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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, bots and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD*
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Multiple large explosions in Beirut
>Israeli response to Iran expected soon
>Significant Israeli casualties in clashes with Hezbollah
>New Hezbollah leader targeted in massive Beirut strikes
>Israel strikes near Russian airbase and weapons depot in Syria
>Israeli soldiers have been killed and dozens injured in a Hezbollah ambush

https://youtu.be/zMvZ-iR2N8I [Embed]






>Guide to the Palestinian genocide by israel
>1948 Nakba Documentary
https://youtu.be/Bwy-Rf15UIs [Embed]
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
https://youtu.be/nHT-SjIM0tA [Embed]
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
https://youtu.be/OgKVRtUczRg [Embed]


▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 12 (final episode)
>Are military checkpoints in the West Bank suitable targets for carrying out Resistance operations?

Twitter link

Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24
https://youtu.be/CTAjc1OSrmY [Embed]

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre btwn IDF & palestinians civilians
>1948 Nabka
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>Three Iranian officials confirm to the New York Times: Ismail Ka'ani, commander of the Quds Force in the Revolutionary Guards, did indeed travel to Lebanon in the days after the assassination of Nasrallah to meet with senior Hezbollah officials and help them deal with the blows that Israel inflicted on the organization. There is still no official announcement from Tehran about him - which strengthens the rumors about his fate

just hatin jews
>more banon
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>reminder that you will be traced via ip and placed in a reeducation camp
>only jews use ai art
Two aircraft carriers have been deployed to Israel for a year now. They cost about 8 million to maintain at sea every day, each. At about 5000 crew each at 300 USD per day adds another 1.5 million to the daily cost. In total, it has cost about 3.5 billion dollars for deployment of the carriers alone, not factoring in the cost of supporting vessels and ordinance. I estimate the total cost is over 5,000,000,000
I feel bad for the non-Shia Lebanese people, they literally din du nuffin and got dragged into a war by Hezbollah and their piece of shit Shia supporters
shut up jew
you don't give 2 shits about anyone but yourself and are just trying to stir division, as usual
bad propaganda
>Hello? Hi.
>start operation get banan
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>I feel bad for the non-Shia Lebanese people
no you don't, get the fuck out of here with your crocodile tears shill
Any Iran updates?
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Thank you for baking, baker.
I had tried baking a few times when you asked about a baker in the last bread. But I kept getting the "connection error while posting" error each and every time. I couldn't reply at the time since it doesn't let you bake and reply at the same time in the thread. I even teied refreshing the page and resetting cookies but it still kept erroring out
Iran needs to send nerv gas special Ollie gave them to clear that shit out
everything's quiet. too quiet
> just hatin jews
Aren't we all.... Aren't we all...
Nice artwork fren. Keep up the great work. Kikes hate antikike & pro-ME/muslim/goyim artwork. Your computer is doing great work at baking those. The poopjeet shills wouldn't know anything about that, since they can't afford a quality GPU. I guarantee that the vast majority, if not all of the poopjeets don't even own a computer and simply phonefag

Whenever poopjeets simping for kikes attack you about something, it means that it really bothers them and their head can't stop incessantly anger/stress head bobbling in response to seeing it. Keep up the great work and keep the poopjeets seething
hey honduranon i told the other bakers they better start thanking you for making these banners man there really good and if its all good with you bro im just not going to wish death on all Jews because some are ok but i got your back bro and thank you for this thread man and the logos to man I know you worked real hard and the other bakers just arent giving you the credit you deserve bro so like thanks and all bro
Fellow Sunnis, we must team up with Israel to defeat the Rafidah or else al-Ummah will not survive!
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>budin halo?
yeah it feels great to constantly bake stuff jews hate
Lebanana invasion status?
well the more atrocities jews commit, the less effective this propaganda is
Killing a Jew is an act of fear and love for God, killing a Jew is a powerful prayer, it is a Pater Noster in action. It is the duty of every Christian wherever he goes to spit in the face of a Jew, for he is the enemy of God, and there is no Christian mercy for the enemy of God.
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In the future, when you are ripping out the throat of your Jewish neighbor, don't forget to pray to God as thanks and presenting Him with the blood of the filthy Jews.
God hated Israel.
Jeremiah 12:7-8
"I have forsaken my house;
I have abandoned my heritage;
I have given the beloved of my heart
into the hands of her enemies.
My heritage has become to me
like a lion in the forest;
she has lifted up her voice against me—
therefore I hate her."

God hated Israel.
Hosea 9:15 "Every evil of theirs began at Gilgal;
there I came to hate them.
Because of the wickedness of their deeds
I will drive them out of my house.
I will love them no more;
all their officials are rebels."

