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Previous: >>484008864

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, bots and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD*
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Multiple large explosions in Beirut
>Israeli response to Iran expected soon
>Significant Israeli casualties in clashes with Hezbollah
>New Hezbollah leader targeted in massive Beirut strikes
>Israel strikes near Russian airbase and weapons depot in Syria







>Guide to the Palestinian genocide by israel
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
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▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 12 (final episode)
>Are military checkpoints in the West Bank suitable targets for carrying out Resistance operations?

Twitter link

Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre btwn IDF & palestinians civilians
>1948 Nakba
fuck all the jews yeah
and bless hamas
also bless hezbollah
and houthis and iran
What’s actually happening in Lebanon rn? Who’s winning?
Israeli nuclear weapons are saved for them to nuke the US once they are abandon them.

sceenshot this
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Nasrallah status?
Depends how you define winning
Happy October 7
jews are bombing civilians around beirut
hezbollah is kicking IOF ass in the south
>once they are abandon them.
hello saar
Thoughts and prayers with Hezbollah gas stations tonight and their adjoining oxygen storage shed.
All Slavs are united.

80,000 Ukraine Soldiers 'Refuse' To Fight Russia


>Out of 50 recruits sent to reinforce Ugledar, only 4 reached their positions—all of whom deserted during the first rotation. This stark reality reveals deeper issues within Ukraine’s military.

Do you think we’ll ever see videos of this? Hamas managed to post a shit ton
you'll accept the 1947 UN partition plan and you'll like it, jew
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>entire thread proceeds to perform mental gymnastics to show an organization that has had its entire leadership assassinated and most of its offensive capability neutralized as somehow "winning"
Russia is bombing Israel-cult!
In heaven with a harem of 700 virgins. I assume all the sacrifices made for him, that his Allah will reward him greatly at leastb10 fold. Enjoying pure euphoria for eternity.
I hate slavs
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>Peace? In Palestine?
>OY VEY! Gotta go!!!
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>budin halo?
You'll live out the remained of your days living over seas were you will be buried having never been here
>Be Israel
>Get BTFO by Iran
>It's now October 7th
>Still no response
334 hours trust the plan
when all is said and done, you'll be BEGGING for 1947 UN partition plan
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Still you won't ever come back here but don't wory about being lonely well send a bunch of your cousins to keep you company in america
What happened to the other 2 hours? Or are you goys just that bad at math?
so when will they finally attack iran? dont tell me kikes are pussying out like everyone expected?
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We defeated you in the Civil War.
We DESTRPYED you in the World Wars.
We will put you fuckers down again and again. As many times as it takes.
Consider this your final warning.
two more weeks and then they'll lob a missile at a supply depot or something, kek
I posted 336 hours 2 hours ago you must have missed it while you had no internet cowering in your cuckbunker
>>entire thread proceeds to perform mental gymnastics to show an organization that has had its entire leadership assassinated and most of its offensive capability neutralized as somehow "winning"

That's because of your colonial mindset that makes you believe that once a leader is assassinated everyone will stay at home and uphold the will of the assassin.

Hezbollah is much more flexible, operationally highly decentralized, with units of 250 to 500 each having their own leadership, their own territory and directives, and even their own supplies. There is admittedly some intermediate “management” but the top echelon has little to do with the fighting.

Decapitation strike on leadership just kill those with who you will have talked to achieve peace - but militarily it's just retarded.
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what in tarnation is this phenotype?
Who is "you"?
I'm really sure that you're going to "DESTRPYED" anything. When you can't even spell like a 2nd grader yet
Why do you think this pic is some kind of win? Dude clearly doesn't give a fuck about some bitch flipping him off.
>this smells 5.95% short
marvel at his heightened senses, honed by generations of coin clipping
based jew hating feline
>Muzzies reject that partition plan completely and try to massacre minority Jews most of them traumatised from the events in Europe.

>They launch the "overwhelming" attack just 7 hours after the restablishment of the state of Israel and withdrawal of the last of British forces.

>Jews BTFO out of the arab league despite being outnumbered and outgunned.

