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Previous: >>483872805

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, bots and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD*
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Israeli response to Iran expected soon
>Significant Israeli casualties in clashes with Hezbollah
>New Hezbollah leader targeted in massive Beirut strikes
>Israel strikes near Russian airbase and weapons depot in Syria
>Israeli soldiers have been killed and dozens injured in a Hezbollah ambush







>Guide to the Palestinian genocide by israel
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
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▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 12 (final episode)
>Are military checkpoints in the West Bank suitable targets for carrying out Resistance operations?

Twitter link

Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre btwn IDF & palestinians civilians
>1948 Nabka
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It really do be like that.
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The extend of Israel's gains is hiding in an artillery blindspot they found between Adaisseh and Misgiv Am
After 5 days, and numerous entire platoons bodied.
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>assign new Hezbollah leader
>he has a shorter lifespan than a cockroach
cry me 10000 gay rivers
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Aftermath of a successful operation by brave Hezbollah resistance fighters who valiantly disarmed the Zionist invaders by entrapping the Zionist bombs and bullets with their internal organs. A massive, unsustainable materiel defeat for Israel, the ordnance used to slaughter these Muslim men like dogs probably cost 10 times as much as Hezbollah spent to recruit and equip them! The kikes can't win this war of attrition!
what is it gonna be boys
oil or nuclear facilities
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never post here again
Lebo still hasn't fulfilled his promise of posting the picture of his small brown penis
Did Jews try to bomb Iran yet? I’m ready for victim mode shills.
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Anyone remember this?
I realize that you are midwits. But the comic makes no sense. Unless the woman is an Israeli.
jews are traitors
How a Jewish Manhattan Project scientist quietly helped the Soviets get the bomb

Israeli pleads guilty to shipping US-made avionics to Russia, violating sanctions

The Jewish Designers of North Korea’s Hydrogen Bomb

Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

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didn't read
No foreskin
Trump never got shoe’ed
yeah, how could Israel turning into another ISIS caliphate, except with nukes, EVER pose any threat to people living in the west???
the woman represents a typical bourgeoise White leftard
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This is a sign Hezbollah is winning.
>didn't read
>too long
>trying hard
>not short tik tok material
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At the very minimum, his legacy is destroyed
3 days before your birthday
jews suck
allah bless hamas
allah bless hezbollah
allah bless houthis
allah bless the ayatollahs
That’s from tommy Robinson no? Aka British turbo glowie.
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Speak of the Jew there he is
>5 oct 2024
>getting closer
>come closer
>they still don't get it
> this is not even about you
>yeah, how could Israel turning into another ISIS caliphate, except with nukes, EVER pose any threat to people living in the west???
No mossad, no isis. Also samson is real.
>the woman represents a typical bourgeoise White leftard
I understand that. But all the people who are dangerous for the West come as refugees. And all the justifications for refugees are actions by Israel.
Netanyahu is shit talking Frances PM rn
it was a previous statement my bad
are you euphoric sister?
muslims rock, simple as
>kikes can't drive
This literally keeps happening
kek it wasn't even hezbollah
retard just tipped his own vehicle over

america curse vehicle
That’s one way to get out of war lol
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Video evidence of the success Iranian strike on the Mossad base in Tel Aviv
Reminds me of all the American soldiers who die in helicopter crashes. Or all the NATO officers who have been dying while hiking for a few years now.
Off with the memeflag kike, your post is stale by this point.
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yeah thats a good point
militaries can and will disguise embarrassing deaths as "accidents"
dont watch الخرابية bro
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What did this chicken wrong?
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how the fuck do you flip a humve
All chickens are gentiles, hence violence against them is justified
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Why aren't the brown jews showing racial solidarity with the brown arabs?
They are both the same race.
Both race mixed with their nigger slaves, to make themselves dumb and brown.
The white looking khazar kikes didn't have any nigger slaves to breed with, so they turned out smarter than the brown jews.
That means the brown jews should side with the arabs.
chicken is khizbullah
girl shakes her own foot instead of touching an israeli

based kek

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>The Japanese media say that the Japanese government is very afraid that if Israel targets Iran's oil sources, the price of oil will rise and they will suffer a lot.

