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This is the most documented genocide in our history. No one can claim ignorance. No one can say they didn’t know.
it always looked like that tho
It's war
>concrete desert
>no green space
Do arabs really?
Why doesn't she lose the headscarf now that all the opprrssive males are dead?
you're taking alot of time to not do something.
>one sandnigger standing on a rooftop looking at terrorist hq that was turned into rubble means the world's only jewish state and only democracy in the middle east can't defend itself
fuck off
Based. If only they could kill more
you would do the same thing to ANY nation that resists islam if you could. fuck israel, but fuck you too. you two deserve each other.
what’s so good about democracy
they literally voted for it
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>No one can claim ignorance. No one can say they didn’t know.
I can.

I'm purposefully staying ignorant of this, because I don't want to be stabbed by muslism and I don't want to lose my job after being labeled an antisemite.
glad its all being recorded. if humans eventually throw off the jews from our backs there will be hell to pay
I’m not an politic expert man
X doubt

Thats like saying i voted for homo fascist Democrats.
Hamas is a honeypot. The israelis recruited them from prisons to create false flags firing sugar rockets at Israel. Then they can claim they're fighting terrorism and claim territory. Muslims are dumb.
If they accepted their place in the world, Gaza would be a prospering paradise. They chose anihilation.
Shut up, neocon
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Same going on to Gazelles in the NK region of Antelope.
Hyenas have funded and supported antelope with weapons since the 90's.
Like the Palestinians, gazelle are despised by the hyena and the hyena use the antelope and hippos as proxies to attack and kill off the gazelles.

I do believe the idea is gazelle being amalek is on aspect of hatred.
Also gazelle were the first xtians which you know the hyenas also hate.
And finally, I know they're ostensibly "mooslem" but the young "hippos" were mostly hyenas in the leadership.
And the otto emp was heavily infested with hyenas as well
Look, Islam can't expect to do as it pleases and just wait for other nations to stand there with their thumbs up their ass.
Islam is a violent religion, it enjoys conquest and subjugation.
I don't support Israel (I reject the Talmud), but wouldn't western countries do the same (they should!)? Didn't the US react in the same manner in Iraq?
Here in Portugal we have a saying "Those who go to war fucks and gets fucked".
It's sad? Yeah, your average Abdul should not be a shield to protect Hamas and other Islamic rebel groups, but that's war.
Crying a river about it here won't quench the thirst of the people in Gaza and Lebanon.
If Islam wants to win this war, Sunni and Shia must unite and attack Israel.
It's interesting the way you worded that. The truth is, these two groups have been holding the entire world hostage for centuries. Their problems are supposed to be our problems. Maybe if they would both get their fucking heads out of their asses and make peace with each other the whole world would be a better place to live for everyone. But no. We all have to take a side or we all have to feel the negative effects of their hatred toward each other. That's the bottom line. 2,000 years of back and forth between these two factions as been a scar on this world the entire time. Wouldn't it be great if people just told them to fuck off and take care of their own problems themselves? But now we all have to get involved.
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And the jews are emboldened at this point to such a degree that they simply don't GAF
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Nobody cares. Don't you get that? Muslims have attacked the west for 20+ years and we are glad to see you get splattered.
The fuck you talking about, op, you faggot probably a zoomer.
Why don't you lurk 2 years before posting again?
Don't make threads anymore until you learn to provide context. A short synopsis. SOMETHING. To give the reader any clue as to what you're talking about.ffs.
Even the israelis admit Gaza was beautiful, that's the only reason they destroyed it, just like they destroyed Dresden. These vermins are eternally jaleous. Look at jewish settelements, it's commie blocks everywhere. Jews are incapable of creating living beauty.
Despite the very harsh blockade on Gaza, the palestinians made the best of it. It was clean and civilized. The jews enforced a blockade believeing it will turn into India but the opposite happened. That's why they demolished everything including thousands years old mosques. Jews don't have any historical building in entire Palestine.
Looks like Haiti but cleaner.
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>the world's only jewish state
That is a bad thing to have, since it is used a a home base for them to launch their international crime schemes.

>and only democracy in the middle east
Who fucking cares? Let the Arabs do their own thing instead of destabilizing the region so they come to White countries.
You are a nigger, jew.
>Why doesn't she lose the headscarf now that all the opprrssive males are dead?
She found a vantage point. Shes looking for males to justify that hijab XD
Why are there more of them now then before ?
Genocide would mean less pali cunts not more
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Unlike the Holohoax, this actually happened.
There hasn't been any genocide of Jews, but there has been many BY JEWS.

Let's just gas the fucking kikes already.

>inb4 shitskin
Kikes are the reason why they are in my home, instead of their own.
I don't want them here as they don't belong here but that doesn't mean that kikes are free to genocide them and destroy their homes.
Kikes are the ones who are the invaders, they don't belong in Palestine
Shame for our.
Jews are evil
Imagine wanting to conserve jews like they were a precious resource or something. You're fucked in the head.
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hirtä ittes jutku ja loppuu se neekereiden tuonti suomeen
I love green screens
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Hardly genocide. Those cunts breed like rabbits. Maybe they should start living in the ground like their vermin counterparts.
Everytime I see news that Jews and Arabs kill each other it makes my day a little better.
Why is Muhammad not protecting his followers? O Muslims, why has Muhammad forsaken us?
I know OP. Problem is I don't give a shit
Ok but what did it look like after the bombs?
You got exactly what you wanted.
Stop crying about it.
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show your flag kike
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The problems have been going on as long as Jewish rats have embedded themselves in our societies so 3,000 years.
The thing is that even when the kikes tricked brits to give them "their" country, the jews didn't even go, they just use it as Jew HQ to hide pedophilia charges from.
So now they are not only still problem infesting our societies, but now they made Israel our problem too.

