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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous: >>483778220

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, bots and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD*
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>New Hezbollah leader targeted in massive Beirut strikes
>Israel strikes Russian airbase and weapons depot in Syria
>Israeli soldiers have been killed and dozens injured in a Hezbollah ambush
>Israeli officials told Axios that they will retaliate against Iran soon
>Hundreds of Iranian missiles land in Israel
>Terrorist attack in Tel Aviv
>Israeli ground invasion of Lebanon underway







>Guide to the Palestinian genocide by israel
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.


▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 12 (final episode)
>Are military checkpoints in the West Bank suitable targets for carrying out Resistance operations?

Twitter link

Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre of palestinians civilians by israeli terrorists
>1948 Nakba

Geolocations of Iranian strikes on Israeli military bases 10/1/24
Threadly reminder:

Arabs didn't live in the Middle East before the illegal Islamic conquest in 634 CE.
Original Philistines were Greeks from the Aegean, not Arabs.
""Palestinians"" are Jordanians and ""Palestine"" is a modern Soviet invention created to annoy the U.S.

Simple as.
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Retaliation status?
thanks, mr. baker xx
Ruslimchink extermination
Show genetic proof faggot.
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Daily reminder that Lebanon is rightful Israeli clay and Lebshits need to fuck right off to Canada or wherever they come from
>Pro tip
>they can't
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we will never forget you, gaza
free palestine
>Absolutely frothing from the mouth
Get a towel and clean yourself, will you.
>Verification not required.
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Welcome back shitkin
imagine having a picture of bibi like this on your computer
kek, what a loser
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very glowing post i know but what gpu do you have
Mudslim cope thread
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I won't allow anyone to say "Bibi Netanyahu" without the title "Melech"
my habbies! :)
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Imagine coming to chip of all places just to get ridiculed day and night.
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Now that mossad and the JIDF is here, I proudly claim first TKD of the thread. Total Kike Death! Total Kike Death! Total Kike Death! Total Kike Death!
Built for BJC
>Deputy Head of Hezbollah's Political Council, Mahmoud Qamati:

We have prevented the enemy from infiltrating all the points they attempted to enter.

Our rockets have reached 150 kilometers, and we have maintained the pace of their launch.

We are ready for any ground advance, and in that, we are superior to the enemy.

Any depth the enemy enters will turn into a graveyard for their soldiers and tanks.

The Iranian foreign minister came today to tell us that Tehran fully supports Lebanon.

>We are engaged on the ground and will not enter discussions under fire..."
Hostage Status?
Netanyahu Status?
Ran scared
Bunker Status?
Hiding in it
Economy Status?
Hamas Eradicated Status?
Hezbollah Invasion Status?
Scared, btfo and L
Iron Cope Status?
America Status?
Not our problem

pissrael putting the L in pissrael
how tf does idf claim to have killed 250 hezb fighters in 4 days wtf lol
He'd sell each and every one of you retards to Hamas just to keep himself out of jail. Truly a nation of retards
that number is like 90% civilians and aid workers, of course
They stopped all the fighting and asked Hezbollah to count them one by one kek. Anybody who believes that shit is fucking retarded and gullible, proof that democracy is a failure in the hands of retards
They count civilian deaths as enemy combatants. Same thing in Gaza
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You get to pick between a niggermutt and a spray tanned clown to lead you
Kike sisters, I thought it was empty fields. Now you'll say, no damage. Won't you?
You're a retard if you think the president matters in America
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>b-but we did airstrikes...
And as a result?

