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As a non-american, I mostly follow Sky news and BBC. The reporting is almost always negative when it comes to former President Trump.

Is the reporting in the US more even, or am I missing something?
who is this girl? she's very pretty.
Trump is popular because of the border, rampant inflation driving up the cost of essentials to unaffordable levels and businesses outsourcing lowering the wages of locals or leaving them without employment, not because he is actually a good candidate. There's also a bit of racism and sexism towards Harris, but mostly economic reasons
>There's also a bit of racism and sexism towards Harris
More than a bit. A white male Harris would be wiping the floor with Trump.

Americans are much less enlightened on race and gender than Europeans because we have so many ignorant hicks and southerners. Basically anyone outside a cosmopolitan metro is mentally living in the 1950s.

I had a temp job for a few weeks for surveys calls and there are actually legitimately stupid people who repeated the whole “trump bad, he said people eating cats and dogs” to every thing you can think a perfect slave would say. MAGAshitters were just as annoying to speak with on the phone—almost every time without fail they’ll say “I’m votin fer TRUMP” and then a few questions in after that they’ll curse me out and hang up.

They’re is no cheating involved, we just have a surplus of idiots in this country on the left and on the right we have too many assholes who will feel like their God grants them the right to be an asshole.
why do you keep posting this ho? I know its the same poster because nobody else would post this

is she even famous for anything besides that shia lebouf troll a fucking DECADE ago? kys.
Most Americans don't trust the media.
That's fine they still know the president don't make the state laws
They do this in Canada too, since Hilary, they portray Trumps as the villain, the dems are always going to win in every coverage, no objectivity at all they just regurgitate CCN. The problem is why are they trying to convince us, we don't vote in the US election, it's so fucking stupid
However, to answer your question.
Yes, all of our media besides Fox News is anti-Trump but >>483958591
The talking heads often come off as ridiculous and aren't very effective, so sometimes the anti-Trump narrative can even backfire

But yeah for the most part the media is fully Democrat
for a while there I am pretty sure it was actually her shilling her stream while pretending not to be her and then just a few faggots latched into it and made it their own thing.
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The mainstream news hasn't been journalism for years, particularly since the covid years. They suppress any news that doesn't match the narrative that makes the ultra-left look good, and will continue to spread false news even after it's been debunked. This highly-filtered news is what gets exported to the rest of the world for you to hear.
"Right-wing" news-talk radio covers everything as it happens, but you're not going to hear any of it from outside the US. At most you're just going to hear talk radio described with scare stories about new hitlers etc. I guess you could try finding streams of US radio stations, and much of it is on syndicated national shows, so it might not be too hard to find the "good stuff". Your time zone will mean it's late evening for you though.
>Most Americans don't trust the media.
I wonder why.
It's not stupid, they're trying to connect your conservatives to Trump
because you post in forums where the media cannot
I'm trying to be polite about it. Hilary was right about deplorables, it gets more true with each passing year
Yeah, you are right, like Poilievre is anything near trump, but they sure try, but this is going on since Hillary, way before Poilievre was even considered
How are you such a newfag in 2024
>no objectivity at all
Both-sidesism went away in 2017 when educated people realized it leads to populists winning power. Now we just speak the truth and call out fascists for what they are.
>retards get psyop'd to market her for free
said case a lotta times
American pollsters lie their asses off constantly. Marist for instance said back in 2018 when Ron DeSantis won his election for governor of Florida. Marist released their final poll for that race on the day of election saying that DeSantis was going to lose the race by 8 points....DeSantis obviously won. There is no way you can statistically be off by 8 points. That is nearly 3 times the error margin. Statistically impossible.
Polls are even faker than the elections. It's to make the fraud look plausible.
Niggatoro, surely
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Her name is Tracey Mulatto. She's a jewish far right gamer known for her very perky tits.
It’s not close. It’s the medias job to make it look close so that when they try to steal it, a win seems plausible
Bot thread
Half of the jews want to kill all Whites immediately and the other half wants to enjoy it slowly over the course of the next 30 years. It's a real toss-up.
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>How is the US election this close?
as if a population of 350 million is totally evenly split 50:50
just as many people on one side as on the other
in every single state

