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>Some of the most beautiful land in the country
>All ruined by the gayest shit possible
because the gays are attracted to temperate climates and luxury professions
Accelerationism or some shit
Somewhat applicable to niggers too
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Legitimately going to need military intervention to make it American again. Fuck those faggy nigger states, I feel bad for the Eastern parts that just want to be left tf alone.
Because we took in all the refugees for generations and the west coast is just the end of the line of western civilization.
All the people running from their problems end up here, rich and poor.
Literally where the first homeless bussings started
all of them. any of those kinds of people who subtract value wihkut creating it. if its too cold or too dry theyll just die. if you have an indistry where you can make 100k a year sitting down itll get mogged by them
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Mexicans flooded into California the past couple decades and turned what was a conservative red state into the gayest, bluest, bigger shithole in the U.S. They're now the plurality of the state's population too.

But /pol/ will tell you we need to worry more about people from India.
From the redwood trees all the way to the Valley
All the beautiful areas are rural and vote red. It's the same as literally every state. The only reason they're blue states is that the total number of people in the cities outnumber the rural folks, which won't affect you since you don't sound like the kind of person who would go the cities anyway. Take the whitepill and go enjoy oregon, anon
I’ll be honest, we kinda did that
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Former Californian here. Parts of Cali are based as fuck.
>the Northeast straight up wants to secede
>Temecula and Murrieta have all the glory of SoCal without beaches but with great cost of living and great schools
>Beach Communities (Huntington, etc.) are radical reactionary right-wing
The sheriffs in these places just refused to obey a lot of the COVID orders. And Newsom, for his faults, has vetoed or killed a lot of nasty radical-lefty shit like universal single-payer. And yes, it's fucking beautiful.

Never go to any of the following:
>Los Angeles (any part)
>San Francisco or "The Bay Area" (stay the fuck away)
>Sacramento (nobody cares about Sacramento)
>downtown San Diego, it's a shithole
And gas is expensive as fuck. And hotels have shitty water pressure. Still would like to move back there when I can.
Bigfoot uprising when?
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see - fate of empires
Literally no mexifag, blame it on goth chicks!
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see - self destruct
>the west coast is just the end of the line of western civilization.
Kek, you didn't do it but you certainly didn't fucking help
This was the jew's doing
when you live in paradise and have no problems, you tend to turn your attention to frivolous things like egalitarianism, normies have to create problems for themselves
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>>Some of the most beautiful land in the country
>>All ruined by the gayest shit possible

It was always Gay.

Gay pilgrims moved out there very early in America's birth to get away from the Gay hating East. They also went there to get away from that Civil War shit, so they could suck cock in privacy unaffected by violence.

You were wrong all along anon. California was always Gay / Boy lover central.
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>normies have to create problems for themselves
No one undergoes the hero's journey if they already have their lives set.
Mijo, we latinos are the biggest jew supporters ever, we love goyslop
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pacific ocean, going into the forest, big sur california

behind are flowing mountain streams you can just pop a cup under and drink
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Pic related was the turning point for California. Before this happened, illegals were considered scum even by other Mexicans, and the Mexicans who were here were quiet family people who weren't blasting Banda music till 4am Monday morning.
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this is what faggotry ruined
Isn't it just the same cycle that's going on for a long time in this country? Back in the day the Midwest was super rich because of the Auto industry and industrialization and then the left came to redistribute the wealth and ran it all into the ground. Then later the West Coast became super prosperous because of the tech industry so the left showed up and has run it into the ground. Currently it seems that the southern us is experiencing a boom so the left certainly will be showing up soon enough to run it into the ground.
Bad people come together to ruin good things on purpose. It’s that simple. They’re ruining the other med climates around the world now too.
So all the areas with the awesome med oceanic climate.
Looks like Israel or Lebanon or some sandnigger shit... there's more beautiful places in America like literally the entire eastern half of the country that is green and verdent like mother Europe.
No, cali used to be red, what ahppened was that freaks and homos from around the country all migrated there starting in the 80s.
what in the actual fuck, it's a literal tradition burning jewish piñatas over here kek
You’re a retard. The east US has nothing in common with europe. The east US is unbearably humid, high heat, EXTREMELY colder winters than Europe. Dry winters, too. It fucking sucks. Then the middle of the country is like siberia. West coast has the european type weather.
I’d rather have a Latino world than an Indian one
It really makes my blood boil
Yup. Fags took over the state with the help of jews in positions of power, snd armies of illegal immigrant hordes.
Surely it wasn’t the 30 million Indios we sent you
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that is also very beautiful. it looks completely different when you turn around, the landscape changes quickly. it always felt homely to me because this is what i grew up seeing and exploring, and endless expanse of serene and quiet forest.

