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Fuentes debated this guy about various topics including whether homosexuality is right or wrong.

He didn't look very good on that topic, his only arguments were:
- it is wrong because it is disgusting and instinctively it is disgusting because it is bad
- it's not natural
- God said it's wrong

The answers were in the same order:
- it's subjective
- we do many things that are not natural
- God does not exist and the Bible is just stories

Even Fuentes went so far as to say that someone is only homosexual in action and not because of atraction to the opposite sex. This led him to accept that his sexuality is being an "incel" or that he is an asexual being.

I told you, with those arguments about homosexuality you would look like idiots in debates.
Here I am going to give you the real arguments, and if you have brains you will start using them:

Homosexuality is bad because it is the result of systematic sexual abuse and/or extreme violence commonly in the home. The only biological part about homosexuality is that for some reason a molested/raped person is like a tamed horse and never recovers. When you let someone be homosexual what you are doing is letting them live the life defined by their abuser.

Our degenerate society loves homosexuals for that very reason, they are destroyed people with no other ambition than to fuck anyone, take drugs and die without children. They are broken people with no future.

Is there scientific evidence? Yes, it is known that among homosexuals it is much more common to have been sexually abused. There is no evidence that every homosexual has been abused because it depends on them admitting it.

Nobody is born gay, it is evolutionary nonsense.
The following is a list of behaviors carried out predominantly by homosexuals that are recognized but are also attributed to oppression/discrimination:

- coprophagy
- urophagy
- higher suicide rates
- promiscuity without protection, they don't care about getting AIDS because they are dead in life
- drug addiction
- total lack of self love or respect
- pederasty
- psychopathy
friendly reminder that Nick pays pajeets to spam him on /pol/
some counter arguments are:

- who was the first homosexual? who raped him?
The mind and senses are not perfect, the first human to rape another may have been an insane or retarded person who felt attracted out of confusion to another man, surely young and with feminine features.

- there are homosexual animals
What animals do is not a justification for what humans can do. Furthermore, animals do all kinds of stupid acts out of confusion, like a dog trying to catch a soccer ball or a cat.

- The Catholic Church is full of pedophiles and they are not homosexuals.
They are all pedophiles and homosexuals. Why do they only rape male kids? Guys like Fuentes have trouble recognizing this because they want to seem very Catholic. Coincidentally, an organization full of single "asexual" men ends up being an organization full of pedophiles.

- but heterosexuals rape their children
No, if someone rapes their own children of the same sex then in addition to being a pedophile they are homosexual. There are pedophiles and pedophile homosexuals.

- My first homosexual relationship was consensual.
Yes, when he was 15 and the other guy was 35.
what can be done with homosexuality?

The right thing is to help the homosexual to recognize the origin of his condition and to do everything he can to fix his life.


How to deal with homosexuals?

Understanding the homosexual as a sick person, insulting him will only make you look like someone who mistreats the sick. Yes, they are violent and annoying but you are not doing yourself any favors by laughing at their misfortune. You transform into the caricature created by them to say that they are persecuted.


The moment you accept this truth everything will make sense, you will find more evidence in your daily life and you will find an answer to any contrary argument.
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Qanon - Zionist
Alex Jones - Zionist
Jerome Corsi - Zionist
Roger Stone - Zionist
PJW - Zionist
Posobiec - Zionist
Bannon - Zionist
Ben Shapiro - Zionist
Abigail Shapiro - Zionist
Jordan Peterson - Zionist
Sam Harris - Zionist
Spencer - Zionist
Mich Enoch - Zionist
Lauren Southern - Zionist
Faith Goldy - Zionist
Sellner/Pettibone - Zionist
Tommy Robinson - Zionist
Ann Coulter - Zionist
Stefan Molyneux - Zionist
Cernovich - Zionist
Milo - Zionist
Milei - Zionist
RFK jr - Zionist
Weev - Zionst
Sargoy of Mossad - Zionist
Mike Lindell - Zionist
Stephen Crowder - Zionist
Laura Loomer - Zionist
Jacob Wohl - Zionist
Gavin mccines - Zionist
Jared Taylor - Zionist
Dave Rubin - Zionist
Charlie kirk - Zionist
Candice owens - Zionist
Douglas murray - Zionist
Joe Rogan - Zionist shill
Kate Hopkins - Zionist
Elon Musk - Zionist
Kanye West - Zionist
Proud boys - Zionist
Mr. Metokur - Zionist
Pewdiepie - Zionist
Jesse Lee Peterson - Zionist
Brenton Tarrant - Zionist
Nigel Farage - Zionist
Ezra Levant - Zionist
Jim Hoft - Zionist
James o Keefe - Zionist
Baked Alaska - Zionist
Nick Fuentes - Zionist<---------------------
Sebastian Gorka - Zionist
Andy Ngo - Zionist
Bronze Age Pervert - Zionist
End wokeness - Zionist
Peter Hitchens - Zionist
Curtis Yarvin - Zionist
Ian Miles Cheong - Zionist
Tim Pool - Zionist shill
Dennis Prager - Zionist
Gad Saad - Zionist
Dinesh de Souza - Zionist
Dan Bongino - Zionist
Tucker Carlson - Zionist
Radio Genoa - Zionist
Ali Alexander - Zionist
Avi Yemini - Zionist
Evlaard - Zionist
Matt Walsh - Zionist
Peter Thiel - Zionist
done, may allah be with you
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I will read it now
>He didn't look very good on that topic, his only arguments were:
>- it is wrong because it is disgusting and instinctively it is disgusting because it is bad
>The answers were in the same order:
>- it's subjective

There's the fallacy.
Disgust is not subjective.
Disgust is an evolved response to things which are harmful, toxic, or infectious.
Ok Nick b4 I know you are just a real jew descendant and this whole mess is just the times you got to live on

I was the only one years ago I shit you not that had seen a real palestinian
Did you see the debate?

Yes, Dean went crazy at several points but Nick looked like an idiot at several points.
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I'm not saying he's right, but they are persuasive arguments for the average normie
dumb spic
Who fucking cares.
What the fuck is wrong with you retarded plebs that you're interested in what some grifting nobody has to say.

Fuck your dumb cuntish existence.
what a fucking faggot waste in an absolute faggot thread.
he was fucking with him when he said he's asexual
They never think it is like it is

They didn't accepted them in europe for years after the jews took their country in the 50's

Allied as they were of nazi germany they didn't took them in any allied country but ours

They are just rare and in extinction

why does nick need you gay faggots to spam his unfunny shit here all day
is he hemmoraging that many views?
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Wasted. Kys faggot

new argument related to your comment:

Is it wrong for homosexuals to perform practices that heterosexuals perform, such as oral and anal sex? Yeah. It is wrong for both homosexuals and heterosexuals.

Both are practices that involve the degradation of the other person.
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It matters because homosexuals are key to the destruction of our society.
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I know bro. I'm just saying we should start pushing back on that talking point.
Disgust is not subjective. We survived for millions of years, partially by being disgusted at the things which could do us harm.

Homosexuality is biologically disgusting, because when you see a male from a species trying to mate with another male of the same species, you naturally (and rightly) assume there must be something wrong with it's brain, so it must be sick. You then decide to avoid it, so you don't catch whatever sickness it has.
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>whether homosexuality is right or wrong.
If everyone turned gay humanity would end in about 20 years. Nobody would replace all of the deaths then it starts to affect the supply chain. Then everyone would literally be dead in about 80 years or so.
This post is a criticism of Nick Fuentes.
opinion? ok, from now on start seeing everything through that opinion and you will see that everything makes sense
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Wasted, fucking spic thread, kys faggot.
Homosexuality is wrong because its inherently a harmful destructive behavior that has very little societal benefits.