Amos 6:8 "The Sovereign Lord has sworn by himself—
the Lord God Almighty declares:
'I abhor the pride of Jacob and detest his fortresses;
I will deliver up the city and everything in it.'"

God thought Israel was a whore.
Jeremiah 3:6 "Have you seen what she did,
that faithless one, Israel,
how she went up on every high hill
and under every green tree
and prostituted herself there?"
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Here's the full version of your pic. Just downloaded it from. 4plebs
lol that memeflag has been obsessed with that anon for a long time now to the point he thinks random people are him.
there's been a shit ton of protests against israel going on this weekend
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Victory to Canaanites.
It's a way to get (you)'s when the random anons deny being him. The memeflag jew does it to random USA geoflags, different geoflags, it doesn't matter. It's just bait to get replies for rupees on their shill paycheck
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Monday is going to be big.
>still kvetching
Keep malding ft
Post a reply without a file attached
I don't understand the purpose of your automated spambot
Hondurasanon doesn't make those banners, it's philipino anon and lebleaf and they're meant for everyone to use. Seriously dude why the fuck are you trying to start shit amongst the bakers are you new or is this some new shill tactic?
>Israeli response to Iran expected soon
Supposedly Israel's refused to lend assurance they won't target Iranian nuclear facilities. It's so cool we have a "client state" pissing fire on 3 countries, at least 1 not in active conflict with Israel. The cunts.
In the Eyes of God, every Jewish woman is a cheap prostitute and her offspring are bastard offspring, as their parents were produced in the infernal bowels of Satan.
>I feel bad for the non-Shia Lebanese people
You're a kike, you don't care about anyone but you and your kike friends
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fucking hypocrites.
Can you teach me Kabbalah magic?
It's a divide and conquer technique. Attempting to cause infighting. The jeets have been pushing it hard for weeks
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The Suni/Shiite split has been explained to me 5 times. Mostly I think neither bothers with pan-Muslim or pan-Arab solidarity now. Can you imagine back in the 1960's, every neighboring country sitting on their hands with Israel lobbing missiles in 3 directions? What the fuck. I thought it a literal religious obligation to help defend brother Muslims.
The Talmudist Pharisee is the enemy of Almighty God because he even denies God and freely takes upon himself the rebellion of Satan and his evil hordes, the Jew we see today is born, an abject creature who comes to kill, steal and destroy everything that is beautiful, pure and divine
Huh, his name is cunny. Iran has top general cunny.
i am praying to allah for a wonderful oct 7
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/chip/ sis…
Pajeets are defeating us on wiki
It's just so funny to me that India is Israel's only natural ally
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When do you guys think Israel is going to attack Iran?
How will they conduct this attack?
Launch a missile at an aircraft carrier and blame Iran
it seems like they wanna do something oct 7. if they don't, then oct 7 will only be known for all the anti-semites celebrating kek.

as for what they do, probably planes or missiles hitting military assets. i don't think they want to actually kill iranians or inconvenience them by destroying their power sources. that would probably help unite the country firmly against israel

just my 2 cents
>When do you guys think Israel is going to attack Iran?
>How will they conduct this attack?
Hopefully strike iran's oil fields. This will accelerate israel's downfall
Why is /chip/ moving so slow today lol
Thanks for the input
>i don't think they want to actually kill iranians or inconvenience them by destroying their power sources. that would probably help unite the country firmly against israel
you give too much credit to the israelis, they are absolutely retarded when it comes to shit like that.
which is exactly the reason they are where they are right now.
true, my prediction is assuming they want to do the most rational thing. a foolish proposition
Hostage Status?
Bibi Status?
Ran Scared
Bunker Status?
Hiding in it
Economy Status?
Hamas Eradicated Status?
Hezbollah Invasion Status?
Scared, BTFO, AND L
Diaper Status?
Running out
Iran status?
Humiliated you
America status?
Not our problem

pissraelis putting the L in pissrael
October 7th was so effective pissraelis even celebrate a holiday on it as well kek
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daily evacuation for gaza cucks, looks like its a big one and we will purge many hamas rats
Can you teach me Kabbalah magik?
Take my updoot. I even warned them about how the world is ending September 2023, because of 50 years YKW. Pretty fucking retarded to believe they made any effort at all to counteract this. Even Egyptian intelligence told them.
That's a troon who never replies to my post tits or gtfo request. It always just GTFO instead.
>A fire broke out in "Bat Shlomo" south of Haifa due to the latest rocket barrage, where at least 3 ballistic missiles were launched from Lebanon
Story time? Story time.

