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nuke test in iran giga-confirmed by seismograph station in Armenia
how nuke tests look compared with natural earthquakes:
Yep, it's over
this is big if true, but its a spaniard speaking and its polchan so its a lie
wew, they want to shutdown the awakening of their tax catle adminsitred by Constantinople, formally known as Israel
>preset captcha

Now GLASS pissrael ASAP.
pissrael on suicide watch
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why was he so memorable? current iranian presidents are boring, don't even remember the one that was murdered in a helicopter's face
he and khamenei quite literally started the world leader twitter shitpost era.
Would Iran hypothetically use a nuke (on Israel)
Why soviet and north korean tests have longer seismograms?
Are commies doing making their nukes in a different way than pajeets and other shitskins?
Any guesses on what the yeild was? 50kt?
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he truly was ahead of his time

I think, evnen iranians memoryholed him already, meanwhile Mahmud Chadhmadinejad is still remembered.
6 gorillion tons. Its ogre
could be just different scales, it's some schizo online graphic, not a scientific paper
if this is true the war is off

why would russia or china NOT give nukes to iran, at this point? Why not? Of course they would.
what's with those people and the 6,000,000 number?
Zog false flags to justify imminent mass warcrime against Iran population.
because nukes generally aren't something you want to give to other states. in the end your friends of today will be your enemies of tomorrow. politics change fast. you wouldn't give nukes to your enemy would you?
just obsessed with 6s generally
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nukes are not so hard to develop, it's harder to make bombers or ICBM to deliver them to the target. but they could always use nuclear terrorism and send hezbollah with nuclear backpacks in tunnels under Tel Aviv even if they don't have the planes
they would be stupid not to indeed
in any nation ever used a nuke in warfare, half of americans would say "oh, I don't watch the news"
>Enjoying beers with the wife and friends
>Channel 9 is doing some piece on an Israel peace vigil
>Cut to scenes of Bibi ranting and raving like Hitler in WWII
>Cut to scenes of Syria and Lebanon being bombed
>Presenter fucking awestruck and ovulating at dead arabs
>Sign into 4chan on incognito mode
>See this
>Reminded of Isreal bombing Russian airbase merely a few days ago
I have 6 million fatigues.
it's mahmoud ahmagiggachad

just mapped that on this and its pretty underwhelming actually, nukes are weaker than I though (compared to volcanos and shit)
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>it's some schizo online graphic
Ahh..., so it is bullshit then.
it's real, but yeah, nothing will happen
I dunno man, testing a nuclear weapon is an admission that they have one. Supposed to be haram. They must be really scared that Israel will kill khamenei or commit some unacceptable act.
if they got one the world changed
we know they can deliver it
they will get a nuclear weapon and then they will not use it, nothing will happen
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Fuckoff Yewtard, I'm just wondering, how did the Zionistis not notice?
having a nuke is the end-game meta for nation-states
no one can fuck existentially with you anymore
all these rogue states just get to do whatever they want and larger powers will buy their favor to keep status quo
>see North Korea, Pakistan, Israel
>and now add Iran to the list
Numerology, six trailing zeros. If it wasn't 6 million then they'd use 15, 24, 33, or 42... million.

turns out it was a scientific paper, not a schizo chart
Muh 666 million
see the rogue state of the united states and the rogue state of israel as examples
That's le bombe. Zionists blown the fuck out.
>6 million Jews
You HAVE to be fucking with me.
Something will leak soon aussyanon, as always.
so this is it, the big one seems legit
The allatoya let a nasty burrito fart, that explains the unusual seismic activity.
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Well, nukes are 100% fake, but if this story gets out there in the media, then the fake nuclear powers may be letting iran into the fake nuke club to prevent ww3 and give israel a reason to save face and say why they cant hit iran directly. Would be a good move by the powers that be, because just funding proxy wars in places like lebanon and syria and ukraine forever is much more profitable for the MIC than an actual direct war between great powers, which is what this would turn into, or war with anyone who can destroy israel conventionally like iran can. We did the same thing for north korea once they became capable of glassing our economic interests in seoul. So it was a good chess move by iran to do the fake test, If the media covers thier little underground TNT explosion in the right way than that means they are in the club, if they ignore it, than it just means "application denied".
fuck off retard
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>Nukes don't exist
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good thing he has you to defend him
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You sound vaccinated
Now post the seismograph from the Fukushima (((earthquake)))
Nope, he got lost in translation.
you sound like a VPN
If every Arab nation had nukes pointed at Israel there would finally be peace in the Middle East as Israeli aggression would be stopped in its tracks.
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Good comeback Shlomo
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>I'm a PIRATE now!
I'm waiting for the other guy. Bring him back.
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What the fuck are you talking about now?
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Anyway, I'm busy, I'm off to go fist my jewish tinder thot
No. Iran has hundred of earthquakes a year. It's located where the Eurasian and arab tectonic plates meet.
did you forget you changed IDs?
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I'm just here for you, big guy... :-)
keep going. Back to the original.

