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Previous: >>483966280

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, bots and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD*
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Multiple large explosions in Beirut
>Israeli response to Iran expected soon
>Significant Israeli casualties in clashes with Hezbollah
>New Hezbollah leader targeted in massive Beirut strikes
>Israel strikes near Russian airbase and weapons depot in Syria







>Guide to the Palestinian genocide by israel
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
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▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 12 (final episode)
>Are military checkpoints in the West Bank suitable targets for carrying out Resistance operations?

Twitter link

Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre btwn IDF & palestinians civilians
>1948 Nakba
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180 IQ army coming through
people all over the world hate jews
start a hate jew train
hate jew train
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i though idf would steamroll hezbo to the litani river in one week. they are still stuck in the border. how many days have passed? 8? 9?
Why send 1 nuke when they could instead send 2000 conventional missiles?
lebanon is where it ends, jews
you shall not pass
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>>what about my propaganda picture
I can give you another "propaganda picture" if you want lmao, keep supporting Hezb shia cuck.

> remember when you said Hamas command and control center is under a hospital and you were complete wrong?
Im sorry, how many strikes on Hezb commanders did Israel got wrong exactly? So far every person they targeted was confirmed dead by Hezb
this... iran doesn't even need nukes to destory israel
oct 1 proves that
they sent like 0.1% of their arsenal and it made kikes kvetch so much they're on north korea style information lockdown kek
what did they expect lol? hezbollah is hamas on steroids and an actual paramilitary. it speaks volumes to their incompetence that they have to resort to bombing civilians in densely populated areas in lebanon while pussying out from strtiking iran
HOLY SHIT this is right out of the quran

"The Jew will hide behind a stone or tree, and the tree will say, `O Muslim! O servant of Allah! This is a Jew behind me, come and kill him"
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catbox + webm

>inb4 muhhh kiiiike
Don't care, kill yourselves.
This is me every time i come to one of these threads
the quran was just predicting new age camera technology
you changed the subject and are now resorting to ad hominem. you are mad because I'm right.
The Israeli diaper force is greatly overhyped. They're only proficient in killing unarmed civilians who they later call terrorists.

When fighting actual soldiers they run and call for an airstrike. They're full of green staff who only did their mandatory 2 years of training.
Muslims are better than christains
Kino af
>number of muslims in middle east: 341 million
>number of jews in jizzrael: 7 million
t. larping sandnigger
Fat lot of good it's done them, aye.
no but muslims are better than jews
that's for damn sure
jews are rats on the spiritual level
worst opinion in this thread and thats saying something
Christians > Pagans > Muslims > Atheists > Jews
what is sad is that Arabs speak of that as if that is a brilliant idea when my 8 year old self could have thought of that...
שמע ישראל חי אלוהינו חי אחד
Except for the Gharqhad tree
It's shit like this that GENUINELY has me worried that shroom bro's are onto something with their trips, I mean I know it's a coincidence, but man what a coincidence, or maybe Hezb just took inspiration from the Quran, either way these self fulfilling prophecies are weird shit man, are the end times a guide or some spooky shit? idk man it's getting there.
I bet you finger your asshole and sniff it while you jerk off to torture, like any good demonic servant of satan would. "Death to Israel" is all people* think when you post this.

*If you think "well I don't think this way", re-read what I wrote. You're not a human person.
t. dumb christcuck retard
Backwards and with atheist at the end and pagens and christains being the same thing
Would you put down your gun if you were fighting against an army that only had swords and spears?
iran will go round 2 on pissrael before it gets the chance to retaliate for the first attack screencap this
>an army
what's an army?
the what now ?
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>God lives one
Why is Elohim plural?
schizo kike
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the question is, is this a defensive measure because they are expecting an israeli attack or are they going on the offensive?
>One and a half billion low-IQ sandniggers getting buck-broken on a regular basis by a few million tunnel rats
Mudslimes are such pathetically embarrassing weaklings, kek.
t. swarthy brownoid Shitalian.
Lying on the ground makes you inmune to being bombed?
If you understood the types of bombs being used. Yes
according to that passage. the Gharqhad trees will protect the jews. I can't remember what genus of trees it actually corresponds to.
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its not gonna happen today ;(
hope so fren
it makes sense, it'll really put shitreal in its place
There's still many signs that have yet to come. The big ones that is. Though many of the small ones have been fulfilled.

