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/pol/ - Politically Incorrect

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So both sides are now hiding their soldiers behind civilians?
Based jews exploiting the enemy's AI
Oh no, anyway
>deep concern intensifies
Civilians? UN peacekeepers aren't civilians.
Now they are using blue helmet ZOGbots as human shields, I think this is the top. I cannot get more based than this.
It's time for UN to declare war
Kek UN can't declare war. They assumed nobody would hide behind them.
We are living in an 2010s era /pol/ greentext now.
With jews you lose.
Finally some use is being put to those useless UNIFIL fucks that play with their dicks all day
deebly goncerned
I wouldn't be surprised they agreed to serve as cover for IDF. They pretended it was some heroic act to refuse to evacuate but in reality it only serves Israel. What is the purpose of these UN troops?
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fuck you kike
hope kikeland gets glassed
how was hitler wrong if you behave this way?
These are the Jews.
They are cowards when they can't do remote push-button killing.
I bet the Irish will be safe, no matter what IDF does from their position.
But if the situation was reversed, if Hezbollah was positioned next to the UNFIL, these inbreds will bomb them to smithereen, just to be able to say Hezbollah use them as human shields. Kitkes.
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they can order paid assassins though and never include it in the budget
start beating the jews with their own weapons
I wish you were dead
I want to see your dismembered body in a funny gif bcuz you are Jewish
How am i behaving? I'm just shitposting on 4chan man
Big deal. Israel didn't even unleash the most powerful weapon they have, Jew Jew and his stand Uriel. There are 4 Jew Jews so far, each with its own stand. Micheal uses the Torah punches.
I'm sorry that your house in Lebanon got bombed by the idf. I'm pro peace man
The desperation eminating from these kikes is so fucking funny. They've got PTSD just hearing about the Hezbollah chads.
Only Israel
They're not enemy combatants you pedantic fag
Israel got caught using human shields over 1000 times during the second intifada
Because Ireland supports Palestine
> Hezbollah chads
Look at this guy pfft chads? The guys who got killed hiding bellow an entire apartment building? That's not being chad, that's being an asshole and a coward. Bet they weren't expecting a bunker buster. They didn't even know what hit them.
lol yeah hamas or hezzies would never use civilian buildings or tunnel under them i keep forgetting
The UN is irrelevant. America rules the planet. The UN was literally created by America and Americans.
Zionists are actually hilarious the way they treat zog bots. I’ve been saying this for years man.
Hezbollah should protect Jews. Hezbollah should offer them free treatment and snacks.
Nah, they're human shields.
Be less wrong next time faggot. UN peacekeepers are for the most part soldiers.
Equipping UNIFellows as shields bumps my armor stat way higher than Palestinian children
That's the best news I've heard all week. Maybe if you want the "genocide" to stop you should get the fuck out of israels way so they can finish it.
might as well be, i only know of 2 instances of UN troops ever doing anything (other than raping locals and running away)
>Timeout! I'm next to the UN peacekeepers! This is a safe zone!
>Israel is using UN peacekeepers as human shields
I'm okay with this, i hate the UN fucking zogbots deserve it
Then why would Hezbollah hesitate to fire on them?
That's why it's based to hide behind them. Maybe both get killed. Use the enemy chests against them.
send warning to UNIFIL via formal channels with with halt / turnback orders? or...?
>IDF starts cheating
>Hezbollah has more consideration than them and won't shoot
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>That's the best news I've heard all week. Maybe if you want the "genocide" to stop you should get the fuck out of israels way so they can finish it.
Based. UN is absolutely corrupt and useless.
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This is the first time ever UNIFIL was usefull
Cheers IDF
Because they would end up in war with NATO if they got pissed off enough.
I hope its Tedros
Only israel. Their every accusation is an admission
UN is such a useless faggot organization, why are they even there, its not like they are going to do anything
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just stop posting you sephardic shit
you are a shitskin moor rape baby
no amount of god chosen cope will change the fact that you are a nigger subhuman
Kek based
What are the Irish doing in the Middle East?
Wishing someone dead isn't against the law You fucking retard.
Retvrning to niggerdom as usual
Hol up, there are UN peacekeepers? I thought they were supposed to maintain the buffer zone??
The numbers don't lie Joao, IDF can't get a mile into South Lebanon without taking loses, just sent for another divison, because the last two are suffering with nappy rash.
They tied children to vehicles.