How many nukes do the Arab nations possess?
Pakistan, not Arab but Islamic, probably has 100 but has no beef with Israel but rather with India.

Israel probably has over 200 nukes, although it could be higher than 800.
Should've nuke tested on tel aviv
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God I fucking hope so.
>MFW he was actually right
>Not because he actually knew
>But because he tempted God one time too many
OR >>483958902 why would armenia tell on one of their closest allies, Iran? Unless this is just a FUD.
The Elohim are going to get you for making this nonsense post. Everyone in the universe knows that Nukes don't exist.

Even if you can make a big explosion, its still not a "Nuclear" explosion. Do you not understand the difference? Dumbasses.

A Nuclear BOMB, A real real NUCLEAR bomb would never burn out and it would become a sun in the sky that devours the atmosphere of the Earth. So stop calling it a Nuclear bomb just because you make a huge explosion with a big mushroom cloud.

You are allowed to call it a MOAB, but you're not ever going to have a true NUCLEAR BOMB.
And with that, WW3 is averted.
Howdy, shlomo, how can i help you today? Worried that no one cares about your little samson option narrative? Lebanon invasion not going so good, huh? Just wait until your "commandos" run out of thier tactical diapers, then the real carnage will start
why is india test so low? india is weak test
dumb fuck. Just making you switch IDs around for me.
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Same warhead. Weighed 50 pounds, or 1/4 the weight of a "starving" illegal migrant.
Nuclear Fusion Bomb Endurance
Based on the provided search results, a nuclear fusion bomb never burns out due to several reasons:

Temperature and pressure requirements: Nuclear fusion reactions require extremely high temperatures (around 15 million Kelvin) and pressures to sustain. In an open atmosphere, it’s impossible to achieve and maintain these conditions for an extended period. The atmosphere would not be able to support sustained fusion reactions.
Mean free path in air: Calculations indicate that a region of at least 57 meters in radius needs to be heated for sustained fusion. Heating up such a large volume of atmosphere to 10 MeV would require an enormous amount of fissile material (1,500 tons). This is impractical and unlikely to occur in a nuclear fusion bomb.
Nitrogen fusion: The concern about atmospheric ignition was actually related to nitrogen fusion (chemistry) rather than nuclear fusion. This would not lead to a self-sustaining reaction.
Pure fusion weapons: Research has focused on creating confined spaces to achieve high temperatures and pressures for pure fusion reactions, without relying on fission. This eliminates the need for massive amounts of fissile material and makes sustained fusion reactions less likely to occur in an open atmosphere.
In summary, a nuclear fusion bomb never burns out because:

The required temperatures and pressures cannot be sustained in an open atmosphere.
The mean free path in air makes it impractical to heat up a large enough volume for sustained fusion.
The concern about atmospheric ignition was related to nitrogen fusion, not nuclear fusion.
Pure fusion weapons are designed to operate in confined spaces, eliminating the possibility of sustained fusion reactions in an open atmosphere.
These factors collectively ensure that a nuclear fusion bomb does not burn out or sustain a continuous reaction in an open atmosphere.
No aftershocks is a bit of a giveaway that they let off a can of sunshine in a deep hole.
SURELY this is not fabricated to give reason to bomb Iran and start WW3

You don't bomb a country that is capable of nuclear armed combat, ever. Be it one or one million nukes, if a country has nukes you come to the table and talk. That's why Ukraine is suffering right now and North Korea is not, because Ukraine gave up their nukes to Russia.

If a country ever develops nukes, it will everything in it's power to maintain those, even sacrificing it's own population unless the people making the decisions are not truly committed to the country in question.
The combination of his unhinged shittalking while looking like the biggest subhuman who ever walked on earth makes him quite memorable.
Well, atm, right now, while drinking fine red wine, a fly is flying by me, that's the real reason to bomb Iran.
Wrong, kike. But thanks aussie bro. We'll be rid of these devil worshipers eventually. Inshallah
I pray to live to the day I see Israel nuked. Unfortunately nothing ever happens, and I'll keep coming back to another fake happening thread on 4chan until I'm old and senile. There is no escape.
Nah not really. Don't get me wro g they def have the technology and use it regularly. But the earthquake didn't do anything. Ill wait for tommorow when the Israelis take revenge and say it's to reclaim the date of October 7th for all those who oppose terrorism and all that other crap they're gonna say.
Please leave one for the seeds. Thank you.
iran just bombed israel though...

