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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Tell your government to stop this.

>BIG BROTHER on itv2


>BIG BROTHER on itv2
had a dream i were a nonce me
then i woke up and looked in the mirror and saw a nonce fuck
help me dago
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>tfw big brother still exists
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look this proves im not a nonce see it's James
filthy James direct your hate at him lads
Old gold
threadly reminder to filter spam-mongs, seethemongs, ragebaiters and drama-mongs, even if that includes me, not assed
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fuckin james
alriii laaa
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Who stabbed Billy?
On a scale of normie to super gay
Where is it ranking?
it's over
isn't it
might order some scran try to install some RAM and do some nofap then play some games with me budget GPU inside a window because i can't not be shitting up brit/pol for 20 minutes while playing a game

A proud young black man


>>>>>>>>>>>>black man

>his smile could light up a room!
Who is the sexiest man in all of UK?
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Hey there big guy, just wanna say i love the intensity, the drive, the focus, great stuff, right there with ya. Just been thinking though, maybe you should try a different approach?, a new style? You know, freshen it up a bit, you see, people are noticing you are being a bit, how should i put it, overzealous!?, yeah, and, y'know, it is starting to have the opposite effect, capishe?, comprendey? , a lotta the guys are starting to see the non stop sperging as, y'know, counter productive, making the goblin seem sane in comparison, sooooo, why not take 5, get some rest, and come back at it with a fresh angle?, whadda ya say big guy?, great, great, lets do lunch next week?, call my office and gracie will book you in, cool, nice, ok, gotta go, love ya.
>former promising footballer for Charlton Athletic
Oh shit, Josh just came clean, it was him after all.
steve laws
this anon is NOT me btw
it's James. it's always james.
look here's a random post that proves it's not me
see its what james would do
he thinks if he pretends to be me then people wont notice its not me. proper smart I am. I don't have a job or any gf or senpai but im still stoic n shit. im on day 852 of nofap i am you all care about this
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>Every Londoner who can get free London Underground and bus travel for life

>f you meet certain criteria, you won't be charged for certain types of transport
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pic related
Robbie from eastenders
you can tell he's been found out because he's on the ropes and spamming to compensate
someone give us some nitter slop will ya
just filter the seethemongs laaa
yano they're seething they are because i've done em just filter them people who samefag
He deleted it lmao, must have changed his mind. Glad I got the screenshot to spam every thread as conclusive evidence of his admission
Sounds like you’re MO
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corr lad you got the screencap saved forever right? so you can bring it out every week
he's proper malding he is he's on the ropes
ive done him
Holy shit actually kill yourself you stupid gay nigger
you can tell how much he's seething now because i've done him he'll never recover from this because i've done him just filter the seethemongs it's a trannymongseethmongraidmong against me laa dago help
gonna make some sosij n beans n cheese on toast corrrr
The captcha has already told me
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Can't believe he just admitted it was him all along, I wonder which larps he'll take responsibility for.
Appreciate this surprising honesty arc of his. Looks good on him
James is coping now
see how i've done him
he's done
im gonna make some eggyweggys n have a poo lads
you can tell just how disconnected he is from the brit/pol/ community and how little he knows people here considering he thinks this will work

I'm horrified to see that they have Gressinghams duck on that halal display.

I like a bit of Gressinghams duck for my tea some nights, but I won't be bothering now.

Does this mean that all Gressighams duck is 'halal,' whether it is displayed as such or not? I imagine so.
luv me brit pol
luv you lads
you all luv me too
if you don't though, you're james
im the king of brit / pol me, respected leader me, poor james poor old james yano i feel sad for him in a way not being the king like me so easy it is for me to do him lads all i have to do is call everyone i mean him james and then ive done him. Sad really yano im the top dog me, and he's nothing. Im a winner, i even have random lads who aren't me telling me im a winner too, james doesn't.
Imagine being one of the workers in the factory who's been instructed to follow halal rules to kill the animals
gressingham duck is shit get local stuff from your butcher, it’s supposed to be red not dark pink
i've done him lads look at him, seething, malding. said he'd filter the seethemongtrannymongraidmongjamesmongs but didn't weird lads. then again he's nothing he is. im the king me, i've even had random lads telling me i am lads. yano?
Have you respected Sikhs today?