It has been JEWS who have pushed multiculturalism as they "feel safer in multicultural environments" and made our countries less safe and foreign to us, destroying our culture and societal fabric.
Meanwhile in pissrael jews are massacring the people inhabiting the land and stealing their homes.

If there is a race that actually deserves a genocide, that would be the Jews.
If we simply got rid of them all, so many problems would be solved.

And we would need to do it soon too because the Jewish multiculturalism is soon at the point that our homes will be permanently destroyed and culture changed by influx of foreign tribes to our homes.

Kill the Jews, send all the foreigners back home.
Peace is restored.

But how the fuck do we get the message out that the jews need to bekilled when jews own the media precisely for the reason to keep the populace in the dark.
It's even worse than in Judeo-Bolshevik USSR or Mao's Jewish Communist China, because people knew they were being suppressed and everything censored.

But in the West when we supposedly have "free speech" but then the Jews own the media and can freely censor social media, people are fooled to think they're free when in reality they're not, and the real information never reaches them.
Most people don't understand that Jew is the worst threat facing humanity and our world as we know it will be lost if the Jew is not destroyed.
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Have you been living under a rock?
Or are you some Jew symphatizer in case you shouldn't even be here, this is a pro-Nazi board
the allahcaust is not real, you're just getting your just rewards for behaving like sand monkeys
Why are there so many muzzies in Netherlands? Did they get the raw end of some shitty EU deal where they mass import a bunch of the refugees?
>That is a bad thing to have, since it is used a a home base for them to launch their international crime schemes.
No its not. If all the jews were dumped into one part of the world they wont be able to bother the country they are in.
All of this stuff was prophesied to happen anyway. Christ is the truth and the way. I only tell you this, not for my sake, but all of yours.
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Who the fuck needs a Jewish state and Jews at all?
Oh and by the way, what's problems with you kikes with us having White Christian states, HUH?!
You are in a White Christian state, or it used to be such before you JEWS DESTROYED IT, you claim that White Christian ethnostates shouldn't exist, yet you are entitled to a Jewish ethnostate in a land which was never yours.

You fucking Jews are so disgusting

Skill issue. I dont care either way just wish we weren’t somehow funding both sand niggers either through donations of aid or weapons.
This is true too though, islam is inherently a bad religion that wants to conquer, this mindset is very visible in people that have come to OUR CHRISTIAN LANDS and they try to push islam here.

But then again the people getting killed are not the ones that are here, if the people that have invaded these lands died I wouldn't mind at all because they are not supposed to be here.
But in the middle-east its the jews that are the invaders, and people that are dying are in their home.
So major difference.

Again killing all the Jews and sending all the muslims from here back to middle-east would be a preferable solution to everyone
>If there is a race that actually deserves a genocide, that would be the Jews.
>If we simply got rid of them all, so many problems would be solved.
>You fucking Jews are so disgusting
They are hard to kill you dumb retard.
Hitler failed and now the entire muslim world is failing to kill them.
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That was the entire idea, but what did the Jewish rats do, did they leave? As you can see, they did not.
It was just too lucrative for them to exploit and scam in our high-trust societies where lying gets you far since we don't lie and expect honesty.
The holocaust looked that?!
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Well the only reason why they are hard to kill is because there are too many White people believing their lies and not understanding what they are.
Not seeing through their human skinsuits for the demons that they are.
They are entirely dependent upon tricking White people to fight their fights, like what happened in WWII.
Jews themselves can't do shit.
If we just realized to cut them the fuck off and start hunting them down, it'd be done quickly
Fingerprints and DNA are already being put on database for international travel so we could make sure that no Jewish rat would ever step foot in our countries again
if it was a genocide there would be no one alive
Nobody is coming to save you from evil. Best they'll do is make a movie about it 50 years from now, if it's politically convenient to do so.
Nazis wont just unnecessarily blast buildings and damage infrastructure that they can potentially capture and use. So no.
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Most entertaining you mean
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they could have literally prevented all that by giving back the hostages
huh too bad
>This is the most documented genocide in our history
This is holocaust denial, holocaust deniers are nazis, and it's already been established that jews are allowed to exterminate nazis. Jewish groups have been hunting down and killing german prison guards etc for decades, even if they are old men in their 90s. Israel will never be held accountable so long as WW2 remains the world's dominant region.
Might makes right.
Nobody is going to punish jews and americans for this.
Muslims and arabs should unite to kill all jews.
Sadly it will never happen.
Keep crying bitch niggers.
Remember this video when the time to go to war arrives. Remember that the best way to ensure the enemy can not return home is to make sure that their is no home to return to. Destroy everything, as the Roman's salted the earth while hunting the Carthaginians (ancient jews).
No muslim can fight, that's why they stab little girls. They know an average 14 year old boy white boy could beat them to death easily even with a knife
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>Nobody is going to punish jews and americans for this.
They were literally niggers and arabs that got raped and genocided lmao
No, it looked better than my city, I've seen footage from a few years ago.
They had everything in that enclave, malls, spas, beachside resort, modern housing, internet, all kinds of shops, the full consumerist thing.