The mahdi coming is the start of the real big ones though
Makes you a smaller target for shrapnel and more likely to survive the pressure wave.
no, it makes you less likely to be hit by shrapnel, imagine not being smart enough to understand this
how u doing muslim waifu in hijab AI posting fren
>Urgent & important meeting at Iran’s National Security & Foreign Policy Commission, at the parliament:

This meeting was joined by various military & governmental bodies, including the IRGC, the Ministry of Defense, ministry of intelligence, officials assessed the readiness of Iran’s defense forces.

The meeting assessed that all units are fully prepared for any threats, highlighting Iran's strong inter-agency cooperation.

Ebrahim Rezaei, spokesperson assured that any threat against Iran will be met with a swift and decisive response, citing recent successful military operations and strong public support.


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There is likely confirmation that Iran's number two in the military hierarchy, IRGC-Quds commander Qaani, who replaced Soleimani in 2020, may have been killed along with Hashem Safieddine during the attack on Friday, October 4th. It’s understood that panic has set in because they know someone must have revealed the meeting to the Israelis, who struck with full success.

Now, Dahiyeh has been under continuous bombing for almost 15 hours by the Israelis, and it's already reported that the suburb has been emptied, with hundreds of buildings reduced to rubble by the powerful bombs and numerous secondary explosions.

The fighting in southern Lebanon continues with full intensity. It’s unclear how deep the Israelis have advanced, but they have taken control of several settlements and are fully engaged in decimating Hezbollah forces, which have turned out to be fewer in number than expected, with the help of their combat helicopters, aircraft, and attack drones.

Similarly, there is fierce fighting in the West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Historically, we have to go back to 1973 to find a comparable scale of an Israeli-Arab war; this is the first time in fifty years that the Israelis are fighting on three fronts, soon to be four if they decide to attack Iran.
can i have the full promt so i can try doing my own one plz ?
>mudslime power fantasies
pretty sure im whiter than you inbred spic
Depends on if you consider a militia an army. Here, there's not a clear distinction. The National Guard and State Guards are militias.
Iran cleared their airspace for a week. I believe it's until the 9th or so. So cancelling 1 company's flights means nothing. No massive attacks will happen today. We know when everything is going to happen as we have people inside every group possible. You goyim cannot compete
Sounds like Iran has belli to rain more hypersonic hell on Israel, to me.
IMO this is what is really freaking them out, how their shit has been so compromised...this obviously affects their decision-making process because they distrust the own system they are part of...
>We know when everything is going to happen as we have people inside every group possible
you know nothing
and if you had such good intel, you would've known about the rock cameras kek >>483975000
it would be so embarrassing for pizzrael if their retaliatory strike was completey thwarted, not that i think they have the balls to start one in the first place
I'm reading some of the scripture, turns out at least according to the Sunni interpretation, Jesus be coming back, and the jews eventually fight with the muslims to defeat Dajall, but only after the ark of the covenant is found... this is some crazy shit haha.
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Larping goy
Here israel the l-rd is g-d the l-rd is one
Are you some Israeli living in Portugal or something, what’s your deal? How is Portugal, all good?
“The Hour will not begin until the Muslims fight the Jews and the Muslims will kill them, until a Jew hides behind a rock or a tree, and the rock or tree will say: O Muslim, O slave of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him. Except the gharqad (a thorny tree), for it is one of the trees of the Jews.”
>We know when everything is going to happen as we have people inside every group possible
You're lucky it's them you're dealing with because I would have ordered every member be individually abducted and administered MDMA before interrogation. Believe me when I tell you this, I would have found whoever it is.
just a typical jew shill using a random vpn. ignore him
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The propaganda video of IOF showing the captured "vehicle" of Ridwan forces have a munition box written in hebrew
Why jews always lie
its a moor thang and few eastern euros they think it gets them closer to relevant whites, sort of like jeets
btw you might want to stock up on oil and gas because it's going to get heated in the coming hours
>Here israel the l-rd is g-d the l-rd is one
I agree. The human mind is one, and YET, conscious, sub-conscious, unconscious. Now, answer my question, why is Elohim plural?
death to israel
There are many indications that the Israelis have plans for larger military operations on Monday. The question is: with what? It’s now crystal clear that the Gulf Arab states will not participate and have made promises in meetings with Iran that they will remain neutral and not allow the use of their airspace or territories for aggression against Iran. This means there’s only one possible attack route: through Iraq.