>Southeast Asia badly needs oil from the Middle East
HAHAHAHAHAHA. I wish that was a meme but those are accurate subtitles.
Beat me bro. Probably a chink kike?
It's the same as the kikes always say that they do their atrocities on the moral behalf of the West. The chickens and goyims are going to hell for the actions of the kikes.
So is Israel withholding casualty numbers or did Hezbollah only kill nine soldiers since the start of ground operations? There were eight on the first day, one on the second day and nothing since then apart from two killed by the Iraqis.
driving like an idiot on very hilly terrain might do it
Faytuks on Twitter (lol I know) is saying the Israeli attack on Iran is imminent
god i hope kikes go all in, we don't have enough hatred for jews in our current generation
>BRICS games
As if we would ever get accurate reports of ongoing battles. We won't know more until Israel withdraws or occupies the south of Lebanon.
we need to pump the anti-semitism numbers up
uh yes, israel participated in the brics games, as a simple google search will show you
would you like to embarrass yourself further or what
Start irl activism niggers. If i was American i would be Handsome Truth 2.
Trita Parsi thinks so too
How soon do you think? Like in hours?
Maybe one of the retarded kikes on here can explain.
>Israeli attack on Iran is imminent
One can only hope so. Iran's faggot libtard president's position is getting weaker and weaker the more Israel escalates.
My gut tells me… 2 more hours
Nuclear. Oil is too risky ironically
isn't Trita Parsi a straight up IRGC agent?
>(NIAC is Iranian influence op in America)
It's based on ITV report:

>British channel (ITV News) says that an Israeli retaliatory strike against Iran is imminent

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dumb ass faggot shill, even the jew wikipedia article states that Israel sent 4 athletes: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2024_BRICS_Games

you shills are so stupid it hurts
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faggots like these sicken me

"ah, our ally, the true jews"
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I don’t, a friend sent that pic. He watches alshitbiya to rage bait himself.
Based accelerationist
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Hamas and ISIS are literally the same people. they rescued a Yezidi girl who was taken by Palestinians as a child sex slave just last week, and spent her whole life from 11 to 21 being continually raped by elderly Muslim men. he went right from ISIS into Hamas.
Soon well find out if S-400 actually works
That would be funny if Israel loses a bunch of jets and also gets ass-raped into oblivion by the Iranian response at the same time.
Sigh, we should be so lucky. Iran promised us no restraint.
Did your pastor tell you that in your cult church? Name one isis attack in israel.
They wont do shit. Iran will bomb them into submission.
Either that or they’ll bomb Syria and say it was full of Iranians.
>Iranian media: On the trigger.. All missile bases and drone air force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guard are on alert with the readiness of the axis of resistance in all countries of the region

Promising drones too, maybe.
it works and it doesn't...any AD system can be defeated
but i think israel is so desperate/angry/stupid right now they might do it anyway
bring it on
give us the happening of our life time...
doesnt matter, macron is freeing himself from demonkind while he still has the chance to do so. we are about to see big reemmigration from france back to africa for his browns.
bit quiet. like, hello, i do believe there's a war going on.
No one is buying this you retarded nigger faggot
No AD is 100%. We’ll see how many f35 wreckages there are though.
high center of gravity
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>Fearing an imminent Israeli attack on Iran, ships of the Iranian Navy and the Revolutionary Guards Fleet abandoned the port of Bandar Abbas

Other way around. a botched up strike on nuclear facilities will cause radioactive damage and would be far worse. It's why the Americans ordered them not to do it.
one of the very first lies they said about oct 7 was that hamas was carrying ISIS flags, kek
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They defeat that by making them super wide. It's just bad driving
>exclusive: 20 million dollars worth of David's sling projectiles doing absolutely sweet fuck all and then self-terminating out of embarrassment.
When shills are gone, that’s when something is up. Probably getting their forced meme bots ready.
And was disproven in a heart beat. These retards really think the goyim are stupid
Never forget the four thousand beheaded babies.
god i hope all the proxies wipe out the american bases in iraq and syria. shit would be awesome.
Probably packing up to head to the bunker
We literally saw a Jew try to tell us a calendar was a terrorist op.
shiet thats some SNIFF-O-TRONIC3000 ova de
you'd think at least one or two would intercept. it felt like the interceptors were getting out of the way.
He is just doing the usual lip service. When shit hits the fan, watch how the french navy will help the kikes.
>super wide
only works on flat roads like iraqi sandstone deserts and american runways. on rocky and uneven terrain you just need decent suspension design (like the lada 4x4, not the best, but just good enough suspension)
Iranian missiles have the dodge roll ability.
>wipe out the american bases
You can be sure that all attacks on americans come from the mossad before they have officially entered the conflict.
It’s the narrative shift, when Jews run to Europe for shelters.
>not all Jews
>it was all king Jew
>we never supported genocide.
>When shit hits the fan, watch how the french navy will help the kikes.
Why? all his investments there are gone. There is literally no reason for helping israel anymore. He's not even christian so the "christian zionist" angle doesnt work.
in the case of syria i believe that but in iraq there are like 6 gorillion militias and each and every one will either do or not do something.
Macron is a turbofaggot propped up by the Rothschilds.
>نتنياهو هدد بضرب إيران وتوجه إلى مقر الكرياه حيث يجري مشاورات أمنية