It looks really dumb that Hamas leaders decided it was time to make them all go through hell just to score some strategic goal. Maybe it was an own goal, with the benefit of hindsight
Real talk though, Arabs never belonged in that part of the middle east. It was Muhammad and his army that made it Arab. Fuck em make it Roman again.
Mudhammad wasn't real you absolute nigger
Yeah. Arab retards don't understand that stabbing little kids in Europe doesn't help their case. It only makes other people hate them even more and side with jews.
Do these goat fuckers even have a functioning brain? Absolute retards.
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And you would have given back their houses? No?
Why don't you kill yourself?
Well they are already head of finance/banks/ceo so good luck dealing with them.
What the fuck? Who gave the mountain jeets internet?
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We had donation drives for Ukraine why don't we have donation drives for getting Iran more missiles?
I would be happy knowing my money went to blow a kike up in Tel Aviv
I mean to pay back for WWII alone all the Jews in existence would need to be killed ten times over, but all dead kikes is always a good thing
Saar I am currently posting this currently from the top of the mount Everest! I am Everesting on my linux machine! I use GarudaLinux btw. XD
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I think mudslimes dying is funny

Why won't you ask Allah for help?

Anyway I'm hoping for some dead jew webms soon
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Yes Arabs in fact do belong in Arabian peninsula.
It is the Palestinian/Jordanian/Lebanese Christians to whom the whole region of Palestine/Levant belongs to.

I would support a Crusade where Jews would be exterminated, Arabs sent back to Arabia, and lands given back to the Levantines.
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Inshallah, save us Islam Jesus!
how do 2 billion people lose in a conflict against 15 million jews? I thought islam was the strongman faith? whats happening over there?
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>their houses
it's OUR houses and we decide what to do with them
a slave can only have as property what its owner allows him
they are killing christians too though
but they're still arab. don't get in the way of semite-vs-semite conflicts, let them purge each other.
why dont muslims just pray harder
god exists right?
sorry, nobody cares about brown untermenschen dying. neither do you mudshits since nobody is allowing palestinian refugees in.
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Me too
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well the main thing is jews will blame it as an artificial inteligence creation, above all the videos, you have to think how to avoid this in the future, document everything
>they are killing christians too though
Based, we should do the same in our shithole!
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Islam was invented during the 7th century and its battle tactics involve charging the enemy on horseback. Thats what their prophets did.
Islam does not inspire any push for technological advancements and drive to perpetually build better and better machines and infrastructure.
So they lose against the modern western post-christian mentality of building better and better technology every generation.
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fucking this.
This genocide has been kino. It has awakened more anti-isn'treal sentiment than I ever thought possible. It has also allowed me to be way more openly anti-semitic in public and at work. I'm loving it. For the moment, my interests and the globohomo left have aligned and the left have a much stronger foothold on influence than the right does.
well they cant and never will because theyre insanely inbred and their mothers are illterate which means most of them are complete retards
thats what happens in a multicultural society, you're supposed to get over it. LIKE HOW YOU TOLD US!!!

thats where you're wrong. Its The Roman Empire's land. AKA White man's land, not yours, asian rat boy.
If you live in globhomo west they won't even allow you to donate for Gaza.
It was given to us by britain you fucktard
the white man didn't want this piece of shit desert
Globohomo wants you to donate for gaza. Its a tactic to remove resources from native white christians to weaken them.
Targeting terrorists isn't genocide though.
That's why nobody is coming to the rescue.
Technically it was given to all to share. But y'all are too stupid to manage that. As per usual.
collective punishment is a war crime. one of many that the jews won't answer for.
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pic rel wasnt arab you jewish cunt and you stil laugh you killed her and mutilated her body for no reason
do something about it then. kikes are right next door.
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neither pic rel were arabs
Why are desert people so whiny? Even African Americans don't fucking complain this much. Every sand variant out there. Every single one. Whiny little girls to a man.
nope. britain never owned the middle east, they're just filthy anglo rats.
You are a typical cuck.
Is this before or after the kikes started bombing the shitskins?
With billions of dollars Gaza received, with free food and water - no wonder
I would've pushed her off
Does it matter? Does it really matter? Look at every other sandvariant hellhole. They're all the same. Crumbling to dust. Everything is. Thats because we're circling the cosmic drain and are about to be launched through a black hole plasma beam style into another dimension. Well all die and everything is going to be destroyed, the future the past and the present, three!
What britain did was a mistake and needs correction.
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>what white guilt does to a mother fucker, such a bad case you can't have sympathy for brown palestinians because jews are officially considered the ultimate victim class despite owning every western nation and money
Can you say what race is being genocided?
I need to know before I can say cringe or based
The muzzies will never let Jews have that land. Its in their book. Muzzies rejected the 2 state solution. They want the whole thing for themselves.
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Palestinian isn't a real identity. The Arabs colonized the entire middle east and have occupied the region for a long time, resulting in the genocide of untold and unthinkably large amount of ethnic groups, languages and cultures. Jews somehow managed to reconquer and reclaim their homeland and push out the Arab colonizers. The Arab colonizers couldn't cope with the fact that they lost one of their colonies, so they invented the identity of the Palestinian, an identity that solely exists for the purpose of stopping jews from reconquering their homeland. At the end of the day, Palestinians are simply arabic land occupants and nothing more. As such, there is nothing unique or worth preserving with Palestinians, as they aren't a real identity.

