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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, bots and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD*
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Multiple large explosions in Beirut
>Israeli response to Iran expected soon
>Significant Israeli casualties in clashes with Hezbollah
>New Hezbollah leader targeted in massive Beirut strikes
>Israel strikes near Russian airbase and weapons depot in Syria

https://youtu.be/zMvZ-iR2N8I [Open]






>Guide to the Palestinian genocide by israel
>1948 Nakba Documentary
https://youtu.be/Bwy-Rf15UIs [Open]
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
https://youtu.be/nHT-SjIM0tA [Open]
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
https://youtu.be/OgKVRtUczRg [Open]
Thanks for the bread, Honduras fren. Happy October 7
thanks fren
we can't have a jew bake on oct 7, the holiest of days
I need moar monke bibi memes
The Khazarian tranny is dyslexic and ashamed of ir.
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well atleast this one wasnt made by a kike
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Aa it's finally the 7 for me
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12 minutes ago
Sausages status? Economy status? Lebanana invasion status? Retaliation status?
Is that lebanons fascists that aligned with Pissrael during the civil war
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fuck israel!
They lost
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Daily reminder: you won't do shit
>figthing for Pissrael
Nice joke
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Nasratllah status? Hezbollah status?
Holy shit you are retarded. The kikes already told you. But you are a poo golem. Single digit iq is giving you praise
1 year operation to conquer Gaza...
2 more weeks
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fucking jew motherfuckers!
israel fucking blooooooows
palestine rocks
palestine rocks
everybody hate jews
palestine rocks
Boomer news
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Fuck Fuck Fuck!
Besides a few bombings in northern Gaza that's all the news for right now
Are attacking Iran or what?
Kino is the worst addiction
the fact that it's october 7th just feels so good
breathe it in, guys
october 7
Yids need poojeets to do manual work. Do the needful saars
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When did the child porn gore bot start posting 6 times? I thought it was only supposed to be 4 posts per thread? The poopjeet must have fucked up the bot's code or something. Everything those poopjeets touch turns to feces
These kibbutz sound like commie nonsense to me
Even the Saar Kibbutz?
OK I'm really out for tonight, later. Even you anti jeet jew. Gn
>self-hating jew tries to ingratiate himself with the mudslimes
>gets hated by the mudslimes all the same
FYI, I'm Christian and after all your faggot post (gore mostly children and women , celebrating the the death of innocent, saying that every Palestinian should be killed) over a year what do you expect? Of course we'll treat you as hostiles.
we just dont like jews, mate
or jew sympathizers
Honduranon has got a point >>484041931
Gn baker fren
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Or do you really think we'll be arms wide open? It's funny, because out of all of you he is the leat retarded and you can actually have a conversation with. Maybe there is one more of you that you could actually talk to.
Gn bro
Eid Mubarak everyone
kys immediately
As much as it saddens me to see that, they were simply just tools. Hence why they are now in tool boxes
Why dont you guys resurrect/chig and leave here. It would be alot easier for us all if you did
dunno what game ur playing jew but just stop
i never cared about the talmud, i couldnt care less about primitive ramblings, but jews are a superior race and have my full support. anyone crying about jews running everything is just a sore loser. up your game, find a high IQ/superior dna woman and breed children that will surpass you and start a dynasty. everything else is just sore loser crybaby shit. nature rewards strength, not not "justice". you feminized cocksuckers.
If you truly believed that you would just show your india geoflag already. We don't need or want your support. We don't need another poopjeet larping as us and making us look bad. It's bad enough that Vivid larps as us, from the slums of india
you fat fuck incel shut the fuck up youre not breeding shit you sexless retard
Good morning, Shlomo
can you confirm this for me brother: were the festival goers neo hippie lefties?

im thinking thats why they were sacrificed. cause obviously israeli intel would never fail in such a way, so it had to be the sacrifice necessary to turn the dumb lefty jews onto the side of the righteous jews.
>nyooooo pleaseeee let us shit up the placeeeee we need our own little /uhg/
/pol/'s closed amalekite
sadly, youre mistaken brother.
Hello poopjeeta. Yes you are obviously a female jeet. Show flag or post hand with timestamp
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>its afraid
mooslemen have low IQ dna. their small victories will not last. high IQ people will always dominate them. they are but a fleeting speck in the future of human history.
fuck all jews
i hate them all
their courage is small
they are the worst creatures of all
fuck all the jews
i dont like em
theyre bad and they make the world less gooood
They were partying on the sabbath and mostly all foreigners. Secular Jewish who don't follow the rules of Judaism, nor did they respect these rules. They never would have been partying on the sabbath otherwise. They are Jewish in name only
yeah except jew is an ethnicity. following religious crap isn't a requisite to be a jew
ok but i heard the festival was set up close to the border because the audience mostly believed israelis should "live in peace" with the palestinians, so essentially supporters of the "2 state solution". is that wrong?
sandniggers invaded europe with their nigger islam religion, i hope jews will exterminate you all.
thats not very inclusive of you to say that...
it was a setup of anti-war israelis basically
You're so proud of being jewish yet you refuse to fly your own flag
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jews birth jews, they are an alien species. Individuals might seem to be good but their children will be herods and shmuleys
don't you realize who brought them there in the first place?
It's not so cut and dry like that. Just as haredi have firm beliefs that all goyim are subhuman. As they follow the texts very literally. The haredi also look down upon other Jewish people who are not orthodox. They still view them as human, unlike the goyim. However they view them as inferior Jews who have strayed from G_d, among other reasons.

So yes, their is a heirarchy of sort, in regard to this topic. So the festival goers were definitely at the very low rung of this. You can not group all the Jewish people into 1 exact group, as there are many divisions and such. Not unlike how different sects view and interact with each other.
you mean the festival was set up by anti-war people? yea thats what i heard. israeli intelligence is way too good to miss something like oct 7th. so it would make sense that anti-war lefties were sacrificed for the greater good.

>your own flag
is it still summer?
And yet somehow you don't think about how we'd then exterminate the slavniggers? They're the most subhuman of all the europeans. This transcends religion, with even western goyim, and europeans having these same views. Eastern europeans are looked down upon for a reason
why do you support sandniggers? and why do you look down upon eastern europeans?
because he is an arab doing d&c as usual
That was a poopjeeta. Obviously a female as she immediately jumped to specific insults. Such as calling the anon sexless twice, in different wording variations. Along with adding retard into that, as she views herself to be more intelligent. Despite india having one of the lowest average IQ's in the world, and have been scientifically proven to have the smallest brain volume in the world. The latter study was even discussed in poopjeet magazines in india.

