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How is this war still going on? Is a continous miserable carnage with drones and artillery. Perfectly documented btw, how many hours of combat, gore, droning and bombing have been posted here? It maybe even worse than WWI
Why is this conflict still going on two and a half years later?
Fat chance, not even 100k people have died so far.
never thought whites would get tricked again to kill each other. whites confirmed for literal subhumans
Ukraine should have tried for peace in the end of 2022, which was their high-water mark. Bojo blew it though.

>Fat chance, not even 100k people have died

yes, in ww1 they lost that in a bad week
Obviously not to the same scale as WW1 but the same amount of brutality is their plus drones so perhaps it could be worse.

Btw a lot lot more than 100k have died. You'll be foolish to think otherwise probably half a million I'd say
>worse than ww1
You're a retard
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>Why is this conflict still going on two and a half years later?
Because Russia is incapable of imposing its will. Simple as.
>>Why is this conflict still going on two and a half years later?

simple answer. fucking mutts
Any news about that ukrainian downie that was fighting on the frontline?
Is he still alive?
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We do everything and are the only player character in this world aren't we Prato chang?
>How is this war still going on?
Because "asking your opponent to 'stop invading you'/'just give you their country'" doesn't work.
Fighting them for it doesnt work either
The war continues because the US supplies weapons to Ukraine. It wasn't enough to win the war. It was just enough to make the war last longer.

Everything depends on what the US does next. There are three options:
1. Keep sending weapons that aren't enough to hold the line.
2. Give up and let Russia keep the territory they're on.
3. Send US troops.

It all depends on how serious the old men in DC are. I think they're serious. That means option 3.
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Exactly. Hence the stalemate.
The US armed, funded, and trained rebel groups in Syria to help them overthrow Assad. The end result:

>The war lasted 10 years longer.
>500,000 more people were killed.
>5 million Syrians fled the country.
>Assad is still in power

This is what US "help" amounts to: longer war for same outcome.
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Same as WWII right?
He involved in Kursk offensive.
I remember two years ago when they were talking about securing a no-fly zone over Ukraine, not understanding that it would imply Us bombing targets inside Russia. Fucking scary times.
I hate retards who think things will change because they whine
Good times last only so long
The US fought in WWII.
In Syria and Ukraine, the US just sent weapons.

For Ukraine to win, the US will have to send troops like they did in WWII. Obviously the Ukrainians can't win no matter how many weapons we send them.
As they say, to be americas enemy, is dangerous, to be their ally, is lethal.

yookies finding out the hard way.
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How would enforcing a no-fly zone over Ukraine involve bombing Russia?
Protesting is why you work only 40-45 hours a week to earn a living
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>Close the sky!

What could be easier? Just close it. Duh.

>Why is this conflict still going on two and a half years later?
Putin has to save his face with land gains or he will be couped and killed.
hohols men still running around in my village
thd isnt going fast enough
How about humans just stop living?
Because without bombing Russian ground installations that provide anti-aircraft support for Russian forces a no fly zone is impossible.
What do you mean?
it wont go on for much longer ukraine military finally started fragging their commanders
Look, I consume as much propaganda as you but Putin's approval ratings are through the roof. I don't see how he'll get couped because he literally is the top gun in Russia.
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We have to do everything don't we?
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Why? You know air-to-air missiles are a thing right shitskin?
>He involved in Kursk offensive.
As a commander?
Fuck them. They are slavs, whites means western Europe. Westerners will never kill each other again
usa mercs dying daily though
>hundreds of thousands of peasants fighting and dying to determine which corrupt institution of rich and powerful assholes gets to run their shit into the ground
war, war never changes
Syria would have been better off if we hadn't done anything.
The same is true of Ukraine. Our help has just made their war last longer and gotten more Ukrainians killed. But in the end, Putin will get the Donbas. So it will all have been for nothing. And it couldn't have happened without US "help."

I think people didn't learn from Syria.
medieval peasants had a better "work curriculum" than us. America became itself because of 2% tax hike on tea. Maybe in the eyes of some sicilian arab faggot that got run down in the 1,000s by a handful of norman knights
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Yeah but there's 100s of 1000s of dead Russians now and that's always a good thing. Don't be upset fren.
Does that make the Ukrainians feel better whose men are dead?
hundred of thousands of dead people is never a good thing in any country you fucking psychopath. this is why nato shills are failing on /pol/ they cannot read the room
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Probably yeah.
Lmao, get a load of this seething moralfag larper. AHAHAHAHAHA!
Maybe. But we should be honest that what we did to "help" the Ukrainians actually just hurt them. Anyone who genuinely wanted to help the Ukrainians will feel bad about that.

/pol/ is a board of morality and compassion unironically and you don't fit in here
>As a commander?
yes, because there are much bigger retards on the russian side.
>start ww3! start ww3! start ww3!
the best cattle
By "worse" he probably means in terms of how combatants are being put out in this war

You had shit like poison gas and illegal dum-dum rounds in WW1 (later on flamethrowers as well) but the drone shit adds a whole new dimension to the entire thing

These drone payloads don't really kill you in many if not most cases, they maim you and then you're just left dry to bleed out with half of your limbs missing, it's absolutely brutal shit
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Anyone who wanted to help them would tell them to just give up and accept their lot in life...like what your parents told you when you were a little girl.
Lmao! Do moar!
Yep because Russia would push on but that leaves them only exposed while Ukraine believes one day they will be in NATO and get to trigger article V somehow
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But l like dead sand niggers the same as dead snow niggers. I'd rather my tax dollars pay for that than tax cuts for yacht owning cunts
newfags giving (you)s to pvt. hernandez the gore spammer kek
Again. It would require bombing Russia??
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C'mon luigi, our governments dont represent us anymore, you know that first hand.
why the fuck are you not over there on the front lines youself if you care so much, nothing stopping you, some space just opened up in a trench somewhere and you could fill it. or are you just willing for others to die and not yourself?
If your attempts to help the Ukrainians just made the war last longer and got more Ukrainians killed, but resulted in the same outcome of Russia getting the Donbas, then you didn't help them at all. You hurt them.

I know it can be hard to accept that you did that, but you should have known it would happen. It had just happened in Syria. There was no excuse for not knowing.
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Why? And why didn't you say why?
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Imagine your cities looking like a Fallout 3 map and thinking "yeah we gotta keep on fighting"
>Putin will get the Donbas. So it will all have been for nothing.

the soviets had 15 other countries and everyone thought that the evil empire with all it's nukes and tanks, millions of soldiers and KGB can never fall ... it lasted only 70 years and fell like a house of cards. pootin's 25 year old joke of empire is already showing signs of ripping at the seams (and it's nowhere close to the USSR)!
I think the gore stuff is horrific on this scale. You have tens of suicides and people dying with their guts and limbs blown off filmed in 1080p.
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Right but there's lots of dead Russians now like I said, so fucking many dead Russians.
Because I don't feel like it. Why are you here seething fren?
NAFO didn't help the Ukrainians. They hurt them.
Oh well. No going back now.