I was in Larnaca and met this rabbi and I guess a student of his. We got into talking about Jewish mysticism, and I told him about some of my dreams. In one of them, I could incinerate people. He then suggested I come with them to have dinner for shabbat. I was over the moon! I'd been lonely for 3 months at that point. And then security kicked me out. I was called goy before that. I don't like being excluded at all.
So tell you what: how about you learn about electron capture instead. Push electrons from the HOMO (highest occupied mol. orbital) downwards through ro-vibrational modes (microwaves) plus stretch/bend/wagging/etc modes (infrared). Now you can turn atmospheric N2 (diatomic nitrogen) into C2H2 (acetylene gas).
And then you just need a tiny spark. And voila. Set people on fire. No need for kabbalah when you have actual science.
God hated Israel.
Jeremiah 12:7-8
"I have forsaken my house;
I have abandoned my heritage;
I have given the beloved of my heart
into the hands of her enemies.
My heritage has become to me
like a lion in the forest;
she has lifted up her voice against me—
therefore I hate her."

God hated Israel.
Hosea 9:15 "Every evil of theirs began at Gilgal;
there I came to hate them.
Because of the wickedness of their deeds
I will drive them out of my house.
I will love them no more;
all their officials are rebels."

Amos 6:8 "The Sovereign Lord has sworn by himself—
the Lord God Almighty declares:
'I abhor the pride of Jacob and detest his fortresses;
I will deliver up the city and everything in it.'"

God thought Israel was a whore.
Jeremiah 3:6 "Have you seen what she did,
that faithless one, Israel,
how she went up on every high hill
and under every green tree
and prostituted herself there?"
>everybody expected Israel to bomb Iran Saturday night
>nah... we will just continue "remove Gaza" and "remove Hezbollah" operations on schedule
New schedule for bombing Iran: moved to Sunday night
keeping the goy guessing is based
Your dream meant several people will go to hell as a consequence of your cursing them. The rest of your post is insane.
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>hezbosimps will tell you this is how total victory over zionists looks like
You have no idea how to interpret scripture and you even quoted blatantly fabricated bits.
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What is up all, TKA (Total kike Annihilation).
Series question tho, if ALL aid ends right at this very moment, how quickly do you guys reckon peace will happen in the Middle East?
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I don't make the rules, I only enforce them

TEL AVIV BEING NUKED (along with every other major city in ME)


Wikipedia. Maybe it's all wrong and all chemists are wrong eh?
I found a topless picture of the khazarian troon!
It's super taboo and naked, as ze also took off xir yarmulke
>it seems like they wanna do something oct 7
Blotting out the historic SECOND HOLOCAUST(tm) of 7 Oct 2023 by nuking Iran the following year might not play too well in history books after all, though.
It's called a kipah you RACIST
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I think that Iran would LOVE to hit the 3 isntreal power plants. As shekelandia is world renowned for their massive shilling army. Hence Iran could shut down this shekelberg army by cutting off all power to shekelandia. Since then (((they))) won't be able to communicate with tbeir pajeeta army of shills.
fuck all u stupid jews
ur gonna face the wrath of iran
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why would israel do this
shame on israel, shame
Everyone knows Netanyahu let it happen so he doesn't go to jail. Pissraelis are truly brainwashed
So your a jew living in a hotel. What's your purpose on this thread?
This vid is uber redpilled: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eT_RUdBTlp4
Didn't the other kike tell you he hated you poo? You truly are a slave race
Np bro
Yup, and the whole thing about getting more land in 2 weeks time, and amalek etc.
I'm looking for a new home. Do I look like a kike to you boy? Do you want to be incinerated?
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Meet Team Jorge
Israeli team of kikes manipulates 30,000 sockpuppet goyim accounts across all of social media
They hijacked and cha ged the outcomes of 30 elections by the time the articles had been published. Many more since then including USA which used easily hacked jew produced election voting machines + influenced the easy to manipulate burger sheep

They even control chan bots using israel flags and any VPN that it wants

They do many other nefarious things too. All for good of course, not evil. Well, for the good of jews and israel that is.
french gas stations in Iran bombed today?
Since kikes are mimics it's hard to tell in some you do have traits but the give away is the yamaka you are wearing.
Also but something on for the herpes on your lip
why are jews bombing gaza again
i thought hamas was le defeated
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Because kikes are demons that need to be purged
>Deus vult
Snuke snuke time?
Put *
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Team Jorge is known worldwide for their troll armies. Reaching their cow poopies covered tentacles all over the globe. Using poopjeets to shill as it's cheaper than running AI software/hardware.
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hi /chip/trannies, i am looking for this guy, can you please help me? maybe you've seen him?
Have a you stupid troon, post axe wound or gtfo
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cope, you are getting naqbaad again
> Dn WOhOP
>Dinner @ Wohop

If you ever go to NYC, jew york, USA. You should visit the downstairs no frills Wohop chinese food. It's world famous with pics of celebs all over the walls. Super yummy and much cheaper and better than the upstairs elegant, fancy and frilly upstairs restaurant
shut up tranny
stop being antisemetic
allegedly one was bombed in lebanon
spread your asscheeks for me
>win after win after win and all chippies have are some made up twatter posts

Busted lip, got kicked in the face and then I realized that the guards actually meant for me to go to Luxembourg, not Japan. Now I am in Luxembourg, no home. So I'm in hotel. Money running out quick. Working on my math library. Money won't be an issue soon. And then Thailand gets invaded.