Homosexuality in recent history was a major catalyst of the HIV/AIDS, monkeypox outbreak let alone numerous other diseases. The inherent act of unprotected anal sex between two men alone was always going to cause a spread of illnesses and disease all throughout human history and society. Due to the fact that it also does not reproduce life and that someone who is truly entirely homosexual would be a genetic deadend and thus would not continue to reproduce for a tribe or society while at the same time being more likely to be a vector of illnesses.

Making the arguement that homosexuality is good because people enjoy it or they take pleasure in it, would then open up society to accepting every societal ill such as being morbidly obese or a drug addict junkie because those people claim to enjoy it or take pleasure or because those people struggle with bad addictions and behavior.
but there is a problem with that. If we accept biological diversity in humans we have to accept that not everyone will perceive the world the same.
Only thing that matters is consent between humans of legal age, which depends on the country, piss topic.
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There are two types of faggots.
The Bottom f*ggot is the Hollywood effeminate f*g.
They all had prepubescent autogynephilia.
The ZOG's own psychiatric literature calls it "childhood gender nonconformity."
No child begins imagining sex between two men or two women.
They ALL begin imagining sex between a man and a woman.
The prepubescent autogynephile begins to focus on what he thinks makes the woman in his mind horny.
And they always come to the same conclusion.
Big muscles and a big penis.
The Bottoms all want hyper-masculine men, and reject each other as partners.
The Bottoms write books on seducing straight men.
The Top is a normal heterosexual man who has been seduced by a Bottom.
The Tops go through a phase of identifying as bisexual,
before they give up on women completely,
because Bottoms are far more promiscuous.
The Top eroticizes the Bottom as a super-whorey woman.
The Tops are 100% of the child molesters,
because the Bottoms tell them they've wanted hyper-masculine men since they were little boys.
The Tops are also 100% of the bug-chasers (men who want to fuck HIV-positive men),
because there is nothing more degenerate in the mind of the Top
than a Bottom dying of AIDS.
>but there is a problem with that. If we accept biological diversity in humans we have to accept that not everyone will perceive the world the same.

That would not be a problem if we lived in a world where people are given freedom of association.

The people without diseases could freely choose to not associate or do business with the people who have diseases.
>fags are defective and degenerate people who, more often than not, have been abused, abuse others, and continue to abuse themselves with progressively filthier forms of deviancy
That we even have to waste time "debating" such obvious bullshit is just annoying really.
shut up you homo
Nice long list of cope you got there. Truth hurts.
Where did these bad people hurt you?

No man would agree to be caught by another if it was not done to him first by force or coercion
Can you explain why I’m fairly masculine/strong/fit and enjoy being topped by feminine gay boys?
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Gays don't love. They only lust. They lack upper cognitive function and feed carnal pleasures, they do utilize higher brain function to fit in much like a predator in nature learns to camouflage. Why infiltrate schools and force changes in laws? Look what happens to the world when homosexuality is spread. It has killed more than Christianity and that's a lot allegedly.
>- it is wrong because it is disgusting and instinctively it is disgusting because it is bad
>- it's not natural
>- God said it's wrong
that's objectively correct, to have the discussion is to lose it, it's like arguing with someone who says the sky is green because believing it makes them happy. faggotry is objectively bad, simple as
Nick is gay himself. Of course he has bad arguments.
you tell me
Man ass is just gross. Simple as. A lot of woman ass is too.
i think that is true also, but at least he has the decency to be against it even if he is
>Can you explain why I’m fairly masculine/strong/fit and enjoy being topped by feminine gay boys?
Because you're a liar.
Anyone who is interested can google search terms like
"Top boyfriend never bottoms"
and see for themselves this is a very common phenomenon.
Even more extreme is "Top boyfriend never kisses me,"
which is also very common.
When faggots write for other f*ggots,
they will be straightfoward with how they are.
When f*ggots write for normal people,
they lie and lie and lie and lie
about how they really are.
Without a mandate from God nothing is truly wrong in the ultimate sense.
It is possible to respect someone who knows they are wrong and they tell you it is wrong.
Nor does a random woman in the city fucktard.
Shut the fuck up. That whiney faggot dean got his shit pushed in.

and Nick, or any Nick adjacent people, if you're listening, don't let him... or rather, do let him destroy those other cunts... but I think this dude, harry sisson, chris lowrey, parker, and others are all working for the same democrat-linked group.

These people are organized and other podcasts and news outlets have had clips of social media creators talking about having to sign NDA to work with democrats. These people are illegally promoting Kamallah without letting people know it's a campaign ad. They are laundering money, and manipulating sites like TikTok.

They have foreigners working with them to do this which is election meddling according to the democrats. This is probably one of the reasons for that lame tim pool story because now if you expose them they're just going to whatabout you.

But no, Dean lost on all accounts. He never stood a chance. He's a fucking retard, and none of his arguments are based in reality. All these people do is rattle off the same talking points, and try to get people into gotcha soundbytes like the hitler thing. Now to his entire fan base of thousands of people, Nick is just some nazi and they think their boy won.

No.. 85% polled said Nick won, and anyone with 60+ IQ can see that Nick won and that Dean is completely dishonest, and literally a child.
it is disgusting is enough
Not really. The vast majority of people will outright reject your premises because they aren't very scientifically sound.
Like, gay people being the result of sexual abuse. That maybe true in some cases. Maybe even 50% of cases. But you can find countless examples of gay people saying "I knew when I was 3", "I knew when I was 4", "I never had any sexual abuse whatsoever"

It is NOT a choice. Atrazine, hormone disrupters, or just bad luck in the gestation phase can lead to a fetus that develops unnaturally. From conception that person is inevitably going to be gay, because their body is going to develop along genderbending criteria. Thank the Industrial Revolution + Jews for that. It gave them all manner of new weapons.

You can't win this argument. Because you don't understand it.
Nick really didn't do particularly well and it was a trashy debate as far as debates go.
The key moment of that whole 7 hour stream, was when they addressed that Adin Ross was a Jew and that they don't hate him for it while unified under the sentiment that Daniel is a faggot.
Dean, my bad.
There are porn producers who make straight porn for faggots.
All their audience is 100% Bottom f*ggots.
Only the Bottom often rejects other Bottoms so extremely,
that they refuse to even watch them in pornography.
They aren't feminine enough, they actually need a woman to be in the scene.
The Tops are never like this,
because the Tops have eroticized Bottoms as replacement women.
To the Top,
the twink is just a really promiscuous woman.
big tech is a bald faggot

>dean went crazy

only in a bad way. he's basically a paid actor. This little shit and other faggots like him are making so much money to trick gullible democrat voters into sending them money for reading off democrat talking points. You can't debate them because they're fake people. There's zero honesty in Dean's body. None.

He's a completely bad faith actor and not capable of honest discussion. That's why when the debate ended, and 2 of the most well known ecelebs in thep lanet hopped on to the live stream, they continued chatting with Nick for another 2 hours. The adults table. They sent that little faggot packing.

And when someone let him in the stream later, Tate said get that faggot the fuck out of here, and they replaced him w\ an actual retarded black dude, lol.

Even if Nick is a gay fed plant, he speaks the truth. Regardless of the motivations, he speaks the truth, and on topics like israel he's pretty much at the top. You can't get more reliable coverage because everyone else reporting it is scared to criticize the jews as Nick is.