Translation: After threatening Iran Netanyahu has headed to his cuck bunker
yeah there's no reason to
also remember irish troops refusing IOF orders recently
jews are losing allies everywhere
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The french navy already participated in trying to intercept iranian missiles the first time Iran bombed the kikes.
I've driven the h1 in hard terrain. Never felt it unstable to be honest. Only way I see them flipping one is doing stupid shit or going super fast on really uneven terrain
>Macron is a turbofaggot propped up by the Rothschilds.
i will wait and see if he actually sends a navy. but my bet is on him doing nothing.
The Irish have been pretty critical to the Jews for a while now.
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I used to love corrupt French sonuvabitches, they would at least defend la France sometimes....
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Hezbollah drone infiltration
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you cant make this shit up
And they all have backers. However, only the Mossad wants more American presence.
>IRGC Navy Commander Brigadier General Alireza Tangsiri: We are ready for all possibilities and we stand firmly against anyone who wants to harm our security and play with fire.

Will they counter immediately or no?
checked and kekd
irish troops refusing to move on IOF orders is a huge escalation though
Watch some of Villepin latest speeches, that guy is based as fuck.
>That would be funny if Israel loses a bunch of jets and also gets ass-raped into oblivion by the Iranian response at the same time.
yeah but let's not count our chickens before they hatch. air power is where the West is strongest. Rather than gear up for a retaliation, the retaliation from Iran should begin instantly. No need for more speeches or pronouncements. Enough talk.
Not really, they are maintaining their UNIFIL mandate. Unlike all the nato cucks.
0-4: they don’t
5-9: they do
dubs: they take down all oil in the entire region
I think if they intercept their attack successfully they'll probably prolong the inevitable until the ziomutts get bored of waiting and let their guard down. But if Israel does any damage the number of stars in the sky will double tonight.
at this point iran needs to know that israel is not going to agree to any ceasefires or peace deals... this isn't a "country" you can negotiate with in good faith. they understand one thing: force
when is israel responding? i've heard soon.
>Israel Broadcasting Corporation: The government has decided to launch a strong and major attack on Iran.
im happpooooning!!!
if Iran had balls (they dont) they'd fire off 2k ballistics before the IDF jets can come home
Or intentionally getting injured so you can go home
that was in april and ofc he pledged his support then. but now all the rafale factories are gone. it would make no sense at all to defend israel. as i said, time will tell but im betting 500 iraqi dinars hes not gonna do anything.

Ive only driven the iraqi nissan patrol while i was in the army.
nice link, no link
Like I said, they are prepping for the shift from “Jews are our best ally” to “people hate Jews for no reason at all, give them your home and money”
Iranian government still hasnt accepted that war is inevitable.

Literally yesterday Irani president was talking about how he wants to avoid war.
yeah im sure that shift will go over well
I've only driven the old patrols. I own a couple of land Cruisers and a prado. Good cars. I drove the h1 in the army.
Something’s definitely up. There’s usually at least one Jew shilling here. So much for the pajeet theory.
the iran president sucks but he's not the one in control, thankfully
Check and pretty accurate
Tone deaf clueless elites you say?
>literally every university is shutting down for Oct 7. Hmmm

“We targeted a gathering of enemy soldiers at the Jal al-Deir site with a rocket salvo.”
Wasted..... Tkd
If the president isn't on board there won't be any damn war. Iran has too many internal divisions for IRGC to act unilaterally.
>land cruisers
70 series?
I'm assuming this Hezbollah tunnel the IDF is gloating about is probably just an abandoned foxhole that they dug overlooking Misgiv Am or whatever before the war. Or even something on the Israeli side of the border. It took them 5 days just to jump the fence to the other side so I highly doubt they've actually cleared any operational tunnels. And if Gaza is any indicator they'll just collapse tunnel entrances since the tunnels are probably all booby traps in and of themselves.
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Israelis disregard for the worlds disgust of what its doing and the damage its doing to its economy makes me think they are prepared to take heavy damages for their overall goal of a greater Israel.
Where did the jew tranny go? Gotta be in the bunker
if that's true they wouldn't have launched the missiles on oct 1
im wondering what the golani is made of. the israelis seem to gloat about the golani brigade like its a magic card up their sleeve but idk.
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>Biden: I still haven't talked to Netanyahu about Iran's attack

>The Reuters news agency wrote: Israeli officials told their American counterparts that their response to Iran's attack would be "calculated". According to this report: Israel has not yet presented the final list of possible destinations to America.