But maybe it will be a lesson next time you want to "help."
i don't think he cares about hurting anyone. he's willing to sacrifice as many ukrainians as necessary so he can say he's a goodboy who supports the current thing. if his leftoid hivemind pivoted overnight to support russia he'd be on here calling for more dead ukrainians the next day. you're not dealing with sentient human beings with logical consistency when you talk to these normie shills
are you winning, ukkies?
OK, as long as you were never motivated by helping the Ukrainians. Because if you were, you failed. You didn't help them. You hurt them very badly.

I know you can't undo what you've done. You'll just have to live with it. But maybe next time you'll think twice before you run in to "help." Remember. The last time you did that, you just hurt people. Try to let that memory dial back the self-righteous zeal next time.
why am i here seething as opposed to what? what should i be doing instead if i'm against the current state of this war? since you're so in favour of this war you can join it was my point. but you don't even have a point.
> dying with their guts and limbs blown off filmed in 1080p
But what is the point of all this? Most modern TV is 4k now. Yet some % is 8k now and still growing.
Jesus Christ that is something out of the warhammer 40k universe
I think they thought they were fighting on the side of right and helping people.
Unfortunately, that is not what happened. They ended up hurting the people they tried to help way worse than they would have been hurt otherwise.
The cognitive dissonance from that will be extreme, and it will result in lots of self-justification and rationalization.
But that urge should be resisted so that a lesson can be learned for the next time they want to "help."
They voted for it.
by any objective measurement, doesn't look like it
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>NAFO didn't help the Ukrainians. They hurt them.

they should've helped more, certainly, but Ukrainians liberated a lot of territory, whole regions in spite of the inadequate help. Now Ukraine is building it's own ballistic missiles and all kinds of drones and hits russians deep in their territory on land, sea and air.
some of them maybe but i think most of them just weren't thinking and still aren't
>Ukrainians liberated a lot of territory, whole regions
Yes.... the point of US foreign policy is to make money, you can't do that by being efficient and stopping the bloodshed
You underestimate the greed of Jews and military complex
the frontlines have been in a brutal trench warfare stalemate for years with no sign of that ending any time soon or ever.
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>creative commons
more truth in plain sight
I cant believe somebody will gloat over earning money they dont even need out of the deaths of hundreds of thousands.
its just a war of attrition where each side is just trying to grind out as many human lives as possible.

really i think both sides are against humanity and are run by anti-humans who are doing the war like this on purpose with the goal of preparing russia and ukraine for globohomo by killing as many white men as possible and replacing them with immigrants to erode the public sense of unity in their countries so they can properly serve as vassals to the world economic forum of which both putin and zelensky have been members.
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>the frontlines have been in a brutal trench warfare stalemate for years

did you ask yourself, maybe pootin is a retard for going into Ukraine?
>he's being proud what his mystery meat mongoloid are dying 15 to 1 against Russians
Even nafo trannies are thinking what 15 hohlomutts are not worth a single Russian, LMAO.
Yes russia should stop stealing land and go home. Don't shift blame onto the defending nation. Free palestine and free ukraine
i don't think he's a retard, i think he and zelensky sucked each others cocks at the wef and are now doing their part in globohomos broader war against humanity itself
interesting take
just realized the exact same thing happened in afghanistan
many of those loans to ukraine will be paid back with interest to central bankers. just saying
>they should've helped more

Unfortunately that's not what happened. What happened is that the war lasted longer and many more Ukrainians were killed for the same outcome as if the US had not helped.

That's the thing that needs to be understood for the future. Sometimes what seems like "helping" can actually hurt. So one has to figure whether one will be motivated by what something seems like (helping), or what it actually is (hurting).

All we can say now is that all the people who called for helping the Ukrainians are now actually responsible for hurting them. I hope they learn from this. They will resist learning, but maybe some of them will be able to make it through the pain of facing up to their mistakes so they don't make them again.
If we have to protest to get humans to stop taking advantage of humans being born then maybe humans dont deserve to exist.
A leader needs workers, he writes laws and insists people breed in his kingdom, forces his citizens to live under his rule. Now people have to protest to get more rights. It's just a bullshit game.
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Are you motivated to help them?
>why am i here seething
I dunno, why are you?
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Can you rephrase that in English for me please?
>both sides are against humanity and are run by anti-humans

the the responsibility lies squarely with pootin and russians, don't equate the two sides here. maybe russians should have stayed home ... that's what you get for trying to take some one else's land and homes.
yes, they are busy killing themselves to feed sandniggers
gee, what an improvement
do not use the Lords name in vain.
is your understanding of the events leading up to this war truly so simplistic? read more
>oh oh oh AHAHA mamichka ZO SHHOOOOO
Phahahahah, enjoy some more animal cruelty on hohlomutts, not like they people anyway.
The one nafo gore spammer obviously shows up and shits the bread.
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You're really angry and that is enjoyable to me. Thank you for sharing.
In this case, the way to have helped the Ukrainians was to not help them, because by "helping" them, we actually hurt them much worse than if we hadn't "helped."

That's the paradox that has to be resolved:
>seemed like helping
>was actually hurting

The seems/actual distinction can be tricky when you're doing it on the fly.
>how many hours of combat, gore, droning and bombing have been posted here?
not enough, THD.
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>What happened is that the war lasted longer and many more Ukrainians were killed

you can roll over when someone comes to your home and tries to rape your family and take your land and home. russians are already resettling foreigners in the occupied areas and not returning people that fled from there to russia
I was not raised very religious i dont know what that means. People say 'Jesus Christ!' in front of something horrible like he could protect your soul from that vision.
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So how would you help them if you wanted to help them, which you don't, but what if you did?
Only 1m of hohlomutts died, 14 to go, more of them die better (and whiter) the world will be, the only way to teach a wild animal is to beat him anyway, a treat doesn't work on subhumans, stick is the way to go.
>have to fight for ur country
>But ur country is a corrupt depressing slavic shithole anyway
Grim desu
both sides will be replacing everyone who died there. both sides are led by members of the world economic forum. a forum which espouses a belief that humans are animals who need to be stripped of all power and led by a cabal of international special interests. you think ukraine won't replace the men lost on its side with indians? they will
grenades existed in past wars too. The only difference is that these are dropped from the sky
>Something bad is happening!
>Quick, do something that will make it much worse!

