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India Hate Thread
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Please show sexy cow vagene peepee in glass closeup sars!!
This guy is handsome. He needs to give up on that practice, though.
Atleast he is not eating the shit from the cow that silly dumb indian pajeet motherfucker
China should invade india and kill everybody, do the world a favor.
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You mean muzzshit congregation thread
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Nah, plenty of people worldwide hate you disgusting subhumans. I hate muslims too, and pakis and nepalese. You're literally all the scum of the earth.
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>Saar it's the bloody pakis
Why are you always like this rapejeet?
he gets what he needs straight from the tap, if only every man would be so lucky
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Uhh...yes, exactly. Thanks for the insight.
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Indians make the rapist the hero.
good evening sar
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Pajeets make the raped woman the protagonist.
new trainful just dropped
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There's something so poignant and visually pleasing about Pajeets being cut in half.
It's like watching a butterfly leave the cocoon for the first time and spreading it's wings to take to the sky.
he need some water
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Yeah he's just thirsty. A few sips of water and he'll be fine.
Holy shit, you weren't kidding...
>>Mala, a young school teacher, has idealistic dreams for her future. She hopes for a grand love affair with a large, extravagant wedding and a dashing bridegroom who will arrive on a horse. One day, Mala's friend confides in her about her relationship with the son of a wealthy man, with whom she has been intimate, but he is now marrying someone else. Mala accompanies her friend to the man's wedding and successfully manages to disrupt it and reveal the truth. The groom's friend, Raj, is enraged and insults Mala. In response, Mala slaps him. Looking for revenge, Raj seeks out Mala and, in the presence of her pupils, beats and rapes her. Mala is distraught and ashamed. She gets home to her shocked family with the help of her students. The police get involved and arrest Raj
>>Raj's powerful father, Rai Bahadur, attempts to cover up the situation by bribing Mala's guardian Karthar Singh, who refuses to accept the money. Raj's sister and brother-in-law support Mala and defend her in the case. The judge finds Raj guilty. He is ordered to marry Mala in the next twenty-four hours, as her honor has been ruined and likely no other man would be willing to marry her, in her eyes. Raj tries to kill Mala and fails. The two get married without great pomp and ceremony. After the wedding, Mala moves into Raj's home, and his family begins to treat her badly. Rai Bahadur travels abroad and instructs his family to belittle and torture Mala with the ultimate goal of driving her from their house
Then at the end
>>Mala regains consciousness, and she saves her father-in-law by lying about the incident. After seeing Mala's kind character, she is formally accepted into Raj's family. Mala and Raj are remarried in a grand ceremony similar to Mala's dreams.
The roasties don't even know about the Indian movie industry yet lmao.
Free on youtube saars.
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you readin your news in pidgin, fren?
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>Free on youtube saars.
ooooh, I don't think he's gonna be ok.
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So much dancing and singing.
Why are they like this?
rumour has it he is still there to this day
Even Canadians are starting hate...
it's amazing how long they live after getting chopped in half like that
Fare is fair but disabled get half off
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Women love bilingual men or so I am told.
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It's not rape unless done to a male.
you can do the revengeful if that happens
he's excited to be reincarnated as an upper caste poo
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I'm a white arab and I'm so sick of these shitskins coming here
damn, is that his spine moving at the end? gruesome.
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can't tell if he was coming or going
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He's fine. Pajeets get terribly maimed all the time and go on to live entirely normal lives. They just use their insane ability to COPE really hard.
>Saar, it wasn't me that got cut in half it was the bloody pakis
>gets up and walks away on his imaginary legs
Pajeets have no spine. They just click the report button.
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kek the art is pretty funny sar
is he ok??????
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he's fine, there's even a sequel
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your posts are too stupid, no need for more
Arabs aren't indian
congregate my balls in your throat you smelly little thing
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tractor tasted jeetblood and immediately wanted more
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tractors are encroaching on the train monopoly
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they must have a genetic desire to be crushed by heavy machinery. Wonder how that trait gets passed on.
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Muhammad, without us where would your welfare assistance come from?
at least they swarm to help in india.
In china they would've carried on like usual
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And nothing of value was lost. What you see there are just some of Indias 37+ million excess Poocels.
There are no women for these unwated, unlovable virgin men. And then never will be.
Soon there will be 50 million Poocels in India.
Compared to living a life alone never knowing the love of a woman, is being hit by a tractor really that bad?
uberjeets don't pay that well lad
thank you saar please redeem
could have fooled me
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Ahh yes.
>could have fooled me
That's because your jew media constantly casts indians to play arab characters
Imagine the smell.
She has a shit eating grin
>could have fooled me
Meanwhile this is what a real syrian looks like
I don't watch talmudvision, I just observe behavior. jeets and ayyrabs are about the same to me
dem sure do. dis na true
and syrians aren't arabs, theyre Syriac, and multitudes more civilized lol you're like a jeet trying to claim a higher caste
i'm just a monke, but if you can differentiate between middle-eastern races, you should be able to differentiate between arabs and jeets too
doesn't seem that much of a stretch, and would lend to his point
I'm white and I don't pay taxes. Remember to stay off the sidewalks with your retarded bicycle when you're delivering my food.
there's no functional difference between arabs and jeets dude, the other ME ethnicities we could discuss on a case by case basis
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>I'm white and I don't pay taxes
>there's no functional difference between arabs and jeets dude
how so? to me the only arabs that behave like jeets are the ones heavily mixed or almost entirely jeets themselves
Arabs have 1st world, clean, crime free countries. Safer than your shithole, in fact. So no, not really the same as indians
Syrians are Arabs. Genetically, they are identical to lebanese, iraqis, iranians and NW saudis
both have an affinity for animal urine
both like to rape
both have backwards stone age practices they cling to
both love to play victim
both were better under colonial rule
Shti nigger it gets hot in india gotta drink whatever is around
>there's no functional difference between arabs and jeets
Why do the gulf countries all have low crime, clean streets, safe lives, and low murder rates? Lmao you mutts are so braindamaged by jee propoganda you can never admit you're wrong on these things
but there's levels to this shit
it's way more widespread and intense in india
they sell gomutra for god's sake, i've never seen that in an arab country
whites are superior to all races, but arabs are not as bad as jeets. both should stay out of the western hemisphere.
pic rel
>Why do the gulf countries all have low crime, clean streets, safe lives, and low murder rates?

