfao
>israeli rage
As long as they're Muslim who cares?
How old was Mary when God made her pregnant with Jesus?
>here is a picture of a kid and a plane, therefore you must support me when i execute a mother holding her baby at point blank
You should be killed and castrated. I’d flay the fucking meat from your bones shit skin. I’ve told multiple people about you, and we all cried laughing. You are a laughing stock at my temple. Everytime I see anything related to Gaza or Lebanon, I like to imagine it’s you. You are not smart, you are not funny. You are a shit skin. You managed to close the deal with these inane faggots, but that’s no achievement. I genuinely hope we cross paths one day. You’ve revealed a lot about yourself on this hate forum. Oh yes, I’ve done research on you. You own a business, you’re 30 years old, and I could go on, but I’ll let you have fun deciding what else I can use against you. Got anything clever to say NOW faggot?
the little girl shouldnt have been anti semitic
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It's true, jeets really think that pointing out how much they stole from a White country is making us like them.
They're all grifters and scammers, case in point Raj Grewal in picrel, became Canadian MP from Brampton because jeet fifth column voted him in.
He immediately corrupted his office and stole millions using it for personal financial gain.
He hid the money offshore so the state couldn't prosecute him and now Raj is suing Canada for 10 million for "damage to his reputation" for the corruption case.


I see, I guess I’m not the one then. Bummer, I wish I had a secret admirer :(
Btw, I think you’re confusing multiple people as 1 person. Just a heads up
The guy that posted this meme is so dumb he didnt even read the article the post is quoting

It literally uses as starting point the Hamas provided death toll and multiplies this number according to the average number of unrecorded deaths in other wars
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Neither of you disgusting creatures should be in a White country.

USA used to be a White country - in fact it was founded as a White country, for "free white persons of good moral character" and all.
Guess who destroyed the White America policies? Jews.

USA restricted immigration to White Europeans, from 1776 to 1965, for 189 years.
>What happened in 1965?
Well, a certain Jew by the name of Emanuel Celler, had infiltrated their government and repealed the race-based National Origins Formula (White America policy), and installed the Hart-Cellert Act of 1965 in it's place which removed the race restrictions and replaced them with restrictions for migrants of European origin, effectively creating the policy of White Genocide.
When the act was introduced, it immediately decreased the amount of people coming from Europe and opened the floodgates for everyone else, including Jews themselves.

>The National Origins Formula had been established in the 1920s to preserve American homogeneity by promoting immigration from Western and Northern Europe. During the 1960s, at the height of the (((civil rights movement))), this approach increasingly came under attack for being racially discriminatory.
>The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 created a seven-category preference system that gives priority to [...], and refugees.
>The law abolished the National Origins Formula, which had been the basis of U.S. immigration policy since the 1920s. The act formally removed de facto discrimination against Southern and Eastern Europeans as well as Asians, in addition to other non-Western and Northern European ethnicities from the immigration policy of the United States.
>Prior to the Act, the U.S. was 85% White, with Black people (most of whom were descendants of slaves) making up 11%, while Latinos made up less than 4%.


If Israelis cared about peace they wouldn't be getting their shit kicked in by Iran
she was killed later btw
>Ahhh yes Schlomo please take our land we have lived on since the beginning of civilization

What a retard
You’re a liar. You’re not clever at all, or human. Stupid faggot. I bet your “business” doesn’t make nearly as much as mine. You’re also old as fuck, I mean you still come here and you’re 30. You’re fucking pathetic
Iran's attack killed 0 israelis, literally no one
Why so prosperous in America when India is a total shithole?
>i got more fiat shekels than you
wow not the flex you think it is, I got more gold than your entire bloodline
It’s amazing the sheer number of crazy posts you’ve made about this Bangladeshi guy.
Judais is the oldest abrahamic religion but sure muslim magically came first
the jew doesnt think you are human
just an animal created by god to serve them that looks as men so they are not sickened by their slaves presence