Do you think if Anthony Blinken weren't jewish that the US would have rushed as quickly to israel's aid? Him and every other jewish person in the biden administration. They hate the "dual loyalty" trope because it's absolutely true, and we all know you should not have anyone in the US government who has to defer to their "homeland" before simply doing the best thing for the United States and it's citizens.

Many in the biden admin should be jailed because of these actions. They've done some of the most ville shit, and pushed rhetoric the likes of which we've never seen. 2 assassination attempts. democrats talking online like they're nazis. what is really happening, folks?
Nick hates shitskins though.

I don't think Nick actually hates anyone. If he did you'd probably here him calling kamala a pajeet.
This is a copypasta bot.
If real, your list is misleading. Plenty of based people on that list like Alex Jones.

Fuck you kikel.
What kind of non-homo is going to write being gay is good because...Rubbish.
It's a defect, that is not right. But they're among us and the right thing to do is give everyone the resources to stay healthy and private.
> But you can find countless examples of gay people saying "I knew when I was 3", "I knew when I was 4", "I never had any sexual abuse whatsoever"

they lie, I would only accept that a tiny tiny tiny percentage could be born homosexual.
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>Reproductive system, meet digestive system... NO WHAT ARE YOU DOING! !
> Rubbing your dick in shit

Thats literally the only argument you need. Even the biggest moron knows thats not good.
idk idk Where was the vote held?
Yeah because he's a known closeted homosexual lmao
He's just regurgitating Abrahamic religion
Religion is not an argument you can use in a debate without immediately conceding
The ratio of Tops to Bottoms is about 1:5.
All the faggots know there are way, way more Bottoms than Tops.
This is concerned not only anecdotally by the f*ggots themselves,
but is confirmed by profiles on gay dating apps as well.
This leads to the phenomenon of Bottom f*ggots bullying each other to Top.
This is why there is such misogyny amongst Bottoms,
because they are trying to pressure each other into not being effeminate.
There are academic papers about this phenomenon,
which used to be a lot more common in the 80s and 90s.
Now the f*ggots have largely sorted themselves out,
and Bottoms being pressued into topping for each other is much less common.
See "Top or bottom: a position paper" by Andrew Reilly.

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actually, he worships nigger dick
He knows if he did he's done for good agaisnt anyone other than within his echo chamber.

The issue with guys like him crying about free speech and shit don't realize their opinions and rhetoric that they really want to use isn't popular. So they coke across as arrogant sarcastic shit heads. Every other thing he says is like he's holding back an inside joke and giggling on the inside.
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this faggot is suppose to be the "new" Destiny...!?
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He loves them and it’s mutual as they make up majority of his supporters
literally who. Kys zoomer, keep your faggy tiktok celebs to yourself

all fields
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Adin, a kike playing a role just to trick americans into vooting for Trump for obvious reasons.

fuentes, a weird generic american rightoid self-described as an asexual virgin that would kill babies if God told him to

the 19 year old faggot he debated was obviously a faggot that was receiving his answers on a computer screen from some faggot leftist [probably destiny]

America is doomed if these are their best debatoors
So dogs only hump other male dogs because of being molested? I doubt a dog can even feel the shame to care. They just think a hole is a hole. Anuses and vaginas were once hole called the cloaca. There's got to be some vestigial pleasure receptors between them.
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The are no Bottom dogs,
only Tops.
The "homosexual" dog will screw anything.
The 'Bottom' dog is just a dog getting raped.
Anon he is a shitskin
Idk I've seen a dog just be like whatever and seem fine with getting humped. Dogs likely don't get anxiety ridden tight asses like humans because they don't worry like humans do. They don't have any shame about it.
Personally I believe people almost all have the potential to be bisexual. The reason being raped makes one more likely to tap into that is it puts them into the submissive element of their brain. Women are more likely to tap into that because they are weaker and full of estrogen but by contrast stronger women tend to be lesbian cause they are less likely to tap into that submissive side. That's not to say you have to be raped to feel that state of mind it's just that getting raped activates it.
he had his phone a zoomer friend dictated him answers

the guy is now posting nudes to kickstart an onlyfans career as the debate thing doesn't work out
Common doesn’t mean always, friend. I’m asking you to help me understand myself. I don’t fit into what you’re saying is the most common case. What causes someone to be like me?
That's also not to say that you have to feel submission to have homosexual attraction it's just that submission has a tendency to lead to homosexual attraction since the strongest and most sexually aggressive humans tend to be men.
nick is intelligent but looked bad in the beginning, no matter how intelligent you are you are going to sound like a retard if you have to defend christcuckery
>muh book say so
Honestly, it's just cringe seeing Fuentes spewing anti-gay crap when he's clearly a closeted faggot. It's 2024, no one cares. Shouldn't have pick right wingers to grift though. Now he'll have to be in the closet for the foreseeable future.
homosexuality is a misfire of sexual attraction stricly speaking, no different than a rhino humping a rock or two male penguins hatching a rock
What's wrong with getting your rocks off with another male? Bisexuals actually tend to have more sex drive in general. Look at Young Thug. He's bisexual with like 6 to 8 kids or something. Plus there's gotta be some benefit to massaging your asshole. I mean shitting is healthy and if you work the muscles that make you shit it makes your bowel movements better. You honestly think that a dick in an anus is damaging to the anus every time? Whether anal sex is fucking a woman or a man I don't think so.
>What's wrong with getting your rocks off with another male?
biological speaking? everything
>inb4 potential of std
Agree but if we can potentially cure that then it's nil.
You actually watch that stupid spic? But of course, you're not white so of course of course. A horse is a horse of course of course.
How does fucking a male one time stop you from fucking a female next time?
>- it is wrong because it is disgusting and instinctively it is disgusting because it is bad
>- it's not natural
>- God said it's wrong
Sounds great to me. He won
you are begging the question, biological speaking homosexuality is a misfire
thats it there is no further addition, no more to add or to subtract
>it is wrong because it is disgusting and instinctively it is disgusting because it is bad
But to some people they find it instinctually attractive
>it's not natural
It exists in nature. Deboonked
>God said it's wrong
Your Jew book doesn't speak for God.
>Reddit spacing
>Meme flag
Go away
>it's bad because it's bad
Circular logic
You're absolutely right.
Practically 100% of male homosexuals experienced unnecessary violence inside their homes. I think biologically the reason for the "tamed horse" behavior is just an extreme form of self-preservation, where the self-preservation instinct get stronger than the sexual reproduction one.
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>by contrast stronger women tend to be lesbian cause they are less likely to tap into that submissive side.
You don't understand the dykes either.
The dykes are WAY more honest than the faggots.
They also come in two varieties.
The Butch and the Femme.
The Butch is like the Bottom f*g,
in that she converts the Femmes,
like the Bottom converts straight men to being Tops.
The Butch starts off as a very sexual, yet ugly, straight woman.
Eventually she is rejected by enough men that she starts to hate men.
The Butch understands how women eroticize men,
and starts to role-play as Rape Man.
All little girls (including the Butch),
begin their erotic thoughts imagining what makes men rape.
The little girl thinks men rape because they become so horny,
they must rape the nearest women to them.
The Butch seduces the Femme by acting pseudo-masculinely sexually aggressive to her.
This can be seen in how Butches and Femmes interact with each other in public.
Like the Top, the Femme goes through a stage identifying as bisexual,
before she just starts calling herself a lesbian.
The Femme is a slightly less ugly women than the Butch,
and hasn't given up on men yet.
The Butch will ideologically convince the Femme to give up men,
because men are still her competitors for the Femme.
The Butch, being a woman herself, knows women want men to act like Rape Man.
While real men put other demands on women to excite them (dress like a whore),
the Butch does not do this to the Femme,
which pleases the Femme,
because women resent having to do anything to attract men in the first place.
The Butch in her mind however,
is still thinking about Rape Man raping women.
She continues to get off to Rape Man,
even as she attracts Femmes by acting out this fantasy.
The dykes openly admit this.
See the book "The Persistent Desire: A Femme-Butch Reader,"
and go directly to chapter "Sex, lies, and penetration : a butch finally 'fesses up."
shitty nicky is now debating and getting btfo by actual children?
>was the money worth it?
its a misfire becauuse it does not proliferate life, a rhino humping a rock is the same stricly speaking
or maybe better because it does not spread monkeypox or destroys children
>The Butch starts off as a very sexual, yet ugly, straight woman.
Even the ugliest woman can get sex with men easily.
So you're against masturbation too? The odds that you will make a child every time you have sex with a woman are also slim to none.
Fuck off fag jew, go be raped as a kid somewhere else
You're equally against sex during pregnancy, right?
Not an argument. Hate Jews and the Holocaust didn't happen. Anne Frank died in a hospital. Why would you have hospitals for people you're exterminating?
I said why had to say. There is nothing to ad anon. It is a misfire of sexual attraction you are deflecting, begging the question because you
simply can not disagree with the statement on its merits.
You can at least pretend destiny has some fair arguments. You can't with this kid. First, he's a sperg. Second, he's a whiny faggot. Third, he wasn't able to argue any of his points so it ended up being a bunch of hypotheticals and comparisons that frankly, didn't make any fucking sense "poo is gross which means you can't play the piano which means butt fucking is good"

