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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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How are you holding up?
Praying for your safety
We hate Hezbollah and are rooting for the kikes.
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They’ll all too busy trying not to get bombed LOL
Even they aren’t fighting for their country. You too muzzoid
You're just a traitorous retard that enjoys getting raped by French cock
no we don't
Ignore him. He’s some retarded Hindu shill
If Arabs aren’t pissed that Hezbollah built their HQ under an apartment complex then I’ll never take any wailing or crying about civilian deaths from them ever again.
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hindus are truly the worst
440 Hezbollah domed (righteously). Israel has only lost a fraction of that.
I mean, how embarrassing. If India was getting invaded I would’ve fought for it. Indians wouldn’t have died so… pathetically either. We would’ve implanted TMD
>I’ll never take any wailing or crying about civilian deaths from them ever again.
You never did in the first place. Nobody gives a shit what you or your country thinks. It's a given that you will support Israel until it kills the last Levantine in the region.
Hezbollah completely ruined the country and the pager attacks were glorious. Seethe all you want but major change is coming.
You are repeating Israeli propaganda to me like I wouldn't know better as a Lebanese citizen. Try it on some clueless Americans who watch Kike News Network or Channel Kike next time.

And you are the Queen of England as well? You language is antisemitic as well. I know refugees in America from Lebanon. In real life, not on an anonymous website.

إن الناس في لبنان يتحدثون العربية، والجزء الناطق باللغة الإنجليزية من الإنترنت مملوك في الغالب لوسائل الإعلام الصهيونية، وهو مليء بالعملاء الصهاينة مثل الأشخاص الذين يتقاضون أجورًا للرد على منشوراتك. يتمتع المجاهدون في لبنان بدعم شعبي وتفخر الأمهات بأبنائهن الشهداء في حزب الله. إن حزب الله عبارة عن تحالف متعدد الأديان بين المسلمين والمسيحيين. يتعين عليهم ترجمة هذا، ومجرد رؤية النص العربي يجعلهم متوترين.
didn't ask
notice how it's always an American flag claiming to be Lebanese that shills for Israel yet you never see a Lebanese flag say the same
You're afraid and rightfully so. It's only going to get worse for your kind.
You sound so gay lmao. Zoomers are such sensitive fags.
Ignore him. He’s literally Hindu.
get out of my fucking homeland you sand nigger
Americans think having a Lebanese great-grandparent makes them Lebanese as well
My kind? I thought you were Lebanese?

what a faggot. youre so pathetic that you feel the need to larp like you're originally from a third world literally who country
It's going to be wild watching watching your deaths from fox news live.
Fuck off scammer you're brazilian not from Lebanon we all know it you unsavory brown faggot.
The only logical opinion, hezbocuck shills will mald
And what about Hezbollah propaganda? How you guys are killing millions of Israelis and somehow invading kiryat shmona? I mean come on. You’re a bunch of shit skin goat fuckers who think way too highly of yourselves. Your only “talent” is ruining countries with your shariah law and overall ugliness. Seriously you guys are butt fucking ugly and retarded due to being inbred. Even in India mudslimes are a cancer
Kes ekhtak bent sharmouta lesh baddeh kazeb eno ana lebnene ayre fik shou bahle lek el3ama ma fi aghba menak bejad

btw both leb ids are me in this thread
It's going to be wild that I dont give a shit
Now you're just playing dumb and it is amusing to me. Listen to how you disparage Lebanon out of impotent rage at your plight.
>shia mad
I hope you enjoy being a human shield for shitzbollah
my sharia law? what sharia law you braindead nigger? the one kike fearmongerers keep selling you? hezbollah doesn't enforce sharia law you retard.

dont argue politics with me about what's happening my country please it's just a full-on display of arrogance. you didn't know what "a lebanon" was 1 year ago
Fake news
hezbollah never called me a goyim. i hope hezbollah destroys israel and frees palestinians once and for all. free free palestine! free free palestine! when i say free u say palestine!! FREE!!!!!
invasion status?
It's their own fault for not getting the fuck out of Dodge while the going was good
The call you a kaffir.
> i hope
Have you ever gotten anything you've hoped for in life honey?
proceed nicely, arleady have a safe command outpost in south lebanon, kd is at 440 to shitzbollah to 9 idf
Doesn’t sound like Hezbollah enforces anything, it seems like a lawless society over there to me. It’s like if America was run by bloods and crips
Lebanon was a shithole, Lebanon is a shithole and Lebanon will be a shithole.
My condolences for being born there. If you support Hezbollah, then I pray to Allah you will become a Shahid and get your 72 virgins as soon as possible
Samefag scammer
>I'm in a wartorn blacked out country being shelled and in massive firefights
>I put a Brazilian to Lebanese translator on in google
Sure you got time to shitpost and proxyfag on 4chan fuck off you son of satan.
Rape is just sex she didn’t get paid for.
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> When you talk about Es'

