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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Fuck china
Fuck chinks
>Chinese rocket test ends in explosion, caught on drone footage
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wow, it's almost like humanity shouldn't pit itself against one another..could this be...nah niggerchinks the cattle aren't ready yet, more toil for all..
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>fuck china
Well what about hong kong?
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Looks fake (AKA Chinese)
There's a lot of people in china. A lot of decent people and a lot of psychopaths. Freedom is dangerous. And they have more of it there than we do in the west.
Why are hoes like that? Bro is just having a cig and some fun.
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>More freedom in china than the west
ok, chink

America is nowhere near as authoritarian as China, China is ranked as the 4th worst country in regards to the Freedom of the Press (177 out of 180), basically meaning that dissenting opinions are never published or are stomped out. Compare this to America which is ranked at 45 and it's plain to see that America is far less censor happy.


Chinks can drop the BS now, Winnie the Pooh won't sleep with you no matter how vehemently you defend him.
>Jews rank china low on the freedom list
>actual observable fact even proclaimed by the chink government and the great firewall is easy to witness
ok, chink. Sure, anyway people have eyes and you fled to the USA
kys, you're bad at this
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Speaking of jews btw
The west is more communist than china. Who cares about a figurehead from the past.
>Check out how hard I can pee
We literally have half of Appalachia without power, government confiscating donations and spending 600 million on illegal immigrants instead of people literally starving. USA is officially the same level as China.

The response to this post will be you calling me Chinese for pointing out reality.
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This is kinda hot actually
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thats a fucking hosepipe clit jeez dafuq
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>The west is more communist than china.
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And yet, you never go back. Why is that? You don't have to answer, kek
Everyone knows why
Engles wasn’t a Jew though he was soi boi
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i overheard someone say that karl marx didnt write his book, but someone put his name on it 20 years after it was written. not sure what boo but i heard that when i was on a bus
>don't steal my lab animal for food law
>don't kill my lab animal before I do law
You're retarded
Fuck off, bong
Is there a reason why animal cruelty laws haven't been enacted in China? They did ban chattel slavery earlier than some Arab countries, and these laws represent basic ethical advancements in society. So maybe their views of animals are still like that or Descartes.
so it’s not true?
>they have/are introduced/introducing laws
better late than never imo. White people have unironically said if you beat the monkeys we wont buy your cars, so now they are stopping the animal beatings. win win, well, not really, but we want them to stop hurting animals, right?
because up till recently nobody had any such law and they are the last to adopt it. western nations didnt have animal cruelty laws till the 20th century.
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Here you go>>483737523