Switching to general trolling, eh? I would too, this is a losing battle for you on multiple fronts lel
if iran is smart (doubtful) they'll have been mass producing missiles since oct 7.

next attack needs 2k+ missiles fired
Stop with the cringy AI images of net an yahuu when reality depicts him like this >>483788581
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>ai vs reality
Seem you guys should fill up your cars. Oil will get expensive
Bibi status?
Ran scared
no one cares what sleepy joe thinks.

iran needs chyna to come and back them up. most irani oil goes there
i.e. they need time to figure out how to pull the US in
I bet 109 shekels on another Trump assassination attempt
They probably have a shit ton and have starting to produce more. Remember they are also selling to Russia.
They have 100k missiles at their disposal, not including those from allies. If they wanted to they could wipe pissrael off the face of the earth
I like the one when he is shaking like a faggot
A country with 10 million inhabitants is simultaneously at war with Iran, Yemen, Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and Palestine, 198 million inhabitants combined. How does this work exactly?
This would be the third one right?
you're forgetting they have america + its vassals backing them (almost 1 billion people)
They're trying to bait us into the war, but Americans will riot and burn this country down before we ever get involved in another war. Fuck pissrael
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The same way Hezbollah claimed to have killed 200 IDF in 3 days and everyone here everyone believed it blindly.
>if iran is smart (doubtful)
More smarter and ballsy than all you fake anti-kike empty talkers ever will be
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Also, daily reminder than in less than a year's time we'll have hard drives full of dead kikes from Lebanon, just like we have from Oct 7 and Gaza. Come back often to see which of your conscripted friends and family members made the /chip/ MVP(issraeli) award!
bullshit numbers
memeflag liar hezb has only claimed 26 kills
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hostage status?
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>mutt resorts to gore again
Aww, you know they're butthurt
Very few Americans want anything to do with another war. Iraq collapsed our economy and led to the worst financial crisis of the past 90 years. Nobody is going to support protecting pissraelis except our corrupt blackmailed government, zionists and retards who are terminally online
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the iranian president literally admitted to being duped by israel and usa into not striking after haniyeh assassination
holy shit two more weeks once again! what a stupid fucking war this is
run bibi run
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>Also, daily reminder WHOOOAP SPLAT
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>adamı delirtme LAN!
whoops wrong field lol
More war crimes
anyone else hoping (coping desu...) that Egypt will finally do something once the Israeli army is tied up in Lebanon
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>I'm a totally neutral party just here to stand up for the poor gayreeks my goys
>HAHAHA /pol/ thinks this and they're stuuuupid
Ugh, kikes. Lazy! Get out there and start winning moshe! Get those muzzies! Hey, stop crying!

Made you seethe so I guess I'll include you in the response lel
hint: they've been mass producing missiles since 2003
Pissraelis should be worried the crypto jews that run Gulf countries are turning on them. Arabs bandwagon like no other. Once you get the ball rolling, it'll be Arab spring on a much larger scale
When will this charlatan ever put his words into action?
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>t.karpuz satıcısı

Biden and Kike probably promised himself a ceasefire in return for not retaliate
they need more data on iran's air defenses
Egypt is too compromised by crypto jews unfortunately, same as Jordan
Iran has been mass producing missiles for over a decade, my guy. It's like their version of the Manhatten project. It's a national effort.
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Also double kek at sageing, we aren't going anywhere but the top of the board moshe, get used to it. The war is going to go on for a long, long time. ;3
Name a single time Jews attacked us in the periods:

-before we attacked them in 1948
-after the peace treaty

Meanwhile palestinian subhumans create terrorism in Sinai for 30 years.
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Can anyone with access to Leb media confirm or deny Naim Qassem's resignation?
I heard one of them claim they have over 100,000 missiles, I doubt that though that would be a huge arsenal. Or maybe they count unguided rockets in that total
egypt was at least good enough not to assist with the depopulation of gaza though
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This is a very obvious attempt at subterfuge. If any other state said this, I would assume their response would be measured and come months in the future. With isntreal, this means the attack is imminent.
TURKIYE can't act alone, it would turn into nukes flying
what reason do you have to hide your israeli flag? you seem so filled with pride anon?
I have no idea. I wouldn't pretend to guess. But it is a fact that they've put a lot of major effort into producing as many as possible as a matter of national security and haven't stopped. What the results are can only really be known by what's confirmed via satellite (not very useful in a country full of mountains that's wary of israeli bombers) and what we see get fired.
I dont know. Probably a lot.
True, btw. thoughts on jew's view of turkey's stance on the current conflict?

