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The Baal Shem Tov, the 18th century founder of Hasidic Judaism, teaches that swaying in prayer is connected to the act of copulation:

>''Prayer is zivug ("coupling") with the Shechinah. Just as there is motion at the beginning of coupling, so, too, one must move (sway) at the beginning of prayer. Thereafter one can stand still, without motion, attached to the Shechinah with great deveikut (“cleaving to God") As a result of your swaying, you can attain great bestirment. For you think to yourself: “Why do I move myself? Presumably it is because the Shechinah surely stands before me.” This will effect in you a state of great hitlahavut ("enthusiasm; rapture").'
source: Tzava'at Harivash 68
* (Shechinah is a female manifestation of God, i.e., God's daughter)

>"From the Besh"t of blessed memory. "For from within my flesh I will see [God]" (Job 19:26). Just as a physical union is not fertile except with an erect penis [אבר חי, lit. "living limb"] and embrace and joy, so too a spiritual union -- and this is words of Torah and prayer -- when engaged with with a living limb and joy and delight, then it will be fertile..."
source: Keter Shem Tov 1:9

>"The chassidim repeatedly commit the sin of involuntary ejaculation during prayer according to the commandment of Rabbi Yisroel Ba'al Shem Tov, who said to them that just as one who engages in intercourse with an impotent organ cannot give birth, so one should be potent at the time of prayer, and, in prayer, it is necessary to unite [sexually] with the shechina. It is therefore necessary to move back and forth as in the act of intercourse."
source: Shever Poshim: Zos Toras Hakana'os 33a-b
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>“from the first cause, first a male god called ‘wisdom’ or ‘father’ and then a female goddess called ‘knowledge’ or ‘mother’ were emanated or born...a pair of younger gods were born: son and daughter, also called shekhinah.

>“these two younger gods should be (sexually) united but their union is prevented by the machinations of satan, who, in this system, is a very important personage...indeed, satan has come close to the divine daughter and even raped her.

>“the creation of the jewish people (a divine race) was undertaken in order to mend the break caused by adam and eve, and...for a moment this was achieved. The male god, son, incarnated in moses, was (sexually) united with the goddess, shekhinah...each incident of biblical jewish history is...the union or disunion of the divine pair...

>“daughter falls closely into the power of satan (disunion with son), while son takes various female satanics instead of his proper wife.

>“the duty of pious jews is to restore through their prayers and religious acts the perfect divine unity in the form of sexual union between the male and female deities. Thus, before most ritual acts, which every devout jew has to perform many times each day, the following cabalistic formula is recited: ‘for the sake of the (sexual) congress of the holy blessed one (son) and his shekhinah...’

>“other prayers or religious acts are designed to deceive certain angels...or to propitiate satan...

>“both before and after a meal, a pious jew ritually washes his hands, uttering a special blessing. On one of these special occasions, he is worshipping god by promoting the divine (sexual) union of daughter and son, but on the other he is worshipping satan, who likes jewish prayers and ritual so much that...it keeps him busy for awhile and he forgets to pester the divine daughter (for sex)...

Source: Jewish History, Jewish Religion, 1994, Dr Israel Shahak, Hebrew University
Israel ben Eliezer, who was nicknamed the 'Good Sorcerer' ("baal shem tov"), taught Kabbalah and a mystical divine Omnipresence, akin to pantheism.

He taught that saintly leaders, such as himself, by their special familiarity with the divine Omnipresence, are the connection to the presence of God for their devoted followers.

Such a pious leader (called a "Zaddik") is allegedly the source of divine blessings and grace. To disbelieve in the Zaddik is to be an apostate from God.

>Chassidism is Zaddikism
... the worship of a wizardly "Rebbe" who holds sway over his deluded followers by pretending the special ability to connect to the "divine omnipresence".
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>religious onanism

" Set thou a wicked man over him: and let Satan stand at his right hand. When he shall be judged, let him be condemned: and let his prayer become sin." Psalm 109:6-7
>" Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer. For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD...."
Deuteronomy 18:11-12
>God is embodied in everything
>by God's presence all things are holy
>Even evil exists in God
>sin is only the imperfections of human thought
Kabbalah and judaism is just witchcraft.
I was in vacation in Florida once with my family doing all that Disney land shit. We stayed at some resort which was during some Jewish holiday.