If you can even finish this:
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Fucking subhuman robotic chinks, they deserve to get nuked to oblivion. Of course these clone looking retarded robotic chinks don't have animal cruelty laws. Even fucking JEETS have a sense of protecting and not harming innocent animals in their religion, for fucks sake
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>these are more like anti-theft laws than laws against cruelty
Can't you contrarian faggots use your brains?
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yes, im being a mong, you are roght. however it does say that they are in the process of enacting more laws which can only be a good thing.
>in the process
For how many years now? Lazy ass niggers
China is a testing ground for what Bill Gates, the elites and the WEF faggot Grand master Claus want to implement in USA and Europe. China is a shitty fake country that copy's everything. Communism has destroyed their creativity and souls
Hi chang. Why don't you and your poop friends go home?? The Western man despise both your cultures.
I know this is a shill bot but don't forget
Don't forget their spit fights and gutter oil
says in early 2020 they banned cat and dog meat sales and consumption
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>muh communism affected the chink soul
Nigger those yellow faggots always have had a culture of eating dogs before the ccp was a thing.
>t. chang trying to fit in
Even apu's have more love and protect animals of all kinds as it's part of their religion and culture. To have sympathy for animals is what makes you human. At least their shitting on streets habits don't actually torture innocent animals like chinks do.
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k glownig. You are shilling China being bad, which everyone already knows, to a country which has an entire territory without power and people starving
>western nations didn't have animal cruelty laws till the 20th century
while there weren't specific animal law you could be charged for various other thing if you did something egregious to an animal
Animal cruelty laws and yet niggers are killing and raping people everyday and are defended by the literal federal government
It's all for show, they only did it for coronavirus and the bad publicity they were getting due to it. chinks don't value animals as living beings, those robotic retarded clone looking chinks see everything as a number or item to be used, nothing more. I bet they don't even enforce those laws anyways, the fact that they're taking longer on enacting anti animal cruelty laws than a lazy nigger late at his janitor job is proof that chinks don't actually care. I'm not buying these yellow antics.
>chinks don't value animals as living beings
Jews don't value white people as human beings
That's a damn lie. There are dog meat restaurants everywhere in china still
Is this whataboutism
Animal cruelty usually fell under the umbrella of “moral turpitude” however animals were considered property so usually it had to be something major like badly beating a dog or horse in public
It really just depended on the authorities
As they didn’t take that seriously but it was considered morally corrupt to mistreat animals
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>imma still simp for china instead of go make muh hurricane thread
>muh whataboutism hurricane
>hurricanes somehow=communism/dictatorship/whatever
Ok, chang but it's funny to see that you don't go back. Simp more, you beedy eyed piece of shit
>its all for show
thats that then, no point in discussing it further.
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Lol, no chang
Keep trying harder, though
Obvious bug
not true at all. dog fighting was fine till 1910s
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>anything but china in the china thread
what is this, a chink love thread?
>ching jong wang b-but kikeu peopur tho!?!
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It was illegal in most of the west
then its all a lie and im a fool for believing anything. shame on me.
you think people were against dog fighting in the west? people only started caring in the w0th century. bro, you’re dreaming or something. its known that people bred dogs to fight all kinds of different animals, to hunt them, to fetch the,pm. you are a city fag, stfu.
Here you go:
BIG NOSE TIME https://youtu.be/acZXridt7wM?t=228
only slightly better than poojeets and niggers, their women can be fucking hot as hell and their men can be funny and resourceful, no one really has problems with Asians living among them, still- they need to go the fuck back.
Yes, it's true that it happened, but it was illegal and many people paid hefty fines/went to jail for it.
Even if that were to be true, which is not, child hookers and pagan human sacrifice around the wouldn't be justified either because time changed
That’s got to be fake Kek
Niggerzooms are the most nigerdly looking niggers to date

Fucking based motherfucker. Have my upvote [^], like, like react, "heart" react and subscription.
Dog fighting and bull baiting was illegal at various times and places so
Yes and no
it was still a rather seedy affair
These hip nigger rappers get more and more obnoxious looking as years go by, nig literally looks like a 9 year old niglet in a 30 year old nigger body
It’s because they be beaten their own box
If you have had a cigarette (good one) then you know exactly why hes doing this
Kek i do this
Women are nasty
This can be fixed with a roundabout. Only morons can't into roundabouts.
It's real
tenda spencer has no soul
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Explains why they have slant eyes. It's natural selection to protect their eyes from the momma cat's from scratching their eyes out when they find out what the bugmen are doing to their kittens.
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>Members of National People's Congress being asked how many terms they think Xi Jingping should serve as president
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what's with the dude in the wizard robe at 0:26, then some bitch in what looks like a star wars outfit
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>in Soviet China, dog eat you!
his fucking face
Hello saar!
No idea
Nice try, chang. You niggers are no different than jeets
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Nice VPN, Alex. Go ahead and pretend you fit in here and say "kek the chink ran away to Japan!" Again. Or call me a tranny. Or just green text what I say. The script your managers gave you is too predictable.
>be chink
>damage control and simp for china
>nip flag
>thinks nobody will notice
You're definitely a chink that fled to japan lol
Stay wumad chink nigger
Try another name next time
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They keep winning though. They have grown the most wealthy and technologically advanced in many areas. Thank your boomer corporate execs and politicians for allowing this to happen under their watch, many even invested and profited off of the rise of China greatly while making sure (you) stay broke and broken.
>ai slop to distract from his insect farm
Nice self own chink .Stop shitting up pol with slide threads .Your country is a soulless bug hive of unconscious insects , mine is poor .There is no comparison
So western women will be ok then?
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>china numba won
>fled to the USA
ok, chang
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>earthquake supertrain and paper mashe concrete
based bugoids meming clownworld better than globohomo
Go try living there
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That angle looks a little questionable
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Chinks are almost as bad as sand niggers. Fuck. Chinks.
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Based glownigger thread, fuck the chinks and commie subhumans
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China never did anything wrong to me :)

