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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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Previous: >>484063149

Glowniggers are trying to subvert /chip/ via well poisoning. Ignore all threads and posters endorsing Israel, (both sides bad), memeflags, namefags, bots and thread splitters.
*By posting in this thread you deny *srael is a legitimate state, DENOUNCE and fully CONDEMN the Talmud, and endorse TKD*
*Do not trust happening announcements without link/proof

>Multiple large explosions in Beirut
>Israeli response to Iran expected soon
>Significant Israeli casualties in clashes with Hezbollah
>New Hezbollah leader targeted in massive Beirut strikes
>Israel strikes near Russian airbase and weapons depot in Syria







>Guide to the Palestinian genocide by israel
>1948 Nakba Documentary
>Evangelicals are useful idiots that betray Christians and Jesus.
>Former US Marine: Hamas are freedom fighters, US government the real terrorist.
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▶/Chip/ Archives Info

▶/Chip/ Archives Clips

Episode 12 (final episode)
>Are military checkpoints in the West Bank suitable targets for carrying out Resistance operations?

Twitter link

Archived Files

Here it is.
Debunking the State of Israel
Refutation of the Zionist historical claim over Levant.
https://files.catbox.moe/v6i8wj.mp4 6/21/24

Yoav Shamir's "Defamation" 7/30/24

TANTURA 7/30/24
> Massacre btwn IDF & palestinians civilians
>1948 Nakba
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I love paragliding.
"israel" will never be safe again
you're fucked, jews
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the lebuttmonkey hasn't posted his cock yet btw
He already posted it
what's known about sinwar as a person? dude seems p schizo
Well, that's to his shame for welching on a bet, will ye do same? Maybe people should learn to stop writing checks their ass won't cash. WHEN the time passes and if he don't deliver, you can call it quits. I don't want to see ANY more shots of the Lebanons post if ye welch also.
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Peace in Palestine will mean the end of zionism
Pray for peace, brethren.

what about him seems schizo? i guess he's okay living in an underground tunnel, but what else
Daily reminder israel should just nuke all arab countries

You can scream and shout as much as you want. But the jewish people they inflicted way more damage than there was inflicted on them. They will survive this and they will come out stronger relatively.

The jews always survived and they will also survive this centurys antisemites. COPE
if i had a county, i'd nuke all around my border to make the within 100 miles of my country uninhabitable.
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You should invite yourself to the military cabinet and suggest your ideas but no, instead, you'll run like Usain Bolt to the nearest shelter as soon as the alarms ring.
Based me too
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Did he just started the fire?
slaughtering tens of thousands of civilians does not make israel safer or closer to peace
hth (actually i hope it doesn't help)
My room is a bunker so I dont really need to move my ass kek
lmao what's he thinking, chip?
well tell bibi your amazing plan dude he needs help.
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all paliniggers want to rape and murder jews. reducing their numbers makes israel safer and closer to peace, since the safest and most at peace israel could possibly be is if all the palestinians were dead.
Bibi is too big of a pussy
if he was a pussy you wouldn't be in such an unwinnable quagmire kek
>You can scream and shout as much as you wan
Thank you, I will.
>But the jewish people they inflicted way more damage than there was inflicted on them.
It ain't about what you can inflict, it's about how much you can endure and keep pressing forward.
> They will survive this and they will come out stronger relatively.
No doubt you'll survive, come out stronger, though? Alright,man, we'll see.
>The jews always survived and they will also survive this centurys antisemites. COPE
And so has EVERYONE else. COPE.
keep showing the world who jews are, kike
anti-semitism is going mainstream
"israel" won't survive, fren. at least not in a way that jews will be happy about
I don't see Israel making it past this decade
>It ain't about what you can inflict, it's about how much you can endure and keep pressing forward.