it was even better back when the state had a strong majority european demographic
Nunca serás blanco pocho deje de esconder
I respect california, but the northwest is gay. They are left wing anarchists. Very disgusting on the whole.
smart, they also give you free passes to all the countries youll want to go to.
>go to ocean shores for a weekend
>Saturday morning look for a coffee shop to have breakfast at
>find one, go inside
>tranny flags, tranny flags absolutely everywhere
east oregon and washington are trying to secede and join idaho for that reason at this moment

sparked another movement in illinois where like 20 or so counties want to leave because fuck chicago
it was cuz us beaners
Literally everyone in the west is richer than an eastern peasant. I know very well where a west virginian is in the hierarchy compared to a washington state nigga.
my favorite sandwich shop next to work put one up inside. i had walked in, ordered turned around and saw it

i haven't been back since. i wonder if they know their virtue signalling costs them business
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That's not true, the west coast has a Mediterranean climate with dry summers. Europe is known for being wet year-round (except some southern regions) which is also characteristic of the eastern US. Temperatures don't matter as much as rain patterns when it comes to shaping the landscape. That's why the west coast is dominated by shrubs in the south and conifers in the mountains, European trees like oaks, beech and maple thrive in the humid climates of Europe and NE America.
Our adversaries are trying desperately to conquer these areas because they know their value.
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northwest is as close as it gets to europe you go to the east coast and you get only boreal forests that are closer to britain
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we need a city state system
going from portland or seattle to a smaller city is an entirely different world
even the cities along the western coast lean conservative
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what the fuck did I ever do to you asshole
what? no, we have pretty much most of the koeppen climate types. the winter i go snowboarding in the mountains, and they relax on the beach in t shirt weather for sunset

it can be 100°F outside, drive 30 mins and be somewhere its mid 70s
because demons are compelled by their very nature to destroy all things beautiful.
The West Coast needs to be cleansed if libshits, kikes, and spics. A reconquest of the Western States is badly needed.
Sad. I haven't been to Oregon or Washinton but I for sure get why so many people live in California.
Everyone I've ever met from Oregon has been a shitlib faggot anti-white piece of human garbage.
Liberals are more intelligent, have better education, and get better careers. Having a good income allows you to live in desirable locations. The best, highest earning, highest educated, highest taxpaying people get the best land. It's that simple.

Republicans hate education and strive to look and sound stupid so they stay in poor red states their whole lives.
I'm serious. Look at me debating with these Christians who are lying and saying that people can't understand how God works at all when I tell them that they are wrong about certain theological doctrines You want a philosophy that weakens people to the point of greedy corporations pulling their women out of their homes and into the workplaces until the birthrate falls apart, that pushes people down and then yells at them that they are on the same level of niggers, and nobody can say otherwise or he's fired, look no further than the philosophy of Christianity
>let me tell you about your country
Washington state is a nothing state, nobody thinks about it or cares about what happens there. West Virginia, on the other hand, is thought of highly among the heartland of the country since so much modern culture originated from the area.
The gods really did some effort posting when they made California. The place is as close as you can get to heaven on earth. It literally has everything. Beautiful beaches, snow covered mountains, deep dense forests, deserts, fertile valleys.

This is called 'gaslighting'. You can tell because there's no reference. No citation. Just them bad, we good.
It was peak America before the last 15~ years.
Yeah what are you gonna do about it, faggot?
West virginia - some of the fattest people on the planet
Think it went downhill before that lel. Possibly starting with Reagan.

