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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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FEMA helicopter intentionally flew low over a volunteer supply drop zone because the volunteers REFUSED to let FEMA confiscate their supplies and take over their operation!
Pilots were masked
LOCAL PD trying to track down the helicopter so they can arrest the pilots!
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Why would FEMA do this?
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Earlier that day FEMA came into a NC town and started confiscating all the body bags (500 or so) and supplies given to the town so far. Sheriff Bill Beam told them to fuck off or he would start shooting them for directly interfering with the rescue, retrieval, and reconstruction efforts. The town now has no FEMA but is filled with volunteers who are doing more than FEMA ever did or would do. And to top it off FEMA is now denying the town the 2,000 body bags they requested (Yes, 2000 DEAD in this one town)

All of this is fake
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North Carolina local police ask citizens to uphold 2nd amendment right to form militias and to protect the constitution
https://files.catbox.moe/99rnqc.mp4 (embed) (embed)
This should be America wide.
This was from 5 years ago why are glowies so bad at this must be the diversity
found the glownigger
that's what they get for voting for Trump
>This was from 5 years ago
is that true?
I think this video is a few years old >>484076745
But the Helicopter videos and the Bill Beam video are all from October 6th, 2024
The last video is

Typical jew tricks anon. Ask yourself why would they lie about this? Don’t fall for it
I don't see the trick. Pushing for 2A and Militias is good at any time. If anything it's positive propaganda
Was that a military helicopter?
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Yes, unmarked military helicopter
Pilot and crew were wearing masks
>sticks his head out window
Supplies closed
How can you easily disable an helicopter without it crashing in the crowd? suggestions? just so he has to go away
What a cheap move

That country is going downhill quickly hehe
They are trying to frame it as their is some emergency now. Things are fine. Hillbillies don’t even need power and running water. We don’t need f e d s bringing s h I t s k I n s either. Outsiders don’t seem to comprehend that we have never needed anyone and it’s always been that way.
>They are trying to frame it as their is some emergency now.
There is an emergency though. You're a fucking Rabbi
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Laser pointer. Bet that would work. Then when they come to take you have the pissed off crowd of people attack.
What's the point in the 2nd amendment if every male is a beta sissy and does nothing
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The amount of shilling surrounding the Helene story is ridiculous. One side want's to pretend it never happened while the other side is claiming that it is Katrina 2.0 and the reality is somewhere in the middle. You niggers with your agendas piss me off.
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Kek, based.
Nothing more euphoric than total hillbilly death.
Awww, did the totally self-sufficient salt-of-the-earth man of the land cry out for help because it started to rain?
you won't do shit
they're literally telling the "help" to go away kek
Shoot both pilots in the face with a .308, helicopters are naturally stable so it will just gently drift to the ground.
no visible markings on the heli
play radio slop really loud, that shit is insufferable
I've got an idea. Shoot the pilot
It´s called diversity hire
This is some turd worldism right here, not a conspiracy
The pilot is probably a dumb nigger and he only noticed way too late that his heli would cause problems because he is incapable of the theoretical
>i did have breakfast today
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I was thinking of flying kites everywhere with steel cables. But I'm fucking crazy like that. Would that work?

They were trying to cover an alien corpse from a UFO crash.
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start killing FEMA workers for treason and crimes against humanity
they are in state of active war with american nation same as rest of jewish dominated government
either you get rid of them or they'll get rid of you
they already made it clear
They hate you
They want to kill you
They want to rape your children
And they think its funny!
Shoot them down.
My people are strong and can survive anything. A flood isn’t taking us out faggot.
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I bet a few rounds from my ccw would stop that shit fast.
Shoot a fucking flare gun at it you pussies. Use lazers, fight back. Do something.
Fly 10 Kites with Steel Cables
There's probably a politician in that helicopter that wanted to get a close-up view. Any idea who it was?
Lyndsey Graham and Blinken
lol fed boys dabbing on rural chuds
Lmfao America really is run by jews
well that was just ridiculous. childlike.
what you do is you aim for the small rotor/side propeller in the back :)
A day later and it is now CONFIRMED
That the helicopter had its transponder TURNED OFF which is HIGHLY ILLEGAL
>more fake news for chuddies
savagely based
It was a piss off for some contractor pilots in Afghanistan a few years ago, but i'm talking a fuckton of kites.

k.. keep me posted
You won't do shit
I learn from American movies. Bruce Willis taught me that at the end of Die Hard 2.
Haha is this real is it really this blatant in your face but the normies still can't see it?
>the thing you just watched happen on video and see multiple accounts referring to didn't actually happen
I'm glad you're like this. It means your "revolution" is coming soon. I can wait for all you retards to kill yourselves.
>The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.