Just look at this kid. He has been kidnapped by ZOG and tied on top of a military vehicle.

I have read a few of the works from Goebbels and Streicher about the Jews, where they say that jews lack a martial spirit, blah, blah blah. Still, totally came up short on how bad kikes are.
>"Polish" shill promoting nonsense conspiracy theories
Like clockwork. Do you get paid extra for shilling during the late hours Ivan? It's obvious you're a Russian shill.
UN i supposed to maintain a lot of things
What do you think blowing up a bunch Irishmen is going to do?
>What is the purpose of these UN troops?
Anon, can't you read? Obviously, their purpose is to show concern of various magnitudes.
Bahawawa the Joos are defeating the shitty Arabs! Pisses you off doesn't it? Talmud will once again show you are gay and stupid. Fuck you.
useless? they created srael
Maybe but it's still funny when they kill Hezbollah leaders like NES Duck Hunt. Fuck the sand niggers, they totally deserve it. They should have stopped firing missiles for no reason a long time ago.
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Yeah Hezbollah put out a statement saying the Israel's were doing this before the UN did, so they obviously have eyes on them. It gives them a few miles of safe passage, but then what?
>The numbers don't lie
What numbers? The reporting on middle east is less reliable than /pol/ twitter cap threads on imaginary articles.
last time irish UN peacekeepers fought back they were hated by their government when they got back to ireland
so realistically nothing will happen
The irish are well known for their support of pallys and intifada. They liken it with their problems against the UK. Why do you think the irish stayed? They want to get in on that anti israel action.
>>IDF starts cheating
as a joo should
those are the same UN peacekeepers that were going to prevent Hamas from encroaching on the border with Israel per the last agreement? Got it.
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>George Soros PMC
Back years ago the UN was pissed off because the Zionists bombed one of their outposts. There was a big hullabaloo with complaining and the usual Zionist claim it was an accident after denials they had done anything.

Now, kikes are hiding near the UN outposts because they know Hez has the soldierly honor not to harm neutral people.

I know jews are notoriously pieces of shit worldwide. But to bomb the UN one day, and then hide behind them the next? New level of depravity has been reached. Despicable and perfideous.

Pic is of course the IDF kidnapping Palis and forcing them to do mine clearing.
Hama have never lied when they announce they've injured killed IDF soldiers, and there's enough evidence (IDF evac hellicopters for the last 3/4 days, calling in more divisions) that the IDF are taking considerable (like 30+) loses.
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they just need to concern deeper and express it harder
We need to start exporting kikes back to die in Israel
about time Israel started using the same strategy as mudslimes
I think you are confusing UK and the UN
they're using their kike golem slaves well i see.

the UN is kinda on their side too, the UN was founded by kikes to bring migrants into Europe after all.

zion xisters literally behaving like parasites
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potatobros, take heart
it's possible to be a peacekeeper and have self-respect
you know what to do
Listen bud, we told those useless fuckers to get out of the way constantly, they refuse to let the IDF operate. What do they expect?
Based response but he didn't mean (you) he meant (((you)))
>Talmud will once again show you are gay and stupid. Fuck you.
no fictional book will change the fact that you are a subhuman nigger
Top 10 war crimes of the kikes.
I'll start.
1: Hiding behind the UN and saying "Nanna-nanna-boo-boo".
2: Using Palis to clear tunnels of booby-traps.

They're there as UN peace keepers you absolute fucking retard.
>Eyes on them
Nigga, UNIFIL are their eyes
Without F-35s? Don't hold your breath mate.
Yeah, next time we will do it for real.
that's the only thing goyiem are good for.
(no you wont do shit about it)
you mean why peacekeepers won't spread a red carpet for you to engage in warfare?
a mystery for the ages
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Biological warfare against white countries
wow now you know what UN faggots are for
This is like saying the ancient slinger is the same breed of warrior as a US Marine. Just because the UN have soldier playtime in Africa where no one takes hardly any casualties fighting nogs doesn’t mean they’re soldiers.