so there is that
I hope you find your man crush one day, he’s gonna be happy to see how deep your feelings are for him
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When are we going to get a true aryan leader in India to end this insanity - rahul ghandi
most based post in this thread
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The jews already bombed most of the the hostages. They never cared about them.
Many israelis are sephardic jews who were expelled from muslim countries, they are as arabs as any muslim
>There are faggots on /pol/ who will eat this shit up
I think I know who he’s talking about. That guy is based, he gave me a lot of advice regarding start ups and businesses. I legit don’t think that Bangladesh anon knows about this beef OP has with him which is hilarious lol
Pretty sure you'd call all people who dislike Indians shit skins while hiding behind a US flag to cover your jeet ass.
Not like it makes a difference since screeching for Hindu shit is not american unless it's some larp "spiritual cleanse bullshit" sold by hipsters
>and you choose the wrong flag to larp as defending dindus while hating muslims
>ma jeetnigga
Look who’s the homo now, retard. Big L for you
>maybe you should tell him about your secret crush
Shut the fuck up
No but I'd give her mine
>Go ahead and make another Hindu thread
> and I could easily buy everything you have
Some of my kids went to school with poos. They’re a laughing stock. No athletes, no cheerleaders, no student govt, no clubs, no friends, all niggerblack, stinky, the girls have mustaches, the boys are like stunted 11 year old quasi-midgets.
Yes I think it’s true they save their money. That’s fine. But of course they would, they come from a dungheep shithole and to finally be able to pretend to be a human means e everything to them.
But they’re not americans and never will be of course
now replace the jet with Hamas missile faggot

I come back to this? This is your best retort? You don't even comprehend why stuffing yourselves in a box, in America, still makes you a dalit.
You people are so weak and disgusting you’re the only brownoid that even Redditors make fun of.
Thats a jew, so are you. This board is 90% kikes
>Go ahead and make another Hindu thread though
Okay, I will.
those kids are going to need to eat, are you going to feed them?
I ain't mr. cuckold bunch
both sides are actually bad because both sides hate White people
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total kike death
jews die god laughs
Wanting muslims and jews to kill one another is a jewish psyop? Take your meds schizo
SAAAAAAR stop eating cow shit and poo in loo please
The picture should have an A-10 warthog/thunderbolt bŕrrrrrrrrrrttttttt
What race were those children?
That number by the Gaza Health Ministry only include identified bodies. If not or if the body cannot be found, or is completely obliterated, it is not included in that total. Hence the discrepancy in the 40k and the 186k numbers

A simply google seatch would have told you this. However you already knew via your jewish shill NGO. They simply have this in your deflection and tactics to slander and discret section of this topic in your shill operations manual
thhey are willing to have their worthless inbred kids killed just so they can give a headache to Jews

Ive never seen a more pathetic and useless community than the Islummick one

They cry so eagerly for the gullible western media too lol
Both sides (mine) are in orbit
we are smarter , richer and more happy then you or your disgusting mutt family of inbred coons will ever be

We laugh at your misery
you do realize that india is number one in incestual relationships right?
shame on them

The jews need to eradicate the Muzzies for all of us

A crime against Hindus, they dont even bat an eyelid

But they cry for paleshite lol
yeah Im enjoying the news lately

Muzzies getting owned daily by Jew chads... Not a bad thing in my book
why do you want us to care about Muzzies getting slaughtered in Paleshite or Lebaboo if yo dont dont care about Hindus in Bangladesh

Bangladesh isnt a real country, Bengal was always Hindu
but you guys are still inbred and worse than any Indian

Indians are smart and noble... Muzzies are just...... oh lord
you and a Hindu boy need to have many babies

Start a new race of Hinjoos

Smart, good at money making and loyal to your people

Im all for it babe
2nd post best post.
no dude, the stats dont lie

Mooslim countries lead the world in cousin marriage and inbreeding

Thats why you guys are so angry and nasty with Low IQs

I thank God Im not Mooslim ... You are a disgrace
Please brother, please say a prayer for my Mooslim brothers

the Jew chads keep giving us exploding Pagers and walkie talkies...

We will kill and rappe everyone of them, inshallah... We are peaceful people

Man - no wonder you Abfools are hated all over the globe... you make niggers look sane
You live 20 to a house, you work low class Uber driver jobs, everyone hates you with a passion, normies openly insult your race similar to gypsies, your average height is 5’6, you are brown.
>I could easily buy everything you have
Was there a muslim who didn’t tip you after you delivered his uber eat?
I like the part where the kid on rollerskates drives a lorry over unsuspecting pedestrians.
Indians are turbo geniuses
I bet that plane kicks that little bitches ass!
>I hope you both fucking off each other and all your rat kids die too
This. I hope they keep on killing each other. It would be good if their diasporas startet killing each other, too.
Lancet is a well respected journal, monkey

This report by american physicians that went to Gaza is grim as fuck
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I just hate kikes more
Jews and Muslims are both sandniggers.
Jews, Muslims, Hindus, and Sikhs are all subhuman garbage who should be genocided.