t. Ash Ketchum
what do you gain from saying shit like that? peace of mind? retard
actually that would work
Whats the point of being you? Memeflaggot shill bitch
I’m on your side I was just pretending to be one of these jew shills because that’s literally how they are

Don’t believe your lying eyes anon you must believe the proper authorized to speak man
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I will not say what polan man says but what polan man said
Gigachad pilot
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can a drone lift a steel cable thick enough to fuck up an helicopter's rotors? just curious. You could have a bunch of drones set on patrol mode just going in circles with steel cables hanging down
I think shills lie about everything to Demonstrate that freedom of speech is a stupid idea in a godless nation.
We need a tyrant to enforce “though shall not lie” and “though shall not steal” on the state or we get what we see today; total corruption and zero of our laws followed by our gov.
>Mfw this thread

So I guess kikes are running a provocation and disinfo campaign. Funny how every alphabet agency is a corrupt cesspit of malpractice and mismanagement.
Just imagine if someone had a gun.
Think you can take on the goats?
Smoke grenades, available at airosft supply stores! Burning tires, drones... lots of cheap drones in the sky to scare them off, bows, with fishing lines on the arrows (they have fishing arrows for this), and shooting the helo with .22 to scare them off.
would be fucking hilarious to use drones and kites against kikes, not gonna lie
Pilot is a diversity hire
Yes, the lightest steel lines for hanging pictures and you can dangle a whole spool. The heli wouldl take out the drone, but the whole thing would tangle and crash the heli.
Pilot is a jew who was ejaculating to the thought of dead White people
Who else but feds could get an unmarked black helicopter off the ground and not be harassed by the authorities for it? Who else but the agency that showed up earlier to try and take over and was turned away would have a motive?
>oh no! a few tarps flew away!! we are under attack!!!
lmao touch grass
ahahhahahah fucking genius AND very CHEAP
It's just like air-protection blimps in WW2.
Surely any helicopter pilot would understand the implications of flying that low over people and un-restrained temporary structures, no?
I don't know anything about what training they do, or what they're trained on, but it seems to me that this would be fundamental to their instruction. Like day 1 type stuff.
I can't say for sure what was the intent. But this seems pretty clear that he was hitting these people with the air blast. If so, surely that's considered assault and battery with a motor vehicle with 40 victims, no?
Did he land somewhere nearby? Can anyone think of ANY reason to do this? Was he trying to land and pulled up once he realized he was fucking everyone up down there?
>Low-flying helicopter
This is why you bring a rifle with you.
Yup, also a very realistic option. If you really wanted to prepare you'd have a bunch of medium / high-end lasers to give to family members, and you'd have a box of chinesium ones to hand out to the public. I've been thinking of just putting cheap laser pointers everywhere in my town to fuck up surveillance systems.
Drones also are a great idea, nobody wants to run into a drone. It would also get you some great video.
>air-protection blimps
I miss when the world was filled with Blimps in the sky with buildings to drop off people
>muh gunz
>muh second amen'mint!
Calm down SA. These are the disaster relief volunteers who are not used to being harassed by helicopter. Western NC is also a usually very peaceful place so it's not like anyone goes around heavily armed in those parts. Your average good old boy doesn't have much more than a 308 or 30-06, because those are great deer calibers.

They did right, here. Kept their cool. Tried to figure out who is doing the unauthorized flights and tell everyone about potential trouble from strange helicopters.
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Literally a cohencidence
That's just FUCKED.
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3 weeks before the Hurricane destroyed Northwestern, NC the city of Asheville one of the worst hit in the entire Hurricane released an "affordable housing plan"
SOURCE: https://archive.is/T4cRN

In that Housing Plan is they discuss methods of the city acquiring land to more efficiently (profitably) use it. They discuss a program referred to as "Land Banking" in which the city can seize property and impose deed restrictions and even sell the property to private entitites. The problem is that Land Banking is not legal in NC so the report goes further into detail on what would be required to "expand the powers of the city" and one such example is the total destruction of entire neighborhoods and displacement through "natural disaster".
And no one shot the niggers?
Jews are in FEMA
as in Ukraine were native white slavic are been massacred or depopulated (Khazaria for them);

they want to depopulate the USA too, get rid of white christians specially the nationalist ones.
>No it's called MALICIOUS INTENT
yes they maliciously flooded your country with niggers
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Ashes to Ashes and Dust to Dust
Y’all need to Reginald Donald his ass
get fucked white trash