Washington native here, and I concur. California is heaven. Washington is beautiful, rugged, wild. California is mild, sunny, fun, energetic, busy. Californians are always paid, and always interaction with others. It's so easy to strike up a conversation with Californians. I go there to get sub, surf, skateboard and do noghtlife. Sometimes I go to Disney, sometimes Paramount. Best entertainment value in the entire nation.
>Europe is known for being wet year-round (except some southern regions)
This is complete bullshit. Look at a map. Ive also loved in europe and you are lying. English summers are nice, you get a lot les rain and humidity in that season, blue skies. So are Dutch summers. It’s the exact same climate as PNW.

You’re underAged, you have to be
You can say that for most of the US that isn't mountain states. WV is hills, hilly regions usually have fat people as they have just enough nature for it to be inconvenient to walk but not enough of it to turn walking into a hobby. Texas Hill Country is another example, fat old people in giant SUVs w/ scenic backdrop.
It was both tbqh, almost all white people in that state are shitlib freaks.
I was trying to be generous, America has been going downhill for over a century.
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California and Oregon have both lost population the last few years for the first time in history.
Even Washington has had the slowest population growth ever and may lose population soon.
Yet the retards there keep voting for the faggot politicians.
I dont speak this language
The western part of america is not fat relatively despite having mountains.
Fudgepackers got money.
Look at all the most expensive neighborhoods.
Fulla faggots.
has to do with cheap sugar and seed oil laden processed food. it is literal poison, and it is the NO.1 taxpayer expense

rfk is doing a good job calling out the core reason for this, this shit isnt made for human consumption. but its all they can afford thanks to kike and nigger gibs worldwide
Texas has turned blue, but retards keep huffing copium.
Farmers are scum
Only the Basque region is rainy most of the year
oh, believe me they are. theyre getting poisoned too
That's what I just said, ESL monkey.
Hillbillies and ghetto blacks eat some of the craziest shit you can imagine by the bucketload. This is a generational issue now.
I went to Vascon in the summer and it was pretty dry. PNW has almost the exact same climate
tacos vs curry
Satan unironically

Also, there will be a jew seething about Christ after this post.
The entire nation is turning Blue as the Republican Party is vlovertaken by the MAGA cult and Trump. Nobody wants to live in a factory USA under a billionaire retard loser. Just vote Democrat straight down the ticket and be thankful blue states teach the rest of the country how to be civilized.
zoomer, turn in your high school assignment and make yourself useful for a change. go get a job.
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Sacramento is okay!
crazy to think golemfornia was a 90% white paradise just a few decades ago
Why are rats attracted to the stocked pantry and not the empty one? Wherever natural wealth and human industry bring comfortable living conditions, libshits naturally follow.
Well the only people staying would be the ones who actually like the faggotry, right?
Oakland is a oak ay. Best town of all time.
im staying because i cant take my quarter million a year pension with me. i collect in 2038 or so. they slammed the door on this plan 13 years ago, i just made it in on time

fuck my life, brace for more faggotry
Allowing libshits to have control of the coastal regions is a mistake. We just need to realize it’s us or them.
I am actually looking to buy a house in Sacramento right now…
East sac is nice but i cant auite afford it
funny thing about California is all the prettiest and cleanest places are like 99% white population, some Asians here and there but almost no niggers or spics. All the dirtiest and ugliest areas are nothing but spics and niggers everywhere. The contrast is so sharp it cuts. Not to mention that despite being ultra liberal and deep blue the economic inequality there is like the biggest ever seen anywhere. You got like Beverly Hills and then a little more to the left the nastiest 3rd world tier ghetto you have ever seen. It's so funny.
>Some of the most beautiful land in the country
What a complete and utter lie, sand, beige hills with sparse greenery.

At best you have some nice forests... oh wait not anymore. Washington or anywhere in the rockies has you beat. Hell even Alaska has California beat
all those 99% white places you talk about are walled off with private security, and parade about how inclusive, caring, and other outright bullshit. i was in Malibu and as we came out of the canyons (german sportscar club) and standing on side of the road, this dreg came out of the bushes. not 2 minutes later some security patrol stopped, walkes by us, and yelled at him to GTFO here

this is where the rich leftists all live. peoe like zuckerfuck and that ilk

these people need to face the wall eventually
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one thing about cali is all the nice places have loads of chink tourists, they used to stand infront of my fence and take pictures of my house thinking it was some historic home.
>have loads of chink tourists
I feel you there, chinks used to love coming over here and rubbing our heads thinking its good luck or some shit.
of course alaska has cali beat, its an extension of the pacific nw but with next to no population, you could go build a log cabin in the middle of nowhere and nobody would know or care. You might get raped by bigfoot though.
me rucky charlms? rong tiem
Nah bigfoot aint there, too cold for that nigger. Though if you get eaten by the wildlife I wouldnt be surprised.