And even this is far from certain, because although the Baghdad regime doesn’t mind allowing attacks on military bases belonging to Iran-backed vassal forces, they will only allow limited operations. When the Israelis launched attacks in April, it had to happen covertly in hit-and-run missions. There are now thirty combat-ready F-16s in Iraq that could be deployed against Israeli planes if Baghdad so chooses, even if the Americans try to prevent it.
better question is why their lies became so shitty?
mizrahi majority?
gigabased ranking
> huffing that copium
> main player syndrome
> i would be the next hitler, but my dentist appt next week prevents me from doing it

Excuses, excuses. Keep coping impotent goyim incel. Maybe you should worry more about making changes to move out of your parents basement
the united states is a vassal of isreal, israel has 300 million golems paying for their doctrine, munitions and tech
It has multiple meaning based on context show me what sentence it's plural in and I can give you a better answer but generally it can refer to angels g-d or just power
you really need to start making your own general, because you are NOT welcome here
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Christian end time:
>Jesus is going to come back and fight the antichrist and his jew followers
Muslims end time:
>Jesus is going to come back along with the Madhi and his army and fight the antichrist and his jew followers.
Jewish end time:
>We are g*ds chosen people and "angels" will help us enslave all the goyims
Hmmm....... I wonder who my friends are in the world.
Looks arab
>ark of the covenant
I don't remember it being relevant to the end times in Islam.
Not an acuret description of our beliefs once again the goyim always lie
>> main player syndrome
kek Moar jewish pseudo - academic horseshit. EVERYONE sees the world ONLY from their perspective, figure out what that means you, clown. Don't EVER (you) me again unless you've something intelligent or funny to say.
The jewish intelligence is just a propaganda If someone believe what's in the talmud he can't be a smart person
its the dead kike from todays terrorist attack
cope, it sounds right to me
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>terrorist attack
> 300 million golem in USA

Try 340 Million plus another 30-50 million illegals. We also control much of Europe as well. Why are goyim always wrong?
Isa (Esau) comes with Imam Mahdi to break a cross and condemn the followers of Jesus.
Lol, pretty smart
Literally it was real in my mind kek
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>Coping and seething
>Coping and seething

You bad sequel niggers are telling yourselves lives because you cope and seethe about not having G-d's favor
say what's wrong with it
>you can't because there's nothing wrong with it
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it's over
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turan will own this land once more kike, this time we will not be fooled by your victimhood
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Yes. Nevertheless. The Israeli Air Force is primarily built as a tactical support system with limited strategic bombing capability, able to freely attack targets within combat range, which is only a few hundred kilometers for an F-16 in a low-high-low flight pattern.

For longer missions, refueling is heavily required. When northern Yemen was attacked, multiple tankers were needed to carry out the strikes with F-15C/Ds. There are 7 tanker aircraft, mostly older B707 passenger planes converted for refueling. This limits the size of a task force in terms of fuel consumption and ammunition weight. A major problem with the F-35I is that it’s no less fuel-hungry than the twin-engine F-15.

Such a strike task force could have a maximum of 39 F-35Is and 66 F-15s, but only the F-15I (25 units) can carry large weapons like the GBU-28, the most powerful bunker buster weapon, which can "only" penetrate 5 meters of reinforced concrete. Against bedrock like granite, this is doubtful.

Moreover, weak points would need to be found in a fortified target to inflict the greatest possible damage, but if the target is under mountainous terrain with hard rock, in reality, only the entrances could be attacked, and these can be repaired over time. It would then be practically impossible to take out the "missile cities" and enrichment centers where enriched uranium is produced and stored.
>Tell me something funny and you can give me unlimited (you)'s

A Brazilian walks into a German bar. But he leaves immediately because he cannot afford anything
Dang, how did they get all of that land?
>terrorist attack
Israel kills hundreds of people levelling an entire city block to take out a politician they don't like:
>It's a military operation goyim
Some Palechadian singlehandedly takes on an entire busload of off duty (but armed) IDF soldiers armed initially with only a knife:
>Oy vey it's anuddah october 7
>And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
Genesis 1:25
>And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:
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who the fuck is this nigger even talking to? the IDF? implementing 1701 is what we are literally doing right now.
to shitzbollah? kek, they will execute him.
to UNFIL/crying to the UN? lol, no country will send masses of men to die against hezbollah to enforce a UN decision, never happening.
wtf is this nigger on about?
Israel and the US are banking on the possibility of a coup in Iran. For that, it would be counter productive to strike Iran directly, since that could be used for internal propaganda
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also ,mosque go BOOM
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israel cringe is about to catch up on fire and it will be glorious, literally no one but boomers and evangelicals could withstand hearing the israel jerkoff from politicians for no sane reason
mutts will flip 180 to hating you uncontrollably by just hearing your name, right wing will catch hardest because when their first priority is spics and illegals they somehow only keep hearing about protecting izrael
An attack on oil facilities was/is out of the question. That would accelerate Macron’s strategy of imposing an arms blockade on Israel, and even Trump’s MAGA movement couldn’t ignore the repercussions — especially as the Israelis consume a lot of ammunition and need constant resupply from the U.S. and other countries.