notice how the polls were totally uneven by tens of points
and now suddenly they are totally evenly matched everywhere on a national level
you are supposed to find this believable and normal
Nah she's hideous
The full year of shilling her pics on here by that russian faggot didn't do anything to make me desire that muttfaced wreck
She's atrocious and gets worse each time you look
it's not evenly matched at a population level. Harris is far more popular nationally. The US system though works in such a broken way where only battleground states matter and Trump is even or slightly more popular in almost all of them.
>reporting is almost always negative when it comes to former President Trump
In the US it's 95% negative to Trump.
>white male Harris would be wiping the floor with Trump
You mean Biden? Crap policies are crap policies.
>US system though works in such a broken way
Without that the small states wouldn't matter. Elections would be won by winning LA and NYC.
That's where most people live and how elections work in every other democracy. Only America has a system where the votes of people in Wyoming or South Dakota of whatever other tiny state matter more than people in actually populated areas
Democrats had complete control of the country for 70 years, in that time they took over all the news agencies. What you're seeing today is the bloated corporate media staffed with democrat CIA stooges screeching about losing power telling everybody they're going to be put into reeducation camps. It's kind of like third world countries like mexico where a single party controlled them for so long
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Guess what? That was intentional from the start, otherwise the original 13 wouldn't have joined together because there were big states and small states.
If it was entirely by popular vote, just LA and NYC alone (and maybe Chicongo too) would decide our president.
We like to do the opposite of what the news tells us to do.
Simple. It's not close at all. It looks like it because of social media, but 70%+ of conservatives on social media are russian bots. This election will be extremely onesided, Trump will be embarassed and will disappear from the public eye within the next 2 years. Save this btw.
Half black half white looks like an average russian woman.
Really makes you thinking kek.
No one actually reports anything on the actual "election". By the numbers, Trump already won, the same as last time. What it's going to come down to, is will Republicans actually protest and bring down the hammer, when the Dominion election-stealing equipment is brought into play and will illegal aliens/criminals /dead people be allowed to vote.
I wonder if she still wants to move to Finland.
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> This is the black girl I told you about
I've met plenty of Russians. She looks absolutely nothing like the average Russian lol
>Americans are much less enlightened on race and gender than Europeans because we have so many ignorant hicks and southerners. Basically anyone outside a cosmopolitan metro is mentally living in the 1950s.

aren't most hicks Mexican now?
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only Asians can be said to be truly enlightened on race these days. they have a lot to teach us

came here to say this.
OP is a spic
Asians vote Democrat and get killed by niggers and blame white racism for it.

Asians just follow whoever is in charge without question
Migats make up so much bullshit on purpose so people spend all their time debunking them and don't pay for attention to Trump faults.
Listening to medias have the virtue that if they make up bullshit they can be sued for libel for they are solvable.
You have to understand that a competent biden, old boomer man in his 60s would sweep trump. Kamala harris has been a nothing VP, and isn't even popular with black or brown men like Obama. Uh oh, the negroids are less enlighted and hate the idea of their own women ruling? Uhh, white males for harris! No? Walz! No? It'a amazing where we're at. I suspect harris will win; pol is delusional and if Trump doesn't get a real october surprise then the dems are just too pathetic to play ball honestly.
>How is the US election this close?

Because all elections are rigged now to be extremely close

Haven't you been paying attention to the last 20-plus years?
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>The reporting is almost always negative when it comes to former President Trump.

That should tell you something.
Your media is censoring news and is biased.
Trump is a business man who got into politics he is not owned or controlled by the political elite.
They HATE him because they do not control him.
The political elite run the media.

