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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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The Supreme Court on March 18th, 2024 that Government Officials are not allowed to block users, and set their accounts to private ESPECIALLY during an emergency situation.
It is a FELONY offense to do so
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>heavy breathing intensifies
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That was only for trump due to how corrupt the judicial branch is
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would be weird if there were same rules for everyone
This is blatant antisemitism, OP. You're asking why the (((FEMA Director))) is blocking people; don't forget about what happened last time these questions were asked. It led to a pile of 6 million shoes.
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Jews are above the law goy.
If she were blocking people it wouldn't be that bad, it is so much worse than that though. She has taken her account private which means she is making official government statements from BEHIND CLOSED DOORS while acting as the motherfucking DIRECTOR of PUBLIC AFFAIRS
This is gross incompetence at best
Clearly more likely to be malfeasance
rules for thee
Woah buddy, dont be too antisemitic.
The chosen ones deserve protection.
Blah blah blah. It's her personal account. I denounce the Talmud.
that would make it weird :)
Public officials are NOT allowed to set their accounts to private even if they are their personal individual accounts as ruled by the US Supreme Court in March of 2024.
I read the pic, but she would of had to make official statements from her personal account. Which is why there are official gov. accounts on X, with a different checkmark, right?
All this is useless anyways if we don't have an archive of her personal account to confirm.
Making your account private is technically different than blocking someone.
Reminder to shoot fema agents on sight. Each fema agent that is murdered is one more batch of supplies that will make it to those in need. Each democrat that is murdered is one less pedophile enabler. Each hatian that is murdered is one less pet that will be eaten. Each kike that is murdered is one less pedophile.
True, and there is probably no way to private/block someone on an official gov account. Just speculation here.
Making your account private is blocking everyone from your account
If she ever made any post on that account that could be interpreted as statement from the Director of Public Affairs for FEMA then she is committing a felony offense
If she is making posts on there NOW that could be interpreted as statements from her office and position then she is committing even more felony offenses.
that's irrelevant, not sure why you think the distinction needs to be made at all
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She looks like she could be a character from Doug
She has an official government account and a personal account. I interpreted from the ruling these laws apply to official accounts, OR personal accounts issuing official statements. That is why I am making this distinction.
we gonna see somemore two-tier policing on this one?
He really is our guy
Why OR?
Where does it say OR?
If she ever made ANY posts on that account that could be interpreted as an official statement then she is cooked
If she deleted those posts and twitter can retrieve them she is double cooked
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Dios mio..
jew nose
jew asshole lips
dysgenic features
weak bloodline requiring thick glasses

hmm pottery
man it must be really unfortunate to be born jewish.
Yes, you are right, I was saying "or" because X has a separate identifier for official government accounts. I imagine that these accounts have special restrictions in order to not break these laws, perhaps an inability to block/private.
Yes, IF. We just don't know yet, an audit will probably follow after this disaster.
america is a joke country, your laws mean absolutely nothing
> jew
> felony
I dont think any cop is going to arrest her for this.
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But still believable cuz Jewish
okay retard, and who is going to prosecute her? that's right loser. Nobody. Get fucked.
>joke country
your country still honking?
>you cant hang us with the rope we approved just to get our opponent!
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I wonder if anyone stops to ask why so many high profile appointees are jews... less than 2% of the population yet they seem to be the ones making statements and issuing directives at nearly every crisis. From the border debacle to the worst hurricane disaster in decades.
Oy Vey that doesn't apply to jews you antisemite
that's every cabinet retard

and a harrpy Ching chong doling dong too wvroooooo you not nice
>that's every cabinet retard
>this somehow negates my point
>that's every cabinet retard
doesnt that make it......much worse?
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When do we put these kikes on playing cards and hand them out?
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Actual Genestealer cult.
What’s funny is they think they blend in with Whites, lmao. Jews are so fucked.
Wayne chiming in, nice.
All facts
Your logic is sound
That attitude will only help you for so long faggot
Someone copied off your thread idea. I don't get why they feel the need to start a whole new thread instead of adding to an existing one.
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Any DA from any county affected could bring charges against any fedfag retard.
Be honest with me, is there a single politician that actually cares about america because it feels like they’re all too busy funding foreign countries
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(The real us gov ceased to exist in 1999 and all states in 2001.
Hence the no borders and shit falling apart and the kike federal reserve foot soldiers and their disgusting shabbas no longer pretending to follow the rules.)
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captcha: 88WN
kek smiles upon us
The jews are allowed to kill and rape children.
The laws don't apply to them.
So hold her accountable
I was fishing the other day and saw a petite chick walking around with a furry tail sticking out of her purse. I immediately thought "she would be perfect for that russian 4chan furry weirdo" .. your perfect girl is out there
No one will bring charges

it's not murder, they're enemy combatants and you're justified to shoot them
What an ugly kike
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But they won’t. We all know the only way justice is done from here on out
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Watch this video where she talks about her Bat Mitzvah

teneo strategy, run by doug band, former bill clinton fixer/all-rounder, basically an adjunct to clinton foundation