Every dead Muslim is a win.
Every dead Jew is a win.
I member ummahs, didn't think people said ummah anymore. Its more the sound rather than the word itself. Ummah
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By just killing the Jews we could easily keep the other non-whites out.
It was the Jews after all who changed the laws that kept our countries White to ones that let them in
It's consistent even, every White country had slightly different laws but every time Jews were involved in changing them to become multicultural
Oh no, the mossad holiday bungalow; she's ruined.
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>Gang up on Israel with a group of 3-7 everytime
>Lose like fags
>Post a pic of little palirat with a Israeli fighter in background
How low iq you should be to actually think palirats are the victims here?
>Trump would double the amount of aid sent to them, once he frees it up from Ukraine.
it's really really funny how Australian jews are PARTICULARLY seething about Trumps unavoidable ascendance.
I wonder why!??!?
(because you're all satanic pedophiles)
>The article uses the base number of deaths provided by Hamas how many other deaths occurred based on other wars
it cites the HAMAS number
that's it.
you're retarded you stupid fucking kike.
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>Every Gazan death statistic is from Hamas. You can't be this dumb.
It's from the Lancet.
>Were they all roller skating down the streets of Gaza lmfao
lmfao remember when you fags were saying it was reversed footage
>What race were those children?
the same race as the jews. So mostly arab.
I'm just not going to pick a side is all, I know ugh, I know, I'm just not picking a side is all lmao.
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>narrative retreat
kino just like with Ukraine
>Oh no, the mossad holiday bungalow; she's ruined.
>oh no
gif rel
hehe, cant say im mad about this

I get happy knowing my Indian bros are mogging you incels and outcastes in your own countries

Your squeals make us chuckle heartily
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maybe they should try using soldiers instead of little girls on skates
you kill hindus in bangladesh but will cry like BITCHES when the Jew chads kill your kids in palleshite

Nobody cares about you dogs, the world would be far more harmonious and happier without you inbred Rock worshippers

Fuckk off back to Arabia, you have nothing good to contribute

At least Hindus have Yoga, Karma, meditation, spices, curry, trigonometry, Chess and ayurvedic medicine...

Arabs and Muzzies only have child marriage and bombs... You guys are a disgrace
theyre psychopathic and loony bro

They cry like little girls when the Jews bash them and own their asses in Paleshite

But they seem to not mind when Bangla villains and Pakis kill Hindus for fun

Its disgraceful, they see non Muzzies as bad but they want to come to our countries

Hittler should have gone after Muzzies, they are the problem not Jew bros
pray for paleshitee

waah save us habibiiiiiiii
that is what it is though. Arabs are incompetent in warfare. One side has the world superpower backing it up, the other Iran, just barely. One side has the ability to genocide the other. The other has... paragliders.
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you should run less Christcuck threads if you want us to not hate your fucking guts kike.
Who lives in a pineapple "under" the C
Who gets squeezed for money and the girls are sandy.
Painty the pirate sings the themesong, god paints pictures in our minds and steals our money lol. He's also not even in the cast, we can't hurt him
literally? Does that make accuracy extra accurate?
Alright he's in the cast too. He's squidward. So the joke is god incarnated as squidward.
We operate on a system of promises
So the joke is God's not that happy but he plays a flute for fun. Spongebob doesn't have sex but he's way happier than god. Lol they don't let us suicide. Were like 90% sure god made these cartoons.
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The symbolism in this one is really easy but I've got nothing going for me except a talking god who told me about it. Anyone even real. I don't know a single person who relates to Spongebob except me. God also doesn't talk to any of them. Definitely the biggest eye opener for me was a guy whose last name was anal ass and he was gay
Hindus are rapist scum
You posted that it's 'literally accurate'. Why do you need the word literally is my question.
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>You posted that it's 'literally accurate'. Why do you need the word literally is my question.
I don't understand.
Fuck hindus. Indians are shit rapist scum
I guess bobs celibacy was meant to be for young people, to gaslight them with sandy. Wasn't suppose to be 15 years dry. That's because I got a very serious illness that almost killed me.
Why are you living in a white man's civilization and speaking his language? Go back to India and make it great again dude. You people are like insanely rude and arrogant and weird. Assimilate or leave me "hey buddy buddy buddy" dot head
He's insinuating that you're retarded and have a poor grasp of English. I'm inclined to agree
Indians are the plague. Everyone hates you and thinks you're a creepy rapist
Nobody likes you, hindu pajeet.
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>He's insinuating that you're retarded and have a poor grasp of English. I'm inclined to agree
agree about what though?
no thats a child stupid
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what are these?
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shocking thing to accuse pajeets of
No, apparently you don't.
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>Now do the same fucking pic but replace the jet by pic related...