The kneejerk reaction when something bad is happening is to do something about it. But upon reflection, it has to be considered that the something done might actually make things worse (as has happened in Ukraine), in which case, it's better to do nothing than something that will make it worse.

don't project, you're the one with the simplistic russian propaganda in your head - NAFO. oh, I've read enough to know pootin and russia is at fault 100% for this war, Ukrainians' is only mistake they elected an inexperienced person as president during the war, this prompted pootin to attack, that and the pathetic US withdrawal from Afghanistan. If Poroshenko stayed it may have been different or delayed somewhat.
I would lay out all the options for helping them. And if all of the options would actually make things worse, I would do nothing. I certainly would try not to make things worse under the intention of making things better. In that case, my intention (to help them) would count for nothing. Only what actually happened (I hurt them) would matter.
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>the only way to teach a wild animal is to beat him anyway,
This is the Russian mentality in a nutshell. It's how they're raised and how they're treated by their own kind.
Dude there were a million casualties just at the Somme. The only similarity is the trench living and reliance on artillery, which happens any time two opposing armies meet and neither can advance on open land: they dig in. The trenches suck, but the conditions are much better than they were in WW1 just being real. These guys wear waterproof boots. Such things basically didn’t even exist during the Great War. The English showed up with ankle boots and wraps.

The conditions of the Great War are unrivaled in history and it probably will remain that way forever.
its russian propaganda now to accuse putin of being an anti-human psychopath loyal to the world economic forum trying to deplete ukraine and russia of white men to prepare their countries for globohomo rule without a united by blood public to push back against it?
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So you have no answer at all? Not even a suggestion of something, anything? Why is that?
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
At least people have enough since to not run into machine gun nests anymore.
now they just march into minefields to absorb the munitions with their bodies while being pummeled by accurate drone guided artillery
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while you seethe in your roach infested commie block i continue paying the taxes that are responsible for the deaths of countless of your comrades. how does that make you feel?
They need to kill as many Ukrainian men as possible, so there is as much space as possible for all the Jews who will be arriving. Think it's a coincidence that Israel is going to get its shit pushed in, and is escalating on all fronts?
More bodies for the meat grinder means more space for the Jews in Ukraine, sorry, I mean Israel 2.0
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They don't feel anything about it. Russians don't give a fuck about each other, same as chinks don't.
Democrats and the companies that fund them are VERY invested in making this a forever war. The guy that currently runs the Department of Defense was a partner at a private equity firm that advertised shareholder profits via demand for weapons as soon as they knew he was getting the call for SecDef. They invest almost exclusively in weapons contractors, including contractors supplying Ukraine. There are at least 5 people at the top of the DoD and State Dept. who were partners or board members at this PE firm. It’s called Pine Island Capital so you can look it up if you don’t believe me.

So the Ukrainians can’t win and Americans want this to keep going. The only real question is why can’t or won’t the Russians just end it definitely. My guess is they’re struggling with political and logistical challenges and they are also afraid of escalating and meeting harsh NATO resistance. They have to advance beyond the territories they currently hold but they know NATO will resort to open warfare if they do. Tricky situation that can only end badly for everyone except the people making money who get away. They need to be brought to answer for their crimes. They have blood on their hands.
>that flag
>that post

really unsurprising that everybody considers you a bunch of retarded low iq dogs
Sure. My suggestion is to not hurt them. If "helping" them will actually hurt them, don't do it. Saying "I was only trying to help" after your "help" got hundreds of thousand of people killed isn't something you want to wind up having to do. But that's what the US has to do in the case of Ukraine.
They could have done it without the war. And there is not enough jews to replace a population that big anyway.
The will of Zelensky. It's sad that Ukrainians were manipulated into falling for it.
>The only real question is why can’t or won’t the Russians just end it definitely
because there is no russia, there is only the world government of which putin is a member. he's in on it, zelensky is in on it, biden is in on it, only... are these people really the ones in charge or just figureheads? is any of this real?
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Maybe Russia should try the same approach as you suggest yeah?
Until Jesus comes back war will continue
Wait patiently

Redemption is universal
That’s bullshit. It’s convenient to believe there is a grand globally aligned conspiracy of governments but it’s not true.

That’s not to say the incentives of the people in Russia’s state are necessarily aligned with what benefits Russian citizens. We see in America clearly that need not be the case.
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the pig... hes starting to...
>it's not true
how would you know? they wouldn't tell you if it was true, not until they're ready to tell us about it and by then you'll have been prepared to say its a good thing
We can talk "shoulds" all day, but I prefer to deal with reality instead.
Russia did what it did. And the US response to that didn't help. It made things worse.
If the US was trying to make things worse, we could just say, oh well. But the fact that the US was trying to help, but it actually made things worse is a grievous error, and one we should learn from. But we didn't learn it in Syria, so I doubt we will learn it this time. We'll just do it again in a few years, and it will be like the first time, and no one will remember they just did it in Ukraine and Syria.

Maybe we need the Hippocratic Oath for foreign policy: First, do no harm.
If Jesus came back today he would end up being fucked in the ass like the Joker or worse.
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>muh black sea fleet
because it's funny. fuck Pudding and fuck russia communist whores
Jesus is no longer physically bound

Non bestemmiare
Besides the fact that I personally have worked closely with these people and know some of them? It’s just logical to think so. None of the actual evidence suggests some global government experience. Of course, there are coalitions, especially loose coalitions but the incentives of nation just don’t work that way and it’s impossible to benefit an entire group in what is not a zero sum game by nature.
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But did Russia make things worse too?
E allora cosa farebbe?
>the US was trying to help, but it actually made things worse is a grievous error
lol, that's cute
it was done on purpose out of malice with full knowledge of the outcome


Trench mortars, constant artillery, grenades easily have the same effect. Id rather be in Ukraine than at Verdun or Ypres
1 American is worth more than 10 billion russians
they literally have several groups and meeting of which they are all openly members and gather to have secretive meetings there they do not discuss with the public. making policies at such a meeting would actually be illegal so of course they don't want us to know what they're talking about in there when all the worlds heads of state, corporation, and media meet together annually at bilderburg, davos, the world economic forum etc.

you're suggesting world government is impossible but the apparatus is right there in plain daylight right in front of us. it is absolutely possible and thus likely happening at least to some extent. none of my assumptions have been unreasonable here considering the evidence.
Distruggerà il diavolo con l'Arcangelo Michele e guarirà i cuori del mondo in un istante. Se non ci fosse la sofferenza al mondo, non si sarebbe potuto aggiungere carattere a se stessi e di conseguenza speranza
Yep, basically this
not to mention how everything they do seems to be anti-human and they all seem to be in cahoots on every anti-human measure possible. its not wild to say these international cabals are anti-human. we've all seen the outcomes from their rule and how they exercise their powers over the masses. they are our enemies, all of them.
Sure, Russia killed people and took territory. And if the US had stayed out, that would have been the end of it, and it would have been bad.

But the US did come in, some say to "help," and the result of that was a war that lasted 10 times longer, with 10 times more people killed, and in the end Russia will keep the territory.