Nick should have just told this guy to kill himself, and as a moral subjectivist, he would have thought nothing wrong with doing so.
You have nothing but circular reasoning. You attempted to try to formulate an argument but then backed down when you realized how shit it was.
yes it is nothing you posted was an argument. Fags like you rape kids
there is no circular reasoning it is about the concept of life, it is essential a categorical imperative
I debunked all your shit points. Is Jesus's cock holy you Christard nigger?
>Even the ugliest woman can get sex with men easily.
This is an exaggeration.
While the Butch may continue for awhile to get men,
she eventually starts to realize she has to do more and more WORK to attract a man to have sex with her.
A fat ugly bitch can't get Chad to have sex with her easily,
much less stick around more than one time.
The Butch usually starts scrapping the bottom of the barrel,
and eventually comes to a point where the only men that will fuck her with little effort
are actually repulsive to her.
This is when she starts rejecting men.
ALL Butches go through this.
There are no "gold star" lesbians except a few ugly Femmes.
ALL Butches have had lots of sex with men,
and eventually reject men in favor of role-playing as Rape Man and seducing Femmes.
good performance overall, but Christianity is Fuentes' great big weak point and it does him a huge disservice to try argue the indefensible, it goes right into retard territory
You fags rap kids. How old were you when you were sodomized?
By your logic men should be raeping women every time they blow a load so they don't waste a single chance to create a baby. Also it's funny you think homosexuality is bad but you don't want your enemies to be homosexual.
Your points are all bullshit and oversimplified
Why don't YOU fuck off fag enabler
not if he bangs your dirty mom, jeez she needs to shower
Has to do more work? And women aren't even more work than that?
you try to negotiate or be clever about this
is homosexuality more than a misfire of sexual attraction biological speaking?
Oh wait. Jesus was a little virgin Jew bitch.
How old were you when you were raped? Answer coward faggot
Didn't even answer whether masturbation is bad. You refuse to further the debate. You're just like those retarded protesting Christniggers who think dinosaurs lived with humans.
>Poop is good
>Gays are good
>Pianos are bad
Yeah I saw it... Are you sure that dean kid isn't gay?
Speaking of not answering. Answer when you were sodomized
LOL. Fuck off Deano. Stick to faggot tik tok.
Never got raped.
>saw straight porn
It was hot
>Later saw gay porn and tranny porn
It was also hot.
Getting raped might make someone avoid sex altogether.
christfaggots cant explain why things are a detriment because they have to filter everything through their jewish manual and it doesnt give reasons as to why on most things

christniggers have a very hard time looking at reality alone
>too scared to answer
what age, don't deny it. Gays multiply by raping kids.
God keeps giving special suprises to faggots.
God naturally destroys gays (child rapists)
When were you raped? And don't give me "I wasn't", give me a real answer.
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>incomprehensible gibberish
Looks like their bots are just spewing gibberish now.
See picrel.
The Butch gets off to images of Rape.
She excites the Femme by role-playing as Rape Man.
>it's natural for humans because a brain rotted domesticated animal does it.
Dogs eat shit.
Animals often injure themselves needlessly in the wild. Trying to encircle outlier behaviors as "natural" winds up with the word not meaning anything, at all, besides "a thing that has ever happened, anywhere"
>switching to women because men are too much work
Absolutely retarded.
>still can't answer
Answer, child rapist. what age. Don't be a coward this is a safe space for faggots like you
90% of lesbians stop all homosexual behavior within ten years of first identifying as lesbians.
so butchs are fujos
So demonstrate that homosexuality is bad. You guys were appealing to nature first and I deboonked your appeal to nature.
you didn't answer this>>483785889
homosexualty is a misfire of sexual attraction, misfires are bad as they miss
I answered that I wasn't raped but you will continue to go on. When were you raped?
Mutations that made humans more intelligent were "misfires" but not bad.
>You guys were appealing to nature first and I deboonked your appeal to nature.
I deboonked your definition of nature. All useless definitions should be ignored. All arguments based on misinterpreting definitions are null.
nature proves fags are wrong
>Monkey pox
very deadly how do shit dicks like you respond?>>483786160
You just know that twink and nick fucked
>Absolutely retarded.
Yes, you are absolutely retarded.
The pseudo-masculine display is what gives the Butch the edge over the average straight man.
The Butch, being a woman, knows how women eroticize men.
Most men are retarded, and can't easily develop models of other people's minds.
Especially not women.
And yes,
men also reject ugly women.
The modern male wants a porn star,
but the porn-whore is nowhere to be found.
Real women resent having to play the role of the porn-whore.
Real women do expect men to role-play as Rape Man though.
Some men eventually get this,
and even the ugliest of real men
can get a lot of pussy
if they lower their standards and put on the Rape Man persona.
Just like the Butch does.
The Butch is the Omega Male,
the Omega Male that has figured out how to get women.
Probably because lesbians don't have the testosterone to sustain an attraction to women. I don't doubt sexuality can change over the course of life. Hormones fluctuate. I'm not someone who believes in a gay gene or that people are necessarily born gay. In fact I think bisexuality is far more common. I just don't think homosexuality absolutely bad.
what happened? answer this>>483786251
if all of africa was gay men would they exist in 100 years?
Gonorrhea and chlamydia are very commonly spread by heterosexual sex. I already addressed that if these can be cured by science then they are nil. They likely will be eventually.
we are a generational species that reproduces via sex
homosexuality ends bloodlines
if you do not care about fostering a society that build and maintains a people through endless generations then that is your problem and you are anti life
Then why do trans men get almost zero bitches?
This comes through sex with many partners which is also wrong but even these diseases are not nearly as deadly as fag diseases. Why is that?
So absence of attraction to the opposite sex is bad because you don't reproduce. That has nothing to do with whether attraction to the same sex is bad. You can be attracted to both.
It usually comes from one partner. Many partners just increase the likelihood. Homosexual monogamy wouldn't lead to any stds
So those diseases come through one partner but fag diseases dont? that bullshit child rapist. You have a source?
homosexuality is genetic and it survives in humanity through females, because in them it expresses as hyper-femininity
it causes you to pursue destruction
a homosexual is anti life
Africa has a lot more gays than they admit. Black people tend to be bisexual and just fuck everything that moves. Blacks are often bisexual and still have children because they have a high sex drive.
Christniggers kill people for a Jew book and do Muslims.
stop coping, you can embrace an aberrant lifestyle of filth and violence
hurting others mens anus with fecal matter but stop pretending it is normal, healthy or that it is not wrong