There was about 100 Jews staying at the resort too, all dressed orthodox or whatever it is. They would cross the sidewalk whenever we walked down the street to avoid us, I was on my way to the pool and soke little Jewish kid was playing basketball on his driveway, probably like 8 years old? Once he spotted me it's like he almost snarled at me in fear, kept looking at this basketball, and me, like I was going to steal it or something, quickly grabbed it while looking back at me each second, scared/snarling, and scurried inside quickly closing the front door behind him.

We also went to the club house one evening, and they had a room booked out, I glance through the window and there was about 30 Jewish preying doing this exact swaying/mumbling/shaking, truly it is strange behavior.
>"A horn sounded, then all came out of the synagogue, with their candles burning. They stood facing the moon. The spots in the face of the moon they believe to be the Shechinah; and this concluding prayer is addressed to the Shechinah, with their eyes turned towards the moon. It was a painful sight, and made us think of the worship of Ashtaroth in the days of their idolatrous fathers."
I think the khazars are just the people that are going to be sacrificed in place of real jews. It's strange that they don't see that they're a scapegoat.
Funny how actually meeting these people quickly dispels the myths of sanctity that are presumed about them.
Yeah, chasidic jews believe all sorts of weird stuff. It's essentially christianity, they venerate the tzadikim (translates to the righteous, same exact meaning as "saint"), they visit their graves and pray to them, and they believe the dead Rebbe is the messiah. Pretty much the same as Catholicism.

>t. non Chabad jew
Are you a khazar jew?
What's a khazar jew?
it is a desecration of the Bible to call him the M word
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>It's essentially christianity
Wrong. In this thread we call out the Hasidic sorcery cult, but all Jews that reject Christ Jesus are likewise satanic. Whatever type of Jew you are, there's another thread proving it.
I reject your rotting demigod idol. He had a chance to prove he was the messiah by ending war, gathering the exiles from the four courners of the earth to Zion, but all he did was get stabbed by a roman centurion after we hung him for blasphemy.

Tehillim 146
3Do not trust in princes, in the son of man, who has no salvation.
4His spirit leaves, he returns to his soil; on that day, his thoughts are lost.
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>" And then if any man shall say to you, Lo, here is Christ; or, lo, he is there; believe him not: For false Christs and false prophets shall rise, and shall shew signs and wonders, to seduce, if it were possible, even the elect."
Mark 13:21-22
>trusting a slippery Moroccan moslem
Who is speaking in Isaiah 53?
>Who would have believed our report So will the nations say to one another, Were we to hear from others what we see, it would be unbelievable.
>the arm of the Lord like this, with greatness and glory, to whom was it revealed until now?
>Despised and rejected by men was he. So is the custom of this prophet: he mentions all Israel as one man, e.g., (44:2), “Fear not, My servant Jacob;” (44:1) “And now, hearken, Jacob, My servant.” Here too (52:13), “Behold My servant shall prosper,” he said concerning the house of Jacob. יַשְׂכִּיל is an expression of prosperity. Comp. (I Sam. 18:14) “And David was successful (מַשְׂכִּיל) in all his ways.”
>and as one who hides his face from us Because of their intense shame and humility, they were as one who hides his face from us, with their faces bound up in concealment, in order that we not see them, like a plagued man who hides his face and is afraid to look.