you only think this because they're too backwards for a 24hr news cycle like first world nations have, if they did you'd hear the same headlines and see the same trash. furthermore, no one would care about the region if not for oil, you all would still be grovelling in the sand
forgot pic
>but arabs are not as bad as jeets.
beg to differ

>both should stay out of the western hemisphere.
>Why do the gulf countries all have low crime, clean streets, safe lives, and low murder rates?
They don't. Also the government does most of the murdering over there, fun stuff.
One picture isn't proof, dumb mongrel. You look at actual pollution levels/waste levels
Stop coping. Every study done on crime rates confirms over and over again that saudi arabia is safer in every way than Muttmerica. Saudi has lower murders, lower theft, lower rape, lower suicide etc
>don't pay taxes

Could you make it any more obvious Ahmed? Of course you're a leech to society. You're only able to eat cause we work.
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that's the nastiest taco I've ever seen and I've seen some cross street ones. How dare he use a cold tortilla
>stop coping
I accept your concession, no takebacks. no redos.
>They don't.
They do. Feel free to Google it, it's easily found information

> Also the government does most of the murdering over there, fun stuff.
Holy irony coming from a mutt. Your government is genociding white people and replacing you with Haitian cannabils
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>muslims shitting their pants in a thread about jeets
lmao. keep up the damage control, muhammad
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>this is the ethnic food leftists love so much
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no, this is
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>you just HAVE to try Indian food!
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The wildest part is that it would always be easier to use a utensil for all of these tasks. Using your hands is extremely inconvenient.
>>gets up, turns 360 degrees, and walks away on his imaginary legs
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reminds me of pic related, except everyone around him watching him die is a poojeet and theres like 30 of them.
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There are 1.5 billion pajeets (1,500,000,000). It would take you over 150 years to count them one by one. How do you even wrap your mind around that?
The first shower they took in a decade.
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>The first shower they took in a decade.

