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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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First haha take that josh
>*Josher laugh*
Welcome to brit/pol/ lad
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gray-bros, our response?
She fell into another government job lad, I have no words
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She went up against the King, and lost
bigger nose = bigger bogeys?
I’m the Josher baby hahaha
>Joker: the musical
fucking jews, man
Who's the Muhammad to Keir's Aisha?
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Standing back, and standing by
Bigger bum stinkier farts and poos. Just imagine a J Lo poo
yah rheeeet
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is this really true though?
I've had skinny girls clog my toilet more than once. I've never clogged the loo and I'm nearly 100kg.
Itchy bum
Money to come
Nearer the hole
Bigger the sum
Lol Kglet
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Aiming for 200 lad dw
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Bragging about whities exposing that big fat lady in a human zoo at Paris...yeah good job piggy.
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Cor, imagine a modern human zoo full of fatties.

I think Mrs. Starmer is running the country.
I’m the Josher baby hahaha
So in reality it's Bibi?
Hey, cool it with the anti-semitic remarks.

If you are of an approved group, the state will just throw money at you. Try getting money out of those fuckers as a normal person.
Lmao shes not even running her husbands dick
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perhaps Jeremy Hunt should have been the leader...? could he have helped to make peace with china?

No, put put the fat camp on the ground floor of a tower block, and the canteen on the top floor. And turn off the lifts. Put bars on the windows to stop them going to Greggs.
Who cares at this point? Dead ruined country.
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I’m the Josher baby hahaha
always has been
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The eternal Celt strikes again.
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Bogdan has been awfully quiet since the dox.
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>and cleaned her toilet
fuck I feel like shit
It was the self admitted being a jew that did it
>*Josher laugh*
ive done a number on myself
i heared de lods where in hear
corrr blonde amazon delivery lass in a tight amazon t shirt and above the knee shorts, not coming to mine unforch lads
will things ever improve for us? would we one day get a right-wing anti-immigrant government that doesn't hate white people. Or is it all over for us and there's no hope? I'm seriously deciding if my kid should grow up in the UK or not
you roll the dice, you pay the price
Democracy lad, labour will get one more term then the islamic party will be in after all the irregular tourists achieve legal status to vote
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im fairly convinced UK will have Sharia law in the future. There's absolutely nothing to stop it with our legal system. Even if you said muh human rights, our system allows us to repeal those rights etc. If the majority of UK becomes muzzy, or even a very large portion of it then they will vote muzzy and muzzy MPs will vote for Islamic style laws.
There's a strip club 1 minute away from my work. I'm thinking about starting to go in for a cheeky one on my break. Who ever thought I'd end up working in an RnB club hosting a gay night. Those gays sure know how to party
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your far-right pro-white party, sir
alri josherla
fuck right off
look at this bunch of fucking panty sniffers
>£8,000,000 a day to house invaders.
>Pensioners who paid into the system for decades, many of whom fought for this country, lost their meagre winter fuel payment.
>Nottingham used to hold a bonfire every year on 5th Nov, but it's been cancelled for the last 5 years.
>Now council leader Neghat Khan is telling us it 'may never happen again'.
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They're paying their debt now
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my arrse
Labour: muzzies
Tories: hindpoos
Reform: sikhs (respect)
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>imagine a modern human zoo full of fatties.
I thought it was Lord Ali, and Starmer is his rent boy.
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Now lets 'circle back' to this when Nottingham Council shells out for some brown event
>Pensioners who paid into the system
> many of whom fought for this country
double lel
> lost their meagre winter fuel payment.
(introduced 1997) triple lel
They look like they care about Are British Values, and that's what matters.
is this real?
boomers almost fought 2 world wars, have some respect
Someone rightly commented that you could charge a bit of money and the event would turn a profit but the goal is fuck whitey and their traditions. What does Guy Fawkes mean to the browns?
It's definitely happening and the bleeding heart liberals will be fully behind it even when they're paying jizzya tax
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simple as
Islamic Party will soon take over all of the Labour strong holds. Most of Labour will be in denial about it all.
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Gammons AUS AUS
based sikhs
not racyis me best fren a sikhs
You would have been put to the sword for defeatism during the Roman invasion and take over and that lasted 400 years.