They're probably hamilton akkies, or taliban butchers from Afghanistan. those satanic cunts actively enjoy execution.
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how the FUCK is it sunday night already lads
me this proper fit girl on FB me she's a top QC lawyer she is lads gonna do her all night long i am cos im a top shagger me, the lads will confirm it and me screencaps of random chats will confirm it lads
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josh has mind broken this guy holy shit...
Wish that Lecter poster seethmong would come back cos at least he was funny and clever with the anti josh posting. This is just pure sperging and is bothersome imop

I might take you up on your advice. Gressinghams is like the entry level duck, I've not been eating it for long, but now I'm ready for the hardcore duckmeat.
no u
thanks for reminding me to use the last of my vodka to down my antidepressants.
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What was the photo, britpol?
Jnigger having a melty James has totally done him. He's a top lad James doesn't even need VPN flags to help him out. He's the new king of Brit/Pol I think
yeah he's a weird control freak spazzing out because he can't get what he wants

kek ofsm is a cunt but he's funny yeah I like him
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Why did they do it?
a potent combination
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I really upset a j*nnie with those posts.
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lil boggy b the asspained ashkenazi

mossad psyop- picture of dead jewish baby.
James is a good lad
cor everyone thinks im a top lad me
He's a top lad, as in he bums mens arses
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Probably does willy stuff aswell
I like being a nobody me
You care far too much about this
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thats james larping as me
He's coping big time with his sockpuppets lel
I've done him, he's on the ropes
u or8 josh m8
There is no James you mentally ill nonce
Being a woman is playing life on journalist mode.
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>The London criminals locked up in September from zoophile officer to pervert who claimed he had an itchy bum

>Zoophile George Patmore walks free from Southwark Crown Court
alriii lad you're a top lad you
you've done him he's malding
he's a dyel hes on the ropes
alriii lad yeah he's having a melty laaa
u good laa?
im good laa you're a top lad you are
top shagger n all
U lot need to have sex pronto
>exposes himself as being a vpnmong
Top lad laa he's on the ropes he is
>smashed it
you've done him laa
he thinks we're the same person jej
he sees you everywhere
1000 people crossed the channel yesterday
Kek he’s seething now thinks everyone is on vpns lol must be fun being mentally ill

hes on the ropes


Kek what a nonce thinks everyone is James lol. Mental ilness he can't handle the fact he's been done.
>a walk through Runcorn
>pedos, crackheads, child prostitutes
>living me best life me I am. You should join me you should