I always found it weird that you muslims prefer to brag about how good you are at suffering and getting killed, rather than inflicting suffering on and killing your enemies. I think you've greatly misunderstood what the point of war is. look up a guy named George Patton, he can explain what the actual point of war is to you.
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Khazarian Kween Status?
Hes nuts in his interviews
>meanwhile in reality
nice art. ive seen them in the past threads.
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you'll be drowning in a rickety boat on your way back to Syria in less than a decade, Ahmed.
We've all been where Israel is right now in a game of civ 6. The analogies are endless.
there's more honor in fighting and dying for your people than in bombing civilians from thousands of feet up, yes. anyone who isn't a kike understands this intuitively
>I always found it weird that you muslims prefer to brag about how good you are at suffering and getting killed, rather than inflicting suffering on and killing your enemies.
picrel, faggot!
> I think you've greatly misunderstood what the point of war is.
For you it's about economic gain (gas and oil fields off the coast)
>look up a guy named George Patton,
Is he the one who was killed after naming the jews in his diary and admitting he fought the wrong enemy?
Are they even paying you jeet shills enough to bring food on the table?
who was getting "raped"? ugly, hairy muslim men? nobody gives a fuck about that. when people are horrified by the word rape they imagine a woman being victimized by a horny man.
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you realize AfD is anti-semitic, right jew lol
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beachs closed niggers
isn't that an old pic
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where is the "honor" in telling women and babies not to evacuate so your cowardly ass can hide behind them?
when white men fight a war, they put on uniforms and send their women and children to safety (see ukraine). when muslim men fight a war, they take off their uniforms and cower behind women and toddlers because they know they'll lose if they try to fight like actual men
Finally got the all clear to leave the bunker, huh? Consider leaving some comforts there, y'know, cushions, quilts, and snacks. Who says you can't be comfy in war?
>jew tries to victim blame instead of putting the balme on the people dropping the bombs
I can post hand, Ahmed.
can you? I'll go first if you'll agree to.
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>/pol/ can read these sandnigger scribbles
English motherfucker.
$16 USD per month saar!
Very rich now. Many ladies turned on by my new
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So today hamas fired rockets at Tel Aviv, hezbollah fired rockets at haifa and houthis fired rockets at Tel Aviv, iraqis launched drones at military bases, several israeli soldiers killed in gaza as well as operations in west bank.

Israel is such a bitch huh
>Explosions in northern occupied Palestine without warnings
The Radwan paratroopers have reached Haifa!
you muslim retards started the war. you are not "victims"
war started in 1948 with the declaration of israel, jew
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>w-we're winning...
>i-i-israel in control....
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israel only has 5 more hours to prove they aren't cucks lel
dont lie, i know you and 95% of /chip/ can read this
tranny shut up, stop just copy/pasting everything from your gay jew channel
at least put some effort into it
I know you won't believe me but I'm not even a jew. if this was a war of hindu pajeets killing muslims I'd be supporting the pajeets. if it was buddhists killing muslims I'd be supporting the buddhists. if it was nig(g)erian christians killing muslims I'd be supporting the nigs. and so on.
>hit empty dunes
>get intercepted
>lebanon in rubble
w-w-w-we won!!!
a-a-a-al a-a-a-a-qsa is free!!!
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>you're brown like me I know it I know it
I've officially been loving this cope for a year today
i can believe you're a retarded shabbos goy, sure
either way, kys
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jesus supports palestine
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>naqba number 1358374
this means we are winning aginst da jews he he he!!
>muh empty fields
nice cope
you tried that yesterday with haifa and it was wrong. at least 6 injured and lots of damage to high valued properties
I loves israeal. Even I can not read hebrew. What the israel queen mean?
cope lol
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arabs hiding in fear of the jewish gigachad
Hello fellow saar! You modicel too?
khanzarian queen killing her own kind at the border
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any new TKD webms? what's the status of the pissraeli counter attack
I'd rather be a jew golem than worship a pedophile like you do, Abdullah
it's pretty obvious to anyone with a soul that jesus would support palestine
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i think we got an HQ with a lot of intel, because we have been nuking all over south lebanon in the past few hours
>NEW: The IDF confirms that Hamas leader Yahya Sinwar is alive, and has communicated with mediators

Honestly, I don't care but I know this shit is important to jews so I'm posting.
Hondushit unironically cant into sandniggerish.
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>I'd rather be a jew golem than worship a pedophile like you do, Abdullah
Ooo you fucked up moshe!
dropping bombs doesn't require muh intel, tranny
Sexy israel woman. I'd climb that mountain time and time again. She need husband smart in IT?
No way a non arab has this little life, this nigger posts every צבע אדום alert here, literally no life, he is 100% arab
It's Arabic not Hebrew:
>IDF Spokesman in Arabic Avihai Adrei in an evacuation notice to all fishermen and the coastal island on the sea line in Lebanon

>IDF spokesman in Arabic, Col. Avihai Adrai: In the near future, the IDF will operate in the maritime sector against the terrorist organization Hezbollah. The IDF is not interested in harming you. For your safety, avoid being in the sea or on the beaches from now until further notice.

