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Previous: >>483846461

▶Day: 955 — Daily battlefield assessment: http://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Eternal flight for russian S-70 Okhotnik UAV
>ZNPP employee killed in car bomb attack that Ukrainian military intelligence said punished a war criminal
>Turkey ratifies a free trade agreement with Ukraine
>Oil depot caught fire in Perm Krai
>Oil depot caught fire in Anninsky district of Voronezh region as result of fall of drone debris, - governor.
>Russian proxies in occupied Kherson Oblast announce forced conscription of Ukrainians.
>The newly appointed NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte visits Kyiv
>Ukrainian missile forces destroyed russian "Nebo-M" radar using ATACMS
>At night, SBU drones attacked the military airfield "Borisoglebsk" in the Voronezh region
>Putin stopped population census until 2029
>Putin's decree to recapture all of Kursk Oblast by Oct 1 failed
>The AFU have fully withdrawn from Vuhledar and russia has occupied it
>Ukrainian General Prosecutor's office: russian troops have executed 16 Ukrainian POWs at Pokrovsk direction
>The russia is planning to draft 133k troops between October and January, according to a decree signed by Putin
>The russia to raise defence budget by 25% to highest level on record
>Ukrainian drone strikes on the Russian Federation do not violate the new nuclear doctrine - Peskov
>Ukrainian FM Sybiga had a meeting with his Hungarian counterpart
>Frontline regions receive hundreds of generators to prepare for potential blackouts over winter - The Guardian
>Monke: russia will accomplish all goals set in Ukraine xd
>Ukrainian forces reportedly struck a russian ammo depot and missile storage facility near Kotluban, Volgograd - ISW


http://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
http://ukr.warspotting.net (visually confirmed losses)

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>warm ti status?

Wishing you a healthy weekend, frens.
Trips of death
>>warm ti status?
so far 2 cofi + 1 tea consooomed
you doing any better?
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Churkas thrive
Conscriptovich will die
Oligarch gets fat and rich, while Putin is old and senile
Russian media report that a dam has burst in Altai region of Russia.

The road connecting two parts of Shelabolikha village is completely destroyed, local authorities reported.


>Shit and Stick dams can't hold back the bullshit the nigger shills are shilling anymore
If not for a headache, I'd say yeah. It's annoying, and I don't want to overuse painkillers, so I have to weather it before going to sleep.

Yesterday I woke up at 2 because of a headache. :(
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>Trips of death
>>483857999 Time to take a big old steaming Dumb on Russia and the commie troons dreams about Russia!

Russians keep saying the world envies them and everyone wants to move to Russia.

I've made a compilation of what many Russian cities actually look like. And they will continue looking like that because Putin will continue spending money on war, not his own people.

>part 1
>Yesterday I woke up at 2 because of a headache. :(
you drinking your coffee, anon? the withdrawal symptoms might have kicked in...
>Russians keep saying the world envies them and everyone wants to move to Russia.
>I've made a compilation of what many Russian cities actually look like. And they will continue looking like that because Putin will continue spending money on war, not his own people.
part 2
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I did yesterday, and quite a bit. Pretty sure not withdrawals this time.
The real Russia is where there is no gas, hot water nor a decent toilet. Locals live in crumbling barracks, but enjoy the fact that there is a river, baths and a kindergarten nearby. They call their houses “well-appointed".

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What are Ukrainians dying for?
The Russian economy is going down a sinkhole. They are now having to barter with China. The last time they bartered was in the 90s following the economic collapse.
The Saudi‘s are preparing to increase oil output till the end of next year which will reduce oil prices further
vgh, russia will be remembered as the birthplace of the homo erectus islamicus
Russia is basicly a Brazil if it had more sodomites, no religion at all, overly agressive and with a more serville population.
I look forward to seeing you seethe about America all thread again, chinkoid
>>483858443 nearly five minute video just a clip of it, full version catboxed

The inhabitants of the Russian village of Goluboje near Moscow, which is home to around 45,000 people, turned to the All-Union State Committee of the Communist Party and stated that they were on the brink of an ecological and humanitarian disaster.

Neither the local (Solnechnogorsk district) nor the regional officials up to the governor Andrei Vorobyov are helping the ordinary people; on the contrary, they are sweeping the problems under the carpet.

In a settlement the size of a small town, one emergency regularly follows another: literally every month, the district is flooded with faeces and sewage that flow through the brand new school built as part of the presidential programme (!!!), which received a great deal of media attention, because after the school was built, known problems with the sewage system and the lack of backflow valves remained unresolved/unfunded.

The consequences of the accidents have already led to a mass death of ducks and other animals, and the residents' suggestions for improvement have gone unheard for years, because other presidential projects elsewhere are apparently more important to make Putin look good, for example with the war widows.

The details have been recorded for posterity in a video message from the residents of Golubogo to the governor of the Moscow region.

