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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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femanons of /pol/, would you vote for hamala solely because of her abortion policy?
voting to let tyrone and chad creampie them

not that really matters anyway
DUHHH what else is there ..
good morning
What policy? She can't do anything about it other than assassinate 3 SCOTUS judges.
Uhhh... I know
It's just.....
I'm voting for her
That's all.... hahahahahahha
> femanons of /pol/
So this is the only policy that matters to you, man the US is doomed.
Tits or gtfo
femanons of pol,
I am an incel.
That is all.
This is why you shouldant be allowed to vote. Congrats modsrn woman, you have in a timespan of 80 years completely and utterly confirmed the last 6,000 years of mens decisiins regarding female mental state. Emotional, narcissistic, lack of long term planning ability, easily tricked and utterly incapable of maintaining civilization. Hopefully we get yall under control before civilization fully implodes like south korea.
ITT: /pol/ is just millennial central. Its Joever.
hope you disgusting murderous whores die miserable and alone

remove women's rights.
No. Women are not obsessed with abortion. Ask any regular woman in your life what she thinks about abortion and they will all tell you the same thing: "I support it but I would never get one myself." We don't think about it, we don't worry about it, we don't care. Now, I'm a far right racist, but all my female friends are lukewarm normies and I assure you, it never enters their minds. Politicians are the only ones obsessed with it, but that's because they're eating the remains or drinking the blood or whatnot and they try to project it on us.
why do so many women want to murder babies?

it's fucking insane. i don't know how they can live with themselves.
Well that's shitty. Maybe grow a brain?
Keep your laws off my vagina.
Don't open your legs if you can't face the consequences.
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You are a retarded nigger
If you don't want a child, don't have unprotected sex?
If get impregnated by a stranger, that's a product of your own choices. Now that a child is growing inside of you, it is murder to remove it.
Why is that so hard to understand?
"If a child is growing inside of you, it is murder to remove it. Why is that so hard to understand?"

Are you getting that?
yes? I mean nothing else effects me
You can't say that, OP addressed femanons specifically
they say that but then they still vote for it lol. woman shouldn't be allowed to vote.
>giving a shit what cuntoids think about politics
you're part of the problem
oh come ooon. everyone knows there are no femanons around on /pol/
why would someone out himself as dumb/retarded?
>femanons of /pol/

Trannies are unable to get pregnant so this question is irrelevant
The economy doesn't effect you? American involved wars around that world doesn't effect you? We are basically on the brink of WW3 now due to the actions and policy of the Biden administration. That doesn't effect you? HELLO? DO YOU HAVE A BRAIN???????????
Oh that's right I forgot you're just a woman, makes sense now. This is why you shouldn't have the right to vote.
Males of /pol/. Would you vote to be able to legally kill babies?

Think about it, baby won't shut up in the restaurant, you can just slam it against the wall until it's dead and dine in peace. See an ugly baby giving you stink eye. Dump a mag in it and carry on your day. I think the women have a point on this one. Legalised baby murder is based.
women dont give a fuck what her policies are, they check for consensus and realize that voting for the orange retard is not allowed because some expert said so.
They do vote for it, despite being morally opposed to it for themselves. Women are not rational thinkers, they are easily swayed by appeals to "compassion" and group think.
Anyone itt supporting women is outing themselves as underage virgins. Go ask a married man if women should vote and every one will tell you no
Tranny abortting would be a game changer.
Don't go around having sex and treating it like it's nothing. Sex is supposed to have value. Treating sex like it's nothing because of birth control is bad enough, getting an abortion and killing a baby and wiping your hands clean and being completely free of all consequence of YOUR actions is NOT a good way for society to be.
Have some fucking morals.
every guy already knows this, or should. I support abortion because I see no valid argument that any of the various niglets or white trash that are aborted would have contributed positively to society. you will never see a woman take this stance because women, like most faggot Americans honestly especially men cannot take a position on anything without justifying it morally to themselves. women freak out if you say "why yes I do support killing babies" even though that's what they support too, moralism has defanged men permanently.
Yeah, women are dumbasses. The 19th amendment was a mistake. Every male intuitively knows this. It's reality.
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dunno what that even is
No, but if be lying if I didn't say that part of the reason for my vote is that JD Vance creeps me out.
this post coupled with that flag is some of the best bait I've ever seen.
there are neither women nor whites on /pol/ you stupid nigger baboon
Honest question here. Why don't you take the pill and prevent the pregnancy in the first place?
As a man, I have taken the ultimate black pill and sterilized myself. According to the fertility clinic I went to I now have the same chances of getting a woman pregnant as I do for winning the powerball 6 time consecutively. It cannot be reversed. It was the most difficult choice I have ever made, but I did it.
You can get pregnant whenever you choose. I no longer have that option. Why is it such a difficult choice for you?
>also, I don't want to see your tits.
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Well he shouldn't creep you out at all after the debate last night.
Tampon Tim Walz is the one who is mega creepy, not Vance.
easy answer. the risk of getting preggers is a turn-on for women. birth control makes sex less risky and therefore less sexy. some of them do it because of religious tradition but they are probably a shrinking demographic. none of them care that it actually can fuck up their hormones and entire personality.
why is the creep a democrat. why cant they find someone without brain damage in their pary.
why the fuck would any of that effect me even if I was an american?
America is completely reliant on the globalized supply chain to function now, WW3 would cripple it.
Because the democrats have become so insane the culture of their party has evolved to the point they have pushed out any and all candidates that are actually reasonable and decent. I have Tulsi Gabbard and RFK Jr in mind, specifically, who used to be democrats but left because they wouldn't go along with the pro-war machine that the democratic party has evolved into.
........and now the democrats literally don't have anyone good in their ENTIRE party. Harris and Walz and maybe like Shapiro of Pennsylvania or Newsom of California are the only "good" people the party has left and literally all 4 of them are absolutely insane psychopaths that have ruined their states and ruined everything they've touched throughout their career, and no-one likes them AT ALL, yet those are the strongest "stars" of the current modern Democratic party. It's sad.
There is 0 tiddies ien this bread therfore all the asumtions are dissmised
>none of them care that it actually can fuck up their hormones and entire personality.
Imagine that happening to a man. Imaging a man knowingly chooses this instead of the possibility of impregnating a woman and having to watch as she kills his child. Imagine the man having NO SAY in the matter.
Birth control pills leave pro abortion women without excuse.
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that can't be right, I'm the incel assigned to /pol/
hold on, let me call management
Nope. I hate her cackling face.
honestly if you are with a woman who kills your child, she is doing you a favor and would have been a horrible mother who would have fucked them up anyway. just stay away from carousel whores who kill their kids.
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the trifecta
Already came to the same conclusion, anon. Thanks. I went MGTOW over a decade ago and never looked back.
>solely because of her abortion policy?
She isn't pro choice, she is against abortion.
>but she says....
She also said that she is a gun owner and that respects the second amendment.