>Muzzies cope and seethe calling their defeat aftermath the "Nakba" while never telling the retarded leftist westerners the truth that they deserved everything they got for what they tried to do.
Lebanana invasion status?
Get out of my country you filthy Aravi ben zona bedui kelev koksinel, back to Gaza to get carpet bombed with your sandnigger ilk
lol the jeet is still at it?
Haifa status?
not reading

you will accept 1947 plan WITH full repatriation for ALL palestine refugees. something that was not offered before but obviously is required
Why should have they been obliged to accept kikes stealing their homes in the first place?
this. kikes still don't understand that the hierarchy is structured horizontally and not vertically. not only do decapitation strikes not work, they're counterproductive. they have the opposite effect. the insurgency is merely strengthened by the loss and another, more ruthless leader fills the void. the only solution to this entire problem is diplomatic. there is no military solution.
do any of the israelis in this thread actually believe you will be able to take ground up to the litani and hold it? and if yes how long do you expect it to take?
Fat Anglo.
It's a beer ignore it even arabs are better than them
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>not reading

Sounds like your average muzzie alright.
jews are in such an unwinnable quagmire it's ridiculous
Stop lifting my balls poopjeet! I thought we went through this already in the last thread. We're utterly disgusted by you and your kind. We don't need and we don't want anything to do with you. I'm still utterly digusted that we even employ so many poopjeet shills. As it makes us look bad and inferior. Your kind will never be able to properly debate, pilpul, or convince even a 7yo retard with your posts. All you do is make us look bad. You're obviously unpaid as no organization would ever allow such inferior work to be posted.

In case you didn't read it the first time, or failed to comprehend it. Read this again >>484015763
they voted for this
>jews are in such an unwinnable quagmire it's ridiculous

It's because they think that you guys have an infinite amount of mil. hardware, and will always rescue them no matter the cost.

both assertion are wrong imho. Like I said before, it's the pitbull telling the master to bite.
I'd rather it was a beer. Since then it would actually have a purpose in this world
they fucked around, now they're finding out, poland, ukraine, and new york will be getting some new neighbors
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Thats why they want your country to get fully involved and invade Iran
antisemitic milk
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forgot picrel
>buying expired milk
oy veyyy
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More ruthless, less strategic and less able to control their impulses. This works well as it gives an actual reason to the world for why we will then have to retaliate 10 fold. Did you learn nothing from the assassination of negotiators over the years who wanted peace? Did you not realize that we preferred hamas to PLO for that very reason? How dense are you goys? Even my 7yo nephew grasps this concept.
>buying fresh Jew tears
Delete this antisemitic milk right now!
Also, why does your milk expire the day after buying? Here it's often 2 more weeks.
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>why we will then have to retaliate 10 fold.
but you cant retaliate 10 fold anymore.
everyone wants to wash their hands of their involvement with you.
>poo status
>less strategic and less able to control their impulses. This works well as it gives an actual reason to the world for why we will then have to retaliate 10 fold.
thx for the perfect description of netanyahu
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>Fat Anglo.

So, you finally made peace with it.

I am your father.
In case you didn't read
Bibi is a cuck were do foreigners get the idea that he is anything else?
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Someone needs to make a bibi version.
Happy October 7 /chip/
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>we'd always have to worry about you stealing our sacred red heifer's cow excrement to eat and do whatever else you do with that literal shit
Post a Pic of king kike, I'll give it a try
Even kikes hate poojeets
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Kike, this is WW3, there will no negotiations, its all blood from now on until 90% world is dead.
You Tikkum Olam worshipers wanted this, and worked very hard to get to this point, you should be happy.
thanks fren
>achieve peace
Why is this necessary? Ongoing states of war are not so harmful when your industrial depth is the entire western world. China isn't going to be able to supply Hezbollah either.

Shia populations aren't going to survive this, even if it takes a while, and the US has near unanimous consensus among elites that decimation is a worthy course and the end result will be fine. The US doesn't have a native problem after killing them all and getting them addicted to drugs and gambling. You don't actually need to worry about a forever war in this model, you just kill until you win.