Now you understand.
Funny how cautionary tales always actually end up being used as blueprint for some future hellscape
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Okay, ill do all the most crooked up shit and present myself in politics, when people report it it will just be good for me.
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It’s in a month, I wouldn’t worry about it
how much do you faggots get paid per post?
Why is this Russonigger using VPN?
Dont hide yourself we know it's you since you are the only one that has Venti fetish on here
>how elections work in every other democracy
We've clearly seen how wrong and broken this is.
>whatever other tiny state matter more
That's the signed deal. Honor it or gtfo.
left wing communism is a global juggernaut, they also cater to entirely left wing american immigrant draft dodger hippie faggot types, and other canadians they help fraudulently vote in US elections (as long as they're democrat votes)
I think they have a need to be the hero in a story, but they need to replicate the dystopian world before they can become the hero. But to their midwit thinking, they don't realize that they've actually become the villain by destroying civilization in the process.
its not close. thats called media gaslighting. in a real and fair election trump will win 48 states
>Is the reporting in the US more even
>Funny how cautionary tales always actually end up being used as blueprint for some future hellscape
The people who write books and make movies that seems to be prophetic are actually spilling the beans about what the oligarchs and CIA are planning or how they operate. Michael Hoffman calls it predictive programming. Aldous Huxley belonged to the British version of the CIA and what he wrote about in Brave New World is what the English elites were planning. A society in which people are controlled by sex and drugs. The soma that Huxley wrote about which makes people docile but able to work is a drug. The CIA and Tavistock were experimenting with drugs for social control in the 1950s and 1960s. Marijuana is soma. E Michael Jones talks about social engineering, psychological warfare, sexual liberation and Huxley.


Homo Amerimutticus
>who is this girl? she's very pretty.
Brittany Venti

I remember her when she was skinny and cried for getting banned on Twitch.

They are from India so their small 4 inch dicks make them love shitskins like them. I think they get 25 cents a reply. I replied to you not that shrimp dick jeet.
>I remember her when she was skinny and cried for getting banned on Twitch.
She thought it was funny.

>or am I missing something?
You're missing something all right
Permanent Establishment cannot let Trump take office
They've already tried to kill him twice
They will try again
If they fail, the backup plan is to make it sound like Harris and Trump are equal in the polls
That way, they have plausible deniability when they steal the election again
I don't know anyone - really, not being hyperbolic - who supports that whore Harris.
This is our last election.
Folks are pissed off and armed up. They're setting back food, water, ammunition... it's like the moment of stillness right before you step off the high board and fall that long way into the pool.
Legacy Media is wholly captured by the permanent establishment - they repeat what they are told to say.
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>she's very pretty.
How's your macular degeneration coming?
Yeah then she was MIA for years
And then MIGAs fell in love with her after she got arrested
Why do you think he posts her? it's anti-american propaganda. It's hilarious though. Think about it, she's the absolute prettiest mullato in the US, she has amazing saggy tits, and yet every time he posts her ugly face americans are embarrassed and reminded that they're mediocre mutts at best.
it's the only place she might look normal compared to all you downies
Is that venti?
solid 0/10

Due to how extremely unlikable Kamala Harris is and how badly they failed to help the hurricane survivors in North Carolina.
Everybody older knows she is schizophrenia and autist from her old Twitch streams.
She is just using MIGAtards to make milk social media money.
isn't this called tikkun olam or something
>failed to help
You're going with incompetence instead of outright malice?
You are not nearly cynical enough anon
>I am black
imagine willingly volunteering that information
Every presidential election in the US works the same way.
>new president elected
>things go to shit
>people think that they have to vote for the other side to fix things
>vote for other party
>things go even more shit
Rinse, repeat.
>I'm a whore because I never got to go to prom
>Yeah then she was MIA for years
No she wasn't. She never ceased to doing videos and being popular.
except when trump got elected things didnt go to shit, they got vastly better
Simps are just gonna simp, all these tradthots are just after people's money and the morons fall for it hook, line and sinker.
nice, I just don't care about not giving them (you)s, they'll shove the coins up their ass anyway.
probably the part where 60% of people in the US under the age of 55 are foreign born.
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>I don't know anyone - really, not being hyperbolic - who supports that whore Harris.
In my neighborhood, the people who support them cover their lawns and fences with signs. In other words, the left cultists.
I wonder if Joey Holverson is in this thread.
Interesting, I've never watched her videos so idk.
the answer no one gave you us women......
women make 59% of the voting block. but they vote more than men. women control their finances at home.