May they find favor, the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart, before You, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer. My God, Guard my tongue from evil and my lips from speaking deceit. And those that curse me, let my soul be silent. And let my soul be like the dust to all. Open my heart to Your Torah, and after Your mitzvot et my soul pursue And all that rise against me for bad, quickly nullify their counsel and ruin their plans Do it for the sake of Your Name, do it for the sake of Your right hand, do for the sake of Your Torah, do it for the sake of Your Holiness For the sake of refraining Your beloved Israel, Your right hand deliver us and answer us May they find favor, the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my heart, before You, Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer.
>" And ye shall leave your name for a curse unto my chosen: for the Lord GOD shall slay thee, and call his servants by another name:"
Isaiah 65:15

>" And the LORD said unto Moses, How long will this people provoke me? and how long will it be ere they believe me, for all the signs which I have shewed among them? I will smite them with the pestilence, and disinherit them, and will make of thee a greater nation and mightier than they."
Numbers 14:11-12

>" But though he had done so many miracles before them, yet they believed not on him: That the saying of Esaias the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spake, Lord, who hath believed our report? and to whom hath the arm of the Lord been revealed? Therefore they could not believe, because that Esaias said again, He hath blinded their eyes, and hardened their heart; that they should not see with their eyes, nor understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them. These things said Esaias, when he saw his glory, and spake of him."
John 12:37-41
Leviticus 26
>38You will become lost among the nations, and the land of your enemies will consume you.
>39And because of their iniquity, those of you who survive will rot away in the lands of your enemies; moreover, they will rot away because the iniquities of their fathers are still within them.
>40They will then confess their iniquity and the iniquity of their fathers their betrayal that they dealt Me, and that they also treated Me as happenstance.
>41Then I too, will treat them as happenstance and bring them [back while] in the land of their enemies. If then, their clogged heart becomes humbled, then, [their sufferings] will gain appeasement for their iniquity,
>42and I will remember My covenant [with] Jacob, and also My covenant [with] Isaac, and also My covenant [with] Abraham I will remember. And I will remember the Land,
>43[For] the Land will be bereft of them, appeasing its sabbaticals when it had been desolate of them, and they will gain appeasement for their iniquity. This was all in retribution for their having despised My ordinances and in retribution for their having rejected My statutes.
>44But despite all this, while they are in the land of their enemies, I will not despise them nor will I reject them to annihilate them, thereby breaking My covenant that is with them, for I am the Lord their God.
>45I will remember for them the covenant [made with] the ancestors, whom I took out from the land of Egypt before the eyes of the nations, to be a God to them. I am the Lord.
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Genesis 27
>39And his father Isaac answered and said to him, "Behold, your dwelling place shall be the fat places of the earth and of the dew of the heaven from above.
>40And you shall live by your sword, and you shall serve your brother, and it will be, when you grieve, that you will break his yoke off your neck."
>41And Esau hated Jacob because of the blessing that his father had blessed him, and Esau said to himself, "Let the days of mourning for my father draw near, I will then kill my brother Jacob. "

Obadiah 1:4
>4If you go up high like an eagle, and if you place your nest among the stars, from there I will bring you down, says the Lord.

Daniel 7
>23So he said, "The fourth beast [represents] a fourth kingdom [that] will be on the earth, which will be different from all the kingdoms, and it will devour the whole land and trample it and crush it.
>24And the ten horns that [sprout] from that kingdom [represent] ten kings [that] will rise, and the last one will rise after them, and he will be different from the first, and he will humble three kings.
>25And he will speak words against the Most High, and he will oppress the high holy ones, and he will think to change the times and the law, and they will be delivered into his hand until a time, two times, and half a time.
>26And the judgment shall be established, and they will remove his dominion to be destroyed and annihilated until the end.
>27And the kingdom and the dominion and the greatness of the kingdoms under all the heavens will be given to the people of the high holy ones; its kingdom is a perpetual kingdom, and all dominions will serve and obey [it]."
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go fuck the goats achmed

30The she-donkey said to Balaam, "Am I not your she-donkey on which you have ridden since you first started until now? Have I been accustomed to do this to you?" He said, "No."