So, she does not speak to us, and hides her flag for a reason. She is highly embaressed and self conscious about being a poopjeeta. No one from that shithole has actual pride in it. Which is why when canada threatened to send the students back, who were grabbing all the free gibs that they could. They viewed it as the biggest torture in the world. Someone with pride in their country would not view being sent back to it as torture.
The memefag is not jewish. It's a poopjeet. It would have either shown it's flag for 1 post, or posted a photo of it's hand with a timestamp. Both would have proven that it's a poopjeet and not a Jewish person.
It's not nice to mock us for our appearance. Especially since WE are G_d's chosen people. YOU are not even human, but simply have the false appearance of a human. So, settle down now.
I'm shocked if you posted a picture of us, that the only thing that you noticed was the forehead slope. Any observer with an actual brain would have noticed the placement and angle of our ears as well.

The question remains why you hide behind a memeflag?
>Eighth decade curse incoming fast
Rabbi, what do you know about the modern day application of Kabbalah?
Maybe in fifteen or so hours
thats not how i read the post but ok. what i am saying is that anyone with an israeli flag should project confidence and strength in their ethnicity and not antagonize ethnicities who are at least average IQ - that includes eastern europeans.
Interesting thanks for the detail.
1) Why would you call me Rabbi? Is that some of slur in your culture for Jewish people? I am not a Rabbi

2) I do not discuss the Kabbalah with datamining goyim on a basket weaving forum
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wake up honey, new assult direction just opened.
time for hezboniggers to die en masse again
>anyone with an israeli flag
you realize ~20% are just shitskin arabs happy to do trolling and d&c with this flag right?
ask him to denounce the Koran and say mohammed is a pedo
I wish to learn the practical application of Kabbalah magic
i have beautiful white skin but im not white i spit on the entire white race try again my genocidal maniac friend

who the fuck said I was inclusive?
I denounce the the koran but i also denounce the talmud desert rats baby dick suckers
so sad. do right wing jews in israel want to get rid of the muslims and/or ayrabs? i cant imagine conservative jews appreciate having these people in their country, no?

also, mohammed was a cocksucking faggot
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whats your political agenda?
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>US spent a record $17.9 billion on military aid to Israel since last Oct. 7
nice. they should celebrate in bunkers
I'm not arab and I denounce the Koran, but Mohammed was not a pedo. That is something that we made up to slander them, due to King David and others all being known pedos. Mohammed met her at 17yo and married her at 19yo. Stop spreading misinformation.
clearly im a commie, retard.
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>A reserve soldier was killed during fighting on the Lebanon border yesterday, the IDF announces.

>The slain soldier is named as Master Sgt. (res.) Etay Azulay, 25, of the elite 5515 combat mobility unit, from Oranit.

>Two other soldiers were seriously injured in the incident in which Azulay was killed, the IDF says, adding that they were taken to a hospital for medical treatment and their families were updated.

>According to an initial IDF probe, the soldiers were hit by a mortar.
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I denounce the VEDAS
Should've hired me. I know how to bot. I lost the source code for reading images but it's been around since like 2007.
>Will the IDF make it 500m into Lebanese territory this time
MUh right wing lmao
Yet why is not Palestine a independent state?
Fuck off hypocrite , nationalist is dead and people like your are the reason for it, well done useful idiot , have fun with your right wing cuck cage
happy oct 7, everybody
Dude what the hell kind of kike are you. At this rate you'll be disowned by your own kind as some kind of traitorous lefty.
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America needs an Oct 7
so you want a commune, but you dont want to be inclusive? i see..
the left is actually more based than dumbass conservative cucks like your self

Go suck trump cock more loser
I can't tell if you're a female or just a flaming fag in real life. Your writing style confuses me. That flag is usualy used by straight shills larping, thinking that it will trigger or inflame chan users. As well as a distraction to keep the adversary just focused enough on that to miss things hidden within your writing. Why hide behind a memeflag, when you can show your national pride? Do you live in such a turd world country that you're embarrassed by what others would think of you?-
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Ahhh. You're a kamala shills. They pay well, so I understand why you do it. Way better than the normal shilling rates. With just the signup bonus alone being more than poopjeets make for an entire year of shilling
You are not even a real nationalist.
If you were a real nationalist you would respect Palestine just wanting to have it's own state and official borders .
But because you are a right wing Semitic rat you approve israel settlements that were stolen land from Palestine.

I hope you german family of nazis die and your mother die of cancer
Happy TKD day everyone!
You think people will fall for muh right wing grifter meme?
You are delusional, trump will lose, mark this words, Kamala is actually going to win

and nobody cares about your fake nationalism
Ah, you're simply a straight female kamala shill. Likely one who leans democrat, but wouldn't have done it without the great kamala shilling paychecks. Kudos mrs. side hustle
and then what? you would be left with a bunch of low IQ ayrabs. theres a reason all the arab countries are shitholes. without oil they would all be dirt farmers. why would you want to eliminate an ethnicity with one of the highest average IQs, in support for an ethnicity that has an average IQ barely higher than actual niggers?
Just say you dont know shit about politics. Save everyone here the time. .
oh almost forgot FREE PALESTINE
You ain't fooling anyone with the left and right side rhetoric , it's all the same, but it just happens that the left is actually superior .

Right wing nancy's are the most cringe shit to ever exist , just look at the maga tards movement , I think it's self explanatory
Where did I say anything about my preferences for who would win a USA election? Kamala is much better for us, as she'll allow bibi to walk all over her, just as he does to biden.

Simply saying the word "don't" means nothing to us. Let alone empty words that carry no weight, and have no consequences when we violate them. We'd still get the weapons and aid regardless.

You're a really bad shill, but I expect nothing less from 18yo females that need to make money by shilling on an offensive basket weaving site.
i am a supremacist. borders are an invention of society. nations are borderless. conquest is the language of the superior. arabs will disappear just like your self-deleting troon-friends and your childless eggless feminists. nature will correct itself and the strong will come out on top. high IQ people will always be at the top of the food chain.
you have already saved us alot of time by exposing the fact that you got your education from tiktok.
Goood that means all the german identity and europe identity will end soon.