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Probably to defend against the invasion by an insanely hypocritical shithole dictatorship?
That might be it, right chang?
CCPigs can try to invade the independent nation of Taiwan
Once the tin coffins come back in the thousands the mindless mainlander mules will start hooing and hawing and it will be well deserved.
They will get fucked up hard because it's more than a simple land border and the Taiwan strait is well mined and Taiwan will be well supplied and guarded.
CCPiggers to the slaughter!
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>I lost my limbs in Ukraine but at least I got a cake and some potatoes!
How’s the weather in Langley?
det här är inte reddit, pysen
How's the weather in St Petersburg?
>American posting about infrastructure collapse in russia while half of Appalachia is washed away under mud
Meningar börjar med stor bokstav, Mostafa
sup beiger, you're quite rare around these parts nowadays kekaroo
Videos appeared online showing a Russian Su-25 that crashed in Donetsk region.

There is unconfirmed information that it could have been friendly fire by Russians themselves.

video 1
video 2
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video 4
>Videos appeared online showing a Russian Su-25 that crashed in Donetsk region.
>There is unconfirmed information that it could have been friendly fire by Russians themselves.
video 1
>Videos appeared online showing a Russian Su-25 that crashed in Donetsk region.
>There is unconfirmed information that it could have been friendly fire by Russians themselves.
video 2
Which one is the American?
>Videos appeared online showing a Russian Su-25 that crashed in Donetsk region.
>There is unconfirmed information that it could have been friendly fire by Russians themselves.
video 3
>Videos appeared online showing a Russian Su-25 that crashed in Donetsk region.
>There is unconfirmed information that it could have been friendly fire by Russians themselves.
video 4
anarchy flag bot
>Yes yes kill eachother white people
>rubs chinese, muslim, and Foucalt oedophike globalist leftist hands
>Bbbbbut democracy depends on whitemess ending
>Yes yes ban the churches, yes bomb them
>yes yes Putin Islam is your friend
>yes yes Zelenski pedophile muslims and leftist statists with cameras on you 24/7 are your friends
>yes kill eachother Christians and Europeans, yessssssss

All of you are scum bootlickers destroying Europe for foreigners. May your descendants disavow your names and memory for your blindness and cruelty.
To victory, the last Ukrainian and Russian male, to the very last! To the winner goes communist dictatorship and ashes. Carry on slavs(slaves), the harems and men in dresses need fresh European children.
Fuck every single one of you for rainbows or immigration, you are all traitors to God, and your ancestors. Damnatio memorae.
There is also information that the crashed Russsian aircraft is a Russian Su-34, not a Su-25.

Its cost is about $40 million.

hey wait a minute that doesn’t really look comfy at all!
heads up: based on the statement from some bulgarian plane autist it's more likely a pidor jet shot at an S-70 drone based on bulgaranons assessment of very recent footage of the wing debris that was found next to a tree (so not the >>483859042 vid)
My personaly hypothesis is that pidor meat-piloted jet saw the S-70 drone flying
The pidor pilot asked "identify yourself"
The S-70 drone did not respond
The pidor shot a missile at the S-70 drone
He's some kind of euro, his twitter screencaps would be from the future if he was a burger
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lol there are people namefagging on /pol/ in 2024 A.D.
>F I L T E R E D
>I L T E R E D
>L T E R E D
>T E R E D
>E R E D
>R E D
>E D
Putin is planning an endless war, with soldiers starting barely out of daycare.
So, he plans that in 15 years, cannon fodder will be needed in even greater quantities. That is why Russia is going to ban the sale of condoms and contraceptives to some categories of the population and allow others to sell them only by passport.

Russian ideologist Dugin:

"We have decades of confrontation with the West ahead of us. The country needs warriors who will lead this struggle. And mothers who will give birth to these warriors. Therefore, birth rate must be increased urgently. It's a pity that because of bureaucracy, many decisions, not only on condoms, take so long."

According to Dugin, condoms and other contraceptives in Russia will start to be sold only by passport in "the first three-five months" of next year.

"Now we will solve the child-free issue and defeat this nasty thing [the fight against the child-free ideology and movement, which is now being enshrined in law, was among those proposed by Dugin]. And next year, I think we will solve the issues of condoms, divorce, and abortion. In general, we will defeat the depravity that hinders birth rates and contradicts the traditional values of our Motherland," Dugin said.

Putin has said recently that children need to be taught about "important things" from the earliest age. We can guess that the "important things" will not include self-respect and respecting territorial integrity of other countries.

>Breed you fucking Whores, Breed like Cattle and Give your Child to the Tzar, Make other countries looks like your own shit hole you live In!
Fuck you stoltenberg!
not the highligted shit but the box there


god I can't stand the guy he did okay as nato secretary though. and fucking labour and utøya man it's disgusting, breivik was just some lit schitzo they try to make political coin at this

but oh yeah the highlight what's funny so this is what the KGB called him. later he would play wow I assume with the kids or something and he called him self this there lol, which is just kek

no idea what server and stuff back in the days there was this server called bloodfeather which most børks used up here

stoltenberg absolutely fucking sucked as politician, we call him jens the liar here
Russian Telegram channels issue different scenarios of what has been shot down and by whom.

According to one of them, it is a Russian Hunter S-70 drone that was allegedly carrying out a reconnaissance flight.

