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Previous: >>483889790

▶Day: 955 — Daily battlefield assessment: http://isw.pub/UkraineConflictUpdatesISW

>Z-blogger "Thirteenth" was detained in Novopavlovsk
>Eternal flight for russian S-70 Okhotnik UAV (friendly fire & only 4 - I mean 3 ever existed lmao)
>ZNPP employee killed in car bomb attack that Ukrainian military intelligence said punished a war criminal
>Belarus sentenced 12 people to prison terms of up to 25 years on terrorism charges over the 2023 sabotage of a russian military plane that was claimed by pro-Ukraine activists
>Ukrainian investigators found almost $6m in cash during a raid of the home of a state official suspected of helping men dodge mobilisation
>Turkey ratifies a free trade agreement with Ukraine
>Oil depot caught fire in Perm Krai
>Oil depot caught fire in Anninsky district of Voronezh region as result of fall of drone debris, - governor.
>Russian proxies in occupied Kherson Oblast announce forced conscription of Ukrainians.
>The newly appointed NATO Secretary General Mark Rutte visits Kyiv
>Ukrainian missile forces destroyed russian "Nebo-M" radar using ATACMS
>At night, SBU drones attacked the military airfield "Borisoglebsk" in the Voronezh region
>Putin stopped population census until 2029
>Putin's decree to recapture all of Kursk Oblast by Oct 1 failed
>The AFU have fully withdrawn from Vuhledar and russia has occupied it
>Ukrainian General Prosecutor's office: russian troops have executed 16 Ukrainian POWs at Pokrovsk direction
>The russia is planning to draft 133k troops between October and January, according to a decree signed by Putin
>The russia to raise defence budget by 25% to highest level on record


http://odin.tradoc.army.mil/WEG (equipment explorer)
http://ukr.warspotting.net (visually confirmed losses)

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I provided all relevant links here. >>483869908

The specific article the image comes from is here...


The article's headline is "In Ukraine, the IQ level was determined by region based on the results of the External Examination".

The "external examination" is the "ZNO". Which is described here in this wikipedia article.


The subjects of the ZNO test are in pic-related. The IQ scores were somewhat explained in this article. https://akarlin.com/geography-of-ukraine-iq/

From what I can tell, the IQ scores are based on a presumed Ukrainian average IQ of 94. They took the average ZNO scores of each region, then modeled what the IQ score of each region would be based on how well they scored on the ZNO test. Basically, if they score 10% higher on the ZNO, they have a 10% higher IQ. They adjusted these IQ scores until they matched per-capita population data to give a mean IQ of 94.

The problem is that the ZNO test is not an IQ test. Half of its questions are about the Ukrainian language, Ukrainian literature, Ukrainian history, and Western European languages. If you took the test as an American, you would do poorly, regardless of how high your IQ is. If half of the test had instead been about the Russian language, Russian literature, Russian history, and maybe Turkic languages, then the Russian-speaking areas of Ukraine would score higher. And had the test been Hungarian, the Hungarian areas would have scored higher, etc.

Regardless, it's the equivalent of ranking average global IQ's on a country's knowledge of American literature and American history then bragging about how much smarter Americans are than everyone else.

It's retarded. Which is why it gets spammed here constantly. You guys love retardation as long as you agree with it.
Total hohol death
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Slava Rossii
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Follow your comrade pidor
hey redrocketz. haven't seen you post for awhile - I figured you went down to that lake you talked about and got some fishing time in. btw you ever give your sister a squeeze?
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Russia is so shit even UAV wanted to defect
>Z-blogger "Thirteenth" was detained in Novopavlovsk
Was only a matter of time. That makes how many high-profile Z-retards incarcerated for not toeing the Kremlin line now? 4 or 5? The rest died.
Ukrainians know two or even three languages, many great scientists are from Ukraine. Shut up dogfucker, disgusting retard.
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Did you count prigozhin? At least he killed some pidor scum before dying
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Nightly reminder that Ukraine will cede land in exchange for peace.
Somewhat. From September.
Ah ok, I didn't have it saved in my "it happened again" folder so was wondering
guess he didn't read the terms of his contract. no pay for his next of kin now. lol!
There are some many ziggers killing themselves it's hard to keep track.
Is there literally anything going to happen until the election
No greater sign that someone doesn't belong here.
That means now his son or father will go to die for a lada. Very smart
so he's least spiteful zigger. nice
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Why isn't da gee dee pee beating Russia???
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>Well feel free to lore dump something that comes to mind
Gotta be more specific than that.
>But if not when and why did ziggers become such delusional tards ?
Pretty much the first week, after it became clear Kyiv wouldn't fall and it became clear that Russia's decapitation strike failed miserably (especially with all the dead Russians and destroyed armor which broke the whole "russia stronk" image they used to have). Then they became mega copers over a great "battle of Donbas" after Russia pulled out of the north and its just gotten worse every say since. That's when they got more schizo with shit like biolabs and the propaganda became more obnoxiously retarded.
>And why did ruzzians start commiting so many warcrimes?
They did that shit from the start (especially against civilians when they gunned down anyone they saw in the first few days) but the POW executions have only become more widespread this year.
>And finaly what were the first weeks of the SVO like here ?
First week or 2 was totally off the walls, constant shit happening, bombings, towns/cities falling, Russian columns being vaporized. Things that happen now in months would happen in days. Back then I was glued to /uhg/ just trying to figure out wtf was going on. Things cooled down a fair bit after Russia pulled out of Kyiv/the north.
Overnight was pretty much the guy that originally did what anarchoflag does now. Jannies fucking hated him for no reason for simply dumping webms/news and constantly banned him so he finally had to stop. That and ziggers would try to impersonate him, so then he tried tripfagging but then it just made it easier for jannies to ban him.
Dont come east
(post reverberates in echoing gigachad voice)
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Fresh man-made horror just dropped