What the jews are doing is simply no different than what the Spaniards did during their Reconquista in the 700s to the 1400s. And one day the Persians will reconquer their lands and no longer be an arabic colony, and the same will happen for many many other colonized ethnic groups in the middle east region.
So it wasn't bad at all and you are all really whiny no matter what just like I said u less you get your way of murdering everyone who doesn't worship your pedophile false prophet?
I mean it isn't that big of a deal. You guys will repopulate Gaza in a generation.
You Muslims reproduce like roaches.
I don't see any problem here kike.
undocumented, as far as the (((modern))) Maps show Palestine does not exist.
>collective punishment is a war crime
You would do it to jews.
In Europe yes, sick of daft brown foren kunts, GET EM OUT
That's because you are a brown pedophile worshipper and think your people should own the world despite their blatant incompetence at literally everything
>30,000 dead in combat is a genocide
Fuck off lol
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that's antisemitic
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> genocide
It's not a genocide if you only kill animals. And mudslime are even lower creatures. I worry a lot more about rhinos or tigers going extinct than kebab being removed from The Holy Land. To hell with all of them!
Muslims as a whole collectively punish women 24/7
I honestly will never understand why anyone supports Muslims in the western world for that part alone.
Is ad hominem all you have kike?
> X doubt
How about try reading some history instead dipshit zoomer?
That's why BDS is illegal. Can't have collective punishment in war.
Shut your semitic faggot mouth
Muds = semites
Kikes = semites
Cool. Let's make killing jews popular again.
Why shouldn’t I support and applaud the genocide of Mohametan shitskins?
>pedophile false prophet?
I dont get it.
Some people say muhammed never existed.
Some say he was a pedo.
These two statements cant be possible at the same time.
So what is it? if muhammed never existed then muslims dont worship a pedo.
If muslims worship a pedo them muhammed actually existed
You sound confused mememudflaggot
They're population has probably increased over the course of the war. Apparently their population growth rate is 3% per year. They'd need to kill 60,000 total by Monday just to break even.
You have shit comprehension skills.
Saying someone is a false prophet doesn't mean they didn't exist.
There is no such thing as a "palestinian", it's just constant shitskin influx from neighboring mudstates.
Everything in that region is filth
Genocide doesn't only mean that the population is reduced.
The of genocide requires the victims to be human beings.
I’d call this a long-overdue extermination
Genetic tests show that the palestinians are the descendants of the canaanites.
Yes it was also war in 1948 when Irgun terrorists bombed the king david hotel I'm sure.
It does. If you will never exterminate the population even if you continue your actions indefinitely into the future it's not genocide because the genus will never be cided.
Tests conducted by whom?
Tests conducted on whom?
This entire mud-mongrel cucking, in the most literal sense, is cognate to flat-earth faggotry. You're retarded, seriously.
Arent palestinians the original jews who adopted islam?
Check the official definition of genocide.
>More recent studies since 2017[32][33] have found that Palestinians, and other Levantine people, are primarily descended from ancient Levantines present in what is today Israel and Palestine, dating back at least 3700 years.[34] According to Marc Heber et al, all modern levantine arabs descend from Canaanite-like ancestors, whereas later migrations impact on their population ancestry was slight.[35]
Now post evidence for your retarded theory.
*Christians who adopted islam, by the time islam expanded palestine was inhabited by christians and not jews.
>wikipedia pasta
>no source
You want me to prove that an orange is not an apple. Fuck off faggot
They really enjoy playing victim
There is a reason muds are referred to as discount-kikes
History is written by the winners. Spielberg will interpret events for future generations. Palestinians, not so much.
>marc heber et al
You do understand how research articles work, right? I hope you're not mentally retatrded like niggers. If you don't have evidence that palestinians aren't natives then why the fuck are you arguing with such conviction?
I don't care about the UN definition because literally every war can be fit into the definition. It's useless.
>you destroy a part of a nation = genocide
Every single war in the history of humanity meets this part of the definition
>genocide is when blown up buildings
Genocide was usually part of wars, yes. But that doesn't excuse it today.
Tell me a war that wouldn't meet the UN definition of genocide
Remember, all you have to do is attempt to destroy any part of a nation.
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fuckin A right I would. I don't even care if it's hypocrisy.
It is fucked up and it needs to end and Israel held accountable. But I wonder if Americans were getting genocides if Palestinian Muslims would be coming over here on aid missions to help us?
is that before or after the bombing?
But the UN defines genocide as the destruction of a national group, not a part of a nation. There's a big difference.
This. Palestinians don't care about us and Israel parasites off us.
>research articles
That's rich, that's very funny trust the science :^)
Genocide doesnt mean "any time a group dies"
You are just using the term because it is headline grabbing. I wish there was a genocide of Muslims.
>any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnic, racial, or religious group
That means intent to destroy a part of a national group is genocide
I just heated up the oven, hop in.
The turks destroyed a part of the armenian national group and it's still considered a genocide. The holodomor is also a genocide, and by the textbook definition israel is trying to genocide the palestinians.
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When have you ever applied the same passion you employ in defense of shitskin, for the italian people?
Stop cucking for semites, whatever the stripe
I have stopped caring much about the italian people's presence in istria and dalmazia because it happened so long ago. About dalmazia it wasn't that simple there there were a lot of slavs living there too.
I just don't want it to happen again anywhere and I believe germany had the right idea about you people 80 years ago.
You are, once again, arguing with a strawman in your head. And thank you for pointing out that you are indeed a cuck through and through, by stating you no longer care about your own people, while defending shitskin with zeal.
I think it more proper to call you a jew in spirit, than to falsely call me one for identifying the jewish rot on your brain.
I'm asking what war WOULDNT meet that definition?
Vietnam war, USA didn't want to kill all the vietnamese people and didn't plan to replace them with another demographic.
You're a fucking retard, you come in barging here spouting nonsense and when asked to provide proof starts to change the subject.
If you're not posting why palestinians aren't the natives then kindly fuck off and kill yourself.
All wars are meant to wipe out dumb warriors and have them be replaced by more intelligent servants.
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>israel v palestine
I don't care
>russia v ukraine
Still don't care
They absolutely tried to destroy the nation in part
I stated it in my very first post, you utter mongrel kintraitor.
A military is part of a nation ffs
Any government system
Literally any part, and it's genocide
It couldn't get any sillier
Genocide is of national groups and not nations you idiot.
Show me where you posted proof you oxygen wasting dipshit.
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Bobby Fischer is the smartest Jew that ever lived and also the only based one
Ok even if you want to argue that, 1 person is still part of a national group
We see you, Musbro. God won't let it pass. He won't let you down. Persevere and hang tough. The Persians and Medes are going to wreck the Zionist entity just as they did in centuries past. Just this time: make it FINAL