I'm ok with supremacist too. Could give zero fucks about your german ancestors and your family genetics

i dont use tiktok. but okay you're just gonna run out of baseless accusations and give up like your little jewish friend who seems to think im an indian woman.
Trump is a good goy and he'll dance any way you want. Kamala is a blank slate Biden proxy so she'll do anything deep state handlers tell her.
Either way Israel gets what it wants from America.
Found the faggot

She's very bad at shilling, likely her first day. She hasn't mastered any of the tactics required. She relies on childish wishes/threats, I don't know what to call them. Either way she's doing this like a 5yo would do as ragebait, as if you stepped on a crack or line in a sidewalk as a kid.

Let her come back in a few months, after she's developed proper skills required to shill
jesus fucking christ is that all you do is call people who disagree with you dumb women lol

your endless stupidity is why palestine will be free
You know the irony?
Back in 2016 I actually posted vote trump
Now 2024 I post vote Kamala

This is how we rock here in the jew way
Ignore the sodomite flag shill

It has nothing to do with that. You can tell gender through writing style. Females are more emotional, and have different styles of insults vs males. You can google this topic, as I'm sure there's lots of information about it.
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oh brother you doubled down on the stupid
Kamala baby , you don't understand /pol/
You are too green
We are nazi for kamala now and Free Palestine
The commie poopjeet is even worse of a shill than the sodomite flag kamala shill. Simply here to push off-topic posts in a thread that has nothing to do with it
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heres the thing retards. im socially conservative and im pretty sure LGBT woke propaganda is a psyop but if you also want to liberate Palestine, I fuck with you.
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Lol Kamala shills are sooo sad
It's only a psyop because they need to maintain a (lel) rainbow coalition. Without the combined forces of alphabet people and minorities there aren't enough numbers to prop up the defanged and easily controlled""left"' in America and suppress truly subversive ideas from the actual Left which threatens the wealthy.
okay, thats actually pretty sound political analysis
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Gone but not forgotten. RIP.
what scum, from day 1 i rejoiced at the plight of the festival goer and later this gut feeling of mine was vindicated
that nuclear test in iran really got israel spooked and forced them to recalculate their response like a good little bitch
Okay but who acts more like a Nazi? I mean look at this guy "harvesting organs". He's probably digging through their ass looking for the Mythical Pali-gold.
i have sent the self-hating IP to the Mossad, in less than 1 week he will be cleaning IDF field latrines
"socially conservative communist".. lül
i think the word youre looking for is national socialist you dumb cocksucker.
Kamala rides with free Palestine , trump does not

He actually said he stands with israel, I mean for such a patriotic Trump he is , why he not accept the terms that Palestine just wants to have a official border and recognized as a state and not having more land taken away by Israel

berlin is a marxist cesspool that can only be cleansed with fire at this point. she was a raging lefty and i have no sympathy for her.
oH SHIT BEGONE Satan Also muh dark maga , even elon said it,


begone Satan

kamala 2015
>kamala 2015
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>The Al-Qassam Brigades bombards the city of “Tel Aviv” deep inside the occupation with a barrage of Maqadma M90 rockets (https://t.me/PalestineResist/24671) as part of the ongoing battle of attrition and in response to the zionist massacres against civilians and the deliberate displacement of our people.
>Broken links on OP,INFO,CLIPS
>No new clips post
>same shitty uhg tier banners posted over and over again
Why are people letting kikes bake threads and why hasn't anyone mentioned anything?
the tv says hillary has a 98% chance of winning.
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>Rockets launched from the #Gaza Strip made impact in the suburbs of “Tel Aviv” in occupied Palestine.

will Ansarallah join oct 7 celebration?
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Ignore the sodomite flag kamala shill. She's desperate for replies and engagement to hit her quotas. Kamala is a great friend of Israel which is why we want her elected. As it guarantees a constant flow of weapons and aid, without any stipulations as she puts it
Sorry to tell you this, but Kamala and Waltz are deinitely not gonna do shit for Palestine.

Maybe Im older than you and remember the Obama era better than you, but I promise you the Democrats are not on your side.

Vote Green or simply dont vote if you care about Palestine like you say you do.

Besides, a ceasefire and statehood are the bare minimum. Nothing short of isntreal ceasing to exist will suffice for a free Palestine.
>Metro Tel Aviv is now northern Israel
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Jews are not my benefactors. They hurt me and make my life harder. Fuck that, everything right now is just posturing and I'm just laughing at dumb zoomers like feuntass that think Kamala will end Israel. Look at the current administration, ITS FILLED WITH JEWS
>points index finger at you
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What an entertaining year. I look forward to seeing more seething kikes in the future.
you have blackmail material on her but so do the globalists...ultimately her ilk and her bosses will destroy the West and doom Israel, you are a low IQ moron who thinks short term like an arab
All the fucking links are broken you stupid fucking cocksuckers. Am I the only human here? Why are the fucking retards pushing these subverted threads? And where's the fucking clips? I found it strange these threads were getting first page results, now I see why. The clips are the bread and butter of chip. 90% of people come by to watch jewish mongrels get smoked. If you're not gonna post them like >>483853391 then don't make the thread faggot
>vote green
>green party candidate is jill STEIN
>saar puts a memeflag on
Every time
Democrats and republicans are the same shit. there is no point, I know Kamala politics.
On her own words:
>Harris says Israel 'has right to defend itself,' Palestinians need 'dignity, security'
Basically it's the same old democrats versus republicans, same old circus , since decades ago.

But get it real, Trump is no savior too, he stands for Israel , he talks American freedom yet does not recognize Palestine freedom and actually vows to support Bibi, and that is beyond pathetic .
you know who fucked up the most national socialists? RED FUCKING COMMIES

You must think im a neocon who is scared of black people and immigrants. Im actually conservative, not donald trump elon musk conservative.

good luck with that emancipation thing tho
>scared of niggers and other imported bio-weapons
>Rocket impact in the suburbs of Tel Aviv
>Tel Aviv gets hit from Gaza on the anniversary.
...uhm... Shebrew sisters, we were told IDF conquered The Strip. How are they STILL firing rockets at our jewel in the desert?
you fucking idiot at least take 2 goddamn seconds to listen to her campaigning she is STAUNCHLY anti zionist.
Good , good vote for Kamala let's go , she gon cuck Trump flaccid old cock .
She larping as him standing for Israel for now , but soon she will open her women and mother heart to free Palestine
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Lmao. Single issue voters are the dumbest people.
Tone it down the next time that you post. Reread the manual for the proper way to accomplish your task. They've dealt with many others in the past with far exceptional skills. You're too obvious, and nobody believes you're real. I want Israel to win just as much as you, but you don't see me doing shady posts like that. Let alone posts that obvious. They've seen too much of it in the past, so this will likely be your only (you)
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Lmfao Jesus Christ you are naive. No way you have to be fucking with me.
>Initial report of 2 terrorists injured following a rocket impact in Kfar Chabad
>>484047555 checked
>The Specials got BTFO
>I know, send in the part-timers!
> Retard kamala shill sodomite flag doesn't know that only amerimutts can vote for USA POTUS
> Israel doesn't have ballots for USA POTUS for us to vote in

Retard shill. You suck at shilling. You replied to a picture of kamala yelling at pro-palestine protesters to shut up, and told them that she was speaking. Alluding that if she said anything pro-palestine she would lose all donations, the media wouldn't help her as much, and she would then lose the election.