homosexuality is a misfire of sexual attraction biological speaking, thats it there is nothing to add or subtract
Every culture on every continent has banded sodomy until recently. Why is that, raped child?
I didn't ask you about gay trivia, this is a binary question
>if all of africa was gay men would they exist in 100 years?
They both come from "one partner." The partner who had the std. If you have monogamy with two clean people you'd have no stds. Likewise if you cure all the people who have stds then you'd eradicate all of said stds even if people had multiple partners.
Why is the fag one so much more deadly?
Every continent taken over by White Christians or Islam which stem from Judaism? Native American cultures didn't outlaw it universally Africans outlawed it because of Christianity. China was tolerant towards homosexuality.
>Then why do trans men get almost zero bitches?
The Butch dyke hates the tranny,
Can't post anything, everything is censored.
Even before my based white ancestors waged war on faggots it was still banned. How do you explain why countries that never became Christian still hate fags? Checkmate. It's not unnatural and deadly. If your fellows wont get you the disease will it seems.

I won the natural argument
because the Butch dyke has the rape fantasy,
and the tranny is an post-pubescent autogyn*phile.
Being a woman, she knows what turns most women on.
The Rape Fantasy.
She role-plays as Rape Man for other women.
Is that a guy in the left pic? looks like a girl.
okay? abrahamics worship death and yearn for a reward after they die, completely discounting this life altogether
how does this change the fact that homosexuals are anti life?
Because the penetrator spreads HIV moreso and in homosexuality everyone can penetrate eachother whereas in heterosexuality only men can penetrate women. But with gonnorhea or chlamydia I'm pretty sure it's easier for men to get it from women cause it's all over their vaginas but only inside the urethra for men.
my post got censored
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>Then why do trans men get almost zero bitches?
The Butch dyke hates the tr*nny,
because the Butch dyke has the rape fantasy,
and the tr*nny is an post-pubescent autogyn*phile.
Being a woman, she knows what turns most women on.
The Rape Fantasy.
She role-plays as Rape Man for other women.
The autogyn*phile tr*nny doesn't respond to any of this.
The autogyn*phile tr*nny was never a little girl,
fantasizing about what makes Rape Man uncontrollably horny.
The autogyn*phile tr*nny is a moron,
and the Butch wants nothing to do with him.
The autogyn*phile tr*nny isn't even a Bottom f*ggot,
they are more like a malformed pseudo-f*ggot.
Their autogyn*philia still competes with their heterosexuality,
but the autogyn*phile tr*nny has just given in to their autogyn*philia.
They may have sex with men,
but they don't care what they look like.
Merely being a woman penetrated is what turns them on,
not the male form or face at all.
And they certainly do not focus on the male's sexual feelings,
like the Butch and the Femme still do.
The Butch and the Femme imagine heterosexual rape,
while they fuck each other.
The autogyn*phile tr*nny imagines the feelings of the woman in his mind being penetrated,
when he engages in any kind of sex at all.
See picrel,
for how their minds work.
>How do you explain why countries that never became Christian still hate fags?
Which ones? The Muslim ones?
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>>Even Fuentes went so far as to say that someone is only homosexual in action
tell me your queer without making me watch you penetrate another man's ass.
How is not being able to procreate naturally via same-sex intercourse or not wanting kids in general anti-life. Is the pope anti-life?
how about china?
>- it's subjective
its more violent, less immune response and to top it off exponential number of partners and simulated intercouse with the anus

they even eat poo poo
China was historically tolerant of homosexuality.
the "it is an action" sidesteps the "they are born that way" nonsense
By this standard I have to assume god hates black people the most
that is written in the bible, curse of ham
ending bloodlines ends a multi million year streak of evolutionary life
>exponential number of partners
Not inherent or a necessary element of homosexuality. We could get black plague that spreads through vaginally fluids and heterosexual sex easily. Would that make heterosexuality evil magically? What if some Jew engineers it in a lab?
what I really want to know is if Fruity Ross had a bet with Adderall Dean over the amount of times he would be able to say dick in anus in the whole "debate"
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Faggotry is unnatural in that to use the anus as a replacement for vaginal intercourse you run the risk of infection of your penis and prolapsing his anus.
I've known a few lesbians and they never had stds, it's homosexuals and bisexual males that spread all the diseases. Bisexuals that spread diseases to straight women need to be killed.
Why does the guy on the left look so gay?
>Not inherent or a necessary element of homosexuality.
are you retarded?
Most European pagans killed homos
>Ancient. 98 – Germanic tribes executing homosexuals and sinking them into swamps are reported by Tacitus. The remains of such corpses have been found in Denmark and Northern Germany. Some were strangled to death before being drowned, while others were drowned alive.
This example gets posted on /pol/ as a 'jak meme
No one cares about your e celebs, you fucking faggot
prey eyes
>Furthermore, animals do all kinds of stupid acts out of confusion, like a dog trying to catch a soccer ball or a cat.
>are you retarded?
Yes, he is a very retarded liberal,
and doesn't understand how the minds of degenerates work at all.
Even when the degenerates write about how their minds actually work,
he will not believe it.
The liberal wants to continue believing the lies,
because to acknowledge the truth about how they are,
makes everyone hate them.
That's cause they don't actually touch genitals, have lower sex drive, and less sex partners generally.
tragic but we will educate him