Also nothing to do with Judaism, the US did that as a Christian nation to boot.
damn. they can really predict the idf well.
Umm based?
a cuck who has unilaterally flushed decades of international diplomacy down the toilet. ICC arrest warrants incoming, ICJ definitively concluded that israel practices apartheid and israel is currently on trial for war crimes and genocide at the ICJ. more countries than ever before are recognizing palestine, more countries are calling for total arms embargo on israel. shekel collapsing. economy tanking. investments fleeing. citizens emigrating. its a total downward spiral. apartheid south africa status UNLOCKED...well done, kikes.
>we are winning
New kino boys, we can see the hit
>Shia populations aren't going to survive this
kys retard
>genetically schizophrenic
As usual.
You make it seem way more based I wanna believe so bad
Tikkum Olam. The world shall heal itself from the goyim problem.
Hopefully we'll get more sniper kino
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international pariah status is SOOOO based, amirite?
Al Aqsa Flood part 2 is occuring today, I guess?
very well done indeed
High iq post
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>he thinks he is going to survive
>he thinks pissrael will survive
Milk ferments.
doubt you will find it very based when all the money dries up
Kikes are saying that Iran tested a nuke
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Americans are part Anglo.
Fuck off, Cisplatina
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Maybe you wouldn't be so hated accross thousands of years and by everyone who came in to contact with you if you didn't think this way
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I could care less if Israel survives. A nation is not defined by it's land and borders, but rather by the people within. We're a migratory people and will simply emigrate to ukraine to start our next reign. Controlling the world's grain supply, shifting it to alcohol for greater profits and societal "benefit". We'll own and control massive supplies of gas and oil. We'll have a large coastline for both trade and military purposes. We'd much rather live there, than a random spot in the desert.

We'd also become part of NATO and the EU. Allowing us to move freely across all of europe. Along with having europe pay for our constant wars. There's many more benefits to living in Ukraine than the mideast. Our nation shall live on, after the move from the desert land. Zelinsky and the west are doing a great job of making the goys flee, or die fighting if they remain. Freeing the land for us, with blackrock and the west signing a 10 year support deal to rebuilt it into a high tech country, without us having to spend a dime to do so.
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i dont care about any of this corny ahhh bs just move out please
>A nation is not defined by it's land and borders
for normal people yes. you guys just keep chasing the greater israel dream. its literally the only reason israel exist, because its a country defined by its borders. the people are a melting pot and there is no coexistence with jews because you hate eachother.
You kikes will just move to Brooklyn and Florida. No more wars for Pissrael
What are the three worst things in the Talmud?
Ya what about "kill them until they all die" does that refute
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"Saudi crown prince said he personally 'doesn't care' about Palestinian issue"

And I heard as it were the noise of thunder
One of the four beasts saying, come and see
And I saw, and behold a white horse

And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts
And I looked and behold, a pale horse
And his name that sat on him was Death
And Hell followed with him

You asked for this, your going to get your inbred backward way of life fucked back into the year 1200. Even your own kind despises you.
Pissrael can't even finish off Gaza. Imagine the millions of Shia
no one asked fatass

go worry about your own country and maybe stop sending your hurricaine relief fund to israel since you're probably american
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>I could care less if Israel survives.

Thank goodness you're not even Jewish VPN memefaggot....
If you're going to shill, then at least shill like a man. Stop hiding behind that memeflag and show us who you really are. You don't see me hiding behind a memeflag. As I'm not embarred of my country. Unless you're a poopjeet, there's no reason to hide it. Even your neighbors from Bangladesh and Pakistan are more of a man than you'll ever be. At least they show their flags, instead of pathetically thinking anyone would believe that you're a redneck living in USA.
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He is right though, a nation is a people, you for example are not a swede even though you live in Sweden
Go and shit in the street Jeet, better still donate your google play cards to the palis
It would be a shame if the Leprechauns cooperated with Hezbollah
I'd post my circumcized schlong to prove it, but I don't feel like getting a chan ban. You're just simply butthurt from being called out as a poopjeet before. "Oh noooo! He called me out! He doesn't like me! Therefore he must not be Jewish. As I will marry Israel womanz as they will be proud of my shilling for Israel"
Can it poopjeet. You obviously know it's true. Which is why you felt the need to lash out with false allegations. Plenty of my brothers and sisters have said the same to your kind all over social media. I think I had even seen maybe 1 or 2 of them posted here in the past. When lurking to see the levels of cope and find out current events.