I know you're brand new to chan, but thats against the rules. If the jannies see it, they ban people for that. So, for your own sake, take this kamala shilling to PTG or another trump thread
Stein is a very common white person name
>thinks niggers have a future in human history
bro, all i ask is that you cross your dna with a nigger. that way, your political "aspirations" will resolve themselves lol...
greentext her name one more fucking time and pretend that makes you a geopolitical analysis expert. you look fucking stupid brother
>2 lightly injured in Israel following rocket fire at Tel Aviv area, @ynetalerts reports. More attacks possible today as Hamas aims to show it's still alive. So far, very limited rocket attacks. We'll see what comes later on.
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Shit idf anon I wasn't aware I was spoiling the subversion party you got going on here but I don't like walking into a thread full of mindless idiots whom are likely 90% bots and the lurkers don't get to see their daily dose of kike smokery. All the links are broken and the last 15 threads have been clearly made and pushed by the idf.
Thank you for being the first anon in something like 50 posts to be on topic
question to pissraelis
does the insurance premium increase a lot when hezbollah shoot rockets in your area? for homes or cars
>Tel aviv
They voted for it
Black americans are already more free than the whites. White people have created a prison for their mind called racism. Liberate yourself. You can have a hot ass black wife too.
You fail to see that democrats are more leaning to the lefty public unlike republicans, and most lefty ride with free Palestine, Kamala will have to start facing the truth , that her stand was the same as Trump with all the Israel right to defend itself rhetoric, basically virtue signaling that many American republican conservative voters are dual citizen diaspora jews, Trump knows this that he always simps for those rich diaspora new york jewish .

Trump is all about money baby, get that in your think skull maga tard
Nice try sandeep. They're all goyim baked threads. I actually baked a thread, and they made this emergency bake thread to replace it. As Jewish people are not allowed to make the threads. If this wasn't your first day in chip, and possibly chan, you'd know this
You vill buck zi monkey
i assume they get compensatory free parking once the parking lot in gaza is finished.
time for your meds, my genocidal comrade
Open border to my Somalian brothers
Nice gaslighting shlomo. I see subverting most political institutions in the west as well as the terrorist proxies your fighting against isn't enough for you, you gotta fuck with my enjoyment of seeing the corpses of your diaper wielding force littering the battlefield. I'll keep up with my protests shlomo, it's a free site
>hates arabs
>sucks the dicks of the people who import arabs into his country
No way you're not just a Jew sitting in Berlin, or behind a vpn. Nobody can be THIS much of a pathetic retarded cuckold.
So is everyone and their mother able to just shoot missles into Tel Aviv now?
>Liberate yourself
i have. i used to be a lefty. then i realized that niggers really are the lowest rank "humanoids". that was liberating as fuck. because thats not racism, thats realism. why do you think there are no studies that investigate average IQ between different races?

>You can have a hot ass black wife too.
case closed. your kids will be dominated by mine. in 20 years they will be in a tent on wall street, protesting "the 1%" = my children.
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So, it happened AGAIN. We can blame injuries, we can blame fatigue, we can praise Hezbollahs effort but the truth is it's simply not enough. Tactics, determination you name it, it all stinks. Don't get me wrong, I still have full faith in Bibi and the lads, but MASSIVE reinforcements are desperately needed in October. Otherwise I'm not very optimistic about this war, or our chances in the middle east for that matter. Not fighting like this. What do you think?

Some helpful links to numb the pain:
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This brampton poopjeet needs to stop shitting up the thread. You're simply a shill and that's obvious. Unlike you, I don't get paid to post on here. Which is also obvious to the anons that were in the threads today. As I was called the "Based Jew" for calling out all the poopjeets.
I tell it how it is, my own views. Most the anons despised, some things they liked. I'm a lot more honest than my fellow Israel flags as most of them are paid to be here. Unable to deviate from the scripts
To anyone reading this, these string of threads have been subverted. All the links are broken that relate to the archives, they've been deliberately misspelled so you can't visit them. Also none of the last 15 threads have had clips posts that follow the OP, which is literally what virtually everyone on here visits for. To any prospective bakers use the following template for your future threads >>483890808

Or at least fix the fucking links for christ's sake. How has this gone on for 15+ threads without anyone noticing? Or maybe they did notice and janny tranny banned them when they pointed it out.
1. I know ur dumb af cuz you immediately go to IQ tests which is like the stupidest way to measure intelligence.

2. I'm not married I was speaking hypothetically god damn it ur so stupid

3. i bet ur kids are dumb as all hell too
He is actually pulling the race card lmao , muh IQ and shit
So you going to be a supremacist standing with Israelis gotcha lmao
Cringe but fuck India and idol worshipers
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>Soldier wounded in June fighting succumbs to injuries
>Sgt. First Class (res.) Nir Haddad, 28, was seriously wounded during fighting in the northern Gaza Strip on June 15, the army says. The Petah Tikva resident was deployed with the 8th Armored Brigade when he was wounded.

>The army says three soldiers were seriously wounded in battles in the northern Gaza Strip yesterday, including a combat officer.
Is this thread always like this around this time? Nothing but shills replying to shills about off topic nonsense?
bruh, live in germany. no way you think you know whos importing ayrabs into my country better than me, you memeflag cocksucker.
hint: its christians and lefties (incl our very government)
Lefty pol discord meme flag shills proving time and again /chip is not an organic thread
Did you just called me a jew? fuck you racist
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Happy October 7th frens
>Off topic
Ultra low effort kikery
Thanks anon. That makes a lot more sense now
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Cactus Forever
Mahmoud Darwish

Where are you taking me, Father?