>Have I become accustomed Heb. הַהַסְכֵּן הִסְכַּנְתִּי. As the Targum [Onkelos] renders [lit., have I learned to do this?]. Similarly, “Does man learn (יִסְכָּן) for God?” (Job 22:2). Our Rabbis, however, expounded this verse in the Talmud: They [the Moabite dignitaries] said to him, “Why aren’t you riding on a horse?” He [Balaam] said to them, “I sent it out to pasture.” [Immediately, the she-donkey retorted, “Am I not your she-donkey?” He said to her, “Just for bearing burdens.” She retorted, “on which you have ridden.” He said to her, “Only on occasion.” She retorted, “since you first started until now, and not only that but I provide you with riding by day, and with intimacy at night, (interpreting Heb. הַהַסְכֵּן הִסְכַּנְתִּי as ”I heated you up,") as is stated in Tractate Avodah Zarah [4b].
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see also - koran
>Jews fuck the Holy Spirit
>The Holy Spirit is everywhere
>on the otherside of the globe a Pentecostal in the Philipines has the holy spirit enter her and starts rolling on the floor and moaning
Bros... the Jews are raping Christians on the Spiritual Plane
The holy spirit or ruah hakodesh isn't the shechina, the holy spirit is more like a sudden inspiration that overcomes you, not the indwelling of God's presence. For example the pillar of cloud that we followed in bamidbar is the schechina, not the holy spirit.

Also the Angel of the Lord in Numbers 23 is called satan in the hebrew for some reason
וַיִּֽחַר־אַ֣ף אֱלֹהִים֘ כִּֽי־הוֹלֵ֣ךְ הוּא֒ וַיִּתְיַצֵּ֞ב מַלְאַ֧ךְ יְהֹוָ֛ה בַּדֶּ֖רֶךְ לְשָׂטָ֣ן ל֑וֹ וְהוּא֙ רֹכֵ֣ב עַל־אֲתֹנ֔וֹ וּשְׁנֵ֥י נְעָרָ֖יו עִמּֽוֹ:

Why is there a malach hashem b'derech l'satan if satan is a fallen angel who rebelled against God? Christgoys are so histrionic and funny
it goes against both the Torah and the gospells, chabad didn't even bother to claim leubavitch performed any miracles or rose from the dead. this idolatry trapped many poor souls, i'd dare say he's the antixrist, but he's not exactly "the son of Joseph" if you catch my drift
History lesson:

1. Moses gave two covenants, one at Horeb, the other at Moab 40 years later.
2. The Hebrews became two nations, Israel and Judah.
3. Israel was taken into captivity to Assyria and assimilated into the nations.
4. Judah was taken into captivity to Babylon and returned after 70 years of exile.
5. The "return" part of Moses' covenant at Moab was already afforded to the Jews, and pursuant to Dt 30 they returned awaiting the Messiah, who arrived, but they rejected him.
6. The "return" part of the Moabite covenant of Dt 29-30 thus was closed to the Jews, but remained open for the dispersed lost Tribes, assimilated into Europe and the world.
7. Their return commenced with Christianity, as they received the true Messiah, Jesus Christ, and they were born-again by the Holy Ghost.
8. No promises remain for "Jews" as they had their "return" already and the current Zionist state is a satanic entity.
9. The "Jews" around 100 BC forcibly converted the Edomites and they became one people.
10. The prophecies that concern Edom's total destruction apply to this Jewish-Edomite race that rejected Christ and have attempted to rebuild the waste places of palestine.
11. The prophecies concerning "Jacob" and "Israel" triumphing apply to the true people of God, the Israel of God that was called out of the nations of the world, saved by the Lord Jesus Christ.
12. The Christians are the blessed people of God, and the Jews are the synagogue of Satan.

>" That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Gentiles through Jesus Christ; that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith." Galatians 3:14
Oy vey shut it down!
good thread
kek christian identity cope
7And I will establish My covenant between Me and between you and between your seed after you throughout their generations as an everlasting covenant, to be to you for a God and to your seed after you.