The destruction of research nuclear reactors and the lone nuclear power plant could lead to dangerous consequences because these facilities are active, and the climatic conditions are such that much of the radioactive fallout would end up in neighboring countries — like Iraq, Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia. Why do you think these reactor facilities are located so close to the sea and Iraq?
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7 days of fighting
0 village captured
+100 casualties
Weren't they stocking up hypersonic missiles the past couple of years?

So is the bait to invade Iran to get them to launch them all at all our aircraft carriers?
video here:
Nothing more than an elaborate plan. Nor unlike how drug cartels allow every so many smugglers to get caught intentionally. We will hack those signals and broadcast fake video. Empty calm terrain video, when we're really sending in 1 gorillion IDF. A false sense of security to make you think that it's working according to plan. By the time that you realize, it will already be too late. You cannot outsmart the most clever people on earth.
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The l-rd will come to judge the earth and idolatry will be abolished all you pagens will be ashamed and kneel in submission to thh one g-d the forest and the trees will sing with jubilation your kings will be bound with iron chains and a double edged sword will be in our hand to enact retribution against the wicked
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Superiority of military doctrine
Luck, Multicultural character of the empire, yet a very strong ecumenical ideology.
Fun fact: United states marines officers carry a ceremonial sword resembling that of a mameluke scimitar
Every time I see your username I accidentally read it as Khazarian tranny. Are you actually trans?
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also 6 terrorists mogged in rajoun or however you write this, this is how a failed defense looks like
>Are you actually trans?
no, but recently some guy calling himself "the tranny of tel aviv" started posting here
>idolatry will be abolished
what's your thoughts on saturn worship?
Keep coping sandeep
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his knowledge is minimal as fuck despite his megalomaniac and know it all portrays
jews know whats going on even if they lie about it
Ministering angels
I mean they might take out the Lincoln anyway.
You faggots provided the bombs
You faggots are going to refuel them over Iraq to reach Iran in the first place
You faggots are going to provide them intel
I don't think Iran subscribes to your mental gymnastics of claiming non-involvement.
Why is her neck so long? Wmsrw
>muh turan
you are exactly like Arabs, tribalistic to the core always regarding "the other" as someone who is out to get you...furthermore Turkey being the leader of the "Turkic World" is comical since Turks have hardly any Turkic in them, they are grotesque racial mutts
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can you point a single captured village ?
The numbers from IOF annoncements
her family descends from the giraffe on noahs ark
>ignore israeli bait!!!!
>eat out the said bait