Are xir's beautiful luscious boobies in pic >>483940456 not enough for you?
lebanon invasion status?
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You knew the rules when you posted being a "female". Either do it or GTFO
going pretty good so far, not sure what point you were trying to make
You know what hilarious, you stupid kikes have thrown me back into religion. From being semi neutral to (just really hating zionist and distrusting kikes) into a literal let's kill all the fucking jews.
Already posted that in the last thread stupid faggot.
this is taken from hohol propaganda...Russians start making a move towards place X on December 12, if the place is not conquered by December 13 it means that the enemy has been repelled
The only thing I remember about Jews is that they suck children's penises and make gay pornographic films. I don't know if I should trust this kind of AIDS mob. I believe it is easier to dominate Lebanon by giving the Jewish ass full of gay plague
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what the actual fuck is wrong with israel
if it was going well you'd have something to share, jew
War is the natural state of the sandnigger
You don't really want to find out the and kike.
here's our North top commanders inside south Lebanon. They would go there only if those areas were completely under our control. cope
Nice "Morena"... Delicious.
Your mother is a big nose and a cheap whore
10 shekel a hour
If it's going so great: We expect to see copies of your enlistment form specifying that you will be going into Lebanon ground invasion. Then post selfies as you enter it and are inside. Then ask your family beforehand to take selfies of you on your horizontal exit.

Anything short of this = an admission that everything about the invasion is true. That it's a death trap for kikes and kikes fear for their lives that they'll be called for duty. With some even suiciding themselves to avoid the horrible death by HezbALLAH.
Judeu mente até dando o cu
yeah we saw that before. it's a grand total of 200 meters from the border kek
for 25 jew lives lost, pretty pathetic
You must be 18 years or older to post on 4chan
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Are you like these tiktok children who pretend to become wolves when they angry?
>you made me
Dont put this on us. You’re just looking for excuses because your family force fed you lies about being displaced from cuck lehem and your sister is getting railed sideways by god’s chosen
Jews rape children
Can you teach me Kabbalah magic?
Ahhh... you can't enlist in IDF yet, since youre only 12yo and a pajeet. Got it
"Jew lies even when giving his ass" - what?
I know spics are sissyfied but cmon jose

>you were stopped from invading
>ok you did invade but its not that deep
You are here ^^^
>ok its deep but you still have a long way to go
>ok you got far but Hezb is still in Lebanon
>boomer meme, misspelling lose
kek dumb jew
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ayo fuck israel fr
at the rate you're going, you're gonna run out of jew lives before you get to beirut kek
Nothing lasts forever, not even putrid excuses for human beings like yourselves.
>dispalced palinigger cant understand irony
how low iq are your people? I'm perplexed.
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there would be nothing left by the time we'll get there
>Anything short of this = an admission that everything about the invasion is true. That it's a death trap for kikes and kikes fear for their lives that they'll be called for duty. With some even suiciding themselves to avoid the horrible death by HezbALLAH.
we already saw one jew tip his humvee over to get out of fightin duty kek
Give xir s break. The pajeet living in the slums of india hasn't mastered english yet. You should dimply be proud that ze learned what a VPN was and how to click connect
lebanon is the graveyard of the IOF
>Israel is considering targeting Iranian oil facilities, a presidential complex, the Iranian Supreme Leader’s compound, and the headquarters of the Revolutionary Guard
that sounds like the potential for a war
“Jews lie even when they give their ass” - what?
Yes... Jews are queer because the Talmud talks about sucking baby dicks and making gay porn films. I know your AIDS ilk... biggest gay parade in the world.
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the yappy runt israel is talking a big game but will they go through with it, i doubt. but i hope they do, because it's incredibly stupid
When I was in my teens, my cousins made up a word "le heums" and it sounded like an insult, and it would get my aunty riled up LOL
you do know that most Israelis are secular traditionalists. They don't follow or even read the Talmud.
They want to drag America into this and both candidates have made it clear they'll sacrifice as many goyim as it takes to shield Israel from the consequences of its actions.
Next Friday in honor of Our Lord Jesus Christ I'm going to drink a drink we call "Matar Judios"!