>Mhh, crispy ziggeroids
>coping about losing mariupol
We annihilated your big bad azov there. Your lore is pure cope
Then Ukraine was de-Nazified and everyone can go home. Super special objective achieved.
>>coping about losing mariupol
Where did reference Mariupol, a city that didn't even fall until months into the war?
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>Ukraine will cede land
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Sorry but the West is already trying to cook up a deal.
That deal would mean Russia failed at the one thing they wanted to stop
Russia wants to stop America from turning its border into a military base and from forcing the ethnic Russian regions of crimea and Donbass to be part of Ukraine. How would this not be a win for Russia?
yeah, we'll cede kursk probably. sadly.
because russia will inevitably collapse just like ussr did.
Sounds like nato will now literally have a border with monke.
Seethe about it vatnic.
Well that's just a given. There was never any question about that.
>expands NATO border exponentially
>restarts MIC of the entire EU
>entire generation of russian youth dead and crippled
>How would this not be a win for Russia?
ukraine looks a lot closer to collapsing than russia does right now
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Two more weeks!
Russia already borders NATO, but if you're suggesting that Ukraine will ever join NATO then lol no. Russia will never allow that.
canada looks a lot closer to collapsing than ukraine does right now, and they are not even at war
>Sounds like nato will now literally have a border with monke.
They do, it's called Finland. This jeet >>483915776 has the memory of a goldfish.
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There are, on average, 34,000 visually confirmed zigger kills per year.
>500k dead or crippled Russians
>Europe completely independent from Russia
>Donbas depopulated, razed, and mined
>soviet stockpiles depleted
>NATO still right at their front door
Yeah sounds like an absolute win for Putin
>twitter screenshot says so!
>I figured you went down to that lake you talked about and got some fishing time in.
The lake is Eufaula. It is a man-made lake built back in the 60's. My grandfather bought a lot there not long after it was finished(near Snug Harbor). It was back when my mother was still a kid(she was born in 1956). Anyway, my uncle called me last night because when my grandfather died, my mother became the executor of his estate. She transferred the property jointly in her name and my uncle Ricky(I have three uncles btw). My uncle Ricky was on disability after a stroke and he lived on the property, but he had a heart attack and died back in 2020, and my uncle Ralph, who goes there a lot, owns an adjacent lot, and wants me to help him transfer both lots into a family trust. Which he needs me for because I'm the executor of my mother's estate after she died so my name is jointly on the property.

He has been paying the property taxes(only like $30 a year) since 2020. I was debating if I should try to leverage him to put in the trust that I can place a trailer on the property. It already has a septic system and is like half a mile from the lake. I haven't been there since 2016 though.

I have a canoe(around 80 pounds). I figured I could get like a small trolling motor with a marine battery made of lifepo4 lithium batteries, then go wandering around the lake. And since I wouldn't be going far, I could load all of this even on a small car, or possibly pull it on a trailer using even something like an electric bicycle. Then I could just go fishing from the canoe and eat fish like every day. Plus go swimming and stuff.

What do you think?
retarded zigger doesn't know andrew lol
are you the latest glavset employee, newfag?
>Ukrainians know two or even three languages, many great scientists are from Ukraine. Shut up dogfucker, disgusting retard.
I never disparaged Ukrainians, retard. I said that modeling IQ's by region based on a knowledge test about the Ukrainian language, Ukrainian literature, and Ukrainian history, would be like modeling global IQ's on knowledge of the NFL or Anime or some shit.
>wants to stop America from turning its border into a military base
Then you should have done literally anything other than trying to conquer your neighbors again.

>forcing the ethnic Russian regions of crimea and Donbass to be part of Ukraine.
Reminder that those "Russian speakers" (There are no "ethnic russians") were moved in by the Soviets to break Ukrainian ethnic unity and have zero historical claim.

They are literally just traitorous carpet-baggers who think they get to take their land with them when they emigrate.
>pajeet reading comprehension
That's the guy that geolocates and catalogs visually confirmed losses on both sides, retard.
>and from forcing the ethnic Russian regions of crimea and Donbass to be part of Ukraine.
Are you trolling? Russia already gave up on acquiring Crimea in 1997 with the Russian Ukrainian Friendship Treaty. They agreed, in writing, that Crimea was Ukraine. But I guess such things are of little value to monketards.
>I have a canoe(around 80 pounds). I figured I could get like a small trolling motor with a marine battery made of lifepo4 lithium batteries, then go wandering around the lake.
Just learn to paddle bro, it's cheaper, quieter, and it'll give you exercise in the fresh air.
Finland gave up their long-standing neutrality to become an American puppet. That's not good for Finland.
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Yes, but Finland is tiny with no good ways into Russia.
Or into Finland for that matter.
I'd argue Ukraine is a tad different.
>not picre
That would mean Ukraines full nato membership and possibly into the EU as well.
So I'd say utter monke failure.
Why don't you show us your real flag, Ranjesh?
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I'm back after mogging faggots on Deadlock, I see dog fucker is doing a long shift today KEKAROO
>lifepo4 lithium batteries
Please for the love of god do not unless you know what you are doing. Running lipos in series is a quick way to start a fire. If you insist on going motor, invest in a marine motor. There is a lot more torque required for water than what a lipo will generate continuously.

t. running 6s in series on long range drones
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How many times has he lied since I left? Is the nigger still trying to pretend that glownigger putin didn't set a deadline for Oct to recapture Kursk?
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zizters, current cope level? KEKAROOO
"Ukraine" didn't even really exist as recently as a few hundred years ago. And Crimea didn't become part of the Ukrainian SSR until 1954.