>Whereas Christian theologians tried desperately to talk around sodomy, Old Norse gives us several words that circle around a semantic field of male-male sexual behavior. I want to talk especially about argr or ragr. Its primary meaning is "cowardly, unmanly, effeminate, with regard to morals or character" (Sorensen 20). A secondary meaning is, essentially, a man who is inclined to take the passive role in sex with other man.
>So you can see a couple of things. First of all, that being the receiving partner in a male-male sexual encounter is considered the height of unmanliness. It is the same word as "effeminate;" it's equated with cowardice. There's no question that there was a massive stigma attached to that status; that this was a phrase slung at people rather than claimed proudly or even used neutrally. But what kind of stigma? The application of the feminine form, org, to women can start to clue us in. Rather than referring to lesbianism, or to having PIV sex with a man, it's roughly equivalent to modern "slutty"--including the derogatory nature. We're dealing with violations of muscular masculinity and chaste femininity, of course, but at the same time--and inseparable from the gender roles--these acts are violations of fundamental personal honor.
Preben Meulengracht Sorensen, The Unmanly Man: Concepts of Sexual Defamation in Early Norse Society, trans. Joan Turville-Petre
I have nothing on that. Yes.
Those arguments are fine.
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>crypto jew loomer IDF psyop honey pot thread protected by jannies
>I've read that in old English, there was a word akin to "neath-er." (There is no modern English equivalent; this is my attempt at modernizing the spelling. Should be spelled with the "thorn" character or the voiced letter variant and Old English vowel rules.) Basically the definition was along the lines of "one who is bottom" particularly in a sexual context. Anyway it was a apparently pretty bad curse word to direct at a man. Imagine if you were to call a random guy on the street today the c-word; I think it was supposed to be that bad.
>In Anglo-saxon societies, if you were a man accused of this label and you didn't defend your honor, you'd be pretty much totally defamed in your community. You might possibly even be forced into exile, auto-divorced, & lose all property. Basically, if you were slurred with this label, you'd have to challenge the offender to holmgang (trial by combat) to retain your honor as a man. To be considered a "neath-er" was as bad as being considered a sorcerer in Anglo-Saxon society.
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>- it is wrong because it is disgusting and instinctively it is disgusting because it is bad
Now this statement, I believe, is a genuine example of "begging the question." 99.9% of the time people use this incorrectly.
Straight people also get all of that.
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Stop bullying homosexuals
We cant help the way we got made
We didn’t do anything to you
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>God said it's wrong
This is literally the correct answer and the only correct answer for any moral claim
orders of magnitude you are a victim of state propaganda, if you haven't learned when the first monkeypox wave happened then you will never get it

15 years ago I had a debate about "HIV, should faggots donate blood " on a gaming forum with a swedish feminist woman
for speaks self expression feeling to be part of the community doing good
against speaks it statistically harms as blood is tested in batches and even that can fail and gays got exponential the rates of STDS as normals
Saying disgusting is an appeal to insult and emotion, giving STD stats or describing other health and mental problems would be the way to go
No, saying it's natural or not is an appeal to nature fallacy. The same way someone says homosexuality is ok because animals do it in nature
Appeal to God only works if the other person believes in Him too

And btw I'm not a neo-pagan, I'm a Catholic, just posting these examples to demonstrate that a lot of the pre-christian pagan Eurobros were anti-lgbt, they did not tolerate faggotry.
it is a good heuristic if something is disgusting it is probably not good, instincts work
If you're gay and fuck random men in bathhouses then you deserve all the hate.
if you put covid restrictions on faggots you could eradicate HIV, with the precedent set I never forgive society and faggots for HIV still existing
Bad argument, gays are way overrepresented. Such as making up less than 3% of the population in USA, but >60% of AIDS and 80% of syphilis
I actually somewhat agree, but you won't change anyone's mind in today's age with that with how everything is seen as relativistic and standards for acceptable stuff in society have dropped.
but making up >60% of new AIDS cases and 80% of new syphilis cases*
my argument is not that, it is very clear
>homosexuality is a misfire of sexual attraction stricly biological speaking
People would still get it through sharing needles
There are a lot of homos who don't do this but I agree, the issue for me is polyamory and orgies not homosexuality itself.
Ok, fair the same thing dutchbro's pic was getting at >>483777536 good argumentation if explained like that
remember covid measures? anything up to that is not too far denouncing them as plague bringer on national television is the bare minimum since it is more deadly than a cough and easier to contain
>the issue for me is polyamory and orgies not homosexuality itself.
When the faggots organize sex parties,
they have to make sure there is a good ratio of Tops to Bottoms,
because the Bottoms will not fuck each other.
Bottoms refuse to have sex with each other,
and will fight each other over sexual access to the Tops.
It is trivial to find stories of literal fist-fights breaking out
at gay sex parties,
over this.
And it is always Bottoms fighting other Bottoms.
nick is a pedophile who defended a shit skin gay pedophile after being caught sending dick pics to a 15 year old boy
You need mental help bro
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being gay is not okay
>ima faggot
The faggots lie and lie and lie to normal people,
about how they really are.
But they tell the truth to each other,
when they write on their on websites, in their magazines, etc.
And yes,
the f*ggots do write to each other about organizing orgies,
and this is the big thing they have to make sure to get right.
They even have a ratio:
because without at least one Top for every two Bottoms,
the orgy will not work out at all,
because the Bottoms will not wait very long for their turn with the Tops.
It doesn't have to be physical abuse, it can be other kinds of environmental, "prison gay" for instance. Womb contaminants not unlike alcohol for FAS or testosterone excess for autism can cause it as well.
Otherwise you're 100% correct, with the addendum to stress that it's "not always a choice" / "not their fault" to make it more palatable to normalfags. And it's true too, not some guy's fault he was molested as a kid.
Yeah I know, I have an old gay relative in my family that's rich, he's like 80 years old and still plays tennis everyday. I don't hate him.
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HIV is being eradicated because of prep
Monkey pox was a total fake thing and not a single person died
>HIV is being eradicated because of prep
nah fags are too much of plague rats they are going to create resistant strains
>Even Fuentes went so far as to say that someone is only homosexual in action and not because of atraction to the opposite sex
This is a just corner that retard Christians are backed into when faced with the dilemma of why homosexuals exist if homosexuality is a sin.
It's just another variation of "Why does an omnipotent all-knowing benevolent God allow evil" argument which totally demolishes monotheism.
Am I crazy or is that kid like 14?
Why is he arguing with a child?
Who the fuck seriously debates homosexuality?
It's just fucking gross.
Fuentes lives in an echo chamber where everyone tells him that he's doing great when in reality he has no idea what he's talking about
>I just don't think homosexuality absolutely bad.
A thing with an extreme prevalence of negative statistical consequences with zero practical justification, is bad.
>Gonorrhea and chlamydia are very commonly spread by heterosexual sex
"Very commonly" when you're talking relative proportions. We call these types of phrases "weasel words".

>I already addressed that if these can be cured by science then they are nil. They likely will be eventually.
Bullet wounds are eminently treatable by "science" (what a stupid way to phrase that).
You're actually more likely to survive a bullet wound than you are to be killed by one, by a huge margin. Most of the people who are shot in America and Europe survive with no long term effects.

>it is evolutionary nonsense

You do not understand evolution on a fundamental level. Evolution is driven by natural selection acting on genetic mutations, which are random and not purposefully aimed at enhancing reproductive success. While many traits persist because they confer a reproductive advantage, some mutations may reduce or eliminate reproductive success for an individual. However, that doesn’t mean such traits won’t occur repeatedly or be present in a population.

The argument that homosexuality couldn’t be a genetic trait because it reduces reproductive success oversimplifies evolutionary theory. For example, genetic traits for infertility also exist and continue to appear despite not leading to direct reproduction.

I don’t know for certain if I was “born” this way in the sense that I would have turned out like this regardless of my upbringing, or if something early in my development influenced it. What I do know is that I wasn’t sexually abused by anyone. But you’ve already preemptively dismissed this by suggesting that people like me are just “not admitting it.” So, it seems there’s no way to have an honest conversation when you’ve already decided that any evidence contradicting your narrative must be a lie.
>Homosexual monogamy wouldn't lead to any stds
If your aunt had balls she'd be your uncle but she don't so she's not.

Those of us that live in real life care about the effects that WILL come with something, not the effects that "SHOULD" come with something. If breakdancing cured cancer, you dance. If accepting gays leads to negative statistical outcomes, you drive them into the fucking dirt.
African males have elevated estrogen.
Also africa relies on other countries for over 90% of it's food supply. They're the definition of non-functional.
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As far back as every statistic goes atheists are the most diehard and ardent supporters of jewish goals. Out of all groups, they vote the most like jews, poll the most like jews, and test the most like jews dispositionally.
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>God said it's wrong
That's the only reason anyone needs.