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its happening infront of your own eyes
cant wait for miggers to lose and drop all pretense
This is a divided and conquer bs. I am Christian and see Muslims as my brothers. Even if they don't simple as.
It's the same faggot that used to kiss your ass he just started name fagging you can tell from the teanamie negev porn he posts I hate both if you really.
It's idol worship in it's oldest form to worship celestial bodies
The Iranians know that they may lose their nuclear installations, but they have enough enriched uranium to make nuclear weapons, and their oil facilities are protected by the economic power of the Gulf Arabs, which could crush Netanyahu. If Netanyahu were to attack oil facilities like those on Kharg Island, he risks Israel losing all access to oil and gas, and provoking the wrath of the Eastern powers — especially China. Militarily, Iran is a heavyweight compared to Israel, which is a lightweight with only a knockout technique at its disposal — which may prove insufficient.
Do you consider it imperialism or colonization?
Whever happened to him? I heard he was an israeli spy, and was now safe back in Israel. Then I saw a mudlsime video from Gaza, with the missiles overhead, and he made another video cheering it on
Imagine wasting money on vpn lmao
Arabs are getting desperate
We think of turks as brothers, this is absolutely evident, look at jadists, or look at the turkish war for independence, where half of turkish weapons were acquired through donations from soviet central asia.
Huff huff huff that copium. Huff huff it all
>Ministering angels
in THIS particular context, are you sure?
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Even MES is buying the nuke hype now...
Should I take it seriously?
I honestly don't know how to interpret a seismograph readout so as far as that part goes I'd have to go with what someone else was saying.
Did Iran actually dig their nuclear research tunnels 5 times deeper than anyone else? (a dozen kilometers underground)
And did Iran actually skip the fission shit and start with thermonuclear? (based on earth quake strength)
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its not like they can save you from your doom
thots and prayers all you're going to get
This is lebanon?
>I don't think Iran subscribes to your mental gymnastics of claiming non-involvement.
It's hard to. The entire Naval fleet is over there lmao.
So one of your troon bros.
>post ax wound troon
i wonder what happens to christians who keep the cross and the trinity
you will never unite because, again, you are like Arabs and even if you did you would still be dependent on the Smart Races (Whites, Yellows and Jews) for power since this is now a technological and industrial World.
if they dont do it by tomorrow they're officially cucking
Makes sense
Then why does your flag have the star of remphan? Have you ever looked into saturn worship?
This would surely been posted here if it was legit
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yes as i said, this is too
looks like shitzbollah fights worse than hamas lol
The ottoman empire did send janissary settlers in their frontiers, Kouloghlis, Meskhetis, Thesalloniki, so you can consider it colonial i guess, not in the european sense. Imperial, certainly
Vpn אני מאתיו לא השתמש
Not 100% but that's how I remeber learning that passage
they captured nothing. all they can do is bomb
at least put on rifles next to their bodies?
>looker is live
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can you guys add picrel to the OP?
I'm a unitarian, so maybe that's why it's easier for me to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with muslims.
But I mean it seems pretty simple to me.
If Jesus shows up alone, obviously the Christians were right.
and if Jesus shows up with the Mahdi I guess the Muslims were right. It doesn't seem like it should be that difficult to turn to our Muslim brothers and say "Oh, shit. I guess you guys were right"
Our country is not religouse you could even say it was created to make jews sperate from judiasm look at arab diaspora jewry they were all orthodox untill they came here and got secularazied
I'm so tired of saying. But you are clueless of how much hate normal people have for you. They could start rounding you up and most people would be fine with it.
they pretended to be a rescue force according to the source, couldnt fool our boys
people who know nukes: the iranian earthquake definitely wasnt a nuke test
people who dont know nukes: im not saying the earthquake was a nuke test, but it was probably a nuke test
All the soilders are religouse when will the rest of the country follow suite
with what object where they planning on their attack?
i still say that little IAF activity over Lebanon has a meaning, that tonight may be the night
You're a favela-dwelling spic from a shithole with not even a single positive contribution to human kind. You're not Christian, you're just a subhuman whose ancestors got BTFOed by true Christian white men and you "adopted" Christianity out of submission and not true belief.

So of course you see other subhuman filth as your brothers. Meanwhile, no true Christian white man sees theses barbaric cockroaches as anything even remotely resembling humans and our ancestors had centuries of direct contact with these sandniggers to know that their extermination is a number one priority.
It's not. There's another usage for angels and when that usage isn't in use and Elohim is, then it depends on the context. Look, I'm only winding you up. Go drink your beers.
So hurting civilians. I see no weapons on them. You propaganda is bad troon
not religious outright, but being heavily מסורתי is the future of the nation, herdim get the axe though, this wont happen while they leech
Isa isn't Jesus. Their guy wasn't divine and wasn't even crucified. Yeshua in Arabic would be Yasu. Esau in Arabic is Isa.
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>You're a favela-dwelling spic from a shithole with not even a single positive contribution to human kind. You're not Christian, you're just a subhuman whose ancestors got BTFOed by true Christian white men and you "adopted" Christianity out of submission and not true belief.
>So of course you see other subhuman filth as your brothers. Meanwhile, no true Christian white man sees theses barbaric cockroaches as anything even remotely resembling humans and our ancestors had centuries of direct contact with these sandniggers to know that their extermination is a number one priority.
why dont you just breed, fag
Two things can be down at once
the tranny actually thinks it's making progress and "winning" kek
>t. Butt hurt kike
You know nothing about fag, only subhuman scum is you and your fellow kikes
probably weapons stashed on site, its possible these were spied/spotters though, its not like i was debriefed on this, this just deboonks the MUH IDF WAS REPELLED BY SHITZBOLLAH lie that keeps getting shilled here
About me *
a couple pics of dead civilians doesn't disprove that at all, tranny
show us some captured, held territory
>you can't
t. dumbest poster in the thread rn
Good message and a reminder to to engage with faggots that are trying to d&c.
>Pic related
>His brains constructing lies as he speaks
drop the optics we dont give a fuck about it. tkd spares no one
1) You say that and yet you keep providing us with free (you)'s to pad our paychecks
2) No one would ever dare round us up, as we control everything in your countries
I was actually going to go take out cash in case of issues with payment systems
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skys closed
i did, the ground the lie on is captured territory
how does this deboonk that? make sense you stupid kike
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Hahaha, just say that you can't deny a single point I made and go back to whatever shithole you crawled out of, you subhuman spic.
no flights coming in and out of iran in 25 minutes for "operational restrictions".
I'm only human and take the b8 sometimes.
not how it works
shut up, tranny
>not religious
Secular cope of all theimited things he had space for and choose to bring her brought a shofar he is dati luemi like most of combat
explosions in homs again, are we nuking some more radars?
t. even his ID is as brown as him