So I would ask the US, what did they help? Show us the good that resulted from your magnanimous actions.
Low IQ people refuse to admit both sides are run by Jews and the main goal depopulation of eastern Slavs. Therefore it will go on as long as possible with both sides refusing any deals
>the responsibility lies squarely with pootin and russians
You need to educate yourself on the subject instead of making yourself look like an ass.
Just go back to 2014 and start there, that should be enough.
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But this way they get to pump £Billions into the war machine, get paid to rebuild the country, own the fucking country afterwards, and pump millions of migrants in, for the diversity keks.
Can you honestly not see this? War is the only game in town.
Have a think about mow many man hours, of technically brilliant people have been spent focused on conflict. Imagine if all those hours had been spent looking for ways to further humankind and benefit all. We would literally be living in Star Trek, but instead, we are stuck in this quagmire of fuckwittery.
The absolute worst aspects of the human psyche have driven our direction as a species, with organised religion being the bedrock (think about the literal fundamental mindset of the vast majority at the top of the US military, as well as government, Christian Taliban). Total intransigent retardation, in all aspects, and while many truly hold these beliefs, religion is also the tool by which the big manipulation of the great unwashed begins.
Ultimately, we are a depressingly underachieving species, and if all species had a vote, we would be off the planet.
OK, at the top levels of government, that may be true.

But all the NAFOs thought they were helping. They seem to have a hard time wrapping their head around the fact that what they thought was helping actually made things a lot worse.
>its all just gore
# Filter a specific ID:
its their job, to die, though
Yep. i.e. Blackrock developing Khazaria (Ukraine) the ((Rightful Jewish Homeland))
>How is this war still going on?
Ukrainians who are so proud of their revolution where they "freed themselves" a decade ago are not able to get rid of some kikes genociding them today.

I have no sympathy for these dupes.
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Why did Russia do that though instead of nothing like you said?
I think he can learn. He just needs to have a crisis where he realizes that all his good intentions just got a lot of people killed. It will be a challenge to his sense of himself as a good person, especially since he should have known what would happen given what had just happened in Syria. But his sense of himself as a good person may motivate him to admit his mistake this time so he doesn't make it again. That's what a good person would do.
Russia is already clearing out buildings by the city and town just in time for Blackrock and Vanguard backed developers to lay foundations next year! Next year of clown world looks interesting... will the general public realize what is happening or do we get another 4 years of allowing proxy Jew wars?
I wasn't talking about Russia. I was talking about you. If what you did made things worse, when you were just trying to help, then you made a mistake. That's over and done now, and you can't undo it. But you can learn from your mistake this time so you don't make it again. Your thought process should go like this:

>I want to help!
>Oh, wait.

If you can do that, you'll do a lot better next time than you did this time.
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But why did Putin do it in the first place? This is what I asked and you don't want to talk about it.
What do you expect? Whites saved Russians from Hitler. Whites gave Russia the opportunity to recover from its loss in the Cold War. No refunds, you'll the next.
Listen closely, because I'm about to enlighten you on why that statement is laughably simplistic and betrays a profound ignorance of historical warfare. Only someone with a shockingly limited understanding of military history could make such a sweeping, ill-informed claim.

Let me educate you on why World War I, while certainly brutal, is far from "unrivaled":

Oh, please. As if other wars haven't involved multiple countries or technological advancements. How quaint.

Yes, trenches were unpleasant. Newsflash: war is always unpleasant. The idea that sitting in a muddy ditch is somehow worse than, say, being impaled by a Roman legion is absurd.

High casualty numbers? Welcome to warfare 101. Perhaps you've heard of a little conflict called World War II? No? Allow me to introduce you to real carnage.

Your failure to consider other conflicts is frankly embarrassing:

This makes the Great War look like a pleasant picnic. Nuclear weapons, anyone?

Apparently, you've never heard of drone strikes, cyberwarfare, or the delightful concept of mutually assured destruction.

I suppose you think the Mongol conquests were a delightful romp through Asia? How charmingly naive.

Yes, World War I was tough. Congratulations on grasping the obvious:

Mud and rats. Horrifying. I'm sure soldiers throughout history were enjoying five-star accommodations.

Because being mowed down by a machine gun is clearly worse than being hacked to pieces by a broadsword. Do you even think before you speak?

As if civilians have ever been spared the horrors of war. Your historical ignorance is truly staggering.

In conclusion, your statement is not just wrong; it's offensively simplistic. Wars are universally horrific, and to claim one stands above all others for all time is the height of historical arrogance. Perhaps next time, you'll think before making such ridiculously sweeping statements. Class dismissed.
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Did Putin make you make a bad situation much worse, or was that you who did that?
You have done enough damage to the world already, filthy kike
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No, but why did he make a bad situation in the first place?
you write like Elon's AI, you have the tone and diction of a big bang theory skit
Well, it's for Ukraine to decide. If they are willing to fight, so be it. I will support them with anything they need. But if you decide over their heads, you are not better than their oppressor.
US and Ukrainian leadership are making good money from this war, why would they stop? And Russia is doing as much as it can without fucking up its economy.
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>It maybe even worse than WWI
yes. its the ultimate dystopian meat grinder. all the armored vehicles meant to protect squishy humans is too easy to spot and kill because of drone surveillance so its back to 1914. Except the angel of death is always watching, can't evacuate wounded, can't take a shit outside of your hidey-hole or you'll be added to someone's task list.
then the side resisting the invasion, for the first time in history (if im not mistaken), gets to send any and all non-combatants to safe countries with better standards of living so they're not a drain on resoures and morale and the grunts can focus on surviving the next round of the hunger games. How much longer would WW1 last if the Germans didn't have to worry about a starving destitute population causing revolutions and mutinies cause they could just teleport them somewhere else, while money and weapons got teleported in to supply their troops, and the Entente powers weren't allowed to attack the teleporter? Oh and btw there's gas pipelines crossing the front lines because the spice must flow, and commercial shipping supplying both sides sail past each other on the way to their respective ports because everyone's agreed that contesting the ocean is a huge pain in the ass and would hurt their economies. more blood for the blood god
It doesn't matter. If you take a bad situation and make it worse, making it worse is your fault. And if you make it worse with the intention of helping, then your mistake is doubly bad.
The US, UK and the rest literally denied them the chance to sign a peace accord. And that is all she wrote.
captcha: DAPY
before firearms one side would just leave the battlefield and go back to their farm if they ever took even 10% casualties. most battles were shield walls pushing against each other until one side had enough death and fucked off back to their farms and all the kings could do is whine about it. the casualty rates of ww1 for the most part unparalleled vs ancient warfare.