This kike has been on the nepotism fast track through politics since an early age. It is my hope that this dirty rat kike is charged with a felony offense before she can infect any other branch of the US government.
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Kikes don’t have to follow the law
this and neither do their weapons
>because air is free
They're all ugly
You can't predict the future retard or you wouldn't be shit posting on a Sunday faggot.
A white man cannot be governed by a kikel or a shit colored.
As of now it only has 61 views on X. Has anyone with a significant following posted it there? Not that I don't like 4chan but it can't hurt to start a discussion on X (as it's more normie friendly, even my normie family use twitter).

Don’t worry OP I’m sure Chris Wray and Merrick Garfinkle will get right on it
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>As of now it only has 61 views on X. Has anyone with a significant following posted it there? Not that I don't like 4chan but it can't hurt to start a discussion on X (as it's more normie friendly, even my normie family use twitter).

unironically everyone itt [who is gay enough to have a twitter account] should @elon musk with this. he has been sperging out about FEMA since the hurricane started. i bet even he forgot the stupid law they created where they said public officials cant block people on social media.

if we get elon to see this maybe he can use it as justification to ban all of FEMA's social media accounts from twitter because they are violating that law and he is also legally required to ban anyone committing criminal activity on his platform because of others stupid laws they have created. he can ban them using their own bullshit laws as his legal reason to do so.
>unironically everyone itt [who is gay enough to have a twitter account] should @elon musk with this

I have a twitter account but it's shadowbanned. I can tell it's shadowbanned because I can't see the trending hashtags. This happened back when Jack Dorsey was CEO and was never reverted when ownership transferred to musk. I used to post right wing libertarian stuff all the time, using the trending tags. Then one night I could no longer see the trending stuff. If I logout I can see the trending hashtags. This has been noted by other people aswell
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Someone needs an Anne Franking...
...I don't think a tail would do her any good, Ivan
>Anne Franking
you wish you were born jewish, our synagogues have connections to get us in any school and any industry. Most of us go into finance, law and entertainment and own houses you could only dream of.
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She could be roger klotz's sister
why does this kike have a peach in her bio?
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Right after Joe Biden as well
She was born and raised in Georgia though so it's probably a Georgia Peach at least that is what she will claim.
Because it's in the fucking ruling for Lindke vs Freed that they only have to have their personal account available if they have made statements using the authority of the government from that account.
>the Supreme Court instructed lower courts to consider whether the official has authority to speak on the government’s behalf (step 1) and if the official purported to use that authority in writing a post (step 2). Further, “[t]he appearance and function of the social media account are relevant at the second step, but they cannot make up for a lack of state authority at the first.” If those two steps are satisfied, an official cannot block a person, even if the blocking was done to prevent someone from commenting on the personal posts on the page.
>finance, law and entertainment

Yeah and none of your actions contribute to the health of a nation. It's all destructive behavior, similar to a parasite.
If she had or is currently making posts that can be interpreted as "official statements" from her position as a public official then she has committed a felony for every post that can be interpreted as such. If she has deleted those posts that is an additional felony on top.
Sue dat bitch
Your legalese is irrelevant. The jewess locked her account to stop the goyim from conveying grievances.
Sure there's precedent that says she can't do it but how is it a felony?
Okay this is handed ammunition to pol, you guys are that lazy that you can't "internet army" this so that at least she get arrested?
Has this place become this pathetic and useless?
..That legalese is what made it illegal you dickhead, it was perfectly legal (or legally untested, rather) for public officials to block people from social media before it, grievance or no.

Near as I can tell, it doesn't directly. It confirms a state action under 42 U.S.C. § 1983, which opens you to a misdemeanor charge under 18 U.S.C. § 242, which can be elevated to a felony but only with pretty extreme circumstances.
oy vey dis anudda shoah dis is literal hitlerism how dare you question the HOLY ONES fucking GOYIM dey are the CHOOSEN you are their SLAVES
all rules exist only for YOU!
YHVH said so in this scroll we wrote!
What are your thoughts on the jews?
That the world would be a much better place if every single one of them disappeared tomorrow.
Wait no, today. Today would be funnier.
they'll say some shit like "weelllllwelll these were exceptional circumstances because there was so much antisemitizmm"