Your family will get thrown into a wood chipper, sandnigger.
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>the ground the lie on is captured territory
until it gets ambushed
News flash: The number of people who actually care about civilians, in this war, anywhere in the world, is quite small. Most Israelis don't care, they just try not to kill too many because of optics. American and European civilians don't care, each party just pretends to care in their own way for political purposes. Other Middle Eastern states don't care - some see them as a nuisance, others seem them as a tool for political purposes. The UN doesn't care, it only cares about retaining its relevance and funds. In the end, despite the central role civilian casualties play, no one actually really gives a fuck. Not really.
Nah, it's good to have several perspectives in the same thread.
>Your family will get thrown into a wood chipper, sandnigger.
voote harder
was talking about the future of the nation, not this dude in particular.
the shofar is cultural symbol in addition to a religious tool, open your mind, its like many goyim flags have crosses despite being atheist satanic shitholes
Thanks for exposing yourself as the troon kike you are. Does this still piss you off faggot?
Cease being Stretch Armstrong, you're reaching like fuck. You've tons of other problematic shit. Look into the Book of Job - when you're sober. I'll give you some tips, buddy, for the sake of the grandmother. You strike me as someone who appreciates to Noahide laws. You prolly want to see the world live under them. What if I told you they already did and jews did everything to get rid of the system. You prolly think I'm gonna hit you with some tartaria alternative history shit, I'm not, it's in your recent History. Under the Catholic Church ALL law was derived from the ten commandments. In Catholicism, whether or not a sin is a mortal sin, depends on if it violates one of the ten commandments. In fact, this was how all law was decided, the notion of separation of Church and State is novel invention of jews and freemasons. You ALREADY had the Noahide Laws, buddy, and your kin did everything to get rid of it.
Kek, keep telling yourself that
kek, the ummah of islam cant stop a single Israeli attack,can only win aginst unarmed women, and only with the element of surprise, pathetic
Religouse jews blow it every day during the month of elul your cope is non effective he had it with him becuase he is religouse and wanted to here it during elul
my god stop being a single digit IQ mizrahi and read what i wrote, were you in 3 יחידות אנגלית???
>Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades: Our fighters were able to target an Israeli armored vehicle with an anti-tank shell in Jabalia camp, north of the Gaza Strip

/our/ boys in The Strip have been gangbanging away non-stop.
This thread is now an Arab gore thread
Wrong. Only we are human. You simply have the false appearance of one, to not offend us while slaving away for our benefit
only non-westerners in those protests btw
yeah that's what the losers always do
see: hohols in ukraine threads
Christains never kept the noahide laws becuase you still worshiped idols and anything jews did is a result of two hundred years of goyim forcefully sepersteing them from judiasm before napoleans forced enlightment on us we were almost 99% observent and before ww2 we were still over 59% observent only in modern times are a majority of us non observent
>every rock will say "there is a jew behind me, come and kill him"
>the losing side ALWAYS resorts to gore posting
There's Khazarian Kween's best shilling efforts gone down the drain.
Wishful thinking of you. They are here to mislead and spread propaganda. Your brain is yet to catch up to their trickery.
You make us look bad when you do that. They simply spread it on social media to claim muh war crimes
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I'll just curb stomp your whore of a mother's head harder, brownoid subhuman.
>Still can't refute a single point, because they're all factual.
I don't seethe at the sight of some dead kikes like you do when you see your sandnigger brothers getting turned into kebabs, kek.
instead of posting gore we should be napalming them in real life akhi
the only reason jews have jizzrael at all right now is because they bitched nonstop about muh german war crimes
turnabout is fair play, kike
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You say it like it's a bad thing?