Her actions speak more clearly than her words.
Ya. Trump is anti abortion.
he is completely neutral on abortion.
No, I am against abortion.
All politics is a cheap theather. You cant vote your way out of this clownworld.
Liz wouldn’t say this.
I'm a man, not a woman
What a fucking idiot. The rules always apply. Just say "my tits are pathetic".
My balls smell like pussy does that count
> femanons of /pol/

You mean trannies
>Polak Woman
>56%er woman

Many such cases.
This always make me laugh
no, believe it or not abortion is not on my mind all the time
poor people give me the ick
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Have my babies those who vote no
No retort, typical.
Tits or gtfo
> There are women on /pol
Troons don't count and if you claim to be you will be assumed tr00n unless you show tits with timestamp. Rules are rules.
yes I am female but I was born (male)
Femanon here
Um so like um I don't like uhhh know
I'm gonna just vote for abortion and not think about any of the other issues. Abortion and birth control and planned parenhood
>We got 'em, leddit! Our coordinated LARPing as women has saved the day once again!
Of course you retard.
Not giving the women abortion rights is absolutely retarded. It's not a debate between conservative or liberal, it's fucking retarded.

You dumb nigger jew bitch.
My 63 year old mother is voting for Kamala solely based on her abortion policy.
Which Kamala can't even change.
It's a supreme court decision.

A retard is voting another retard that cant change a retarded thing because the retards who can change it chose the retarded thing to do.

Am i getting this right ?
Planned Parenthood's last gasp?
We could pray.
Don't let up, equivocating on Child Murder is dumb.

These people act like we don't have science, and treat sex like it doesn't have Pairbond, one Excellent Connection For Life.
Fornication destroys the individual, makes them nervous, unsteady in plans and emotions, and ultimately can lead to disruption in society as they attempt to seek stability in all the wrong ways
>adopt a horse upstate instead of raising your own children!
>have 7 cats that are all your "babies"!
>the retarded thing to do
states rights are correct though.
Talmudists are liars to the obvious. Nobody can trace to Israel like they did in Bəmīḏbar, ipso there is no Levite, and the Levitical Law is defacto defunct. Meaning a blessing to Israel on that cause alone is unreachable, or at least unrecognizable from any other blessings delivered.
Hell is forever
I mean, bitches should get access to abortion, it's not even left vs right thing.

Letting people debate this is kinda funny, though.
You get to see the most retarded opinions.
No, dumbass. I don't have that much empathy and even I know kids must be protected at all costs. I'd try to kill a man harming a baby even if I knew I'd lose the fight.
could just add four more
>I know kids must be protected at all costs.
Surely you mean "your kids" not all kids... you're not an incel that makes himself a martyr over other retards kids, are you anon ?
Love thy neighbor as thyself... and I have good neighbors.
I am also actually trained in armed fighting beyond the usual shit with knives, and I find near-death experiences calming. If I am dead or wounded, odds are that so too is the other guy.
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Nigger, you're retarded.
You make no sense. Kys.
I sense cowardice.
Women would rather die than be mothers
>This explains all their voting tendencies
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You're the only one in the room, retard.
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southerners are such faggots. they will say shit like this and then kiss nigger feet.
Glad we let you dumb cunts vote so you can literally kill unborn babies
Based woman femcel ,hope you find some kind incel chad hybrid and be happy aslong as you and him are white
Commandments 4-10. Based God fearing Amerianon.
>planned parenthood.
This is a meme. You can't plan economic crises or natural disasters affecting your families financials. Many here are conned by it.
hell yeah, pick up a gypsy spawn from a stroller and full power slam dunk it into a garbage bin

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