308 and 30-06 are more than enough to damage rotors or defeat the front windshield. Especially at that range. If you can see the pilot, you can hit him.
PRO TIP: make sure you and your friends have their own unique laser pointer of different wave length covering a wide spectrum altogether
The current government is an outright enemy.
They're not even pretending otherwise at this point.
short answer is yes, but imo kites are the better option- they are cheap and disposable, you can tie them down and walk away, and you can make as many as you need to on the fly. drones might be better for documenting the chaos and warning pilots to stay the fuck out with blinky lights or something
Where's that anti glownigger laser anon fag at?
You think he would like a thread like this.
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>become unrescuable
he got 20 years in jail for shooting someone over a landwhale in alaska. (dating market real tough)

now the NSA will watch every text email social media post and etc from all of his family and extended family looking for any perceived weaknesess to blackmail, exort, or imprison them for, meanwhile if nothing is found the FBI or some corrupt federal judge will just make up evidence out of nowhere, find a reason to fuck with him - this is how their system works
It’s because he’s a fucking retarded nigger or some woman who got edged through flight training to fulfill diversity quotas. You can see in the webm that the pilot knew that he fucked him and was trying desperately to gain altitude but by then it was too late.
I don't underhow how law enforcement works in america. So can the sheriff in a town just be like yolo and kill fema people for getting in the way of his own local rescue operation?
laseranon is in jail
are there non jewish white people? Everywhere I look it's always jews
WTF is going on in North Carolina?
Ironically it had nothing to do with lasers though
It's Katrina x10,000

the spooks are using it to astroturf social media with fake news so they can justify the laws they want passed in DC
Not my problem but get fucked UStards, you are not going to die because of China but the incompetence of your government. First Israel, second Ukraine and in 55th place, US citizens. Enjoy
very (((W E I R D))) !!!

160th night stalkers, probably from hunter army airfield Georgia. 160th is the only army unit that flies without any markings.
yes but not surprising - he named his gun “absolution” and had plenty of vids on yt of him popping it off into the bushes, was prob just a matter of time before he used it on someone. kinda lame that he chose ‘crime of passion’ over insurrection tho
Hurricane retained strength SUPER deep inland and royally fucked a river valley that is well outside traditional hurricane impact area.

Itd be like a hurricane hitting Montreal. Except this was rural NC so they don't even have the local manpower to repurpose infrastructure to begin cleanup and bringing in supplies.

FEMA - the Federal Emergency Management Agency - aka the glowniggers who's entire job it is to deal with stuff like this, haven't just been dropping the ball on their handling but they have been ACTIVELY hampering private relief and aid efforts, to the point of attempting to confiscate privately stocked and delivered goods and threatening to arrest rescuers for rescuing people. It got so bad a local Sherriff said publically he was willing to start gunning down FEMA agents that hampered further rescue or relief or supply efforts.
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not anymore at least not on important government positions
the jewish takeover is complete and now all the hell breaks loose
racial tensions are quite powerful, he, he ,he
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>Western NC is also a usually very peaceful place so it's not like anyone goes around heavily armed in those parts.

Them boys are strapped, for sure. 100%
We will never hear about this again. The pilot will never be identified, never held accountable, no one will talk about this, nothing will happen.
Kek, was wondering where he went.
How does everyone know he's behide bars?
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COME BUMP these 2 threads
As good as the current thread. come BTFO jews
No it isnt. Military is exempt. Also it wasnt off.
Also that was a designated LZ staging area. As you can clearly see and admited by the very people, the CAJUN NAVY, claiming it was an act of evil. Since they had been using it with their little helos for days.
His rotor wash began to blow shit that shouldnt have been unsecured anyway that close to an LZ and he aborted. He has his landing light on and making final then realized what was happening and aborted the landing.
Everything isnt deepstate evil anon.
Sometimes people just fuck up.
In the case of landing a beast of a Helo like the UH60 in a valley where rotor wash can be unpredictable this shit is going to happen.
I swear the leftists push these narratives to make the right look retarded.
If that aircraft wanted to blast you with rotor wash it could have blown people supplies cars anything it wanted to around in one simple, Woops, moment.
Blackhawks are not little MD 500's like the Cajun Navy are operating. You can squeak them into just about anywhere with little disturbance.
When a UH60 comes in it moves some serious fucking air.
You can kill people if you want doing a quick stop such that it blasts an intended area with the full force of its weight plus engine rotor force.
I swear people are fucking retarded.
Im going to keep talking about it. Why did the us government send an army specops unit that runs without marking to hamper? This is a military act of hostility against american citizens. If theyve deployed the 160th it isnt just to blow a few tarps over. Looks like rex84 to me.
"Beam told them to fuck off... OR..."
even when the enemy is taking your lifesupport directly from your hands you guncucks STILL do nothing hahahahahahahahahaha ohhh say can you shart
>”you can’t make this stuff up guys”
but you can. i believe her but why do women think tears are proof?
Doesn’t change the moral of the story. If none of you take action asap you’ll die in silence.
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Death of a Federal Agent immediatelt activates the mafia- I mean, the FBI. Its one of those cases where you could legally be in the right, but that doesn't matter to them.