You will never marry an israel woman
You will never do the needful with one either.
Since the IDF have actually been able to bring up a Merkeva across the blue line unmolested, positions 6-52 must be the only area of South Lebanon where there aren't an Hezbollah forces.
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well its an open area only 100 yards from the israeli border. I have serouis doubt Hezbollah would bother spending any resources on this barren area
No ones wants to marry your jewish whore. You’re just seething because deep inside you know you never were their fuck boy, and you’re just their minion that tilt the soil while other men plant the seed.
also technically the UN has obligation to not allow combatants in the area, wether they be Hezbollah or Israeli or anyone else

But we all know that is nonsense. UNIFIL is toothless
Seething? That's a good one. I'm laughing at you as well as others in the thread. Your level of cope os comedic
Kike whores love BGC (Big Goy Cock)
can confirm
but would never get into a relationship with one
Grow a spine and don't empathise with and placate radical Islam and maybe you're country wouldn't be getting bombed.

Lebanon is a beautiful country there is no denying it, hate the jews it's just a tired sterotype now. Maybe if you left them alone, they might leave you alone, ever thought of that. This muh land shit is getting everyone nowhere, 99% of anyone wants to live in peace and get on with life, the 1% radical on both sides want's to murder everyone Fuck them.
Filthy Jew, you have always been cucks, your matrilineal shithole of a culture is the ultimate prove, the majority of you are just there to raised the Jewish whore (your master) bastards while you pretend it’s your own, that’s why you have always been despised among men.
>you have always been cucks
excuse me, we prefer the term y chromosomal vampirism

This is where you belong Arab, and the only thing your people are getting in Israel is mass extinction.
can confirm
t. south indian with sephardi gf
Plan on moving to Israel or are you content on street shitting in London?
The whole front is no more than a few hundred yards deep, if that. Tanks have already been destroyed going even that far.
> Head bobbling like it's about to fall off
> Took forever to reply due to finishing up his meal of cow poop
> Desperately wants to marry an Israeli woman

Give it up poopjeet. You need to give it a rest. Everyone already knows what you are. You're obviously very butthurt and insecure about being exposed
>even dravidian niggers are fucking kikess
It's Joever
i never fucked her. only oral and handjobs
Why would you admit something like that? You should have quit 1 post prior. kek
Wtf paajeet bro. You need to eat her poopoo
how'd killing obama work out for you?

afghanistan won. iraq is now in the hands of iran.
only been together for a month
no one asked nigger mind your own business.

you don't know anything about this condlict or how it came about.

for example you probably don't know that Hezbollah were created to resist 1982-2000 Israeli occupation of South Lebanon.

you dont understand that Israel is a militant expansionist state that's leveraging your blind hatred of Araps and muzzies who never did you any wrong (they live in Lebanon after all) to get more billions in funding.

you want your simple "muzzies bad" answer to this conflict. keep it to yourself asshole.
wallah sa7
That's an acceptable reason. Carry on
Why would you repl;y to a memeflag? They're nothing but poopjeets living in the slums of india. It's likely how they pay for their internet bills, and likely just got online for the first time ever, this week

People that hide behind fake flags are the lowest of the low. Embarrassed of who they are.
The Merkevas able to roam quite freely here.
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Thread theme

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Why do muslims have such a massive stash of dildos in their homes, but hate gays so much?
Perfect spot for a ATGM kill
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They are chewing the cud quite close to the UNIFIL base.
kek, whats your problem! Hamas, Hezbollah I was saying no one with an ounce of sense in their heads wants war or conflict, but, I'm the asshole K
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>woof woof woof woof
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>Perfect spot for a ATGM kill
>They are chewing the cud quite close to the UNIFIL base.

Unfortunately the Leboshits, most of those "ATGM" users are dickless and in wheelchairs =(
>one year since israel began to fight for their survival
please die quickly and painfully hamas, hezbollah, houthis, etc.
>still no jew response
Looks unlikely. The IDF is even carrying them off for milking.

Jokes aside it looks like the base really is the only Hezbollah free area in South Lebanon and the IDF is using the area as a staging post. So they probably really want control of that base. And rid of UN Peacekeepers obviously.

Forgot link
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Vehicle looks recoverable. The meat can be replaced.
>kill the meat, save the metal
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From the article


> Some 35 Irish troops, led by a lieutenant, are in the smaller outpost of 6-52, 8kms too the south – and they are right in the heart of the bloody fighting between Hezbollah and Israel

> And now it has emerged that the commanders of the 10,000 strong UNIFIL force – including the Irish soldiers of the 124th Infantry Battalion – are so concerned about Israel setting up the base beside our post that they made a formal approach to the Jewish state over it.