I like it when they play victim and then go ack!
Kek, sure fag.
you wont do shit, cuck. you cant even breed
I'd bet most of the guys goreposting for Ukraine are also jews who fled to Israel at the start of the war. Little did they know the war was already waiting for them.
no, the country was won with iron,blood, and sweat.
cope and seeth nigger
>Christains never kept the noahide laws becuase you still worshiped idols
even IF that were true (it's not), IRRELEVANT! People were still following said law. The important thing is they're at least obeying the law, and they largely were, then jews and freemasons popped their noses in and ruined the party.
>he's seething because the Noahide Laws were ALREADY accepted by society and jews did away with it.
Go have your beers.
Du wirst gar nichts machen Lars kek
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Is he OK?
I'm ashekanzi I'm from america kneel before your burger master
just look at the picture you posted retard
Keep projecting, subhuman sandnigger.
Ohh look, another mudslime seething behind a meme flag.
you realize lebanon is right next to israel right
holy shit, you went to amerimutt public school, this explains the total lack of reading comprehension
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projecting what you sad fuck, impooort moar so your boomers enjoy their spanish holiday because you couldn't even get random hoes to carry your defected genes
poost harder
Shut up fag
>were true (it's not), IRRELEVANT! People were still following said law
Their not obeying the law if their shooting on the most important part
>then jews and freemasons
You know nothing of jeiwsh history to say this it all's tarts with napoleans haskalah
nope. europeans gave it to you (plus you did terrorism against the british)
and now we're taking your toy away
you don't deserve it
He was storing F-35's in the garage. You should have seen this poor dog trying to extinguish the fire with a garden hose.
Stop noticing goy. They simply stole it from our forces. You can't trust them as they'll steal anything that's not nailed down. Which is why much of it has GPS chips hidden, allowing us to find it like we did in your picrel
He is Matthew
He's is low key Based but a bit retarded because of ashkenazi genes

I can help him get pussy and turn him based
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ahahahaha macht nichts Lars, vergiss nicht deine jüdischen Meistern zu blasen
Why do kikes use civilian places to stach weapons?
>73% of settler jews think it's a fail
oh no no no jews
that kinda goes against what you've been coping with on /chip/
is israel providing hezbollah weapons? Or are they so inept they were captured?
what do you think will happen tomorrow?
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you're not taking anything mutt
you have no idea the tools that can be used against you
I want morocan wife
i won't make any predictions
i will pray to allah for a glorious october 7th (the new best holiday on planet earth, surpassing literally every other holiday known to man for all eternity)
Checked. Where did I say even 1 of those greentexts? Either you clicked the wrong post or need to lay off the sauce. I know this war is hard on all of us but intoxication and self harm is never the answer. Please get help
>he cannot fathom how an ammo can could possibly end up in someone else's hands
how dumb? stuff gets lost here too all the time
They are always coping
>no, the country was won with iron,blood, and sweat.
more like throwing hand grenades into homes to scare arabs away
Israel is winning
>surely opening up 7 fronts will make the burgers save us
>israel is coping
it's a .30 caliber, most likely captured from previous wars...mudslimes are so butthurt that every little thing is used to give them and others the illusion that they are not being soundly defeated
>Where did I say even 1 of those greentexts?
Stop betraying your newfaggotry.
>Their not obeying the law if their shooting on the most important part
How ya treating z muslims right now, buddy?
Wrong post
Name one Western military action that was thwarted by protests in the last 50 years. These are also tiny, it'sthe same protest community that protests everything.
Hey guys. Sources tell me that this isn't actually the real Lebanon ground operation. It's actually a prepping operation called "Operation Bull". After the trapped buildings are cleared the IDF will send its female division in first and then the real operation will begin 18 years and 9 months after they return. They'll be sending hybrid super soldiers with 50% Hezbollah DNA.
In the same neighborhood there was also a HQ of Shin Bet, the Israeli FBI which tortures palistanan captives, as a response the brave warriors of hezbollah blown it up
>they captured our stuff okay
>heh we always win, arabs suck
>How ya treating z muslims right now, buddy?
Way to softly for times of war
it wouldn't still have the same ammo box from years ago, dumbass. those get changed out.
>Iranian airspace closed
>Iranian airspace closed
>Iranian airspace closed
israel cannot survive without wide international support
smart kikes realize this
you can keep coping and pretending it doesn't matter tho
>submissive slave arab "men" are about to be raped en masse by a jewess army and they're bragging
Germany is back bois (please don't kill us)
Someone might want to tell Hezbollah there's a ground invasion.
even in america majority of both democrats and republicans support israel
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>The American administration offered Israel: a "compensation-temptation package" if they refrain from attacking certain targets in Iran

>Since the Iranian attack, talks have been going on between Israeli officials and American officials on the issue of the attack on Iran. During the talks, American officials offered Israel extensive diplomatic backing and additional military assistance if they refrained from attacking certain targets.