I will hate jews first and foremost
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>never did anything to me
>fled and hides flag
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Chyna numbah wan
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This thread is just jeets and chinks roasting each other and putting blame on one another.
Do you think the maimed animals is worth the dog fight? I'd love to fight you, faggot. I would beat you retarded and laugh at your drooling ass
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Fuck them both
worst welds I have ever seen
Check out how they level a building
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Come. Let us burn the Mandate of Heaven Nation's jewish government to the ground. For Lahaina.
Fucking kek
she's shitting at the same time
How the hell do they do it /pol/? How are chinks consistently the worst asians in the world? The only thing at this point people like about chinks is the chinese food but even that isn't supposedly the most authentic thing. Many say its just Americanized chink food which makes sense considering what these freaks eat in China.
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yuck looked like diarrhea puke chunks on the windshield
It is
There is no wildlife in Chinese cities because they literally eat everything that moves. Birds, bugs, lizards, whatever.
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chinks are fucking hilarious at this point man, you have to look like you have down syndrome to eat that shit
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Thanks, i dont think i ever unironically hated any nationally/ ethnicity until now, but after this i hope china gets turned into glass and radioactive ash
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chinks fear the toblerone of truth
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Why do chinks always walk around with their arms behind their backs and why does it piss me off?
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So, how do I learn Chinese tones and characters?
It used to be something truly unique, but over the past 10 years it morphed into just another Chinese city.
In a way, it's actually not a bad advertisement having people chilling on your (greasy dirty display) pieces
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What could go wrong??. Jezus, they are really retarded.
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Reminder that no matter how pathetic your life is, at least you aren’t Alex Muttchud
>hates chinks because he got dumped by one
>is a filthy ribbitor
>buys 4chan gold and several VPNs
>pretends to be different people and replies to himself
>goes to /pol/ for companionship and validation 12hrs a day, 7 days a week
>probably has no job either
>sees chinks in every shadow, they live rent free in his head for the rest of his life because of a single bitch who is probably taking miles of cock right now
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They don’t even value human life. What makes you think they’d value an animal’s
Who cares? I'm not Chinese and i wouldn't want to be Chinese. I don't care what Chinese people do in China. I don't care what Chinese people do in Africa.
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>116 posts
Lmfaoo Alex Meacham is truly the most mentally ill poster on the board
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>chink wall of text fabrication
kek, this is the best they can do, but they NEVER go back
I am thankful to God that I don't see dogs being skinned alive and eaten like in Chins
>critical race theory