>The landscape of the coastline in Lebanon is soon going to change its face
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daily reminder that ihmPwqYi isn't even jewish much like the bong jeet but will continue to suck jewish dick until the day that he dies
dropping them accurately on enemies in hiding and ammo caches does
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how i post when not deployed
please do us a favor and be a little less boring while you're at it
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>new prototype of merkava 5
wtf is this nafo bullshit? why are they all dogs?
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>Palestinian Resistance ambushed an invading force in a house west of Jabalia camp, using a failed US-supplied GBU bomb.

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take good care of her saar
he's the biggest LARPer of this general
Merkava 5
im surprised he isnt here spamming the paradrop fiasco lol.
rolling explosions in the distance heard from nazareth, can't find anything about it, any anon got info?
>Al-Mayadeen correspondent in the south: Observing attempts to advance by the occupation forces towards Alma al-Shaab and al-Dhahira

got a whatsapp notification that its our artillery nuking Lebanon.
so youre from nazarath huh?
It was glorious saar! We indians love that BWC. Many more soon please, saar!
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TKD update?
I don't even know why I bothered looking it up. Of course it's on the border.
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we call them boomers in the US lel
Islam is the only religion that endorses pedophilia in the scripture.
Maybe you should try that then lol. Then you’d gain more than 100m.
Ohhh I will saar! Oh I will! Sexy israel womanz! Please marry me israel womanz!
He’s up in 20 minutes
>— // NEW: Hezbollah released a statement noting unusual movement of Israeli forces behind a UNIFIL site near Maroun al-Ra'as. They held their fire to protect the lives of the UNIFIL forces, stating that Israel is using them as human shields amid ongoing attempts to advance.

So the only reason Israel has made any progress near Maroun Al-Ras is because they are using the UNIFIL post as human shields and Hezbollah doesn't want to cause an incident.
it's an old pic from ages ago
AfD has become anti-semitic since
I thought IDF still couldn't advance into Lebanon? what's happening, chippies?
Why would you respond to me with cope of this caliber?

>stating that Israel is using them as human shields amid ongoing attempts to advance.
how ironic that jews attack the UN at every turn... without the UN you'd have made zero progress at all kikes kek
>They held their fire to protect the lives of the UNIFIL forces, stating that Israel is using them as human shields amid ongoing attempts to advance.
not so nice when we do it huh?
i used to hate him but now i look forward to watching his stupid show lol

does tkd include lookner?
is this the third time now theyve tried to assasinate him?
> literally no life
What is a 'life' in clownworld? Waking up every day and sitting at the end of your bed negotiating with yourself to drag your ass to a job you fucking hate and is beneath you, but is all that's available because Jews and Freemasons give each other all the actual good jobs and whatever scraps are left they throw to DEI hires to meet their quotas? Counting down the days until the weekend when you can finally vent and anaesthetise the agony of it all with heavily cut cocaine, cheap lager, and even cheaper women? Drowning your sorrows, as they say. Side note, have you ever considered how violent that expression is? Think about it—DROWNING your sorrows. conjures a horrific image of holding your suffering self under water in the bath. What a terrible way to deal with pain.
> literally no life
Fuck off.
/chip/niggers always lie, we are so deep in we are now paradropping supplies
fuck off kikel. You do not belong here.
Name another religion that endorses fucking children and provide the sauce. There's only one.
theres only 4 or 5 diaspshits that speak gayrab that i have seen on here
the cuckraqi swede, the lebashit leaf cuck, a mutt poster with american flag, a british poster, oh and some french poster who is a lebacuck as well
not counting memeflags
everyone else is basically larping as an arape
yeah but see, the difference is the muslims don't fire anyway... you do
Excuse me for not understanding demon scribbles(kike writing) ... FYI I've said before I can read and speak a bot of Arabic but I'm not fluent
By tomorrow,its intensity should be dictated by any eyewall replacement cycles, which will likely cause the system to gradually weaken but grow larger. After 36 h, Milton is expected to encounter a much less favorable environment with strong shear and dry air entrainment. Therefore, weakening is anticipated before the hurricane reaches the Florida Gulf coast.
any irish anons know anyone on the peacekeeping mission in lebanon? are they still ongoing?
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say the line
Says the troon that's on here more than me
Yes saar! Phll sopot saar!
at least i live here, i have a stake in this shit, you should be dodging bullets from a nearby gangwar right now
How big are your Yiddish tits, you subhuman kike whore?
I've known a few that did it over the years but none I know are currently over there.
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around this big
go post on one of the million israel subreddits instead, tranny.
FYI, since you kikes faggots are so interested in me. I have a lot of free time on my hands. I don't have the need to work 9 to 5. It's called generational wealth
>UNIFIL post as human shields and Hezbollah doesn't want to cause an incident
If Hezb wasn't prepared for that they deserve to lose even worse desu. IDF could tie the UNIFIL troops to the front of their tanks like in the West Bank. Or even fake it and just use the uniforms.
based rich anti-semitic honduran
i dont know why but i am drawn to this cesspool of lies and faggotry, i nearly got lynched on reddit once for suggesting a fictional video game character is not trans
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cry more you tranny
Official Houthi statement in 45 minutes. Let's find out what they hit.
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Yours, shitskin. You responded to the evidence seething because I brought up the rabbi who quotes your scripture. Why do yids rape kids? Why do they cherish rituals like metzitzah b'peh so much? Stop being pedos and we'll stop noticing.