More meant comparing the non populated areas of both, since ofc the concrete helscape that is a lot of California is about as ugly as can be.
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Here’s Jeffery Katzenberg’s mansion in Beverly Hills, complete with the private security.
He , of course , poured money into Karen Bass’s mayoral campaign over Rick Caruso so the same shit policies could continue.
Democracy is the gayest creation the world has ever seen.
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dem digits

>the winter i go snowboarding in the mountains
you mean go to to big bear and wait in line for a couple hours just to get into your $500 hotel then wait in line at the lifts to go down the mountain with half an inch of snow?
its exactly like commie sanders said. if i have more money than you, 95% of the time i will win. its not about policies

all this shit is a sham
wasted, you asshole
Those are Chinese spies, getting photos for a CCP real estate site. They're coming for your home.
what a faggoty waste of digits

they got 30 feet of snow last winter, roofs were caving in, and weeks later in the blaring sun there was still 5 feet of snow plowed off to the side of the road the whole week up. and i just drive right home after, or rack up lines in my friends cabin

watch me do it again -> ^
>they got 30 feet of snow last winter

you lying sack of shit. shut the fuck up

The gays cant reproduce and therefore have more money to spend on their living arrangements. The most beautiful parts of the country are the most expensive to live in, and are therefore, prone to a higher concentration of faggots
oh gee golly why ever did they declare a state of emergency and shut down all traffic to the city during a historical blizzard

what do you know about my stomping ground, outsider clown.
gee why did you lie about the 30 feet of snow? are you just making more shit up now? get fucked, faggot. you think 5 seconds google cant immediately prove your dumbass wrong?
Butt pirates won't shovel snow.
look, edgelord. i really dont give a flying fuck your feelings are hurt about my estimates. since im not a nerd with rage i actually go outside my mommys house and do things, things which dont involve your stupid pissing contest over semantics
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The spic problem is one of the worst problems America has. They don’t assimilate, they don’t hold Western values, and Spanish is a feminized language it’s incompatible with English as a masculine language. Why do you think Hispanics have such a feminized societies. Even the cartel violence is something out of a females mind. Machismo is a male cope because they know the feminine runs Hispanic thinking. The racial hierarchy within Hispanics needs to be implemented once more.
The rejected of Europe came to America. The people the rejects didn't want kept get sent further West until they hit the ocean and they've been piling up there ever since.
you're just assblasted that I proved you wrong, now you're on full damage control mode. just accept that you're a dumbass and you got caught lying. IRL people notice you lie but likely dont say anything, but luckily you ran into me and I can educate you on how much of a dipshit you are. It might help build some character
shame it was a waste, in hopes the gods bless me one last time, I merely wish to state, fuck the jannies, TZD and errrr... get pissed, alcohol is gods apology for giving us sentience.
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I feel like Trump missed a huge opportunity in 2020. A bunch of criminal leftists were pinned down in cities like Seattle and Portland, and he could have sent in the feds to round them up/hit them with RICO charges/etc. But he shat the bed and did nothing. Paralyzed with fear; cowered into inaction. It was a disgrace.