Man, these people are retards. It is kinda scarry that we have to share a planet with these. Sometime I see shitty posts like this on FB and it is pretty crazy how many people like and comment them...
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Taking your home back from Jakub that stole it is hardly the same thing
Yea whatever, killed like 25 million people since 2020. Nothing burger. That's 5 Ireland's. Global depop event. Next president is named hairy vagina.
>Indians out earn literally every demographic in america.
Weird, because India has a billion of you fucking rats and everything about it is disgusting and broken.
You'd think it would be nice.
False flag thread by kike.
This faggot kike false flagging Hindus out of nowhere. Stop responding to this kike. They do this all the time.
So a glowie thread run by kikes using a muslim and a hindu avatar. *clap* *clap*
So me paragliding into Danzig, randomly start killing all people I see, no matter if men, women or children, taking hostages etc. would be cool because they live on "my" land?
>Bust in, murder, and kidnap civilians
>Run away and shield themselves with children from the retaliatory gun fire
Sounds like Muslim terrorism, alright
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>No, apparently you don't.
help me understand
so she says no and you just do it anyway?
oh wait no I guess 'he"
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bro the kikes are 100% doing that.
I mean you guys get your fair share, but a couple months ago it started to come down so hard for no reason.
They're just trying to deflect anti-Semitism
Based, moslems are tough when chimping out and stabbing women and kids in our countries for no reason other than being subhumans but wow do they squeal like pigs when the run of play goes against them.
>Based, moslems are tough when chimping out and stabbing women and kids in our countries for no reason other than being subhumans but wow do they squeal like pigs when the run of play goes against them.
90,000 kids you've killed
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>24 posts and counting
look, the relief from the biden / kamala tyranny would be good, but it's also pretty bad, because all of the sportsball-brained people (red team vs blue team) keep waiting for a saviour who isn't going to do anything except look after their own interests.
if he does step up to them, i'll eat my words, but holding out hope that he will is boomer Q-tier retardation.
Trump, like Hillary Clinton, like Joe Biden, have children (in the latter cases, all of their children) have married in jewry. Their interests are not aligned with yours and mine.
I dislike Trump because I love my people (White people) so much more and I'm tired of feeding parasites.
Pic-related is some of many. Happy to have a conversation about it and post more if you like. Be honest with yourself, America deserves much better.
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You work for pedophiles
your work is a crime against humanity you disgusting fucking kike
the world is sick of your shit
and you're going to lose Israel for it.
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I was wondering why it wasn't on
Poo in the loo
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you know even though you disgusting fucking kikes stole the backdoors from us, American glowniggers at your level don't have access to this?
They literally cannot engage it. I had to redpill on 911 for MONTHS to get them to turn it on, and even then it was like barely noticable.
I start talking about your meme country of disgusting satanic larpers for less than a month and one of you psychotic scumbags turns it up to 11.
pretty funny because if you idiots didn't, I would have never realized it was happening and probably just died of CHF
but your so fucking stupid you had to crank it up in your pissy impotent rage which made me take corrective action.
turn it up as high as you want, I 've totally defeated it.
When you do I just get more data.
Guess I'll be able to sue the Australian government as well as Israel.
Your people are a curse. 100000x worse than anything muslims ever did.
I really like how obvious the standing wave is in the patterns of the thermal paste
That's because your family is 20 working-age men living in the same house.
If it weren't for israel/der juden they wouldnt be in your country in the first place
leave arabs alone, contain them in their desert in case turks decide to cause problems again, and they'll just chill, dig oil and occaisionally blow each other up. As long as Israel exists however, the muzzies will continue to flow into are nations.
Muzzrats spent almost 1000 years attacking Europeans. They deserve everything they get now.
yeah that's right bitch
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new candy girl webms for you satanic pedo
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Seek professional help dude.
I wish you well.
Europeans let the muslim shitskins in nobody else. Everyone could have done what Poland and Hungary did but they chose not to.
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>I wish you well.
I would skin you alive in front of your kids and consider it a holy service to God.
There's a reckoning coming
and it's coming for you.
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You have earned an enemy for life.
and like all your enemies they don't hate you for your fake larp of a heritage, or your religions, you're hated for your DISGUSTING inhuman behavior.
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enjoy the next shoah when you have no Israel to flee to.

take your meds anon
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there's only one medicine for what I have.
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>if he does step up to them, i'll eat my words,
you're going to eat more than that.
You're violating federal law and live in a country with an extradition treaty.
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everyone below 150 is retarded. thats 99% of the population. youre one of the retards too^^
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>Wear jeans
Most Muslims wear jeans just fine
>Eat meat
Vegetarianism is entirely western.
It's practically impossible to be a vegetarian Muslims, except in the case of a medical condition, because we're religiously required to butcher a cattle once a year.
>Hit a women for having a face
That's a feminist blogger argument.on 4chan. That's kind of embarrassing
But you're right dude. Me,the guy weathering his shitty third world country is exactly the same as the Jew who has KEKED your country into submission and is about to send you to war for his cult-state.
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N O RLY???