FBI investigators ruled it a suicide
Extreme levels of damage control, glownigger
I see ZERO proof to back up anything you just said
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Or maybe I used to fly the fucking things and seen it a 100 times. Especially with NG pilots who train less than anyone.
>how does everyone know?
shortly after it happened some anon saw an article about him and then pulled up the court docs to verify. don’t forget we triangulate bushes here
>just trust me bro
I'm sure it's a coincidence
Yeah thats it anon. Im running cover for Operation Blow Some Cardboard and Tarps around 2024

Jesus fuck

People like you are the reason I dont like the right or left. You all are both fucking retarded.
The only difference is the left is a greater threat.
Which sucks for me because I have to side with retards.
>muh right
>muh left
Lmao Americans being treated worse than animals by their own rulers and the funniest thing is that they won't do shit about it lol
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>People managing disaster relief have never done manual labor or construction in their life
>Just pick the ones with jewish names bro
Kek, I wonder what an actually competent FEMA would look like. Surely they would just have a fleet of trucks and construction equipment and a few jumbo-jets, right? And maybe some jeeps and boats for the hard-to-reach stuff.

We deal with natural disasters like this every 2 years and they fuck it up every single time. Why does nobody notice, why are we only noticing now?
I would actually rather take the kikes over the niggers, strange that it's something I have to think about but it's either evil baby-eating FEMA that can fly a helicopter or brown FEMA that can't even construct a bridge without it collapsing. At least with kike FEMA you can see that they're deliberately fucking it up through maliciousness, if americans see brown FEMA they just assume it's quirky funny niggers killing white people again because they're so incompetent (americans find this hilarious)
>I swear the leftists push these narratives to make the right look retarded.
It sure has gotten a lot of gullible hicks to say they don’t need no dadgum gub’ment saving their lives.
I’m all for it. We shouldn’t be spending tax money on ungrateful people too stupid to live someplace sensible or maintain an infrastructure.
Everyone has noticed for decades anon
This is just the first Hurricane that is WORSE than Katrina during the cellphone age
Katrina happened in an age where cellphones were shit and handheld cameras were also shit
Now everyone has a 4k Camera in their pocket
Checked and fuck this treasonous government-pilled.
Biblically accurate FEMA director.
Lmao little bitch sounds like youre a pussy ass microdick LARPer who just got called out
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Looks like something Israelis would do.
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so why are you spending so much money on anti-american illegal migrants you dumb glownigger?
all this money should go to those people but wont and instead US government is actively trying to get rid of them
/thread the jews run everything and are trying to systematically kill us all
(1) The video shows not a single person signaling to wave off.
(2) Just because some nobodies with no position in the chain of command decided this established landing/drop zone wasn’t one anymore doesn’t mean very much.

A Sheriff in the USA is a locally elected position for law enforcement in that county. They swear an oath to the Constitution and are not really a part of the Federal law enforcement apparatus; they can and have on occasion arrested and locked up Federal Agents for overstepping their authority or blatantly breaking the law. Because they're locally elected the only people a Sheriff is beholden to are they people in that county, not anyone in the State Government, or Federal so they're far less likely to just go along with or tolerate blatant bullshit.
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>an accident happened due to incompetence
>Proceeds to dismantle/weaken FEMA (if elected)
>Another disaster happens
>No more $750, no more aid
>"But think of Israel..."
>Symbolic handout of toilet paper
>No position in the chain of command
The local volunteers and cops on the ground do not get to establish where their supplies get dropped off? It's just some guy who doesn't live there who's in the "chain of command" that decides, with no co-ordination between local and federal?

They couldn't see all the supplies piled up in the landing zone, and they couldn't use their radio to talk to the ground? They just hired the most hilariously incompetent wacky pilots to fly low over these areas and not communicate with the people on the ground at all?
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considering all the time government has been sabotaging rescue efforts instead of doing their job it does mean very much
its treason and crimes against humanity
>would that work
>what is mass
Ever read this horror story?
The Military held people inside the Super Dome by force or arms while people were going insane.