The people in these regions have a right to self determination. If they want to rejoin Russia then they should be allowed to do so.
Russia was weak in 1997 and there's reason to think that Yeltsin was an American puppet. Putin would never sign such a treaty.
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Why are chinks so bad at making shit?
>Zogniggerdon wants to give kikes free reign to do whatever they want
Is this news?
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Awwww is the russnigger cope about how Trump will save them gone? GRIM, now why can't chinks make anything? They're fucking useless
>Putin would never sign such a treaty.
He agreed to the Treaty on the Russian-Ukrainian Border in 2004, which essentially followed up on and strengthened the aforementioned treaty. Once again, Putin is slime that can't be trusted.
Nobody serious ever thought that Zognald would be any different to the current US government re:Russia. Notice how US-Russian relations didn't get any better when he was president. The idea that he's a Russian puppet is just Jewish deflection.
Why did he do it
This poster is especially ironic when you see that /chug/niggers post heckin cute nazi girls
He probably wasn't counting on Ukraine selling its soul for a Big Mac. The idea of Ukraine becoming an American colony was as absurd back then as Belarus now. In fact as recently as 2013, Ukrainians agreed that America was the biggest threat to world peace. They were right which is why they're now dying in America's war.
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You do realize that image was first released in 2014 on tumblr, right?
more hard-hitting journalism from tony mastruboni
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Around 6 shaheds in ukie airspace atm, all of them loners all over the place
Are all ukies this degenerate?
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Damn, russniggers can't even chimp out anymore, GRIM
Iran has bigger things to worry about than shipping ziggers components these days
That being said there were 50 shaheds during this night's chimpout, according to this post from 4 hours ago
Russians make their own shaheds in that Ongo-Bong - sorry i mean Ooga-Boog - excuse me i mean Alabuga factory
He's embarrassed ...
Be safe ukibro
Just as soon as you do, glownigger.
dead general
dead country
Sexo Towa
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Don't be so embarassed jeet, it's okay that you are from a third world shithole
>Russia will never allow that.
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Thankfully I don't live in New India (aka Canada)
There's no scenario in which Russia allows Ukraine to join NATO. NATO doesn't accept new members with ongoing territorial disputes. The most likely end to this war is a ceasefire in which Russia continues to de facto but not de jure control its current gains, which would qualify as an ongoing territorial dispute.

And even if the US recognizes Russian sovereignty over these regions, a promise to not bring Ukraine into NATO will undoubtedly be a condition of peace. And if they try to renege on that, Russia will just invade Ukraine again to create a new territorial dispute.
How's india regular though?
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>There was never any question about that.

there was never any question about the "2nd military in the world, and Kiev in two-three days" ... yet here we are 955 days later
Nobody who matters ever said that Kiev would be taken in two or three days.
Who cares about rules lmao, they're already supplied and helped by NATO and many non nato countries like Japan and South Korea
>Russia will just invade Ukraine
Just lol what a fucking retarded poo jet
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>no scenario in which Russia allows Ukraine to join NATO

no one is asking russia and no one will care what russian politicians claim they oppose.

>NATO doesn't accept new members with ongoing territorial disputes.

No, NATO does not have a policy, a clause or an article of not accepting new members with territorial disputes.

the rest is just your baseless and exceptionally retarded opinions... russia will be lucky to come out of this war with a localized civil war and just a few republics braking off
>Russian proxies in occupied Kherson Oblast announce forced conscription of Ukrainians.
How are they this desperate already? I know they're not being sent to the front, but what makes them think their conscripts won't turn on them at the first possible opportunity
Already? They're doing that in donbass for 10 years, all men that didn't left that ruskiy mir shithole are dead.
But using cripples due to high amount of wounded is funny and really shows how desperate pidorusia is for meat.

you mean Lukashenka doesn't matter? you mean the propagandists on russian state TV, including "general" Soloviev-Shapiro doesn't matter?

you mean the generals that sent tank and motorized columns into Ukraine, to Kyiv, with parade uniforms inside knew they'd get kicked out in a few weeks?

your back tracking and denying doesn't change the facts, that had pootin and his clique known what shit show for russia this will turn into, they'd think twice about starting this mess.
I mean they've been kidnapping men from donbass and sending them in meatwaves since the war started. Can't post pictures anymore sadly those fsb jannies banned me lol
This isn't anything new.

>but what makes them think their conscripts won't turn on them at the first possible opportunity
blocking troops


You are seeing it everywhere now.

Here is Wranglestar, a homesteader with 2.5m subs telling his audience that we are sending hundreds of billions to ukraine, but Americans are left without.

>Hurricane Helene Exposes Government Failure: Critical Supply Lessons

Its on everyone's tongue. Ukraine is shit, and their supporters are traitors.

its all coming to an end soon.

the world will go back to pretending ukraine doesnt exist, and all ukraine supporters will be spayed/neutered so as to not infect future generations.
Why he's not bald?
>Erm..... supporting Ukraine is le bad because..... because it just is, OKAY?!
134k views in 2 days, damn he fell off.
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>we are sending hundreds of billions to ukraine

should not have promised "guaranties of sovereignty and territorial integrity" to Ukraine in exchange for their nukes in 1994! now live with it you russian shill fag loser
By the time the war ends, Russia won't be in a position to demand anything of NATO, never mind to invade anyone. The Russian war economy is working by burning through its massive but finite savings and weapons stockpile. At the current rate of roughly a billion dollars a day, they will run out in about a year's time and then their economy completely implodes, which is why Putin is desperately trying to achieve his goals as fast as possible.
Unless the Americans drop Ukraine, Ukraine won't have that problem. My guess is Russia retains control of some of the territory it's captured but the rest of Ukraine is either given special permission to join NATO or else gets a Taiwan-style security guarantee from America. Some security agreement is guaranteed to happen. No shot are they going to be stupid enough to allow Russia to try this again.
it's not even $200B lol
why would Putin ever accept such a deal?
mocking other anons based on their flag while hiding your own is peak shitskin behavior
It's absurd that anyone buys there being a benevolent reason Russia stole the Donbas when they do shit like this.
What is odd to me is that he didn’t mention how those things turn tree cover from an advantage to a major danger. If you dig a trench in a forest, and one of those things lights it on fire? Even if the drone doesn’t get you, the forest fire will cook you, or just kill you with carbon monoxide.
>some evangelikike prepper made a disinfo video that got 100K views. Ukraine is DONE
This is pathetic, even for mearshkike
Honey wake up, new Virgin vs Chad meme dropped
>file name
Kek, well done.
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lmao that filename