one nuke--a big explosion. any conventional weapon can do that. it's nothing special
Send a link to the website that published this chart
>iran just bombed israel though...
But Isreal doesn't have any nuclear weapons :^)
is this german humor?
iran nuking israel would be the ultimate aryan revenge story
People are saying it is too deep for a nuke test.
So either a South Park fan slipped a Wiki edit through or Trey Parker and Matt Stone are right and Hillary has a Snuke in her Snizz
The fission warhead, aka primary, is easy to develop, but it's not very powerful, and has a certain ideal size below which it will become exceedingly weak, like these tiny 0.1kt warheads, or above which it becomes kinda unwieldy, say if you boost it beyond 100kt.
The difficult part is mainly the thermonuclear secondary.
He was Dubya's alter ego. (For zoomers: Dubya is George W. Bush, a former US president)
The media here is insane with this shit, belting on and on, as if we shared a border with israel, or maintained a strong alliance. Fuckin unbelievable
10km is too deep for a nuclear test
america did use nukes in warfare
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nukes are fake

He started holding holocaust denial conventions. Super based
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>Show random graph
Iran has nukes guys!
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I wonder if shitposters will be looking at this image in a century marveling at how that number keeps popping up, presumably 6 million will be expelled from New Khazaria before 2125.
>conflict between boundless evil A and boundless evil B
>"if X blows, then Y blows with it"
societies always became ruined on behalf of the jews providing a lie convenient enough for the ignorant to act upon. the ones who were the greatest at the time could not reverse it, then more and more began to give up.

doesn't Russia have a system where if it detects sufficient seismic activity (like, from a nuke) then it'll automatically launch whatever it has in a MAD-like scenario?

because societies always built systems that were meant to serve one thing
that ended up being subverted and used for another

all while the lie the sand nigger shit holes are headed towards is one where if X country goes down, then the rest go down with them.

though I wonder what the point of saying this is anymore, it's like the crucifixion of Jesus but this time it's the world crucifying itself after choosing a lie instead of the truth.
first comes the cross, so they all know where they're headed
things collapse under it's weight
then the cross is put up with the world crucified
and all you can do is watch and wait.

keep in mind this one thing - darkness is not done away with by painting itself with pitch black paint over and over again.
you need a bright light. greater than the darkness. all of it.

before it was the world crucifying Jesus.
things run in parallels. inverse proportional ones.
again, I suppose speaking is pointless. if the world knew any better I wouldn't be watching this, but it's fucking aggravating to just sit and watch things as if I was Lot in the middle of Sodom and Gomorrah.
..because when you threaten a kike with death then it will surely stop and not try to one-up you like Cain when told to do better?
oh hey and it's the 1 year anniversary of the hamas attacks tomorrow and the entire middle east is preparing for israel to hit iran's nuclear facilities right now

isn't that neat.

captcha: 0Y SAY
>0Y say can you seee
>by the dawn's early veyyy
i think this might be one time when it actually Happens anon
and once one Happening happens then i think the Happenings will keep happening
i love how calm the russians filming that one were
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>6 gorillion
>Its ogre
the seal of the central bank of Iran is the same as the seal of melchizedek? interesting.
I wonder if people not try to see how prior societies collapsed and that practically all the signs are there, perhaps it's a bit of ignorance, a bit of stupidity and a bit of awareness that is too great for anyone to care, considering how the time has come for the world to go up in flames - just whose is the question.
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he's our guy

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>nuke test in iran giga-confirmed by seismograph station in Armenia

Not necessarily a test, they did this in 2023 in Armenia and Turkey, to create the earthquakes that brought all those cities to their knees and killed thousands of people when Turkey voted no against NATO letting JewKraine into NATO.
The Kikes in Kontrol dropped a nuke in a deep bore hole and set it off, to create the "earthquake" to send Turkey a message to get back in line.
This was an Armenian seismograph. I dont know the exact location of the bore hole but it was somewhere in Turkey.

ukraine's nukes were russia's dumb fuck lol
of course theyd give them up
I wonder how the hook nosed caricatures would react if you told them they have never accomplished anything and it's all Americans getting their military shit to work properly, on behalf of their jewish masters?
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Israel is the puppet master
The Kikes in Kontrol that run that country, control the world with their power, money, and influence.
They themselves control everything via proxy, they dont have to have any real military superpower, they control the JewNited States of JewMerica by proxy to keep them safe and spread "democracy" across the globe in the name of globohomo.
>The combination of his unhinged shittalking while looking like the biggest subhuman
Reminds me of Himmler and Goebels kek
4.6 on the Richter scale is 8ktons of energy.