head on out of your bunker and say it again, preferably while getting bombs dropped on you lel
Don't worry bro it's not the first time they attack my character. I just laugh.

beeb article about idf troops near irish troops today actually
does your mommy bring you chicken nuggies
A bit *
Kek brandon is willing to pay you billions to not blow up the irishmen and you’re still considering it
with some luck we will demonstrate how you niggers should have delt with the IRA
i guarantee kikes want to do that loool
don't worry tho, they can't get to the litani river with these games
woman in top right looks like a fucking demon lol
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they refused to withdraw
Yes, there was a lot of homosexuality in early Islam, too.
That big. Cause back problem saar! I carry them for you, saar!
Kek, holy shit troon. I'm literally Palestinian diaspora...
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*points tank barrel at your peacekeeping mission unarmed members*
nothin personnel..
>stupid hondushit thought the dunecoon runes were basedbrew
100% confirmed youre not arab
I hope we drop a M-84 right on top of an Irish potatonigger encampment. "Nothing personal, lads"
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>the yemeni missile fired and tel aviv appears to have occurred right on the memorial for oct7
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and they have been threatened by israel
see, i told you he is an arab,he can read arabic
who gives a shit
are there fewer homos in muslim countries today than the west? the answer is yes. so stfu
You'll never be a real woman, now post axe wound
The Talmud isn't scripture in Judaism, just arguments from random rabbis. It is scripture in Islam, though, and Muhammad copied parts of the Talmud into the Quran.
They know the general vincinity, Hezbollah should just lob an Almas missile over a nearby hill towards it, steer it towards Metula if it moved out of sight when it gets there.
No, but when I visit her yes. I'm the favorite :)
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Probably not, since being a fag is genetic.
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You subhumans can't even deal with the sandniggers next door and you're already barking at the Whites nearby. It truly is the end for israel