Genesis 27 disagrees with you by the say, it says that Edom owns the best lands, has the best weapons and military, serves his brother Jacob, and gets to kill us when we sin. Sounds a lot like you my brother Esau. Keep coping and seething about that soup, I've been having apples and honey.
>" And God’s anger was kindled because he went: and the angel of the LORD stood in the way for an adversary against him. Now he was riding upon his ass, and his two servants were with him."
Numbers 22:22
Read it in English and you won't be so confused.
>Shekinah isn't the Holy Spirit
Read Isaiah 11:2 and then proverbs 8:30. Wisdom is implied to be the presence of God and synonymous with the Holy Spirit. also
>Why is there a malach hashem b'derech l'satan if satan is a fallen angel who rebelled against God?
1 Kings 11:14, unless it says Ha-Satan, satan alone just means opposer.
>Christgoys are so histrionic and funny
Idk man, I seem to know more hebrew than you do. You should probably ask your rabbi why you spent all your time at hebrew school raping kids instead of reading the Tanakh
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Genesis 27 is about an identity switch.
"Esau" has served his Christian masters (the True Israel) well, as our bankers and merchants. But Napolean freed Esau from the ghettos and and Zionism began, so Esau is throwing off the yoke and seeking the dominion by a monetary tyranny that will culminate in "666" (adds up to 18, the Edomite's favourite Kabalahistic number).

>" And Isaac his father answered and said unto him, Behold, thy dwelling shall be the fatness of the earth, and of the dew of heaven from above; And by thy sword shalt thou live, and shalt serve thy brother; and it shall come to pass when thou shalt have the dominion, that thou shalt break his yoke from off thy neck." Genesis 27:39-40
Lol. Imagine literally being a nigger and using tried and true black hebrew israelite talking points
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sacrificed a chicken to satan yet? you have till Friday.
Kys kike
modern judaism is just satanism with comunity rules for sustentability
The christgoy ended his own thread, how sad.
Yes, I've seen that video many times. Is anything he said wrong?
Jews rejected Christ and are full of the devil.

>" When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation." Matthew 12:43-45
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>mocks what he can't deny

Sheldon Adelson ... gambling, influence peddling
Greg Lansky ... pornographer
Solomon Friedman ... rabbi pornographer
Al Goldstein ... pornographer
Lenny Bruce ... smutty comedian
Theodor Adorno ... leftist maxist neocon
Herbert Marcuse ... sodomite leftist
Albert Einstein ... overhyped plagaristic fraud
Sigmund Frued ... mental sicko
Franz Boas ... race denier
Leo Strauss ... neo-con nazi
Erich Fromm ... psychoanalyst promoter
Walter Benjamin ... Deconstructivism
Horkheimer ... Frankfurt school
Horace Kallen ... multiculturalism
Muhammad ibn Abd al-Wahhab ... crypto Wahabi sect
Schneersohn dynasty ... Hassidic Chabad cult
Anton LaVay ... Satanist larper
Walter Benjamin ... destructive criticism
Edward Bernays ... brainwashing wizard
Magnus Hirschfeld ... pansexual deviant
Rabbi Stephen Wise ... AJC, NAACP co-founder
Israel Zangwill ... miscegenation/immigration promoter and zionist
Karl Marx ... satanic revolutionary
Moses Hess ... Communism and Zionism
Samuel Hirsch ... reform afterlife-denying judaism
Adam Weishaupt ... illuminati schemer
Baal Shem Tov ... pantheistic sorcery cult
Jacob Frank ... holy sin syncretist
Rabbi Jonathan Eybeschutz ... Sabbatean-Frankist Kabbalist
Spinoza ... atheistic authoritarianism
Sabbatai Zevi ... messianic zionism Doenmeh