> Talk about us

> Talk about eener neener nos

> Talk about us

> Talk about LE

> Talk about Bananan anon
The Holy Spirit are protecting Hezbollah. Jews are of the devil.
that's not Hezbollah's job. Hezbollah's military branch rarely gets involved in internal affairs.

how's chicago and San Francisco tho since lebanon is so lawless (you dont know what you're talking about)
>The Holy Spirit are protecting Hezbollah
Not very well lmfao!
believe whatever you like dumbass i dont gain anything from larping as lebanese
Hezbollah is aligned with Sinaloa who lied about fent production and the kikes are of the devil for sure, but you both are of the same cloth made of sharmuta ya ebn eqqlab
neither of you are lebanese

why are shills so pissed at a lebanese person talking when that was literally what OP wanted?
Lots of Jew and Hindu shills on this thread desu
You sound like Kamala Harris desu.
damn that's crazy
why were you pretending to be lebanese?
americans all have guns and still let their government bend them over and fuck them without lube, don't waste your time arguing with the fat pieces of shit, may war come to them one day, heil hitler and good luck
Hezbollah literally dragged your whole country into war firing rockets at Israel for a year, that sounds like interfering with internal affairs to me
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I KNOW!!! i miss when /pol/ had barely any. fucking hate this place now. its become a second Anti Defamation League.
because there are a massive amount of fake posters since the war kicked off. on the nights of iran bombing israel the amount of shills was the highest i've seen on this board since inception.
easy rule of thumb is if a post supports or is in favour of israel it's a bot or a middle aged zog-american
you jews vote for kalama harris you kike fuck. all jews vote democrat!
Coming from a pissraeli it's rich. Every fucking thing you built since you started colonizing is just ugly soulless commie blocks just like where you come from in Ukraine, Romania, Hungary, Poland etc... But the worst is the vermin living in it, disgusting families breeding like rats and living off endless gibs
I just wanted to know why rape is a crime when all it does is inconvenience women for a few minutes.
no those are literally foreign affairs dummy
hezbollah defended the poor people of gaza who are getting raped by american bombs you gutless faggot

go suck another kike dick useless cunt
to be fair after october 7th was worse imo. god damn do kikes. (((THE SAME ONES THAT PROMOTE BLM AND ANTIFA AND TRANS GENITAL MUTILATION))) really think they're on
/pol/'s side???
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>you guys are butt fucking ugly

Look in the mirror Shitesh, you are literally the ugliest nationality on God's earth. Even your own women hate you, kek.
Remind me: who did the kikes let into Toledo to enslave the Visigoths? You people still think there's a dichotomy between the kikes and the slimes? Maybe I have a few ocean front properties in Chicago to sell you for very cheap if you believe they are doing this for any other reason than for charities to extract all the world's wealth in the name of "rescue". It's all bullshit. The lesbian economy is a scam. The kike one is too. All ponzis. Die in a fire all of you.
maybe you jews shouldn't be fucking everyones lives up. you kikes always say the reason why the goyim hate jews is because of "muh jealousy" but the thing is people hate jews because of your jewish behavior.
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Trying to change your style of speech doesn't change your rhetoric/filenames/namefagging and proxyspamming
Nice try thou scammer.
jewish projection
i have literally no idea what you're talking about schizo retard
oh the irony, rajeet.

he's most likely a hindu curry nigger doing damage control for pissrael.
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We brazillians support our lebanese brothers in their struggle for self-determination.