Hezbollah has one million missiles

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many such cases
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it's war
battle lines are being drawn
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The UN and the based Irish are pretty sick of kikes
LMFAO hahahaha straight to the trash
Holy based
More and more people are getting fed up with the jews
what is the Lebanon Army during this entire invasion?
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Haven't seen the Sep/Oct bombing kino posted in a while so here it is for anyone who missed it.
disgusting, jews
God is punishing the MIGA cuckservatives in North and South Carolina!!! Thank God for all his judgments! I pray for the Big One in San Francisco to wipe all them libcuck homosexuals!!!
Iran has been mass producing missiles since 1995

The stated goal of their indigenous missile program was a missile for every man woman and child in Israel..so 4 million at the time

So they probably have over 200k by now of all sorts of ranges maybe 20k can make it to Israel from Iran

nothing. they are weak as fuck and half of the lebanese army is hezbollah-sympathetic anyway
Coffin status?
Bibi wants trump

$10 a gallon ensures a trump victory

This is political meddling at its finest. Netanyahu is playing a dangerous game where his people are going to suffer to influence the outcome of an election

He is gonna hit the oil
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not happening MIGA
funny that we can do way more damage with just one ballistic missile (and will, if Iran continues to escalate)
A lot kike threads are up on Pol
They are
Guess you'll find out, I'll enjoy seeing you kikes swallow your pride
Nice cope. Still doesn't wash away Iranian dick off your face
no matter what they accomplish, Jews will never be happy
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10 million dead Persian niggers with one missile
iran can completely destroy israel any time it wants. simple as. must suck to know that, jews
Very true fren but i suspect iran has nukes. With ties as close to north korea and Moscow there is no way they do not

It only takes one or two bombs to end the jewish state forever. Iran is a big place, it will survive
Only 10 million? Iran could free humanity from you with only one missile any time it wants to
Jews are spread across the world, will always recreate Israel
iran doesn't even need nukes to destroy israel
just launch every single missile in the arsenal
israel will look like the surface of the moon when they're done kek
No in the formerly radioactive land known as palestine you wont

Next time put it somewhere list tristan de cuhna.
it would be your doom, one of the several reasons why i believe Iran does not want nuclear weapons at least for now
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Sure like the 200 cope missiles they shot at us
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>Guess you'll find out, I'll enjoy seeing you kikes swallow your pride
>Nice cope. Still doesn't wash away Iranian dick off your face

Standard Mudshit procedure,

l Denial,
l A.I. generated images
l *get absolutely rekt*
Holy copium. You know a large portion of jews want nothing to do with pissrael right? Who do you think has been organizing the massive rallies all over the world?

We'll invent tech to reverse it, and not share it with goyim. Goyim will live like Mad Max everywhere in the world, and Jews have the last laugh
Nice seethe
Mentally ill schizo posting
plus, it will be way whiter with all the sephardi and mizrahi niggers dead and buried (33% of israeli jews vs just 15% of global jewry, rest being ashkechuds)
Kek, moshe go see your Dr and tell him to increase your meds. You have been broken
holy shit dude stop seething, every single one of your problems is caused by seethe
this is what jews have been reduced to
Then jews shouldn't be there either.
>Nice seethe

Lol what do i have to seethe about? You islamist freaks are gangraped daily.
If you destroy Israel, you will not be safe. The Jewish question will reenter the world, and you will have to deal with a thousand Nakams and Lehis. The Jewish people will never stop fighting for this land and nobody who tries to make it into their own will be safe.
which btw is 0% of non israeli jewry, except some in fance
they can't launch all that shit at once or anywhere close to it. Israel can see everything they're doing via satellite. If Iran was prepping an actual major attack on Israel they'd go in with their air force and wipe out all the launchers before they could get more than 1 or 2 salvos off. Since the missiles are shitty and inaccurate, the few that get through iron dome cannot put Israel's air force out of action even briefly, and that's without U.S. carriers getting involved (which they would)
I have never watched The Office so I do not understand the context of this image
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This has been my personal highlight of the war. I can't wait for Iran to deliver another strike, but with even more missiles this time
>no damage goy
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Me neither