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Sassoons ... Opium merchants
Sacklers ... Opioid poisoners
Felix Warburg, Jacob Schiff, Bernard Baruch ... Lenin's Wall Street funders/Zionists
Rothschilds ... usurers, soverign banking monopolists
Soros ... opportunistic agitator
Eisner, Redstone, Bronfman, Gerald Levin ... media tycoons
Larry Silverstein ... Pull-it
Larry Fink ... Blackrock
Sulzbergers ... NYT
Benjamin Cardozo ... SCOTUS fool
Louis Brandeis ... Frankist
Felix Frankfurter ... commie fellow-traveler, SCOTUS
Henry Morgenthau Jr. ... sought to destroy post-war Germany
Oscar Straus, Louis Marshall, Samuel Rosenman, Harry Dexter White ... FDR Jews
Solomon Adler, Benjamin “Frank” Coe ... commie spies
Samuel Untermyer ... Scofield Bible
Walther Rathenau ... Weimar leftist
Genrikh Yagoda ... KGB mass-murderer
Lazar Kaganovich ... Soviet mass-murderer
Béla Kun (Kohn) ... Red Terror mass-murderer
Leon Trotsky ... Menshevik commie
Ze'ev Jabotinsky ... Irgun terrorist
Abba Ahimeir ... Revisionist Zionism expansionist
Benzion (Mileikowsky) Netanyahu ... Jabotinsky protégé
Menahem Begin ... Jabotinsky protégé
Meir Kahane ... JDL terrorists
Avraham Stern ... Lehi Stern gang
Barbara Spectre ... Kalgeri-Plan plotter
Emma Lazarus ... mass immigrationist
Victoria Nudelmann ... neocon Ukraine coup
Roy Cohn ... GOP promoter / vice blackmailer
Lewis Rosenstiel ... Roy Cohn / J.Edgar.Hoover swinger
Jeffrey Epstein ... fake billionaire/ vice blackmailer
Les Wexner ... Jeffrey Epstein pal
Robert "Hoch" Maxwell ... Mossad tainted media tycoon
Meyer Lansky ... National Crime Syndicate
Arnold Rothstein ... Jewish mob
Jacob Rubinstein aka "Jack Ruby" ... bouncer/assassin
Michael Chertoff, Dov Zakheim, Philip Zelikow ... Sept 11 hoax
I never denied any of that, did you even watch the Yaron Reuven video you yourself linked? The evil of our people is outlined at length throughout the books of the prophets lol. Check this out though broo!

2If there will arise among you a prophet, or a dreamer of a dream, and he gives you a sign or a wonder,
3and the sign or the wonder of which he spoke to you happens, [and he] says, "Let us go after other gods which you have not known, and let us worship them,"
4you shall not heed the words of that prophet, or that dreamer of a dream; for the Lord, your God, is testing you, to know whether you really love the Lord, your God, with all your heart and with all your soul.
5You shall follow the Lord, your God, fear Him, keep His commandments, heed His voice, worship Him, and cleave to Him.
6And that prophet, or that dreamer of a dream shall be put to death; because he spoke falsehood about the Lord, your God Who brought you out of the land of Egypt, and Who redeemed you from the house of bondage, to lead you astray from the way in which the Lord, your God, commanded you to go; so shall you clear away the evil from your midst.

As bad as we are, we still followed that mitzvah and will continue to do so.
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>"Let us go after other gods which you have not known, and let us worship them,"
Bearing false witness is a sin.

" And Jesus answered him, The first of all the commandments is, Hear, O Israel; The Lord our God is one Lord: And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength: this is the first commandment." Mark 12:29-30

Jesus is not a different God, he is God Almighty manifest in the flesh.

" And they saw the God of Israel: and there was under his feet as it were a paved work of a sapphire stone, and as it were the body of heaven in his clearness. And upon the nobles of the children of Israel he laid not his hand: also they saw God, and did eat and drink." Exodus 24:10-11
Why are they so fucking gross bros?
Numbers 23
>19God is not a man that He should lie, nor is He a mortal that He should relent. Would He say and not do, speak and not fulfill?
Psalm 146
>3Do not trust in princes, in the son of man, who has no salvation.
>4His spirit leaves, he returns to his soil; on that day, his thoughts are lost.
Can someone help me understand why they're so gross? Is it the inbreeding? The child molestation? The devil worship? Why bros?
Lord doesn't relent?
>" And the LORD repented of the evil which he thought to do unto his people." Exodus 32:14

Don't trust princes?
>" For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace." Isaiah 9:6

God was "not a man" in Numbers 23, which was about 2000 years Before Christ.
>>" Is any thing too hard for the LORD? At the time appointed I will return unto thee, according to the time of life, and Sarah shall have a son." Genesis 18:14

God becomes a man in John chapter 1.
>" In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.... And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth." John 1:1-3, 14
What the actual fuck is he doing??
it's what it looks like

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