First for Pakistani pedo rape gangs in every city in the land.
First for little girls chopped up in kebabs.
First for police and politicans involvement in these crimes, in ignoring them for decades, in coving them up, and in perpetrating them in some cases.
First for nothing being done about this.
kwab he's bringing back the paki pado larp now cos i've done him. what a loser
you've done him laa he's such a loser
He’s been done what a dyel
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Sad nonce what a loser kek he thinks everyone is on a VPN and is the same person lol
is dagodawg in?
absolutely BTFO
catty drama in brit/pol/ tonight
Not had a drink in nearly a month and i cannot decide if this thread is making me want a drink or showing me that being a drunken sperg is NOT the way to be.
>what would you like to achieve in life?
>"to get out of runny"
A child prostitute knows more than our resident nonce
this james person will have some serious explaining to do
cor you should go caffeinefreenofapfreefagwashganjafree laa
look at me, top shagger and it's all from taking me random H&B pills laa
>shoelad enters the thread
you can spam tonight if you want la x
>child prostitutes in runcorn
the fuck is he talking about kek
you're a top shagger laa got any tips for us lad? with your expertise in women laa?
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evening lads
what a comfy day I've had today
went wazza this morning
got some new primark clobber
some comfy joggers
got a nice poundbakery on the way
was goin coalburners for a cup of tea like
but not goin wazza without payin a visit to primark
had a good chat, had some rasols
she's gonna give me some latvian recipes at some point
can't wait to try them out like
came home, went B&M
got some lovely candles
got a new charger cos me old one broke
got a new USB charger too for maximum convenience
got some marshmallow bath soak n all
not had any in ages
fuming tho, wanted this LED corner light they have on the website
but they've none in store ffs
gonna see if I can order one online, or get the shop to get one in for me
me neighbour was in when I got back, so I knocked on
pulled him up on me doormat
was polite tho, just said
"do you know anythin about me doormat disappearin lad?"
"it was there the last day you were then disappeared the same night you went away for a day"
*deer in headlights.jpg*
kek, bet he thought I wasn't aware of the goings on in the building
I'm the all seeing eye
I'm gonna take that as a confirmation tho
not gonna do anythin about it tho,
its only a doormat
getting angry with me facial hair ngl
said I was growing a mustache didn't I
I'm about 4 days in now, and its bugging me, feel scruffy
hate hair man, ffs
gonna run a baff
and maybe have a hydration mask on now
defo have some avocado
gonna be a comfy night
Kek starting to enjoy this now ngl
You got moxxy kid
dagolaa you just need to stop doing caffine laa, have 8 hours sleep laa, do nofap laa. Put up a pull up bar and do pull ups laa. Eat chicken n rice laa not ahmed slop
>nonce wants to know where to get child prostitutes
Britpol shitewank
Evening lads!
What a cozy day I've had today.
Woke up this morning feeling refreshed, decided to hit the local market.
Picked up some new threads from a charity shop, got a pair of nice comfy joggers and a fresh hoodie.
Stopped by the bakery on my way back; grabbed a couple of sausage rolls.
I was thinking of going to the café down the street for a cuppa, but I couldn't resist checking out the charity shop first.
Had a nice chat with the lady there—she promised to share some traditional Estonian recipes with me soon.
Really looking forward to trying them out!
Came home and decided to swing by the discount store for a bit.
Picked up some lovely scented candles and a new phone charger since my old one gave up the ghost.
Also snagged a fancy bubble bath soak—haven't treated myself to that in ages.
Fuming though, I wanted to grab a smart lamp I saw on their website, but they didn’t have any in stock at the shop.
I’ll have to see if I can order one online or get them to bring it in for me.
When I got back, my neighbor was hanging about, so I popped over to say hi.
top advice laa thanks laa
one day ill be a top shagger like you laa the brinnies admire your ladykiller skills
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Casually mentioned, "Have you noticed anything strange about my garden gnome disappearing, mate?"
His face went all wide-eyed like he’d just seen a ghost—kek, bet he thought I didn’t know what was happening around here.
I’ll take that as a sign, but honestly, it’s just a gnome, not worth getting upset over.
Been getting a bit annoyed with my facial hair too.
Remember I said I was trying to grow a beard? Well, I’m about a week in now, and it’s starting to itch, feeling a bit scruffy.
I can’t stand having hair, man, seriously.
Gonna run a bath and maybe throw on a nice hydrating mask now.
Definitely going to have some avocado on toast.
Should be a comfy evening ahead!
top shagger me. i was in the best in me class at skool i was they put me in the smart kid classes cos im top 1% me when i grew up i was the best shagger n all top lad me. You just need to nofap laa. 8 hours sleep laa. If you need advice im here for you lad.
lmao wtf
>top shagger me. i was in the best in me class at skool
He's a top shagger he is. When I think about him I think about being a winner
Lads advice needed: been talking to this bird at poundbakery for a few months now.

Quite sound with good values and I find her very attractive. Only problem is she works at poundbakery.

Few weeks ago she started confiding in me about how shes unhappy with waging.

Then, she went on holiday with her female friends and sent me several pics.

She’s back now and we are meeting 1 on 1 later today for a munchy box.