let that sink in
Morgan McSweeney wanted and her gone and what a great surprise, he has her job now. This was a classic palace coup.
>t. killed thousands of muslims, well not really, just plays tough online
rTom was a scam too
they spent all charity monies on extensions and swimming pools
>A feast for the senses as Nottingham celebrates Diwali in Old Market Square
>A nine-foot mechanical elephant, music, dance and poetry will all feature in Nottingham City Council’s celebrations for Diwali, the Hindu Festival of Lights, in the Old Market Square on Friday (13 October) and Saturday (14 October).
I like how they made no effort to censor fuck scrawled into the wood, too outraged at the racism on display kek
Party Chairman Muhammad Ziauddin Yusuf

You lads really don't watch the news do you.
Newfag stormfags itt
you say scam, i say based, imagine not fleecing hysterical rubes
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what an odd thing to say
Brexit was a mistake. We should rejoin at the earliest opportunity
whatever you say paki
I accept your concession Moshe namefag
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>An inspirational AI translated video: ‘Romanians live here, Africans live here, but hey, we’ve got a No Parking sign in Urdu. So, in this little corner of England, this man is positive about life. An uplifting video for us all.
Started from the bottom now we're here
antifa r based
bet they do loads of criminal damages
and no prison charges
>he was hired to work as an intern receptionist and in the party's attack and rebuttal unit in Millbank where he input data into Peter Mandelson’s “Excalibur” database

Peter Mandelson. His father's family were Jewish; his grandfather had founded the Harrow United Synagogue.
Mandelson is gay.
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Might put me wig and dress on and flick me bean to Susanna Reid whilst massaging me prostate. Am such a slag when i'm on the blob.
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New grift dropped
That you Yaxley lad
>What's the number 1 cause of terror!sm in the UK, Europe and Worldwide?
Really hate that cow, Idi Amin did nothing wrong. What always gets me about his expulsions is why the jeets were allowed to come to Britain instead of, as common sense would dictate, going back to India
You are going to void your invitation to my spring picnic
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bros i'm from a middle class family but one branch of my family is relatively upper class (posh lawyers, etc.) the head in the sand syndrome is unreal. they have no fucking clue what's happening on a lower/working class street level nor would they care because it's not them.

i'm not about 'muh economics' because in my hometown even if you were poor it was still relatively safe and homogenous, you had any disputes it was settled among themselves. now we have this multicultural accent thing going on, Jeets are buying out property because they pool together, females including minors are getting harrassed in the street by strange foreigners, and if anyone says anything about it you get on the bad boy list which is increasingly leading to real world repercussions if you speak out about it. in the next town over you have the most backwards looking Pakistanis and reverts doing dawah in the high street and everyone has a gay accent.

then i check my posh relatives insta and she's having the classic 'posh person in England' trad lifestyle, it reminds me of a country prior to civil strife while the more upper crust people have no idea what's formulating around them but unfortunately historically these are the types of people who could move things. feels like the train is about to crash and there's no getting away. feels bad man.
Cool story bro. Write a blog
Is that Basshunter?
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Idi was based
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Would she still be forced to quit if she took a few thousand less in salary?
>Sue is paid more than Keir
fucking hell 970 came over on saturday. Need to lift but cba, perhaps I'll use this as motivation
you know while you do your atomised man lifting routine they'll still come into the country, right anon?
Wait... is that real? If it's real, I have to change my opinion of him from tyrannical meglomanica to bat shit crazy. Can't you Amendment 25 the guy like they did to Biden?
I would rather be as fit as possible than flabby and unfit, I also genuinely think me being noticeably muscular keeps the wogs, scallies and homless at bay, they dont harass me.
Starmer should have bet on Brentford
I’m the Josher baby hahaha
I shoulder barged a Jeet the other day (by accident), he passively shirked back and didn't do shit, literally avoiding eye contact

it's not going to stop the boats though
You could be built like a tank and would still have no chance against a skinny bame with a 3 inch knife
I find it funny but it's really not smart for Labour to piss off coffin dodgers, they tend to vote en masse.
no but you will have less chances of one thinking he can fuck with you, you can't stop the boats but you can prepare yourself for the future of the new united kingdom.
You sound like a pussy.
You need to watch more White guy knocks out black guy webm's to boost your confidence.
muscles dont make you knife or acid proof but one would rather shank a physically weak looking man than take his chances with a larger one, or at least be good at sprinting, I train this often, it would be retarded to fight one unless hes unarmed. Plus lifting is good for mento elves and you're less likely to end up in a bamehome when youre older if you start being physically fit younger.
No lad I just know that sharp metal beats flesh
>*Josher laugh*
I'm not arguing the gym. You should be as healthy as possible. However you should check Golden One's last videos on this if you haven't already.