Its unfunny and a gay normie show
Jew could have all gone to the USA and manage/control the goyim there while keeping it mostly White and with the 1950's level of morality...it would be a true paradise for Jews (and goyim alike)...but Jew cannot help himself, Jew is a Destroyer and Anti-Human (to paraphrase honorable self-hating Jew Bobby Fischer)
we've discussing this for a year. Palestinians are the rightful owners of Palestine, you go back to poland.
If 400 missiles were used just for a deterrence strike, you can imagine how much bigger their actual arsenal is. And this was only a few months after their strike in April. Their total number of missiles should easily exceed 50,000
Kike sis explain
it was only 200 missiles
literally nothing
Bros how will you celebrate the 7th?
based anti-semitic trees
and this guy. blog poast at least gave you the heavy water..

it was norway's shadow ruler during the cold war

we never made the bomb, but believe it or not were the first to get the tech even before the bongs.. swedes on the other hand had own shit, hamburger got them to stop before they detonated their first two ones

sweedes while nobody was watching had fucking nukeclear plants in the 40ie if my meory is not wrong.. they made this by them selves.. however they in the 50ies or 60ies under us pressuredecided to not blow up those bombs and get american nuclear tech instead I don't remember this shit man. get some expert

they still meme
>norway is lying he has nukes in the mountains
I kid you not this is a meme
Is there literally anything an 80 IQ spic will not credulously believe
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david grün knew better: "the palestinian fellahin are descended from ancient Jewish and Samaritan farmers". go write another essay, loser
>if it's bad it's fake wahhhh
jews having a mental breakdown in war? that would never happen!!
Yeah, 600 missiles in just two attacks didn’t even put a dent in their arms depot. They could easily launch 2,000 missiles if they were serious about razing Israel to the ground, and its existence hinges solely on the mercy of Muslims
Lol, cope retard.
20 Israelis killed by the missiles, 200 missiles and not a single dead jew? Come on, the holocaust is more believable than this.
>when you nut but she keep succing
they don't have 50,000 launch sites. all of these "IRAN HAS 10 GORILLION MISSILES" posts ignore the fact that those missiles are in storage facilities and bunkers. the launch capability would be annihilated within 12 hours of an actual war starting. a few hundred empty civilian buildings in Israel might get destroyed, they might do modest damage to one of the big airbases, but after that, they're fucked. and that's only if they make the first move; in a real war, Israel would probably strike pre-emptively.
why is there ugly old at the end of the prompt
yeah im sure iran has invested nothing into additional launchers bro
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One Palestinian tho. Make sure to post the pic of the cope hole in the hanger to prove how it was a great success
according to a not reliable source, it may be a jordanian.
it takes longer to roll a launch system out of storage, transport it to the site, set it up, and prep for launch than it takes for an IDF airstrike to reach it.

They have hidden underground launch sites and launch sites hidden in mountains
You literally believe israel is a real country lmao
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They don't have 10 gorillion missiles anyways, at least not the giant ones which can reach Israel. This is a third world country with no Air Force and no economy besides oil, which can we can trivially delete.
"We fought ghosts and trees!"
Bro no-one talks like that
it was in the West Bank, so, it was definitely a Jordanian, yes

realistic rag doll physics
it's somewhat believable because they have an extensive network of shelters both civilian and military and a good alert system, i think that materially they aren't being honest, some significant damage was done but in lives i think they are probably being truthful
considering how thoroughly Mossad has infiltrated them, they don't have "hidden" anything
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the swedes also got uranium or had enough to power the nation for 10k years.. but guess what homocommunists and iran...

have you guys even heard abot this criminal group called foxtrot before or well intelligence call it that, so supposedly those grenades in copenhaged aimed at the embassy (is not clear by media) they hit the neibouring house... Säpo anyways attributes this to this network, which is lead by this kurdish iranian. I don't know swedish crime stuff

>oh yeah here is your "swede"

so what these bastards do is since in sweded if you were like under 20 and blew up something and killed several people.. you get a pizza and cake and get talked to why not be a feminist and talk about feelings?