and i wrote out all that myself without the help of chat gpt
Right, and while these meetings and committees can be influential in some respects, they can’t change natural incentives. If two countries are competing over a patch of land, no amount of global meeting discussion can make them not opposed. And this is the reality of politics. Leaders can be generally likeminded and ideologically aligned on many things, but the natural incentives put them in competition with each other. It’s the same as business owners in a given industry. They might be similar people and want to do the same things but they’re still competing with each other and only sometimes does it make sense to arrange a cartel and in politics we call these allies or coalitions.
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Why doubly bad? And why did Putin make the bad situation to begin with and why do you refuse to answer that question completely?
>it's for Ukraine to decide
They're not an independent country.
>you are not better than their oppressor.
Their greatest oppressor is their low IQ and subhuman tendencies.
It's not worse than WWI. It will end eventually. Russia will burn through all of their equipment and it will end. It's as easy as that. In the end Russia will be as naked as a slug without a single tank left.
Do they not own shotguns?
Cut the shell about 1-2 inch from brass and it stays together
I mean, you could generally be right, but you could reel your neck in a bit, pal.
But the nature of every state is to exploit its citizens to some degree, and nations more important are subject to changing headwinds same as anyone else. Half the reason line must go up ideology is so prevalent among policymakers for example that even though it’s bad for citizens is because it’s the most obvious way to preserve national security and have economic influence. There’s all these competing incentives that can give the impression of a conspiracy even when there isn’t one.

That is not to say there are no conspiracies though. It’s to say that there are factions and factions here one faction might appear aligned in goals with another faction they are in reality not.
Look at this uhg tranny. Hey tranny, no amount of drone cams are changing the fact that russia is advancing with a very limited bombing campaign.
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if 'kraine gives up Russia will refortify and just keep invading Ukraine every 5 years until they control the entire country. The ultimate loser will be whichever side collapses first from within. Ukraine is inherently corrupt and Russia has internal conflict like the Wagner chuds. The upcoming regime change in America will be very telling as to the fate of 'kraine.
Yes... I've got it all figured out. I'm 2 steps ahead.
What makes you think Russia will run out before Ukraine?
fuck off you retarded leaf
>russia bans gays
>russia bans NGOs
>russia bans adoption by globohomo

you have zero proof Putin was in the WEF but you nafo troon shills keep repeating lies
Yes, it is, your clowning can't undo that. Dugin is an employee the Russian governemnt. If Russians disagreed with him - they would have elected another government. But they don't.
>in the end you will die of anal cancer, globohomo shill
>can be influential in some respects
are influential in many respects

two countries competing over a patch of land? who cares when you own the national leaders of both countries and their major corporate interests are all aligned with your global agenda.

the people you think are leaders in competition are actually larping, they have the same handlers who live internationally and have no loyalty to any particular nation. all this has been built up over centuries but is now quite secure
Because they are not producing fast enough and their storages are emptying too quickly. And if Russia really wants to occupy Ukraine they have to hurry up to reach anything of value. If these storages are fully empty at some point, they might have only 50 or so tanks within half a year.
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It's doubly bad from your own perspective, because you were trying to help someone, but you actually hurt them. It's the conflict between what you intended and what you actually did that makes it doubly bad. If you are indifferent to someone and hurt them a certain amount, then the harm is just whatever harm you caused. But if you were not indifferent but were trying to help, and you caused the same amount of harm, then from your own perspective, the harm would be doubly bad. See pic related.

Your question is irrelevant for deriving the amount of blame you bear in this situation.
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Why is the bombing campaign so limited?
The scale of brutality is obviously far smaller than WW1, but the sheer terror experienced by the soldiers is probably comparable. Imagine fighting in static lines for months straight with no breaks, having to worry about artillery, FPV drones, PGM strikes, old fashioned infantry assaults, and the equally dangerous disease, hunger, and insanity.
i appreciate your arguments, you are making a genuine and reasonable pushback on my claims and i enjoy the polite debate you cunt.

i think there's a lot of theatre to create the illusion of opposing factions. but that could only ever be most factions at most i think and not all, there is the possibility of outside factions with some power and influence but that seems beyond my scope for determining which are the real opposing factions and which are part of the fictional narratives
Is it normal to ride crappy motorcycles through a war zone?
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It's very strange how you simply refuse to answer the question at all. You did say though that Putin made a bad situation right?
Theyre being merciful
Holy fucking shit you sound like a condescending douche.
to the pro natos i was putins zogbot, to the pro russians i was a nafo troon but in reality i was just, and always will be, a fucking leaf
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>mass immigration
>carbon neutrality goals
>legalized adding bugz to food
>sky-high abortion rates
>legal transgender operations and gender change
What I said is that your desire was to help the Ukrainians, but what you thought would do that actually hurt them. Try to focus in on that distinction between what you wanted and what actually happened. Once you realize that they are the exact opposite, you will see where I'm coming from.
you underestimate the stupidity of eastern europeans
>/uhg/ tranny is already here with the desperation gore spamming
It's pretty easy to tell you faggots have nothing left. Spam some more .webm's though and pretend you're helping.
What equipment? not drones, artillery shells, ammo, etc. If you mean vehicles, even pro Ukraine commentators like Perun say that they have enough old stockpiles to feed into the war as they modernize others and produce more. both sides use these assets sparingly due to drone and artillery threat (APC drops off troops, does some covering fire and fucks off) but it seems the russians are using larger formations than they did before as the UAF is at more and more of an artillery disadvantage and has to rely on FPVs which electronic warfare is starting to catch up to countering

ww1 ended because the german population was starving and being asked to donate their metal cooking utensils so they could be melted down, and both the population and military units were on the verge of revolution and mutiny. that doesn't apply to either side here, especially not the russians with their SMO branded war fought by paid contractors while everyone else lives their lives like normal
Could be. I really wouldn’t know about that.

But don’t you think if that’s true, and I concede that it could be true, it could similarly be true that there exists the illusion of alignment when in reality there isn’t? It seems to me there is no particular reason to believe that disagreement is illusory but agreement isn’t. In my view, the red pill is that there are issues and objectives in which many of the so-called world leaders are completely aligned and this is reinforced by common education and socializing especially, but there are also important ways in which they’re not aligned and these are due not only to disagreement but natural factors that cannot be overcome. So I guess my view is that I’m right but so are you.
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>How is this war still going on? Is a continous miserable carnage with drones and artillery. Perfectly documented btw, how many hours of combat, gore, droning and bombing have been posted here? It maybe even worse than WWI
>Why is this conflict still going on two and a half years later?
it is truly depressing what a shithead Putin is and how he has set Russia back 100 years, humanity deserves better than Putin and Xi and Trump and Kim
where are you getting this bullshit from? they're not fighting the battle of kursk every 2 weeks. the war is mostly small unit infantry fights supported by a couple of armored vehicles (doesnt make much difference how old or new they are), much more drones and artillery etc
Damn, maybe Putin should do something to stop US from hurting the Ukranians.
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While zelensky is undoubtedly a kike, it was jewtin who invaded ukraine. The truth is that both russia and ukraine are ruled by jews who are hellbent on genociding as many white slavoid males as possible
>Visit Ukraine thread
>Mentally ill Nafo troons posting gore
yep, some things never change.
I agree. But we are not at the point yet. I can imagine this going for 1 or 2 more years until things turn bad inside of Russia and/or within their military.