>jewish invention

thanks for proving my point lol
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>118 posts
Lurkers ask yourself, how many other threads do you see this level of unhinged seethe in? Lmao pic related is the poster, Alex Meacham
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>being so moronic, you can't read
Huge surprise
Was he Hamas??
I don’t get this one..
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>oh no, he posts vids while he works with his company online
>he multi-tasks
>so mad!
>i'm not mad though, here's my 1tb folder i made about one guy
kek, making another thread after this. Come cry in it, chang
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Nah, just carrying a chink scooter battery.
That's your average chink public bathroom
That's your average chink public bathroom
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>1tb folder of China seethe
>122 posts
>calling anybody else mad
Lmfaooo Alex this is one of your most mentally ill copes
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>another photo of the same random guy it took its time to meme and add to the 1tb folder
>dreams about me when it sleeps
LOL, I own you
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A good watch explaining food quality in China.
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Chinese nigger?
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>131 China seethe posts
You're mind broken Alex
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>still here
kek, you dream about me while you slep and when you wake you comb through /pol/ to find me.
I own you
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Anti-China shills are MKultra Psyoped paid shill ZOGbots or bots that are created by us intelligence to change the perception of China and the Chinese people. These zionists are afraid of a multipolar free world, they want their 1984 dystopia of america to turn the entire world into an intercontinental ghetto. China is liberating millions from US corporate slavery in Africa, Asia, and across the world.
lmao the alban is shaking
staged af
>that flag
>simps for bugland
>never goes back
What a shocker
ew just noticed she also pooped
>only a few million
kek, chyna numba won
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Nothing can compare to the sick and ugly dystopia of america and the west.
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dumb bitch deserved it
why does no one ever help each other in this shit hole? I mean that's a fucking kid being mauled by a dog ffs and everyone just watches it legit pisses me off.
Sure, chang. Let's compare:
China is a dystopian nightmare.
bUt mY wHaTaBoUtIsM aMeRiCa cope....
No, China is MUCH worse.
Ever hear how the USA media can talk about Michael Jackson kiddie didling, Epstein, or how bad Chicago is and that California
has a homeless problem? Of course!
Have you ever heard of the Chinese Epstein Song Shanmu that held a children's brothel where he raped anything that
moved (4years in prison only), organ harvesting of Falun dafa, 7 million Chinese living in caves, China's definition
of "out of poverty" is making 423 dollars a year, China's authoritarian covid measures where people are welded into their houses without
food and starve to death, no animal rights violations, housing bubble popped and it's propped up by government loans? And the list goes on.
No you haven't. Why? Because that shit gets swept under the rug, you nigger. You can't find any information on it in China and if you
share the proof you found with a VPN, you are detained in a metal chair until you give a confession of guilt and pay hefty fines.
The truth is, nobody thinks China is better than the US. It's just cope.
All those webms you see? That's the real China.
including canada lmfao
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The us has been spreading terror campaigns globally since its inception. China spending 10 billion which it can afford to protect 1.3 billion people from this sick homosexual zionist influence is the tip of the iceberg.
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Wow China sure is better than America since America has all those muslim concentration camps, forced child labor for sweatshops for Chinese companies, Americans also murder COVID patients as well, and will arrest anyone for questioning our government or making fun of the president.

China literally kills people and harvests their organs to sell to the rich. China has slave labor, death and rape camps. Labor is so bad in China they had to install fucking hammocks outside of factories to stop people from routinely killing themselves by jumping off a building by climbing over the suicide fences. People have been jailed and their lives ruined for posting about WINNIE THE FUCKING POO BECAUSE IT OFFENDS THEIR LEADER. Do you know what would happen if Kathy Griffin held up a severed head of Xi in mockery? Unimaginable suffering before she died. That's what would have happened.

You are fucking retarded beyond comprehension if you think America is just as bad as China. This isn't even up for fucking discussion.

Don’t forget a newer major aspect of CCP life: The social credit system! Why be sanctioned for instituting a Gestapo when you can con your citizens into being one for you! Rat out your friends, rat out your family, rat out your neighbors and coworkers! And if you don't or don't do it enough, we'll make you an unperson, leaving you destitute and to starve to death on the streets.

The reason China seems unified is because the majority of the citizens are brainwashed and suppressed from any information that goes against the government propaganda or are scared for what happens if the government finds out they have wrong think.
It's kinda funny how clearly uninformed you are about China that you think it's the same as America despite being objectively worse for having the combined worst traits of many dictatorships into one government.
because the moment someone helps their responsible for it. for example; if your chink self would witness someone getting ran over by a car, its best to act like you never see it because the chink WILL sue you for running him over even though you did everything in your power to help his sorry bug ass.
This resulted in the funniest sight chinkland has to offer: Spit fights. Because laying a hand on someone means getting legally buttfuck to oblivion
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America is nowhere near as authoritarian as China, China is ranked as the 4th worst country in regards to the Freedom of the Press (177 out of 180), basically meaning that dissenting opinions are never published or are stomped out. Compare this to America which is ranked at 45 and it's plain to see that America is far less censor happy.