Just cause it’s a scientific paper does not mean it’s schizo! But it does seem legit

The government will never give you the knowledge you need to overthrow them. And that knowledge includes:
>when tyrannical governments are weak
>how tyrannical governments fell
>what did the people do to make the tyrannical government fall
>like Cain when told
I just can't go against myself - what Cain? What the fuck are you talking about? You are dragging in non-existent persons and unknowingly or knowingly spreading Zionist nonsense!
What's happening right now on the territory of Ukraine is a battle of GOOD against EVIL
I'm sorry, but you're part of the EVIL side Polack.
Can't China and Russia just give them a nudge instead of Iran having to figure out how to make a nume?
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he inspired some of the first iterations of political memes
No need, because when shtf everything will be solved once and for all. All this so far is just throwing bait in the sea
Its part of their prophesy to get their (((messiah))) because they dont believe in Jesus their messiah will likely be the antichrist thats why they have been saying 6 million since before ww1
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He was king of Twitter before Trump.

This is one of the most surreal things I've ever heard a world leader say lol
THIS. All immigration and globohomo worldwide will end instantaneously
If I give nukes, I have nukes. So my present friend future enemy will decide wisely.
> But don't forget it's me who put you where you are now
> And I can put you back down too
Only quake showing on the USGS page was at 10km depth, way too deep for a borehole test. I suppose they could be hiding it, but best korea's tests were always showing up on picrel
>captcha: 4HT XXX
Isn’t ukraine bombing russia every week what are you talking about?
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Israel isreal, deal with it
Is this a joke?
You don't realize the diaspora jews are the ones spearheading these policies?
Or israel stuck them as they said they were going to
Need to wait for confirmation. I want to see more than one schizo seismo report.. But *if* true, (and they've been working on it for a decade since Obama funded them so it's very possible) look for a massive strike from Israel soon. If this is their first test that bomb is likely the size of a small office building. Look for the Jews to hit them hard before they have a chance to miniaturize it so it can fit on a missile.
If real, it's going to provoke a massive war, not stop one.
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let's hope everyone has a good time.
so they nuked Japan a third time?
>Have 1 nuke
>Waste it on a test
This is when Israel invades...
A deal to curb construction with int-observers
No deal, sanctions, and assasinating scientists

I wonder which direction led them to putting all their eggs towards construction
>Ukraine gave up their nukes to Russia
Ukraine became a wholesome reddit democratic country in 2022, but let's not pretend anybody wanted a Ukraine with nukes in 1991, except Mearsheimer which nobody in western countries likes in the current year
I think he got lost in transition

the data is from here, the chart is some schizo using this data
what's "U of M"?
university of Michigan?
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Israel has underground missiles hitting 10km under Iran?
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Iran can literally do the funniest thing of this century
Its too deep, 10km.
Yes, Iran want's to keep it a secret so Israel can bomb it and then they cannot use the nuke cause USA will nuke them of the map. Classic 5D Chess move. Smart.
International observers my rosy white ass. There was no effective mandate for any observers. It was one big fucking joke and a nod to go full bore with their bomb project. Obama basically gave them a guarantee to a nuke bomb along with 6 massive C130's full of $100 bills.. and Obama knew what he was doing. His whole goal was to destabilize America by inciting the niggers here and destabilize the middle east by giving the bomb to the niggers there.
Obama should be tried, convicted of treason and after a fair and totally legal conviction in a US court of law, lynched from the nearest nigger hangin' tree.
I doubt that was the case. I'm assuming the bomb test (if that's what it was) was out in the middle of nowhere.
Are armenians just discount persians? They still celebrate Novruz though they christianized it and call it "trndez"


The history of Trndez is well documented and is known to have Zoroastrian/ Pagan roots which is originally connected with sun and fire worship before Armenia adopted Christianity and changed the name from “Derendez” to “Tearnyndaraj” which means “to come to meet the Lord, (Jesus Christ).” Trndez has the meaning of “the Lord is with you.” People usually attend church ceremonies on this day and after make bonfires symbolizing the Lords light and warmth which they circle around and jump over. It’s more specifically considered the feast of the purification of the Armenian Apostolic and Catholic Churches and symbolizies the coming of spring and fertility, celebrated 40 days after Jesus’ birth.
>Nukes are real!
>Look this scribbling line proves they are and are definitely Iranian!
how retarded are you
United of Murica
Amen, brother.
probably because we haven't seen another Iranian president do the interviews he did
Likely only in the event of their defeat being imminent.
What do you mean? Its impossible to drill to 10km?

>its too deep

Show evidence...n,i,g,g,e,r
Has to do with the soil.
The deepest borehole ever was 12km. Are you telling me Iran tried to drill the second deepest borehole ever just to detonate a fictional device? Yeah, sure memeflag.
>although it could be higher than 800.
Damn, the kikes are that dumb- what a waste of money.
We can only pray
it is not possible to write nigger anymore?
Yeah but it will misfire and land on Mecca
>natural earthquakes
What else do you know o wise anon!?
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Am I allowed to post?
That's what I've been saying. Iran has been supplying Russia with drones ad infinitum. As if they didn't return the favor and gave/sold them some nukes.
Ever notice they stopped BBC posting after the missile strike on mossad? Even on /gif/ you can see a difference (it's still there, but not as much). Very curious.
I didn't feel anything
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actually, central banks in most countries are owned by the state. your picture is unverified bullshit. maybe you should delete it from your computer
Fuku eartquake didn't have Rayleigh waves typical of an earthquake. Also, it was suspected the jews brought a suitcase nuke to the 3rd reactor, which was conveniently being worked on by an Israeli firm at the time.
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lmao even
wholly expected btw.
Yes, picrel for comparison. 100% nuclear detonation by Iran.