But the thing is, the west is pretty much unaffected. And here are the factories for Ukraine. Nothing will ever happen to them.
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>that it could be true
and that it even could be true is alarming and something that should be under close public scrutiny and discussion, as we are doing now

>it could similarly be true that there exists the illusion of alignment when in reality there isn’t?

knowing which factions are legitimately opposed or aligned is beyond our public knowledge. but we can examine the outcomes of their alleged conflicts and alliances and see where the fruits lie.

when i see the fruit is a mass depopulation of a particular ethnicity (white people in this case) i assume bad intentions on both sides, a shared bad intention, an alignment.

pic related further explains the incentive for those in power to depopulate what was once a largely homogenous peoples.

there's motive, there's means, and it all smells fishy.
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>How is this war still going on?
A lot of people not directly participating in the war are earning a lot of money from this open conflict that is somewhat close to the western world and is guaranteed to constantly attract interest. It's all a matter of making up more reasons to keep it going.
Russian and Ukrainian lives didn't matter from the start.
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Based. Ukraine allied with the Great Satan therefore giving up its own right to humanity. Kill Hohols. Every last one until they capitulate.
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No, nothing about this is normal.
Sounds really stupid doesn't it?
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But did Putin make a "bad situation" like you said? And why?
Ok, here ya go memefren
What else could it be?
Putin tried that at the beginning. The war would have been over in a month or two, a few thousand Ukrainians would have been killed, and Russia would have gotten the Donbas.

But instead the US got involved, the war has lasted 10 times as long, 100 times as many Ukrainians have been killed, and Russia will still get the Donbas.

The outcome is the same. The difference is the cost the Ukrainians had to pay to get to that outcome. US "help" made the cost much higher.
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why are you still doing TDS? the US president doesn't write up marching orders for the country like Stalin. he's part of a political and institutional establishment that decides he policies that he rubber stamps, which is exactly what he did during his term. all of the political and media theater about him being a Russian asset was fake as shit, in the end he signed off on supplying weapons to Ukraine (which very likely made all the difference in 2022 in the case of ATGMs etc) the same as any GOP or Dem nominee would have, if anything he was probably even more compelled to do so due to the russia bullying. shill.
that is not a gore picture you dumb swiss fagoot troon
But what you’ve highlighted here are again structural incentives and not ideological ones. Tyrants and those who subvert democracies seek multi-ethnicity for these reasons but quasi-monarchs like Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping obviously wouldn’t have the same incentives because the system is not even democratic and thus arent subverted democracies.
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Hey member how a russian jet got shot down today? I member
And immeidately after that Glavset deployed their white noise spam, kek
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You retards believe this shit?
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hello kikejeet, welcome,and remember,you are here forever
why are you talking like this ?
they have elections, russians voted for putin. is that process fake but real in the west for... reasons? even a tyrant fears a peoples unity and would desire a means to divide the people against themselves.

there are only tyrants, there is only subversion. some tyrants are better at larping as legitimate democracies then others. are they opposed or aligned or figureheads for a third-party not nationally bound? difficult to ascertain. the means and the motives for international cooperation between allegedly oppose factions is certainly there, the results of many conflicts would seem to suggest the outcomes have been favorable to such theoretical cabals. it would be unreasonable to dismiss the idea that a disturbing amount of behind closed doors cooperation from internationalists is going on ideologically aligned against the interests of the common man
some germans still haven't learned it.
hope you get bombed, enjoy dying with your face in the mud.
Remember the ghost of kiev? Kek
It doesn’t matter if they’re fake or real. The point is that it’s not democratic by nature either way, which means it’s impossible for the process to be controlled by institutions. There’s no logical reason to imagine their head of state is in reality a puppet of institutions or money interests. He has way more power than they do, and we already have examples of him destroying such institutions and interests to put them in their place. The only way what you’re saying makes sense is if the the elections are totally fake and he is a puppet, but then you can’t explain the aforementioned events. Besides, even if he if his appointed by money interests, whose? Gazprom? Don’t you think Gazprom has interests that conflict with those of Shell and BP? They are competitors. You see where I’m going with this?
He promted chat gpt... and asked for a condescending tone lmao
Some Germans still haven't learned it.
hope you get occupied, enjoy sucking Vlads dick.
shut up nigger
It's ongoing because zelensky is a jew willing to take money in exchange for 'his peoples' lives. This is what happens when the people succumb to propaganda and don't question why things are happening.
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the most obvious example of collusion between two allegedly opposed factions would be the republicans and democrat parties in the us. many now call them both the uniparty and they are right to do so.

but what if this went beyond the united states? what if seemingly opposed nations were in factuality not actually as opposed as they wish to seem.

>but putin has so much power nobody could buy him
allegedly, at least it seems that way or is being made to seem that way. but look at biden, he's not really in power, he's literally senile. i can't assume russia is any better, why would i assume their guy is real but only our guys are figureheads.

there is no reason to assume anything is the way it has been presented as being unless i can verify personally, and i can't. trust has expired, uncertainty is all that can reasonably remain and from that comes justified paranoia
Slavs are avoiding the conflict while jews shoot eachother
>I agree. But we are not at the point yet. I can imagine this going for 1 or 2 more years until things turn bad inside of Russia and/or within their military.
why? this isnt ww1 where the population is starving and conscripts are being sent to the front without rifles. no serious analyst is expecting some sort of internal revolt that will force the russian leadership to abandon a war that's being fought in a different country
>But the thing is, the west is pretty much unaffected. And here are the factories for Ukraine. Nothing will ever happen to them.
there are factories but they need to significantly ramp up production and make more factories (which apparently takes a long time) to meet the demands of the UAF in terms of basic stuff like artillery shells and air defense missiles. this is all very basic assessment i'm repeating from normie western sources. profit driven western arms manufacturers don't have an incentive to do so (vs manufacturing smaller amounts of very expensive stuff) and can't compete with a state run war industry
fippy bippy
you shut up and go suck federer's ass after he shits
Fpbp. Hitler would have been proud
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>muh black sea fleet

Ukraine "tickled" the russian Black Sea fleet so much so that russians had to withdraw the fleet from Sevastopol (supposedly that navy base was the reason for Crimea invasion) and now from Novorossijsk into some unfinished port in Abkhazia.

September 14, 2024
"Russian navy withdraws ships from the port of Novorossiysk, the Navy's second most important base in the Black Sea... It was to Novorossiysk that the Black Sea Fleet ships were redeployed from Sevastopol after the Ukrainian strikes at the end of 2023. Russia's actions may indicate that Moscow considers the issue of lifting restrictions on the use of Western missiles to strike targets in Russia to be resolved.