Go to bed chang
If they don't shoot the Russians as soon as they're handed a gun, they're traitors anyway.
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oh the fake firefighter hermit guy who reviews chainsaws. yeah he's going to be the one to know state department secrets and have deep insight on the matter...
It's against the Geneva Conventions, but so is so much that Russia does.
Or what? You’ll kill yourself there too?
west knows it lost the war now they are in panic to spin it as a win except putin is not going back off till entirety of ukraine is a buffer zone. zelensky lives in his mcmansions abroad in exile but gov in exile route is admitting failure.
Every day I pray to God for dead Russians. Please God grant me with dead Russians
>Harro, real amerrican from ruisiana
Do they not use punctuation in your native click language?
>retard zhill chud preaching to the choir will surely sway public opinion
If only Biden had sent those HIMARS to North Carolina instead of Ukraine all those lives could've been saved!
Some time ago a shahed flew in my area in the distance, lol
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>dog cartoon vs the personification of death
idk about you guys but I'm having a hard time telling who the good guys are
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Kys NAFO niggers
another tough shift on twitter today, pajeet?
would you like to discuss why supporting ukriane is bad, and only know-nothing twats do it?
lol wierd retard narrative you guys are going with this one. It happens what the gov does after disaster not before, 750 for families while 100 billion of oinkraine and israel is embarassing and downright criminal

public opinion is already swayed.

ukraine wasnt mentioned once in the VP debates.

No one wants to hear about ukraine anymore. no good person wants to hear anything more about ukraine.
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Why would NATO won't start taking notes from Mossad on regards of Putin and his people?
FEMA's budget was already decided and it has nothing to do with aid. the aid isnt solvent assets its old stock that was bought with an already allocated defence budget. FEMA has been mismanaged since katrina. and lastly you're retarded. does that cover it?
What is Sam Hyde doing there?
He just keeps getting away with it
>No one wants to hear about ukraine anymore. no good person wants to hear anything more about ukraine.
if you say it one more time maybe it'll come true. also what did you want them to do, debate the same issues as Trump and Harris?
Why would anyone object to killing the enemies of the west on the cheap? Plus everyone hates China and Russia over here. Which they should.
FEMA is fine. it is just that retards don't understand what it's job is or how it works and bitch every time anything happens because they don't have a magic wand.
FEMAs job is more about getting funding for services and utilities for disaster recovery efforts (help the state pay the national guard, setting up shelters, assisting the power companies, and whatnot). the funding to cover what homeowner's insurance didn't comes later and is a separate thing decided by congress.
fuck, there isn't even any way to know what those damages are at this time. are people supposed to get free money just because it rained on them?
the whole argument is cripplingly retarded.
hey didn't the dems play this same stupid game against trump back when that hurricane hit puerto rico? it was his fault because he gave tax cuts or smth.
>no good person wants to hear anything more about ukraine.
Oh, so even CARING about Russian butchery and viewing it negatively makes you a bad person? lol

Tell your boss that you need to be sent to the front and they need a new shill that speaks proper english.

Do a double-peace sign for the drone when you get there so we can know its you. It will be the only proof of your existence.
Don’t reply to me devenerate
Nice to see goreleaf got banned
fair enough, that was basically just what I took away from what I've heard americans say over the years. also yeah I remember them railing against him pretty hard for that, that was when he threw the toilet paper right? as far as I can tell FEMA's always been a hot button issue and will probably continue to be.
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>Never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for thee.
he really makes you so angry doesn't he?
it's political low hanging fruit. if something bad happens, blame FEMA. none of the substance matters. your average mouth-breather would still get on board because they didn't build a forcefield to stop the hurricane and make it rain golden doubloons.
There is no justice, only what we make by ourselves, that's the ultimate gif of the Creator to his Creation.
Putin and his minions will be fought back until it's done.
>There is no justice
>only what we make by ourselves
I mean... I would say that counts.

Capcha: DVNO I think that was a track by... Justice?
Well, there is certainly serendipity, yes?
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Nothing to see here
Hell get denazified.
Jesus, I'm some kind of retard... I typed that comment, with the capcha part, and then sat here and stared at your post for like, a fucking MINUTE trying to figure out what serendipity you were talking about.

I didn't even notice. I just get that song stuck in my head a lot...

What do you mean? Russia is liberating the smouldering depopulated rubble of Donbass villages to free the Russian speakers who lived there from their homes and from their lack of being raped by Chechens! You can't get much more benevolent than that.
No its a taking back of our lands that the hohols thought they managed to jew us out of by pretending to be friends and making sure the whole world knows you wont fuck with russians in our backyard.
Yes nazis bad, zister
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>No its a taking back of our lands that the hohols thought they managed to jew us out of
Reminder that your country signed treaties recognizing Ukraine's borders.

You may have "decided" that those don't matter anymore, but they are why your people are dying en masse.

>you wont fuck with Russians in our backyard.
Your insistence that sovereign countries are your "backyard" is the reason why when this is all said and done, Russia won't have a HOUSE, let alone a backyard.