It's the weakness of Christians that even allowed this to happen, fool. Christians are the ones who acquiesce to everything.
It's a textbook vague catch all definition, every war meets that criteria
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I would rather donate weapons to kill jews than some food aid that would get destroyed by the jews anyway.

Notable is that these kikes destroying food aid for starving children are mostly kids themselves, proving the point that it is the Jewish genetics that are poisonous, they are born as demons and don't just become such as adults
Killung people isn't always with the intent of destroying their national group. If there is that intent then it's genocide. Numbers aren't important.
Germany killing french soldiers in ww1 isn't genocide even though more died than armenians.
>kikes chimping out will be more documented than nazi chimp out due to internet timeline
what are the consequences? will kikes be the new nazis of history?
Fuck democracy and Fuck kikes
Killing a single person is by definition intent to destroy part of a national group because that person is a part of that national group.
Did you ever do an iq test? Because if you can't understand what intent means then the government owes you assistance payments.
It's hardly a genocide, or there would be far more dead Palis. But even so, they shouldn't have aligned themselves with rabid Muslims. Islam is a cult of death, with no future in the modern world. Iran and Lebanon were progressive, humane and prosperous states until the Muslim radicals took over, and set them back 1500 years.
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especially muslim nations who are not doing anything
Begone fag worshipper.
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Nah, your entire post is total bullshit.
I already pointed this out in >>483779013 , Jews and Arabs are sure genetic cousins but NEITHER of them are native to Palestine.
The small minority of Christians that live there, are.
The ancient Israelites became Christians.

Jews are originally brown, they share the same ancestry of Arabs.
The only reason Jews do not look brown is because they kidnapped European women and raped them to bleach themselves until they got the shade right, they then started to heavily inbreed amongst themselves to keep the White color so they could infiltrate White societies passing as White.
It's a parasitic tactic called 'aggressive mimicry', look it up.

Because Jews did that, it made them at the same time the world's most mongrelized but also the most inbred race, which is quite a feat to be both at the same time.
That's why they have way more genetic diseases than any other races, they're dysgenic freaks that are abominations of nature.
This also made them very very evil, like unfathomably so.
I could hear you jew claws clacking away
>OUR houses
Go back to Russia or Poland, that's where most of you rats truly come from.
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>That's why BDS is illegal. Can't have collective punishment in a war.
Yeah you're actually bombing children and medical personnel and other civilians as collective punishment, but then you turn around and say that you will make it ILLEGAL to boycott Israel, that you are forcing the states to continue sending Israel money

Even though no one actually wants it
>a majority of Americans oppose anti-BDS laws; 72% opposed laws penalizing people who boycott Israel and 22% supported such laws.

This is democracy when its been infested by Jews, inherently anti-democratic and pro-Jewish.