I'm guessing we'll see a different posture from Israel now.
10km is the default setting until its reviewed.
checked. are all leafs that gullible? your own central bank is a shitshow, vanguard literally owns most of its traded shares. if you think you are somehow immune to the kikes money printing inflation game then think again, you are on the receiving end of it no matter how they have your phone central bank set up on paper. thats like claiming elon musk is worlds richest man or some dumb shit when there are rothshchilds worth trillions. if you think you are well informed by the kike owned media then think again.
>natural earthquakes:
LOL when's the last natural one? haha

You're a caveman stuck on cave man logic, unaware that nukes are fake, and that other, more realistic seismic weapons are being used

I wonder how much longer before boomer retards stop blaming everything on "nukes". I'd guess another 5 generations since the "nuke" shit had such a high uptake
I'm gonna be honest, it looks like Iran won. What can Israel even do at this point? Iran has nukes + hypersonic delivery. Even a US invasion won't do anything at this point.

Fucking retard move to place Israel in the middle east.
>Fucking retard move to place Israel in the middle east.
Nah it's genius. They concentrated Jews in one easily nuked spot.
>>Have 1 nuke
>>Waste it on a test
>This is when Israel invades...
At least, they know it was working.
>it's harder to make bombers or ICBM to deliver them to the target
they've already send missiles that hit.
it's a foregone conclusion at this point.
You need to be 18 to post here, girlie.
>candy-ass roody-poo confirmed
>but muh n00kz
fuck off kike, they don't exist except in power plants.
"owned by the federal government"... "The Governor & senior Dep.Gov. are appointed by the Bank's ... not by the federal gov."
actually, you deserve everything that happens to you in life.
WW3 averted. Drumpf seething.
tig if brue

it is end of israel as we know it!
Damn, that's practically an invitation for Israel to nuke them off the map right now.
>doesnt know that nukes are the ultimate empty threat of all abrahamic sandniggers
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you have one task!
m8, please...
- https://earthquaketrack.com/p/iran/recent
It would literally kick off a 1000 year White Boy Summer
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Post the source you inbreed brownoid
Kek, underrated jew cycle knower
University of Michigan
>crypto news network

lmao fuck off
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>its real
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Did you think I would lie about 6 million?
>not testing on Tel Aviv
Missed chances.
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Radioactive goats
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Yea I felt the rumble in jungle.

Also, Armenian BBQ rabbit is based, I totally recommend.

Today I saw where they found the worlds oldest shoe and where they were making and drinking wine here before Islam was even invented... why do you muslims hate alcohol, your religion is younger than a shoe I saw and younger than the first wine.

For me it just diminishes the authenticity of a religion when I can find a pair of shoes that existed before your messenger of God even existed.
I appreciate greatly the Cuneiform and the Mesopotamian/Sumerian and Babylonian of your old world, but Islam just feels like its a pretender.

Tell me why I am wrong.
The real mystery now is how miniaturized their weapons are. Having big dumb bombs like NL won’t help them against israel.
You have to admire this shit at least a little bit, lol.
You're an absolute retard. No two earthquakes look the same.
Old newz, totally irrelevant to the current situation
>Also, Armenian BBQ rabbit is based, I totally recommend.
All of Armenian BBQ is based. Shashlik is very popular here, especially seasoned Armenian style.
It was the soviet union who investigated the holocaust(c). I think they are just memeing at this point. Goyim is unable to organize against global ZOG.
Oh, I don't watch the news
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No its not. Israel is supposed to go down in 2028, as the curse of the 8th decade comes. And Putin will save them, but NOT Netanyahus regime. If you haven't figured it out, its a biblical cult.
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It cant possibly make it through Israels aid defence systems. Jews are invincible.
We can only hope
Are you people fucking retarded, how are you not embarrassed by what you wrote?
>jew finds out that a nazi website is full of people who want to see jews dead
Fuck off kike
>its a biblical cult
Dear anon this war will last for a couple of decades, not only in Ukraine or the Middle East etc, it will spread all over the world. The battle of good versus evil has begun... but unfortunately you don't see it, and it has nothing to do with the 2028 Jew prophecy.
Ah yes, the presidents personal ideology affects America, not the jews who control all the wealth and institutional power. Most American jews supported the Iranian nuclear deal under Obama. The Likudniks in Israel were opposed to it because they think war rather than diplomacy is the answer. Eventually even American jews soured on the deal which led to Trump scrapping it. Jews get things wrong some times. Most all jews supported the invasion of Iraq but it allowed Iran to get stronger in the region. When US foreign policy hurts Israel, it isnt out of antisemitism, it's just because kikes arent perfect and they fuck up. Jews control America completely and the last president who had a minor disagreement with them was JFK.
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It has everything to do with it. And you're right about major wars breaking out eventually as the Samson option.
Check this out. Its quite interesting. Good can't win by gentiles/goyim killing each other.
Two tires are gone - picrel - that's 4 shure
israel is a big reason why the jews have been able to project influence. its a safe haven for their entire network, there are no outsiders with oversight over them, but they are the outsider keeping oversight on everyone else.
once the regional powers there expel them the whole worldwide network crumbles, they have no where to run.
You have to be muslims. To talk about nukes in this way where you advocate for your own destruction is something only a low inbred worshiper of some arab pagan stone religion would do. And it takes a low IQ and emotional brown person to seriously ask why Russia or China wouldn't give nukes to Iran. Like, are you fucking serious.