>US President Joe Biden also claimed: I have not yet spoken to the Prime Minister of Israel about Iran's attack.

lol it's not happening tonight
hes dilating. wait 15-30 min and it will come back
They're made to eat Iraqi drones in their sleep.
The smiley face is Hizbullah way of saying good job fucktards, alll you found was this.
they don't have a choice
they can't just go "ok let's all have peace now"
it would lead to palestine statehood and the destruction of israel
Only attacked military facilities and didn't cause serious damage.
I'm sure it's full of copies of Mein Kampf though.
100,200 and a 150(thisnone being a prado). Been thinking of buying the new one but I'm not convincing.
>lol it's not happening tonight
depends on how many percs bibi is on
>inb4 he overdoses on anti-semitic pharmaceuticals
golani brigade got their asses GAPED by Hamaschads, hezb will stretch them EVEN WIDER
ok dude you can go be black pilled somewhere else
Why do people still pretend the us government actually decides anything in public or tell anything remotely true to the press?
Heres a picture of what happens after Israel attacks Iran then Iran hits back.
looks like 2 of them bit off more than they could chew
You are probably right. A low value out look point.
yup exactly.
thats what i got from it too kek
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Bibi said he is going to bring shani lock with cloning , now it won't be shani exactly but a clone , but the beauty of it you could mass produce shanis, imagine 6 million of shanis clones dancing on a kibbutz on mars.

hamas btfo
nigga i've watched 100k+ Palis slaughtered and the rest of the world do nothing as it happens. hard to not be blackpilled
the comfy version
fuck that hoe and her ugly dreadlocks
2 plus 24 others injured to an unspecified extent. Although I bet after waking up to an explosion to find their comrades painted all over the inside of their barracks has more or less rendered all 24 of them out of commission.
Well.... according to the iof. one brigade is 500 men. looks like the golani is getting constant replacements.
It's a kikejeet
don't bother with it.
Yeah, vx
jews are traitors

How a Jewish Manhattan Project scientist quietly helped the Soviets get the bomb

Israeli pleads guilty to shipping US-made avionics to Russia, violating sanctions

The Jewish Designers of North Korea’s Hydrogen Bomb

Report: Israel Passes U.S. Military Technology to China

neither tard
there isnt any other solution. we cant live with jews in this planet.. either we die or they die
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you need to teach her to stay away from merkavas next time
that's how you know kikes just fabricate news on the go with bullshit they find in a backyard
shani was a good girl, independent spirit and love of travel, her friends and relatives repeat how she brought smiles and light wherever she went.
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if they succeed in thwarting the attack: no
if they get hit seriously: yet immediately
Christians are Fag-Golem subversives

Get shot by a Syrian.
well. israel will be sent to the shadow realm anyway. every military analyst and ex-cia agents are all saying almost the same thing.
yeah yeah, they say that about every girl who dies, even when they're total bitches
they would love nothing more than a crushing defeat to force the americans to invade
Be extra precise with the missiles. Hit only military areas. Keep hitting the military leaders areas associated with conscripting/drafting.
I recommend mostly ignoring the conscripts.

The Israel-cultist leaders that are associated with causing conscription are the vitals.

The Palestinians can give exact information. The Palestinians are aware of where the elite are.
Odds that the burgers will throw them in front of the bus at the last second and then dismiss any blackmail material mossad releases in its dying breath as deepfakes?
I'm a toyota man, nissan has really lacked the last few decades. The frontier isn't bad tho. Even tho I have a Nissan pick up. I really need to stop buying cars.
you should be careful what you say, Bibi might send a shani clone after you.
i agree. they should prove they are better than the monsters of israel. just cripple them militarily. force them to stop their multi-front insane war
>I really need to stop buying cars.
i keep saying this every yea, but every year i have even MORE
They’re literally telling hurricane disasters victims to pray for Jews.
Then they and every MKultra'd mutt zogbot deserves everything they're about to get.
they voted for this
Kek, I've sold off a few. But I will probably sell of the rest. Just keep 3
no they didn't
Wait this is new, link? I only heard that faggot talking about muh poor kikes
>500 Iraqi dinars
Kek. It was the same with Germany, they said they weren't gonna send anything and some chinese spies caught them sending weapons to the kikes. Time will tell.
Evangelicals sure did bro
you have to admit, haydak le 3am ya3mel ai slop hijabi girls mega autistic...
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Haha, satellite imagery over Israeli bases was deliberately obscured by Amerifat satellites to hide how much they got owned by Iranian missile kek
has there been proof of life from gallant yet?
both parties are pretty much in lockstep on israel. the dems less so but the biden admin. hasn't really flinched in their support of israel.
Well. i have right now 3 wagons. BMW E30, Volvo 960 and a Mercedes S124. I think i'll keep the mercedes and sell the rest desu.

