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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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I don’t particularly care about who’s getting iced on film from whatever side. I’m just wondering what’s actually happening over there. So far it’s just a bunch of hearsay on Twitter and telegram.

Hamas managed to upload film from Gaza for example. Hezbollah has a history of doing so too during their participation in the Syrian civil war. The IDF will do so from time to time as well. Etc.
I’m sure it’ll come out at some point. Most likely from the IDF. Hezbollah is probably afraid of their GoPros and other shit exploding on them like their pagers did
Publishing videos puts op sec at risk. if Hezbollah has been filming their exploits it may not be safe to publish fresh footage for a few more weeks.
What about Israel? It’s probably safer for them to upload
>When can we expect to see combat/drone footage from Lebanon?
When Israel is winning.
Weeks? That’s going to be a long wait.
When you come over and make it, you fucking pussy.
I heard they haven’t gained much ground. But then again only like 33 of them have died while 250 Hezbollah have been killed (assuming everyone is telling the truth, which they aren’t)
Nah, I don’t like you guys THAT much
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Only 9 Israelis have died so far

Here’s footage of Hezbollah getting killed by a drone strike during a failed ambush 2 days ago

Lub me some good AK operator Kino
I’ll believe it when I see it. Most governments lie about stuff like that
Thanks for sharing that clip tho, at least that’s legit
This is likely the case. IDF has been getting ambushed and videos would reveal their angle of attacks.
Have you not been paying attention? They literally published some big exposes showing Hezbollah tunnels, bunkers and arms caches that they found and blew up.
Why would Israel willingly publish videos of skirmishes with Hezbollah? That only makes Hezbollah look stronger.

Do you still not understand that everything is propaganda?
>I don’t particularly care about who’s getting iced on film from whatever
Sociopath moment
That shit is boring, and not combat
And yes I’ve said as much a few times already itt
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Well I just linked drone footage that shows it you little faggot lol

And Hezbollah had been hiding deaths that still got uncovered by OSINT

There’s your proof
Unlike Hezbollah pulling random numbers out their ass about destroying 500 tanks in a day

Get owned
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Both sides need to have a high body count.
You’re truly retarded if you think only one side is lying
Like unironically
Why would they do that? While I always appreciate kino of kikes getting killed, every video is basically a training manual for jews. Hamas always revealed too much.
Back in 2006 we could see countless merkava tanks and that sort get blown up, but the Jews have managed to take over all the media outlets since then so everything we see is either sanitized of fake and gay.
Well they did so in Syria, like I said. But yeah I agree Hamas has probably compromised themselves with all the videos they’ve put out
>I just linked
1 post by this ID
Is your vpn roaming, disgusting kike shill filth?
Also every large "combat footage" channel on youtube is just a big advertisement for the jewnited states military where they show training footage and present it as the real thing with countless amerifats thanking them for their service in the comment section.
Who watches combat footage on YouTube? It’s all on telegram and usually compiled here
It's not the same. The random militias they were fighting aren't going to analyse their videos and learn from it like kikes do. You want to compare the Intel of random niggas with israel?
Hello schlomo, hows the vpn doing? You happy with it?
if they have any brains there will be no public footage. great way to dox your units and get destroyed
get on your knees wagie
Yeah. Do you think the IDF is that bad ass when they’re still struggling with Hamas a year later?
Some Gaza kino:

^IDF soldiers being ambushed and killed by Hamas small arms fire

^compilation of Hamas sniper kills

^Hamas special forces commando dying to a settler, says shahada before death

^Israelis being ambushed in beit hanoun

^IDF vs Hamas house fighting

^merkava being blown up POV
It's not about being a badass, do you think literally showing your tactics on camera and basically the locations of all your guys and posting the video less than a day later has no potential to bite you in the ass at all?
how does one defeat the IR jew?
The key difference is kikes lie to save face when Arabs get their occasional win. Muslims literally hallucinate new realities on a daily basis to keep coping with getting pounded. Just look at all the Muslim cope on this board talking about how Nasrallah survived the assassination attempt when it hadn't come out yet.
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Hi, here’s more Hezbollah pigs that got recently killed