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>I’d call this a long-overdue extermination
But Jews are still alive?
It's true that 1000+ expulsions haven't stuck and 3,000 years they've been pain in our asses and never just fucked off, and Jews definitely have earned themselves an extermination

But it isn't happening yet. Hopefully soon though.
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Jews are the fathers of terrorism, they invented that shit and they've been doing it for a long time.
In fact Israel is the only nation on Earth where most of its Prime Ministers have been actual terrorists with hundreds of terror attacks under their belts.
Israel is as if ISIS was given their own nation.
Only because Jewish media has been memoryholing it most people today don't realize that Jews have always been terrorists.
Nobody owns anything, anon. They simply have things they can hold on to. If you can't hold it, it isn't yours. That's how the big bad world works.
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Palestinian Arabs are descendants of Canaanites, just like Jews, yes. They do not belong to the land, they are from Arabia.
Meanwhile Palestinian Christians are descendants of the Israelites, its their land. >>483779013

Palestinians are not a race.
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>Spielberg will interpret events for future generations.
Yeah we know all about your (((Interpretations))).
Meanwhile White people tell honestly what happened.
I think it's time to exterminate Jews no one needs their dishonesty.
Jews would rewrite history if it helped their agenda.
They are that disgusting.
>Muh genocideeeeee
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Killing the jews is defending my people too, it's defending the entire humanity.
In fact it could be argued that killing the Jews would defend us the most, since it is the Jew and its multiculturalism that is actively genociding the White races too.
But the canaanites lived only in palestine, their descendants are definitely native to that land.
Modern jews on the other hand aren't descended from anyone in that region.
>but ur dumb
Nice non argument. Sorry you can't into basic definitional logic
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Yes I agree the Judeo-Bolsheviks took some of our areas including beautiful port city of Vyborg that we built but they proceeded to mismanage and fuck up everything and the areas now are tattered, and no Finns live there anymore.

So I don't care about the lost areas either the only thing to make sure is that the Jew doesn't get to do its evil in the future.
And history has shown that shooing the rats away wont work, the only way to really get rid of the Jew is total extermination.
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Holy kek you Jews and your pilpul.

Reminds me of a quote
>The more I argued with Jews, the better I came to know their dialectic. First they counted on the stupidity of their adversary, and then, when there was no other way out, they themselves simply played stupid. If all this didn't help, they pretended not to understand, or, if challenged, they changed the subject in a hurry, quoted platitudes which, if you accepted them, they immediately related to entirely different matters, and then, if again attacked, gave ground and pretended not to know exactly what you were talking about. Whenever you tried to attack one of these apostles, your hand closed on a jelly-like slime which divided up and poured through your fingers, but in the next moment collected again. But if you really struck one of these fellows so telling a blow that, observed by the audience, he couldn't help but agree, and if you believed that this had taken you at least one step forward, your amazement was great the next day. The Jew had not the slightest recollection of the day before, he rattled off his same old nonsense as though nothing at all had happened, and, if indignantly challenged, affected amazement; he couldn't remember a thing, except that he had proved the correctness of his assertions the previous day. Sometimes I stood there thunderstruck. I didn't know what to be more amazed at: the agility of their tongues or their virtuosity at lying. Gradually I began to hate them.
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You are talking to an insane jew
His foreskin was eaten by his rabbi
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Now that the jews have set the current year precedent nothing is stopping any non Zoged nation from TND and most of the worlds untapped rescores and endless real estate. All it'll cost you is bullets and being called racists.
Someone post the before and after
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Fixed your little infographic
thanks for fighting the good fight fin. too many tourists sucking israel off despite them being the soul purpose of the west's collapse.
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Yeah due to how maps are projected people don't really realize how big Africa is, there is absolutely no need for niggers to be anywhere else they have PLENTY of space in Africa

The only reason non-whites ever were in White countries is because of Jews, whether it was the slaver Jews of past or the NGO Jews of today, its all Jewish
yes it was
it always was
never stopped
you not realizing it and or willingly being oblivious to that fact and refusing to fight does not make it less of a state of war
this is total war
everyone alive today was born into it
noone get a say in if they wanted it or not
it was decided before our times
all we do today is play our parts in the war
one way or another
>No one can claim ignorance. No one can say they didn’t know.
i have no idea what you are talking about lol.
I support it and hope it continues. Its time for a final solution to the palestinian problem.
kys, communist/useful idiot.
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The whole idea of multicultural multi-ethnic societies is retarded anyway even Aristotle 2000 years ago already knew it.
It's only being pushed by Jews who don't want to get kicked out from other peoples countries, while also going to other peoples lands and kicking the rightful owners off them.

It's insane how evil Jews are in their quest of destroying everything to have it for themselves
This thing that Robert posted is a fact that people tend to ignore... Jews and Muslims goes hand to hand in slavery, massacres, wars, parasitism, etc...
Remove KEBAB
lying Jew
>This is the most documented genocide in our history.
You dipshits would get more support if you stopped calling it “genocide” (which it isn’t), and called it “ethnic cleansing” (which it is)

Oh and someone walk into MBS’s twink rape dungeon and remind him that he could stop this at any time with a threat of an Israel oil embargo
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And while Jews started slavery, it was the White Christians who stopped it.

Funniest shit is that Jews always use Whites as their scapegoats which they transfers their sins to just like they do to the chickens in their rituals.

I mean Jews are not blamed for slavery even though the slave trade was entirely Jewish.
And Whites are blamed for slavery even though it was never a thing in Christian Europe and it was White Christians who ended slavery.