>The Talmud isn't scripture in Judaism
>Muhammad copied parts of the Talmud into the Quran
holy shit do they actually pay you for shilling like this? I thought kikes were supposed to be money savvy?
ira cant do shit anymore but hamas and hezbollah have been bombing you for years and will continue to do so lol. idf had their chance before social media became a thing, it's hopeless for you now.
why do these potatoniggers refusing to move matter, again? can't IDF just drive around their base and ignore them?
the Irish are low quality whites and drunks without a real army. conquering Ireland would unironically be easier then conquering Lebanon.
I'm glad you're at least not wasting everyone's time by pretending not to be a mudslime invader. thank you. I mean that sincerely.
Ireland still keeps arms shipments flowing to Israel iirc - there was an attempt to pseudo blockade it but it failed.
yes, but they want to set up their OWN base there, in order to literally use the UN like human shields, the way they've been bitching about hamas and hezbollah doing this whole time. looool
why aren't you on the front defending israel, your only duty as a ZOG golem?
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>changing the subject to the 35 fiery but mostly peaceful Whites in the area to dodge the million muzzies gunning you down
kek'd, I would too in your situation
Fag I don't really pay attention to your post
The irish may be the only based Weston’s
very true
don't you jews get it
all this shit you're doing now, you were supposed to do it BEFORE social media
you already lost
we're just waiting for you to realize it
I’m phoneposting execute me
my taxes pay to send blacks and mexicans to do it for me.
lebshits are rats it's not even worth talking about them. a jew killing a leb is like farming the minions in a LoL game
What're you retarded?
The mishna includes the Torah Bel alpeh which means the Oral Torah. That they believe was given to their wise men on mount sinai and is like 12x bigger than the Torah
> The Israel Defense Force has released an Advisory to Residents in Southern Lebanon, as a Warning for them not to approach the Ocean or Beaches from the Awali River near Sidon, to the South towards the Israel Border. With the Israeli Navy said to be preparing to conduct Major Operations on and off the Coast of Lebanon.
Are they going to attempt a landing since they can’t get past the border? This is like the MacArthur landing at Incheon if so.
>with some luck we will demonstrate how you niggers should have delt with the IRA
Be careful now, the Muslims got martyrdom from us.
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does anyone except jews actually enjoy this kind of monster posting
LOL is a pedo game
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But you can't conquer Lebanon
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dessert scribbles = dessert scribbles

Nobody believes you brown goblins can't fathom others not being able to tell the difference between you and your brown terrorist neighbors

Must make them keeping you on the border feel extra special huh? What a retard! You """first world"""" browns are getting fucked!
Pretty sure they were planning some retarded d-day hollywood death charge for Gaza initially until US sent a bunch of special forces coordinators to talk them out of it.
Please God let them sign off it this time i want my kino.
>#BREAKING Lebanon's Hezb-Allah says they will not target Israeli forces near maroun Al-Ras to protect unifil lives, accuses Israel of using human shields — Reuters

Hezbollah demonstrating who the REAL most moral military in the world is.
kek yeah i wanna see the jews try some d-day shit
It's basically their only option to breach Lebanon. So it's going to happen.
Trying to sneak through holes in the border isn't working.
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car status???
wait, if you are a palirat expat that literally means you got naqbaad, and you didnt even luck out and got naqbaad to muttmerica.
well, at least you arent in Syria.
do you live off an UNRWA stipend while the kufar around you wage?
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On this, the anniversary of the October 7 massacre, the most important thing to remember is this: Israel is winning. If you don't believe me, just listen to what Hassan Nasrallah has to say on the subject. Hassan? What's your view Hassan? Hassan? Hassan are you there?
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>they were planning some retarded d-day hollywood death charge for Gaza
They can still do it in Lebanon. Here's hoping for D-Day numbers to go along with the attempt
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honestly it's just so absurd
and guess what, the jews won't even say thank you to the UN
they'll continue to bitch about how the UN hates jews in fact
Good point, even the US military can’t pierce the border. Do you think they’d do a joint operation with the US? They’d need our navy i would think.
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'Bout 8 in tel aviv now. Just four more hours before the 8th.

That revenge coming? Soon? Where is it?
They'll probably just have constant naval bombardment and air strikes ahead of the charge and force Hezbollah into cover. But then they're trapped in lebanon with Hezbollah surrounding them once they get in.
>arrive from poland
these niggers will do anything to get to Uman
Arabs don't care about lives, the Arabian womb farts out huge amounts of niglets which they barely take care of.
But they care about land. Arabs have little arable land and they cherish what they have extremely.
We need to conquer huge parts of Gaza and Lebanon and permanently settle them. This will make a much bigger statement then endless bombing and killing of the Arabs.
we didnt take the bait, we are moving slowly and razing every village to the ground, blowing up every tunnel.
the rats will have nowhere to hide
this, dumb westoid dont get this
>That revenge coming?
Revenge for what?
cope. nasrallah has done his duties on this earth and has ascended to martyrdom. hezbollah will be victorious.
can u just turn beirut into a crater already
No fag, but I do family that were. Most of my family left under the ottomans and we are from the Christian clans that you faggots attacked.
so they took irish hostages pretty much
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As is custom for israel-Lebanon wars

>n-not real kikes!