You lost your fight with NATO in Feb 2022, and everything else is cope.
What we signed they broke. The country lost its legitimacy by denying the political will of its ethnic russian citizen. You wont pilpul this one. Millions of russians bled for this land and it wont be in the hands of russian haters. The only cope is yours.
>Millions of russians bled for this land and it wont be in the hands of russian haters.
One problem, Ivan: After all you fucking lemmings are done bleeding for the land you want to steal, there's not going to be anybody left to actually defend it.

Also, reminder that "Russian speakers" (there are no "ethnic russians") were moved in by the soviets.
The great thing about the western study of history is that it doesn't fucking CHANGE every decade like you stupid animals do with yours.
That's why we remember all your crimes that you used to admit to.
>One problem, Ivan:

you are part of the reason its dead in here.
What a noble goal, pidor. Certainly worth sacrificing 500K men to gain control over useless empty lands to avenge your wounded honour.
Lmao. 8 million russians in ukraine. You wont softspeak pilpul this one or carry a big stick. We got big teeth and thick skin and we aint listenin.
It is and its not useless. Honor is everything.
>to gain control over useless empty lands

ukie lands arent useless at all.

in fact, the fact ukraine is such rich land, yet ukrainians are so impoverished, is justification alone for them to lose that land.
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Russia protected the Russian speaking citizens of Ukraine by bombing their cities and killing mass swathes of them.
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>Putin stopped population census until 2029
Scared to death the Russian populace will find out and decide they're finally tired of his shit
>Check ID
>Its Ivan
Lol, stay mad, bitch.

8 million, minus however many you've gotten killed by prioritizing them for conscription, then minus again however many have realized that wanting to be Russian was a terrible mistake, which is gonna be most of the rest.

Its so pathetic how you have to pretend like they automatically support you just because they happen to know your guttural language.

>Honor is everything.
You are a nation of honorless dogs who cannot abide by their sworn treaties.

They gave up their nukes for an agreement to NEVER invade for ANY REASON, and you lying sacks of shit couldn't even do that ONE THING THAT YOU SWORD TO DO.

"Honor is everything"... Hurry the fuck up and die.
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No see killing off ethnic Russians and replacing them with niggers straight from Africa is all a 4d chess move to defeat globohomo
>honor is everything
The last time a Russian had any honor the filthy masses killed him and raped his family and put a retarded terrorist named Lenin in charge.
>The country lost its legitimacy by denying the political will of its ethnic russian citizen
You mean the ethnic russians whose homes you're currently shelling and are forcing them to get ground into hamburger on the frontlines? Not even ziggers can make this war make any sense.
>Millions of russians bled for this land and it wont be in the hands of russian haters
In other words you're fighting this war for the sunk cost fallacy.
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You are not a real woman.
You are depressed.
You are weak.
You are ready to give up.
Do it.
This is what ziggers believe is happening in Ukraine
Well they weren't useless or empty before Russia obliterated them for no reason.
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And this is what is going to happen in reality in case of WW3
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on a side note; Deadlock is a sicko game, loving this shit.
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is a meme, unless it's amongst the West, the brics shitskin south are pathetic and literally worthless. chinks can't even get a sub up and running without it sinking kekarooo
>make your enemy look badass and yourself impotent
Why does so much propaganda make this mistake?
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In what world is a zombified skeleton nigger badass?
>the axis powers we have at home:
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We got like 1.25 million venecas in our territory, mostly for the same reasons vatniggers started popping up somewhere else, dipshit commie dictator fucked over their own population so people moved to another place for better opportunities. This doesn't give them any right to take our territory, also they know very well we don't have all this white guilt retardation you are trying to use here so no funny separatist movements.

Also, unlike you we have kept the integrity of our territory for the last 100 years, we didn't have US to bankroll us or ended up losing a fifth out of our population (and let's not mention you got stomped by Germany at WW1 despite being bankrolled by the British Empire), so much for your so parroted super power status, now take a sit at pic related and think what you are going to say next, not that anyone here expect you to feel anything, given your culture of dedovshchina.
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There was little to no conflict in South America during WW1 and WW2 yet we still call those conflicts WW1 and WW2.
You will see war in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. It is possible the conflict could spill into Africa but I doubt it at the moment as Pissrael's Lebanon offensive has proved that offensive operations in 2024 are almost mute.
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The West would mog the shit out of the nigger polar south. Who's gonna stand up to 'em, chinkland? They're even more of a paper tiger than russnigg ers, which are currently bogged in a 3 year war with their shithole neighbour that was post-commie nigger poor coming out of the millenium lmao.
Yeah what kind of country wouldn't want to be personified as a sickly, death spreading ghoul
>The West would mog the shit out of the nigger polar south. Who's gonna stand up to 'em, chinkland? They're even more of a paper tiger than russnigg ers, which are currently bogged in a 3 year war with their shithole neighbour that was post-commie nigger poor coming out of the millenium lmao.
Low reading comprehension leaf, I specifically said they WILL NOT join the fighting, because they stink.
Unless the gooks pay the cartel to do some funny meemees...
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I guess you can see the same image in two different ways.
Where you see a badass grim reaper leaving a wake of destruction, I see a mutilated, hollowed-out husk waving a tattered flag in a pointless, hollow victory over a wasteland. It's actually quite poignant.
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This is a good time to remind everyone who ends up reading this bread that glownigger putin has halted all censur information because he wants to hide how many russniggers he's getting killed in Ukraine KEKAROO
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Anyone who sees that image and sees a badass grim reaper, is categorically retarded.
>we're less than 2 months away from day 1000 of the 3 day special military operation
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Op image makes Russia look badass. Good job retards.
>actually being portrayed as a walking corpse carrying a shitstained tattered rag of a flag makes us look cool, checkmate nazis!
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When is someone gonna shoot this retard
ISW has been reporting on this for a while now, prediciting that the MoD wants fukl control of the information space.
Especially now that another mobilization is imminent they can't have people saying the truth about the war.
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Remember, russnigger shills keep insisting this was all part of the plan KEKAROO

fighting a war to demilitarize ukraine, but instead you demilitarize all of EU NATO is what makes you look badass.

who would want to?