Russian media suppose it was destroyed by friendly fire.

video 1
video 2
"I have never done anything I am ashamed of"

that is Jens because you are a poltician scum with no fucking shame

okay I stop now it's article there in financial times, pretty okay read, for those interested
>Russian Telegram channels issue different scenarios of what has been shot down and by whom.
>According to one of them, it is a Russian Hunter S-70 drone that was allegedly carrying out a reconnaissance flight.
>Russian media suppose it was destroyed by friendly fire.
>Russian Telegram channels issue different scenarios of what has been shot down and by whom.
>According to one of them, it is a Russian Hunter S-70 drone that was allegedly carrying out a reconnaissance flight.
>Russian media suppose it was destroyed by friendly fire.
video 1
>Russian Telegram channels issue different scenarios of what has been shot down and by whom.
>According to one of them, it is a Russian Hunter S-70 drone that was allegedly carrying out a reconnaissance flight.
>Russian media suppose it was destroyed by friendly fire.
video 2
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>My personaly hypothesis is that pidor meat-piloted jet saw the S-70 drone flying
>The pidor pilot asked "identify yourself"
>The S-70 drone did not respond
>The pidor shot a missile at the S-70 drone
Seems quite plausble
>Putin is planning an endless war, with soldiers starting barely out of daycare.
>So, he plans that in 15 years, cannon fodder will be needed in even greater quantities. That is why Russia is going to ban the sale of condoms and contraceptives to some categories of the population and allow others to sell them only by passport.
True. It's wild to watch the maniac-dwarf in Kremlin lay out his plans to action.
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kek fucking incompents

just fucking how...
Why isn't the Patriot destroying anything that comes within 40 miles of the front line?
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AFAIK Patriots are used to defend the bigger cities, not as front line AD
>wHy dOnT tHeY hAvE 100% cOveRaGE wItH AiR dEfEnsE!?
Go serve instead of asking stupid fucking questions anyone can tell you on day two of boot.
Orban will track you and all Pidor Magyar accomplices
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zigeria will never a real country. TZD
I kneel
I squeal
My ukraine isn't real
I /k/ope
I mope
Someone hand me a rope
I retreat
I never win
I belong in the trash bin
I grope
I'm a slob
I'm too short to reach the door knob
I dilate my "vagina"
I'm a dickless man
I am... a Zelensky fan
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>Orban will track you and all Pidor Magyar accomplices
(no yuans)
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I wonder if these shitskins even realize that the only thing gypsy king cares about is his bank account. HU stamped artillery will fall on ziggers if it's the most profitable outcome for him
incoming romania style orphan crisis
Lmao, all that discourse on downed aircraft is vacuous. Russia lost like two planes out of hundreds, big whoop, nato puppet is losing land at an alarming rate.
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that feel when press censorship starts applying to favourable press as well
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Putin sees Ukrainians as his brothers and just wants to share a single state

USA sees Ukrainians as cannon fodder

Ukrainians are waking up to who their true enemy is
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hehe, clean water is for the decadent west
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They already know, it's jeet nigger commies like you. They're an enemy to the whole world LMAO
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it's not the first time either

god I wish I had russian in school instead of german so I could naviagate that space properly. those mil bloggers gibs alot of good information and are critical of russia's military failures(because they want them to fix their shit) I guess that's why

also this drone looks based as fug... then the idiots shoot it down, priceless
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They're simply being efficient. Who needs a pediatric neurosurgeon when you've sent all the old people to the frontline?
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Get your dead russniggers here boys.
chinkland is a fake country, Taiwan is the sole heir to the slant-eye empire.
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If only you knew how brown things really are
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Is the war even real guys? Ukraine gets billions but all the videos show a peaceful albeit poor country?
Wrong! USA is a far bigger threat to my country and to Ukraine
>turn back time
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pipe down shitskin
I don't think this can get much browner
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It's dead russnigger time
this plane still freaks me out.. they only made 3 of them.. the very first stealth plane.. from ww2...
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You will never be a real paratrooper. You have no ground support, you have no SEAD, you have no transports. You are a light infantryman twisted by boot camp rape and propaganda into a crude mockery of Bastogne's perfection. All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “allies” laugh at your telyshanka appearance behind closed doors.

Infantrymen are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of military tradition have allowed infantrymen to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even paratroopers who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to an infantryman. Your blue beret is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to capture a contested airport you will turn tail and bolt the second an Ukrainian National Guard unit shows up. You will never be elite. You wrench out a fake smile every single mission and tell yourself "it’s going to capture the AO", but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.

Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll prepare your parachute, pack your gear, put it around your back, and plunge into the cold abyss. Territorial defense units will find you, giddy but relieved that they no longer have to scavenge for gear. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a paratrooper is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably a paratrooper.

This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.
I've seen it
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Combined the two
The point of American aid is not to help Ukrainians, but rather to expand to American globohomo empire closer to Russia's borders. If America cared about Ukrainians they'd stop kidnapping them for their gay war.
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>Dead Zigger Broth
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The point is to kill russniggers retard. I'm happy my taxes are going to kill those fucking niggers, your faggot country is next after it's been dealt with lmao
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kek there you both are

>spetsnaz 0007
when are all commies going to kill themselves, cant be soon enough
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If America cared about ukrainians it wouldn't have let 600k of them die for nothing in senseless meat waves.
>independent nation of Taiwan
Taiwan is an American colony populated by illegitimate "refugees" from mainland China. Its purpose is to create instability in the region.