>We already found it and know who did it this was intentional but we're not going to tell you any more

Sounds bout right
Your government wants you dead, they want your land and your life so they could build their mines (without your consent) and a brand new smart city.

Yeah, that would work pretty well, a drone would work pretty well too with a cable dangling down from it.
No, it would absolutely work. Sort of like running over a steel wire with lawnmower blades, sometimes it would do nothing but sometimes it would be disastrous and cause you to crash. Same reason drones work, they don't want to fly near some random aircraft flown by some literally who because if they're unlucky they're dead.
Having the power of a gun means using it as a last resort. Giving the person the right to fuck off before shooting them is important
>there just regular pilots, just like you and me.
>mistakes happen goy
And we keep having this happen becasue we get low IQ people to fly them and this is fine how again?
>all this money should go to those people
Didn’t you hear them, fren? They don’t need no dadgum gub’ment handouts.
That's what I'm thinking too
Fucking shoot at them
It does not surprise anyone if it were intentional but anon the amount of damage you could cause in one intentionally malicious pass would leave people injured likely some dead pallets pushed around and flipped over. Even cars can be blown around by a UH60.
If that was his mission he is really bad at his job considering what you could do in one go were that your intent.
People see what they want to see however it confirms their bias and people are pissed the fuck off right now and everything they see is viewed as an act sabotage right now.
The engagement bait alone from this is blowing up across x.com because believe it or not one good viral post can land you a pretty good payday now.
What I have noticed from Cajun Navy is they never seem to promote any of the other groups of people there doing work. They have 3 little MD 500's. Hell even Dr Phil is flying around in a UH60 right now as part of some recovery outfit and making videos about it from a legit need to help and being awareness so what does the grifter accounts do? Rather than RT his posts they steal his video and post it themselves for engagement bait.
All these fucks have motives.
And its getting in the way of truthful information being discernible from the bullshit.
An arpon with a steel cable and then everyone pull the madafakar down
Whoa, I’m so glad that people are prioritizing what matters most in a horrific disaster relief situation, forming militias and upholding the 2A against those commie libruls. Gobbless
That's what they want it seems. Why else do this and be as antagonistic as possible?
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Only one H60 Helicopter was picked up on Flight Radar near Burnsville during the time of the incident and Flight Radar says it flew past and did not stop or hover in the region like the one in the videos.

LOL was that the 101st and 82nd? Only the best for the job

Can semi-auto death weapons take one of those down?
>government actively fucks things up
>told to leave
>hurr dey said dey don’t want no help durrr
You are not nearly as clever as you think.
You're a loser and ugly like a cockroach begging for your head to be stomped off
Land grabs, same as Hawaii
I remember this. They took a bunch of Louisiana niggers, trapped them together, and then were shocked by the outcome. People were in there being raped after losing everything. Fucking vile. Also, Katrina had gun confiscations around the impacted area. Police went door to door taking people’s firearms away. No one is coming to save you. In fact, they hope you suffer.
Post nose antichrist kike goblin.
Glowniggers attempted to bury this story last night
Now it appears normies are finally catching on to it 24 hours later
They are trying to provoke a response so they can use that as an excuse to violently oppress them. Favorite M.O. of a certain group.

>"The jew cries out in pain as he strikes you" - Old Polish proverb
Anon you realize that down in a valley your little 1090mhz transponder signal can only reach receivers at line of sight?

Ever notice how with med flights when they start down below the ridge lines you dont see data being reported. It shows in the adsb because there is a persistance timer that continues to show the last known of the craft speed heading and altitude so the craft icon appears to drift then suddenly when it comes back up above the ridge line in line of sight of the transponder receiver, where ever that is, usually civilian owned, it locks the aircraft back in. Ive been watching this shit on the site you are using, which isnt flight radar btw but adsb exchange, this site https://globe.adsbexchange.com/ and you see aircraft vanish and other aircraft pop up long distances from where they disappear on the map. Its just the nature of limitations of receiver locations, elevation terrain, tracking persistence and so on.
Sit and watch the map of the site I posted you and you'll see what I mean. Shit will just appear you didnt know was even in the area because they are flying down in the valley and the adsb receivers as part of that sites overall data collection are not close enough to get the signal. Not until they get above a certain altitude. Ive tracked high altitude craft 320 miles from me in one direction down my valley but things half a mile away over the hill I cannot see.
You won't do shit. :)
that doesnt look intentional
as soon as the pilot notices he takes off again
can you you at least put some effort into your lies and lie about vaguely believable stuff?
fucking retards
Transponder was OFF
it was intentional
Wait till Kamala is installed. You ain’t seen nothing yet.
She is already installed
nappy headed niggers aren't people
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This claim is false.