What do I do in this situation?
whats wrong with prime teens laaa
>What do I do in this situation?
First and foremost you should apologise.
>please stop filming the nonces. Iceland have complained. It's affecting business
Fucking kek. What a shithole
he gets all the top prime teens he does he's a top shagger and it's all through his hard work and dedication to nofap and nocaffine. as is evident from his multiple screencaps of many ladies I wish I was like him.
>later today
There is no later today lad
>ex from about 6 years ago
>we never actually fell out or anything she was just too immature and played too many mindgames
>got in touch recently, had catch up on fb
>life's a bit bad for her atm
>asked me if she could come over last night as there was a massive kick off at neighbourhood festival in wazza
>said ye, so she can take her mind off things
>was like we'd never had a 6 year gap
>nice bond, just old pals
>told me she loved me
>started holding me hand loads n stuff
>got in bed, put some horrors on, mostly talked about life tho
>good times
>had loads of heart to hearts about life
>told her about the raidmongs
>she told me about her ex
>said to me she might not be able to come again because she'll catch feelings so we'll need to be something
>kicked off like wtf kind of ultimatum is that, basically blackmail, bore off
>if ya need to be in a relationship with me to feel secure with and around me then you won't feel secure with an around me while in a relationship
>fair point she said
>had a proper laugh all night, loads of deep convos
>I couldn't sleep
>had to post on britpol hahahahaha
>she wasn't bothered
>let her go akip while I chilled in me livingroom n watched fb reels
>got in bed later on
>went home about 6
>flat feels empty now ffs
all the top shaggers are on brit/pol laa
just look at me top shagger all the birds love me they can't resist. i've got tons of screencaps of the ladies i've stal .. talked to and they all love me
Walk in and pull your pockets inside out and say "you want to see my elephant" and whip your pecker out.
top shagger you're emarrasing the brinnies with your top shagging abilities laa
nah, early morning / late night threads between 12am and 9am tend to be comfy and its just a few good lads and myself chatting usually. its after 9am when brit/pol/ turns into a seethefest and I'm mostly not even here through the day because I'm a night owl but mongs accuse each other of being me because they think its funny so I get the blame

I used to be here a lot more during lockdown for obvious reasons and I'd wind up the brincels because they'd target me. only I learned how to wind them up more than they could me and they've never forgiven me, so have just sperged about me consistently for years even when I'm not here

I'm chill asf now. don't drink anymore, no more caffeine either, I just chat about ideas and the logistics of stuff with a bit of frog posting. anyone saying I derail brit/pol/ is still in lockdown
>TK Maxx
Holy fucking kek. What a fucking dump. No wonder he's a shut in fat middle aged nonce. I wouldn't set foot outside either
Teach us your ways too shagger laa
Fuck off
Hahaha i remember that post
youre a top spacker la
its simple laa take some fagwashganja n some tonkat aliiii from B&M, get 8 hours sleep do nofapnocaffeinenononcing and you'll be in there laa the ladies love it when you pester em relentlessly on social too
evening lads, what's the craic?
bit of seethe
nothing that cant be handled though
Top shagger lad damn you're so good. I wish I had images of ladies I've pestered online me
>nonce trying to tell us he's living his best life
>Video shows us where he lives
I reckon james is a paki or a troon irl
might order some paki scran lads but first i need another poo
Hunting down scousers and executing them for polluting the airwaves with their rancid ear rape of an accent.
they don't have to replace it. there is unsurprisingly nothing in the koran about plastic wrapped items touching plastic wrapped items and making them non-halal.
top poo enjoyer laa
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Lads, I'll be honest I feel like absolute shit, not had any appetite for days, basically have to force myself to eat.
Feels like my dreams are dead, feel so useless and worthless, can't find a direction in my life, can't find anything I enjoy any more.
I keep slipping, I keep falling, I get back up temporarily, only to have my legs taken out from under me.
yallriiii laaaa saaadiooo maaane
eeeeey juuude
you nofap?
get on the ashwagadnha and magnesium la
you need some fagwashganja laa help you sleep good, supplement it with some ZMA, do some nofap you'll be right as rain laa. I know me I do. I'm a top knower of things
Having regular sex.
Already on creatine.
you're a top knower lad, helper of brinnies, not like that other laa who doesn't know anything. he's a dyel. You're the top dog of brit/pol you are laa. Take the win laa
yeah I cane the green tea now me
with honey instead of sugar
you tried ashwagandha? I recommend that 1000000000%
also, weird recommendation
but eat 200g of raisins for two days
then 100g a day after that. then maybe drop to 50g
loads of potassium and magnesium
you will feel amazing, trust me