women, women want abortion. that's it.
fuck the economy
fuck the border
fuck everything

they need abortion. the end
I dont want to dig through old youtube videos.
I remember through fog she really never played any games, she was just pretending to play.
Pretty much one of the first booba streamers. Would be perfect candidate for nowdays also known Hot Tub section on Twitch.
>The problem is why are they trying to convince us
So you'll go on twitter and argue in their favor and fool ignorant Americans into believing the majority supports blue so you should too.
hi saggy
That's because the swamp ensures that they have dirt on the candidates of both sides, that way they can still get their way no matter who wins.
But Trump isn't controlled by them, so that's why he's Public Enemy Number One, the next Hitler, the end of democracy, omg we have to stop him or he'll never leave office! (ignore the fact behind the curtain that he already did)
See now thats the funny thing. In our country the news is even worse. Ads play all the time about how dangerous he is and how we can't let it happen again or our democracy is going to end yadda yadda. They even have all the older presidents and politicians coming out to say hes a terrible dangerous man that is going to destroy our wonderful America.
Turns out that only fools and useful idiots are able to look away from what the current situation is in America and it is a grim situation indeed. News can say for 24 hours every day that Trump is the antichrist that is ruining the country but when you look at the reality the man hasn't been in power for three and a half years and everything went to shit after he got forcefully ousted by a rigged election. Nothing is getting better either, the excuse that its his fault for covid or whatever doesn't hold up to scrutiny when you've had so long to fix it and the answer to what we can do now to fix it is more shit thrown at Trump without saying what they are going to do.
TLDR: You can lie as much as you want, control almost all news and yet people cannot deny what is happening to them.
Trump doesn’t do a lot of nice things unless there is a photo op or a chance to pull one over on a demographic he dismissed earlier. Remember who was pushing the end of Roe versus Wade and grabbing ‘em by the pussy or raping them in the dressing room? This same man now claims to be championing women’s rights while his wife is bemoaning the fact that women have mysteriously lost their rights but she’s pretty sure you can still choose. Anything good deeds Trump does these days is to undermine his opponents and place the blame on immigrants. As a woman and a foreigner, you should find his brand detestable.
The polls generally cannot be fully trusted at this point. You should also be more discerning in regards to Sky news and BBC.
Have you considered you were locked down and forced injections because your city populations aren't all educated in medicine, and are terrified of getting sick? That rule by the masses isn't as effective as you claim?
Orwell seemed like he was trying to warn people overall, having witnessed the excesses of leftism in the Spanish Civil War.
this has got to be one of the dumbest posts I've ever read
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSuL3AZ6tpw reminds me of this
Things went to shit from 2016 to 2020 more than any other 4 year period in US history. That's why Trump was voted out in 2020.
>Orwell seemed like he was trying to warn people overall, having witnessed the excesses of leftism in the Spanish Civil War.
Its not about leftism its about elites and oligarchs doing social engineering.
fair enough
What does 'good candidate' actually mean to you if not someone who supports policies people agree with?
>Things went to shit from 2016 to 2020 more than any other 4 year period in US history.
No, things started going to shit in 1965 when contraception was legalized and mass produced and when the sexual revolution got rolling.
>But Trump isn't controlled by them
The way Trump bent the knee during covid absolutely showed he's controlled by "them"
Polling indicates Trump will probably win 53-46, btfoing the poplar vote memes.
>trust CLAP
>the CLAP
>science! CLAP
Abraham accords
trump was bringing peace to the middle east
Oligarchs and jews promote the same evils and falsehoods as communists - atheistic materialistic world view, population control (contraception, sterilization, abortion), evolution theory, abolition of private property, etc. And they promote other evils and falsehoods that communist regimes don't: total sexual liberation, sodomy, sodomite marriage, transgenderism, white identity for social control, the concepts of white privilege and white racism. Conservatives stupidly think that leftism /communism is the big enemy but its really oligarchs and jews. The Left is mainly about sexual liberation and it consists mainly of what E Michael Jones calls the Jewish revolutionary spirit, and it is controlled by oligarchs.