while in denmark thats 2x jail term, if organized crime 2x time
I'll bet my life savings you are fat, balding and an alcoholic
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>swedish teenagers arrested after explosion
>They got IraqiSwede
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This might make a good webm
Evil jews vs jews for palestine

Israel doesn't know the location of every launch site in Iran nor could Israel prevent Iran from creating new sites.
tip toeing around it being considered loli probably
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>some significant damage was done
all our planes scrammed, it would be silly not to do this. so they didn't hit any planes. they hit a hanger and an office building, which the IDF admitted. with 200 expensive ballistic missiles this is not a huge success. wait for our retaliation and compare.
one of the leaders of foxtrot is in iran, allegedly, he's arrested. probably not, though.
he's ordered to do stuff every now and then by IRGC. not really sure how much pull he has these days
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Yeesh we're down to one shill. Shift change or bunker, ziosistiers?
>Israel can see everything they're doing via satellite
just like on october 7 ?
Tools boxes are now filled
Jadotville 2.0 when?
how do i lure hot lebanese women to become refugees in my kitchen harem
i must save them from the jew!
It's the Shabbat. Any pissraeli here is a fake jew
satellite images show at least a few hundreds of millions in damages
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Kikes are delirious enough to believe that Israel can even measure up to the gigantic size of Iran
They also do that with toys and cases of food
a concrere hangar is not "hundreds of millions in damages"
Gunfire and military vehicle movements on Lookner’s stream

On the Lebanon border
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Did they kill Hashem Safieddine?
do you believe it? I don't doubt säpo man.. it was also this thing he was in turkey and your guys obviously hacked his phone asked the turkes for his arrest.. only to find he had the documents on his phone and living the life there

from what I remember I don't follow this stuff man, I know danish crap but swedish
Unironically, I think you guys could do it, just....find a better place next time, I head there is this beautiful place called Ukh rah inne, some people say it's gorgeous, you should try it there.
How much you guys wanna bet pissraeli government isn't telling the citizens about the Iraqi strike? North pissrael got bombed, IOF trapped in the inferno
what do you have in your bunker?
How it was hiding there 2 days?
i thought that shit ended


Kek what if mossad has bombs in all those rockets. If they had them in even 1/100th it would be catastrophic for Iran

Entire tops of mountains blown off
Don't worry kike! I'll be watching peacefully from my country as you are forced out of your occupied piece of land, I'm sure the US will receive you with no problems.
Just the thought of this. If i were iran i would just start launching. Not wait for some counterpunch

They have what's called a underground mobile delivery system. So missile is transported by underground rail to whichever hole its going to shoot it out from. So you can't know which hole the missile will come out of.
is säpo just going, give us mandate we can fix this or what?

confus those guys operate more like cia or the russians very different from here
Legit question, would it be possible for them to actually produce a nuke under the Israeli and IAEA noses? How do you actually make one ?and how far are they (like for real) from actually acquiring nukes?
hey man thats my brother whos gonna go fight and die for israel!
not so safe for us!
That needs an edit with the stories of jews hiding behind the rocks and trees and everything speaking to say a jew is hiding
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>hezboniggers getting gangraped in the thousands
this makes me moist, never ask shitzbollah why they stop printing out shahid pics
how does a normal person even interact with such individuals? they just seem to keep repeating the same random nonsense over and over again
>a few hundreds of millions in damages
maybe in your corrupt shithole
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regardless FIX YOUR SHIT

anyways random funnier shit.. I thought they were twins or something
Understandable, but Iran doesn't want war with the US if it can prevent it. They'll level Israel if they respond.
where they are now will be quite lovely once all the primitive desert retards on their borders turn into radioactive ashes floating away on the breeze.
when the REAL world war 3 starts, not this slap-fight bullshit in ukraine, you'd better beliefe it'll happen. arabs better make peace with israel before it gets to that point.
repairing a distant military airport in a desert is expensive, retard
>in my estimation, the number of Hezbollah casualties in the current war has crossed a thousand in the last two days