Here's why I debunked it:

This is an unmarked helicopter, and there is no evidence to suggest it is FEMA, this appears to be the volenteer civilian piliots that are so hell bent on getting media attention to go do rescues and flyovers without any training at all. This appears to be a voleneer, with a pilots license.

The real holocaust
extreme damage control with triple spacing
What is the solution then? Flight 24 radar doesn't seem much better or is it?
They didn't cause the hurricane but it's clear they want the area to remain crippled until after the election. There is no low they'll go to win, especially if it's white red-leaning people they sre sacrificing
They caused the floods and the monsoon
It's called Operation Popeye and it has been declassified for decades
Ok glownigger
ah yes, let’s disregard the black SUVs doing surveillance before, because, y’know, context means nothing
you dont even know what redditspacing is and how it looks like lmao
fuck off newfag
Civilians don't have black hawks you idiot only very few do
I didn't say redditspacing cause its not a thing
However you clearly were hitting that enter button like a niggerfaggot
No shit. Thats why LZ operators are supposed to keep the area maintained. Even Cajun Navy told people that was THEIR LZ and that THEY closed the airspace.
What the fuck are they to close anything?
They could fly those little gnat helos in and out all day long and not have to worry about knocking an empty water bottle over but when a serious chopper like the 60 comes in its going to move some air around in a big way.
NG pilots are not the fucking cream of the crop I dont care what Cajun Navy thinks. They receive less training than anyone and even still the Military does not focus their training on not blowing cardboard boxes and tarps around when approaching an LZ. They come in like a bat out of hell throw the cyclic back yank up on the collective and stop like slamming the breaks if they are working a hot lz. This guy was tip toeing and the second shit started to blow around, unsecured boxs and pvc framed tarp shelters just sitting there, he aborted the landing.
For fuck sake its easy to distract people form actual shit they should be furious about. Like the fucking hurricane that sat in that pocket for a week spooling up strength before finally coming out like a pinball headed straight for Florida already at a cat 5.
That is something very odd. But lets flip out about boxes getting blown around in a valley by a massive helo that can sling lift a fucking hummer with a fully armed geared load of chalk that lasted less than 15 seconds from time shit started blowing to aborted landing.

for fuck sake
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"Operation Popeye" "changing the weather" "creating monsoons"

Holy hell you can not be serious, take meds NOW
So now air from a chopper 30 feet high destroys things?
Operation Popeye's goal was to increase rainfall in carefully selected areas to deny the Vietnamese enemy, namely military supply trucks, the use of roads by:[4]

Softening road surfaces
Causing landslides along roadways
Washing out river crossings
Maintaining saturated soil conditions beyond the normal time span.

The goal of the operation was to extend days of rainfall by about 30 to 45 days each monsoon season.[5]
Yes. FEMA is fake. Thank you for agreeing
>What the fuck are they to close anything?
Hadrian is coming
>i don’t see what the big deal is, its just a few boxes
bro it’s just a dick move.
the civvies are already having a bad week, why make it worse for them
Breaking: FEMA Administrator has made a statement regarding this blatant misinfo, watch it here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vFnoOBsBgyQ
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>there are "people" in this thread defending the federal apparatus
confirmed glownigger shenanigans
Not in Biden's government.
No shit. This same fake news has been posted tens of times on /pol/ in the last few days. Who could be behind it?
non-white hands typed this.
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>Police went door to door taking people’s firearms away. No one is coming to save you. In fact, they hope you suffer.

Lol nigger trying to change history. In Katrina whites formed no-go zones and killed hundreds of niggers on sight. The news covered it up because it was such a massacre. Niggers kept trying to steal shit and the police didn't come so whites blockaded their neighborhoods and defended themselves.

Here's to Katrina 2.0
That actually happened. CIA operation to cloud seed monsoon rains across north Vietnam Laos and Cambodia. As revealed by the pentagon papers stolen and leaked to the NYT's in 1971.
It all started with project Cirus and Operation Stormfury.
Solid rundown and dont forget FEMA has been blowing its budget on giving money to illegal aliens for housing and god knows what else to the point they dont have enough funds to actually provide enough help....though its obvious now they dont want to help
Another day, another butthurt disaster tourist.
Many experiments were done in WW2 that failed, same as vietnam.