>We need to conquer huge parts of Gaza and
I thought you already conquered Gaza?

Oh nothing lmao
all you're doing is hiding behind UN people so hezbollah won't fire at you kek
seems like it honestly
I'm at the gym, listening to bangers. Going to celebrate 0ct 7. It's a good day. My God bless the resistance. >>484081946
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Ohhh, they're trying. Their gloating about destroyed cars and building right now because they retreated on the ground. The true kino occurs after the shelling when the diaper squad tries again lel
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>Oh nothing lmao
Isn't the revenge the current on going massacre of Palestinians?
biden will talk about how it breaks his heart or something then wander off to get ice cream
Martyrdom, in the mudslime sense is cope.
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>claims to be Christian
>is this much of a cuck
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Yeah but they're also slaughtering you. A tit-for-tat isn't revenge, kikel, you need to actually win one. Does this sound like diaper squad """winning"""?

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It just radicalizes lurkers like myself that had absolutely no skin in the game. I legit felt bad for israelis prior to what they did in Gaza and from reading their posts. They had everyone's support and lost it, decades of propaganda gone. I tell everyone I know what I've and learned, dual citizens will not find safety in this country and will be persecuted in the courts for war crimes. They legitimately have no idea how fucked they are or how the rest of the world perceives them.
spiritless americans wouldn't get it
you've never met a christian palestinian have you anon
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This has been the exact trajectory of every normie I know, even the ones I didn't expect. It's wild lmao, what a change of pace. And it happened in like a year! It has NEVER been this easy to work the federal reserve into casual conversations
>Israeli Media: Not only Shlomi, all the settlements from Rish Hankara to Doveb were declared in the last few minutes as a closed military area.

Seriously, it's getting to the stage they'd be better off just listing the few places that aren't.
it's true, so many of them will be prosecuted for war crimes at this point if they try to flee. it already happened to one in Morocco. thanks for the post fren
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Yes. As I said. Cucks.
Lookner live - https://www.youtube.com/live/sSZA1R6LkQo?si=IH0bXFHvFTDh_ydr
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You've got them right where you want them Muhammadian!
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You realize these designations means imminent invasion into Lebanon from these places right? it's not the win you think it is
>40k dead
lol, lmao even
muslims are too stupid to get this, its not even a large area
Another kike bites the dust. His stomach looks like Japans flag. Oops <-

>in Bethlehem
That's funny because last Christmas I watched israeli settlers attack Christians celebrating and the Muslims ran down and helped the Christians fight off the settlers.
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Doesn't have to be high numbers to be a genocide
More like copener lmao, nothing's happening today

>muh western source by the jews
See what I mean? These people are pathetic, they act like we can't click a link and still see them bombing the border where they suspect the enemy is; the place they can't take.

Don't be too hard on it, it's as delusional as you are when you blame the US for holding you back against the muzzies. That was a brutal coper right there, bud.
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>imminent invasion
You don't say?
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>dual citizens will not find safety in this country and will be persecuted in the courts for war crimes
says the amerinigger as he goes further into debt to pay for my free healthcare
IOF isn't doing so hot in Lebanon (surprise, surprise), hence why ZOG has created this cool new term; "closed military zone." It's so vague and stupid.
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A post-Rome kike would know, eh? Seeing as the ones before don't exist anymore
damn, i didnt know obaida posted a video today. didnt the shillies here say that he was dead?
How does she fit on one of those bunks?
How were you able to identify Arab Christians from Arab Muslims?
>Palestinian health authority
>Muslims ran down and helped the Christians fight
They're both Palestinians. The Muslims will keep a few token Christians around. The Christians will never be allowed to have numbers so as to be threatening. Meanwhile Christians will pay various taxes to Muslims to enrich Muslims. Muslims have done this for 1400 years in that exact spot.
we've been waiting lol
seems like hezbollah has been repelling quite easily
>christians MUST support jews
fuck off
holy shit the artilary is not stopping, will anything be left of lebanon by morning
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It's been very easy to redpill people this past year, they literally indoctrinated us from birth about the holocaust and then actually went and committed a real genocide. It's almost like they set themselves up for failure. Their hubris is always their downfall, had they done this prior to the age of the smartphone they would have gotten away with it.
Thanks for always baking and keeping us informed. This is the most important event in our lifetimes, I pray for the people of the Levant and their victory against the hebrew occupation. If they win, the whole world wins and this time around they can't just make us forget like they did in the past. The whole world knows their crimes, it's been documented and people will not forget.
Supporting a Islamist organisation quite literally makes you a cuck unless you are Muslim
Viva Canaanites
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wait the video is reversed. he is actually not dead.
Cheers to Carthage
Take property.
Increase the amounts of migrants going to areas in the west where the Israel-cult has been a cancer.
shut up tranny, this is not your blog
Okay. So stop worrying then. Relax. Why be neurotic and come here?
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Better to wonder about the coffin I feel. Much more expensive. 'Much more expensive' being jewish kryptonite

