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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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It's the only way. Too many jews in power. Too many freemasons, too many zionists. Russia will never have peace with the west till we get world wide TKD purge. You can't trust the west to honor their word.
Would anyone miss the UK really?
why do the brits hate russians?
I would, my house is there. Also the local chippy.

Also the five remaining Doctor Who fans would be devastated.
I would miss London, to be honest.
gott strafe england
Brits think they are fancy and elegant but they are actually not as sophisticated as they want other people to believe they are, Brits ruled with savagery just like any Imperial power. Russians are brutal and savage because of the Mongols but are actually fancy underneath their generational trauma.
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It would be good. Modern Britain is slave state to JEWSA (similar to Germany), a degenerate anti-white pro-faggotry hellhole.
Strangely, if London were nuked, only 5 brits would be killed.
They're attention starved faggots desu
Toms a fat fed
do it faggot
>Gordon Ramsay's: Hellscape Kitchens
why do you care? amerika, england and france should be nuked after what they did to Germans and Japanese. it would be poetic justice
Lmao there is nothing more funny then seeing subhumans seething at AngloChads 24/7. You are either form irrelevant shit holes or failed former powers that could never really compete with Britain. True we live in some hard times but while your hellholes will fail Britannia will rise and rule again.
Europe was lost the moment we didn't let the Brits rule it as god intended
It's the other way around. Let me explain why everyone hates UK in one word : superiority. The Englishman has defeated and conquered any challenge that came before it while others ,like the russniggers, amerizionistanis , krauts and frogs can only mimic such superiority and naturally they will start seething in impotence
They think Anglos from the UK rule the world via soft power, finance, and media. My best guess is that it's just another deflection to get white people to hate white people by whatever cabal rules the world at present.
based, after they are done with bongs they should carpet bomb krauts to remind them of their place
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The countryside there is pretty beautiful, so I'd miss that. The cottages are so gorgeous. These are the types of houses white men are supposed to live in, not plywood slop.
mongol rape genes
Sort of based I guess? But mostly Alois Irlmaier pilled...?
>Those of you who know, you know... this shit is starting to become *scary*...
i bet most people in uk would agree with medvedev :D
its gone already
>why do the brits hate russians?
British Empire.
British Empire ruled the entire world. Except they keep getting removed from Russia , over and over and over.

It's a very ancient war too, remains of Atlantis (London) vs. Hyperborea .
>drop a bomb on london
please do
london is 70% forren

More like why do Russians keep saying they're gonna do these impossible things they don't have the power or skill to do
>don't have the power or skill
>have strategic bombers, ICBMs , submarines and other ways to deliver
>have the largest nuclear arsenal in the world.
>produce nearly 50% of the world's enriched uranium
I think you are full of shit , as usual.
City of london
last words bdefore tanking hundreds of nukes
Mercy killing at this point
>why are russian so cr-blubbb bluop bbbluop
it's pretty funny how the brits were fighting with the white russians against the bolsheviks.
and now the brits are the bolsheviks (leaders).
How fast will the UK be suddenly white if they go to war with Russia and how fast will all those shitskins who said all this time they are British be completely denying they are British at all?
>The Russian cries in pain as he strikes you
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Grew up in a cottage not too dissimilar to that, it was built in the 1640's. There's plenty of nice buildings in the towns and cities as well though, there's a lot of pubs that date to the 1400's or earlier, but it gets hard to verify.
They would be doing the native British a massive favor.
how is that cruel?
just swim nigga
you can stop roleplaying now pulachenko
brits are a jewish state in a death spiral. jews have tried ruling nonwhites for thousands of years and have failed. they can only rule whites/goys
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Their cruelty is really brutal, they've had this capability for decades but have forced the entire world to endure the existence of Great Britain. It's fucking torture.
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>"sinking of Great Britain"
Here we go
I feel they'll do it. There is no reason to just sit around with a nuclear tinderbox like NATO encroaching. It'll eventually encompass the globe.
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Think of all the brown people you will kill,....the Brown people. Please someone think of the brown people. Is anyone thinking of the Brown people!!!
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Medvedev is jewish.
Don't worry, Starmer will likely beat them to it.
Besides, when was the last time Russia built anything that worked?
Medvedev is a court jester that has to say silly things to appear dumb and non-threatening to Putin. He humiliates himself (ritually) to save his life.
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I'm so tired of jews
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I have just the person for the job. A homecoming if you will.
fucking love that guy, hes based, you lucky you have Putin as Russian Presidente.,.

If medvechad gets in again anglos are super fucked
You blow up their tube train network with high explosives the tiny island would sink.
Once a nerd always a nerd you can't become the cool kid ever
You say it like it's a bad thing.
You need to go back to the ukraine, Taras.
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cruel? bro, that's an easy way out desu
second only to the bright flash itself
Do it already
>why do the brits hate russians?
there was this thing called the Soviet Union prior to you being born zoomie
Medvedev is nothing more than a TV clown acting tough.
medvedev always says this over the top bullshit for attention but i wish they would actually do it
put a 100mt tsar bomba in an unmanned submarine under the ocean and wash away all remnants of the failed civilization known as Britain
I don't have positive views of russia, but that 's not cruel. It would be a mercy.
Big fucking talk
Russian can only bully third rated countries like Ukraine like it is still 1800s and they cant even do that properly
This is a nonsensical point. The soviet union is not Russia. By this logic you should consider germany to be the same as nazi germany.
Yes, but the russoids are too retarded subhumans to build nukes so i wouldn't be worried.
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that would actually save the world from globalism. and what would america do, invade russia? they would need to clean house now that globalist leadership was dead.
Russia will be comfy too once you russoid subhumans have been exterminated.
It is a russian wunderwaffen/sour grapes mix.
What russia does not have - a good coast or as they call them warm water ports. What does the west and US do have - a good coast. So, some russian crackpot devised some doomsday device on paper that can tsunami all their coasts for seconds and flood them. How will it work, no one knows, will the yield of a nuke be sufficient ? Not according to science. Doesn't matter, russians lullaby themselves with - we can destroy what you fave and we don’t haha.

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