Ladino! Ladrão das sombras.
if they're just a bunch of secular shitbags then they should go back to their actual home, brooklyn new york.
But Jewish mysticism is still widely practiced. I wish to learn.
Same sheet! You fool me, I like it... Faggot sucks baby cocks
The gay parade in Tel Aviv is not Jewish traditionalist... Or is it?
pol schizo babble
Even secular kikes learn the talmud, even if unintentionally. Rabbi's (aka. the head pedophile) leads jewish communities. As he is extremely versed in kike texts, when xir speaks and gives advice and stories. It's always deeply influenced by the talmud. (You can even google that fact). So even if the secular kikes don't read the talmud, they learn the talmud from synagogue sermons, advice and stories told by the head pedophile...I mean rabbi.
What are you doing here then, you faggot?
works from hasbarah???
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What a shitty job you have, little Jew.
You need to understand the Muzzie in order to understand why they're so obsessed with baby dicks and mention it every single thread.
You see, the muzzie is a drone religion where everyone must accept the word of Muhammad and abide to it - and most importantly they must defend Muhamuzz dignity at all costs for those who speak ill of Muhamazz will burn in Jahannam.
A classic example is Aisha, the 9 yo the Muhapedo had sex with. Muzzies know that this is unacceptable to the average human being so they will excuse it, lie about and deflect whenever you mention it. But deep inside they are ok with it, because they would never dare speak again Muhapedo.
So with this in mind the average Muzzie thinks the same must be true to Jews, so they bring up the Talmud and say this stupid shit even though no normal Jew cares or is looking to justify what every single Rabbi ever said. But for them it's a big win, because everyone must be a brainless drone just like them.
Iran has f-14s in the sky all night and all day apparently according to irianian news
Why not let alert fatigue set in?
Talk to my hand Hasbarah faggot...
I have not read nor will I read what little Jew Hasbarah lies
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Where's your hand?
Sure just start with Satanism
hasbarah fagot hasbarah fagot
shit job being a kike agent... big shit you puto.
Iranians running a CAP is not big deal. Tehran will have more than an hours notice of an incoming Israeli air strike.
In my hand I hold your nose, little Jew shlomoshkelbergstainovitz. Go back to Poland where your grandma sat on the German's dick to eat a meal.
I bet he pissed his pants too
>t.pic related
Who knows, striped pajamas would look good on you too... little smoke coming out of the chimney... Hi grandpa
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Does hez take pics of the dead like oct 7th wins?
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how will zionists invade iran when they can't even climb a hill in lebanon?
I guess the hasbara meetings just finished ther conference call with the pajeets. The thread is now flooded with the pajeets LARPing as kikes. Using their daily script for the next 18hrs until the pajeets end their shift
I think being your mother's pimp would earn you more shekels... or selling her to a brothel, the history of your "people/religion/or whatever" is full of that.
Zwi Migdal...
dont fuck with Obama nigga!
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Kate to give you a (((You))), but it's only Sunnis that believe Aisha was 9 and defend it with their Hadiths. Shias believe she was 18 as per their Hadiths, the same Shias kicking your shit in. I'd rather side with the Muslims than you, it means they stay in the Levant and don't come to the West.
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kek, Iranians literally shiddin n fardin, losing their supreme commander every year
why should i care about the fact that people who look like this are dying?
Hello fellow saars!
We indians LOVE that big white cock.
We can't get enough of that massive big white cock!
Which is why we cow poop eating jeets love israel and jews more than life itself. Jews are white just like us aryan hindus!
May vishnu grant the jews a glorious outcome on the battlefield in the middle east.