Team Putin has all the talent.
all the smart people
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Keep sending russniggers in on bikes, it makes for kino gore. Can't wait until you're on the front line, do something fun when you're dying so I know it's you, or are you a samovar nigger without legs?
>mearshlomo can't even write a single line post without redditspacing
So fitting for Ziglets to get grifted by this loser lmao. How the fuck do they keep falling for these people?
Anything sounds remotely conspiratorial and they believe it 100%.
This compulsive contrarianism of the chudbrain is fascinating.
What'll you do when NATO invites Ukraine anyways, America moves troops into Ukraine, and then Ukraine invokes Article 5 to America to kick the Russians out of their remaining territory?

the people who have an irrational hatred for Putin/Russia today are mindless automatons who can be made to believe anything.
Slave mentality. We get 2 assassination attempts on Trump in 6 months because the Western culture teaches agency and responsibility. Sure the guys were total idiots but it was our cultural philosophy that enabled them to even consider changing the world all on their own.

In Russia the individual doesn't believe he can change anything so shooting Putin doesn't even cross their minds. This mindset was carefully cultivated by the ruling class there.

Here in the West we jave the luxury of questioning our leaders.
you are max 65iq. You keep hitting “enter” twice when you only need to press it once
>We get 2 assassination attempts on Trump in 6 months because the Western culture teaches agency and responsibility.

We get two attempts on Trump's life because you trannies are propagandized to the tits.

You little shits are a problem that will have to be dealt with at some point.
>you are max 65iq.

do you support ukraine?
Feel free to join the Russian army if you feel that way.

US Citizens homeless through natural crisis: $700 in gov aid.

Corrupt piggies half way across the world: Hundreds of billions in aid.


everyone knows you lesbians are traitors.
ESL writing.

you understood enough of it to get upset.
Tested 165 IQ and yes
>Tested 165 IQ and yes

I have always wondered why ukraine supporters lie so easily.

Its hard to imagine such a shameless existence.
6 North Korean officers got killed in a Ukrainian strike near Donetsk. The North Koreans were in Russian occupied areas as part of "experience trade" between Russia and North Korea. Along with the 6 north koreans, 14 other Russian soldiers got killed too.

ukies (eastern finns) are the crash test dummies for North Korean training programs.

thats embarrassing.

But not as embarrassing as a "european" country under the protection of NATO being used for NORTH KOREAN WEAPONS TESTING!
I think the norks dying makes them the crash test dummies
He's been extra paranoid ever since the ukies fried Dugin's daughter.
There's enough people who hate him already in Russia, it's just a matter of time. Maybe years after the war is over when he let's his guard down. God willing it will happen and it will be glorious.

After the war is over ukraine wont exist, but North Korea will.

The accumulated combat experience of ukies will disperse as the country does. The NK officers will go on to "train" the rest of their men.

I understand you're a lesbian and you only care about your snark parade, but in reality North Korea will be improve itself at NATO's expense.
>He's been extra paranoid ever since the ukies fried Dugin's daughter.

why are you making shit up?
>reddit spacing ESL
You will never make 4chan your home, r/russia refugee
Not only are ukrainians highly similar to finns, but they are also a close match to haitians.


We dont have the money to help our own people, but we have money for Haiti (ukriane).
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Main issue is probably: why bother with a massive undertaking which is assassination attempt. When there's really good chance you are just killing off some body double. The thing is, Russians are very egoistical and do not care about their community, or even country. They prefer to hide, dodge, because that's how you get to survive. Assassination doesn't seem like long life prospects. And lastly, he's an old fart. He should perish naturally, just give him another 10 years.
>15 pbtid
good job comrade! only105 to go!
pUkie dookies are losing

there very well could be a feeding frenzy on ukie land after the war is over.

all the bluster of ukie officials means nothing. Ukraine will give up all sort of land to make the killing stop.
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>the shitskins are crying on /k/ again
I will never understand this phenomenon, you /pol/troon subhumans don't even own guns so why so obsessed with that board?

oh well. TZD all the same
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>We sent a million of our subhumans to die, so you should give us your clay

I love this argument, it's so stupid
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>Retard corrupt hohol has 6 million dollars cash
>Doesn't flee to bali or puerto rico

k is regime loyalist indoctrination center.

it has nothing to do with guns. Similar to how uhg has little to do with ukraine.
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cool fanfic churka ivan
100 to go!
remember back in early to mid 10s where we laughed at sjws and commie being joyless and borderline insane for making everything single minute detail political? the same thing happened to the contrarian groypers right now
dude still using future tense for the future that won't come
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something happened? ziggers are angry this morning!
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it's a side effect of politics becoming so polarized, gotta 'le own' the opposite side, it's so tiring

im sure the piggy propagandists will come up with something to distract you with.
>where we laughed at sjws

your larp where you pretend to be some centrist twat is not impressive.

You have more in common with the sjw's than anyone else.