Atheists are mentally retarded.
Atheism is a mental disease.
Atheists are just spiteful mutants throwing a tantrum at their Creator because they're failures:

>The mutant says in his heart, “there is no God”: the rejection of collective religiosity centred around the worship of moral Gods is associated with high mutational load

Atheists ought to be barred from public life altogether, for the good of society.

Religious people are healthier, happier, more social, stronger, more charitable, basically better in every way than gaytheist basement-dwelling neckbeard losers who failed at life and are seething about it.
Atheism is a suicidal delusion for weak, spineless, spiteful pussies.
>I don’t know for certain if I was “born” this way
Tr*nnyism and the Bottom f*ggot identity compete in the young male.
In Britain the war between the f*ggots and tr*nnyism is out in the open.
The group leading the fight on behalf of the f*ggots is called
the LGB Alliance.
They don't want to give little Timmy the choice
between growing up to be an effeminate f*ggot
or believing he is a woman.
The degenerate book author Juno Dawson,
said awhile back
"A lot of gay men are gay men as a consolation prize, because they couldn't be women."
Dawson is the rare type of f*ggot that actually rejects the f*ggot identity after getting older.
Dawson rejected it because autogynephilia is the actual root of the problem.
No child begins imagining sex between two men or two women.
They ALL begin imagining sex between a man and a woman.
The prepubescent autogynephile begins to focus on what he thinks makes the woman in his mind horny.
And they always come to the same conclusion.
Big muscles and a big penis.
The woman in Little Timmy's mind was turned on by huge muscles and huge dicks,
and eventually Little Timmy comes to see the woman in his mind as himself,
because the adults around him tell him that.
The f*ggot identity sits on top of autogynephilia.
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The Han chinese spent most of history being raped and genocided by their neighbors, and when they weren't they were slaughtering each other by the millions or dying of starvation by the tens of millions.

Thousands of years of failure, malnutrition, and the strongest and bravest being cut out of each generation have produced the modern Han, a miserable, screaming baby headed creature that hasn't defeated a foreign army in 500 years.
>someone is only homosexual in action and not because of atraction to the opposite sex
this is obvious, you motherfucker, but lust is also a sin
Homosex is wrong because God said so. That's the reason. Everything is the way it is because God wills it. Deal with it or not.
Nobody has ever liked fags when their culture wasn't collapsing into suicidal degeneracy. 1/1000 men being bisexual was acknowledged as a fact of life.
>Not inherent or a necessary element of homosexuality
>Give me an argument against being set on fire and don't give me any irrelevant references to "burning"

Pattern recognition is apparently a superpower in today's world.
Both are gay but the best part was the establishment of Nick Fuentes is not a straight man. Nick’s response? “Not yet”.
I like to remind them that God's law lines up with Natural law, because it makes their heads explode. If you chase pragmatism far enough without deluding yourself, you arrive back at God.
No, evolutionn is a mechanism in order to give your OFFSPRING the best chance at life.
Homosexuality is caused by worms
It's evolution of the parasites that 75% of faggots have, in rder to allowed THEIR OFFSPRING a better chance to reproduce.
You don't know shit about evolution.
Nick W
OP btfo
Total kike death
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Why would anyone give a shit what you think about literally anything? Didnt read. Nicks the goat he raped that twink catboy so hard lmao
>Homosexuality is caused by worms
This is the glow-nigger retard line,
meant to make lurkers think people here are retarded.
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Men fucked men for thousands of years. Even in the Middle East you can open grindr and find people on it. No one has ever wiped out homos in the history of this planet.
i tried sodomy with my wife and it was disgusting. we agreed never to do it again. and being a fag is basically turning that into an entire life philosophy. it's over for sodomites. i trained my 8 year old to recognize it. he knows anytime anyone is wearing a rainbow flag or means they have poop sex, which he rightly believes is disgusting.
He should have mentioned that the Prostaglandin E2 in semen has an immuno-suppresive effect when introduced to male rectums, but it doesn't have the same effect in female rectums. And also all the points that Sam makes about mental health, drug abuse, behavioral disorders, sexually transmitted disease, and pederasty enumerated here: https://youtu.be/jjPQ_jVlEnQ
>This guy taught his 8 year old about buttfucking.
Pretty weird ngl
you and the wife should wear rainbow flags, let the little one know dad digs for shit in mummy's asshole
Came here to post this
No, pajeets like you are
Don't like either of them and nick has annoyed me for years but the libcuck did terribly in that debate. How can you go from steamrolling at Jubilee to coming across as passive and vindictive without any real arguments? He also takes it way too seriously, didn't hear a single joke.
Blowjobs are also sodomy, I’m assuming you guys had ass sex but overlooked BJs as sodomy since it’s so ingrained in the sex-haver’s mind that BJs is normal sex. Same with pussy/ass eating. Same with handjobs.
please report to HR for see if they will allow you to go to a diversity training instead of handing you a pink slip. You should know being disgusted is hateful. A good start might be rubbing your face in feces.
Why would it ever matter to me what you or he said
yes the one censored by the state is in the echo chamber it is not the one saying "grape" because he is policed by silicon valley overlords
It has also been shown that there are genetically identical twins where one is gay and one is straight.

This would suggest that homosexuality is not genetic.
So people who get abused by getting fucked in the ass love it so much that they do it over and over again in adult life? That's your argument?
So what? >>483794619
>Homosexuality is bad because it is the result of systematic sexual abuse and/or extreme violence commonly in the home.
There's fags that are just fags without being raped as children. The act in itself has to be wrong whether the actor was abused or not. You're retarded. Stop posting.

Spic Fuentes is right. It's against the natural order, that's why it's wrong. Anything that's against the natural order will carry lots of fucked up shit with it like disease, low birthrates, degeneracy and decay but all of that is downstream. The main argument is the natural order -- it offends God, it's as simple as that.
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trauma changes behaviour, you framing abuse of children as "loving it" is very very revealing
That's Google, bitch. Biggest gay advocate since Obama.
Men ate human flesh for thousands of years, that doesn't actually make it statistically prevalent behavior you dumb kike.