nah you need to listen the ashwagandha is mandatory
Jap birds love scousers cos of Bitaruuzu and Jyonurenonu and get tons of sideways cooter cos they all want to be some BSC's personal Yoko
I recommend the fagwashganja n some eggs laa and stay away from the sneed oils laa. You need to nofap n all. Like me, on day 3601 on of no fap i am. The ladies are fighting for my attention on the social laa i've got screencaps n everything laa
wake up
black coffee
mineral water
bit of dark chocolate
green tea
I've never been more chillaxed in me life
so its probs that mate x
If I am to help myself, it ought not be from here. What a mistake I made.
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kosher edition segway™
maybe you're overdoing it? too much sex can fry your dopamine receptors and then you end up demotivated and depressed
based laa. proper chill me laa.
ordered me potions on aliexpress and amazon laa. the ladies are all over me on the social. av got chat screenshots of birds who are all over me laa
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yes la just dont fry your dopamine receptors la you need to meditate on poe la
brit/pol/ is looking kinda stagnant eh
Thats jealousy talking there lad
Seasonal defective disorder, low light levels causes vitamin D deficiency. It’s why the suicide rate is high at this time of year.
are you shane peers?
All because you didn't go and cave josh's head in
John Lenon sounded like a mank.
nah la you need the magnesium and the ashie
branston beans are king
he just needs some fagwashganja n some zinc n magnesium laa and lots of eggyweggs
Jesus fucking Christ. Kek
We need the tetra whisper air pump that is rEddie to maintain optimal filtration
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based knower of things, you're such a good lad laa helping the brinnies. You can't stop winning laa
get on the lentils and quinoa and seaweed and chicken and flaxseed la
laaa you just need to get some ashgandhi, it'll fix you right up, also magnesium
You live in a literal open air mental asylum. Kek
for me pop to h&bs
get some flax seeds and turmeric
now put a handful of flax and a spoon of turmeric in a pea protein smoothie mixed water
crushed assgandhi
it's a stinker going down laaa but will make your insides bloom
you need help
Based lad you're such a winner lad thanks for all your advice I'm gonna get some ashwaganda n some herbal tea and start stalking girls on insta I am I'm so glad you know about all this stuff
something funny la
you're a good lad, you just need to nofap for 3650 days n take some potions n pills made by chang with ground up babies n shit and you'll be stalking girls on insta in no time
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>Metropolitan Police are trying to track down 11 people that they want to speak to after protests yesterday (Saturday, October 5)
top knower of things, the girls can't resist you laa
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Based laa king of Brit/Pol all the brinnies are in awe of you lad
yes la i rizzed up sharon at poundbakery