Chinks can drop the BS now, Winnie the Pooh won't sleep with you no matter how vehemently you defend him.
Considering that even a couple of years ago, having a door to the toilet was an absolute luxury in China. Too expensive to have a thing with hinges, so you just walk by and see people taking a shit in their holes...

Considering that while US may have various coronavirus measures, but none are welding people into their homes or moving them to houses specifically built for it with locks on the outside, my guess is that even as america tries to become more like china, ya'll still have a long way to go.

Your government may have eliminated a journalist here and there when they compete with news networks in influence, but it isn't yet a common occurrence to disappear bloggers over basic shit so much that it's a punchline.

the fact remains that I can make all of the above comments without fear of being captured, fake-sentenced to jail or made to vanish. I can't say the same for the People's Republic of Poo.
>you WILL live in the pod
>you WILL eat the bug
>you WILL wear the mask
>you WILL take the vax
>you WILL take the flu test
>you WILL be monitored all day
>you WILL be monitored online
>you WILL get locked in your shed
>you WILL own nothing and be happy
Is this in the west? NO, IT'S CHINA! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>kills religious nuttjobs, no whites
Meanwhile in china for wrongthink:
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Woo-hoo! so based kek
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The soil in north america is poisoned. The food is grown unorganically and mixed in with human meat from meat stations operated by the government and mortician industries. Epstein took part in breeding operations in arizona to create the elites "superman" out of mixing multiple limbs of dead bodies into one living breathing organism with a robotic apparatus. Transhumanism is a western invention and elon musk is pioneering mind control chips and robotic nerves that can reverse engineer the human body. Mcdonalds meat has estrogen and adrenochrome in it and millions of consumers globally. 83 million americans live in dilapidated ghettos and federal housing projects. The CIA operates MKultra mind control to this day. Waterboarding, Erotic hypnosis, Gateway tapes, and abduction from your family to live on a FEMA concentration camp is just whats known to those who research it.

america is an international parasite and China and Russia are the antidotes to this ugly unclean reversed engineered nation.
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Always the same thread with one guy posting 150+ times

Get a rest CIA nigger. China WILL perserve. Jewish controlled USA WILL lose
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>a place where people sold their bodies for science after they die naturally
oh no!
>the USA has a tiny bit of pollution
kek, meanwhile in china:
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Hurricane Katrina and other "natural disasters" or HAARP created monsoons and hurricanes where responsible for imprisoning millions in FEMA camps but you talk about Xinjiang. Lets not forget that if you are not a BIPOC, LGBT, A refugee, or all at once you will lose your "social credit" in the US and get beat up or shot at by the totalitarian police enforcers or the gangsters roaming the streets. america still has banana republics in latin america and the carribean and is still sucking the world dry of its resources to keep its satanic theocracy going. America has the worlds highest incarceration population. 23% of all prisoners globally are incarcerated in the us. And thats the numbers the feds reveal.
Roundabouts are pretty common in my part of my state, and they work just fine, except for that one dipshit retard who can't into the roundabout and that is when I wish they'd just install traffic signals.
Its so fucky, one fag retard sitting there, scared to enter, people slowing down because they don't trust the retard, so roundabout gets jammed up and then its a mess.

For low travelled back roads its a better solution over 4 way stops and or lights.
But in cities and suburbs they're a pain because like everything else in america: niggers ruin everything.
>why are there suddenly niggers in my rural area after decades of none? Idk but its maddening.
>saudi arabia chink
kek, don't you need to pay some white woman to shit on you, chang?
>china will be numba won!
They can't even print money with different serial numbers lol
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Not to mention the fake gold

That Xit is over kek
151 posts! is this a record? little glowie?