At the end of Apartheid, the South African White scientists were so moral and forward thinking that they destroyed all of their nuclear weapons for fear of having these things under the control of nigs. When you read shit like that, you can see their fears were justified.
Its a m5, have fun, gas kikes
Good damn, you sandniggers are stupid. I bet you never even heard of the City of London, and frankly, that is where the real seat of intentional influence is.
Nothing ever happens but might as well pretend.
Let’s just for a second pretend Iran had a nuke and could fly it to Israel and blow up a major city.
What would happen next? US dow‘ing and sending ICBMs?
kek, it's a german bucket m8, pure crap, like all bmw
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>only muslims hate kikes
Why shouldn't White people hate kikes? Ever heard of the Great Replacement? Jews don't need a nuke to ethnically cleanse us. The best outcome for the White race is the destruction of jewish power. We are in an existential struggle for survival.
Capitalists flood you with shitskins to lower the cost of labor while increasing the cost of living and value of their real estate. Jews invented capitalism but it will still be here even after getting rid of them so nothing would change
even if wasreal happens, they still have nyc as 2.0
I like it. E39 was one of their best platforms.
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no, their nuclear power plants went into a meltdown because the diesel backup generators were underwater

>Fuku eartquake didn't have Rayleigh waves typical of an earthquake
literal third world retard detected
Pic related. The Pacific tectonic plate is subducting (going under) the North American plate. It pulls the North American plate down a bit during this process, North America plate, releases a massive amount of energy --> earthquakes and tsunamis happen. Japan was flooded, and the electrical grid (and backup generators) were flooded and unable to cool the Fukushima plant. Plant starts overheating, hydrogen explodes.
A nuke isn't doing that shit or affecting the 'Rayleigh waves' (and I bet you don't even know what those are).
>Region where the earthquake happened wasn't the North American plate, it was the Okhotsk 'microplate'
Yea well, everyone wants a PhD too, so everyone gets their own 'microplate'. The 'new' plate tectonic maps are fucking chaos.
>meme flag
fuck off
The only connection with the Israelis as that jews installed security cameras in the plant; https://archive.is/EBE4i .Also, Japan's PM meet with Mahmoud Abbas (president of Palestine) in 2010. But if you're going to kneejerk and say 'hurr durr jews nuke fukushima', then you're being retarded. Focus on shit that isn't schizo, like Japan's new PM (or whatever) being a 'christian zionist' to appease the jews controlling America. America moved its carrier group (and a ton of other assets) to help israel, and the South China Sea (looking at you Taiwan lol) is completely undefended, for the sake of israel. That doesn't even mention the financial robbery of countries like Japan and the UK, by jews in America, because the former became literal colonies of America after WW2. So yea, don't be surprised if you see 'christian zionists' pop up in all sorts of weird places to appease America lol.
Iran is based as fuck and I'm tired of pretending it's not
neat, the chaos has increased
only them, right?
No USNDS ping, no nuke. slide thread.
no one would or even could deploy a tsar bomba, not even russia
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He was very entertaining
Wouldn't that only detect nuclear airbursts?
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Oh please! Please let it be true!
Nope, a litany of redundancies/gamut from deep space all the way back to the ground. EMP / RADEC / Banghmeter / Bloc II GPS all in real time. A spurt long enough of the wrong isotopes and it’s a NATO conventional salvo on ur front door. NUDET is 99% accurate.