You do realize that a lot of todays issues are both manufactured by the Right (so much easier to mop up your own “messes” than it is to address real problems you have no real solutions to) and most of these issues Americans woke up to were non- issues in prior to 2016. Trump is a crisis actor, and a plays to an audience of fools looking for simple answers to complex problems. It’s never your fault- it’s always theirs. Men didn’t grow weak relying on social media, gaming, and porn rather than focus on basic social skills need to promote and survive personal relationships- it’s just that women forgot their place by reminding men to bath and pick up their messes. We were fine with the fact that over 70% of the agricultural workers were immigrants until they started their own businesses, dated our women, and started eating our pets. Trump is a bloated corpse of lies and crazy. He is not America nor does (thinking) America need him. We are already a great nation, we don’t need him and his fart catchers to say otherwise.
Trump was giving American tax dollars to bribe Israel's neighbors from dispensing justice. Without knowing for sure but if I had to guess those payments are still being made and those diplomatic relationships have already been discontinued. Because of jewish behavior.
This poster in a nutshell.
In short, if we had a candidate that focused on:
then that candidate would be elected.
Trump is undisciplined and is all over the place on everything else. He's very entertaining, but that's not what too many other people are looking for today.
First, the US electorate has a simple dynamic that's been noticed for about the last century. 40% of the people will agree with you, 40% won't. The remaining 20% decides the election. Trump provides a few answers that 20% wants to hear, and he is also providing too many answers they really don't want to hear.
Second, the weird electoral vote college system the US uses. You don't need to win with a majority of the popular vote, you just need the most electoral votes.
Harris appears to be leading in popular votes, but that may not translate to the most electoral votes. And, so, we have a nail-biter of an election.
>Is the reporting in the US more even, or am I missing something?
The reporting is more even. The problem is news needs to be more than just reporting. Analysis and contextualization are where the failure lies. In that, the goal of "news" organizations is to make money, not to educate. You have to look elsewhere for that.
>We are already a great nation
Wrong. We were a great nation. We will be again. I'm not reading the rest of the AI dribble you posted sorry.
what a complete load of horseshit. you dont even live in this country.
You’re funny. Broken clocks being right once in a while. The pendulum of war peace in the Middle East has been in motion for a millennium. One moment in time is not necessary a success story so much as being right place right time. Biden got expensive medications down in price. Who really is the success story here? I will give Trump credit for his success with Covid vaccines although I question his motives- mmmm like an upcoming election— for doing so. I know we can trust that he will behind another round of mandatory vaccination if called for so there is that.
Depends on the polling source.
She is a white trad cath girl
In other words, internet attention whore.
You didn’t have to live here to see it. Trump made a lot of news overseas as well and most of it was not flattering.
As a non american, you should not trouble yourself with jewish amerimutt politics and their jewish assests.
Just spend your time shitposting and laughing at americans.
Because US states decide the election. There are seven states that are split evenly between Republicans and Democrats. The rest of the states have made up their mind.
Black mom, baptized Catholic but isn't a Christian.
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I don't know why but my racist penis can always tell if a woman is 75% White and 25% black, and I always find them really hot
Philipino or indian? Work in a callcenter and your english is garbage.
They lost the plot anyone reading or researching will simply walk circles around them

I myself will devote to ignoring them

Did all the work they will just try to read my mind for more so is better to just stop and let them embarras themselves
No, if anything our reporting is worse. People are just waking up to the fact that the system will lie to you to get what it wants
Consider that the media has been lying to you for over 50 years.
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>She looks absolutely nothing like the average Russian
Evidently she looks much better
>Dont hide yourself we know it's you since you are the only one that has Venti fetish on here
I would post her with curly hair if I made the thread though
Ms Monkey Tits
if you can't see she's a total mutt she knows you're a worthless simp fit for extraction (and respect you less for it).

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