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Arabs = Not people
Jews = Don't care

Jews killing Arabs = Based
Arabs killing Jews = Don't care

Not my problem.
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Vs. 92-96 IQ IZZIES
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No they don't. That was a doctored twitter image that appeared across the internet once.
You street shitting retards will grasp at anything that makes you look superior, but it never works and instead makes you look pathetic.
You're doing this constantly, so now your race is the most hated in the world.
More than niggers!
That's truly an accomplishment.
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Your average IQ is around 80, you on a whole are just as dumb as Muslims and just as poor - you as an individual parasiting off Americans wont change this.
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That's part of the American anthem, not Canadian.
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Well the Poles haven't been actively genociding you and put you in an open-air prison for 80 years straight now?

Also. remember Dresden? In fact for all the atrocities the jews have done its impossible to even pay them back to be level with them.
Anything you could ever do to a jew is nothing compared to what they have already done

Are you some Jewish rat or part of their non-white demon army yourself or why are you so retarded?
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But yes Danzig would belong to you if you still wanted it, its your ancestral homelands after all.
Just like Vyborg would belong to us, but we wouldn't even want it anymore now, the current borders are fine.
The important thing is to exterminate all the Jews before the whole White world is destroyed.
Stay mad pajeet, no one likes you, especially israel but you suck em off daily
Cause you're willing tools of the system and thus endorsed and protected. Go lick more Jew boot.
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What happened there? Masked kikes attack some family with pipes and the kike soldier protects the attackers?
Seems like UK government

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You are so fucking retarded.
Did you even read the pic rel in >>483734159 ?

Who made Sweden, the safest and most functional White ethnostate in the history of mankind, to become the murder and rape capital of Europe?

Every Single Time.
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Who let in millions of shitskins in England and made it a place where Muslim child rape gangs roam the streets?

Every Single Time.
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Who hid the crime of the immigrants they brought to Sweden as they feared the truth would cause "racism".

Every Single Time.
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Who is teaming up with the invaders they dragged to Europe and fight against the natives that want to reclaim their own homes.

Every Single Time.
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Who is funding the NGOs that bring immigrants to European soil and then help them to get asylums?

Every Single Time.
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Who destroyed the White Australia policy that kept Australia safe, clean, functional and White?

Every Single Time.


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Who is pushing for multiculturalism and open borders, stealing money from goyim to bribe their politicians and push their messaging in the media?

Every Single Time.
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kek nigga I don't care if your family's networth were 200X mine. I would take being born white and living on the street than being born a pajeet lol
Only Arabs disagree with this post
Jews kill both the Christians and Muslims all the same.
Yes. That picture is correct.
kys pajeet nigger.
They destroyed everything including the hospitals in Gaza along with 500+ medical professionals. They have stopped aid from getting in and there are 1.6 million people now in Rafa which is a city of 250 thousand. At least 200,000 have been directly killed in bombing attacks and thousands more who have and will die due to starvation and sanctions. The World Health Organization has called it the biggest humanitarian disaster since WWII.
Arabs are peaceful when Americans and Jews are not arming extremists and bombing innocent civilians.
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Here are kikes destroying food aid meant for starving children
Note that most of them are kids, so Jews are born as demons, not something they become when they're adults
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WWII wouldn't have happened either if the Jews didn't exist.

I hope that one day the world wakes up and kills all the Jews, hunts them down to the very last Jew.

There have been books written and movies made about all sorts of alien attacks where humanity is facing doom against some alien force.

But the reality is that we have this demonic alien force here at home already, it is the Jews.
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>Arabs are peaceful
Now you went too far though.
Arabs are not peaceful and islam is an inbred low-IQ pedophile religion.
That being said as long as they stay in their lands, who the fuck cares, literally not our business.

The important part is to kill the jews and get all the non-whites and islam out of White Christian countries.
Go back to your country instead of polluting France like cockroaches.
>If it weren't for israel/der juden they wouldnt be in your country in the first place
They come anyway because their gay wasteland countries are shit. Countering Jewish influence is not enough by itself when the entire world is jealous of white superiority

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