How does this apply to the current year, 2024? Need I remind you that Hurricanes are a fact of life in the south?
Looks like pilot error. They moved as soon as they realized their mistake
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Why was their transponder off?
Why weren't they communicating over radio?
Quit trying to stir shit up, VPN-kun
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>it was a (((mistake)))
If it was intentional they would have finished the job.
there is no problem with using spaces for readability
>how does that apply to current year
strontium, barium, aluminum
Can anyone get this video to play?
they could've open fire with real ammo aswell but it would be too obvious
still a treason and crimes against humanity considering all the other things government did about this disaster at top of it
Rotor washing civilians, what's next? Loud music?
Could you be anymore obvious you glow in the dark nigger? You shareblue jew?
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their job is to bully people who try to help to screw up their work without provoking open war
still a treason and crimes against humanity though
>hey bill, looks like there’s nowhere to land
>seems your right Joe. let’s just get close to all the stuff that could blow away and see if that changes anything
boeing pilot in training
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Second highest state ownership rate of NFA firearms (machine guns, destructive devices, suppressors, etc).
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Yeah, but this experiment in question didn’t fail and it was continually used and improved upon. Cloud seeding is a very real thing and to pretend it isn’t is patently absurd.
Here's your fuckin' landing light!
“You’re the glowie!” said the isolated neckbeard believing every lie that foreign state agitators put in front of him
Based. Fuck white trash
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wonder how many of them were on watchlists
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>foreign state agitators
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kys you dishonest glownigger
Mike Collins? Who the fuck is Mike Collins?
>foreign state agitators put in front of him
you see some things are ingrained in the glownigger, like how undercover cops stick out like a sore thumb due to the repetition of certain phrases so does the glownigger stick out in the mongolian basket weaving forum.
Insider here. I wont show my flag to protect my identity and remain anonymoose but please hear me.

FEMA is NOT here to help you. What they have planned during this hurricane season is absolutely disgusting. I beg you, protect your loved ones, if you see FEMA, shoot.
The only nigger trying to change things is you, nigger. The Whites started stacking bodies after the military did fuck all to curb the rape trains and THEN the military came in and took peoples guns, primarily from Whites and specifically from White vets.
I see the schizos and ruby ridge larpers rule this board now.
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Weather modification patents.
You are in every single thread seething about southerners.
Even my Yankee ass doesn't care that much. I think you're a jew
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>No! The government would never do such a thing!
>The local volunteers and cops on the ground do not get to establish where their supplies get dropped off?
Not unilaterally, no. If you want to call the shots, pay for your own shit.
>It's just some guy who doesn't live there who's in the "chain of command" that decides, with no co-ordination between local and federal?
Changing up your landing/drop site on a whim is not effective coordination.
>They couldn't see all the supplies piled up in the landing zone, and they couldn't use their radio to talk to the ground?
They probably figured adults with an above-room-temp IQ might actually secure their shit from, y’know, wind.
>They just hired the most hilariously incompetent wacky pilots to fly low over these areas and not communicate with the people on the ground at all?
Which people?
Occam’s razor has no place here
Why do we put up with this government? How much more are we going to endure?
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>Stop! No! Don't believe it or you'll look bad! I CARE THAT YOU LOOK BAD! Neckbeard! NECKBEARD!

Very compelling glownigger-san.
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The reason the new Sig army rifle in that 8.6 caliber has to “defeat level 4 armor” isn’t for the Taliban or Palestinians, it’s bc the average Patriot has level 4 ceramic plates now.
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>I see the schizos and ruby ridge larpers rule this board now.
Now the glownigger resorts to mentioning an event where they massacred the goyim on behalf of their masters, illustrating their intense hatred for the average man and freedom. This is a threat.
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Has anyone seen HeavyDSparks? He's got a blackhawk that he painted Black. Any chance he was looking for a place to land and then made a mistake?

If it was the Government, they can fuck off, though. Actually, they should just fuck off. They are doing more harm than good.
The Cajun Navy was stationed there among multiple other groups
No FEMA was there
No National Guard was there
only civilian volunteers
Most of the supplies and equipment destroyed were brought in by the Cajun Navy and were NOT provided by FEMA or any other federal organization and were instead donated by civilians to churches and schools where the supplies were then transported to Burnsville, NC
This was the Federal Government INTENTIONAL destroying emergency supplies and equipment during a Hurricane
Also some Starlink Equipment was destroyed as well.
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You didn't address
>Why was their transponder off?
You completely sidestepped the question like a slimy cunt.
I fear to think theyre being killed... and how living people could be going missing and children!

I've been waiting for just this news to leak.
>You are in every single thread seething about southerners
No shit. I live in the South. Its people are its greatest liability. Its culture is its shame.
>insider here
>please hear me
>you only need to do is shoot them
Glownigger kike, stop trying to start civil war because your board
>foreign state agitators
what a lovely example of grassroots internet lingo you have there.
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Kill yourself now nigger or nigger lover.