Imagine if a bunch of white Americans went to Puerto Rico and declared themselves the legitimate US government, and China supported them. That's basically what Taiwan is.
I'd rather my taxes be used to help me and my countrymen.
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Wrong nigger, Taiwan is the sole heir to whatever you fucking niggers have going on over there. chinksects are bugs.
>let 600k of them die
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You're a fucking shitskin memeflag, no one gives a fuck what you think lmao. I'm just giving you free (You)s to post dead russniggers. Be grateful KEKAROOO
It's no wonder so many of them have gone into hiding. I'd do the same.
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You should record a video addressing Sissymir Sissimirovich Pussin then.
>Who communism? All I'm smelling is more goats

The mechanism of hereditary transfer of power continues to take shape in Chechnya.

Adam Kadyrov has been included in the Russian Book of Records.
He was recognised as ‘the youngest head of the security service of the head of a constituent entity of Russia’ - he took up this post at the age of 16.
By the way, Ramzan Kadyrov was head of this service under his father Akhmat Kadyrov.

The award ceremony took place during an MMA tournament in Grozny. In addition to the record diploma, Kadyrov received a medal ‘for popularising the Russian Book of Records’. The Chechen leader's son commented on the awarding briefly: ‘We have no intention of stopping, Akhmat is a force.’

This is Adam Kadyrov's 11th award after the beating of Mykyta Zhuravel in Grozny's pre-trial detention centre.

Obviously, the head of Chechnya, who initiated such a number of awards for his son, is pursuing several goals.
◾ Ramzan Kadyrov is carrying out the process of implementing an heir who must demonstratively pass through the same stages of life as his father. It can be seen that some of Adam's awards duplicate those previously received by Ramzan Kadyrov.
◾ A military component has been added to the honours: like his father, Adam must at least formally command some kind of military unit,
◾ Ramzan himself, who gained de facto power in the federation after his father's death, has created a real cult of Akhmat Kadyrov, legitimising the transfer of power through the family line. So now the image of the ‘best’ son of Ramzan Kadyrov must be incorporated into the cult of Ramzan Kadyrov, for which he must sometimes literally repeat his father's steps.
>part 1
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No face russniggers lmao
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kek, the ziggers are running hard with this hurricane narrative
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Putin & his western partners are making vast fortunes to add to their already record fortunes, it’s counter intuitive but so was the covid hoax shenanigans. It’s how globo turds roll.
Pic: me I don’t waste money. Instead of throwing away this PS5 when it got dust in it I took it to pieces yesterday and cleaned the fan with my ex girlfriend’s toothbrush.
600k are old numbers, now more than a million hohols have died while the russians have losses at a 50k maximum (including wounded)
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Taiwanese are "chinksects" too but you like them because they support globohomo.
fuck russia but that's bad photoshop
>The mechanism of hereditary transfer of power continues to take shape in Chechnya.

◾ Ramzan Kadyrov promoting his 16-year-old son as his heir demonstrated his intention to remain at the head of the republic for at least another ten years, gradually handing over power, since today Kadyrov junior, who grew up in indisputably more comfortable conditions than Ramzan, is hardly capable of independently governing such a specific subject of the federation as the Chechen Republic. Kadyrov should, at the same time as introducing his son to the leadership of the republic, firmly hold the reins of Chechen power without allowing any other clans to take over. With the apparently undeserved awarding of his son, Ramzan Kadyrov once again demonstrates that at the moment Chechnya is outside the Russian legal framework. This warning is addressed primarily to the internal Chechen opposition, both existing and potential, and is complemented by regular and very brutal reprisals against potential opponents within the republic.

‼B Chechnya is fine-tuning the mechanism of hereditary transfer of power to the third generation of the ruling clan, ritualised in the style of blind imitation by the heir to his father's career. At the same time, the exchange of orders and medals is only the external manifestation of the complex processes of creating new informal alliances between the national republics, which at the same time take place without Moscow's control (Dmitry Peskov's statement that ‘the Kremlin knows nothing’ about Adam Kadyrov's presentation of state honours is typical in this context).

The Chechen experience of the hereditary transfer of power is of interest not only to the leaders of other national republics in Russia, but also to Putin himself. Perhaps they would not mind disseminating it among themselves.
>part 2
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what's a damn smock?

it børk it means pacifier you know baby stuff
They just surrender to the Russians. Why fight for an objectively evil cause?
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these pietot tubes look janky as fuck, is there really no better way?
I guess pidors didn't manage to make a better avionics/sensor/flight control machine without those two, right?
still, pretty gay
par for the course for vatnigeria though I guess

It has all the trademarks of why nazi germany was such a pathetic failure
It was basically russia-lite
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I don't give a fuck what Putin does in his own country. It's not my problem and never has been.
Now let's see the source.
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Aww the jeet niggers are replying to each other for engagement, how quaint.
Why are hohols losing so hard lmao
>in his own country.
Show flag so we can see yours.
>but you like them because they support globohomo.
>village of Goluboje near Moscow, which is home to around 45,000 people, turned to the All-Union State Committee of the Communist Party
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Who controls Kursk? LMAO
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you conveniently left out the part where the commies keep china a shitty dictatorship but taiwan eventually went away from that and now 80% of them want nothing to do with the shithole CCPig governance and threats they have to offer
and of course the commie classic of killing millions of the dictatorships own subjects lmao
yeah, I can see why the Taiwanese don't want to be ruled by CCPigs
I agree, 600k is a conservative number. The bare minimum if you will. It is much higher in reality of course.
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You lost Kursk.
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russnigger face status?
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sick fucking freaks general.
>I don't give a fuck what Putin does in his own country.
You should. He is cubing your comrades at this moment. lol
Hopefully we'll see more of this.