"ukraine is winning" is a statement not so dissimilar to "men can be women."
>that pic
and what's more hilarious is in the event of they being found out, those dissidents will call foul and "denounce" their support. the so-called conservatives are getting pathetic each years passed
>the so-called conservatives are getting pathetic each years passed

you have the exact same obsessions as the sjw's.

you also have a twisted, backwards worldview commonly found in leftists/libshits.
we didn't move anywhere. it's your side who went insane years from keeping with the grifts in this toxic culture war
>you have the exact same obsessions as the sjw's.
at best you're russian larping as dissident right (which is still understandable to me), at worst you're a flesh puppet singing the same tune as the paid grifters.

when the grifter suddenly stop singing, you come here to kvetch about lesbian while trying to think why did everything didn't act like your hoi4 gameplay
why are you still here, shouldn't you be making your bedtime cheesesteak?
>making your bedtime cheesesteak

maybe in an hour or so.
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based seaCHAD not falling for zigger propaganda
In the town of Bilovodsk, Luhansk region, Ukrainian drones targeted a feed factory. According to locals, Russians were storing their equipment there.

Around half of the artillery shells used by Russia, approximately 3 million annually, come from North Korea, according to The Times. Despite many shells being considered defective, their sheer quantity has enabled Russia to make steady advances, including the capture of Vuhledar in Donetsk. In early 2024, during Putin's visit to Pyongyang, a defense pact was signed between Russia and North Korea.

kek I'll be asleep by then but post a picture for me. I want to see the mearshpidor bedtime special.
Ukrainian forces from the 77th Separate Airmobile Brigade successfully destroyed a Russian Buk-M2 air defense system

You sound African, Indian, or Muslim
Which one is it?
The State Border Guard Service of Ukraine shared footage of battles for gas extraction platforms near Zmiinyi Island. Ukrainian special forces, together with GUR units, successfully reclaimed and took control of part of these strategically important platforms in the Black Sea, which now serve as maritime fortresses for Ukraine.

Zelenskyi said that Ukraine is preparing for another Ramstein meeting on 12 October.

"This will be the 25th meeting, but the first at the level of leaders. We will present the Victory Plan, clear, concrete steps for a just end to the war. The determination of our partners and the strengthening of Ukraine is what can stop Russian aggression. We thank everyone who helps to defend our country, Europe and the whole world!"

all that i ever wanted is to return to 2013-era socio-political landscape. i believe that many people support conservatives/right-wing because at that time liberals and leftist went overdrive and fuck everything up.

fast forward to 2016 however those people are not interested in cleaning the mess. worse, they add more fuel to the fire that've been promised to be extinguished years prior
Units from the 47th Mechanized Brigade successfully destroyed a Russian BMD. While the crew was initially targeting a basement with Russian soldiers, they encountered the vehicle along the way and completely destroyed it.

>Units from the 47th Mechanized Brigade successfully destroyed a Russian BMD. While the crew was initially targeting a basement with Russian soldiers, they encountered the vehicle along the way and completely destroyed it.
In Russia's Altai region, it is dam burst season again. Local residents report problems with accessibility, with towns and villages cut off from each other.

video 1
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video 3

>underwater love is back https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HuLjsW8XhY4
>>483942271 o/

Ukrainian forces from the Third Assault Brigade targeted Russian logistics in the Kharkiv region using FPV drones, successfully hitting seven trucks and other equipment during a night operation. One vehicle was transporting infantry, which was also eliminated. Among the identified vehicles were a "Typhoon-K" armored vehicle and an MT-LB.

Ukrainian Defense Forces successfully struck three command posts of Russian occupying forces, including those of the 35th and 27th separate motorized rifle brigades, as well as a command post of the 2nd Combined Arms Army of the Russian Armed Forces. The strikes were carried out using Storm Shadow missiles and GMLRS rockets, with results still being confirmed.

inside of three minutes, uhg got a fake ukie flag, a faggot propaganarchist, and an unimpressive bulgarian.

the absolute state of uhg.
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>step-zister, I'm stuck!
A Russian S-70 Okhotnik stealth combat drone was shot down over Ukraine near Kostiantynivka, with footage circulating on social media confirming the hit. Initially mistaken for a Sukhoi Su-25 jet, it is now believed to be the advanced S-70 Okhotnik-B drone. The drone was expected to enter serial production this year and is currently undergoing testing.

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> A Russian S-70 Okhotnik stealth combat drone was shot down over Ukraine near Kostiantynivka, with footage circulating on social media confirming the hit. Initially mistaken for a Sukhoi Su-25 jet, it is now believed to be the advanced S-70 Okhotnik-B drone. The drone was expected to enter serial production this year and is currently undergoing testing.
video 1
>A Russian S-70 Okhotnik stealth combat drone was shot down over Ukraine near Kostiantynivka, with footage circulating on social media confirming the hit. Initially mistaken for a Sukhoi Su-25 jet, it is now believed to be the advanced S-70 Okhotnik-B drone. The drone was expected to enter serial production this year and is currently undergoing testing.
video 2
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> A Russian S-70 Okhotnik stealth combat drone was shot down over Ukraine near Kostiantynivka, with footage circulating on social media confirming the hit. Initially mistaken for a Sukhoi Su-25 jet, it is now believed to be the advanced S-70 Okhotnik-B drone. The drone was expected to enter serial production this year and is currently undergoing testing.
video 3
Russian Z-war correspondent Egor Guzenko, call sign "Thirteenth", who is also linked to war crimes against Ukrainian civilians and soldiers, was detained and beaten by police upon returning home. A criminal case has reportedly been opened against him, and he may face jail time. More than once, he was openly critical of the Russian army leadership.

The 68th Separate Jaeger Brigade struck Russian positions and equipment with FPV drones.

because it takes time to get the facilities/production going. Especially when you have been demilitarzing for 30 years
Russian forces are preparing an offensive in the Zaporizhzhia region to cut off Ukrainian logistics routes, according to the Ukrainian Defense Forces. They expect increased assault actions near the settlements of Orikhiv and Mala Tokmachka in the coming days. The goal is to take fire control of key logistical routes from Zaporizhzhia to eastern Ukraine, affecting the defense of both Donetsk and southern Zaporizhzhia.

