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300 kike soldier confirmed dead
wtf are these stupid fucking jews doing?

>cant take Gaza
>now start shit in Lebanon and cant take it
Why does Israel's military always feel so unimpressive against Hezbollah? In 2006, they felt like they were really struggling.
>confirmed dead by some pol sock account
found the jew
I thought you needed a stake through the heart to make sure.
>Bomb Gaza for months
>still get BTFO when sending soldiers there
>this will somehow be different in Lebanon
why are they so bad at it?
>more causalities than Hamas inflicted in 6 months
Jew flag in username so I believe it
Hezbollah is a legitimate fighting force and southern Lebanon looks like a total fucking nightmare to attack on the ground
They are building for a forced US intervention. Zion Don will give full support and boots will be on the ground in Iran after an “incident”
USA lost every war it fought, couldnt even win against the Taliban in Afghanistan.
they probably wouldnt do much better against Lebanon and all the other Muslim shitholes
Because the IDF is essentially the Dirlewanger Brigade on steroids, just a bunch of kikes running around shooting at everything that moves with no tactics or even discipline.
>exhaust supply of 6 million bombs from USA in 2 weeks in gaza
>make your reserve forces find their own transportation to the northern border because no trucks to transport them
>military bases and mossad HQ bombed by iran
>iraq and syrian resistance forces bombing occupied golan heights
>lebanon still bombing northern occupied palestine
>hamas attacking southern occupied palestine again
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jews truly destroyed the myth that "jews are smart and high IQ", for the past year we have seen so much low IQ moves from them its embarassing
probably fake/disinfo but I pray that it's true
May we see them?
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Are they still zapping the rectums of their fallen comrades with cattle prods? Imagine being assigned to that duty kek.
>just another day of zapping the seed out of the great warriors that went before me.
Videos when
wait for turkey to enter the fray
Jews can only bomb civilians, in ground combat they lose every time. If a war broke out Hezbollah/Yemen/Iran would sink all US carriers/warships and then destroy Israel on ground. Jews want a war now because this is the best chance they get against Iran. Their only hidden cards are Saudi Arabia and Jordan, with their kike marionette kings. They lost HALF of their F35s donated by US taxpayers in a missile attack that cost Iran 100 million $. Each of those aircraft cost 100 million $ at least, and they destroyed 20-30 + all the damage to the bases/infrastructure.
Soldiering involves physical activity, which is something the Jews will not do unless German camp guards point guns at them.
Jews are not known to be effective soldiers.
That's why they mostly do war crimes.
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I'm surprised they don't have the mohels come and suck it right out them. They have plenty of experience.
this is a meme account dont fall for the bait
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Dead kikes post mortem fathering kikelets. This isn't an abomination and affront against nature at all.
Jewish Apothecary
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"Dead and WOUNDED"
Diaper rash is an IDF combat injury.
>over 300 dead
It's probably closer to 1000 knowing them
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Who would have thought the race of scrawny, schizophrenic cowards would be bad at war?
Hezbollah are getting torn apart. Actual monkey brained tards, wonder if Iran will do more to save their assets?
It’s all cope. Remember Hamas was going to fight off Israel too? No one wants to admit that Israel is a superior force and they’re going to turn the entire Middle East into their playground and they’re going to WIN.
Special forces means retarded troops
Killing a loli is not funny not even if it’s ugly.
Definitely close to zero given the propensity of Islamic media to LIE their fucking asses off.
CHECKED based Jew detective
Jews are not bullet proof. Retard.
>200 hundred dead in hurricane
>suddenly it's 300 dead in israel
>dismissed unsourced report with no evidence
>”hurr durr Jews aren’t literally INVINCIBLE ya know”
I hope you end up a goyim slave cleaning a real man’s boots you fucking farm animal.
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Less than a mile into Lebanon and they're so proud they made a propaganda video blowing up a house.
>They are building for a forced US intervention
I agree with your assessment here, however Americans WILL NOT TOLERATE IT now.
Not after the hurricane fallout and criminality.
Gaza is bascially a strip of land under siege and they get trillions of gibs to bomb it so it looks easy. Basically give a knife to a granny and she would slaughter a kindergarten but compared to anyone else, well kikes.
Americans will tolerate what they’re told to tolerate.
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Scalped this from another thread >>>483802220
We'll see, leaf.
Just kill him already.
>"special forces"
Don't seem so special if they can be taken out by people that get nuts blown off by sabotaged pager batteries. They are just used to genociding people that can only throw rocks at tanks. Sperm retrieval units of the Satan worshippers will be working overtime electro-jacking dead jew soldiers because the jew necromancers of Chabad in their NYC underground lairs haven't yet been able to steal GOD'S power and glory to bring the dead back to life.