If anything they’re like cavalier mall cops
>Have 3 of the most advanced intelligence services literally working for you non-stop
>Still believe you're some how being disadvantaged by a few Paddy's with radios

I don't know if it's entitlement or a cope.
And pray do tell filthy kikes, what do you think will happen if you murder Irish peacekeepers, we'll drive you out like the snakes you are, back to gay Tel Aviv to be turned to glass
>3: flooding third worlders into the Western World with their jewish open border policies
>4. promoting transgenderism encouraging genital mutilation
>5. influencing feminism to reduce human populations
i know numbnuts. the rest of the peacekeepers were able to leave, the irish decided not to. they are there voluntarily.
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using palestinian children as live shield
raping children
prostituting children
hiding pedophiles from justice
flooding our countries with non whites
most of islamic and incel terrorism
the list is basicaly endless at this point and depends on what you consider the worst
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>So both sides are now
All these desert tribes have been doing these sorts of stunts for over a thousand years. Nothing new under the sun in regards to that imho.
Send a message to Israel they can't hide behind blue helmet fags
Isreali kikes all should die.
I don't make the rules. They are called soldiers, like it or not. Don't blame me, I didn't name them.
Based. Everyone hated the UN up until last year, when they became the Muslim's only hope.
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Based. It's about time the U.N did something useful.
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kikes hold the world population hostage with usury.
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what else is new
They're not there for the war retard. I hope Israel finally gets global sanctions for this.
Hamas and Hezbollahaahhaha can use brown civies as shields but now its wrong when the jews can use a bunch of mikeys as their meat shields?
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>how was Hitler wrong
He was too kind.
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Fucking kino.
Kikes are such disgusting cowards
>Golems are being used to fulfill their purpose
they'll blame it on hamas/hezbollah to acquire more support from america and eu.

>see our fight is your fight now come fight for us
this is how jews lure the low iq muslim retards in to another misstep. they are baiting them to attack the area. they usually fall for this shit so i wouldn't be surprised to read about dead irishmen in the news tomorrow. mudskins really are backwards enough to keep falling for bait after obvious bait and helping pissrael with their aims. they couldn't resist last october 7th when mossad let them in and they won't be able to resist this one either.
Cringe and gay. I'm going to need you to delete your fed issued standard Pepe folder.
>I don't make the rules, I just agree to them without resistance
Hezbollah are pussies for not firing.
UN peacekeepers are retards for not expecting Israel to be evil. If they don't want to be human shields they should fuck off but they wont.
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I hate the AntiChrist
They killed dozens if not hundreds of UN workers in Gaza lol how does this make a difference?
Since when has a murdering civilians got in the way of Jewish bloodlust?
>told them to leave
>they said no
>ok then
time to arm the peacekeepers
>Irish peacekeepers
Add it to the list!
>Using whites as shields
They can't help it
It's instinctive behavior
Bruh... lol I'm not going to argue naming. That's a waste of time battle. Sure they are fake soldiers. Happy?
based yids taking out NWO enforcers and dune coons
Why are Irish soldiers there and not protecting irelands border
this is probably true
this is also probably true, but you say it like sitting around and playing with your dick all day isn’t a great day at work
I can't believe that I agree with a jew, but you're right.
Ireland's army is so small Israel killing one solider would be like a thousands October 7ths and 9/11s combined.
This is what happens when you fuck up your leaving cert.
Hitler did nothing wrong,
>If they don't want to be human shields
they should shoot their captors
i hate the antichrist((israel))
You are too high iq for this board anon
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but shlomo I literally just made it myself in GIMP
You should probably do something about that memory loss
The rest of the peacekeepers are still there. The Irish soldiers over there are under the command of the UN and are following orders from the UN to stay at their post. There's an equal number of Polish soldiers serving alongside them too in the area they're responsible for.
>Trusting Jews
Hezbollah know the kikes are being crafty by positioning themselves close to the Irish UN outpost. Hezbollah have said they won't attack because they don't want to harm UN troops.
kek the amount of seethe from Ashkenazi Turkroaches with a Hindu symbol today is fucking great innit
>Listen bud, we told those useless fuckers to get out of the way constantly, they refuse to let the IDF operate. What do they expect?

>Them: we're here to prevent you from starting a war with each other so you can negotiate what the issue is.
>that image
Repent bro
why/how the fuck does Ireland even have any troops to send anywhere, let alone to fucking Israel.
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Jesus, I hope we get a sequel.
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Is there not a low the demons won’t sink to? They have already used children as human shield, now they are using my fellow Celts. Satanland must get nuked
The diaspora are going to eternally seethe forever when Israel is wiped off the map. Be sure to have space on some hard drives for all the videos of dead kike children, so we can use them as cognitohazards against the rest of the pussy-ass kikes
Israel deliberately murdered UN Aid workers recently for daring to bring food to palestinians during israels starvation operation.