So the IDF really is building their own base there.

> The area where their post is located is the scene of fierce fighting – where at least 10 Israeli soldiers were killed, as well as dozens of Hezbollah fighters.

So I guess it's not so quiet there? It's a MSM newspaper so I only trust it so much.
gj fren kek
um isn't it the irish soldiers job to stop the aggression from either side? so... stop the IOF from building an illegal base
Saved and keked
>stop the aggression from either side?
that ship sailed 46 years ago
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Something is happening
Fuck you, kike.
Yeah, nothing
nobody has the ayatolla nothingburger meme with bibi yet?
rocket alert in tel aviv
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>It's a MSM newspaper so I only trust it so much.
And you believed this.
Do you live in opposite land?
Based jews have no time for UN nonsense, especially not UN micks.
What else would you expect us to do sanjay? This is war so we're going to take any prime spots that we need. If the UN cucks want their own spot, they can move somewhere else. Not like they're ever going to do anything about it. How many UN resolutions against Israel have actually stuck over the past 76 years? We do what we must for the survival of the Jewish people
Pick one
jews hate the UN so the UN is based
simple as
it's funny tho because the fact the UN voted on establishing israel in 1948 is like, their only claim to legitimacy at all. jews biting the hand that feeds them once again
baker needed, done for the night
None of the links in the OP are working anymore
That's an awesome song, also may God protect those brave Irish men
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>UNIFIL is deeply concerned

the absolute state of IRA faggots.
So kikes trying to flank, hezbolla doesn't have force there because of the UN. Hopefully they can deploy anti tank personnel fast to the area of kikes decide on hurting the UN troops.
Well you managed to trigger all the poos. Based kike
you've obviously never seen meir kahane turn internationalists like alan dershowitz into sobbing babies
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Does Israel have a space monkey? No?
I thought not.
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they have a ground monkey.
I wonder how the US would react if these kikes attacked the UN forces. Hopefully they won't. But they are rabid animals
get banan
>We're monitoring the situation very closely
>Goy he what that with out a scratch
NGL, I do wish that we had a space monkey. Monkeys are based. Just not to the leval that anyone in their right mind should ever worship one as a g_d.
>>Muzzies reject that partition plan completely and try to massacre minority Jews most of them traumatised from the events in Europe.

This never happened.
Muslims and about 100 thousand Christians didn't wanna get kicked off their land, the "partition" plan would necessitate expulsion and even if it wouldn't why give away your land.

There was a war of extermination fought by the Jews against the native Palestinians and that's precisely why Arabs were forced to fight back.

Jews bragged in conferences that the Arabs didn't have any real armies except for Jordan, and Jordan has a deal with the Jews not to push past the lines agreed upon.

The Nakba began before the war, in fact it was the nakba that mobilised Arabs to fight against Israel.

Stupid jew
Yes, but a lot of times they have incompetent higher ups. There have been so many cases when they were killed because of retards or not allowed to intervene when it's literally the job description.
So they'll try to cover it up
>got it
Aaaaaaaahahahhahahahahhahahah the kverching, I love it
>Hostage status: L
>Hamas destruction status: L
>Irondome status: L
>Nathanyahoo hands status: shaking
>Israel retaliation on iran status: L
>Hezbollah destruction status: L
>Lebanon invasion status: L
>Online support status: L
>Economy status: L
>Strong manly jew hasbara status: L