While they are fighting we indians will do the needful with every lonely israel woman.
Phul Supot Sarr!
It's fun and all to mock the mudslimes. Except that my cousins in the IDF are shitting bricks. They just got the call to embark to Lebanon. They updated their wills as they don't think they'll come home alive
just don't destroy Iran tomorrow ok
>Posts screenshot from telegrams ran by kikes
Is this the new tactic?
Do you ever question if its worth it?
Being a mutt, fighting for a meme "jewish" country instead of just living as a pleb in Palestine/Morocco?
Who even still believes in a god other than boomers?
this is foxnews speaking about biden tier or for miggers cnn speaking about drumpf
with what another holocaust movie?
They wont do shit.
No worries. Iran isn't planned until Lebanon is complete to the level of Gaza. This will take more than 1 month. Iran is safe until then. IDF may send some bottle rockets to save face with the extremist wing of israel. They are not sent to do damage. They are sent to send a message and ameliorate the concerns of the hardliners.
Israel updated their casualty list. Basically says they lost no soldiers between 19 September and 2 October, lost 8 soldiers during the ambush on 2 October and nothing since then apart from the two that got killed by an Iraqi drone on Thursday.
Serious thoughts? Seems to contradict the reports of daily clashes and losses. Could be lying but why disclose some deaths and not others? Wouldn't the relatives of the hidden casualties make some noise on social media?
Do you know anyone who has mastered Kabbalah for practical use?
If you want a real answer tben show your real flag like a man. Don't hide and play pretend behind a fake flag
You wont give a real answer. You are just hoping to deflect by talking about my country instead.
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Funny that you say shit like that when kike shills have been known to use memeflags more than the average troll
New York Times has no source in the IRG
Not even worth commenting on this kike BS
I cannot confirm or deny mastering kabbalah magic to outsiders
This feels like the usual kike tactic. Ask a simple yet retarded question to seem genuine.
Those are the indians that we hire. Real jews don't hide behind false flags. We simply won't pay for paltry indians to use VPN's. They are not skilled enougb to be worth the expense. This includes indians imported since the war began. As we don't want them disgracing the israel flag with substandard engagement on social media
Did you purge the shit and bloods from your hole, tranny?
What I want is no matter of your concern. What is of concern is why you have pictures of naked men on your hard drive. Just admit you're gay and use leftypol instead
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Stfu like, there's only TKD solution
Luxemburg does have a sizeable kike population
I shit on the Torah but please address the question.
pissrael is impotent. Thy can't strike Iran, they won't strike Iran, thats why they go hard on the rubbels in Gaza again. Killing zivilians makes them feel like gods jewsen people.
And in case they do something, Iran will strike back end end pissraels powersupply, and then the people used to life without power will overpower thw kikels from all side.
Then kikels will be back at playing victim for the next 80 years and then they will try again.
STFU valley girl.
Like, there's only one solution, total britbong death.

Do you see how annoying this valley girl dialect sounds? That's how you sound. Faggot
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We need to burn books again comrades.
That's not scripture that is a Alexandrian counterfeit of gnostic heresy aka fake money, use King James V actually verified official translation
Israel will never be impotent. We have something stronger than viagra for that. A little something called Kabballah magic. To strengthen and harden the minds and will of fellow Jews
Jews pissing off blacks again.
Kike air force can strike Iran but needs the cooperation of several other countries especially the US and the countries en route.
>Magic based on lies is weaksauce
That's why your nation keeps self destructing after eight decades
You need more gas
Why are you sending gifts of women playing soldier to us, we can just breed them thankyou seers
sup ahmed, nice taaqiya
with the American Nigger you get:
- the ethno/racial-narcissism of the nigger
- the national narcissism of the mutt
...an asshole x2 in other words.
Kys goblin
The foundation of nation is not the land upon which it exists. A great nation exists due to the people within, all with a common bond. We will continue to lean on our allies in the west for support. If it's G_od's will that we leave for Khazaria, then it shall be done. This is not to be conflated with the destruction of a nation. As israel will never cease to exist. It will simply evolve and live on in Khazaria until the messiah walks among us and comes to lead us into the years ahead
Lol keep coping losers
Please send more goblins into Gaza so they get smoked on go pro
like the hohols you are obsessed with videos to compensate for the fact that you are getting your teeth shoved in
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jews are not fucking human!
How's the Muslim cock in the mouth feeling? Britslamic fag
Nice self portrait Goblin, you took of your false skin
Like You should just like apologise for being a Kike
I'm just as turned on as you are. However there are other boards devoted to our sexual fantasies involving them
>literal IRL Rambo with a proven history of risking life and limb in the pursuit of mudslime extermination
>"he's afraid!!"
Enjoy your cope that all your clan projects collapse after eight decades due to the perverted weak nature of your "magic."
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>Fat old rich war criminal sending his young men to die
Shaking hands, shaking voice
Why are kikes obsessed with cocks and having gay goblin race sex, you think about cocks all day and night and get your ass blown out in tel Aviv Don't you?! Fag goblin kike
They are sexually deranged.
Every aspect of the porn industrie and sex trafficking is jewish
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We need lots of furnaces set up in Syria to prepare for the occupation of Israel.
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Kike fags lmao the fucking fagget race is Israel, literally sodomites which God HATES *SPITS*
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You will day for their right to have poop on their dick and in their mouth.
Jews not being annoying parasites challenge impossible
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Keep projecting. The actors used in the industry are predominantly goys. Do you really think that mandingo is Jewish? You're even stupider than I thought. Just as the females are essentially always christian, catholic for the most part. These are rhe public faces of rhe industry. They're very rarely Jewish.
>a nation has faggots
isn't that something?
by the way...if militant faggotry is a Jewish plot to weaken the nations how come they have organized militant faggotry in Israel? Jews are jewing themselves?
You are incapable of feeling bad for anybody other than you kike.
Zionists should be out in camps again but they will be called zoo's and they should be out on display and special balconies for spitting should be made to pay for upkeep for £3 a try
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Rabbi shmooley sells sex toys with his daughter.
Anal butt plugs as well. Is that part of Judaism?
He seems to think so.
KWAB. You're very obviously jealous that you are not one of G_d's chosen people. It's a waste of my time to converse with someone so beneath me
Lol enjoy your muhammad dick in the face
You too
God never chose you he cut you out of every tribe and nation Romans 7 delusional goblin
Nah I'm fighting like a man, not like the coward bitches you have become
So... jews after all the huffing and puffing, jews still hit a brick wall in the norf. They've like a hundred thousand people there, what's the latest cope?
>fag porn on my computer to own the jooos
Yeah you love dick don't you just think about dicks all the time from your kike boyfriends in the idf, do you hold hands or do you just bend over the Talmud while you are in Tel Aviv
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Jews are the one who pushed porn in public space to corrupt the goys.
The first ones in the usa even says it clear that it was out of hate of christianity and whites people like this piece if shit