How sad to see china growing and growing while JEWsa is declining
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>America is nowhere near as authoritarian as China, China is ranked as the 4th worst country in regards to the Freedom of the Press
>UN zionist stat not done on account of the Chinese peoples perceptions
While ZOG controls the world it cannot change reality amongst the people of the nation. Everything is plastic in the us and everything is fabricated by the government to provide an illusion of a functioning safe society. Its a massive hollywood myth with white picket fences and fake grass lawns hiding the real ghettos, hollers, trailerparks and projects that make up the us
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lol, did you know china is the gayest place on planet earth?
It's true, chang!
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And their biggest celebrity is a tranny!
I pity this glowie nigger OP. dude has been doing this for years already yet hasn't made a single dent in /pol/ hive mind.

At least he gets paid though (I hope) from the 50 billion propaganda budget
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Falun Gong is a terrorist group funded by the west and israel to cause internal division amongst the Chinese people. Its not organic its another freemasonic wing of the globalist agenda.

The west was built off slavery of blacks and natives and indentered servitude of Whites even of British (posh) descent. canada imprisoned Germans, Italians, and Ukrainians during WW2. america had Irish slaves even after the abolition of black slavery. america still has slaves to this day in latin america and in the prison systems.
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lol, china has a great firewall. You can't even visit the USA stock market there because of the unrest it will cause.
Chinks are so brainwashed, they think they can argue about who is more authoritarian.
vid related kek
What a stupid fucking video and I hate China. The railing is clearly not meant to be a hard blockade, and functions closer to traffic cones. Some of those shaking videos someone is clearly just shaking the camera. And mechanical issues eventually ground every plane ever built until fixed.
>the reality is that I'm so ANGRY he's sharing the truth
us corporations dump their toxic waste in Guatamala, India, Mexico, Landfills in Western Europe. the us is spearheading global pollution and population control through their poisoned materials.

Speaking of homos, all this mischievous stuff is a product of western individualism and talmudic genderbending. China blots out this sickness, the west absorbs it.
>muh yoga group nobody but chinks care about that started in china was funded by the west!
Look at this little insect cope and never leave canada. Does anyone wonder why it never leaves canada even though it swimps wso hard for china? lol, nobody wonders. It's becvause everyone knows china is a shithole. No amount of chink lying or chink seethe will ever change that, chang! kek
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>Falun Gong is a terrorist group funded by the west

that's right, chang
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>a bunch of shit that never happened
meanwhile, in china:
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>You can't even visit the USA stock market there because of the unrest it will cause.
they can buy US stocks though... remember reading a bunch of articles in Jan that they were stampeding out of Chinese stocks (at the lows) into US stocks.
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The interest based us currency bankrupts nations. Allowing the stock market in would subvert China. Xi Jinping cares about the national sovereignty and nation freedom of the people. China doesn't want another opium war or western subversive action to take place. Meanwhile the us is owned, dominated, controlled, and made for and by israel. $2 trillion to daddy israel.
>more shit that never happened
On a roll with those chink lies lol
Anyway, here's more ACTUAL proof of what china does and not some cartoon from the CCP propaganda newsline kek
>denying it like a good goy
>muh muhmercia wouldn't do that
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>muh yoga group still
Only a chink retard gives a fuck about the yoga group that scared the government into organ harvesting them kek. What a fucking joke china is
China still has massive problems but it has industrialized at a really fast pace. Usually takes like 40 to 50 years but they did it in 25.
They sacrificed the health and lives of a lot of people.
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Joe Gomez, you are not European. You are a Hispanic soldier operating out of a us military base in the mountains of Switzerland or through proxy from your coronado naval station. Europe hates your abominable state and hopes that a foreign power would rid you off the face of the earth.
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Speaking of goys, chinks are the best goys lol
BIG NOSE TIME https://youtu.be/acZXridt7wM?t=228
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>when the public is so numb that they can say to your face they are putting human meat in your food
No and this is not China.
>hmmm i can't argue, so my next tactic is to call you mexican!
Even if that was true, it's better than being a chink that fled to canada lol
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Karl Marx has done more good in this world then adam smith the father of modern day slavery. Regardless of being of jewish origin. And then again He died in the 19th century. america is worshipping zionist radicals alive today.
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>more nonsense with zero evidence
Wow, imagine a chink doing this. Kek, of course it does. Anyway, in china:
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>You are a Hispanic soldier operating out of a us military base in the mountains
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Chinese powder from dead babies found in S.Korea.