And even if we don't, either way America is eventually going to run out of Ukrainians to throw into the meat grinder.
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If it says "SMO", pretty sure the source isn't trustworthy.
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Awww is the poor little commie nigger sad that his russnigger pals are missing their faces, TOO BAD KEKAROOO
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>classical svinodvoechka in action

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Lots of face in this one, missing some other key components though. Tick tock niggers, November 1st is coming up KEKAROOO
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This world is so unfair. Why isnt this happening to Indians.
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jeet nigger subhumans*.
It's happening because they deserve it KEKAROOO
Keep seething about China, it'll surely collapse in two more weeks.

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>Moscow becoming largest Muslim City in Europe
Moscow has a long way to go to pass Paris and London. Shitskins literally brag about how brown London is.
>Evergrande status?
man both sides after the war, rushed to steal all your scientists. for damn good reason

you where the top dog at this time in science I mean. also the invention of ie the transistor is funny it got created two places similarly this is in the ruins the german scientists made it too, most people don't know this

stuff like this happens it get's discovered/made different places similarly. their nuclear program however.. what were they even doing?

the allies were so spooked that they were making le bomb, hence the rjukan sabotage shit to prevent heavy water getting sent.. they were geninly afraid they got a manhattan program going, but no

meanwhile in sweden he got his first reactor up and going already then

the swedes later though before they detonated their two first bombs, the americans stopped them and instead traded their nuclear power plant tech shit for it, which was better than what the swedes had made them selves
Is russia the chins & the shitting bric’s.
The west is subverted the bric’s are owned, that’s why it’s globo not region’o. Globoshill.
Remember when globo thought that they were going to split everyone right/left on the subject of their Hegelian war in Ukraine? Fail.
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>Moscow has a long way to go to pass Paris and London.
They passed London & Paris a long time ago you fucking nigger lmao
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China isn't a "dictatorship". You have to remember that in China, the government IS the people. In 1949, the people overthrew their judeo-american puppet government, which ran off to Taiwan and larped as the REAL China for a few decades until PRC became too big to ignore. Then America suddenly started doing business with them because they didn't have a choice.

Meanwhile, Taiwan is nothing more than a puppet of the authoritarian American regime. There's nothing sovereign about it. But eventually, it'll be liberated and Americans won't do shit.
Who are my comrades?
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For not haveing their women (low risk), children (high risk) and men (very high risk) raped by the Russian subhumans.
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China is always collapsed. It’s collapsed right now, duh, it’s china. It hasn’t ever stood up yet. Never will while you cuck.
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anglos what the hell does "smock" mean >>483861470
some kind of clothing but what?
Google "Russian Cross", Goreleaf. You'll find out that pidorashkas have entered an irreversible population decline a while ago. :DD

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we will bomb every single one of you, disgusting subhumans

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Lmao chink. Your asshole will get stretched by Little Black before Xi tells you to die for munke.
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Instead they'll get to be raped by the niggers that America will send to them.

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Cope harder kike
Pretty nice I’d say. Crispy cold but sunny and dry with a tint of humidity. Slim girls and fit guys walking around smiling and holding hands, landwhales getting shot on sight


>taiwan made pagers with bombs
looks like supply chain interdiction more than action by taiwanese government on that taiwanese company, you dumb retard
>government IS the people
nope, china is a totalitarian state headed by a one party system with multiple fundamental human freedoms unavailiable to its citizens and criticism of government being even more restricted than basic flow of information about what's even going on in the country
>Taiwan is a puppet of America
how so?
>America is an authoritarian regime
how so?

>He fell for the zpaniard gambit
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the choice is between having patriots defend civilian centers against terrorbombing, or destroying russian aircraft that do multiple sorties everyday that mostly have their munitions miss and land in dirt.

but seriously it's a scam they will be sent to the front, like that somewhere-stani with 30+ years experience

>off to the front you go

man I didn't save this but the guy put out this shit on social media.