You're just going to be a jacked man paying jizya otherwise.
very nice punch at 1:20
post physeek

hes become based? surprising, not heard his name in a long time
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Brinnies have found a new app

Freemason confirmed.
Mad how Russell becoming right-wing has made both the left and right see that he's just a money-hungry grifter

But I doubt he cares, he probably makes enough to make it worthwhile
The rich can just escape from things with their money.
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Alriiiii josher laaaaaa
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Smells like a James LARP to discredit Josh
Pure faggot shit
She voted for it.
Dago is the Aussie/memeflag paki poster
You’re the Jameser baby hahaha
> anyone want a torture pet white girl?
> go to England
Josh is the Argentine/pole/dago/ausrape nigger. He's a useless faggot who literally spends every waking minute on 4chan because hes a cockless your loser
Starmer let Jimmy Saveloy off the hook
*Yid loser
>Muh hecking Sikhs.
Don't understand the constant worship of ethnics in this country. Even in right-wing spaces like this, there are tons of people fawning over Sikhs, Poles, and Gurkhas.
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> reeeeeeee stop drawing attention to the fact we allow shitskins to sexually enslave white girls
this. it's always the j-nigger goblin faggot
he does it for the (you)s
oh look, here's josh now at the same time "dago" appears
She got skull fucked to death (serious)
> By a nigger of course
>Reeves urged to hit wealthy with exit tax as they flee Britain
>Tax raid threat would reduce incentives to move assets abroad, think tank says
There's some comparison to be made with modern state fiscal thinking (that in reality all money inherently belongs to the state and it merely deigns to allow you to hold onto some for a short while) and medieval feudal thought on land ownership (all land actually belongs to the king but he allows you to care and take revenue from it for a while)
>you'd have to be mad to think josh would larp
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>wage (my first mistake)
>work has radio station blaring out over the speakers
>radio host: "I've made a rap for black history month!"
>it's a rant
>blacks made the world
>whites wrote blacks out of history
>everyone comes from africa
>the first bones in the ground were black
>black month shouldn't be black month, it should be black year
>co-hosts clap and say it should be taught in schools
I'm not sure if the Nazis were as bad as this black fragility. Why are they allowed to be ethno-narcissists going on about how they're the trve aryans? Have they tried building their own country?
> when your English slave girl stands up for herself
So what are you saying...
You don't understand why people are nice and welcoming to people of other ethnicities?
They want to make them feel good.
Thanks josh, you really are a great person, the way you spend your time is just so admirable
>james samefagging
Saddest of sad cunts
They really hate-fuck your girls
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Lmao. Basically, illusions lifting!
For me it's Dawn Butler hotep posting criminals (and Thomas Sowell???) as kangz
> They want to make them feel good.
By offering up little white girls as experimental Guinea pigs?
>Thanks josh, you really are a great person, the way you spend your time is just so admirable
Soon they’re going to be doing that to all white women in the UK as a humiliation ritual
I wonder who could be throwing low effort memeflag posts at me after I accused josh of being a larper? I just can't tell because they're anonymous
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>be bong bog wog
>start out as cheddar man
>swarthy, brown skin, dark hair, shit coloured eyes
>get conquered, raped and replaced by celtic migrations
>first stage of bleaching initiated
>be less swarthy now, red and light brown hair, green and blue eyes emerge
>get conquered and raped by romans, adding mediterranean and north african admixture
>swarthified a new, olive skin, brown eyes added
>get conquered and raped by anglo-saxons
>second stage of bleaching: blonde hair and blue eyes now more prevalent due to copious amounts of rape
>be neolithic-britonic-chedar-man-celtic-roman-anglo-saxon mutt at this point
>final stage of bleaching: get conquered and raped yet again by normans aka francophone, but genetically vikings
>at last rendered partially white, everything before and now undoubtedly subhuman mongrel tier
I'm pretty lonely lads.
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Sad goblin nonce. What a loser
Call a brass
>"everyone is josh" tedium
I'll be back later
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>The network of groups on SimpleX is also sharing extremist content, including al-Qaeda training manuals, Hamas rocket development guides, neo-Nazi accelerationist handbooks, and militant anarchist literature.