The truth is coming out about all of you.

You are non integratabtle, and any attempts to do so thus far have cost the rest of us trillions as well as thousands and thousands of dead while you still cry racist and muh plantations. Just shut up and die already.

Ps: I know you’re still trying to poison and kill me and my family members. Sounds like you started a war.
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>Cajun Navy
Your post seems sensible and logic based but since all we have to go off of are the videos getting out i must ask...where the hell was that chopper planning on landing?...its a full ass parking lot
Works for me, its MSNBC

"LTE", what's the matter, can't afford a 5G plan? Also, Brave? Really?
It looks like they were looking for somewhere to land and are used to military tents which don't blow away when a helicopter is nearby. When they realised what their rotor wash was doing they quickly gained altitude again.
Also why was their transponder off?
Also why didn't they even ATTEMPT to communicate over radio?
Military choppers almost never have their transponders on. t. heard many a CH-47 and AH-64 thunder overhead on training flights
>Military helicopters don't have their transponders on while carrying out natural disaster relief efforts
Yeah, I don't think anyone is gonna buy that one.
>Also why was their transponder off?
Was it? Military aircraft have a different transponder frequency than civil.
Also why didn't they even ATTEMPT to communicate over radio?
Communicate with whom?

Sometimes i wish im living in the US. Im sure i cound off a decent numbers of jewish FEMA workers who try to get White Americans killed, drag their cars from the road, shoot down their helicopters. All coming from somewhere inna woods. Everyone in town knows its me but the sheriff and even the local jew judge will defend a "could be" domestic terrorist going against the traitors and genocid enablers in our goverment who want to kill and replace they appalachian people.

Free Appalachia. Death to every FEMA Glownigger closing roads or hinder people from helping. Aim between the eyes you american retards, go to your local goverment building. Please dont shoot up a school over this.
>training flights
>natural disaster
Pick one
Communicate with anyone in Burnsville?
Also there was no space to land in that parking lot as it was full of cars and supplies
cool thread bump
>all these slaveblue throwing spaghetti at a wall comments
absolutely pathetic
all of you should kill yourselves

Nice. But did you know there are about 6-8million jews in New York. Non of them walks around with armored plates.
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>Communicate with whom?
yeah the local PD totally forgot their radios at the station that day. also i heard the cops just didn’t feel like talking so they turned the radios on their squad cars off too
>anyone in Burnsville?
Yeah. Nah. If I’m trying to fly a helicopter I’m not going to just start trying to communicate with “anyone.”
Secure your cardboard against wind during a hurricane.
So the town kicked FEMA out and is now complaining about a lack of FEMA aid?
There are multiple organizations on the ground there that have been there for 11 days.
FEMA didn't show up until Thursday
National Guard didn't show up until Friday
These are the people who have been saving lives while the government does nothing
And now the government is doing WORSE than nothing by ACTIVELY and INTENTIONALLY destroying emergency supplies and equipment
all because the glowniggers are upset that the people are doing a better job of helping themselves than they could ever do
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>i’m gonna fly a military helicopter into a populated civilian space and try to park it without telling a single person my intentions to do so
distinctly american, tbqh
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Is this them??
Well it certainly appears to be an H60
This, he wasn't trying to land there, it was done on purpose
you ever have to do a job yourself because the people you hired to do it really suck at it, and might actually be trying to sabotage you? it’s kinda like that
I read this as "slavebug" at first, it was much funnier the first time
let's bump
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Laser anon turned out to be a Plapjack?
tf is xp services
>FEMA helicopter
So how do you know it's a FEMA helicopter?
failed architects are not known to be happy people
buuuump it!
>multiple organizations
You’re really not very bright, are you? If I’m a helicopter pilot, do you imagine I’m flicking through my Rolodex to see every single NGO that might be on the ground who might have a problem with me landing?
300 replies is bump limit you idiot
bro, your excessive bumps are shitting up this thread and also the other one you’re doing this in. contribute something to the conversation or chill the fuck out.
>implying you can't just pick up a fucking radio
you glowniggers are getting desperate
POLICE OFFICERS, anon. COPS are a part of the GOVERNMENT, and all fucking COPS have fucking RADIOS
Harpoon to the stabling propeller would give them a spin
moving over
>Herp Derp A Wild Retard Post Appears
Rednecks are the new Palestinians lol GAWD IS GREAT! GAWD IS GREAT!
Yeah the usual rotor wash of a heavy transport helo is crimes against humanity

I thought Europeans were smarter than us bergers

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