In fact in 1833 the British government had to take a massive loan equaling to 40% of all its treasure, from the Jewish bankers to pay the Jewish slaveholders for the privilege of freeing the slaves.
Think about that, Jews kvetched and wouldn't "allow" the British freeing the slaves, instead the public had to buy them from them, loaning money from Jewish bankers to pay the Jewish slavers.
And that's what the British did, the Christian public loaned a sum so large from the Jewish bankers, that it took 182 years to pay it all back to the Jews.
British taxpayers finished paying the Jews for their slaves in 2015 !!
So less than a decade ago, Brits were still paying the Jews for the privilege of freeing the slaves, which Jews wouldn't agree to do unless they were paid.

Imagine the other option.
Instead of always paying the Jewish rats, what if we just exterminated them all?
They would never be able to leech from anyone ever again, or flood any White country with non-whites, multiculturalism, trannyism, etc.
keep going, king :)
oh no look at all those dead buildings we built for you
Besides the holohoax, nobody cares about genocide.
The gradual abolition and disgust that christianity have about slavery helped the europeans developed too in the middle ages because free and cheap manpower cannot be find anymore, so it forced the folk to came out from their confort and push themselves to limit, the reason why we have the agricultural and mechanical revolutions in europe, consequently because all of this the scientific revolution and method came from the europeans, as they said, hard times create hard man, a similar and contemporany comparison can be seen between the Union and Confederacy in the Civil war, with the north much more developed and industrialized than the south because of this.
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>building something
i've never seen a jew laying a brick in my life
you are parasites incapable of honest work.
that's why you always need pre-existing populations to latch on to so you can parasite on them
even after 1000+ expulsions they never stuck you always came back, never went to some empty patch of land and cleared it and built your own society
because you cannot do it, you have been evolved to be parasites
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Jews are so abrasive that even in the deep jungles of Central America they'll clash with the local populace because they try to immediately take the village over.

Note how Jews never homestead in an empty patch of land, they are so work-allergic and parasitic that they always need to latch on to existing population, start to leech from them and try to subvert them to do all the work for them.
Jews always want to go to village already established, house already built, farm already tilled and harvested, and table already set - and sit like an effendi and eat.

Even in their genocidal project of the illegitimate state of occupied Palestine the kikes call pissrael, they machinegunned the Palestinians in their homes and took them over, changed village names to Hebrew, and claimed that they were always there and actually grandpa Shlomo built that house.
Now they employ a slave-caste of other races to build their infrastructure, you can never have a society of just Jews because who would do the work then - you'll never see a Jew with a shovel digging a ditch, asphalting a road, laying a cable or building a house, its all done by slaves.

Hatred of the Jews is not limited to any one species of human, of course Europeans are the ones they've already tried to latch on the most - but just them being the Jewish rats their parasitic genetics make them - will make them hated anywhere they go UNLESS they have control of the media so they can print constant propaganda to paint themselves as the good guys, the native people of the host nation as the bad guys, and the Jewish ideas as something good for the host nation.
So many kikes and supporters here. Disgusting
They have been pushed to the west thanks to kikes poojeet
yes, when men are no longer cheap you will develop machines to do the job
the "we need to import cheap workers from india" has always been bullshit in all of history
the jobs will get done one way or another
if there is not enough people to do it for cheap then someone will invent a machine that does it
Exatly, it is a actually jews that lived (and still lives) from the labor of others, parasitism literally and the reason why kikes are hated in ancient and medieval worlds, folk always despised man that cannot work and sustain itself, especially because land was really a valuable thing in that time and real wealth came from it, these folk worked for themselves not for a landowner kipá rat
I mean any of their Muslim neighbors could be helping them out, but they don't. Why doesn't Egypt just take them in?
Kek based burger
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Hopefully my documentation of it is ok. I'm just a white American watching from the sidelines.
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May Allah awaken the people and help them to see the evildoings of Israel and the United States
and cede their home territory to invaders?
Brautiful. All that's needed is a few Shaeid drones and about a million corpses before my thirst for Jew/Muslim blood is satisfied.

I hate to say it, but this is their own fault. For supporting a militant group that wants nothing more than to destroy their ultra powerful neighbours... yeah this is what happens.
It's about giving them the option. Even if they wanted to leave other muslim countries wont take them
if the alternative is getting endlessly killed by a far superior enemy? yeah. they should. same with ukrainians. donbass and crimea are gone and they need to accept that and move on with their lives.
I don't give a fuck about Muslims. Especially when MY race is being genocided and Muslims are one of the tools being used to do it. Fuck off. Muslims will still be here after my race goes extinct so fuck all of you.