hey, whatcha up to
ASDA anon. Is that you?
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Don’t even dare think about escaping hell island
I wonder if your white sister felt lonely when she was being gang raped by hoards of shitskins
>calls people "James"
>posts ragebait
dagojosh confirmed paki poster
They couldn't even build an opulent palace
Nah. Just a sadcunt who works in IT who has been single for 9 years and 4 months.
>Uses americanisms
>calls everyone James
>yeah literally as soon as I wake up I'm on there
>I have different personalities I use depending on my mood
>I got "Dago" he's a homosexual who pretends to live in jail
>I've got the one called sideways eight, I stole a bunch of some guys pictures and post as him because I envy him not looking like a shaved nutsack
>I've got another one that I use an Australian VPN for and I just post the same dozen pictures of rapists and all I do is laugh about children getting raped, it's pretty cool he's one of my favourites
>Then there's me "gobbo" personality, I used that one when I want to be matey with all my other personalities
>Yeah I've got 4 internet connections, 2 mobiles a tablet and a PC
>No no, I've never had sex of course not, I'm too busy playing pretend on an obscure political forum
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> you wanna meet my muslim nigger dog?
> it’s name is sprinkles
> I caught it trying to rape a white woman
Can the Catalan and the Ozzie get bored and not come here anymore?
> how do you get a nigger out of a tree?
Cut the rope
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>I caught it trying to rape a white woman
>Muh Falklands!!!
you're asking if Josh can stop being Josh?
unlikely the fat nonce is here 18 hours a day and lives on (you)s
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Probably if you don’t grow some balls, stop eating seed oils and see the strings which need to be cut. They were brought to your country by the usurers that replaced your govs with a service corporations while no one was paying attention. Their purpose is to stifle nationalism and identity so that you can’t come together and oust them. Their is a trap in this play by them, it’s a religious one that has to do with talmudic prophecy. It says that when the christians and muslims come together against the chosen that is about the time their moisha or messiah will show up. So either way they will be using yourselves against yourselves in perfect battlefield synergy. You must find a way to not play into either, do that and everything they do from then on crumbles like the shite palace it is!
why do northern snobs hate humble southerners?
>not bothered by constant ragebait spam or obnoxious namecunt posting but absolutely can't tolerate anyone besmirching joshes good name
Yeah fuck off then faggot you won't be missed
Can you defend your little white girls from shitskins?
Fun fact:
We're a dead race.
1.1 ratio whilst the point of no return was 1.4

Here is here bombshell:

There is a good reason you know nothing of this.
Tic tok

>Can you defend your little white girls from shitskins?
I think i might not be gay, how so i tell my partner?
Yea, I feel you.
Been single for about 7 years myself.
Went on a date today and it was fucking horrible. Woman just kept going on about her ex and it really put me off.
I feel good though, because I'm in a good position in my job, I have money to enjoy and buy things I need. Just missing that companionship.
I won't settle for anything less than what makes me happy.

Try out Plenty of Fish if you don't mind internet dating.
You don't know what you're getting until you actually go on a date, but I think it's better than tinder where it's all about how you look rather than who you are.
from what I skimmed
> some schizo JIDF employee going on a rant about kikes and trying to get me to team up with their dune coon cousins to commit jihad or some dumb shit like that
We're not a race
Engineered to have not only zero in group preference but we've been groomed since five years old to hate our racial kind