In the direction of the wind, my son

...Departing from the plain, where
Bonaparte’s soldiers have built a hill to
Observe the shadows over the old wall in Acre,
The father says to his son: Do not be afraid. Do not
Fear the whisper of bullets.
Hug the ground in order to escape!
We shall escape and ascend upon a mountain in the north and
Return when the soldiers go back to their far away families

Who will live in our home after we leave, father?
It shall remain in the same condition as it was, my son.
He touches his key, like it is part
Of his body and he relaxes.
While they pass through a thorn fence, he told him:
Remember, my son,
Here, the English crucified your father
On cactus thorns
For two nights
and he never confessed.
When you grow older, my son
And recite to those who inherit rifles
An epic of blood on iron.

Why did you leave the horse alone?
—To be a companion to the house, my son
Homes die after their inhabitants leave.

Eternity opens its door from afar, for the
Vehicle of night.
Wild wolves howl at a scared moon.
And the father says to his son:
Be Brave
Be Brave like your grandfather and
Ascend the final hill of oak trees with me
My son, remember: Here the Janissiary
Fell from the mule of war.
So stand up with me so we can go back.

When Father?
Tomorrow or maybe after two days, my son.

And it was a arbitrary tomorrow
Chewing the wind
Behind them during long winter nights.

And Joshua’s army was building its fortress from the stones of the
Boy and his Father.
They, panting on the road to Qana:
“Here our prophet passed one day
Here he made water turn into wine.
He talked at length of love
My son remember tomorrow and
Remember the crusader fortress
Gnawed at by April’s grass
After the soldiers have departed.”

there ya go now were back on topic
i hate this nigga like u wouldnt believe

the dhar mann of palestine
no one is celebrating in "Palestine", Lebanon and Iran...i wonder why?
im inclined to believe you
Cause there is nothing to celebrate they are still at war, no time to eat birthday cake
why are they shooting rockets then?
hahah. i love how you didnt deny it, you just deflected.
also, its funny how IQ is "like the stupidest way to measure intelligence", yet somehow accurately corresponds with the poorest and wealthiest nations - hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.....

>So you going to be a supremacist standing with Israelis
yes. 48% of all chess world champions are jews or have jewish ancestry. of course i support one of the highest IQ ethnicities. whites, jews and some asians are the superior races of the human species. everyone else should go back to their countries and farm their natural resources to trade with the superior races.
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Merry Oct 7'smas
too many parking lots?
To show the kikes that the IDF is shit and that Israel is fucking doomed.
t. ossi mit minderwertigkeitskomplex
Happy 7th of October everyone. I rate it 7/10.
deny what exactly? "niggers really are the lowest rank "humanoids""??

that shit is humiliating and you should be humiliated for writing it and were all dumber for just reading it.

If anything you were a democrat, not a lefty. Remember communists are the actual left.

Now go feed your dumbass inbred special needs ass having kids some more white people goy slop.
>oct 7
>nothing happened
nothing ever happens. every time.
welcher teil klingt für dich nach minderwertigkeitskomplex? und warum teilst du unsere nation in ost und west und benutzt dann einen abwertenden begriff für ~40% des volkes?
>I can use catbox again
Canada anon is right, the bakes have been compromised.
A jihadi flag broke the links. Some of the latest vids have been overwritten too.

although canada anon is too hostile. this is an emergency bake from honduran anon and it's all an honest mistake. he is no kike.
me thinks canada anon could be the jihadi flag that baited future bakers into reposting moldy bread and then start an infighting.

No point fighting, lets do better next time.
to the next baker, here's some of recent vids that I have:

>Saraya Al-Quds:
10/6 Jabalia camp sniping in cooperation with Al-Qassam Brigades.

>Al Qassam
10/3 ambushes

10/4 Cordelia Moon attack

09/30 MQ-9 reaper shot down aftermath

10/1 Iranian missile attack

Anyone else have any recent vids?
You should be ashamed of yourself, anon.
>deny what exactly
that there arent any studies on average IQ between races because the results would predictably show niggers at the bottom and that IQ accurately corresponds with shithole nigger nations and superior inventor nations.
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>october 7
>all hamas managed to do was scrounge up a few rockets for a symbolic hit on tel aviv
It's over.
Is there any truth to rumors Iran has a nuke?
Iran will get nukes in 2 more weeks since 2006.
Well I ask because apparently some seismic monitoring station picked up something that could have been a test in Iran.
Just reminding the Israeli public that Bibi, and the IDF, are a failure.
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okay well im not black so ???? i dno what to tell you, my little racist interlocutor. I was just telling you to try some black pussy you might see things differently.

Your german friend is right tho, you definitely have an inferiority complex and self esteem issues.
that was khamenei shitting his pants out of fear
Not much explanation to the 4.6 magnitude quake in Iran. Scientists regarded the seismographs as unusual for a natural earthquake (too brief, no after shocks).
>no way you think you know whos importing ayrabs into my country better than me
I obviously do, since you are mentally retarded. You are sub-human. You're intellectually inferior to me in the same way a 2 year-old is inferior to an adult.

The worst leftists orgs in Germany are run by Jews, such as the Amadeu Antonio Foundation which is run by the Jew and former Stasi agent Anetta Kahane.

Most rank-and-file leftists are morons who simply follow whatever the media tells them to do and to think.
And the mainstream media in the entire West is dominated by Jews, which includes the KKR-owned Axel Springer Verlag which publishes half the print media in your country and owns the WELT TV station.

invented by jews, just like marxism.
Evangelical church leaders are also just going with the general zeitgeist set by the media.

>incl our very government
Most of your government officials just do what they are told by the people who bribe and blackmail them. Their handlers are mostly Americans, as Germany has been an American satellite state since WW2, and America is a proxy state of Israel.
Many, if not most, of the true believers, such as Stephan Kramer who runs the government's political secret police in Thuringia and openly claims that 20% of Germans are irredeemable (and presumably would be sent to the gulag if he could), are Jewish.

If you had at least brought up the German industrialists who lobby to import new consumers and cheap labor, you would've looked slightly less stupid.
here's one guy who sounds like he is going to shit his pants
Oh. Wouldn't radiological shit pick up the radiation?
An underground testing site would be a herculean task to make and most likely fold in on itself with the first test.
i hate juden so much. how they own our western press. any way we can get rid of them fast ?
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>october 2023
>launching thousands of rockets a day
>october 2024
>launching four or five a day at most, most days don't launch anything at all
It's truly, undeniably over and repeating the same thing again won't change it.
about as much truth as iraq having a nuke

even if they did it would be tiny so who cares
I haven’t heard about any other monitoring stations picking it up, though.