god damnit I went to a russian uni I'm educated there and I speak russian I came to help with medical shit and they just sent me to the front. I did agree to this
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China is the worst globo dictatorship.
They do mass public executions in stadiums for made up infractions to bully you cucks. They use garrottes but strangulation is NOT the cause of death, you can’t harvest a dead person the cause of death is ORGAN HARVESTING inside the mobile refrigeration harvesting trucks. The organs are then sold by globo communist billionaires through NYC tunnel rabis, this is how such creatures have the world monopoly on big organ dealing.
>big organs
Well, little organs but a lot of them.
The chinese we see using the internet are delusional Orwellian cucks like you.
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Where'd you go chink, you're awfully quiet KEKAROOO
btw german bro is nothing like reading german research reports
>No bullshit


here they have ruined everything so "it has to sell" I mean what horsecockery is this. absolute destruction of academia right there, just so some scumbag femi politican can go use it as some talking points. hopeless
It's Saturday and I'm about to go out and enjoy life. Hope you have fun spamming your cope gore though.
>but seriously it's a scam
Buy "doctor" promise him white people salary and get mobnik, it's kind of genius actually.
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Awwww is the little chinksect mad that his faggy shilling didn't work? HOW SAD KEKAROO
Kek webmrelated has bigger hands than you
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>Well, little organs but a lot of them.
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Hey, you gonna wake up your tranny janny to try to save your little shill faggots from my buckbreaking? KEKAROOO
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damnit that I didn't save this it was this week this neurosergon from some sort of stan with 30 years experience.. went to russia to halp there only get mobiked into

fucking priceless
>Blyat, this isn't comfy at all!
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idk man, your appraisal of china sounds over the top too
I know illegal oragan harvesting is going on in china
But you're practicing hyperbole to the detriment of the point you're making

weird flex but okay

>What will a new Key Bridge look like in 2028? Maryland is accepting proposals
It'll likely be rebuilt by 2029-2030 and be projected to last around 75 years
The last one lasted 52 years after a type of accident that you can't design bridges for
The new one will be higher of course
By the way, why is the term "tofu dreg construction" a thing in china?
What's up with that, chang?
what the hell does a god damn smock mean anon? where to you where this?

is it loin cloth? a hat? eyebrow wear?
fag general
ugledar status?
Let me guess... its just an irrelevant village plus you killed a million orcs while defending it, and then you strategically withdrew?
ffs 2 beers... sigh..
Like an apron you wear when you're painting
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you all fucking bots
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>Let me guess... its just an irrelevant village plus you killed a million orcs while defending it, and then you strategically withdrew?
The jet was downed by drone debris following successful anti drone interception by Russia.
>Landwhales shot on sight
But anon, every 4th or even third Russian is a landwhale. How come?
smock is big coat
beep boop in the oven you go
When you see a meme flag what's your first guess for nationality? Mine's India
but of course
and when keef eventually falls, its gonna be an irrelevant village as well, while the REAL capital is lviv
>enjoy life
I’m reporting you then. Expect to spend time in the correctional chair of burning pain down at “the peoples” secret police station, if you don’t end up in the harvesting truck.
Hey i just thought, maybe that’s why your willies are so small, an evolutional survival trait. Anything over 3 mm would attract the attention of greedy officials with garrottes looking for a Wang’s wang harvest?
Now go and try to enjoy your evening of sad karaoke where you cry and howl songs of sad adoration for your globoturd billionaire owners who keep your willies small, cuck.
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lmao commie nigger is trying to memoryhole russniggers sending entire brigades to capture it, and it taking 3 years KEKAROOO
ooh.. but why on earth would the russian soldiers.. nvm thanks anon like an apron or something?
well as I said, you killed a billion (or was it a trillion?) orcs while defending it, and then you victoriously withdrew cuz you were bored of winning so hard

I'm agreeing with you, why are you so mad?
General should be called anti-Putin general. Both Ukrainians and Russians are dying because of that fags ambition.
We send them to donbabwe kek
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>and when keef eventually falls
When 2 weeks ?
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>jeet nigger
>some form of mudslime or nigger
That's the order.
no, it will fall during the victorious summer counteroffensyv of 2023
.. ah.. okay that makes more sense
>They passed London & Paris a long time ago

That picture is from 2011. It was taken during an Islamic festival held in Moscow. That is not what the Moscow Subway looks like on an average day. You are cherrypicking like the dishonest kike you are.

Here is a video of an American tourist traveling around Moscow by subway.


Here's a comparable video for the London Subway.

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Remember when you niggers were talking about Kharkiv & Prokvorsk collapsing, or recapturing Kursk. Guess you had to downsize to Vuhledar to cope KEKAROOOO
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I still don't know why you're coping and seething so hard, I'm agreeing with you, sister. Slava Ukrayina, more victorious wihdrawals and surrenders ahead!
>I'm about to go out and enjoy life
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>>483862571 >>483862791 >>483862829 >>483862908 >>483862994 >>483863038
Your fucking country and the CCP is FUCKED and your fucking Seething

God Bless AMERICA!!!
>This Man Just Accidentally Exposed China’s Economic Failure
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Oh no no no the commie nigger can't explain KEKAROOOOO. WHAT HAPPENED NIGGER? TELL US?

Pokvorsk status?
Kupyansk status?
Kursk Status?
Kharkiv status?