yes she did call security on me but its all sound la
tomorrow have a shepherd's pie
be very generous with the portions, don't be afriad to break out the bead loaf; make it fucking work for you
One day I’ll be as cool as you king.
I am always 2 fans ahead
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>am in london lads
nah la you need fridge raiders with some turmeric mushed in la
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>"For my brothers with daughters"
>Because, believe it or not, Black girls have Dads too.
Oh boy, you aren't going to enjoy the fact check
Did you know you can get SAD in summer?
Mad ting.
ZPh/JZCf the dyel
q/ccPS+W the king of brit/pol
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Fact check status: false
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>Maslow's hierarchy of needs
Would UBI fill the void and provide better outcomes for children or would the parents just spend it all on drugs as they do now?
Runcorn. The utopia you've all dreamed of living on benefits
Sat in a room with no light? Yeah, I was a chef for a while. No windows, we called it cabin fever though. Dentists get it as well.
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Are muzzies even allowed tats?
>they all stop at the same time
It is not the job of the state to provide pointless handouts
except for one
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its the constant rain and lack of sun lad
i never stop me la
you're a good la shoela
im unstoppable
im uncontrollable
im at the top of me game
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corr she's well into me she is
corr top shagger
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Based lad putting us first so selfless
Nah even if you're going outside you can still get it.
It's the change in natural light and temperature and shit that fucks with your body clock and it basically causes your brain to spazz out.
Fucking Kang of Brit/poo
lass i cant come over ive got to teach the brinnies on the chan
absolute pilpul here
>Ask how Israel is able to target innocent children with such deadly accuracy and no one can tell you. Ask why they would want to target innocent children and make themselves despised among the nations of the Earth and no one can tell you that either.
Using that logic, why the fuck would anyone do anything bad?
>I do not minimise the tragedy that has befallen Palestinian children. But when television becomes another mourner by their graveside it can feel as much like propaganda as news.
>Such bias as I have described – conscious or not – has contributed not just to the anxiety level of Jews but to the atmosphere of hostility and fear in which they now live.
jews kill muzzies, jews most affected
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Top shagger
is there something funny?
Josh would beg to differ
no I wouldn't
I agree
taxation is theft
yes la they cant be takin me money
Hus ne'er hud sex
Who did the nonce to cause this melty?
Or is it just living in runny
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what about the Bataclan though? they trapped people in a music venue and butchered them.
>and no one can tell you that either.
Except they can, loads of people could tell you why. And even the how is really easy, it's a small area covered in civilians and they really don't care where they throw ordnance, hell for them it's good when it hits non combatants
>But when television becomes another mourner by their graveside it can feel as much like propaganda as news.
But enough about that little beach wog
>to the atmosphere of hostility and fear in which they now live.
They're always crying that THIS VERY MOMEMENT is the worst ever for decades now, *yawn*
landlordanon youll be dealt with tomorrow
what about your property?
I am sure hundreds of thousands of years of evolution under a near constant pattern of solar activity and circadian motion has made account for this "sad" and is not just a pop science created to sell special lights and have an easy answer for other issues like laziness, existential crisis, lack of himalayan sea salt etc
Maybe the troons have it right, just fuck it all off and try and become an anime waifu.
nah la they cant take me property
britain was never meant to be settled
Josh is the knower of all property rights in the UK. It doesn't matter he doesn't own property he knows all.
honestly I think its BS
I'm indoors 90% of the time and I don't get SAD any time of year. I'm always hyper and happy me
dago youre getting on the nerves now
nobody owns property retard, thats the point
reckon when joe rogan slams his missus he calls it the joe rogan sexperience
14 pressups corrrr
It is BS, but your sundry and multitudinous mental issues are not evidence of such
cor you can't own property lads, any day now the kang is gonna come n take it away. if you don't pay the taxes they'll take it. Can't pay? we'll take it away there are so many examples of this
such as
top property expert laa you tell em
evening ofsm
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night lads
>NEW: Sue Gray openly referred to some journalists as ‘scumbags’ in government meetings
>In meetings at Downing Street she shocked colleagues by openly referring to “scumbag journalists”
Fuck it, guess I'm a Graytriot now
someone make the "proper tea is theft" joke
Dam you're so right I won't get a mortgage or a house cos the king could just take it away any time he wants
What strikes me is how empty the roads were.
got a thing for commies do ya?
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He knows everything about property rights laa despite not owning any himself and not giving any examples of the crown seizing it
you're just seething because I made you think of bald blokes
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am an expert me lad i've sat through all 5 seasons of this
luv paul me hes like me spirit animal
Road infrastructure has slightly increased, the number of drivers has skyrocketed
Member when he couldn’t give even one example of them taking it away? I member
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Even Redditors are sick of the infinite boatwogs now lmao
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Pipe down Wool or i get my da's pickaxe handle out and come knocking yer fuxxxxin Ssskkkrehhhfffff
he's gonna take your house on behalf of the king lad. just try not paying your property taxes and watch him come take your house away on a flatbed.

You can barely walk a step without tripping over a dead baby these days chum. !0 a penny. So its purely a matter of which dead babies they pick out to perform for us on the front pages of their papers, Remember baby Alun?
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Look at the motorway on this one.
Lol makes me laugh every time i see it
Imagine texting a girl getting her fanny excavated on holiday
A different time
josh preggers?
a better time
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In Britain you can actually get arrested for post this meme on Facebook lol
Oh ok, just trash the Isle then

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