You really are fucked beyond words. Especially with iran having nukes now. They will bomb you and you will not have the guts to shoot them back faggots.
>both muslims and jews are still in the 2 more weeks phase
>christians still somehow manage to get killed in the crossfire
when does this game get actually good
>come on /chid to roast palishitstains
>see this faggot jeet in every thread constantly fellating us
I couldn't have said it better myself
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Based take. I didn't realize Hamas was already in israel, but I'm happy it is fren. May god bless you.
america yaaa
So now the IOF are using UN forces as human shields as well?
to be fair that's the only way to make the UN troops useful to anyone
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What do you mean 2 more weeks ? Muslims are standing their ground, Iran bombed israel and DARED them to retaliate. The openly sent iranian forein minister to Lebanon after jews threatened to bomb the airport if he comes, they called Natanyahoo a bastard and told him to stop hiding.
Only 2 weeks nigger side is israel because they're trying to memoryhole the situation like in the past and are getting their teeth kicked in Lebanon
>oy vey there's bombs inside all the roads goy
ok iran did damage 2 runaways and probably 2-3 planes, still didn't do shit to prevent israel from enriching lebanon with uranium after 360 noscoping sandnigger horde leaders. that's still nothing unless this foreign minister manages to fall of the skies too
ok fag why don't you fuck off mr "both sides bad im only here for the gore"
both sides are retarded, i don't care about being good/bad.
shut up, serbnigger.
retaliation postponed indefinitely (i.e. cancelled)
sorry to hurt your feelings ahmed/zvi, but even monteniggers did more than both of these supposed regional powers with infinite us/jihadi money
didn't people say the same thing about king jew being in new york. watch them approve the strike while he's away.
>Maybe if you left them alone, they might leave you alone, ever thought of that
>they might leave you alone

Historically speaking, they wont.

In fact, historically speaking, they cant leave their neighbours alone.
They just cant help themselves.
Nigger wearing white face is harassing and chimping out at ukranians and europeans in korea
they really gotta do something after all this build up.
king jew doesn't really do military stuff. just like he's cockblocking the security apparatus from doing politics (which was the case prior to 2009), he's getting cockblocked from making real military decisions
i didn't even last 5 seconds, that nigger is straight up embarrassing.
>serbnigger can't stop talking about cockblocking
he must have experience
>a shitskin diasporoid must sperg on a term with sexual connotation
what being a towelhead does to a mf
Christians are supposed to be the mediators of peace and martyrs for God in the eternal struggles of mankind.
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as much as it saddens me to say, the mena christians have proven themselves to be incapable of administering even that tiny lebanon so they deserve to be groyped by both towelheads and the kikes
Essentially every time that Israel has taken out a leader. It's been after bibi visited USA and got the OK to do so. There's a chance that Gallant could be going for the same reason. Although I'm hesistent to say yes because it's not Bibi this time. Although biden claims he was unaware of things. That is only for politics and the upcoming election. In reality Israel is not allowed to do such things without permission from USA first.

Biden will say whatever he needs to say. Not unlike when he said he saw pictures of the 40 beheaded babies, or the baby in the oven. He definitely has no problem lying, but there's an equal chance that his dementia simply makes him forget that he gave the green light. Biden and Harris are such pushovers, that there's nothing getting in our way with implementing our plans. Even when they impotently say the single word "don't", we know that it's not like they're going to ever cut off our weapons or aid. If they ever tried, congress would take action to get them restared, just like the 1 time that biden/harris tried in the past
so you admit the following:
a) israel has to run to mommy america and beg for permission before it does anything
b) 40 beheaded babies and baby in oven were outright lies

kudos, that's more than most kikes are willing to admit
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Nothing to be done. jews are the aggressors and muslims are just trying to defend their homes against these crazy demons while trying not to lose their minds in the process. Christians are stuck in the middle, desperately trying to get Mommy and Daddy to stop fighting so that the Holy Land can actually be peaceful again.

Christianity is the only religion that promotes peace at great personal cost. Even Buddhists just sit in their mountains and meditate all day, meanwhile Christian missionaries travel to the darkest jungles armed with nothing but Bibles and medicine. It comes with the territory.
first time in a year
im waiting for israel to bomb this dude that wont stop ebegging from beirut
despite his terror he still has internet and its pissing me off
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iron dome is on holiday
who would they be taking out this time? the ayatollah?
>Israel Broadcasting Corporation:

>Israel's retaliation against Iran has been delayed due to uncertainty about the damage the attack would leave.

diapers chickened out
And just like that, Iran seized escalation dominance
Happy birthday /chip/. From /chug/
Iran successfully escalated to deescalate as the jews say
iron foam
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Wish the site got hacked and party hats went up today. :(
That would be too big of a target. Too much blowback this early in the war
iran dome
ground operation status?
thx man
Hard to believe it's been a whole year.
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That is the creepiest bitch ever. How does plastic surgery go that wrong? She looks like the mask from that horror movie. With all her money, she should have visited a quality wizard to work magic. Rather than being the equivalent of "the cat lady" from a from 2-3 decades ago.
sounds like escalations are happening all around
>this early in the war
jew you're supposed to be winding the fuck down. what do you mean this early kek
remember the 3 day operation
They claim they used Fadi-1 rockets for that salvo but I think they are bullshitting. Those are some big fucking plumes.
Thanks bro
any significant skirmishes? im seeing the infiltration and rocket reports but no casualties.
1 year in and Hamas is still firing rockets kek
> Doesn't know about Greater Israel