The khazarian tranny was in threads a while back posting about how the US was holding israel back from killing the muzzies, and that's why they couldn't make any progress. They aren't supposed to go off their narrative in these ANY of these threads or they get in trouble, so I like to bring it up. The troon throught it might slide if they didn't post it in /chip/, but /chip/ is the entire internet now lmao

Telling people about the israeli spy who subverted textbooks in the 50's with holohoax BS has been especially fun.

>very far from the lebcuck border
I see you've noticed us noticing you make no progress. No need to cope, everybody believes the resident cartoon character
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kek, and people cope and seeth about the IDF
go away mutt, dont you have a BBC to clean
This whole thread is a bunch of garden variety antisemit and delusional subhumans alternating between cope posting fake news and repeating variations of "two more weeks", as we destroy multiple Arab countries with total impunity.
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sorry chippies
pool's is closed
Because it was translated ya silly billy. Also, the Christmas tree the settlers were trying to take down was a bit of a giveaway.
>Meanwhile Christians will pay various taxes to Muslims to enrich Muslims.
>render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar, render unto God what belongs to God.
If Christians in the Middle East are paying taxes to Muslims, how is that ANY different to Christians in the West paying taxes to ZOG?
What does that have to do with anything I said?
You're the reason why cousins shouldn't marry
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>as we destroy multiple Arab countries with total impunity.
That's def a two more weeks

>mom I posted it again!

Was what you said important? Maybe you should write better lmao
>this whole thread is x,y, and z.
>and YET, here I am
Yeah, yeah, see ya tomorrow, faggot.
l Hezbullah issued today two importantly statements that indicated how the Israeli army is now in Maroun al-Ras and in the outskirts of Blida

In one of the statements, they announced firing rockets towards the Israeli soldiers inside Maroun Garden

The other announced rocket and artillery fired towards Israeli soldiers in Al-Qare' hill in Blida
tonight is the night i can fell it, Bibi is going to deliver a good happening
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kind of bummed we are aiming for the reactors, we need to nuke their oil refineries, we need to BTFO the mutts, let them pay 300$ per barrel
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literally the first time i post it here
been kinda busy the last few days
Jews rape kids.
> Israeli army announced the naval blockade of all the coasts of Lebanon from the Awali River to Al Naqourah.

>Anyone seen near there or on the beaches and in boats at sea will be attacked.

jews are literally doing what the brits did to the Irish, create a famine on land then impose a naval blockade and kill ANYONE who attempts to fish for food.
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every accusation is a confession
>where revenge
41K dead pallies according to PHA
>If Christians in the Middle East are paying taxes to Muslims
Retarded nigger because they're equal. In Muslim countries you have to use a Islamic court that favours muslims
>the Christmas tree the settlers were trying to take down was a bit of a giveaway.
Didn't Palestinian Christians in Bethlehem cancel Christmas celebrations in solidarity with the Gaza strip?
Oh shit, you already retaliated against iran!?
>been kinda buck bunker the last few days
actually that's a bunker that's used by your people
khazarian queer is still here? Damn this nigger's terminally online lmao
most cringe name fag ever
Lying Kikes how did the yazidi get from iraq to syria TO GOLAN/LEBANON/JORDAN THEN TO WESTBANK THEN TO ISREAL THEN TO GAZA , I thought kikes were better at lying than this
well was used is more accurate
the Elsa nigger was arguably worse
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why does this pic exist?
happy oct 7th everybody
>Retarded nigger because they're equal.
No, we're not. jews have imposed on White's that we be second class citizens in our own countries. You can't get a decent job in the West if you're neither jew nor Freemason- or related. Any scraps go towards DEI. Do try to keep abreast of current affairs in the West.
>Didn't Palestinian Christians in Bethlehem cancel Christmas celebrations in solidarity with the Gaza strip?
Perhaps officially, I don't know, but not certainly not on the ground in practice, but then that would make sense in why they were celebrating outside instead of in church.
no idea who that is , i don't keep up with chippie ecelebs
He wasn't a chippie, just some tripfag with a gay flag ironically
Are we sure they're not the same dilating faggot
He always did use a fag flag so possibly
>You can't get a decent job in the West if you're neither jew nor Freemason- or related.
Seems like you're just a loser kekw
yeah but all of them want to be chippie celebs, that is why the attention whore namefags
>NEW: Al-Qassam Brigades snipe an Israeli soldier, east of Beit Hanoun, Gaza Strip.