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Bidenfags vote against their own economic interests
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>Don't care
Get in the gas chamber shlomo, we can figure out the wooden door part later
based muslims never commit suicide
makes u think
it always amuses me how you guys give Jews the status of Superman
do you acknowledge that you are exceptionally autistic?
The amount of theft from military bases is absurd
Those weapons a lot of times end up in terrorist hands
america is trying to save your stupid asses from yourselves
good thing you're too arrogant and retarded to listen
>lebanon is right next to israel right
Good that you know geography, not bad for a dumb american. Very embarrasing from the IOF. Cant even make it past 100 meters and have to resort to creating propaganda videos to uphold their fake image.
and then people will say that they dont hold our hands back
Why wait? Bomb the kikes now preemptively.
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>waahhhhh we just wanted to nuke tehraaaan
>america is trying to save your stupid asses from yourselves
more like Dems trying to save their election
Is it true Leb bitches are hot as fuck? Trusty for war booty
>The Israeli army has imposed a new "closed military zone" on the Lebanese border, in the areas of the communities of Manara, Yiftah, and Malkia.

>(Hezbollah bombed Al Manara 4 times today with rockets salvo, leaving multiple casualties, see Operations # 2,3,4 & later in the day)
based houthis
all hail october 7th, the new BEST holiday on EARTH
if the deal is decent why not? war is an all-encompassing activity, it's not just bullets being fired and warheads/bombs/shells explosing
>if the deal is decent why not?
because they are overly emotional retards who can't help themselves
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>retarded submissive sandnigger slave "man" (islam means submission) thinks he can belittle an Amerigod
You would be funny if you weren't pathetic.
generate an image with the prompt "next week's jackpot numbers"
is it true your jewesses are so ugly you gotta get ukrainian models to make propaganda thirst traps for the idf?
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jews are about to destroy some based roman pillars
but please western man, they are like, so the good guys
Cool it with the antisemitism, Yemen
no. but jewish pussy and leb pussy belongs to jewish men
Funny watching triggered Israelis for not even be able to invade a dead poor country (Lebanon) in this thread.
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>female soldiers
They are targeting IOF forces. When is your brain coming home from vacation?
>israel cannot survive without wide international support
It can survive with US, UK, Germany alone. And France just got humiliated for mild changes in rhetoric.
BREAD >>483982683
lol, good luck fren.
thouht i prefer you find a nice sephradi wife to the macabee guy from the netherlands
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Considering the romaniggers are solely responsible for everything that is happening today, we should bomb it asap
They are, and also great in the sack. You need to try one if you haven't already.
Rape gifts for raping
Not triggered. We'll simply bomb them more from above. The ground invasion is just a distraction so you don't focus on our intense bombing campaigns
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so far transbollah collapsed on every front with the slightest push, less than 15 fallen soldier for over 450 niggerlah subhumans liquidated
ummah xirs this was supposed to be your wunderwaffe, what happened?
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Dude french intellegance is the reason Nasrallah was raped
god i absolutely hate these dumb muttmerican niggers, i hope Bibi gave them the middle finger
You control and occupy a small hill with trees. You can't advance because the rocks speak Arabic and your intelligence is capped at 85 due to inbreeding.
>biting hand that feeds
Goblins cannot fight in the sun
i despise you disloyal back stabbing mutt

isis tier shit
I think you are bombing civilians because your military is incapable of doing any operation requiring movement outside of sitting inside fighter yets, vehicles or tanks. This is a sign of weakness - not strength. Even in Gaza, IDF refused to fight Hamas with homemade launchers and old AK-47s. Any NATO nation would easily be able to defeat Hamas without resorting to mass bombing.
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Stupid kikes can't agree on one single thing and think they can win against Muslims who are united under a single purpose kek
Probably. They love their gore, these disgusting kikes. Can't wait for them to get wiped off the face of the earth
Arab's are Semites dumb like you don't even understand what the word means, it's about languages not satanjews
even if we wont delete Hezb we will still make Lebanon unlivable so win win

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