What do you call and invisible Indian?
A Fart
a shitskin is a shitskin is a shitskin
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would you miss it?
>Arabs have 1st world, clean, crime free countries. Safer than your shithole,
so why are you here? go back to your clean, first world country
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only the opportunities i'd lose to bully them
it's for the better though
Both Indians and Pakistanis are disgusting pajeets, now fuck off back to your durgasoft classroom Rajesh.
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Keep coping Rajesh
Why do all asians hate their color?
The day I see Indian plus China hate threads will be the day my theory is proven wrong
Lemme hear you say it. China AND India are shit holes!?!? Say it. Both,!!
good evening sar
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Kek no one can buck break pajeet like we did
>its da paaaakiiiiiss!!!!!!!

Poos law... every time. Kys suckdeep
Is he ok?
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no, his t-shirt is ruined
dude's pissed
Why are you acting like pajeet?
This is so accurate lol
Jeets are so fucking disgusting
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>arabs aren’t clean and here is the evidence
>post pajeets
I did go back suckdeep. Enjoy stinking Canada up.
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"Why are you acting like pajeet?"
-A paki
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"Please, someone get me someting to eat. A last meal!"
>poo brings cow over, both shit on half-poo's face
>half-poo dies fulfilled
>Billboard in Sanskrit
Nice try panjeesh
saar you have to believe me. us east europeans are not like those western europeans!
we LOVE india. don't believe these backwards west european lies, thanks
I am pretty sure they got arrested but I hope the owner made sure they were arrested with some broken bones.
indians grew up on this shit and think this is how you talk to w*stern women.
Everyone hates you. Even my country smells of you jeets now, can't wait for the day you get exterminated like the cockroaches you are
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it's their submissive yet highly predatory behaviour that puts women off for the most part.
they're an enigma.
Who are you to call anyone a leech (a shitjeet with 0 self awareness) you unwanted parasite?

Arabs, East Asians, Hispanics, White people..We all fucking hate you. Filthy pajeet.
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>Billboard in Bengali actually

What about the moslems in the picrel here>>483940386 ?

Are they white Aryan?
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I lost
Muhajirs from India. Let's compare Kashmiris, Pathans, gilgitis, Balochis and chitralis with whatever shit kind you are
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Has anyone checked on grandpa?
he was fucking the shit out of him so he could eat it later
The best documentary on India

Codex Pajeet II
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>Muhajirs from India

Pakistan is NOT an ethnicity based state, it is just happened to be in that zone.

Pakistan's National language "Urdu" originated in central India, if Pakistan had it's historical identity would that be the case.

Pakistan's core is "muhajir", mujahirs established that country.

Rest of the tribes are not pakistan, and some of them are just upper caste Hindu converts.
That's Pakistan
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Kek, that article. Nothings funnier than to read about pajeet antics in nigger ebonics.
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I always laugh at this one
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>You'd fuck your uncle!
Truly a work of art lol.
Rollcages save lives
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Yes anons, he re-incarnated.
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"Wriggle your toes for me Pajeet."
>look across the road to where his legs are laying
"That's great. Hang in there Pajeet, you're going to be just fine!"
>reaches for the body bag.
At first i thought it was a kid but nope. Just another 35 year old jeet with the body of a 14 year old.
Needs a "staying alive" edit
I love how the pajeet bystanders took the time to photograph his body from every angle.
You can tell there were loads of them doing it to because all the pics are differet quality.
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Isn't Pakistan and India basically the same country, just like Bangladesh and India are also basically the same. If you saw a bangladeshi, or a pakistani you'd also put them in a jeet thread.

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