Ukrainian drone operators from the SBU have successfully destroyed several pieces of Russian military equipment, including two "BUK" air defense systems.

Nah, he is a puccian, do notice the differences between him and >>483941037, do notice while the puccian throws stupid short statements about his gulag culture the poojeet uses some deranged argument based on picks related to western social issues, indeed he knows well about it, they lierally bought their independence by crying and begging for mercy to the bongs as they knew they were better souls than them, this is why puccians hire poojeets, both because poojeets are naturally abject creatures with a huge inferiority complex and because for the vatnigger mindset is important third world peoples remain trapped by the demons of their past so they can be easy picks for the same sort of inhuman system the average russian has been enslaved to suffer and die for.

They think they are ruling in hell, in truth they are in denial so they can cope with how fsr they have fallen in their quest for revenge.
Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen expressed pride in providing F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, stating that Denmark imposes no restrictions on their use but she regretted the delay in delivering the jets, mentioning she was ready to supply them at the start of the war.

Slovak Prime Minister Fico said he intends to visit Moscow next year to commemorate the 80th anniversary of Victory Day. He previously emphasized his desire to persuade Ukraine to maintain gas transit after the 2024 expiration of its agreement with Russian state-owned Gazprom.
A compilation of FPV drones from the 63rd Mechanized Brigade blowing up Russian dugouts. When we arrive, we don't knock on the door.

Now the Lotus Eaters are saying to their audience that you are a rube if you fight for ukraine, or against Russia in any way.

>Why Should We Fight?
Kursk and border operations - Day #61 - Fighting near Obukhovka and recon near Tetkino. According to Russian sources, Ukrainian units are conducting active reconaissance near Tetkino. They expect a new attack there.


An overview of all events happening in Kursk and other border regions, combined in this thread.

>Recap https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7263YsyaDBc
80th Air Assault Brigade in the Kursk region.

Zelenskyi's evening speech


I would like to mention our soldiers, who are also preparing the next Ramstein. That is, they are demonstrating what Ukrainians can do when they have enough weapons and enough range. I would like to thank all the soldiers of the Special Operations Centre A of the Security Service of Ukraine - all those who de-militarise Russian military facilities.

I want to thank you guys for destroying Russian military logistics, and especially for hitting Russian military airfields. This is what is most needed. Every destroyed Russian military base, every destroyed Russian aircraft base, every destroyed warehouse with bombs means saving Ukrainian lives, it is real support for the frontline. We will convince our partners that our drones alone are not enough. We need more decisive steps. The end of this war will be closer. I am sure of it.

Glory to Ukraine!
huh? I always thought fico was tall, guess he's 1.70 at best
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SitRep - 05/10/24 - A Russian S-70 Okhotnik stealth combat drone was shot down over Ukraine.

An overview of the daily events in Russia's invasion of Ukraine. A stealth drone was shot down over Ukraine and Zelenskyi is preparing for the upcoming Ramstein.
>huh? I always thought fico was tall, guess he's 1.70 at best
Idk, caught Monke without the high heels
>reddit spacing
>nork shilling
+50 social credits deposited to your account, glory to CCP
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"Fortune befriends the bold."
Emily Dickinson

The combat losses of the enemy from February 24, 2022 to October 6, 2024.

Unfortunately, we don't have the technology to stack shit higher than that.
Today's images of the "Borisoglebsk" airfield, which was attacked yesterday.

The fire did not affect the planes or buildings but could have spread to objects (boxes/containers) stored near the runway.

Their contents are unknown, but no secondary detonations were observed in the fire footage, so it is unlikely that there was ammunition.

pic 1
pic 2
"Ukrainian forces yesterday killed six officers from North Korea in a missile strike." - Kyiv Post.

Six North Korean officers were among 20 soldiers who died during a missile strike near Donetsk. They had arrived for a meeting with the Russian military command, which was demonstrating the preparation of personnel for assault operations.
Interesting development with the downed in a friendly fire incident Russian aircraft this morning on the Donetsk front. With more videos of the wreckage and the moment of the crash now available, the consensus is that it was a Russian Sukhoi S-70 Okhotnik-B stealth heavy unmanned combat aerial vehicle and not just a Su-25.

Good morning everyone
and good total zigger death
Thank you very much, fact check hero of the day.
Recapturing of an observation post in the Kharkiv region and self-destruction of a Russian soldier.

He's been more cuatious since Gaddhafi died.
The pictures of his death troubled him, reports say.
He bet a lot in the war with Ukraine, he can't afford to lose.
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Im the anon from lats night . So what i get is ziggers were always reatred , horrible creatures . Is this why there culture,products and language never spread beyond there borders ? They never had the great firewall of china till now ofc it's going up . How'd they try to spin the whole invasion of Crimea ? Any other old anons of note ? And finally why did Overnight stop posting ?
Getting clay will at the very least satisfy the imperialists.

its your shift, you bake.

dont ask everyone first.

just fucking bake. be productive for once.

After you bake, dont make the first comment you make squealing about how you dont want to bake again.
Bake Please
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I'll try to bake expect failure its my first bake ever .
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File deleted.
>more hard-hitting journalism from tony mastruboni
The tactic of selective amplification is pretty transparent too
The niggers behind these articles would have reason to pause when shown that their retarded articles are actively amplified by proponents of a malignant dictatorship in europe
But then again these people are grifters and traitors that don't care about such niceties and only understand prison
Speaking of which, check out this gem lmao:
Obviously these faggots are just making use of their first amendment rights to share their retardation and we should oppose them in every step for it.
However it's just nice to see full-on traitors going to prison
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anon, your pic seems like an XY carrier, what's up with that?
kek, just joshing you

most auspiciously so, with a single stroke of fate!

shame that nigger didn't die after getting shot by that shizo vatnik

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