New sniper kino just dropped.
>what are ships
Bring me back a finger
/chip/ will remain on the hasbaara docket until the situation here improves. Tuck in, lots more seething kikes to come

Your tranny friend should have informed you of old copes in the discord, so I guess it's another israeli fuck up

You morons have been trading corpses for a year today and neither of you have been telling the truth about your dead for a while now. This is nothing out of the ordinary, no wins, no hostages, no buffers, no terrorists dissuaded (we know because you're still getting bombed and dying on the border). Where's the big act that redeems you hooknoses today? You know Hezbollah took more hostages on the 4th, right?

Didn't you see its blurry image of a hallway? That's war kino!

Agreed, at least that one didn't get mindbroken after we messed with it for like 20 mins. Hell I'm spinning like 4 kippahs on sticks in this thread alone and they're still fighting it out lmao

Happy Anniversary!
Being as good as I am bestows certain perks, one of those is not giving a flying fuck what jeet street shitters on the internet think. Opinion discarded.
Same fucking shit. IDF making these threads again. Where are the latest clips post that's supposed to follow the OP? ALL links in OP related to the archives(OP,INFO,CLIPS) are broken and deliberately misspelled to prevent anyone from visiting them. This is turning into a joke. Same shitty copy paste of thumbnails ad nauseum from previous chip threads with no variation or creativity as if to indicate this is being done by the low quality idf shills populating uhg. This has gone on for over 17 threads already.
Here are the compromised threads:
484074399 (this)
484063149 484054001 484040505 484038650 484016252 484008864 484003548 483995711 483982683 483975414 483974857 483966280 483954408 483930533 483912701 483904427 483897565 483890808 483883401 483872805

>>483861155 (this is the thread after which all the above follow the same subverted formatting, no clips posts,broken links and copy pasta thumbnails)

Here are the organic threads:

I pointed this out in a previous thread and some israeli flag tried to gaslight me into fucking off.
BREAD >>484086323
>Being as good as I am bestows certain perks
So are you a Jew, DEI, Freemason or NEET?
>You morons have been trading corpses for a year today and neither of you have been telling the truth about your dead for a while now.
Which side is complaining and screeching about genocide?
Troon we've already disproven this. Don't double down. You are no better than the poos when you do
what old cope you dumb nigger
it's an announcement from couple of hours ago max

also the lack of self awareness crying about old cope and posting the only achievement you had the entire war, its first day, is kinda funny
I had forgotten all about that troon.
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This, don't post in new threads until a real one can be made. Skip kike trash

Yes we have been concern trolling the shit out of you morons, and it seems like it's been effective. Poor poor muzzies!

I'd like to say that img wasn't for you, but in a sense, it was ; ]
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you didnt disprove shit
cool deflection from the main point
>This, don't post in new threads until a real one can be made. Skip kike trash
Are you niggers this retarded? I have baked probably 50 threads in the last two weeks and you are the first two to whine. Kill yourselves.
canada anon is hostile in tone but
some time ago, a jihadi flag made a moldy bake.
the links are messed up and broken.

ie rentry.org/CHIPOP is now rentry.org/CHPOP
lurkers that only read the opening posts/ summaries now have nothing.

anyway don't let their "tone" get to you.
they infected the bake for the purpose of causing infighting later.
aka they accuse bakers of being fake, IDF , shill, etc
when it's just an honest mistake.

that canada anon is kinda sus imo because he accused honduranon of being a shill when we know he is a regular and a Palestinian.

Thank you for your hard work of baking

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