The war is just starting to ramp up. It was never about palestine. Didn't you realize when the media and politicians in the west kept pushing Iran being behind 7/10? It was always meant to be a regional war. Hell, how many IDF even have that patch on their uniforms?
Reports of heavy gunfire by Israeli vehicles northwest of Rafah. So yeah, kikes chimping out. Sad that Israel cucked out about agitating Iran further. I was hoping to get to see their state utterly dismembered by a massive hail of hypersonic missiles.
Wanted to wish all of chip a glorious International Paragliding Day and a revolutionary new year.
Down with the Zionist entity!
I thought you kikes controlled the Gaza strip
>my sides
All I have for now, gn bros
i really don't see how they will sell the iran war to the public in the u.s. ukraine is already unpopular enough, and that took like 8 years since the cia first started there in 2014.
yeah i don't see it either
i think some jews severely overestimate america's willingness to do anything militarily outside of very minor periphery stuff
You don't say goodnight on 6 Satans. That's a good morning number.
07.10.2023 - 07.10.2024

Celebrate With Me:

There's a party goin' on right here A celebration to last throughout the years So bring your good times and your laughter too We gonna celebrate your party with you Come on now

we're gonna have a gooood time
> Never heard of the Iraq war
> Never heard of all the other regional wars of the time

All the public needs to hear is that Iran was behind all these proxies. That Iran struck us directly both in April and a much larger attack just happened in the last week or so. We have all we need to sell an Iran war to the public. Just as like how we're now at war in syria and lebanon too. It'll just keep expanding, until eventually we turn against our allies like jordan, egypt, saudi arabia, and so on. Greater Israel will be a thing if plans go well
Just thinking about how Trump and Biden both told Israel to Wrap It Up two or three months ago and the war is only escalating.
yeah ok jew. enjoy huffing that hopium or whatever drug you're doing
happy oct 7
they can't stop. they simply can't stop.
zionism is a runaway freight train.
Israel only speaks the language of force. Telling them anything is an empty virtue signal.
We don't respect biden. He's impotent and will never cut off weapons and aid. He just wants to spend time on the beach, eat ice cream, and sniff little girl's hair. I wouldn't be surprised if Mossad has biden on some video tapes from his younger years when he could go places on his own without Jill.
That's why drumpf must not be elected. He has no power to do anything while a civilian. He already prevented us from annexing the west bank during his presidency. Biden and harris with the presidency are nothing but talk. Harris is on our side and has already vowed not to alter the amount of weapons sent once elected. Which is why she's been getting so much of our donations since these vows
the goal is to get the us to destroy their enemies
They are not enemies of india. Stop larping like miles cheong

Checked. To you too anon.
Hello sisters did we attack Iran yet?
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nop we waiting but no need to rush cuz it just wont happen
they'll most likely just hit some syrian shithole and move on
Stopping the Pentagon delivering 1000lb and 2000lb bombs would have stopped Israel pretty damn quick.
Triple zero CHECKED
That's an automated spambot to mark the thread for future reference. That bot is not one of us, amerimutt
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someone bake a real thread
bibi obviously wants to draw the us into a war with iran.
digits of truth fren
Real thread



Don't care. Fuck you, the JIDF and the WJC
No way they landed a bunch of rockets in my zesty israeli ass, and we are not attaching Iran tonight, I want to have a word with bibi, me and my sisters are already organizing a parade and we heading to Iran tonight .
All jewish women are whores, your all fucking gay, your fathers fuck you. All you do is fuck, rape, eat and gossip. Just like the moslems, the religion you created to fight the christians who you created, you cant get anything right you circumcised freaks
Thanks fren. But after a year of the both sides are wrong, the goyim already realized that it's just one of our shilling tactics
There's no way people believe that he's still alive. Pvre S grade copium

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