Pretty sure Ukraine didn’t have the launch codes for “their” nukes, the Soviet government did
Wouldn't most of that be undetected with a underground test?
>Expecting to observe surface waves within 1 minute of the body wave arrivals for a station so far away
/pol/ really has become giga low IQ over the years wtf happened
This place used to be talented a decade ago.
Interdasting thank you
NDDS/RADEC/ Radionuclide sensors would detect an underground test instantaneously. It’s a planetary sensor.
Putin should have just shot him in the face the moment he started talking
Don't try telling me that everyone in Israel wouldn't be celebrating. Everyone's terrified of King Polish Sandnigger because the Dark Lord himself uses that kike as a direct conduit
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If any revolutionary movement ousted jews from power it wouldn't necessarily pursue White genocide. Jews are 100% pursuing this policy. We either oust jews from power or go extinct. We just need to make sure we're running the revolution. There's no reason not to put everything we have into kicking jews out. If they're defeated, we have a chance. If they stay in power it's game over. Even if the situation is hopeless, we fight anyway. Helping ZOG die and kikes lose power would be very satisfying. Seeing those missles slam into Israel the other night was immensely satisfying. I want to inflict the political equivalent of that with a White Nationalist movement. We can be a 5th column that subverts the empire from within like jews have done to Europeans for a thousand years.
> EMP / RADEC / Banghmeter / Bloc II GPS all in real time.

None of these detect underground nuclear tests you mouthbreathing retard thats what broadband seismometers which no one in the air force knows how to read.
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Unfortunately he is in the global kabbalist cult, a major player in it even.
It’s apart of the whole apparatus retard.
please throw it tonight

The nukeanons in this thread might find this discussion interesting

kabbalistic schizophrenia
2 more weeks goy. Refresh your twitter and tiktok now stupid goy slave, and go lotion up that mutilated dick you dumb marked cattle.
>USNDS provides near real-time global detection of nuclear events in earth’s atmosphere and near space.

Notice it doesnt say underground? Those are done by seismologists. Not military. Fucking brainlet.
Holy shit, an Otto with a reasonable understandibg of the complex state of geopolitics as it relates to nuclear states. My mind is full of fuck.
Countries controlled by jews do what America does towards Israel. Russia and America are not ran by the same people. Putin keeping Assad in power was the opposite of what America and Israel wanted. Russia has been arming Hezbollah, Hamas, Syria and Iran. Iran gave Russia shahed drones to use in Ukraine. Ukraine is ran by the same jews that run America, that's why they're on the same team. Russia and America are enemies and in a de facto state of war. Israel just bombed a Russian base in Syria. Vid related is a Likud party leader in Israel threatening Russia after October 7th.
Can you reproduce a sound of a wave with a jpg?
So what? I trust iranians with nukes more than jews.
Yea and it’s has an endo-atmospheric ground link with NDS terminals. Do explosions completely miss the layer of atmosphere that persist above them, no they do not. Fagcunt.
Most modern nukes are in 300-750 kt range. Tsar Bomba was a one-off.
The jewish schism has ended. You'd think they won't destroy their best golem as they are, but the plans are in motion.
Yes impedence at the crust / atmosphere boundary is too large for seismic energy to escape it. This is what causes surface waves (i.e. Earthquakes) because the kinetic energy is trapped at the boundary.

Fucking moron.
>yet can’t compare 10,000m to other numbers. Doesn’t realise 10km is way too deep and impossible. Doesn’t know that’s 2000m deeper than Mt Everest is tall
Damn it's popping off in this thread the big brain niggas is fighting
Yeah great word salad but the data link extends beyond the seismic readout, the legal precedent is measured on the radionuclide expungement at the detonation center, the seismic read-out trails behind the atmospheric confirmation. You complete mongoloid.
Talmud says Jews will suffer 6 million casualties before they get their homeland back. You know when you roll a die over and over again to try and get the result you want? That except they're trying to force prophecy to the point of being willing to lie about how many people died even when anyone actually is dying.
its fake
>Detecting radioactive material above ground from an underground nuke test designed to prevent exactly that

Please kill yourself. The only way to detect a nuclear underground test is through broadband seismometers and it requires doing a source mechanism analysis.

Your shitty air force, space force or whatever you call it USNDS is as worthless as a toaster for detecting underground nuke tests.

Only seismologists can do this.
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The common treatment for cancer is radiation so it seems appropriate.
so just 2 or 3 are enouhg to destroy 90% jews in Israel?
hope Iran can make that many.
Yeah the apparatus you keep cherry scanning from is telling you that its main modality is a gamma radiation sensor that is pinged as soon as there is an explosion at any quadrant. You’re arguing about two departments that literally work together using the same data chain. Is your brain made out of chewing gum?
To solve 90% of the world's problems.
>6 Millions

Do they do thus for as a meme?
she is one of ugliest human being I ever seen
Guess there's an Iranian in all of us
this supposed test was in 10km depth how much radiation stinks past that which you can measure with your planetary sensors
The USNDS wont give a ping for an underground nuke test as it does not contain seismometers or seismologists and hence it cannot detect the test.