Details. The withdrawal of ships from the Novorossiysk port was recorded by a satellite image taken on Saturday at 11:37 local time.

It is not known where exactly the ships were taken. But since 2023, Russia has been building a naval base in Abkhazia, and since the beginning of 2024, as Bellingcat reported, the work has accelerated."

Ok but why is Putin not helping those poor Ukranians? US is hurting them!
why do you project your fantasy onto me
Russia isn't even remotely close to the combined output of western countries. It's a tiny fracture even compared to single Nato countries. As soon as their USSR storages are exhausted it's going massively downhill for this country. The only reason they have such gigantic storages is, because they have accumulated their equipment over 70 years.
> two more years
oh nooo will this mean my tax number will change?
keep believing war propaganda faggot
many in the east of ukraine begged putin to do so for years until he finally allegedly tried to help. lets not forget ukraine was in a civil war with the east looking to succeed and adopt a more pro-russian position then the west. probably because they speak russian in the east and are largely ethnically russian. all convenient details left out of the mainstream narrative. anyways the help they got was no help at all and now their homes are destroyed and they can probably never live there again
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all of the ukranian war footage the nafo discord trannies post here is fake, why is it always just one single dude who cant stand up? the entire russian and ukranian "war" is just fought by one guy at a time in a completely empty field? these hohols snatch their people off the street, the ones who are problematic they drag out to a field break their legs and blow them up for trannies to beat off to, its pretty weird
>worse than ww1

Not even close
>How is this war still going on?
kikes aren't satisfied, they'll not be until the last white european is dead
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>many in the east of ukraine begged putin

"many" should've moved to their dear native russia, they got special programs there for resettlement of compatriots in russia - a whole free hectare of Siberian tundra as a bonus if you want.
reddit the post
Spoken like a true redditor
Fuck off back to r/history nigger
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>Their choice to decide
>If you decide over their heads
Is it them deciding or their commissar deciding and propaganda minister swindling them into not tearing their government down?

If people knew ANYTHING about how this war has been fought so far and what will happen to them none of this war would have been fought at all, "the people" get no choice if it's actually just years of propaganda designed by literal CIA agents tricking them.
>if you kill your ennemies, they win
be less obivous thirdie
>if you don't want to join nato you have to leave your home, ukraines us appointed jewish president insists on it.
yeah they're likely not too convinced by that reasoning.

look, don't make me defend russia, i hate doing it.
Anyone have the video of the British guy getting shot in the head after his whole squad gets wiped out?
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>Russia isn't even remotely close to the combined output of western countries. It's a tiny fracture even compared to single Nato countries.
Combined output of what, cars and consumer electronics? or weapons? what are you even talking about. which NATO country manufactures even a fraction of the shells, missiles, tanks, or drones ? before this war, why would they even have to? All the vehicles and ammo they could spare got sent over in the 1st year. the only country that even comes close is the US and that's only for specific weapons systems, and they obviously have other commitments as well
you'll be in the trenches in either Israel or Europe soon enough, Pedro.
>Combined output of what, cars and consumer electronics? or weapons?
all of that except for friendly fire assrape. Russia is #1 at producing that!
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Because Russians refuse to stop. They are willing to fight as long as it takes to give Putin what he wants no matter what. They are cultural fascists, sheep. The only solution is their complete liquidation as a population.
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Total mobilization
Russia only produces a select few things in notable quantities, mostly artillery shells and land vehicles. Even then, they spend so much artillery ammunition due to their total lack of accuracy that they now rely on the North Koreans to keep fielding as much arty as they do. They also get most of their drones and missiles from the Chinese and the Iranians at this point.

Russia is not a major economy, relatively speaking. The actual economic threat is China, not Russia.
>Fat chance, not even 100k people have died so far
On the Ukrainian side there’s a fat chance that in excess of half a million have died so far
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>ukraines us appointed jewish president

oh, look at your mental gymnastics...

"The Kremlin considers Volodymyr Zelensky's victory in the Ukrainian presidential election obvious, Russian presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov told reporters on Tuesday, April 30, 2019.

"We have said from the very beginning that we respect the choice of the Ukrainian people and Zelensky's victory is obvious, because the numbers speak for themselves,"


>if you don't want to join nato

no one was or is joining NATO, there would have to be a referendum in Ukraine AND NATO member countries' unanimous acceptance of the new state. All that was at least a decade or two away.

So, save it with the russian propaganda "ma NAFO"

>don't make me defend russia, i hate doing it

you sure seem pretty eager to justify its actions at every opportunity.
US started the war.
As an example. KMW one western tank producer, produced 3500 heavy tanks from 1979-2022. 100 tanks within the last 2 years. This is just one company and one vehicle type of this company. Now take the entire west.
Hi Kevin
1994 at least
False. Anyone who says such a thing should be executed. Yes, that includes (You). Siding with Russia should be an automatic death sentence.
Canada is going to start the next world war. I just know it.
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>US started the war.

by making russians invade Crimea?
Unironically this
Death to them all
Fucking cucks
Russia hasn't produced as much. And it's even in full war production right now, meaning their economy is going to suffer at some point.
none of what you said makes any sense. the CNN screencap i posted says they make 3x more than everyone else combined which is consistent with the many news articles complaining about it. They get some drones from Iran but make their own cruise and ballistic missiles which has the biggest bottleneck so they're used more sparingly. On the other hand Ukraine complains about lack of anti air missiles to protect against Russian strikes, because there's no incentive for peacetime Western arms manufacturers to overproduce shitloads of SAMs no one is gonna sign a contract to buy. And UA is fighting RU not china. some western think tank do consider Russia to be a sideshow compared to the final boss in the Pacific , no doubt because there's a lot more money to be made making navy ships and f35s than artillery shells

The CIA color revolution back in the day was the trigger.
it's all so tiresome
t.ukie in the states
All because some aids infested shithole couldn't use honey and opted for the stick. Had no desire to improve the living standards of their people or anyone associated with them. Russians should be some of the wealthiest people on the planet but instead they opt to be an absolute soulless miserable shithole and they'll drag you down with them.
All the wealth is in the hands of a handful of kike oligarchs.
Yk what else is tiresome? The right wing people you've supported sucking Russian aids infested men raping dicks.
Telling you your nation and people aren't real? After saying shit like no more brother wars for years.
They don't say the same about Norwegians when it comes to Danes/Swedes claiming Norways.
Or the Portuguese and Spanish. Fuck even balkans don't get their identity questioned.
The worst hands down has to be the right wingers that cry about their taxes wanting more tax money sent to Israel.
why are you quoting me a bunch of ivans like i give a fuck what they say? wasn't i just accusing them of being in on it and saying these seemingly opposed national factions are in fact united by international interests against the common man? yes i've been very clear on that across many posts so why would russians saying these things matter at all to me and my perspective? i dont think you understand me at all