Lebanese waifus are cute
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When did they go into Gaza?
Yes but out of the country
Families are safe for the moment, but some lost their homes
We know you do, you hate everyone in this world, including your own, shlomo ben satan
lebanon has no niggers or hindus, it doesnt troon out children either
yes, total shitjeet and jew removal
To make you angry and it worked.
I counter your prayer with prayers for more flames for sandnigger kids
This is why I can’t deal with sand niggers, everything is circular logic with them
“We didn’t want war, but we kind of did, because we’re defending our honor, because you bombed us 10 years ago, blah blah blah”
Just fucking admit you went looking for a fight, goddamn at least the Islamic warriors of the past gave no excuse to come invading with scimitars other than we’re here to fuck you up, because fuck you.
Put Christiana back in charge of Lebanon
im not angry tho
i can tell it's a bunch of pajeets and kikes yelling at me
i can tell i ruined some sort of JIDF operation here
im glad
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what does Pakistan have to do with this?
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Mudhammad was buttfucked to death
only if you count vpn never trust /pol/ to tell you truth on anything
t. Outsourced

>sarrrr plz do the needful and r3deem shekels
lebanon has a confessional system and christians hold the same amount of internal political power and influence that they did a decade ago
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Better than burning alive like a muslim child is most likely to die from
Yawn. A few thousand dead muslims here and there isn't enough. There are 2 billion of these and we need atleast 100 million culled to have any tangible impact
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based cedar tree anon
you will be victorious with comfy beach mountain dabkee food celebration soon
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Bombing a muslim kid prevents 10 future terrorists from being born, it's simple maths
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hopefully this ends without kikes stealing any of our land
I'm making tabouli at the moment
how are things there now? what is the news saying? any videos of dead jews?
diasporoid, or jew?

They should allow chemical warfare against them . Call it "pest control"
pakistan are the same race as india. they aren't arabic.

amerimutt is dumb and doesn't get it.
Slides the thread immediately upon impact of revealing his true identity, this faggots some walmart wagie been spamming and scamming you retards for a decade.
He gets doxxed he goes to prison, IE he's scared and sliding the fuck out of the thread.
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Lebanon *was* actually kind of nice
I wonder if there are anyone translators that can actually output Arabic chatspeak? well I suppose it's probably possible in the current day with AI
Stay safe خيي
Don't all levantines say "3anjad"? I'm pretty sure "bejad" is Egyptian.
Israel just bombed an Islamic Health Authority center which is similar to the Red Cross but vaguely adjacent to Hezbollah because they accept injured soliders and so forth.

Israel is making extremely poor progress on the border but they can bomb whatever they like in the country with full impunity and zero repercussions so civilians lives are under threat regardless.

Not sure if Hezbollah has published any military videos showing dead Israeli soldiers yet. I just want this to end without Israel stealing any land frankly.
It's a jew/shill
still no idea what you're saying
feels like you're having an aneurysm
jew. no Lebanese posters here are rooting for pissrael.

look a fucking curry nigger coming to the defense of his rat ally in typical hindu fashion. holy shit this place is beyond destroyed by JIDF and its ADL bullshit. BTW there is no such thing as islamic terror in the middle east. It is merely jewish behavior causing Lebanese and Hamas to attack you out of self defense.
He's brazilian and lives in the midwest united states.
Works at walmart.
Shalom rabbi, forget the vpn?
We also need to cull the bharatis, at least 99.9%. Think of all the land that's going to remain after that. Clean it up, build some nice houses. Life's good. How do we start a nuclear war between the Pakis and the Bhorats?
>Praying for your safety

all the good lebanon people left to israel
dont worry about the schizo hindus my lesbian bro
you too friend
>Don't all levantines say "3anjad"?
I use "3anjad" and "bejad" basically interchangeably. I'm from Jnoub so your mileage may vary with other Lebanese people
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>falling for the samefaggot namefag/tripfag scammer/spammer who goes around squeezing the life out of every board until there's nobody left.
Sounds more like OP is a fucking kike, who again works at Walmart.
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>samefaggot schizo who's terminally on 4chan begging for money and attention
Yeah I'm so sure he's on the border of Israel fighting against the IDF.
Make sure to UPDOOT this thread and thanks for the based donation guys!
That's literally not possible unless you want to become a traitor in the eyes of the state. If you're talking about the SLA then those are certainly not good people. Regardless of your political opinions, they are traitors who helped Israelis massacre their fellow countrymen.
so do you like Jews or Israel?
or is it just that you have it out for this one poster that you dislike?