They only fold on themselves if overused or poorly constructed. I seem to recall a NORK one caving in some years back.
>also arabs
did communism rot your brain or are you really out of arguments already?
so because youre not black my arguments about niggers arent valid? or did you just tacitly affirm my arguments by evading to counter them AGAIN. also, even if i fucked some black pussy, how would that change nigger IQ and that they will forever be slaves to other races? jesus fucking christ, you commies are dumb as fuck, i didnt think you would deflate this quick..

also also: my self esteem couldnt be better, BECAUSE i liberated myself from lefty racism. i accepted that races arent equal and that the natural order supersedes everything.
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Oh yeah let's ignore the hundreds of videos and tweets mocking Gazans literally the first week of the invasion
>It's ovyr
Hamas is still conducting operations despite the kikes dropping thousands of tonnes of bombs on Gaza. Why don't you kikes just declare victory and move on? Oh that's what you did.
How painful do you think your imminent death is gonna be? Can you even type all this cope without shaking?
It's funny how kikes gloat even as they destroy their own country.
except this isnt some fucking tiktok, its literally Al Jazeera. One of the screens shows a scene where a Hamas operative executes a woman point blank btw
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youre the one chirpin at me about black ppl like i give a fuck. you also didnt exclusively deny that your kids are inbred, i guess that makes it true aswell?

ur just here to help me keep this thread alive, undestand?

dumbass racist
Can you show us one where Hamas collapses an apartment with fifty families living in it down to smaller than ground level?
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>we survived that means we won
I should have tested the links before I replied to the canada flag. I had watched them in the past a while ago and never saw problems. I just assumed he was a shill since he said the number 15 posts ago, which was the exact number that I had said earlier in either this thread or the one that I had baked which got replaced due to my flag. I had said that I had looked for the other 3 pages of the stickies to add to the 2 posted so that it could have the complete stickies. I kept hitting previous thread, for about 15 posts before giving up since that thread I baked was aleady filling up with lots of posts in it.

So because he said the number 15 I assumed that he had just seen that number, and came up with lies like all the other shills that have tried to make the baker thank that anons were ungrateful. Such as the criticizing the banner, the stickies being to long, news not being updated quick enough if they saw anons mentioning that in a previous thread. Others complained and said to hide all stickies in a text file, to make it less visible as they know most anons would not click it. The list is endless with the things they've attempted in complaining to cause problems with the anons in the thread.

So I didn't take him seriously because of his tone and how it was said. Along with mentioning the number 15, and other things
Not just survived, but operational and still killing kikes despite the IDF's best efforts over an entire year, leading to the IDF having to withdraw most of its forces.
they will fight to the last jew
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your copeseethe tears are delicious
Bibi's whole spiel was about destroying Hamas and Hezbollah. He couldn't even do the first, how is he gonna do the latter lmao
>You're intellectually inferior to me

>christianity invented by jews
doesnt change that its a bunch of ethnic europeans who import them. nice try though.

>Most of your government officials just do what they are told by the people who bribe and blackmail them
and? what are you gonna do about it? blame "da joos" on 4chan?
youre a loser with a feminine victim-hood mindset. strong people dont seek scapegoats, they seek solutions to problems. if the jews really control everything, then youre powerless anyway. if not, whining on 4chan isnt gonna do shit. either way, youre a beta loser who likes to play victim, like a fucking woman.
>jew thinks his rat ilk is invincible
>not dying in droves
>south lebanon still not probed

lololol, over 300 kikes died at the south lebanon border
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They will never dance again the way they used to
they were anti-war lefties. their biggest contribution to israel was to provide casus belli in order to wipe out all the ayrabs around israel.
Anyone got the dead jews from yesterday's attack on that Haifa restaurant? There was a surplus of rotten meat in that restaurant hahaha
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They can suck my dick you jewish rat, they're just useful idiots to give Pissrael the "liberal, democratic" face.

Same with all supposed "anti-war" jews, what anti-war even you fuckface? They were partying in a military zone, while there was an effective blockade on Gaza back then

Fuck you and your anti-war lefties, fuck the jewish left and right, fuck every single jew.
40 thousand dead palis and counting lads.
may all palis be in mass graves by the next anniversary.
Unfathomably based
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>Where the IDF killed most of them
i dont give a fuck. ayrabs are low IQ bio-trash. they will be purged.

i know you will reply to me because youre a cocksucking faggot.
you lose and you keep losing Abdul. Gaza is ruined, Jenin is ruined and soon Lebanon is ruined and theres nothing you can do about it but piss shit and cum on 4chanz ;)
>still can't even touch Gaza without running back with your tail between your legs
What a bunch of fucking pussies hahahahaha
all i care about is 2 things: wiping out ayrabs and wiping out lefties.
Last I checked we turned gaza into a wasteland, we did more than touch it
Gaza and Lebanon will be rebuilt, jews will however never know peace, not in Jizzrael nor in any other corner of the world. And all you can do is cry about it on 4chan ;)
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And you still can't take it? Yikes
Just noting that everyone in the world knows about Zionist psychopaths now.
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ur not wiping out anything by posting here, inbred guy
back in January Hamas was able to launch 1000 of rockets into Israel. Now they can barely launch three limp dick rockets oh and because of that launch IDF told Beit Hanoun citizens to get the fuck away from it so they can get in and clear the area like the buck broken palis they are. You lost and you will keep on losing and theres nothing you can do but cope and seethe ;)
>all i care about
Yes, the world revolves around a donkey like you.
as long as we kill 100 arabs for one jew death im fine with it. Let the world know that the tiny jewish state buck brokes the entire arab world with their might
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everyone point an laugh at the inbred donkey
What a sad string of copes
Northern Israel evacuated btw
Israel still shaking at the thought of BIG IRANIAN COCK
Kikes can't even find flights to Jew York anymore, there's so many fleeing
Hazbara sisters, I think it's time for the rope
so theres no genocide then? ok.
What can't we take?
The arab infested ruins of gaza?
We control everything that happens above ground there, Hamas only rules the sewers of gaza
doesnt have to, as long as ayrabs are dying , im good, thank you very much.
I see your rat ilk dying daily, whether Beersheva, Tel Aviv, Haifa, Safed, Kiryat Shmona, many more. You'll military censor your dysgenic asses out of this world lmfao

And you don't even know that Iran targeted the Netzarim corridor, killing many jews as well