>anglos what the hell does "smock" mean
Isn't it just an apron? Something to cover your clothes when you're doing something that would get them dirty? I've barely heard that word in my whole life.
Can I get a qrd on this canadian vpn spamming pol, wsg and gif with his schizophrenia 24/7? Schizo draft dodger or?
Genetic idiots
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btw local news up here.. this fucking sucks. so you have this russian he mobilized or something from severomorsk.. his mother already lived in norway so he fled here in 2022, because he didn't want to have anything to do with this aids, also half family is ukranian

then fucking UDI.. now go.. sorry you have to go back.. I swear to god man the imbiciles running the shitshow here...

womyns should be in nursing is what they should do, but they quotated in.. and this is the result

fucking idiots!
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UH oh, the commie nigger can't explain his cope KEKAROOO
>months of ammo and artillery destroyed in weeks
>more and more oil refineries getting blown up
>mindblowing equipment loss on the Pokrovsk front

>yet Ukraine keeps losing ground on the eastern front and in Kursk
So what... 2 more weeks until this stuff actually matters?
Ask /chug/. They made up a Marvel villain backstory for him and everything.
With what army, mountains nigger? It take fucking 1k death per day just to capture 1 village. Who is going to man the next assault? Who going to man the garrison. This is not fucking Paradox game where you waste manpower to paint 1 province.
2 questions
1) Who hurt you? I assume you ran away from russians like a bitch kek
2) Don't you think it would be better to go back home instead of spamming this reddit general with gore, as if hohols don't die just the same? Maybe you could shoot some russians instead of being this buckbroken
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What are your feelings on the new mogiliztion laws that are taking effect on November 1
Will you patriotically remain fleeing from the russia, yes?
>It take fucking 1k death per day just to capture 1 village

Source: CNN, BBC, IDF and SlavaUkrayina.com

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Good time to remind commie niggers that Ukraine too more land in a month than russniggers did in a year KEKAROOO
Reports have appeared on Russian media that a Russian "Z-blogger" Yegor Guzenko, also known as "Thirteenth" was detained in Russian Novopavlovsk.

Reportedly, he is a wanted person in Russia.

Guzenko confirmed his arrest and claimed to have been beaten up by police.

>goozenko is on the bottle
LMAO. Another homo got what he fought for.
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Awww the commie nigger can't explain what happened? Why not nigger, you were so eager to talk about the front, why the silence? KEKAROOO
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But I'm not russian
Why are you so upset?
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Reportedly, this is footage of Guzenko's detainment. He is a Russian "Z-blogger".

This awaits most of them at some point in the future.

I'll ask about you on chug, I saw you also spam gif alone, no one else but you posting 300 gifs of this shit as if anyone cares lmao

You seem like a lost character buddy, I'd look into some stronger meds
Z-blogger "Thirteenth" was detained in Novopavlovsk. Previously, he had repeatedly criticised the Russian authorities.

Earlier, ‘’Thirteenth‘’ said that "If 10 years ago, one old man would not have sh*t himself, and would have gone, as they say, frankly f*ck himself, and not in a quiet 10 years ago, then all this bullsh*t would not have happened, and the boys would not have died so much, but now you put us in jail and kill" after which he had to delete the corresponding video message.

Yegor Guzenko fought in the Donbas since 2014, as well as in 2019 in Syria. When the Russian full-scale invasion began, he was under house arrest for shooting a man in the face with a flash-noise cartridge from a Pioneer aerosol gun, and later for using flash-noise gun in the air. On 6 March 2022, he cut off an electronic bracelet with which he could be tracked by the FSIN, arranged through acquaintances in the "DPR" to come to them, and fled to war. Since then, he has been trying to officially go to war through the Russian Ministry of Defense, but has been denied due to a criminal case.

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So tell us why russniggers failed in


since you're not a russnigger lmao. What happened to the Oct 1 decree? ZIZTER?
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2 more weeks bro fr fr

955th day of the 3 day special operation btw
Cope ztard
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Then lean back and enjoy rusniggers dying )))
Tranny thread TRANNYROO
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Hello, commie nigger? Can I get some cope for your asshurt? KEKAROOO
for west barins and zelenmaan dachi.
All the shit you spam doesn't change the fact you're slowly but surely losing the war. No people, no money, support dying out. If it makes you feel better, feel free to spam your schizophrenia. I genuinelly hope it does help you, you're probably very hurt you had to run from russians. Good luck buddy, I don't mean this as a joke. I hope you find peace as an immigrant forever.
Oh yes. Golfkart and motorcycles assault is not real, btw.
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Awww the little commie nigger doesn't have an answer and has to copepost. THE ABSOLUTE STATE KEKAROOOOO
dead nigger storage

let's go!

also pekka I never understood that map, if is because samis it goes way way longer south here, all the way to the moutain range in the south


finnish war songs based as fug let's go!
>same gore folder

Therapist, unironically. I understand you had to drop your entire life back in Hoholia, but you need to find peace before you off yourself.
It was literally a Muslim festival. If you go to a Jewish festival it will be all Jews. If you go to an Amish festival it will be all white people. If you go to a nigger festival it will be all niggers. I don't understand what you're trying to prove.

Just watch this video. It records a concert of thousands of people. Not a single white person in sight. Why do you think that is?