The fags at the CHOP site in Seattle were literally shooting negroes during the Fentanyl Floyd riots. Trump could have rounded them up and disappeared them into Gitmo. He had that power. But he cucked out.
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paradise comes at a price
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We need a zombie apocalypse to get rid of the libs
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He thought he actually had a hair's chance of winning the election in 2020. Helicoptering peaceful protesters would've ruined what small chance he had, and he knew it. The News is a thing, after all.
Nobody wants to live next door to you
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San Bernardino County just above Riverside County actually did vote to secede from the state, but the state has to allow them to so good luck because they want to hold an iron grip on as much power as possible. A lot of counties would secede into their own states if they could, it's a legal process as they're not seceding from the union (which should be legal), but the state having to allow it means it would never happen unless we got a bunch of activist legislators in.
perhaps its a sign that we need some more "clean it up jannie, what are we paying you for" threads. havent seen any in quite a while
It would have won him the election. By late-2020, normal people were tired of the rioters. Seeing them being beaten and gulag'd would have been a huge morale boost.
Same, people really should stop moving here.
>t. Oregonian
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yeah, southern california cities outside of palm springs and mountain towns all look like the middle east. Id honestly rather live in missouri where you can buy a tiger chimpanzee combo for 5k out of someones trailer and train it to kill niggers.
Red Hot Chili Peppers happened
yucca valley

>Population: Old

little high on the approach there buddy, slip hard down
I'm staying out of spite. I hate those mother motherfuckers and ill be damned before I run away because the fags got too faggy. They'll all take off soon or shut up, people are turning against this shit even in Portland. Normal people who don't give a shit have been affected personally, usually on multiple occasions, so things are soon changing for the better. The problem has and always will be trying to get these idiots to understand that the democrats fucking hate them, doesn't matter who you are, but it reflects clearly in their policies.
Digits confirm snowboarding is a kike scam.
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as someone who lives in vail and gets 140 days riding a year i can vouch for your retardation
thats in colorado, dumbfuck. we're talking about california
Oregon used to be the most racist state founded by the most white supremacist settler.
What happened?
They're still there. They're just gay now
and im talking about snowboarding. outside of squaw there is nothing notable besides hike to terrain that the faggiest people in the world will call police over trespass for going to
why subject yourself to subpar quality? if you want to ski go to vail
ill see you faggots on chair 10 or 37 depending on the snow pack
Urbanization and litoralism
I live in Eugene. Theres a right wing supremacist movement gaining traction.

The jews targeted Oregon first because oregon was the most racist state in the country. Most people came from the south during the Civil War to escape niggers.
Then why do liberals listen to only MSM sources for news?
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I would ask which part but I feel thats redundant. Europe is slowly waking up
>Nothing but niggers in the webm

poo in the loo


t. street shitting rape-rat
you wont see that fat angry dork anywhere, other than spilling out of his computer chair sideways next to empty hot pocket sleeves and sugar drink bottles
Flyover states seething at chad California as usual
The entire nation is MAGA, faggot.
it's next to impossible to find a brewery in portland that doesn't have tranny flags
Keep dreaming, Peter Thiel
Kamel Hairis and Gavin Newscam politics. Basically Trudeau style left neoliberalism.
The reason they can sustain in the California but not in Canada is that California has this insane tech sector making a lot of money and paying a lot of taxes to the CA government so they can sustain their ideological bullshit.
one of the largest state parks on the coast is named after a eugenicist who hated gays, surprising they haven't gotten it change yet
>t. spic
Pochos are truly mentally ill.

U of O
Not only dreaming but living, Mr. Shekelstein.
I'm from San Bernardino County and it's mainly spics, right wing spics for the most part but spics none the less. Los Angeles proper is a shit hole beyond giga proportions. The beach cities are nice af. All of them that I've been to are nice af disregarding venice beach, and now hearing santa monica is shit havent been in a couple years tho. IMO the best place in USA to live is probably one of the beach cities in SoCal. Huntington, Newport, Hermosa, Laguna etc I would move back into California to live in one of these cities.

Moved to Boston for a couple years it was a culture shock desu. Definitely a lot smarter people on average in Boston than you meet in SoCal.

Now I'm in some Midwest city and brother the girls here are hot as fuck. Literally mogs the fuck out of Los Angeles and Boston by a long shot, and Miami. The only place I've been to in the USA with better looking girls is lower east side NYC during a weekday. Holy hell. Over there it literally seemed like every other girl was a literal model. This isn't just like a hot girl. These were dozens of literal seemingly world class models walking around here.
>temperate climates
Fuck everyone that says "California has great weather!" It's been Summer for 7 damn months now, it's 103*f outside, and I can see the damn Ocean from where I am.
Know about Eugene Skinner?
Big cities attracting leftists has always been commonplace. The West Coast is unique in that they've embraced the degeneracy. Within a few generations, major cities become hellholes covered in excrement with pedo flags hanging down every other building.
>The only place I've been to in the USA with better looking girls is lower east side NYC during a weekday
lol this is so accurate
t. native Californian who left LA for NYC, zero regrets
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fuck off retard, neither are worthy
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actually was a jewish "lawmaker" who broke the law and let beaners through after californias voted against it
>every single time
yes, anons, the reason california is flooded with mexican goblins today, is because a jew opened the gates and waved them in, can't make this shit up
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187 is the police radio code for murder btw
jews murdered california
Ya, it has 4 seasons.
Great summer
Ultra summer
Giga summer