>no one was or is joining nato
well russia didn't fucking believe you on that, allegedly

>Munich/Koblenz, 25. May 2023 – The Federal Office for Bundeswehr Equipment, Information Technology, and In-Service Support (BAAINBw) has awarded Krauss-Maffei Wegmann (KMW) a contract for the production of 18 new type LEOPARD 2 A8 battle tanks. The contract was signed by both parties in Koblenz. Delivery of the systems is scheduled to begin in 2025. The new LEOPARD 2 A8s will replace the German tank force’s vehicles, which were recently handed over to Ukraine as part of military support operations.
>article from 2023
and as i said before this isnt a tank war. once artillery and FPVs zero in on a $10 million modern MBT its pretty much fucked as an old BMP. the crew not necessarily of course
>3500 heavy tanks from 1979-2022

That's 81 tanks per year

>100 tanks within the last 2 years.

That's 50 tanks per year.

It's a 39% reduction in production amounts. What's your point?
Russia is never getting the high arctic back. We'll see to it every American dies for us before that happens.
Even the women and girls?
There is no stalemate, the Russians are advancing in key areas now.
your blood on the snow or your poo in the loo. make your choice
you didn't think it suspicious that usa and friends only send just enough aid to ukraine to stay in the fight. if they had sent it all at once they might have a chance but they never do, its been trickled down to them very slowly. drip drip drip just enough weaponry to keep the gears of the meatgrinder well oiled. they would give ukraine more if they wanted them to win quickly, they don't.

likewise russia, one must wonder, why they have not committed to ending the war decisively and likewise trickle weapons in.

both sides are quite happy with the situation it seems. i would say suspiciously so
>That means option 3.
I think so too. They know without another World War our economy will tank, and they will lose their power. Only a war can possibly maintain their power.
I'd say this is similar to the Spanish Civil War, major powers testing weapons and tactics, preparing for the big show that is to come.
I fully except to see WWIII in the next 5 years... maybe even by the new year, who knows.
>if you decide over their heads
Like the decision to ship weapons to them? Our weapons, our will, our command.
Are you retarded? It doesn't matter how much tanks are ordered from the Bundeswehr. It's a private company and it sells vehicles to buyers. I said this before. KMWs output of Leopard 2 tanks was about 220 tanks last year alone. It means that Russia produces less than this one company. I'm not even going into French, Swedish, Belgian and Dutch producers here.

You also have to consider that artillery pieces got produced and raraely any (in total one) got destroyed or damaged yet.
That last time you were this cute you got run over by Nazis and the Soviets.
sure they are, i've heard that before, everyday from both sides for years
>ukraine is winning, party in crimea this summer
>russia is advancing and will sweep kiev by fall

no, its going to grind on like it is now with the lines on the map hardly shifting at all for a few more years and a few hundred thousand more lives at least. by design
>don't get their identity questioned.
Because those nations have existed for thousands of years. Ukraine has never existed as a independent state EVER. Even after "independence" you were a Russian rump state that had some Ukrainians wanted to go west. In a state where 100% are genetically identical to Russians, who 100% speak Russian, who practice orthodox Christianity. You're a fucking retard led people who should've stayed in a circumstance similar to Belarus instead, you and your state will literally vanish Because the men died and the women will never return. Good job! Ukraine existed for 30 years before deciding its entire history could be removed and replaced with kike globo homo. Get the fuck out of my country
while that story in particular was exaggerated, there was plenty of actual combat happening in the skies over Kyiv - fuck the zigger spelling it's not for then to choose.



one of those covers the air battles over Kyiv.
Why didn't Ukraine use this spelling in the entirety of its 30 year existence? Why only in 2022?
Neither, I'll keep shitting in the urinals in every restaurant in Buffalo NY.
US campaign in EU was just a distraction. Russia destroyed 80% of German troops.
Neither the Russians nor the Ukrainians will agree on a peace deal. Putin will be humiliated if he gets nothing and Zelensky will be humiliated if he gives anything
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>gore gore gore gore gore gore gore gore gore gore gore gore gore gore gore gore gore gore gore
Trying bit too hard here lil' bro. Reason of tremor?
Lol Ukros showing single soldiers getting killed meanwhile Russia using fab 3000 on fortified Ukro position liquifying their insides in a 300m diameter..
>For example, KMW arms company has already noted that the current maximum capacity of new tanks production is about 50 vehicles per year, or about 4 per month; and modernization of old tanks to the modern version is going at a rate of 60-70 per year, 5-6 per month.
once again, not that tanks matter that much. the thousands of tanks the Bundeswhr produced with their larger production capacity was during the cold war when they were theoretically supposed to go up against the soviet tanks in a war that would probably go nuclear anyway. now they get easily and cheaply destroyed by all sorts of weapon systems and are reduced to individual units hanging back to do indirect fire unless they run into an enemy tank by accident. even if they handed over all the operational tanks they have to Ukraine tomorrow (~300 or so on top of the 18 they already sent) it wouldn't make a difference
Kek Battle for Kiev. Russia just left as a sign of good faith when negotiating in april 2022 in Turkey. Immediately backstabbed by Ukro US puppet.
Let's see them demographically recover after lol
Good riddance
looks like they got bogged down and were too low on supplies to do anything with it anyway by the end of march, other than forcing the UAF to pull some of its forces back from the main offensive in the Donbas
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Meanwhile, across, on the Russian side...
Ukrainians and russians are the same fucking people. You freaks make it seem as though Ukrainians are fighting an alien force. Fuck off with your dramatic bullshit
>If they are willing to fight
Tell that to all the boys who tried to flee the country then were shoved in a van and sent to the front lines.

They don't decide shit about their country. You don't decide shit about Germany hahahahahaha. Dumb dumb dumb.
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Ethnicity is made up horseshit. Political institutions are what matter. Ukraine is better than Russia because it has a better government, period. By extension, every Russian that wants the Ukrainian government destroyed so Ukrainians have to bow to Putin must die. Every, single, one, man woman or child.
>"the people" get no choice if it's actually just years of propaganda designed by literal CIA agents tricking them.
The Jews and their allies believe that if they fool you or indirectly inform you that what they're doing will harm you and/or is a complete lie and you still follow, they have no blame. This is their chutzpah that we always speak of.
Germs and brits were (pretty much) the same people, too, yet ww1, then 2 happened. Guess what's similar there, too: kikes pitching one side against the other for profit.
And, btw, you could substitute Allies for Ukrainian, German for Russian and WW1 for whatever you call this one, and it would look just the same: filthy mudpits one side, comfy well crafted the other side
Inb4 germs still lost: ngh this time, unless (((russia))) chooses to not win (politically).

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