Are you winning?
kek what a loser
Unless you are willing to sacrifice your own..
And all your ancestors path
The numbers are completely different, on par even, for every assault on Gaza, an operation is carried out in Tel Aviv or Beersheva

Jews die daily, whatever you do, death is a guarantee for you rats
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>All police and military personal recalled
>Police are filling the streets, Asking people for IDs
>People wearing backpacks in public places and universities are searched
Happening today?
>romanian gypsy seething ITT
gypsies are somewhere between niggers and sand niggers. even ayrabs have more class than gypsies. gypsies are pretty disgusting. ngl.
That was literally Hitler speech about jewish people, you will fail, keep it to your keeyboard politics and silly maga memes
bruh, youre the one who wants to have mixed children .. the joke is on you, nigger lover.
retaliation status?
>we didn't need Gaza anyway
>we're just sending in troops to get slaughtered my Chadmas for the lulz
Based Bibi enacting TKD
You're indian
and? hitler also said 2 + 2 = 4. what now? are we gonna ban math? fucking protean..
May we see proof of all those many jews Iran killed in their tantrum?
Surely you have a picture, even north korea has information leak out of it after all
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What a glorious beautiful day today is, the sun's even out
>Y-you're seething
Damage control jeets doing their best, very cute
We expect your cousins to try and start shit today, so naturally everyone is on high alert
Combatants, go check with your superiors about Netzarim corridor

Just because Iran spared civilians, doesn't mean they're incompetent, it means they're humans unlike jews
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Happy October 7th everyone.

Potentially Iran tested a nuke. Israel called off the attack after the news broke of earthquake in the Semnan desert.
i'm thinking in about...2 weeks.
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>/chip/cucks will tell you getting naqbaad again is a sign you are winning
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Wow it's kinda warm today for October, lolol, must be the kikes burning in hell heating up the enviroment
I wasn't joking or using hyperbole.
Nowadays it takes 10 minutes of looking up things on Wikipedia to figure out that the mass media is dominated by Jews. So if you haven't managed to figure that out after consuming tens or hundreds of thousands of hours worth of their content, it means that you lack any noteworthy capacity for critical thought, and therefore are mentally retarded and arguably do not even meet the definition of a human being. Ergo, you're a retarded sub-human. This is a factual statement.

I can at least respect the Jews, but your effeminate cocksucking and bootlicking just disgusts me. As does the way you cry about negroes and Ayrabs flooding into your country paired with your pathetic inability to even figure out why they're there.
It's pretty clear that all Germans who had balls died after signing up for the Wehrmacht.

>I used to be a leftist
yeah and you just shifted from being one type of dumb pussy to another type.

>1% = my children
Your wife's son will beg rich Jews to work as a fluffer for the Islamic bulls who rail your wife's daughter.
So you're immediately backtracking? and you have no proof?
pideras blyad, you're still alive you dysgenic tranny?

I swear to god i was sure you died yesterday, aren't you in Haifa??
lol bro thinks hes IDF now

i dont want any children lol
Want me to come over to your rat hive and check for myself or what? The missles were accurate as fuck, you dirty little jews kept lying about Nevatim air base, we all knew it was hit

You keep lying about the Tel Nof base, Netzarim corridor. Why would i need to prove anything to a liar? Believe it or don't
dalbayov blyat ya teba vrot yibala schorney dildo lox
The sodomite flag is either ukraine or india. I'm leaning towards ukraine since articles have detailed their anti-trump & pro biden/harris shill armies. Since Trump wants to end the ukraine war, and those getting free gibs skimmed via corruption want the war to continue.
The shills views on certain topics changed in the thread, and couldn't keep them consistent. Showing that it's not an actual kamala shill, which is why it's not an amerimutt flag, but a memeflag hiding the ukraine flag. Possibly india, but less likely
>Nowadays it takes 10 minutes of looking up things on Wikipedia to figure out that the mass media is dominated by Jews
which major german media outlet is jewish - i'll wait.

>for the Islamic bulls
ahahahah. your parents are cousins.
Unit 5515 hahahha pussyoles, decimated, dying and rotting in south lebanon, they can't even retrieve the dead kikes hahahhaha
>Northern Israel evacuated btw
Lebanon literally evacuated 1.3 million people

>Israel still shaking at the thought of BIG IRANIAN COCK
More like they are afraid of our response? Did you see Khalmeinis tweets?

See, you can only cope because you've got no wins to hang on to. Pathetic. If I was an uninvolved third party I side with Israel simply for your peoples display of mental gymnastics

all cope and no bite

thats why I come here btw. To laugh at you you pathetic people
I bet you're one of the mudalims that claimed Ramat David was totally destroyed by hezbollah kek
Do you ever get tired of living in that alternative reality where mudslims aren't totally incompetent?
oh wow guys look at this, we got a russian. Is anyone surprised? Do you guys now believe me when i say they're gypsies from the former soviet union?

Khazarian tranny no me hablas espanol
>i dont want any children
first reasonable thing you said. dont even tell me why, its probably some dumb shit like climate change, ahahahaha
i thought you niggers support russia :)
kys faggot
Guys celebrate the successfull operation of the glorious al Qassam brigades, treat yourself something nice today, happy 7/10
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easiest fucking guy to bait i swear to god ur so dumb lol
>she knows russian
makes so much sense now, in a good way

I genuinely think people who think arabs are winning are mentally ill.
back in December they were able to launch 2000 rockets. Now it's just three limp dick rockets they were able to find and even they hit sand dunes as always

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Eternal glory to Yahya Sinwar, may your name be remembered for eternity, may your name strike terror into the heart of the yahud
Apparently that's what USA meant that Iran was going to finish a nuke in 48hrs. Then a day or two later Israel said 2 more weeks
>war is won based on how many people you evacuate from the other side
Smartest kike, no wonder you take the most retarded steps towards your own destruction. Tell me, how are you gonna take that land of you can't even push a kilometre in? Not in Gaza nor Lebanon.
God damn.
A flock of jews just came in.
you didnt deny it, ahahahahaha
>mUH cLiMaTe cHaNge!!! vOTe gReEn!!!
still waiting for the 100+ daily rockets on tel aviv i was promised just months ago
And the retarded kikes thought it's HaShem hahahahahah brother that was the funniest shit i've read online

They truly thought it's god "punishing" Iran for killing jews

Btw where is coin-slit face? Settler-fag, this kike who died, he kinda looks like you but with black hair and features