Homos were extremely rare for all of human history outside of literal periods of social collapse.
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Because Jew God said so?
It's called stolckholm syndrome
>that's a medical terminology for you
Worms are great aren't they?
Ur a fag but it's not your fault. Go take some ivermectin and you will stop wanting to get assfucked
>There's fags that are just fags without being raped as children
Functionally zero, statistically. Well within the bounds of random pathologically aberrant behavior like compulsively eating sand or such.
If it was against the natural order then it wouldn't happen.
What is the argument? You are just playing with language. Just like when feminists use words like "toxic" or "problematic".
Pika is totally different but I get your point.
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feel sick now
>retarded shit
They spew stupid theories like this,
not only to make normal people think people here are stupid,
but also to prevent people from discussing how degenerate minds work.
There are TWO types of faggots,
with TWO completely different underlying psychologies.
And the worms aren't making both of them act like they do.
When you understand how the mind of the f*ggot works,
normal people come to despise them.
When you tell them f*ggots were born that way,
OR that they have worms,
it makes the normies feel sorry for them,
instead of hating them.
That is also the point;
to get the radicalized white dissidents here to NOT hate the f*ggots.
trauma can change behaviour, thats it you were drawing unsubstantiated conclusions about "loving it"
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You average all these out and it’s basically teen gays having sex the first time just as teen straights had sex for their first time, or used to before the age of incels.
>As far back as every statistic goes atheists are the most diehard and ardent supporters of jewish goals. Out of all groups, they vote the most like jews, poll the most like jews, and test the most like jews dispositionally.
>It's called stolckholm syndrome
Women are naturally attracted to dominant men. Women were slave-like for most of their existence before modern times. It's just a natural order and not some kind of strange syndrome. Just like when idiots like you talk about "daddy issues". Women are naturally submissive.
my god
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Whose natural order? You are a culmination of organisms all functioning together in order to bring about a longer life span. I virus introduced into the system is mearly trying to replicate and sustain its natural order. Homosassa are no different. It's not your fault. Maybe they should develop a mask for buttholes.
>You average all these out
no anon this is not normal and you running cover for it presents you as a threat and enemy
>it is wrong because it is disgusting
What's the issue? Disgust exists so you don't eat bad food. Why is faggotry different when everyone knows fags have a higher rate of disease?
Are big penises good because they provide more pleasure to women? Or does penis size not matter? Why would you reserve that pleasure to women only? Do you want women to effectively have all the sexual power. Being against gay sex gives women the power of the strongest men. Being against gays is feminism. Sure you might have an 8 inch cock but some man has a 9 inch cock. Women can fuck that 9 inch cock man any time they want so effectively your 8 inch cock is tiny and you're a loser with less sexual power than a woman. Plus bottom gays getting fucked by huge cocks means less huge cock guys are out competing for women.
Trauma isn't even real. that's just a word invented in our modern s o y times. People don't become weird zombies who perform strange actions just because they had an unfortunate experience. That's all complete nonsense.
Are you missing the part where they brag about being molested by older men when they were children.
Homosexuality is also a heterosexual mating strategy. If you suck off some guy with a 10 inch cock then he can't breed women and you take him off the market cause his seed is getting wasted.
>Trauma isn't even real.
yes, permanent emotional scars exist
the faggot is using this thread as its fetish, stop responding to it
“They” are 5% of the sample. The rest are just random numbers mostly in teens. Some are in their 20s lol.
Oh I'm not saying people are born that way.
>and I'm not saying porn addiction doesn't eventually lead to the new York fisting scene.
I'm saying the number one cause is the perpetuation of a parasitic species that want you to help it procreate via another man's asshole and/or urethra.

Also seen retention in the recall walls causes a failing immune system; to add to my previous point as to why butt secks is a bad thing aside from God says so.
Plus getting really horny from gay sex makes your dick healthier and big orgasms are also good for your health.
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>Spic Fuentes
Semen retention*
Cope. Homosexuality is a heterosexual mating strategy.
>permanent emotional scars exist
You sound like a faggot yourself. All fanatical anti homos are closeted homos themselves. Your comment proves that. Nobody with normative testosterone levels uses such words.
>Candace Owens - Zionist
Stop it, memeflag. Candy is about to be the next Hitler.
>God said it's wrong
In da bibul by his chosen pipo
>Natural is le good
Go die of leprosy then cunt
you are an autist if you do not get that one
Vile schlomo
leprosy is disgusting it is a good heuristic that leprosy is bad
The response was to someone saying it's unnatural, retard.
>everyone is gay and I use this to justify my damaging behavior
You have worms
If it wasn't against the natural order it would be eugenic.
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This is the graph for this sample. Try arguing against that, come on dude.
You're not using the word eugenic correctly. You mean a positive trait not eugenics.
The Old Testament is rigged. Men projected God in the Old Testament. That's why God has the same defects man has.
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I hope homosexuality is genetic, so it could actually be solved
eugenic is complete bullshit anyway cause it's survival of the fittest not survival of the best
Either way it's the behavior that ends your bloodline and the existence of your species. It's the ground zero of violation of the natural order, together with things like murder and suicide.
We broke him
The peak is 13, so when boys first get horny, what a surprise.
5 to 14 is a meaningless window, obviously a 5 year old is a victim, a 14 year is out house partying.
All this proves is some got molested and most don’t, just like girls probably.
Judeo Christians are homosexuals in the closet.

Blacks are gay and you literally just condemned asexuals and women to death for being bisexual.

you're gay.
you're gay.
judeo christians are gay
it side steps into the gay bar.

"born that way" is like saying you are biologically determined to grow a beard starting at puberty.

There's a racial dimension to this too where only certain races have a heterosexual population that is larger than the gay and bi element, within the male sex.
This is actually one of the main reasons why only certain races can form competent armies and build civilisations.

Muslim populations are invariably gay and retarded because they forced hhomosexuals to mate with their sisters.
Your religion is a jewish joke and that is why all of your societies are shit and any population that practices you shirt becomes ugly gay and retarded.
You are not people.

Judeo Christians are faggots.
eugenics works it is frightening how easy, the issue is what to select for and how not to creative negative
side effects

dog breeding is just that applied eugenics
I do not want to be the equivalent of a human pug though
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The search for the gay gene, or even a cluster of genes, has resulted in nothing. The current science is that sometime around puberty a switch can be flipped, but it's completely environmental.

There was a cluster of genes that was found to correspond with gay behavior, but something like only 1% of gays have this gene, and those are probably the effeminate gays that act like women, and in the rest of the world become ladyboys, but in the US just flame really hard and do drag.
too much motivated reasoning on that one, the opposite finding would not be allowed so I have to diismiss this one too for science sake
But it doesn't.
Faggots often have kids and bisexuals even more frequently.
In Jewish culture, which practices organised rape breeding, they actually force gay and bisexual men to have sex with women to produce populations that are completely sexually deviant and bisexual or gay.
The lack of mating rites also results in a population that are hideous freaks. Where this is replicated, you get the same thing happening time and time again, where judeo christian populations become hideous mentally retarded freaks, like Albanians.
>it's all just 13 year olds playing with each other not adults fucking 13 year olds
lol, lmao even.
Old testament is super fucking based.
It's either Jeremiah or judges where Jeremiah is retaking the holy land and God is like
>yo bro, you gotta fucking exterminate these peoples in the lands of canna. I mean, like, wiped from existence, or they will eventually become such a problem they curse the world.
Jeremiah is like
>yea sure. Totally
God replies
> nononono you don't get it. Off. The. Map. Don't take their cattle. Don't take their gold idols. Slaughter every man woman and child and leave it for the crows.
Well men are weak, and the flesh is spongy and bruised so guess what? Some isrealites take cannanites as wives and
6000 years later we have a matriarchal society that is actively trying to enslave every other species and retake over their homeland while sacrificing their children cause they think it will appease molach/baal/lucifer
>it's survival of the fittest not survival of the best
That's why eugenics is good. We can't leave these processes to evolution or religion. Otherwise you'll only produce dysgenic, closeted faggots like in this thread. Christuckery tells people to sleep with women even though they are fags. This helps to spread weak genes, not only because it motivates gays to reproduce but also because it motivates low IQ individuals to reproduce for believe in religion is strongly correlated with low IQ.
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Did you know that lesbian women are 22x (2100%) more likely to have been molested by another woman?
Also explain the enourmous long tail right upto the 40s lmao.
How’s that for the molestation theory..
And what do they have to do to have children? Deny or overcome their homosexual impulses and reject homosexual behavior in favor of pro-social heterosexual family behavior. So basically your argument is 'once you stop being gay, gayness isn't so detrimental to your bloodlines' future'.
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>le hekkin religion bad
4% chad here

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