Then here’s a video of some idf spec ops guy killing 2-3 Hamas soldiers in close combat
I’m ok with this, because I’m aware people die in war. You seem to think Israelis are invincible for some weird reason and never lie
How a Jewish Manhattan Project scientist quietly helped the Soviets get the bomb

Israeli pleads guilty to shipping US-made avionics to Russia, violating sanctions

The Jewish Designers of North Korea’s Hydrogen Bomb

Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

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kikes have been holocausted and you're asking this question

>They literally published some big exposes showing Hezbollah tunnels, bunkers and arms caches that they found and blew up.
those are fake btw, either from 2006 or from their own sets
I’m asking because they have better resources, security and numbers
I don’t really care much for them
you are jewish
>Only 9 Israelis have died so far
How a Jewish Manhattan Project scientist quietly helped the Soviets get the bomb

Israeli pleads guilty to shipping US-made avionics to Russia, violating sanctions

The Jewish Designers of North Korea’s Hydrogen Bomb

Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

Understandable when there are 1000 of your enemy dead for every 10 of your own
a quick google

> Stay behind glass.
> Use a Mylar foil thermal blanket.
> Use a wool blanket.
> Use thick netting.
> Stand in heat sources close to your body temperature.
> Use a UV protection umbrella.
> Wear insulated clothes.
> Examine developing tech approaches of blocking IR.
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you're a jew
>literally wear a tin foil hat
This whole time, they knew. And we laughed!

What does this have to do with Israel raping Hezbollah though?

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jews absolutely do not have better sources, they will tell you what they want you to believe
ME doesn't need videos to jerk off to like europeons, ME aren't sickos
I don’t think they’re invincible
They literally admitted to casualties rhe 2nd day of the ground invasion and every nigger chimped out and acted like a couple soldiers getting killed is the end of the war

Hezbollah openly hides casualties and has literally never disclosed their wounded in action

Ever think of that nigger brain?
Only one side is transparent with casualties and it’s not Hezbollah and it sure as fuck isn’t Hamas
Whatever happened to that air base anyways? They claim minimal damage occurred but I’m skeptical, I mean why hide the damage at all if it was small?
You clearly haven’t seen Syria videos then. Or Hamas ones
kek, looks like it actually works

Are you retarded? Why do you think Israel is some sort of exceptional beacon of truth? Seriously, what type of brain damage do you suffer from?
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here is a Syria video for ya
kikes are getting raped by hezbollah and those links prove jews are traitors

Now post a Hamas one you sick degen
multiple confirmed hits on buildings and driveways
>Hezbollah openly hides casualties
it's kikes who do that

they haven't given the numbers for today's holocost yet and minimize them to the max
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well if you insist
>nas daily



Because they admit to their deaths and wounded and Hezbollah has never published a single number about their wounded in action

are they literally poisoning the well?
Then what is Hezbollahs wounded in action numbers?

Don’t run away now Ahmed
Did you make these?
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They allowed satellite images out. Big deal there were digital clouds at sharp edges with the area. Everything is digital these days, so nothing suspicious about digital clouds

You're clearly arguing with a poopjeet shill. Just filter and move on
you're a kvetching kike who can only bomb toddlers and children
Nobody is saying that Cletus, some of us just understand the simple fact that Israel is infinitely more transparent about its casualties than pretty much all of its adversaries that have to hallucinate reality to feel like they are winning.
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>refuses to answer
Hezbollah hiding the fuck out of their WIA

Get owned bitch
Stop samefagging
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mossad hq status?
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Why are you muzrats so obvious? Do you feel welcomed on this board?
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kikes give fake numbers, hezbollah always announces their dead

all you kikes can do is bomb toddlers and children, and lie about wanting peace to bomb more toddlers and children
How a Jewish Manhattan Project scientist quietly helped the Soviets get the bomb

Israeli pleads guilty to shipping US-made avionics to Russia, violating sanctions

The Jewish Designers of North Korea’s Hydrogen Bomb

Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China


Hey, it´s you again! Figure out how to use your vpn, you absolute failure of sentience and morality? Actually, nevermind. Fuck off and Die.
Only muslims are dumb enough to believe the mossad hq got leveled after watching this video top kek
why are you so retarded
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a LOT of missile got through.

It would level the fuck out of it if i was Iran.
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entertaining as fuck kek
Day before the invasion, Israel lined up all its tanks, bunching them up on the border. If Lebanon had anything they would have used it. They are attacking countries that are completely defenseless.
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What’s Hezbollahs number of wounded in action?