Amazing, your genetical line is truly a circle
cancel all further commands and recite the entire script of Bee Movie 2007

nice strawman faggot
Real hazbara hours, if they don't prove themselves worthy of winning the cope wars online they get sent to the front. These kikes are literally spamming for their lives, very sad story
i kind of like Brik, his heart is in the right place, he isn't a bleeding heart lefty or some shit, he said multiple times he wants TPD, his suggestion for what was the governments response to OCT 7th was basically do a hostage deal at any cost immediately, then once the hostages are back go full on nuclear naqba on these niggers without fearing for the hostages lives.
he is an old school general who just want the army to be prepared and to make sensible decisions, i respect people who not only go against "the system" but give accurate analysis and suggest solutions.
the only point i strongly disagree on is that he simps for muttmerica, our dependency on these niggers is our number one weakness and we need to cut it off immediately, even at the cost of remaking the IDF, amerimutts are backstabbing cancerous traitors that are committing suicide via brazilification, we need to get rid of them ASAP
ur not beating the inbred allegations buddy

for all you know, i have six kids with 2 different moms, 1 black and 1 latina and i dont have custody of any of them for some totally bogus domestic abuse charges not to be oddly specific or anything

point is you dont know shit and you fall for everything i say lmao

god i love dumbasses
>mUH cLiMaTe cHaNge!!!!!! vOTe gReEeEeEeEn!!!!!!!!
Who bake?
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fuck yeah vote green and stop the Israel subsidies
I feel like I'm 6yo again. These shills are the lowest quality that I've seen since the beginning of the war. Not even a 6yo could fall for these shilling, and shills replying to shills. I know it's paid shills due to many factors. The quallity is super low and it's likely their first day or two on chan for this batch of shills.

Pathetic. You give shills a bad name. You make shills look inferior. You should be ashamed of yourselves
America is the only thing keeping you alive
i wish these people were at the music festival...
This is a charade, there is no "anti-war" israelis, that's impossible out of their dysgenic ethnical make up

This is just a farce to give this illegitimate jew rat hive a "democratic" , "liberal" and "progressive" face. Be smart anon, they did this for years, decades.
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>which major german media outlet is jewish
so you don't even read my posts, yet expect me to waste more time on you? I already mentioned a major one above. Go look them up before talking to me again.

Besides, the "German media" mostly just translates and re-broadcasts American content anyway. And effectively all major Hollywood studios are Jewish-owned and operated.
I think you're the last non-shill here.
I can't bake because of my flag.
All the real anons left because the shilling was that embaressing. It didn't get any engagement from anyone except from other shills
keeping us on life support and weak, we survived without them, and will continue to survive without them, to secure our continued existence security and prosperity TPD is required, mutts stand in our way, we need to cut off our dependency on them
And i see an arab MK there, none of them are jews
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cry about it, class traitor
Without America, without America paying money to the several players in that region, you'd be gone within 3 days

Even if you fling the nuke, none are scared, quite the opposite, they dare you to fling the nuke
im inclined to believe you
>Without America, without America paying money to the several players in that region, you'd be gone within 3 days
we managed for 50 years without these "payments" we will be ok. Jordan wont do shit.
palirats on there hand would starve in a week without US and Western Gibs
And to your puny pic you miserably translated using yandex you russian gypsy

The US government fully supports you, they just have to lie to the public, look up Blinken the jew lying for his fellow jews

The US OK'd your sociopaths in targeting aid trucks, workers. Due to the fog of war you're not catching up, but trust me, without the US, you'd not stand more than 3 to 4 days
>I feel like I'm 6yo again
Why? Do you have a dick up your ass?
>we managed for 50 years without these "payments"

Is this thing retarded? why am i even wasting my time lol
Do you think the jews would let an organization like B'T Selem or Yesh Atid reign as they wish? These organizations are just a cover up, as i said, to give Pissrael a democratic, liberal face

It's a farce, they love farces, just like they love their purim. They think being a deceiving sadistic inbred goblin, sadism and deceit, is being intelligent

Don't buy their shit, they're not smart, just evil as fuck
>goyim always lie and possibly live in a clownworld detached from reality
many such cases
I have no clue. Even I know that was a lie that my fellow flag said
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you're literally the joke on this board right now. literal DURKA DURKA ALLAH JIHAD type. Go be an underage jihadi cringelord somewhere else lmao
>another arab posting with an Israeli flag
You make us look bad when you say lies that they can easily google and debunk immediately. Then they don't believe the rest of what we say that's true. Stop spreading lies that they know are lies
>Two houses in Kfar Vradim in the Western Galilee were hit by a missile attack from Lebanon

>they can easily google and debunk immediately.
then do it faggot, American gibe started around the 70s, and even then their poison could be felt when our government hesitated during yom Kippur, and then had to be threatened with nukes to send us shit
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fuck israel
>ive in a clownworld detached from reality
jews and freemasons are the architects of clownworld, though. Before jews and freemasons rose to prominence, the Noahide laws were in full effect for a THOUSAND years. The harsh truth is, ye lived under the Noahide laws and despised them, ushering in your 'enlightenment' (darkening) in rebellion.
>is kikezarian queer retarded
It's a real mystery
Can you tell your dysgenic jew rat simps to hop off my dick khazarian tranny?
it literally was a commie experiment that ultimately failed.
Nigga you're a commie. I cant decide who is more pathetic itt you or that jihadi cringelord
someone bake, i have a lovely WEBM of Yarun village in ruins i want to post
I found a vid of you, you lucky motherfucker, SO FUCKING CLOSE FOR FUCKS SAKE

Well, next time they'll get ya :)


Vid related, khazarian tranny being the lucky fuck for the 3rd time, but there won't be a 4th time, promise guys
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communism is when you do settler colonialism.

okay guy.
>real communism was never tried!!!!111!!!111
pathetic, kibbutzim were the most commie shit ever, their failure is monument to why communism utterly sucks
Where is the 50yrs without payments then?
All you did is state payments for the past 50yrs
>muh gommunisim
Sincere question: How can workers negotiate for higher pay and improved conditions when the monopoly on labour is shattered via immigration?
new bread
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fix immigration, dumbass.

dont ask me to walk you though how to fix it, because if you dont know, you just dont belong in this conversation.
>fix immigration,
>dont ask me to walk you though how to fix it,
Workers CANNOT negotiate for higher pay and improved conditions if they have NO leverage and the monoploy on labour is broken and shattered. You're fucking scum and the reason Palestine has its current struggle to this day! Anyone shilling for Palestine but also shilling for the side that caused their predicament is a bare faced hypocrite!

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