seems legit.
Like the thousand times you reported thousands of Hamas fighters kiaed.
Lebanon border is heating up. Gunfire, artillery, planes and now helicopters. Israel might actually be going in with numbers this time.
>distant military airport
>can be reached in a one hour drive from tel aviv
lol, can you just stop lying about every single thing you say?
they've taken 2% personnel losses in just two weeks of fighting. and the heaviest phase hasn't even started yet. Hezbollah isn't gonna last until 2025 at this rate.
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if he did or didn't don't send him here

also fuck you sweden
Do numbers help when the enemy has their own missile systems?
get on Lookner's stream. the shit is starting to pop off. sounds like dozens of helicopters.
pretty sure it's the case. mossad has also said that rawa works for iran, but they are incorrectly stating that they, as a whole, are working for iran. they just do them favors (albeit big ones, like the embassy attacks) so rawa can stay out of jail. it's not like he's kicking back drug money to iran
and yeah, he used to live in turkey until 2021 or 2022.
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Ok Esther
>israel-iran war is off the table
at least we got some cool fireworks
Of course not, Jews are getting BTFO'd no matter what they do.
So... lots of KINO of dead jews incoming?
based steve enjoyer
no it isn't
lol can’t wait for the combat footage
(If they ever post any that is)
oh no, not the tranny kek
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No indians, either. Not even kikes larping as them.

What gives? Did saar make good on his threat to bibi to show india more respect or they would stop sucking dick?
they don't know
according to these guys also hezbollah is big in moneys launderings
the #1 biggest point of retardation in americans is they think the entire world is like the US

let this sink in: driving from the northest part of the country to the southest takes less than 6 hours.
military bases are like, 1 hour away from major cities, often less.
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there will be documentaries describing this like fallujah
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cute. it's still massive damage to the military base
yes, you
dumb amerifat

Hezbollah is being reinforced https://www.aa.com.tr/en/middle-east/thousands-of-arab-fighters-arrived-near-occupied-golan-heights-to-support-hezbollah-claims-israeli-daily/3340681
Mostly just drug dealers
hey jews any comment on your latest beirut bombing being a total fail? the leader of hezbollah didn't get killed
its a nothingburger
on Lookner's stream there was just a chorus of what sounded like hundreds of wolves(?) howling and crying all at once after an IDF artillery strike. it was eerie as fuck. feels like the beginning of something big, in a superstitious way.
and they all seem to go dubai...

pic unrelated
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Why would you say such a thing? Jews can't lose to goyim. It's why they're so confident about invading Lebanon. Always have been
i would like to believe it, but 40k seems too much.
in numbers, that would be another hamas.
cope burger

If they did Time of Israel would have reported it already
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basically denmark

take 4 hours there, pathetic
6'2 190, come get this man dick little manlet
jews can't invade lebanon
jews can't kill hezbollah leader
jews can't infiltrate hezbollah
what can jews do other than die at this point? lol
Nasrallah's death wasn't confirmed for like 12 hours. Apparently this guy was in even deeper tunnels and more explosives were used.
Rightful Hellenic clay
>jews can't kill hezbollah leader
>jews can't infiltrate hezbollah
you have to be joking, i guess we nuked the shitzbollah taaqiya department because i dont get if this is satire or not

it's already been 12 hours since IDF announced the strike
shut up tranny
based, arabs will cope and seeth
>If I use buzzwords like taaqiya and the rest of the script, nobody would suspect I'm JIDF
>jews can't defeat hamas
meat waves worked in russia because Ukraine couldn't use their airpower, and russia used endless rolling barrages of artillery in front of them. meat waves without coordinated fire support are mass suicide. so, I hope this is true.
israel? more like insanerael
still waiting for comment, jews
they are pretty much defeated, 0 military capability, launch one rocket per 2 months, the launched more during peace time.
right now its shooting fish in a barrel, hundred of hamas die each day, gazans still living in tents like rats, the only active part of hamas is the twitter department
This has been said for decades.
So why hasn't it happened yet?
I doubt this will end in our times, but the west will never survive in the middle east, it will only bring war and chaos. Eventually, maybe in 40 years, Israel will be no more, and in 100 years, it will be taught in history as a failed project that lived for 100 years, living in constant war, and responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths of innocent people.