China is trash. Watch China uncensored and China insights.

Bad infrastructure.
https://youtu.be/hzMjAnzID1U [Embed]
Bad Materials.
https://youtu.be/s-2DtL-Wjkc [Embed]
https://youtu.be/qCMYhUURT7I [Embed]

The chinese are SWILL OIL ADDICTS.
https://youtu.be/zrv78nG9R04 [Embed]
The Chinese paint meat red to make it look fresh and not spoiled.
https://youtu.be/iJO4jOkF64I [Embed]
The chinese have a homelessness epidemic larger than you know!
https://youtu.be/KdC9xube-2c [Embed]
CCP feeds fentanyl through Mexico to USA.
https://youtu.be/3wDYQ17oTXI [Embed]
China is destroying the global environment.
https://youtu.be/tytSIir3pKA [Embed]
Chinks still practice whaling despite outlawing it. Arrests happen only when there is enough public outrage against the CCP.
Chinese banks steal money.
>that awful ESL coming out
kek, it's here after it fled china to simp for communism LOL
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>fleeing to canada
That would be ethnic suicide. canada has already sunk below third world conditions and is now a pig with make up on.
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>hurr durr, i didn't flee to canada from my fucking shithole, anyway let me tell you why communism and china are the bestNO DONT AASK ME WHY I NEVER GO BACKKK!!!1
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Fuck chinks, and fuck that nightmarish shithole called china. All of you disgusting bugs should be forced to go back and live in your "MUH CHINA NUYMBA WON" shithole
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You mutts where circumcized from birth, fed toxins the rest of your life, and morphed into an amalgamated tub of feces, slime, estrogen, atrazine, cannabalized human meat put in foods. Living in shitty dilapidated slums bumming the government for welfare and getting nothing. Made to live as a slave for the state and die as a slave for the state. With no freedom of speech (freedom of immorality is tolerated however) and no freedom to leave the state (canada has a $50,000 exit fee). It would be impossible to compare any nation with the sick depraved state that america is in. It would be intellectually unfeasible. No nation makes food out of its citizens and no nation feeds the world this slop and starts wars in the middle east to gain oil. No nation forces its citizens to change their gender except for the US. Which is why it is known as the great satan globally. new orleans is as unsafe as Honduras.
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What chinese lol

The Great Qing Empire had never claimed that they were Chinese. They were the Manchurians, the conqueror and ruled the land of Far East Asian mainland for 268 years. They colonized the land. Those they ruled were their subjects, or slaves. The so called “Chinese” (中華民族)was invented by a scholar by the name of “梁啓超” in the later part of Qing Empire. This was later adopted by then revolutionists for the sake of keeping the territory of the Empire from splitting into many parts. The so called “漢族”, “炎黃子孫”, “朝代” and “five thousand years of history” were also invented at the same time for the same reason and for the legitimacy of the newly created country called “the Republic of China” (中華民國)in 1912. In 1950 there were over 400 ethnic groups in China and later were officially accepted to be 56. Of course these were all invented or fabricated within the last 120 years.