Remember? They just don't give a fuck.
Whenever israel claims their enemies are doing something, they are always doing the exact same thing except ten times worse/

Nogga we need blue hat memes stat
The covid White Genocide genetic bioweapon should be first
If they lose Israel, they're just going to try to run and grab Ukraine since they will pull the "omg we aren't actually God's chosen! We are Khazarians!" which is yet another lie by these retarded larpers.
>Israel deliberately murdered UN Aid workers recently for daring to bring food
They were killed because the UN workers were working for Hamas or allowing Hamas gunmen on their vehicles.
>They were killed because the UN workers were working for Hamas or allowing Hamas gunmen on their vehicles.
Is that the new nigger Jewish line now?
hello kike
>UN just wants to sit there in peace to act as a deterrant
>Lebanese try to defend their country from Zionists
The UN really sucks.

If it was up to me, we'd fucking destroy that Israeli force. The UN always seems to park its forces next to a genocide, and just watch it happen.
Kek, what do you want a promotion or something?
>id: gay
Checks out
>nonsense conspiracy theories
>It's obvious you're a Russian shill
Why not just use smart RPG's.
Avoid hitting the Irish and just smush the Israelis vehicles.
Yeah they are
you mean subhuman shields
Egypt suez canal is rightfully kike clay.
>all actors

What are you guys going to say if he shows up and is the next Hitler?
What do you mean, "now?" Using human shields has been a go-to tactic of the IDF for literally decades. They've strapped fucking kids to their trucks before.
Shalom and Kumbaya. I need a popcorn for tonight.
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Now be a good goy and become a meat shield for your greatest ally. Let's just hope that Hezbollah will honour their word.
Shalom right back at you. I think jews and aryans should be cool. The founding fathers were homies with saloman hayme.

They still owe him money actually
You hate a guy you have never met and don’t know his views because someone told you to. Think about how retarded that is. What if you are wrong about him.
Why are you so antisemitic
This glownigger is so jewish it's almost not even worth mensch-ioning
FUCK un.
Looks like UNIFIL needs to UNIFUCKOFF
Ziggy dont you have soil to fertilize?
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Haha nice. Even though we want and need TOTAL KIKE DEATH, a bunch of dead (((un))) goons is a nice appetizer.
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>t. the antichrist
go away
Smart guy. Correct you are. You guys are wrong about a lot to say the least. I love Hitler.
Actually I just want world peace and for that to happen both Jews and aryans have to stop acting like egotistic children.

Leaving the past in the past is this worlds biggest issue holding it back.
>Jews and aryans
>plebbit spacing
>defending the anti christ
>forgive and forget goy just ignore what we did its all water under the bridge
Actually Zionists believe the erev rav will be exterminated. That’s what Yahweh said and that’s what is believed will happen. This peace with them you speak of is your own fabrication.
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you talk like an angry redditor
Based, fuck the UN
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Metal Hymn about this
>Irish Peacekeepers Mandate of Valor
The difference is that Israel and friends finance the blueheads
lmao based. Blue Helmets are almost entirely African thugs, and they pimp & deal drugs while pretending to be humanitarians in countries they occupy. Israel is smart to use them as human shields.
>Israel is smart to use them as human shields.
using human shields is smart huh?
Ireland is full of black people every time I see them on the news.
This is super based.
>Israel uses blue helmet faggots as mat shields.
>Hezbollah looks like good guys refusing to kill non jews
Kikes lood bad, Hezbolla Chads look based and UN faggots get BTFO
the US voted for this peace mission and vetos consequences for breaching it for israel
UN is going to go the way of the league of nations this way
Exactly what I thought.
Smarter than using children and women, mudslurper.
What is a Muslim?
Some people that did exist but don't anymore.
Actors = they're all npcs
Time for the Irish to pack up and GTFO.
I don’t really care about that gay ass shit
If I wanted to use Reddit I would and I would probally fuck a bunch of pink hair reddit bitches while you cry about internet websites
the jeets using US flags are pathetic
The jew is right, UNtards are US assets so they're merely making use of their golems
nope just israel

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