>you're slowly but surely losing the war
Imagine saying this 2 years after pinya fucked up taking Kiev, Ukraine invaded Kursk, and then pinya failed pushing them out.
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>>same gore folder
Yet it grows every day, funny that KEKAROOO. NOW TELL US ABOUT


That doesn't change the fact the war is a definite game over for hohols, 2 weeks, 2 years or 2 decades.
Imagine how fun life would become when your employees will sell Lahta-2 database in Tor.
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It was New Year's Eve you disgusting lying dogfucker LMAO
>Year 2222
>Ukraine has finally lost
He's a chink that lies about getting paid lots of money to pay the same shit constantly
this one is cooler though
Pro tip - try a different vpn and style of posting. You're basically a joke on pol, no one even reads your posts when they see the flag.
>It was literally a Muslim festival
Yeah, it's called new year's.
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>or 2 decades.
I see russnigger cope is at an all time low.
Get a handle on your nigger shills, they're at the breaking point KEKAROOO
Imagine the smell.
Why ziggers always project?
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>Demoralization shills trying the same fucking shit closing on 3 years running
It's not taking 200 years, even the biggest NAFO cock suckers accept its grim, and they used to claim that ghost of keef killed a billion orcs a day. So you know its really dark when they admit it lol
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>try a different vpn an
LMAO, this commie nigger thinks I'm on a VPN. Go ahead and ask me anything about Canada commie nigger - was that a self admission? GRIM
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What else can they do ?
No matter how much you are seething, there's no way we won't get what we want. Hohols will always be losers.
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zez ruspidor shills are getting uppity again
is the S-70 UAV making them seethe?
America does not even have universal health care. Why would Russians presume that we care what happens to our countrymen when there are wars to fight and an empire to expand?

The average American probably cares less about his fellow citizens than Russians do for theirs.
Its possible you're not on a vpn, you like many other scared draft dodgers ran away to canada. Aren't you ashamed that your brothers are eaten by worms while you spam delusion no one cares about on an anime forum? Think about it
>It's not taking 200 years
Correct, r*ssia has 100% chance of collapsing within next 15 years, 90% within next 10, and 50-50 within next 5.
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They've even fucking replicated my posting style, that's how creatively bankrupt these niggers are lmao.
>Russian victory in 2 decades

Kekekekeke. Is this what they call bargaining?
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When you get sent in the next wave Kiev will surely fall
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Not a slav nigger, actually don't really care what happens to Ukraine in the long run as long as they keep killing russniggers, which we keep bankrolling KEKAROOO
How tiny is your chink dick?
baking at 300
Yes, they ran out of ammo 2 years ago and they've been fighting with shovels since (yet they somehow still keep taking these untakable fortresses)

2 more summer counteroffensyvs and zelenskike got it
Sure buddy, whatever you say
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Aww, the new batch of russnigger shills don't know KEKAROOO
Why wait when they have 50% plus of the population to send to the front? Women should be fighting in the trenches for the great USSR!
>Yes, they ran out of ammo 2 years ago
Why do you think they started retreating, Ukraine invaded Kursk and missile spam stopped?
Fucking retard, lmao. The writing on the wall is there, you're just an illiterate chink.
China will be nuked, and good riddance to those insects.
>still taking it

At what cost though?
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>they are all traitors
>lemme support their wars sand their actions more actively than even their lackeys
keke dude is deranged
Little Black had his way with all of these.
>Avoids the question
Yup that's what I thought
I don't know why you keep mentioning Kursk, not even russians care about that pr "invasion"
You lost last foothold in Donbass just so reddit could say "HUR DUR RUSSIA IS GETTING INVADED". So embarassing.

At costs they can apparently manage and you can't
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also guys see that first word there.. is fucked these languages up here have interacted for about 3k years or so, so it's loan words both direction

soul, sjel sál

So you're enjoying hundreds of thousands of Russians being killed and maimed?
>not even russians care about that pr "invasion"
I don't think puccians care about anything much. Ukraine could walk into Moskau and St. Pidorsburg and the r*ssian animals would just shrug.
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Uh oh, did this commie nigger forget that glownigger putin specifically released a decree to oust Ukis from Kursk? OOOF THAT'S SOME JUICY COPE KEKAROOO
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>At costs they can apparently manage
We didn't need 1m Ziggers anyway.
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I searched the video. Only thing I can find is that the video was likely taken in Saint Petersburg.

Here's a walking tour video. Pic-related is ethnicity estimates for Saint Petersburg.

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I'm all man baby, uncut, unvaxxed KEKAROOO
I don't care + hohols are dying at the same rate, you talk as if they're bulletproof lmao

I get to see reddit and r/uhg seethe and perform mental gymnastics every time russians take something, I get to see far right rise in europe and USA fall to Trump, all heavily weaking N*TO, meanwhile China keeps growing and Taiwan invasion is a matter of month now

I win, while enjoying some excellent seethe online by retards heavily invested into a conflict that has nothing to do with them
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>Sis! Boom! Bah! Rah!
>Million! Billion! Trillion! Rillion! Ukrainians killed!

History repeats itself and delusional retards keep spouting fantastical numbers to comfort themselves.
The dogfucker keeps on lying KEKAROOOO, search harder little nigger, it's on telegram.
>Its an american UFO drone blyat shoot it down
Uh oooohhhh lol TRANNYROO
>You lost last foothold in Donbass
So why isn't donbass fully liberated yet ?
>not even russians care about that pr "invasion"
True, The Zerf only care when the boyars and the Tsar ask them too.
Any of you lazy shills gonna bake?
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You dont even know what winning means
>Kurdsk isn’t depicted as captured by AFU
L take bro

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