Ok so sue her. Take it to Federal district court. After you spend $400,000 and wait 6-24 months the federal district court will probably apply the Supreme Court's precedent properly and order her to unlock the account. Otherwise it may be another 2-4 years taking it up to the appellate division. You have a spare $500k sitting around for that one, right?
That's not her account you retards. This is her account. That is either a troll or her personal account.

so why is it that so many high profile appointees are jews in every single cabinet and jews are less than %2 of the population?
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>giv money plox

White hicks in NC deserve to die for not recognizing who their enemy is.
Followed and unable to view posts, blocked from access. Passing it along to my lawyer back in the US.
Personal accounts cannot be limited if you're in public service lol.
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Looks like this wig advert I saw:
tweet that info to elong, he will unlock it for them
Yes they can lmao
They literally cannot as per the Supreme Court decision on March 18th, 2024
See here
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Honking Jew nose intensfies
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Why did you post the same picture right after the other guy?
She is not blocking anyone retard
>On March 15, 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court decided Lindke v. Freed, No. 22-611, holding that a public official who prevents someone from commenting on the official’s social media page engages in state action under 42 U.S.C. § 1983 if the official both
>(1) possessed actual authority to speak on the state’s behalf on a particular matter, and
>(2) purported to exercise that authority when speaking in the relevant social media posts.
>jaclyn rottenberg
If she ever made ANY posts on that account that could be interpreted as an official statement then she is cooked
If she deleted those posts and twitter can retrieve them she is double cooked
No one has even proven that's her account and not a troll
I appreciate this image and I'm sharing it with everyone who's already sick of hearing me talk about weather manipulation
What? Suppose a citizen needs to contact her in the event of an emergency. Unavailable, you say? She should probably just resign and save us the trouble.
>joined in 2009
>claims to be fema director
>uses official federal government dept logo for twitter profile

Yeah I'm pretty sure it's not a troll account
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Is this Jaclyn?
You know what you are doing is illegal
Just make the account private and provide the posts that you have deleted (if any)
Don't make this harder on yourself!
I just looked at the 4chan catalog and it's absolute jewed. This thread is being slid down to 10th page.
That’d be 12 million
oy vey, the 6 million shoez goyim! we won't forget the bear eagle cage
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This is the only topic that matters this evening.
C'mon now, bigger.
Orbital breach
Oy vey.
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The (assigned) savior of the white race.
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Taking a shit while looking at shit skins feels gud
think about what you just said nigger
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And then one day, for no reason at all...
wayne, are you really a jew?
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vikinger brother, we shall soon feed the semites to the field ravens
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It's Sweetums!
So has anyone significant tweeted about this yet? I want to boost it and bask in the comments
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try asking on twitter
The future is bright
is her nose AI enhanced?
Are you here doing damage control?
>That's not her account you retards. This is her account. That is either a troll or her personal account.
You fucktards crack me up.
Arrest that jew bitch
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Not in that pic, kek
Well doesn't her face say it all? "You won't do shit."
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Uh checked, viking digits
It’s real! The documentation is real and everyone is literally retarded from seed oils and fluoride in literally all their food! Its why they can’t make connections as easily, it takes repeated exposure to kinda break through the goyslop poisoning.
Witnessed, Ragnarok approaches!
whyd you photoshop her nose to look smaller
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Bump. Arrest nao.
>it's da joowz right /pol/tard??! xD

Based. I'm writing you in for my vote Wayne.
What do you expect from a retard that thinks her twitter bio is a linkedin one?
Soon, the only true way.
>still thinks laws apply to the jews
Laws like that are only for the goyim
>you wish you were born into a dysgenic and physically weak caste that is going to get pogromed in under 20 years
>Things that will happen:
It's really always a jew, so it's starting to seem like a comedy at this point.
The noticer will continue to explode all over the world!
Blackpilled just made a stream about it. It argues that jews were the brains and italians were the muscle for the most part and the jews were able to take over organized crime because italians still had too much morals like they were seriously terrified of dealing drugs and would probably always kill their own if they were caught doing so, but jews would have no such limitations on what they would be willing to poison goyim with. Of course there are drug dealers from every ethnic group nowadays but le jews kind of rose the bar in that regard because every other crime organization would be fucked without the drug money if there was no agreement that no one would do it. That's why evil is inclined to win always.
Meh, only for a few brief years in the 1930s.
Everything else is just a pity party.
Damn this anon might be on to something
what's this picture from again
Murder usually means senselessly and unreasonably taking someone else's life so I don't see murder in what you described.
Finally a non-photoshopped picture.
Arrest her immediately.
Oi vey
The law only applies to gentiles and goyim. Sorry mutt too late to cry aBOOT it now
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Futa elf sus?
There is only one punishment fitting for this jew.
Just make sure you're calmed down when the fbi shows up at your door. Just tell them you were letting off steam.
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jews commit felonies every day they are criminal group after all
I remember when the krassentein brothers sued trump for blocking them on twitter and they won.
what is wrong with you people, you give them the finger and slam the door on their face. if they stand there and try to intimidate you, (which they will) you call them niggers through the door and go back to what you were doing. been there

dont tell them who you are, dont answer any questions. they dont know who posted any of this, and is why they're showing up--to dig up the dirt. fuck them

stop being nice to zog enforcement you cu.cks
Porquito Mas
You forgot to hide your IP and device, Anon.
Idk if you people are retarded or not but going private is different from blocking
>jews were the brains and italians were the muscle for the most part