i want one wagon, but i do want it to be something that i can rely on. Not a drift machine. And recent wagons are a technological nighmare so im sticking to the basics.
muh digital clouds appearing over the 2 bases that were hit, none of the other ones
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Good advice.
>even though we’ll be carpetbomb by shills
> #urgent | A 4.4-magnitude earthquake shook the ground near Aradan, Semnan, at a depth of 12 km

>According to the users, this earthquake was also felt in some areas of Tehran.
> @Hezbollah_com
That would be consistent with the underground test of a megaton scale nuke.
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Initial report earthquake in Iran

> Initial report earthquake in Iran


You can't be this retarded
Who cares?
Go with a land cruiser if out of budget get a Prado. Pretty good cars and comfortable.
tremors bibi, for one
if you live Örebro i will buy you a kebabtallrik if im wrong. However, thats after new years once my vacation here is finished.
the dems show like 1% sympathy for palestinians and that's enough for jews to accuse them of being anti-semites who want israel destroyed kek

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Don’t think so but here you go.
4.6 is minor as fuck, and iran is used to earthquakes. they're on a fault line.
nothing burger
>mega autistic...
inta ta3rof hadha 4chan sah? kek

Ana kunt fi Karbala btw, kanet halwa bsaraha. Saleyt fi masjid Imam Hussain Alaihy Alsalam.
Something big coming in North Gaza apparently. Maybe finally will troop surge and annex, hospitals will be out of fuel again in 24 hours and no more resources are permitted to enter.
oh well, next time
yes, thankfully, hes the turboretard behind the lebanon invasion so im glad hes still alive instead of being replaced with someone smarter.
The standard of their infantry is so low that even their best special forces are nowhere close to even a regular Hezbollah.
I know bro, but it's the retarded evangelicals. I really wish them no harm. But they've been brained washed by money hungry faggots (pastors). I hope they get the help they need and get rid of all those faggots in power.
sure thing, mossad
>That would be consistent with the underground test of a megaton scale nuke.
>underground nuking
are iranians really this ballsy?
keep in mind that the troops he's stuck with are jewish conscripts
the good news is young evangelicals aren't falling for it nearly as much, and the old ones are dying out
anyway, he's meeting with CENTCOM goons so America does the deed and kikes takes credit for it
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hezbosisters... they have annihilated us... they run around south Lebanon freely.... over a million exiled... we are facing TPD
i already have 60 series kek. but needs frame repair.
What video is this?
What will be the name of the war in Iran general?
bruh.... you still dont believe me
Oh, yeah I've seen this one
Wishful thinking probably. 12km is stupidly deep. Plus they would have skipped all practical tests and skipped straight ahead to a massive thermonuclear device.
it's all /chip/ mate
iran is just another player in the story of palestine
a large portion (majority?) of nuclear tests have been underground
Comfy happening in persia or /chip/
well he has killed off all the good ones. so they have to use their conscript pool
New Iranian Gulf Geopolitical and Economic Resistance - /NIGGER/
Iran is part of Greater Palestine
Well ofcourse, thats how insurgencies are. Entering in is easy, going out however..... thats the hard part.
>Plus they would have skipped all practical tests and skipped straight ahead to a massive thermonuclear device.
everyone with nukes except the americans, soviets and south africans skipped the raw fissioj models. both the physics and the engineering are well known these days
We have to resurrect the gpg and throw this ukrainian war bullshit acronyms to the trash guys
Have we ever branched out
That's a good old car, if you want something more comfortable get a 100. I think you can find one at a good price
these acronyms are SOVL
Uh checked and tkd
like, if you want to make a gun today you don't start off making sure you can make a nice blunderbuss, even if it shares a lot of principles
Checked and true
the problem is engine + trans. I am very specific with the 100. I want a 4.2 turbodiesel with manual. i havent found one yet.
plus who's to say iran hasn't been testing shit forever
wouldn't be surprised if they already have nukes
russia is their ally, they probably helped
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This appears to be about baseline for seismic activity in the region.
If Iran did a nuclear test you'd probably see something like 2.x magnitude at a depth of 1-2km. Although 2.x earthquakes generally aren't noteworthy.
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>Arab report: Iran raised the alert in the country to the highest level