Open a map please.
>Jewlewanger brigade
kikes are the most brainwashed people on earth

they look at a mirror and see a pale blue eyed blonde and think 'yeah we defeated the Romans and I am the descendant of Abraham' this is how delusional these kikes are
>Please god it would be so funny
I ain't supporting SHIT in the middle east. Good luck fuckfaces, you started a fight with 6 fucking neighbors at the same time because Biden was senile, and now you think it's MY fucking job? I'll split every damn last wig you got in the US before I support that shit, join you, or even sit still while you drag me.
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What a glorious October 7 Anniversary present that would be.
>The only president in ages to have no major war developments is going to take us to war
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>Why does Israel's military always feel so unimpressive against Hezbollah?
Hamas are basically Xbox bros doing the best they can with slingshots and bottle rockets.

Hezbollah aren't under the thumb of constant IDF/Mossad surveillance, kidnapping, imprisonment, blockades, etc. So they're free to acquire real military weaponry, and get real military training.

Israel uses conscription, which is fine for boosting morale during peace time and fostering national unity. But once the dying starts the plebs quickly come to resent conscription and morale plummets. Its so bad in Israel right now that a few months ago they finally started to conscript the Ultra Orthodox who are the apex of the cowardly feckless Jews. The Orthodox are going to abandon tanks in Lebanon as soon as a rock hits one.
They wouldn't tolerate it before. Young people don't support Israel for the most part. I'd guess those that do wouldn't want to fight in a war in general. Most zionists are older, and would change their tune if the US did Ukraine tier oldhead drafts. A draft isn't viable
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i don't even feel joy when jews die, i just feel relief. it's like taking out an infestation of bedbugs or something. the joy is having the peace of mind of not being reminded of their existence
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Trust the Plan!
Trust Kushner!
Every kike with a single gene for combat was slaughtered by Hadrian.
Extreme natural selection resulted in only the most cowardly of them surviving, which while making them great at infiltration and manipulation, mean they are doomed when they need to actually 1vs1 anything more than a toddler.
>Every kike with a single gene for combat was slaughtered by Hadrian.
Even back then they mostly attacked civilians.
What do you mean faggot, there were no new wars under Trump. I can't remember the last president that had no new wars
>Oy vey our precious Kike Lords gene seed
And yes Night Lords is the only legion I could compare them to.
I think there will be this time. Trump changed.

The only reason he's winning this election is because he's the best bet to stir up wingnats and have them die overseas for our greatest ally.

Then we get more shitskins in the West everywhere and more rapes and crime but at least the good guys won
>jews only want to know if jews are involved
you need to lurk moar. that's all they believe exists. everyone else is GAME. you're accepting their own internal cult narrative as fact.
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nice try, but I emptied my balls yesterday.
>300 jews dead
So six million where just born
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Unpopular take: special forces are not that OP as most people believe
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pork steak
>special forces
from what decade? grenadiers used to be special forces. wanna wait till someone lights the string on a black-iron bomblet?
Allah ackbar
Why would "wingnats" go fight in the middle east
>twitter screenshot.

cool thread OP, you totally don't suck nigger dick constantly.
I think Netanyahoo wanted to calm down the angry kikes complaining about not being able to return to the north. He wanted to show hes doing something.
All his strategy is purely self serving. No actual military strategy.
>muzzoids are getting so desperate they're posting obvious bait accounts now
>be israel
>get shrek'd

"How can this keep happening!?"
Injured ? yes, read again, shitskin, kikes control the world and are not stupid to be a Russian or Ukrainian golem by taking heavy casualties
>A draft isn't viable
Exactly this.
It would be a certifiable Rubicon moment.
You know what else is quite spectacular?
23 straight years of War, without a shred of analysis or "debriefing".
One "emergency" after another (to bury the previous)
Surah Al-Ma'idah (5:20-26):

And (recall) when Moses said to his people, "O my people, remember the favor of Allah upon you when He appointed among you prophets and made you kings and brought you into the land of the Pharaohs and gave you what He had not given anyone among the worlds.
O my people, enter the Holy Land which Allah has decreed for you and do not turn back and become losers."
They said, "O Moses, indeed therein is a people of great strength, and we will never enter it until they leave it. If they leave it, then we will enter."
Two men from those who feared (to disobey) Allah, upon whom Allah had bestowed favor, said, "Enter upon them through the gate, for when you have entered it, you will be victorious. And upon Allah place your trust if you should be believers."
They said, "O Moses, indeed we will not enter it ever as long as they are in it. So go, you and your Lord, and fight; indeed, we are sitting right here."
He said, "My Lord, indeed I do not possess except myself and my brother, so part us from the defiantly disobedient people."
Allah said, "Then indeed, it is forbidden to them for forty years; they will wander the earth. So do not grieve over the defiantly disobedient people."
>source: some random twitter account
I wish it was true but most likely not
jews are literally the rich kid in school everyone hated bc he was an arrogant asshole. he'd wreck a car cuz be knew daddy (usa) would buy him another. kuck kikes
>Jews can only bomb civilians,
different thread an anon was talking about hamas using recording of children playing to ambush idf. blood thirsty foreskin munching kikes.

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