>The only reason that Jews are in pornography is that we think that Christ sucks. Catholicism sucks. We don't believe in authoritarianism. Pornography thus becomes a way of defiling Christian culture and, as it penetrates to the very heart of the American mainstream (and is no doubt consumed by those very same WASPs), its subversive character becomes more charged." Ford then asked, "What does it mean to you to be a Jew?" To which Goldstein responded, "It doesn't mean anything. It means that I'm called a kike." Ford also asked, "Do you believe in God?" Goldstein said, "I believe in me. I'm God. Screw God. God is your need to believe in some super being. I am the super being. I am your God, admit it. >We're random. We're the flea on the butt of the dog

Blacked.com was created by a jew and pornhub is owned by a literal rabbi. Just a few example but the litst goes continues
Jews are the biggest spiritual threat to non jews.

Im verry happy to a goy actually and not a jew ewww.
Open your ass to muhammad bitch
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Gods know how slavic many childrens and womans jews trafficked in east europe.
No wonder why you love ukraine so much
The culmination of the Old Testament is the arrival of Jesus Christ and the New Covenant
Why do you think the Temple and the priesthood and all traces of its lineage were wiped out shortly after?
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I don’t think anyone here, regardless of who you claim to support, realizes this might be it. This might be the trigger.
So you Jew fags watch gay Arab porn, you seem to have this gay sodomite fetish, how long have you been hiding in the synagogue swallowing cum, does your rabbi know you are sucking down fat loads of gay like cum levi?
They seems very obssessed with arabs penis and anus
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jews - and spiritual jews - ALWAYS reduce everything to sex. They're primitive and debased like that , it's why they hated Christianity being dominant in the West, it caused people to live proper and moral lives, it demanded you at least ATTEMPT virtue, and jews hate virtue because it's so difficult for them on account of being contrary to their nature..
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Are you the barracks bunny for the whole IDF gay squadron, how many cocks have you ever gotten in your ass in one day? Also How much shekles do you rent for your asshole blown into for the barracks or platoon?
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"GAY ANON" wtf is wrong with your eyes snake, this guy is definitely a cock sucking Jew
Are you not from Egypt ?!
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> Source in Iran's Armed Forces:

>Plan to respond to Israel's possible action is ready. There're several types of reciprocal & specific strikes.

>Depending on the type of their reaction, we'll implement one or more of them. We have a list of targets in Israel. We can hit any point we want.
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Are you excited for the next Great judgment of God where you are set on fire
>Then the LORD rained upon Sodom and upon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the LORD out of heaven; and he overthrew those cities
"GODS CHOSEN PEOPLE" lmao literally a sodomite abomination in the land
>Sensitive Economic Centers in Israel which can be struck by Iran - Iranian media

>6 power plants

>2 oil fields

>2 refineries

>1 oil terminal

>3 gas fields, Natural gas in Israel is the country's primary energy source for electricity production

>5 desalination plants, currently supplies approximately 50 percent of Israel's domestic water needs