>That's why evil is inclined to win always.
Yeah, its WORSE
Blocking is selective
Locking your account BLOCKS NEARLY EVERYONE
holy fuck she blabs and blabs and blabs with pilpul and says nothing. the fact that this disgusting gigakike was nominated to head FEMA.... what the fuck
diversity over quality strikes again
Lo-Fi Hip-Hop beats to goosestep to.
Fucking kek
Man, I love this place.
Someone send her this
... every damn time
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>you wish you had my inbred genetic disorders goy
That accurate picture of her is horrifying
I don't know which one is 'shopped. Am i tarded .. :/
>a peach in her bio
Not even Biden himself would eat her rotten jewish pussy. I am vomit.
It's the same picture
>Jewish judge "...except when said government official is a woman or poc that fear for their life"

You know how this will end
nobody caRES

u tongue my anus
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She looks like the minecraft villager.
im sure Merrick Garfinkle is gonna be all over this one
This anon's got the right idea.
It needs to get big...really big...because 1. Even if she doesn't get arrested, it shows that Jews are immune to the laws.
2. She goes to prison, super awesome. I mean we're talking about a demonic evil cunt that disabled account so families in NC can die.

Guys, I'm not even pretending to be white. I'm not white, but a quick script bot to make Twitter mass share this. And get this bitch prosecuted...is it that hard?

Am I in a bot forum now? Because this sure as how doesn't feel like a conscious /pol or 4chan anymore.

No, anon, you are the bot.
there should be no such thing as a prosecutor. police charge and then you go to judge. it cuts out corruption, as the prosecutor is only there to protect the privileged.
i dont have a shitter account because i dont give my cell phone number away to anything let alone the fucking internet. so are all the governors and other public officials doing the same by simply using twitter when i cant see what the fuck theyre posting or is it just tony starks fault?
looks like bullshit, anyone could make a stupid chart like that it doesn't mean anything
>purposed mining project far away from any of the severe damage. Only lost power for a day
>meme flag
Checks out
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They won't do anything. Look at who she is. "Jaclyn Rothenberg"
You goyim are delusional if you think the government will harm our chosen people.
We Jews are the chosen people.
If you are not Jew, you are filthy goy.
women :coffee:
She's making her activity inaccessible to critics which is the same thing. This will go to court again and she will be dragged back out to the pillory for another session of rotten tomatoes.
No kike's feelings should be spared, I don't care how high up the government totem pole they climb.
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Do you know what today is? It's our anniversary. Made for you and me.
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The amount of creepy bug-eyed jews that post here is bizarre. Was your mother a preying mantis?
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The end result is the same you cannot communicate with or read communications from the glowie, so there is no difference.
Jesus H Christ...
Is that an owl or an alien?
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The wailings of slaves mean nothing. Shut up.
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Jews can't commit felonies, and even if they can, they have the right to return to Israel without threat of extradition, goy
That dudes redemption arc is choice.
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I mean, it's not like they can solve those right now anyway since the power is out, so good job agent, you'll probably get your casualties.
i just called my sherriff
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According to Israel its legal and acceptable to do so because they voted for it
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You won't do shit
Was Doug secretly jewpilled?
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Why are you double posting the same picture
The whole show is nothing but jews trying to cream patty mayonnaise. it's all jewish fanfic
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enemy combatants. its not murder.
Skeeter's black tho
>skeeter's a nigger
yeah, it's jewish
spending fema money on invaders
Don’t you have the second amendment? Why is there so much bitching while people are dying
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Yebamoth 98a: All children of the ‘goyim’ (Gentiles) are animals.
Sanhedrin 59a: Murdering Goyim is like killing a wild animal.
Abodah Zara 26b: Even the best of the Gentiles should be killed.
Hilkkoth Akum X1: Do not save Goyim in danger of death.
Hilkkoth Akum X1: Show no mercy to the Goyim.
What happened to the AI video humor thread? We had some good times
Send this shit to Thomas Massie to call out this kike
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Once in the position your bound by law no matter if its personal or not. You filthy nigger.
The future is bright.

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