> Organizations in Jordan instructed the workers to prepare for an immediate missile attack by Israel on Iran
digits dont lie
thus the statement must be true

shahatto video qadeem 3ala youtube yatbahn feehe darba nuke mn israel 3ala al yaman... tab3an they get away with it
yeah it's a nothing burger
but a man can dream
yeah i have no idea if this was a nuclear test - probably not, if they did a dry run they'd want to do it publicly

but the basic idea of detonating a fusion weapon underground is entirely plausible from a practical perspective
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pic related is IDF special forces
If all eyes weren’t on Iran, 4.6 wouldn’t even make the news.
is this when they used the Jericho missile?
>A 4.6 magnitude earthquake hit Iran a short while ago.
congratulations on your successful test
>the only instance when Arab IQ matches Jewish IQ
you niggers love moving goalposts, yesterday you were saying the IDF didnt get an inch into lebanon and up the most retarded takes on over 6 gorillion dead IDF
idk tobh
>What will be the name of the war in Iran general?
>it's all /chip/ mate
>Comfy happening in persia or /chip/
Comfy Happenings in the Middle East or /chime/
their method of "stamping out" ISIS was to recruit as many ISIS members directly into Hamas as possible, apparently.
>her favorite pastimes included dancing on Palestinian graves, getting high on the frontlines of a warzone and having abortions
Truly a massive loss
thats a good one desu
Yeah they'd probably announce their first nuclear test right as the seismograph started going crazy because they would want Israel to know for sure.
if 200 meters is all you got to gloat about, that's pretty sad, tranny
Chime is nice. We need a new Persian waifu too
>aborting jewish babies
well, there is at least something redeeming about her
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Shills are back.
Jew news is prepped.
See you on the other side.
>MUH 200 meters.
this is todays taaqiya cope, tommrow you will cope about 1km, and i wonder what will you cope about when i go fishing in the litani
jews would love that
they hate whenever people say "palestine"

limatha al 3iraqiyat shlikat? dayman yotla3le bts whores wa general whores with "ab8a oreed zib man maltoh kebeera mithil jesme jesme a7la" and then they religious highlights
she was a degenerate synthetic-drug-addict, electronic music loving, electronic music festival going, promiscuous neo-hippie...Hamas made Israel stronger in those instances
>Comfy Happenings in the Middle East or /chime/
I like this one.
>they hate whenever people say "palestine"
ahh then /chip/ it shall stay. Anything to make the Zionists unhappy.
BREAD >>483890808
so is israel

what's interesting is that you can follow the trajectory of earthquakes
meaning, the energy bellow that's causing eartquake to appear on the surce travels through the liquid layer below the crust, and it's like massive waves just going from one point to the next

if an earthquek has hit iran, it could be headed towards israel

perhaps we could see a major eartquake happen in israel soon
the americans (barring another dei success story...) still have their sensors from the cold war, so they'll certainly know if anyone does any below-ground testing - those shockwaves travel far and have been throughly studied

and if washington knows, you can be sure that tel aviv was notified at the same time
>limatha al 3iraqiyat shlikat?
those are kurdish iraqi and baghdadi girls thinking the west is superior. They dye their hair, try to only speak english, etc everywhere they go and exclusively date foreign men. This has been ongoing for 20 years kek.

but go to south iraq and you will find your trad women who sometimes watch tiktok but dont really interact with the internet overall.
>trad women who sometimes watch tiktok
Kek, those are the specs of the one I have. But started getting automatics now.
>But started getting automatics now
the only autos i like are DCT's. The rest are just slushboxes.
But troon, you are still in the buffer zone
well that or they get beaten
Land Cruisers have really good automatic trans now. I off road mine
ill look into it then. been wanting to get a 79 series for a while. If i do that ill sell my 60 and s124.
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wake up honey, time for your daily 12am naqba
Jebliya getting nuked, many dead hamas rats, very kino :)
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and now the tanks are rolling in :) i wonder who we got this time
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hezbollah is basically the joke of the middle east at this point
free free palestine

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