Israel will be remembered as nothing but evil, and I will make sure it happens.
Judging from all the pissraeli seething during the Shabaat when they're supposed to abstain from all modern amenities, they must really be taking heavy losses at the hands of Chadzbollah
>pretty much defeated
>pretty much
cope, tranny
while you were in your bunker pissing your own pants or dress or whatever you use, we had some nice fresh Hamas kino.
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Arab channels already admitted it lol

>Lebanese channels are now confirming Nasrallah's successor, Hashem Safi al-Din, has been eliminated
Every word you posted is a lie, typical kike.
that number, if believed, is from a whole year of fighting, retard.
link or kys
well it wont be who wins or loses, this kind of conflict can go on forever without end
itll be about jews getting their asses kicked by arabs
if israel is remembered as the dam that held back the tide of muslim retards until their birth rate finally declined to a level where they no longer pose an existential threat to the west, then I think they will be seen, historially, as a morally grey but relatively sympathetic necessity, in much the same way as Athens holding back Persia.
>arabs talking about lying
lol, 90% of the posts in /chiב/ are lies
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The cope
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Can a pissraeli explain to us why you're going against the commandment of God and using the internet on a Friday night?
Hey baker thank you for bread. I can bake the next few if you'd like...
You are part of this 90%.
what good is that "violent masculinity" if all it accomplishes is getting them killed by the tens of thousands?
>right now its shooting fish in a barrel
>hundred of hamas die each day,
> gazans still living in tents like rats
>the only active part of hamas is the twitter department
You are joking? You don't watch the kino when it's released. There's been three releases in like ten days.
hating jews is what i do yeah
hating jews is what i do yeah
hating jews is what i do yeah
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Nevatim status kike?
(Only 5 out of 30 strikes)
We are part of the 100% who mock the tranny here in /chiب/
speaking of lies
You will never be woman
Why are there so many burnt planes? Kek
>Those planes were Khamas!!
shotting an RPG at a remote operated dozer is not effective military action, 100 died so one rpg can hit a dozer, its a fucking joke
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Speaking of

Does anyone have that webm of picrel? Someone just posted it a few threads back but I can't find it
wow great retort, tranny
They're in their bunker hiding when the kino happens. Good thing we got based Palestinians to record Iran dropping their dick all over pissrael
Sup Chip, just came to say that after leaving 4chink for 2 years it‘s insane that the board is 90% Israel/Khazar bots.

Bet Netanyahoo.com will bomb or even nuke oil field/nuclear facilities etc. in Iran soon.
Heard Bidens doubles handlers screamed NOOOOO! cause that‘ll cost Harris the election.
Well the Polak Jude is going all out, and he doesn’t give a shit about Goymerica or Shitrael.
So we are in my opinion about to see a major escalation.

Oh and don’t forget Americans, YOU WILL DIE FOR ISRAEL.

>remote operated
now this is cope
Buck broken status?
The only reason they are invading the west is because this retarded war turns their countries into even worse shitholes than they were before.
Don't you see it? The whole reason you have arabs in your country is because of the destabilization caused by Israel.
They held no horde, they created it.
Capcha: TJDN (total juden death, nigga)
BREAD >>483798266
it feels like you're describing something you haven't actually seen ngl
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>Oh and don’t forget Americans, YOU WILL DIE FOR ISRAEL. In just two more weeks...
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they were invading the west for literally 1300 years, non-stop. picrel is eastern europe 75 years before Israel was created.
two breads up
pick one
>remote operated dozer
LOOOL solid new cope
show the picrel for when jews usurped power in europe
they do want to, but putin doesn't
even if putin was ok with genociding jews, he would rather have nafo dragging their feet to his door rather than the UN wholeheartedly rushing to it

which one
those Hezbollah operative tangerine merchant old grandpas bombed cause a scary cactus was spotted by a jew
“Lies” cried out the kike
Top Kek, keep the humour among yourselves
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Every /chip/ster's inevitable fate.

Being pissed on by Canines.
runing for iRan

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