>5000 years of getting raped by every neighboring nation and passing foreign army
>literally 20 times the mutts they call everyone else.
>Ancestor DNA exctinct
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>Support China but live in shithole
>muh mUH he must be a Chinese shill
White people who care would support China and Russia over the us and the western axis. Russia and China have done more to help Whites globally, rather then experiment on them and keep them hostage in a stolen continent, feeding them slop and genetically modifying them. america is the most anti-White nation to exist and the most anti-human nation to exist. Built for the destruction of humanity. After this thread I might be chopped up by the RCMP, CSIS, CIA, FBI, just for exposing the facts of the hellish western dystopia and for telling the truth defending China and the Chinese people from this monster.
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China is the gayest place on earth, lol
>circumcision in China
>forgets that there is an active Muslim ethno-religious group within Xinjiang
And thats allowed under the Chinese laws ireligious freedoms. Its state mandated in the us and done with Metitzah B'peh which is a talmudic practice of direct oral suction. https://www.nyc.gov/site/doh/health/health-topics/safe-bris.page
Stay mad, chink. Your shithole is literally the globohomo blueprint. That's why you fled
This cope again.
>170 posts
This is unseen levels of assblasted even from Alex Meacham lmfaoo
>forgets to read and it's not xianjiang
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kek, it's so ashamed of the 1tb folder, it switched IPs
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The west is globohomo in action. Hence why there is a giant pentagram in washington D.C. The entire city was a masonic project dedicated to your lord the opposer of all that is good and Holy.
Stay mad bugs, but you'll never convince anyone in the west that bugland is better than anywhere in the west. Even guatemala lol
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interersing performance
These people make a living on disinformation and mass deception. They get paid by the feds to warp reality. What I am doing is giving a human reaction to this robotic gibberish of a zio-masonic shill.
>the west is more globohomo than china
>meanwhile in china
vid related
>Roundabouts are pretty common in my part of my state, and they work just fine, except for that one dipshit retard who can't into the roundabout
same in my state, except they didn't actually teach that the inside lane has the right of way during driver's ed. had to learn that the hard way by wondering why motherfuckers kept trying to side swipe me and then looking up the actual regulations. when you get the drift though, they are pretty excellent traffic controls. i think actually more efficient than stop lights in many high traffic situations.
>The west was built off slavery of blacks
>When all the news and media stations focus on one tweet from the next chosen zionist stooge to become president
>the west has independent news media, china only has government controlled propaganda
Sorry, chink. You can't win this lol
>take a picture with a German stalhelm you bought from a pawn shop on twitter and you get millions of people calling you a "nazi"
>somehow is not a witch hunt
This doesn't exist in China. Enemies of the state get displayed but historians who posess a single stalhelm are just seen as historians. In america they get crucified.
we have the same technology
here its used at airports and major train stations as well as large public places like plazas and such
The only thing china does better than the west is kill more chinks and be better slaves for their government
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>Independent news media
>all controlled and handled by the same corporations (MCM, Warner bros, Disney, ETC) and wealth recircled to the same benefactors
trump is not an outsider, he is just another pawn in this zionist "two party" dictatorial game known as the us political system. Its a sham. A foreign nation picks whos president of the us through AIPAC. israel decides who wins and who doesn't. And bets on both sides like a chicken fight. It was over for the west before it started.
>literally a chink tv in china with chink runes
kek, look at it lie
Here's a dead baby bunker in china lol
Sorry chinks, i'm too redpilled on china. No way you can win in this thread
This doesn't happen in us because the enemies of the state are hidden behind close doors. The enemies of the people control the us. In China they get put out in public display even literally. The gang of four, another group of us-zionist benefactors got killed in public display.
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regarding the west
china has realized a lot of what the west is dreaming of
you are living an illusion impliyng everything is peachy here
china has how many people to govern 1.5 bn ? thats double the amount of all people in europe combined and each shithole europe meme zone has their own issues and corrupt cooks
so yeah you come off a little bit too overinvested and delusionally cringe
>here's some more chink off the cuff shit with zero evidence
lol, shocker
>never goes back to the hive
lol, i'm so surprised
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Millions of your children have been killed by the system since roe v wade. Its an industry to kill the innocent and harvest the adrenochrome into the food and for the elites consumption. The us kills more of its unborn future citizens then those living which is in the 10s of millions from the Iraq, Afghanistan, and related invasions in the middle east.
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lol, sorry chang. Everyone knows why you fled to canada

China is the new model country moving forward, this was always the plan.Elevate China, then destroy the USA with it's pesky antiquated laws like due process of law, right to bear arms, freedom of speech and press etc. The new model is China with it's technocratic draconian laws.
The zionist billionaires running the us will never get exposed and put out on public display. China knows who these people are while the average us slave citizen puts their head in the sand and watches their coke-pepsi political theatre.

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