>6 ports, Haifa Port is the leading port in Israel
Total Shia Death
insha'Allah TDK
Happy 51st anniversary of Israel losing Sinai in 6 hours.
Desalination plants use so much energy hyper inefficiency, blow up the gas fields and solar plants 2 birds 1 stone
The solar plants are nothing major, taking out the gas supply and maybe one of the coal-fired plant would cripple this shithole for quite long.
Especially water supplies in the predominantly jewish areas, as one can easily still dig a well in the much wetter Jalil area.
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soon we will also see these pictures in the westbank
I assume though solar granted in your geo location is most optimal renewable technology is covering expenses though if excessive power is needed for desalination during day power inputs but Interesting take, plus the latest teach solar plants are expensive as heck because of efficiency calibration and cell type, as he said that gas plants are the main generation of power for basic needs
You're assuming this shithole lives up to its propaganda. Hint: it doesn't, its a shithole managed by nepotistic narcassists in a death cult.
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Adding also the oil rigs are not an optional target this would poison the ocean and damage everyone aso Iran would loose face with everyone, and ecological disaster like the gulf of Mexico would tank Iran's morals/supporters everywhere, best to capture or ignore and just attack land based critical infrastructure plants/end chain production of energy and stocks
Is it true that many of Israel's top technical professionals have either left the country or are making plans to leave?
Lol :)
Don't destroy the rigs just the onshore oil storage and refineries.
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We are now on day 6 of the IDFs special limited operation in south Lebanon and they have not been able to occupy a single town.
So much for the world’s most advanced army and ”gods chosen people”.
Lol jews have no idea how soon 2 state solution will be implemented
half through the war it was the only news and they knew its coming but now deflected all news to war efforts
bibi is gone the second war is done and gantz will come and settlers will kwabed

even trumpy said he'll be considering then it when they asked him in the debate

next stage is all american jews coming saying its the only solution and mizrahis slowly saying it was what they wanted
apparently iof soldiers tried entering a town to install mines but they engaged in a shooting with the hezb and the mines exploded with them kek
maybe they'll let some settlers to live in as a minority to soften the blow but i give them exactly 2 weeks to gtfo when arabs have the say
>Lebanese Resistance activity | Sunday 06 October 2024 by 13h00
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Oh my! What a fine goat! /chip/ is gonna coom at this.
how many jews were involved in the making of Joker 2?
Well thisis armageddon, so whatever they do will be over the top and lead to a further detoriation of the situation. Israel is gonna provoke, bomb, and murder until they nuke damascus. Then israel dies. Its in the bible, its a fun read.
>Hezbollah activity of the past days: targeting of an "Israeli" troop concentration with appropriate weapons and achieved 148204001 casualties
>6 day ground incursion
>can STILL see the border
>meanwhile in reality
just imagine
2 state solution isn't realistic, it'll never happen.
murrican interests is what runs israel, they'll be forced to accept it even though everyone and his mother knows it wont be last step for arabs but good enough for now
>(13h50) Rockets alerts in the Upper Galilee
>murrican interests is what runs israel
whatta newfag
Israel will die before they give up their west bank settlements. Their extremism is what will lead to its fall.
Because they are genociding the entire palestinian population. They have been murdering 20-30 a day for the last 5 months and yet everybody has stopped counting, the number remains permanently fixed at "over 40000" dead. This how they will slaughter an entire populace in the modern era, 20 people a day with bombs/bullets and many more from disease/hunger. All the scum in the media who make that absurd statement of "it's not a genocide, because if it were Israel would could and would be killing them all" well this is how it happens. Everytime somebody states "over 40000 killed" they reveal that they don't really care nor grasp the horror, because they've stopped counting as well.
>they'll be forced to accept it
UNLESS your fundamental premise is WRONG! You can't make accurate predictions if your fundamental understanding is WRONG
Why not the talmud?
there are also about 6000 births a month in gaza. there is a real chance that israel will be charged with genocide, while the population has been growing at the same time
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Do we have the data for number of births in gaza this year?
If you think both births are at the same rate as before and that babies have a chance to survive even a week in Gaza anymore, you haven't been paying attention either. There are no hospitals, basically no homes, extremely limited food and medical supplies, and bombs fall on them daily.
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>Jews announce "limited ground operation"
>it is a limited ground operation
Hallelujah tkd
>muh limited
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>arapoids are now making up imaginary invasions to declare victory over
> imaginary invasions
Nowt imaginary about it, you just hit a BRICK WALL when you tried.
New Thread >>483954408
>New Thread >>483954408

New Thread >>483954408
>New Thread >>483954408

New Thread >>483954408
>New Thread >>483954408
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posted it agien award.
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The way of the warrior generally speaking is a Resolute acceptance to death.

The path of the warrior is twofold both pen and sword and he/her should learn a taste for them both.
Almond nut bar...
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i got a whole bag scrot.
from chuck dezz nuts in a skillet
and eat a duck up.

carry on.
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Kikes pounding the "of" name the statue....

Let me recite I was flipping every word like Vanna White

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