My family still lives there and every time I tell them to move to where wife and I live they bring up the weather. Weather website will say it’s 100 degrees while it’s 65 here and I’ll tell them that and they just get quiet and chance the topic.
California brain is a disease most don’t recover from.
I used to live in jurupa valley back when it was still part of riverside. was very mixed then but it's 100% mexican now
>The beach cities are nice af
lawl not anymore. it stinks like piss, shit, and poverty. and there are thousands of tents, along with what are obviously illegals (squatty faced ugly 5 foot brown goblins) who are all red eyed and strung out on every street chemical out there. Huntington is based, i heard someone talking about a bar called the Eagles Nest there, which was an open reference to southern german painter party.

also send tall skinny blonde rich girlfriend to match me please, you seem to have extras
>Only 11 climate types
>California brain

I think it’s more like Stockholm syndrome. A lot of people born here are scared to leave, even if they don’t like the California politics

>but muh Disneyland
>but muh weather
>but muh big cities with things to do
>but people in other states won’t like me
>it’s too expensive to move away
>I’m stuck here
this guy aint wrong >>484011616
but it varies wildly where you are

i was at the beach in central coast, 110 degree heat wave in so cal, 75 where i was. and 70 at night. you can literally just drive away from summer in most cases

stay away from the desert unless you like peeling your ball sack off your leg every 2 minutes
Anon that is a complete larp
You can thank based Republican Reagan for not only California, but the entirety of the west coast going solid blue forever. Based Republican did more for getting Democrats votes than the Democrats ever did in the years since Reagan.
[quoted my post] i am also a pretty pretty princess, believe it or not
Actually the reddest states but thanks to voter fraud and pozzed cities, retards would never know. Steel hardens steel. The spirit of the pioneers, the strongest most ambitious men of true grit survived and the war to end all wars will begin on the west coast, most likely California. Keep your ammo dry lads.
lol no. abbot got rid of 1,000,000 democrat voters, kys
Good climate attracts the worst people.
that is the way i address it to my kid. there are 'people' who exist solely to be destructive. they cannot create and are at best neutral and you guide them when you can to maintain that state but beware their default is to simply seek and destroy. then i give examples.
this is as positive and simple explanation which i wish i was given at his age. can't have him shaking his head cursing 'fucking niggers/faggots' every day by grade 6 like his old man.
Can't enjoy that IPA with a pride flag in your face?
Smart conservatives go into business rather than academia.
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Weak men (gif related) create hard times. Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. (again, gif related)
It's cyclical.
As the guy who posted this: >>483995040
You have no credibility assesing climate whatsoever.
East Sac is full of liberals, faggots, and purple haired cat ladies. Almost every house in that area has a "love is love, no human is illegal" faggot sign and fag flags everywhere fuck East Sac fuck Sacramento in general and fuck you. Warmest greetings from Rio Linda.
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thank you dr shitfuck, phd, ackshually-climatologist. your feedback is appreciated

please leave your further opinions in the suggestion box on your way to fuck on off out the door; ill be sure to read them immediately
Reminder that every square inch of land on the earth is property of the Lord Jesus Christ.
no it's not, i can tell you don't travel much it's a dump.
Nebraska here and you’re a little bitch if you say this is anything like Siberia. We’re white get some proper shelter and the weather is nothing. It barely snowed for two months last winter.
Don’t be smug lupillo
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Just stay away from the I-5 corridor and it's fine.
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Lebanon is right on the border of being too arid to be comparable.
Anyhow I don't like snownigger weather.
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>doesnt affect me
nigger, i cant buy guns anymore because of faggots in seattle

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