Thats why the mass rape of the poor is happening

Part and parcel innit
How that imagine doesn’t make every white guy in this thread want to do something… maybe the Brits are lost
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I can’t actually believe how beautiful I am. It’s just so effortless too. I wake up & I just am this hot. Sometimes it’s difficult knowing that everyone is attracted to me. Your gran & your woman want me. Deal with it
Imagine watching as your wife squirms and screams and finally squirts out a child and it's a fucking gook that looks nothing like you. Imagine doing it 3 times
why not list a few jewish names yaxley lad?
Aren't Gurkhas based? An actual small warrior group we harvest from Nepal every few years as mercenaries. Himalayan Sardaukar
He knows, you’ve already sucked his cock you sick faggot
Seriously imagine what a dirty bent cunt you have to be to just relentlessly try and upset people on a politics forum by using the industrial scale rape of children as a means if getting a rise out of people.
Just take a moment to put yourself in his place, gleefully posting this shit for months on end, getting excited about a new rape murder because it'll fit in perfectly with you little troll.
I guarantee this person whoever he is has never had a single friend his entire life
How dare you
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>why not list a few jewish names
I remember thinking in 2015 that things could not possibly get worse than they were
Won't do online dating. Too many human traffickers and I can't be supporting organisations that promote it.
well, if you are going to pick something to get mad about...
>There is a good reason you know nothing of this.
>Tic tok
Speak for yourself you pathetic retard
Come pub lad
its a glowie
They have linece to laugh at our fate
Take Nick Lowes for example
He got many OAP's attacked by feral muslims on the spread of false information

They welcome him in downingstreet with a red carpet
Every cloud young man, This should weaponize you to finally relinquish jewish morality
They had a number done on them. Joanna Lumley got them citizenship so they came here to live. In their country they were kill of the castle and their military pension made them the richest in their village. But no, they fell for the dream sold all their gear and property, came here and ended up living in squalor in rat infested shitholes in the ghettoes of London.
It's moishe Sasha and last name Cohen to.my mosaad sex offender trafficker asshole stope fucking doing zionist shit
Also you will just get whores looking foe a free meal
oh, And how many guns do you own?

Face it, You cannot protect your loved ones and you know this if you truly understand the gravity of the situation
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>Anne Boleyn, Queen of England
Fuck off you worthless cunt
And in 2024 people are thinking
> things possibly can’t get any worse
We’ll be looking back at how easy we have it today in 2030 Kek the European genocide is just beginning
>josh has no frens
>josh shits up all threads
>"dago" appears
>memeflag paki poster appears
yes yaxley lad, a few jewish names. I'll get us started
Say that again without the memeflag otherwise kill yourself
It’s more about the quality of women too
The best you’ll find is a good fuck
If she’s high value enough for a relationship then why is she on tinder - why aren’t guys approaching her and asking her out irl
I knew you were just another samefag, fucking kill yourself memenonce
This is a small echo chamber on a niche side of the internet, sir
Sad desu
Repetitive prick
>without the memeflag
Sir, Wake the fuck up.
This his my flag. I am a fascist, What is that you wear, The flag the union
Wake up sir
There is no such thing
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> Mohammed is the most popular name in UK for child sex offenders!
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I didn’t say that bruce. You must avoid both.
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why not suggest something else to seethe about?
Lammy, duh
>Keir gazed up longingly
>At the cooked SAUSAGES look
>Of David Lammy's turgidness
It is you sire,
you wear the memeflag
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>Don't understand the constant worship of ethnics in this country. Even in right-wing spaces like this, there are tons of people fawning over Sikhs, Poles, and Gurkhas.
Yeah it's tiresome.
It's weird how it doesn't take much for the British public to like other groups or to find some reason as to why they are good/just like us
>kick a ball around
>he's a good lad

>don't go around stabbing people
>they're sound like

>fought on the same side in some conflict
>Are best friends

>make some spicy slop
>cor lush
Magreb arabs and berbers trafficked 10x more slaves, both white and black, than whatever 3-4 European nations did together. And still do.
>Seriously imagine what a dirty bent cunt you have to be to just relentlessly try and upset people on a politics forum by using the industrial scale rape of children as a means if getting a rise out of people.

Abdul does not think 'industrial scale rape of children' should be talked about!

Pic related is abdul's uncle
Why do my posts attract so many JIDF employees
>something else to seethe about
Why artificially force seethe about anything you gutless cretin
jew lawyers prevent this type of rat from being deported via trebuchet
Zero-hours contracts are retarded, but so are the people that sign up to it
Like pdiddy
In New York City
All the fags are giddy
Young bussy now
Only tree fiddy