Maybe there would be less muslims in your country if you stopped bombing theirs.
Christ is King
Maybe you didn’t grow up that way, but listen, Jesus is the Messiah and Son of God and the Gospels are real. I won’t disrespect anyone, I just urge you to realize the truth before it’s too late, no matter who you are. Some won’t listen, some will, I just want some of you to be saved in the end too.
Sky is still blue though. Funny how plastic straws destroy the planet but the climate or environment are never mentioned when cities are nuked. It’s just muh genocides
We are getting muslims from countries outside of Iraq,Syria and Afghanistan.
Fuck them they want free gibs
I'm not bombing shit, cocksucker
muslims were invading europe non-stop for the past 1300 years. picrel was less than 200 years ago in the balkans. they did the same ISIS shit back then as today, except they did it as part of a large, organized army instead of having to pretend to be poor pitiful refugees.
hatred of jews is a normal human thing to do you stupid fucking npc. jews promote usury, interracial porn, open borders, gender demoralization/feminism, and lgbt genital mutilation. how would you not hate kikes you fucking tourist.
What do you want us to do? Kowtow and say "oy vey... how very bad for the Muslims, now we must give them everything their little black heart desires for the next century." You are all Semitic. Do you understand? Yes. You are all Jewish. I don't give a fuck, shut the fuck up. You just want to swap places. Stupid desert squabbles.
>Yes. You are all Jewish.
You got it. Fuck all of them.
you live in a desert
>no green space
2 million people squeezed in like 10 city blocks
god i hate nigs
I wonder who squeezed them out of their villages and into that dense strip of land
Shut up cuck.
i can claim that i don’t care because you started it and are now in the find out phase
sorry! not my problem
>no replies
bots successfully filtered
is this new photos of ww2 and Germany doing? play cod looks like it. how do I singe up to crush noobs.
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The genocide is happening here in Europe. The great replacement is real. Ship all muslims, turks, shitskins and niggers back to Africa! Europe for Europeans! Ausländer raus!
>you started it
Says the German. Some jokes write themselves
occupying the jew terrain is aliteral death sentence you fools. cry wolf for camping their territory and getting rekt. how stupid can you be man.
this is no joke, understand who is the owner of planet earth. then act accordingly. stop being fucking stupid. simple as.
each and everyone of us has to follow the rules on planet earth, if you think youre above the rest then youre mistaken.
I fucking swear, they have identical names with maybe one different letter, look the same but keep killing each other
fucking retards
I visited multiple Arab countries back in the late 2000s and it really made me appreciate Germany more. Things I thought were basic and given in civil engineering and aesthetics were rarely present in most Arab cities.
How else are the next million jews going to find homes in Israel?
actually holocaust is more documented
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>terrorize the entire world
>flood their countries with crime
>disrespect native populations
>rape their women and kids
>be surprised that nobody gives a shit when israel bombs them to smithereens
>No one can claim ignorance. No one can say they didn’t know.
Nigger, get on your knees and pray to dear Allah and Muhammed praise be his retarded name, that far right doesnt come into power in europe.
After everything that happened, you think for a second e will risk empathy again?


And you know why.
Its because if you could you would do it to us.
Fucking bitch.
Palestinians never hurt me
kikes are fucking this entire region and the damage is irreversible, we are dead and they are happy, Shlomo
you will not always be on top
but chutzpah is a blinding drug
you won't know to stop until it's too late
thats a good point, hans
thats because youre living in a shithole where not even palestinians want to go
they are among the worst muslims here and when theyre not criminal shitheads they think that rioting in our cities destroying average peoples property will gain them sympathy
>you will not always be on top
what are the chances :3
He will deny that still. Everyone supports these shitskins until they're at their doorstep, stabbing people and raping kids.
climate change is real
ironic you're using a pic from america to talk about a genocide and great replacement
>only okay when we do it
that's why nobody feels sorry for you
exactly this, the muslims are going to want revenge against the white man anyways because in their mind jews = whites

spindly indian fingers typed this post
i guess its based that the jiggas bomb them to pieces, the happyness overall has increased LOL
this but unironically
by that logic any bombing campaign against a homogeneous county is a genocide.
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Shhesh that looks like a bad case of typhoid.
Would be fun seeing you get raped to death by russians
>terrorize the entire world
>flood our countries with crime
>disrespect native populations
>rape their women and kids
>be surprised that nobody gives a shit when Iran bombs them to smithereens
Sane people get to vote agaisnt /pol/ retards.
Kikes are mad at you because they destroyed your country and you are exposing them. All these flags are kikes
It is insanely disgusting. And if you bring up sympathy others claim you aren't being sympathetic to Israel.
Insane spell and delusion the world has been pulled into.
Revelation tier delusions over Israel.
Nah that isn't anything compared to what happened to native Americans and aboriginals anyways I don't care I hope you sand niggers kill each other you both are insane, zealot, judiac, death cultists.
The jews shouldn't be there. The arabs were ok with them being there until the zionists started taking over the areas around them and removing all human and political rights of the people who live there.

If you go back in history with this entire conflict, at every single turn, you find that the jews are the ones that started it every single time.
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The abhorrent history of the crimes of ((((Juden)))).

Almond nut bar.

el shama lake um.
And it's always "jews have a right to defend themselves" with you people... but when arabs do it, it's now called "terrorism" and must be stopped for some reason.
We're occupied by the people doing this. It could happen to us. It already is.
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People also ask
What is shama in the Bible?
It means to hear, to listen, to give attention, to understand, to submit to, and to obey. There is only one word in Hebrew for obedience, and it is this word – shama. This Hebrew word is also generally translated as “hear.

"The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you."

They believe that there was a defilement of the meaning of words so they created their own language.
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My ceremonial Gi?
I've actually met that guy, he visited our school. Absolutely evil looking (not that I'm surprised)
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God has decided to curse me with your existence another day and I'm going to be the entire problem.

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