curious to know your angle in case if see you around again
>has posted here since 2019 demanding everyone pay him
>claims he hates kikes
>never once posted anything proving he's even in the middleeast
>didn't realize I've been tracking his posting and found out he's the dipshit walmart "breakroom" anon
bro you're so retarded
you think every lebanese flag ever is fake?
Why would I like kikes?
I'm pointing out that OP is literally one, if not a pureblood kike demon than one in spirit.
He's never posted his face but he has revealed he uses walmart as his personal VPN, you can use their WIFI to get around 4chans vpn block, he's responsible for most of the bullshit on not on /pol/ but killed /biz/ by begging and scamming so much everyone aware left knowing the well was poisoned.
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I know it's you faggot I'm the linguistics anon, I smell your kike shit from a mile away.
I ran this faggot off 4chan enough that he is hardly able to scam now, now he dropped the namefagging and tried typing different, but he reverts to his normal style when he becomes upset.
He spams/slides any thread not going his way.
He also mass reports real threads.
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Kek Lebanon may not have asked for money buy he constantly begs for bitcoin
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>kd is at 440 to shitzbollah to 9 idf

lol, lmao
Look I don't know you and I'd appreciate if you didn't start accusing every Lebanese flag of being a scammer or whatever. I don't care if some kike is pretending to be Lebanese and asking for money. I never asked for any money and I never planned to ask for money. OP asked for a Lebanese person's opinion and I'm just giving him mine. Stop being an asshole.
He’s a schizo of some variety, just ignore him
nobody wants to live with kikes you fucking newfag.
Sorry you poisoned the well faggot, nobody from fucking Lebanon is posting on /pol/
fuck off.
Oh hey real quick all Lebanese posters ITT go post a timestamped picture of your outside.

you got 5 minutes, otherwise you're a fucking spamming scammer.
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yeah so that Israel bombs where I live with a suicide drone or a gliding missile or some shit
its a pajeet shill
what's your religion
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I pray for Lebanese people but hope for Hizbullah to be removed.
just when you think "i've seen it all" but u forget that there is Jeets...
Fuck me, im not full "gas the kikes". acrtually if we hold them on the short chain, and force them to talk, there could be stable middle east, but what i am FULLY SAPPORTING is nuking Indian Subcontinent...
You cant fucking make this shit up.
Thankfully, your opinions mean nothing.
Israel deliberately targets and murders civilians. They consider the entire population of Lebanon enemy combatants and terrorists. It’s policy, they do it to terrorize them and teach them a lesson as a deterrent. The excuse about “the terrorists hid their arsenal in a hospital” is a lie they’ve been telling since at least 1967.

Also jew lovers aren’t welcome here. More likely though you’re just a stupid jew
I am preying their safety
This 100 times over. Done supporting whiners
The holocaust never happened. You can’t kill millions of jews with diesel exhaust and bug spray
Why don't civilians evacuate?
Hezb got an army of internet warriors staying online. The reality is that most of the country is sick of them
We (here) don't support the kikes. Sorry Lebanon bros. I'm well aware we could be in your shoes some day.

t. have like five Lebanese coworkers, mostly Christian. One is like a mother to me and gives me bananas when I'm hungry. God bless her.
Persians and jeets are not the same
Yeah, I can't imagine them having widespread support when they're causing problems for no potential gain.
Ok kike faggot
time to reinstate the lebanese forces
We hate Israel as much as we hate them. But they've been bringing only pain and suffering and instability to this country. Harassing, blackmailing, and beating or killing anyone that doesn't agree with them and always using the same arguments that they "must be spies or agents" if they don't comply.

It's tiresome. Most people that are educated are leaving the country because of that and it's killing the economy, which is mostly based on tourism (I kid you not). Yet, every summer, they start a spat with Israel. I'd rather have a peaceful border, a no-man's land. Doesn't mean I'll go kiss Israeli, they can go fuck themselves, but I want to live in my country in peace and do business and not live in instability all the time for another nation's bidding (Syrian and Iran). I don't want to be a vassal state within Iran's empire, which is Hezbollah's goal.

Even now, because of them, people are scrambling to find the last few flights available at the national airlines, which have the balls to still fly in this situation. I'll also be leave soon because of that, unfortunately. This is a vicious cycle, and then only extremists are left in the country. Especially the christian population is taking the drain of the hit, which has the biggest share of people leaving.
I'm hoping for a full blown regional war. TKD. TMD.
>instability to this country.
lol if they didn't exist, Lebanon would be part of Israel right now
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who will win?

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