Why are the leadership of the western nations all faggot nonces?
That is odd, innit?
calm down bud or I'll kick your fucking teeth out through the internet
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Mpox vaccines are available for Londoners.
Guess who gets them?
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fascist anon, what do you suggest the English should do about the pakistani rape gang menace?
I'm out this is absolutely gross, I've not seen this loser this fucking desperate in years, can't post anything without a shower of smug samefags descending on you with their stupid faggotry.
Enjoy talking amongst yourself josh you ugly kike
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Any indicators yet on what the next budget is going to have? Highly anticipating them utterly demolishing the CGT allowance again, fucking idiots
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> I'm out this is absolutely gross, I've not seen this loser this fucking desperate in years, can't post anything without a shower of smug samefags descending on you with their stupid faggotry.
>Enjoy talking amongst yourself josh you ugly kike
>noooo you can't keep talking about paki rape gangs stop it!!
corrr what a comfy day so far
popped down to poundbakery for a barm
sharon were at the till
told me to have a nice day n all
got home, played some poe
made some chai tea with me barm
amazons still not delivered me new carpet kek
what about you lads?
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There is no solution
So long as they have diplomatic immunity by virtue of international finance
They will always have this
There are no solutions within the confines of Jewish morality
I want a white gf
> Man Up
looks like alicia kek
Realise the majority of the population are mongs who don't put more than 20 seconds of thought into anything and you'll never be disappointed in them again
Im not the twat glow cunt
Filthy shitskin invader
She belongs in her nigger cage at the zoo
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Fine bait rat
A communist muslim
Wouldnt even rape
When you ask a shitskin where they’re from and they respond with
> I’m British
natural law IS absolute. which is why when you embrace and accept immorality you get tyranny. when the behaviour of individuals degrades and becomes immoral and this reaches critical mass within the aggregate, eventually you end up in a tyranny that has little to no love or concern for its fellow man. thats a law of nature. and thats the consequence for deviating from the morality of natural law
a law being absolute doesn't mean you can't deviate from it, it means that its in your best interests to follow it and if you don't, there will be negative consequences that follow
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Salam bongs
Das rite
I like how that crop isn't even 50% white. It might as well be an American production, but then most of our media is currently made by European workers who know American English and spend all day on twitter, such as Aardman.
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Bastard nicked me spliff
The important point to remember is they are coffin dodgers, they’re not going to dodge the coffin forever, certainly not the next two upcoming elections
I am inevitable
> mango munching monkey
What's a fair price for weed?
honestly I used to think britpol was redpilled but its basically just:
>fat neckbeards
>armchair larpers
>childless old men
>lazy married people
>generic mentalists
>russia simps
>triptwat obsessed nobodies
>wannabe e-celebs
>wannabe jannies / mods
>fat people
>mainstream media consumers
>bed soilers
>anime spackers
>blackpilled twats
>Tay simps
the absolute state of this general
Yeah, and ? It's my nationality. Saying English would be weird
It's bong containment general, that is all
You're looking at £20 for 2g from a low level chav or jeet
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>It's my nationality
You’re a paki lol
Zing.. Z1NG wonders when they will answer for their actions
That’s what you get for not being able to handle your drink, seriously
Better than baduk?
Cheers. It's been a while.
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alrite bogdan laaaa?
This basically describes the UK internet without the roasties and chads.
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Bogdan the kike having a major melty
It's very easy to explain how. It's a fake image.
If you intend to turn it into a more regular thing then i hear the Albanians are good businessmen in that department m8
>Bogdan the kike
josh (also kike though)
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>It's a fake image.
jimmy the hylic
It doesn't seem like the price rose that much, kek, the only thing inflation can't get to.
no hijab and she's taken a photo of herself this is haram
Implying what, he should sell a fifty year old family heirloom to pay for heat?
got baptised into esotericism by russell brand in our underpants
I've not bothered with street level dealers for years but bigger amount prices haven't changed, if anything it's cheaper now thanks to the forrens
Dago the glow nonce
im guessing the "aussie" is a paki behind a vpn no?
The last brit/pol/, good riddance
it's dagojosh
I've read that and got my hopes up too many times
It's likely to be a certain jewish pole.
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>tfw listening to Heat Of The Moment by Asia
why do you pathetic chuds hate women in power so voraciously??? this is the same as what you did to the Duchess of Sussex, you incels are just afraid of a strong, opinionated woman...For shame!
how many female presidents have you had?
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>it's dagojosh
We wouldn't have this problem if we just shot those violent animals
We wouldn't need to rebuild if we didn't choose to declare war on Germany

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