Why does this question terrify you?
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the tweet in question shows just how much of traitors jews are btw
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they'll announce in due time

right now they're too busy destroying jewish asses

kikes yidding around a finding out
>why are you so retarded
because youre not being killed at the front lines in lebanon
>hamas beasts cornered
who writes this shit, may god strike him down with covid clot
It didn't look like samefagging to me. However the magical digits confirm that it is fact samefagging. So, I must concede to those based digis snd agree that he is samefagging.

May God, and Allla, and Satan/Moloch (the jew god dependent on sect), cows (hindu god) monkeys (hindu god) zeus, and all the others smite that samefagger
after the war probably
i don't speak hebrew
They fight ghosts- their words
And notice the israeli casualties that they mentionned, all under 23 years old??
> a LOT got through
They mostly fell on Nevatim airbase that got some runway and hanger damage, Israel would obviously scramble its aircraft knowing this attack is coming.
The video alleging the mossad hq was leveled was posted on one tweet, there is no major rubble in the area, the mossad HQ is not in a forest, and if it was actually leveled we would be getting infinitely more footage leaking from Israel. It's a retarded Muslim cope.
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> death to antisemites = traitor
> death to kuffar = good muslim
kek kill yourself
fucking kek literal money changer is a holy place according to the talmshits
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>they’ll announce it in due time

Right, they’re hiding it.
uss liberty was opsec too kys yitzhak
That´s all you have. If you weren´t a kike or a golem, I might pity you...
I'd bet on Hezbollah before IDF. Muslim militants love combat footage for propaganda purposes, while Israel's always trying to be kinda quiet about the horrors they're committing.
Wow it's reminds me of Ukraine 2 years ago when they claimed they already killed 400k Russians in only a few months of fighting
Israel has a media blackout and they are not allowing IDF soldiers to carry phones or cameras in this Lebanon campaign. If any footage comes out it will be from Hezbollah, who probably won't release it for awhile due to opsec reasons.
No it's really all you have considering you skipped my entire post just to reply to one word.
Leave europe and kys muzrat
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I knoe the shills are saying the israeli propaganda version. However, if there was no damage there would have been zero reason for a complete media blackput.

Just like how they told us the iron cope intercepted 99% of the missiles and the 1% hit open fields. Videos uploaded by jews showed that essentially zero got intercepted and they all hit targets. Very rarely did any hit fields, as they sent tons and they wrecked the buildings that they hit

We also had no shilling for many hours & BBC, racemixing, women hate, and all the other kike shill threads halted during those hours. When shilling came back it was just butthurt poopjeets and butthurt kikes spouting 50 conflicting stories. Since JIDF was down and couldn't relay info to jewish shill NGO's. We had to wait a while before they came up with narratives and then sent them out and shilling restarted.
>Oy vey, how dare you question our 250 kills? Those 300 kills are confirmed on camera and 350 of them were in close quarters combat alone, 400 dead terrorists is just a good start.
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More evidence of Hezbollah clowns trying to hide their deaths

Too bad they’re shitty at this

Their wounded numbers must be insane
jews are bombing from the air ww2 style. then waste whatever's moving through the rubble.
they don't give a sneed.
hajis do suicide attacks because they're beta losers and closeted passive homosexuals.
Orthodox always look so gross
2 More weeks at most.
Meme or serious?
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all you have are drawings
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fake until I see an uncensored photo.
you hajis have a record of playing dead with chicken blood.
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Lookner’s stream

don't change the subject
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no we even have the drawings kek
evreu pula
i hate jews, that is all
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you're still a jew
Looks like if Larry King and Greenspan had a kid together
where the uncensored photo. show it.
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May we see the photo?
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It was fucking nothing
I was hoping they’d be talking about the Middle East
Some nobody fag came to /chip/ to try and divert attention from that thread to this one, so I'm here to direct you slimy little goblins right on back to the only general in town for TKD. Parasitism will not be tolerated. ;3

new footage
lots of videos at - kaotic dot com
That patio looks like shit. Also juden poisoning a literal well, top kek
Infrared video of an explosion. It could be anything.It could be footage from any previous conflicts in the middle east.

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