It wont be able to detect anything unusual in isotopes or radiation due to the nature of the underground test is meant to counter exactly that. Why the fuck do you think the tests are done underground to begin with.

I dont know what the fuck it is you think USNDS can detect from an underground test you keep mouth breaking about radiation? The entire point or doing it below ground is that gamma radiation etc is absorbed by surrounding rock to not be detected above ground.

Hence the first post about a USNDS Ping for an underground nuke test is complete brainlet nonsense.
Rolling for nuclear backpack in tunnel under tel aviv
Because whether or not you poison the well with your specific 10km attenuation there are still ambient rays scattered about.
they prolly have 2 or 3
Because the USNDS has interoperability with ICADS which is the ground operating system, it’s really not that hard to figure out that they work in unison.
You and Me
"American Jews" are corrupt and have their hand in the democrat cookie Jar. American Jews support anything the democrats do because the democrats let them control and steal from the whole country. American Jews are the ones pushing all the faggot and tranny shit along with illegal immigration in America, so spare me from the "American Jews LOVED Obama's Iran deal!" bullshit. Because that is what it is.. Bullshit. No sane person looked at the Iran deal and thought it did anything except guarantee Iran would be a the defacto ruler of the middle east and give them nuclear weapons. Without Obama and now Biden Iran would be broke. Instead they have terrorist cells in the US, nukes, and have destabilized the whole region.
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>Also, it was suspected the jews brought a suitcase nuke to the 3rd reactor, which was conveniently being worked on by an Israeli firm at the time.
if jews put pagers full of explosives, and they are being hired to do nuclear plant maintenance, then you know what is there in most nuclear plants around the world, the Samsonite Option...
>I'm guessing we'll see a different posture from Israel now.
they may be insane enough to just go for it, their nations never last more than 85 years and we are already due
>M 4.5
>Sat, 05 Oct 2024 19:15:35 +0000
>Depth: 10 km
your magic sensors didnt pick anything up,
So there is no nuke right?
Iran knows to drill holes mind you and the average elevation is 1305m above sea level i leave the rest open to your imagination
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>they prolly have 2 or 3

quite enough to destroy majority of most populated places in israel!
>Fortunately, the data will be processed, and their decisions simplified, by ICADS — the Integrated Correlation and Display System, created for the Air Force by Sandia.

>ICADS is a key part of the US Nuclear Detonation (NuDet) Detection System (USNDS), a network of Global Positioning System and Defense Support Program (DSP) satellites, multiple detectors on board each satellite, and a handful of fixed and mobile ground stations.


Again. There are not seismometers as part of this shit useless system. I dont know why you’re too retarded to comprehend that USNDS cannot detect underground nukes only seismologists can do so.
So earthquakes are blue.
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>they've already send missiles that hit.
not all missiles are nuclear capable, they have to be adapted
Hmm maybe it wasn’t a nuke? Have too much cum in your schnitzel this morning gumming up your brain cogs?
qrd at pic?
they just need the hypersonic missiles now.
>That except they're trying to force prophecy to the point of being willing to lie about how many people died even when anyone actually is dying.
>trying to jew God
why they think this will work?
Because they are all part of NUDET you fucking jagaloon. it’s a fucking detection system umbrella. What you think the explosion just atomizes its self to suddenly disappear. Stfu you pedantic faggot.
this is bullshit. they're trying to make iran seem like a threat so the USA invades them for israel
The reason why NUDET is 99% isn’t solely because of the seismographs again rudimentary shit.
>Then-House Armed Services Committee staff member Peter Pry displays a model of what a nuclear suitcase bomb "might look like" during a hearing on Capitol Hill in Washington in this Oct. 26, 1999, photo.

suitcase nukes are real though, jews just don't want you to know about them so they can use them unimpeded
He was a nooticer. When the (((French))) were making their silly Mohammed cartoons and there were shitskins seething, based Ahmoojinidabad said that that's fine if you have unrestricted freedom of speech but what about the holohoax? The kvetching was unreal, he knew what he was doing. He even went as far as to request the mass graves be exhumed and tested for typhus and to sample the shower walls in Auschwitz kek.
You know that changing your flag to a meme flag doesnt change your ID right you mouth breathing mongoloid holy shit
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>nukes are not so hard to develop

Do it then faggot?
he was even above our level, impressive
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Admiral-General Luis Carrero Blanco was going to do it, but the CIA blew him up, kek
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Who gives a shit faggot I’m replying to your dumbass lol.
Nice. Finally they gonna kill eachother.
>now changes id
Cant take this retard glowie shill seriously
Shuddap faggot nobody’s shilling a nuclear detection device you fucking cunt. Learn the right slang retard.
US is a kike puppet state, count their nukes towards Israel goyim
every ballistic missile is hypersonic!
i like the red floppy one

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